May 26, W page nre Brownie Troop No. AT SHOW FOR CONGRESSMEN Births PERSONALS tin IT i M-i n .U'l The following births have been announced during the past week at the Haywood County Hospital: Lt and Mrs Paul Helmlck of Hastings, Nebraska and Mrs. Hel mick's mother, Mrs. Mary Barker of Philadelphia, are guests of Mr. Helmick's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S , S. Helinick. Central Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Moody of Hazelwood, a daughter, May 19 iLcriav mom ltxt m K'e'eSan' m Sue Me- Miss Jano Dudley Francis, who has a position as artist with Ben oett Advertising Agency in High Point, will arrive tomorrow to -pend the week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Francis. Lt, and Mrs. Frank R. Blakely if Camp Lee, Virginia and Mr. and VIrs. Charles K. McLeod of Roa noke, Virginia, were week-end quests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert rteeves. Mrs. McLeod is a sister of vlrs. Reeves. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie MeCall of Hazelwood. a daughter. May 19. luss, "- FnclpV. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Cochran a daughter, May 20. of Hazelwood, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Route 2, a sonfi Tipton of May 20. Clyde, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lear of Can ton, a son, May 21. th. wefk. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Lackcv of Mrs. ueorgi Canton, a son. Mav 21. rim-, it i """"" 1 """ i "i I li . dais I I,""Z" Yif ITIIVn.'J- I 'l- -iW-r I I V" I IS f r , 1 1- I, ifll IS fti II 3 I I'i-'LiI i-; 1 Mm ., ,4F HL . Owen by. V i- mmmiM- l .-..inn i unirnw W.tMtifeJS IkI-Im lad Mrs. i'at fcorli Ciiyy. w M 0 Tlu. Birls in the group above are members of the Centra! Elementary School Brownie Troop No 8 The photo was made at a party given by the leaders, Mrs. Charlie Parker and Mrs Joe Howell Moody, at the last meeting of tht troop before summer vacation. Shown art- first row Anne Bur ,,.e. Evelyn HHjhlowcr. Patsy Reecee. Pamella Rogers, Barbara Joe Edwards. 1'atsv Sims Uremia" llnckncr. and Aulby Pless; second row, Marty Watkins, Judith Ann liecce MXn,. Sims M-irv Moody. June Gaddis, Betty Kelly, and Linda Jo Moody; third row, Roma Brown, Georgia Mae Smith Moore. Louise Trammell, Carol Mae Hill, Joyce Leatherwood, Plooy Parker and Catherine Co:--: back row, Mary White. Gray Watkins, and Nancy Abel. Members of the troop who were ab when the picture was taken are Sandra Caldwell. Pearl Sheehan. and Donna Jo Blauton The troop i:. sponsored by the Waynesville Woman's Club, i Photo by Joe W. Davis) MRS. I FROM H STI ' JIM FIKK! IE bkst: p I kiln. ,OOMIS IS EXPECTED HONOLULU Mrs. Herbert Loomis of Hono lulu, Hawaii, will arrive Monday k plane for a visit to her mother. Mrs Juli.i Cassady. After a visit In friends in the State, she and her mother will go to New York ;inil New Jersey where they wilJ he quests of relatives and friends. Mr and Mi's Loomis were sta tioned in Honolulu during World War II and have resided there sin they were discharged. Mrs. Loomis served as a flying medical secretary with the Reil Cross and Mr Loomis served as Lieutenant Commander in die Navv. MRS .IANSKN JOINS HUSBAND IN GERMANY Mrs. Willard C. Jansen and two small daughters sailed on Tues ila lor Germany to join the for "n r s husband, ('apt. Jansen. Mrs. I:n, uritl, I. q.. Uj1,l 1 iti installalum. ' ., 'i , " t;n nave -""'us paiems, ivir. ana Mrs. ,1 K. Justice, in Woodrow, and ber grandmother, Mrs. Kugenia C. Jones, in Waynesville. 'Hie Jansens expect to reside in Germany for three years. Message Carriers Birds were used to carry mes "ges as long Rgo as 218 B. C. New Canton Club To Get Charter A charter will be presented for mally tonight to the Canton Toast-masters- Club. H. H. Pickford, of Asheville, dis trict governor of the Toast masters Clubs, and Dan W. Glover. Ashe ville club president, will make the presentation at a Ladies Night meeting at the Hotel Canton, at 7 p. m. It will be received by H. B. Whitworth, president of Hie host club, which was organized recent ly with 28 charter members. (', Mr. Mcsscr, Mr. Noland To Address Joint Session County Schools Superintendent Jack Messer and former District Highway .Commissioner Reeves Noland will speak at 8 p. m. to morrow at a joint meeting of the Upper and Lower Crabtree Com munity Development Program. This was announced today by Chairman Marshall Kirkpatrick of Lower Crabtree, and Jack Rogers, community chairman for Upper Crabtree. Apple Growers To Meet Here On Tuesday Two North Carolina State Col lege scientists will discuss fruit in sects and disease and their control at a meeting of the Smoky Moun tain Apple Growers Association at B p.m. Tuesday, at County Agent Wayne Corpening's office. They are Dr. Carlisle Clayton, research pathologist, and Dr. C. K. Smith, research entomologist. Before the meeting, the grow ers will tour Haywood county orch ards, starting at a. m. at R. N. Barber's Saunook orchards and visiting those of each Of the grow ers who will make the tour. K. H. Boone is chairman of the Association. qua-poise Mr. and Mrs. J C, Hns.. mwi daughter, Miss Frances fiose, have returned from Gate City,' Va where they attended funeral serv ices for Mr. Hose's brother, Frank Hose, last Saturday afternoon. I power ! Who! is It? Well, for one thing, it includes new triangular engine mounts blot out noise and vibration includes new smoothness, foo . . . both the V-8, the type of engine used in America's most expensive cars, and -n me new 5IX, the most modern ft in ftif Ly six on the road. . . r" . "J J v .... m u r m reel Stomach Hurt And Burned After Meals Scalf's Gave Helicf "For fifteen years 1 had tried different medicines but Scalf's alone gave the relief I craved," de , ,, dares Mrs. Arth ur Winters. Mill port. Ala. "Often my stomach hurt and burned so badly after meals I was unable to go. The first three doses of Scalf's Indian River Medicine helped Mrs. Winters relieve the hurn ine in niv stom ach. 1 am on the third hottlo nnvu and feel better than in years. Scalf's does everything you say it will do and more, too." The first bottle of Scalf's must satisfy or your money back. Try it today. Nothing Replaces Scalf's Years Of Use. On sale at all good drug stores. Listen to Scalf's Harmnneers Quartet over WWNC. Dial 570. at !.3() a.m., Mon. Ihroueh Fri lartvl ADY TO PUll THS TRIGGER, a Marine Infantryman holds his rifle to his snouider as he waits for the "enemy" to emerge from a bunker fired by a flame thrower during a demonstration at Quantico, Va. The display of fiehting tactics was put on for visiting congressmen. (nternattonal) School Child Hit By Car; Accident Term Unavoidable Sara Jane Cogdill, 7, a student of Saunook school, was painfully, but not seriously injured in a high way accident shortly after noon Wednesday, not far from the school. Highway Patrolman O. H. Rob erts investigated the accident, said that Ould Ray Jones. 27, of Sylva. was driving a car west, when he saw children on the side of (he road. Just as the ear passed, Pa trolman Roberts said, the little girl turned and ran into the side of the Jones car. Jones rushed the child to the Haywood County Hospital where it was found she was suffering from a broken collar bone, and cuts about the head and face. Patrolman Roberts termed the accident as accidental and no ar rests were made. Rep. Davis To Address Meeting At Thickety State Representative Grover C. Davis of Haywood, will address a Thickety Community Development Program meeting ,it 7;.'l() p. m. to morrow at the Oak Grove Baptist church. Community Chairman K. O. Carswell announced this todav. Prizes Given To Ten Seniors By Reliable Jewelers Jack Kelly and Dorothy Norris won watches as gifts from the an nual graduation awards given by Reliable Jewelers here Wednesday anernoon. Dave Feldman, owner of the store, has made it a practice for years to give ten valuable prizes to high school graduates. Other winners included: Thomas Hartsell and Mary Jean West, gold birthstone rings; Anna Jean Crock er a string of pearls, and Marshall Caldwell a billfold; Howard Liner a Chrysler tie clasp, and Patsy Rog ers an American Elgin compact; Sue Owens a pen and pencil set and Roy Smathers a pair of ruff links. A large crowd attended the event, and the program was broadcast. Mr. and Mrs. Geoive Rune ol Waynesville, a son, May 21. Mr. and Mrs. J. Canton, Route 1, a 21. J. Fletcher of daughter, May- Mr. Clyde, and Mrs. Route 1, a Jim Haney son, May 21. of Mr. and Mrs. Brown Rhodarmer of Waynesville, Route 2, a daugh ter. May 22. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Norris Waynesville, a son, Mav 22. of Mr. Clyde. 24. and Mrs. Route 1, Lewis James of a daughter, May CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank ntir inanv friends and neighbors for thir many kindnesses shown In tho family of our brother antt m the time of his military funeral. Mrs. Jerrv Underu.,mii ami r,,:i,. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Waynesville, Rome Z May 25. Cogdill of a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. M. Waynesville, Route 25. D. Messer of 1. a son. May Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Murray of Canton, a son, May 25. MARRIAGE LICENSES Charles Davis Whitman of Waynesville and Phyllis Marie -aldwell of Clyde. Bruce Templeton Leckey and Elizabeth Perrin Ray, both of vVaynesville. Want Ads bring quick results flood Thirst-Quencher Rhubarb juice is particularly ijood as a thirst-quencher on hot days. Many firm wome-i report that mm working in the field s on hot days prefer rhubarb juice to any other ronl beverage. Mix it with other fruit juices sm.h as strawberry, raspberry, orange, lemon, pineapple or cherry juiee. It can be preserved for year round use by canning or freezing. Attention Parents The Home Laundry and Cleaners will give a FREE LAUNDRY bundle picked up and delivered to each family announcing a birth at the Haywood County Hospital. I. S. In the event of twins this Rift will be doubled. Call 772 for your FREE SERVICE. Home Laundry And Cleaners Phone 772 Miller St. LONG LIVE THE NEW by International Sterling E. ,1s there one most popular white shirt? NO! Th ere are two In solid, tntfurhp tttrling Sffver I Dei rg net by Amer ica's tinatt tilvtrwar dtsrgntrft f Ytcufva by moiUr tirVtrimifhi I We have it nowt Available to you on our f " " I. LILIUS JEWELER w ", tar, Take the wheel. try the nav ford 'FEELl' 1 ovfl.lobl at intra coil. Yo.i noHce Hie new "feel" o' Ford's IC'eg-Sre Brakes, too. "Mag'c Acfioi" Mps then woHc 35 os'er. And you notice the "feel" of safety of Ford's heavy gauge "Lifeguard" Body. I com bination with Ford's new 5 cro- member box section frame It's 59 more rlgidl Yes, there's new "feel" 'n dng these days and only Ford has It! See your Ford Dealer today take f wheel and try the new Ford "feel" yourjelfl RXrr HI , -yourself I K?-LINER MOTOR SALES iS Waynesville. N. C. 0F NEW YORK SELECTS THE '49 FORD AS "FASHION CAR OF THE YEAR" M. FARMER Be Sure Your MILK BARN CHICKEN HOUSES AND ALl BUILDINGS ARE BUILT OF OUR QUALITY BLOCK Ask the man that has used our BLOCK . . .and you will buy a Western Carolina product. All Sizes Of Concrete Pipe See your contractor or material dealer or call us collect. DIAL 3-8321 Concrete Products Co. ASHEVILLE, N. C. ARROW DART and ARROW DALE! They're favorites ond they deserve to bel The Arrow Dart and Arrow Dale are the white sftirts with the perfect Arrow Collar that never nseds Starch, yet stays neat and fresh all day! j. Both are Sanforized-labeled (shrinkage less than 1). Pre-tested fabrics and anchored burtons also insure long, satisfactory service. The Dart, of long-wearing broadcloth, is $.3.65. The Dale, of an extra-fine quality broadcloth, is 44.50. (Regular or French cuffs.) Massie s Dept. Store FOR ARROW SHIRTS