lf;fl i"1 w 1 It 1 I PACE TWO THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER ' Aft, Two Convicts Recaptured After Ten -Hour Chase Haywood's 100 - Bushel Corn Club 'I VI, 1 1 It'll Who t-M-S"Jl-l H.ISVOO(1 C Oil III I'l'i-i'l 'I lllll sCUl ait. I HOOD Will Untrt lit 4 45 a.m Uii I near tin' r.iiiip '.I1 1 i ' ehss Ij 11 in: ot - 11 bloodhounds H wit cape tor oath ui ilic ci.. i V. I' Swill. Mll-.'l !! Haywood I'ri.-on C. . : directed 1 1"' ciiasc idi .' convicts as: Clare noe J-t-r 2ti. e V 9 10 10 V''1' "'"'" v' :,i ty on a hous.' hi c.ikii -, ten;. i.,r,s i t im. an.. curie iii ; lit m lilt in an auic in u sner l'.;s fiit t.'i.iK Aiit'.iii Nil hol-.i:. J" .. V. I . ( ' I;, I .ill' Jl'0 'llif'tK'rd in I ": 20 seals and tu 4 set tins it'i i t'lj' -- 1 - Li s, COfiJ lit il rt- bin ' Tr... iiiptruii' -lid' r.i convii i - . iiiupt'il 'it c'uuu; 5 45 p hi a- i thicuM' :i lann Aliens C ietk sr. Ii.m int, U. the can.) n urn .i i -IT. Vilitle tlir IIH II hail ' ing. Tht fli a.-- Ifl 's.i ' ami . In oiigh umlci iii 'i 'i est apt o prisi-wi. i s ' 1 1 'I shake off il. li -' r - i ? ihcii pin i ut-i . Hasvsoud l'i i-nii l at Haul) a w;i!iii: 'hi uLilit i v. In n i i luu.iii.' api.t al ' '1 iht' rajlioad hulk. ride i.I llat ls uod Tins mii'i ciiili'i i'(l I if ksrlhd In- .-In iit'itd Hii in in halt ill t (if iui-i:i: s illt (Hiili r "II lei . - ulie;. slut.' hurbw and Issu miard Buncombe and iJai i; "i. ul Isuil camp- a- '.w-l1 a- ' !: Iioui lilt Ha ssonil ( .i!i i Amour, tlir nil H t is In s-iit v.t-M w.iv i --s i'ii l Inel I )r illi Ni.l;.m! ai"l Meswr and Kill . I).mi';' iViiUanicI John CnrScx. ; I oi-hiaii. iind Slali HL'Ir. loiliien Hill Sawvrr aiid I The i-ii iMin i'.imi oil it Jtier Hisl t'vi an (I June 7 Davis' Herd Is Making A High Production Record ', !, li.id- I'. i. '-'asil.t' i f. 'u uu' ad- : v - i : l' . ' " ' I t m oil ; ..,.! -ul :-.'i : ;.;' : tiuh :iv: it the :, !. i mi l ion, and ho ; '1. v i lahlishiiig ; i : u in: hi'- larin. . ., ;,: li , Davis in. i . . l i i : i . llo Nil ills ' :. ;. , .illlll'll In hiv .., . ' ! v i, .VI lii ad. v. ilh HI ,1 ., . Hi' Juan- In hlliltl i ... !,: Ii' l.a'.t :'.." in liking all l,. 1 -I i ;' i'i ayin;: 41) pounds i. . n. n, i lit llol- li-iir. '...i imI- . ; 1 i ' . j-, 1 1 1 j . i f 1 1 1 1 . which i . . .a, ,! '.i'ii ;. ,ii , jIio ihali' , I I! " I -I ' l'i'!l". lll'lll'W'l' , ' i .iMl li.al Ilia! II I'-.v- ; . , ' i . i'i I. Oil lllf H1VI I- 1 i i o all i.'ii'i.'il lll'i'i'tl- i.i 1 . : I' .i d i xjlain-. "Tor , . i , II l! I lie lu-sl fill diflereiit coppt'l' liom in 4 in i i . an' ucd lo t'li iin Aiiii'iiian hand- 1 :;- i: i5 nA Varied Program Prepared Haywood County Day Set For Next Sunday At Lake Junaluska litre ii- i. i,-' i . This picture was made as tin- Chainbir of Commerce entertained the Haywood idiiiiei m lur attaining such hifih .icords las! year. Will A. Medford won first place b growing 133 bu-hels ul coin per acre. Tin el'icei- f the ciul) are se.kin 150 ineinbei s tin- Acai. The olliceis ait M.ov.11 se.il.tl here left to li'lit John Horn rs. pi iMil.nl ; (i. C. I'almi r. Jr.. -.ice president; Kiaiik M. Ih-.M- i s: r,.r,M, iie.-iMiiii 'I Ik, - -li'iMliiv. left to lU'hl: Mrs. H. C. 1-on:;. Mrs. Qu..-.. A.i.,.1. i ii t; ',.ik (:,.,., '... s'.i;,,,,. . i... i'ii n;! i Ttii.i fiaii. i-r. Hit hard Boone. winner ol 1 he 1!4H cup D,:t li.i;.il. Allieil J Mc(') at ken. and Oiai I.. Yales. This photo h Ingram's Sludio. Will A. f.l till old. is a .Mountaineer Plans win bun;, poh.'h.d lb: w.ik tor m-xl Sunday's .aried. '.olorl.i! Ilav.'ood County I'.-.'- pi" U.jain al l.al:.' Junalu-ka ivlt tlioititi I AveiiiW:.'- Detail- ol the pro"i ai.i v.t iv i.n o.niiiced last wetk hv II. ( . 1 r.n. i . . i '.' . linn, hi- i luii- !:. llaywi.UU uii.iiiii." J ,,1.-111 PiOirai.i CoiimiltUe i in. ii I ',e pun. ipal speaker wo I w. i l.aii.ie- heftt ot II I n. ssee V all. Ailii.oi'il'. ation and eiiin ai ion tl-n ...II I,,. . . '.llll'Ml il- . Il V y 1 1, tjtr "i. ' " Ktt.itr. m a u.i'i t,t ibe H:. ..:')' Cour.t Ci-,,i,iiii.ii D'V. li..i. .. Cuiiiuiiuft 'iht pioi.iam v..,- :.U'i.;i ' J I.'-' 11 coniuiilief wbo. e me. la . , ( boil inan Joiiaihoii rtuu't': '' ''' ant Balbel' Di A. I' li'l" Vt'. A. Hl'adlt y and VViii-.ii boi lie. 'Hie i ban men ot the iudi idu.'.i i oijiiiiiiiulirs in the com. 1 1 1 CoiliiliUl.i': De .eloi'iiitlil 1'ioiiiii v.pl he sealed on ihe stajie Willi lb, ;pe.ikeis ill Ihe Mel hodi'-l As st nibly auditol Him. llawood County Din will open at 12;ii'l pm. v.ilb dinner en the ounds. Cornells will lollow by tlie Can- ol .1 L;. I) ton lli(.;b Sihooi lland uudu i.. Villi I 1 lilll man t duiclloii and Via;, in svllle High fcelioul ( I,.,; dnt iled b ,C harlei Isley. 'Ihe Htv. I.. G. Klllott pa-ini Hie first haptist Clninli Wiijlit-'MI!'.', will deliver in.- ocatUJii. winch will be fullo.. Script lire reading by the hi i) (ire11, fidstur ot the Clyde b..p . i. f -h..i...i i ... i - j tolloviiny iVIr. l-andess' adib,--I J i- C. N. Clark. Wa; nesville Mm, joiliM di u hi 'iipeiintiriiitMit , ,n jdi en' s ronuiiiiimy iinprovein. i,i I 'I hen Mr. Isley will le.-.d in, i intillK ot "Bleil Be the Ti(. mi ! Bind.;.- and the Rev. ivi. R. w ti lls nison. pa;tor of the Wayne-,n, i'i e bylerian Church. w,ll r,,e iji, beiieibetion which v.. II tin',. u protr-iin. Barring bad weather, peupi, lioin every coiiiinuniiy in the cuun. ty are expected to allend Ihe tvem al the lake. The Hev. Clay Madison, fonnti :Viei l.oib . t Church pastor, v.oi pitacli al the regular II a.m. se, , -ice al l be Lake, and the diinui I will follow. 1 ' Want Ads bring quick results iiui i.t ' :u j'i J ii ii.au ' -OillS 'I I . '..ft J "" "Jam "" I--.-! ti;. J tilde - 1 ;iiia t-r lpi 'h' -If, SiidJ "'- di i Hi I'Miil ' ' ''""ft o-s;. ' '"i'i;' lu; man '""1.1 i,t ' " in mike ''i lll.ihg tti inl iir I I a. hi j i( I'-n Hfiii of! fool (t- Hit a,..f bit ptar Haywood's 4-H Members Active In Dairying; 65 Have Projects Mill I I ii :., .: '.ii.. lo'i; d.it - later af- 1 11 l 1 . i . i .t.il in ed in Ilaleiyh, i i , i- .i.v I ds si nteiii e ill il , . ;,ihh ii Jul 194V. V : . i ' 1 1 an.- It i red here .. -i'ii I:i4', .limlly after he hi i . i . i:,p; in i d after escap- i -1 ' I i ,. '.i. n I it, ( 'ounly camp, i ;., i ;i. . : . - . w eie hack al I heir .iil.ii t.'tk 1 1 n da al'ler their i i-; i ' . i di hi i elided. V. .1 . h a a underw ii . i .ii.. , - 11.. , Malnev ar.d ,'ii S'i k!' ki'i'l Station . lit c ii'. i i - i u 1 1 ' r 1 1 1 1 1 1 i of I he ..... ol tie pin -nil with Ire I ;' ' I. ! i' , al I I.e same lime ,r ,i 1 1 1 1 in I .i"i I heir autos si i .nil laki other precautions Dairying is oi.finilel on l!n in crease in Haywood CounU. And. says Assistant Cniu:l A'-'ent Joe ("line, the 4-11 Club members are rnilil in line vtilh llii- pio yi ess. There are some (15 Club mem bt is in the counts Willi daii v call in dairvinK projects, he reports. "Here ill the counts ." Mr ('line explains, "we base ,wbal is c 1 11 Call Chain. "l! this we mean that business concern or some organization will purchase and 2ivt it to a club member or her project. "Then the first female call from this cow will be given back to be died a some civil' a call as his liiveii in turn to miiiic other inter- cMed club iiieniher. and the origin al In ((mil's Ihe properly of the fit's I , l(!, 'IMIIlll. r. Til i his va (iiiod ioduct ion bred costs can be secured bs young bos s and fiirls " In addition to Ibis, lip adds, mans boss and uirls purchase calves outriuht. and uel into the (lairs luiMiiess in thai way. Kaeli sear a Junior Dairy Show is held here in I he count:'. . Then' were nineteen calves ex hibiled last year, with Juhnnj Mac Fertruson receiviny the (band 'Champion award of Haywood County and iilso Reserve Champion at I he Dist rict Show. i Haywood County Farmers SAVE On Trans portation Costs By Using Sold By Vaiki ns Chevrolet Go. (SHEW No Other Line Competes When You Compare! pOfl rCS -Speed Synchro Mp'.h Transmission Spline d ror aiile hub connection Foot operalcd porting brake Steering column geor jhih Th Cob thot "breathes" The Flexi Mounted cob Uniweld, oll-steel cob construction FuH-flooting hypoid rear oxle All-round visibility with rear-corner windows Specially detignod brokes Hydrovoc power brakes Double-articulated brake-jhoe lir.ltage Wide base wheels Multiple color options. KMlmg end wiftlofing ivilen end rtor,o(B window, with d fctf evipm-nt oplioro' o' tilro tod. Quality It takes the best to build a Chevrolet frock! the finest materials and craftsmanship! That's why there's super strength and durability in every feature cf body, cob,-eng'me end chassis. Performance Chevrolet trucks are star performers with prime power plus economy! You get low-cost operation, low-cost upkeep with Chev rolet's famous Valve-in-Head engines, the world's most economical for their size! Pried Pick-ups . . . stokes . . . panels . . . power packed heavy-duty models Chevrolet builds them alii And Chevrolet's all-star line of trucks sell at the lOWBr LIST PUCtS IN THE ENTIRE TRUCK ffQOI You can put plenty of confidence in Chevrolet Advance Design trucks. It' a fact that they deliver the goods. It's a fact, too, that Chevrolet trucks have an exclusive combination of features . . . that they're built big and rugged to take the tough going. And it's a fact, too, that Chevrolet trucks have 3-WAY THRIFT . . . that they have triple economy in low-cost opera tion, low-cost upkeep and lowest list prices! And when you add up these advantages you can see why more people use Chevrolet truck than any other make! The fact is, they're a great American value! THERE'S A CHEVROLET TRUCK FOR EVERY JOB WITH CAPACITIES FROM 4,000 LBS. TO 16,000 LBS. G. V. W. For Complete Sales And Service Seo WilTKRIS CHEVROLET GO. Phone 75 Waynesville, N. C. C. N. ALLEN & CO. - HAZELWOOD Nothing Adds To The Beauty Of Your Home and Farm Buildings So Much as a Fresh Coat of PAINT! and Tho Market Affords No Bettor Paints Than nerwin -Wi mains Use The Best - It Costs No More!! o We Also Carry A Complete Line 01 KEM-TONE PESTROY BUG - BLASTER WEED-NO-MO LIN-X Anti-Slip Wax and Furniture Pol All Products Of SHERWIN-WILLIAMS RESEARCH See Us Before You Buy C. N. Allen & Q Phone 48 Main Street, Ha:

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