.VI ANI1MM) vrc. CO C'oini-2:'!!-23i) s ri,S LOUISVILLE KV Si The Waynesville OUNTAINEER UNCLE ABE SEZ . . . Why flounder about fer a Bubjick? Weather comes fust, n' course. that pet afflick shiui nex'. ts Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park YEAR NO. 46 16 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE. N. C, THURSDAY, AFTERNOON JUNE 9, 1949 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties 64th M Mr. m ligw- Going To Europe lightning , ""m" J A earths was do"1 J J f ""V I $ salesmen , fy' J I prospec'l ;. i r A (7 iual sign .pot and o reads: smile he tunrcu for gaso- Imade pic- sign in and went next door Monday familiar bbes ana bating the :Hwners. ler James. Ireet after join his tire store, mes, sad- way. I'll from the buntainter In see go- pulling a ky tank is along the Iweeds and spray are kin ivy and 'or weeds. used, the turned a ; I quicker fitting. ! Electrical Storm Hits Community To Attend Girl's State Miss Evelyn Underwood, who is at present teaching at Mars Hill College, plans to spend the sum mer in study and travel abroad. She will sail from New York on June 15. and will travel a month on the continent and in the Brit ish Isles, visiting France, Swit zerland. Holland, Belgium, Eng land, and Scotland. Later in the .summer Miss Underwood will at tend the University of Edenburgh lor its regular summer session. Before returning to the States in early September, she will join friends and attend the Interna tional Festival of Music and Drama held each year in Edinburgh. Lightning Sets First Baptist On Fire Wednesday Lightning set the First Baptist Church on fire shortly after three o'clock Wednesday afternoon. The bolt went in on the electric wires and started a blaze in the boiler room of the church. W. F. Strange and another plumber were working in an ad joining room and put out the blaze. The fire department re sponded and made a thorough check of the building. Mr. Strange is a member of the fire depart ment. The damage was confined to the electric wiring in the boiler room. Firemen said that had the storm been at night, the building prob ably would have "been severely damaged before the blaze could have been discovered. Alexander Named To State Body Tom Alexander, owner of Cataloochee Ranch, was one of seven members appointed by Governor Kerr Scott last Monday to the State Board of Conservation and Develop ment. t The . appoint iMtfc werff maW for irr" ot four year each. Mr. Alexander assumes the post which was made vacant May 1 when the term of Percy B. Ferebee expired. Other new members ap pointed by the governor are Mrs. Roland McClamroch wife of a University of North Carolina English professor; Aubrey L. Cavenaugh of War saw, former Dublin County commissioner; Fred Davis, Zebulon newspaper publisher; J. C. Murdock, Iredell County farmer; T. V, Rochelle, High Point furniture manufacturer; and Fred Latham, farmer of Beaufort County. The full board consists of 15 members. Mr. Alexander, active in the promotion of tourist busi ness, has been a vigorous cam paigner for the continued de velopment of the National Park and the completion of the Parkway in this area. war vet has two show for kirk twice college bn day. ireises at i phers Col-1 fcelvcd BS and sci- i also pre- j award of: pal honor- secretary lergraduate a member ' America, posure to rent I y is 'he younc I Mr. and i spend the his Mast-Untn TUa RloU IstemCar-j CKerJ C -E' Ray'S SnS h8Ve had thC'r iui, nexi 10 ine store on Church Street paved with asphalt. her r wum was oeing compieieu "we from today, and will civ thP first nri- vately owned paved parking lot in this section with the exception of areas around service stations. Flag Day Program Announced A parade and colorful flag cere monies sponsored by the Waynes ville Elks Lodge will mark obser vance of Flag Day here June 14. Cooperating with the Elks in the program are the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars posts, Waynesville Boy Scouts, the Waynesville Township High School band, and Waynesville's National Guard Heavy Tank Company. Members of these units will march in the parade with the Elks, headed by Exalted Ruler Jonathan wndr. f.,Ledie .jt79e,, ,, :.- ine approximately) marchers jwill assemble at 7:30 p. in. in front I of the old 'Masonic Temple on i Church Street for the march down Main Street to the Court House, where the flag pageant will be ' held. Joe Casabella, co-chairman of arrangements for the Elks, said in his anouncement this week that (See Flag Day Page 8) Utilities Of Section Suffer From Severe Storm On Wednesday j One of the worst electrical ! storms to hit this area in several 1 years struck about two o'clock Wed i nesday afternoon, doing consider ! able damage to utility lines from Balsam to Lake Junaluska. ! Bolts of lightning struck numer ous places in the community, and j outside of burning out light meters I did little damage, except at the home of Mrs. W. L. McCracken on Cherry Street and the First Bap tist church. Workmen for the Town Light Department, the telephone com pany, and Carolina Power and Light Company went right to work restdring service, and it is believ ed most services will he back to normal by late today. Some forty street lights were burned out by the heavy bolts of lightning, and many areas of town Wednesday night had only partial street light service. W. L. Lampkin, of the Southern Hell Telephone Company, said that about 60 phones were put out of order, but he expected all to be working by this afternoon. The Carolina Power and Light crews worked late Wednesday night restoring service, and expected have the troubles corrected by th afternoon. One bolt burned out a meter at the Sinclair Oil bulk plant in Hazclwood. One transformer on the Way nesville lines was burned on Pig eon Street, near the home of Clem Fitzgerald, and several others hit. Numerous fuses were blown, and the meter at the home of Mr. and Mrs.'tSeoTge crahy.'on i Baptists Approve Plans For Building Modern Auditorium ALICE MARIE BURGIN NANCY FLOYD Miss Mice Marie Burgin. left above, and Miss Nancy Floyd have been chosen bv the faculty of the Waynesville Township High School to attend Girl's State to be held at the Woman's College ot the University of North Carolina in July. Miss Burgin is the daugh ter of Mr and Mrs. Hurst Burgin of Route 2 Waynesville, and Miss Flovd is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Floyd of Lake Junaluska. The gills were selected on the basis of scholarship, leadership, and character. They will study state and national government and will visit the State Capitol the Governor's Mansion, and other gov ernment buildings. Girl's State is sponsored by the Auxiliary of the American Legion. 165 Expected To Attend Meeting Of Clyde Lions; Getting Charter Friday D. A. Jaynes Dies J.At His Home At Mills River Lions Hear Ambassador Of Thailand I). A Jaynes. 81. retired farmer of Mills River, died Tuesday after noon at his home. A native of Haywood County, he had resided in the Mills River sec linn for 27 vears and was the son East Stretltof tno ,atp Mack and 1U'steI 0wcn was destroyed by lightning. A bolt hit the chimney of home of Mrs. W. L and knocked down the stove pipe, and ripped some guttering from the eaves of the house. A tree back of Martin 1 Jaynes. ih I Funeral Electric Company was struck; a building at the Band Mill site was hit, also a tree on Johnson Hill and a tree at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sloan. Waynesville light crews also found trouble in East Waynesville, on Dolan Road, Shingle Cove, and on Main Street services were held to- j .. o.i ..... Millu Riupr McCracken, :" Hl , " ' r (Mcinonisi i.nuicn. i in: v. : E. Rutty and the Rev. T. A. Groee 1 officiated and burial was in Mills River Chapel Cemetery. Pallbearers were the following grandsons: Bruce. Harry and How ard Jaynes, John and Russell Tate land Hugh Howell ' Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Dora Tate Jaynes; four daughters, Mrs. D. V. Howell and Mrs. Hubert j Hall of Hendersonville; Mrs. Boyd Nesbitt and Miss Athalyne Jaynes The heaviest rain seemed to have fallen on Plott and Hyatt Creek, of Mills River; five sons, C. G. (See I. A. Jaynes Page 8) R vacation Mrs. Gor- pard Discusses ion Costs Prices. 1 higher i fr science W, Ashe. Pd County F Monday . 00 to build architect, aiso estimated, in cassroom! nierence with school oniciais uumj ocnoois ouperinieiiaeni Jack Messer's office. The board members and the architect discussed the proposed Plans for work on the schools in the county system, and made re visions in those which had been drawn up before the war. Two days before, North Caro lina voters had appreved the pro Posed state road and school bond issues. After the meeting, Mr. Messer Ja'd the board needed further in formation on when the state funds from the bond issue will be avail able and under what terms they would be available, before further couia be taken on school Prince Wan Waithayakan, Thail and (Siam) ambassador to the Uni ted States, told the Waynesville Lions Club List night that his peo ple must learn to make their con stitution work through interpreta tion, as the United States had done, rather than by changing it. in a brief address broadcast from the Townc House by Station WHCC, the English - educated prince said; "In our political life we can not do without the assistance of the United States. With it, we can succeed" in Thailand's fight against Communism. After tracing the development of his country's constitutional gov ernment with its two governing houses corresponding to the U. S. Senate and House, he said the French model constitution wnicn the nation has won't do. indicat ing that the American form is the workable one. The prince, who is the grandson nf Hip Siamese king in the popu lar book, "Anna and the King of j Siam." told his hosts that tne word "Thai" means "free" and that though the nation does have a king, the government is the type known as a constitutional monarchy. He explained that his people could adapt themselves to the Western democracy because they have learned from the West. After his grandfather opened Thai to foreigners. U. S. business- (See Lions Club rage n 6 Haywood Boys Named To Attend Boys State Approximately 165 persons are expected to be present for the pre sentation of a charter to the new Clyde Lions Club in the school cafeteria Friday at 7:30 p.m. D. J. Whitener of Boone, dis trict governor of Lions Internation al, is to present the charter to Grover C. Haynes, president of the local club. Chief soeaker for the dinner meeting will be W. L. Rikard, prin cipal of the Canton High School. He will be introduced by Floyd Robinson, president of the Canton Lions organization. Paul Davis, president of I he Waynesville Lions Club, will pre sent a gavel and bell to the Clyde group. Visitors from various Lions clubs in this locality are to attend the meeting. Rev. W. T. Medlin, Jr., pastor of Clyde Methodist Church, is toast master for the banquet. Jack Med ford will lead group singing, and Rev. D. D. Gross, pastor of the Clyde Baptist Church, will speak the invocation. A quintet composed of Jewel and Mildred Rhinehart, Dale and Nancy Medford, and Geraldinc Fish will present special music. Alice Finch er of Waynesville. accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Clayton Mehaf fev will give a vocal solo. Other music is being planned by Canton Lions. Town Is Building New Sub Station The Town of Waynesville Is building a new sub station on Smathers Street, in preparation for handling high voltage for the pow er system in town. The new station will divide the tov.n power system into live cir cuits, giving heller service, and a steady voltage, it was announced by G. C. Ferguson, town manager, this morning. Electrical e n g i n e e r s were brought here to design the system, and much new equipment is being added to the system, including a modern circuit breaker oil switch. "The new distribution system will materially improve the ser vice. Mr. rergusun saiu. The consistent steady increase in power consumption necessitated the addition of equipment and the larger station. The cost will run into several thousands of dollars. the Six Haywood County high school boys, who will be seniors next fall, will leave Waynesville Saturday to attend the annual Tar Heel Boys State at Chapel Hill. The session, sponsored annually by the American Legion, will open Sunday for a week of meetings. The Waynesville boys and other outstanding North Carolina school students will study government procedure, spending government procedure, spending a day at the state capital at Raleigh. But there will be play with the work. Officials of the event have organized a recreation program for the boys. The Haywood students are Jos- high eph Lawson Bingham. Clyde, Route state I (Sre " "vs rar n County Board Certifies Bond Election Results Members of County Board ially tabulated action Wand . tudy andlh rt 0n 0r tne countv scho1 "'wnooni years tetnoer, l,e aMed that the $250,000 the oftho . I Ueneral Assembly appropri- ,,C atPrl fn. 41 . . 'i ine county s schools was expected to become available In the Ha y wood if Elections offic and certified the returns from saruroay s i"c road and sehaol bonds election at a meeting at the Court House Tuesday morning. One copy of the oflicial can vass was sent to the State Board of Elections office in Raleigh, and another was filed with the Hay wood Superior Court clerk, County Elections Chairman Jerry Rogers said. The official results, he added. tallied with those published Mon day in The Mountaineer. More than fi.000 county citizens registered their sentiments about the separate bond issues in Sat urday's voting. The final returns showed 83 per cent of them favored Governor Scott's S200.000.000 rural road j program, and more than 95 per cent voted their approval of the i proposed $25,000,000 bond issue; for school improvements. i The results showed 5,098 votes i (See Election Page 7) Junaluska Store Entered Tuesday; Man Held Early Tuesday morning, Night watchman Truman Cutshaw was making his rounds at Lake Juna luska Supply Company's general merchandise store when he met a man coming out of the building. The man engaged him in conver sation for a few minutes, then went away, explaining he wanted to get a drink from the well. Meanwhile. Mr. Cutshaw quiet ly phoned the police. On a platform outside the store was a case of food. A few minutes later, Lake Juna luska Officer Max Cochran arrest ed the man near the Cross, sent him to jail on suspicion, then in vestigated for a possible break-in. Officers found in the man's pos session: A new pocket knife, a new watch, a new plow point, telescope, bot tle of silver cleaner, putty knife, and 29 cents in cash. The man. who told officers ne (See Robbery Page 8) Conference To Close Saturday At Junaluska With the season's first confer ence scheduled to end Saturday, another week-long session is sched uled to open the next day at the Lake Junaluska Methodist Assem bly. This week, more than 300 col lege students from throughout the mid-West and Soutli have been at tending tlie Student Regional Con ference under the direction of the Youth Division, Methodist Board of Education. Scheduled to open Sunday is a Youth Caravan Training Center for tlie Southeastern Jurisdiction. Assembly officials announced to day. These meetings will continue through June 18. Water Gauge Will Be Installed On Town Watershed A water gauge to measure the amount of water on the Waynes ville watershed will soon be in operation. The construction is slated for an early date, and is a co-operative project, with the town, state and federal government participating in the cost. "The gauge will give us accurate information as to the amount of water wo have, and takes out all the guess work." said Dr. Tom Stringfiold, alderman in charge of the water system of the town. The gauge will be on Aliens Creek just below where Rocky Branch enters the creek. Excavation To Start Immediately; Auditor ium To Seat 623 People The congregation of the First Baptist church formally approved the architect's plans for the new auditorium at a church conference Wednesday night, and set in mo tion machinery for early construc tion of a modern auditorium which will seat 623 people. At the same time, the building committee awarded a contract to the Clay Excavating Company to move about 700 cubic yards of dirt from the recently acquired lot ad joining the church property and facing 83 feet on Main Street The new building will supple ment tne present plant ot th: Baptists, with the auditorium, in addition to 9 large rooms for class es and a pastor's study. The building will be of brick and steel construction, with a spire on the front reaching 103 feet above the street level. The new auditorium will be fifteen feet from the Welch Me morial Building, with a covered arched walk-way connecting the. fronts of the two buildings. Engineers and architects are al ready at work on the detailed speci fications in preparation to putting the project up for bids. Tentative plans are to have the bids in by i July first, and work underway shortly thereafter. Plans are to have the excava tions completed by the middle of next week. The building will have a bal cony seating 143 people, and in direct lighting will be featured throughout the auditorium, with specially treated acoustical walls and ceiling. An automatically controlled ventilating system is included in the plans, and the heating will he from hot water forced through coils in the floor. Rev. L. G. Elliott, pastor, said that no formal ceremony would be held when the ground is broken, adding, "We will incorporate Hi, it part of the service when the build ing is dedicated, about Christmas " Henry I. Gaines of Asheville i; the architect, and W. Curtis liu ; is chairman of the building com mittee. The estimated cost of the IhiiM ing, including furnishings, will In in excess of $100,000. As soon as the new building i completed, plans are to nvjke a modern chapel out of part of fie present auditorium, and Sunday School classes of the remainder, adding another story over part of the building. The completed projects will gn e the First Baptist one of the laig est church units in this area. Mrs. Richard Barlier. Jr. and daughter, Mary, returned (nrUy from Griffin, Ga., where they have, been visiting the former's parent -. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Norman. Bet ty Barber remained for a longer visit with her grandmother at Clarksville, Ga. Newlyde Officials Ask Highway Patrol To Handle Tratlic un nignway in iuwu infaii the "ear future. "is is in addition to the coun ts estimated $280,000 share of School Board Page K) V W. (Barney) Haynes. banner hearer for a new vo to return the highway to the state highway patrol, was elected mayor of Clyde by a wide margin of 78 votes in a municipal election Tuesday. More than half of the town's civic-minded populace came to the polls to mark a total of 277 ballots, giving 176 votes to the young busi- ,,..Aor,t and OR votes ceived by a single candidate neSS college - -- . i - to John Smathers, succumbent in i the election, the race for mayor. Second high man on the ticket .. . T .. . . Vfrtprtin uihn U'9C piprted Thro defaced DallOtS were, was da "..B"". " thrown out by the election judges Selection of three aldermen from a slate of six office-seekers at tracted much attention, as Cecil (Zeke) Spencer, well-known driv er of a local work bus, polled 189 votes His was the largest vote re- to the town board with 1B1 votes. Gerald Fish, a former Clyde alder man, was recalled with a vote of 170. The voting ran along party lines, although the printed ballots listed namrs of neither party Citizens in ; or New Party) and the Old , Party names by which the parties had been designated unofficially. All candidates of the Citizens Party were elected. N. C. West, running unopposed for police judge, received a vote of 172. Since last year he has been filling the vacancy left upon death of Judge Manson Cagle, who was (Sw Clyde Moyor Page 2) Group To Leave Tuesday For Pack Trip In Park Twenty-six people will leave Cataloochee Ranch Tuesday morn ing for a 10-day pack trip into the Great Smokies. This is the first time since the war that the Trail Riders of the Wilderness have made their trip into the Park. Tom Alexander is in charge of the arrangements and details of the trip, which will cover 125 miles during the 10 days. About 15 miles a day will be made, with two days of complete rest. The event is sponsored by the American Forestry Association, and riders will be from New York, ! Louisiana. Pennsylvania, Florida,! New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, ' Rhode Island, arid Ohio. The group will meet at the Ranch Tuesday and leave from there for Flat Creek for the first stop. J. Howard Mendenhall will rep resent the American Forestry As sociation, and Dr. C. L. Hobaugh, of New Kensington, Pa., is the medical officer in charge The trip will take the ndrr through the Park and into Ten nessee and over several peak.; more than 6,000 feet high Highway Record For 1949 (To DaU) In Haywood Killed..: 1 Injured .... 17 (This Information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol).