STANDARD PTG .,.. Coinp220-230 S F,, .. . LOUISVILLE K IS The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance 01 The Great Smoky Mountains National Park UNCLE ABE SEZ . . . Money mout not be wo'th ao much these day, but ttaar's more uv it that makes the skales turn 'round jist the same. - -a Killed j 641hYEAR NO. 49 8 PAGES Associated Press and United Press New. WAYNESVILLE, N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 20, 1949 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Countie3 t-K and the B'- JO, tnere killed in traffic ac- cripple0 two men rock col- A, Those md tiiemi tr Cagle, t injures y truck fcyd m led of in ick in the bung man was ser- Icovercd. in Wash- 11 make a hlountain- lon in or- feal life in Haywood x-ill visit Headers of 1 to know and girls, fcrests are. State Ex copies of 4-H Clubs jtudy. Irjotin' kind Cabin Isn't any- it. Just lar- f Waynes- avy Tank on Tom thousand on pistol ;ach man ilibrc pis- rounds of Sixty-one en of the by dpt. irt in the after look- Itain Davis led his men were well 2 KiUed In Head-On Collision Saturday i On Stale Board ' A K l- l J" LlllKIW No Dust On The Highway At Clyde When This Was Made TOM ALEXANDER who was re cently named by Governor hcou as a member of the State Board of Conservation and Develop ment. Mr. Alexander is owner of Calaloochee Ranch, and also a consultant on forestry. (A Moun taineer Photograph by Ingram s Studio. brought a fintment to fcrea. was sup- Ithe season. Chairman it has been the Little lit several :luding the ling to the Expert To Hold Series On Beautification John Harris. North Carolina State College Extension horticul ture specialist, will conduct a series of home beautification meetings and demonstrations in connection with this phase of Haywood's Com munity Development Program. The announcement was made today by County Agent Wayne Cor pening. A county-wide meeting will be held in the County Court House at 8 p.m. Thursday. Mr., Harris wjH aiyei.nJdemonstra tion with slides of planning lawns, and yards around the home, and the planting of shrubbery. He will give two similar demons trations on Friday, with the first scheduled to start at 9:30 a.m. at Silver's Dairy in the Hominy Creek section, and the next to be held at 11 a.m. in Panther Creek com munity at the home of Glenn Fin cher. Herb Singletary, assistant county I agent, will be in char"o of the county-wide meeting Thursday. Asheville Pastor Speaks At Lake Rotary for inter- ffn Friday, fant, noted interviewed lor of The Irogram at newspaper ged a num Jttaining to tonal ooin- Mrs. Grant June of re. e Moun tnrt in her interpst in pan in the I'oipronptu, Filers dis- fwe was a fn Woody, re a repok P'onal Cnn Mr. f3 1, sue The Kev. Dr. Lee Tuttle, minis ter of Central Methodfst Church, Asheville. Sunday evening preach er here, spoke from the Lake Juna luska Assembly pulpit on the sub ject, "Doing the Right Thing at the Wrong Time." Enlarging on his subject, the speaker stressed three outstanding facts as follows: "Doing the right thing at the wrong time is doing right when it seems unwise, impractical and not good business. "Doing the right thing at the wrong time is doing right when it is dangerous and unpopular. "Doing the right thing at the wrong time is doing right when it means one person taking the whole responsibility for a situa tion." The weekend has brought a num ber of vacationing groups and in dividuals to the Assembly grounds. Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Sherrod, of (See Asheville Pastor Page 8) A head-on auto collision early Saturday evening near Waynesville took the lives of 47-year-old Lloyd Ku kpatrick, Waynesville civic lead er, and 19-year-old Joe Davis of Iron Duff. Stale Highway Patrolman O. K. Roberts, who investigated the trag edy with State Highway Patrolman Jeff May. said the accident hap pened on a curve on Highway lfiA 23, 200 feet east of the Ratcliffe Cove Road intersection. The officer said the Davis boy, driving east, lost control of his 1939 Ford, crossed to the left side of the highway, and collided with l Mr. Kirkpatrick's car. He said evidence showed Mr. Kirkpatrick who was driving into Waynesville had braked his 1941 Chevrolet for 21 feet and was at tempting to move over to the shoul der on his right when the crash came at about 7:30 p.m. The right wheels of Mr. Kirkpatrick's car were on the shoulder of the road. Mr. Kirkpatrick died as he was being laken to the Haywood Coun ty Hospital, only a quarter of a mile away, in waynesville. mr. uavis died of his injuries about an hour and a half after the accident. Both victims were riding alone at the time of the collision. Patrolman Roberts said their cars were demolished completely. Mr. Kirkpatrick. who was asso ciated with the Waynesville Whole sale Company for the past 16 years, was to have been installed as pres ident of the Waynesville Lions rinl. llio niuhl of June 30. He was elected recently while serving as first vice-president, previously had served two years as secretary, and had not missed a club meeting in six years. Active in the First Baptist Church of Waynesville for the last 33 years, he was chairman oi me church's finance committee, chief usher, and associate superintend ent of the Sunday School. He was also tyler of Waynesville Masonic Lodge 259. and the night before his death had taken the Masonic sixth degreethat of Most Excellent, Master, in ceremonies at Pigeon River Lodge 386 in Can ton. The popular Waynesville civic leader, actively interested in many other activities, also was treasurer of the Waynesville Township High School Athletic Association at the time of his death. Mr. Kirkpatrick was graduated from Mars Hill College in 1922, and from Cecil Business College in Asheville. Before joining the Waynesville firm, he had been associated with Asheville Foundry and Supply Company. Survivors include his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kirkpatrick, Wavnesville Route 2: his widow; a daughter. Miss Nancy Kirkpatrick. a student at the University of North farnlina Greensboro, and his sis ter. Miss Winnie Kirkpatrick of Waynesville. Joe Davis, a graduate of Crab-tree-iron Duff High School, had seen 10 months of war-time serv ice with the Army on the pacific Coast. For the past year he had been employed by Unagusta Manulac turing Company of Hazelwood. Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Gave Davis; a brother. Max. and a sister, Mrs. Jack Ray. all of Waynesville, Route 2. Crawford Funeral Home made Mia oi-ranppnients for both funerals. Funeral services for Mr. Kirk patrick were held at 3 p.m. from the First Baptist Church with the Rev L. G. Elliott, pastor, and the Rev. M. R. Williamson, pastor of (See Wreck Page 8) Boards Name Turner Cathey As Assistant County Agent Here ri.,rf wMors rro. the hiuhwav at Clyde were about three feet deep when this picture was made Thursday afternoon. Bv dark the water had gone down and traffic over the spot was back to normal. (A Mountaineer photograph by Ingram's Studiol. High Waters Damage Haywood Crops; Roads Are Badly Washed $5,000 Gilt Is Given To ILahe Junaluska Assembly Tenth District Highway Engineer James P. Knight of Asheville said $50,000 would repair the flood dam age to Haywood's roads and bridges as the county s entire stale Highway work force of 100 men la bored today to complete the Job of clearing debris-blocked roads. The major bridge casualties in cluded the vest span of Me three spaft roricrcfr trtdge'We5Tne Eat Fork of the Pigeon near Woodrow. Mr. Knight said this span would probably have to be completely re placed, at a cost of several thous and dollars. Meanwhile, the portions of High way 276 between Woodrow and Brevard had been cleared suffi ciently by Saturday afternoon to permit the passage of one-way traffic. The major problem, he added, was getting the big road machinery to do the job. Workers cleared the road with pick and shovel suf ficiently to let the bulldozers and tractors to get through to finish the job. Temporary spans were being built as I he work force went for ward, starling at Little East Fork where the wooden bridge to the Boy Scout Camp had been washed out Among other timber structures washed awav were bridges over Crawford's Creek and Pisgah. and the steel-reinforced span over ine Pigeon between Lake Junaluska and Clyde nenr the old Medford Farm. This latter. Mr. Knight said, would probably be the last to be replaced since it was a "conven ience" span connecting two roads, both nf whirl) were open between Clvde and the lake. To replace the concrete section . i-iJ .......14 near Wnoornw. ne auueu, wumu take "some lime." Meanwhile, traffic to Wagon Road Gap and Brevard was being detoured around the damaged bridge via Highway 1 10, thence to Rickman s Store at Woodrow, and back into the main highway. This was causing little inconvenience to (See Road Damage Page 8) Driver Faints Car Leaves Road, No Damage Done If Robert RNey were alive he. would certainty" want' "thl for "Believe It Or Not." About noon Sunday, a Kuick left Highway No. 19-23 near the Owl Service Station east of Can ton. The car went down a 40-foot embankment and stopped just short of the Southern Railway tracks. The woman driving the car had fainted, which caused the car to solo down the embankment. The driver was not injured, and the car only had a bent rear fender. Patrolman William Sawyer got in the car, drove it up the rail road to a sideroad and then onto the, highway. Patrolmen in discussing the in cident said that if the driver had tried U steer the car down the embankment, it would have prob ably turned over and wrecked as it was, the car followed the lines of least resistence and w ent on through. jOWERS F'widy with ers. ti, Li Fer showers ! tempera staff 0f the fat Rainfall fc7 58 k ,l. t ,wm .u. I ,1, I Junaluska Methodist Assembly was announced today by Dr. F. S. Love. superintendent. The donor, who re fuses to let his name be known, stipulates that the money, available i once, is to be used in improve ments at the Terrace Hotel, owned fay the Assembly, and this year un der new management. The new manager is Joseph Chamberlain, experienced hotel operator.' who is manager of Lake AUredand WaleabUt hotels, at Lake Wale, Fla. AssocWed with Mr. Chamber lain, asVassistant, Is Robert A. R'edel, iso of Florida. - They (Ave brought with them a complete Wet staff, Including an experioncel chef. Among tl Immediate improve ments whichtthe gift will make pos sible are: Seventy-five innerspring mattresses- 300 yards of carpet for halls and stairways: 200 rugs, new cur tains and bedlamps for bedrooms, new rugs for the lobby; 100 floor lamps, additional chairs and other equipment which will be purchased j i.iii at once, in accord- ana UlBiaill-v, ance with the wishes of the donor. Mr. Chamberlain. an active churchman, said he and his would cooperate wur. u e management to make the Terrace Hotel known throughout the Juna luska area for efficient and court eous service-hief among which would be good food cla.n.dmu and attention to needs of "dividu al guests. He and Mr. Riedel ex pect to spend the season here to personally look after the comfort of hotel guests. Baptist Revival To Start July 3 At Junaluska A 10-day revival service w'll start July 3 at the Lake Junaluska Baptist Church with the Rev H. K. Scroggs of Jackson County as guest speaker. The first service will be held at 11 a.m. opening day. and a second is scheduled for 7:30 o'clock that evening. Services will be held at 7:30 p.m. daily throughout the series, the Rev. O. J. Beck, pastor, announced recently. FnUowini? a weekend survey of flood areas, County Agent Wayne Corpening said today Haywood's Crops and crop land suffered severe damage from the ravaging streams nod rivers. "But it would be hard at this time to place a dollars-and-cents estimate on the destruction," he declared. ''BJ a conservative-' estimate), the damage should run to at least $100,000." Hardest hit, the counly agent continued, were lands in upper F,ast Fork, the Canton Recreation Center area, lower Hominy Creek in the vicinity of Leonard West moreland's farm, Riverside in the vicinity of Andy Ferguson's, Crab tree around Jack Messer's, and the areas in Upper Crabtree and along Bald and Liner Creeks. In several places, entire fields were washed away completely. But, he pointed out, damage to torn and tobacco crops appeared not so heavy as was first feared. "Corn can be reclaimed except in places where the water stood In the Melds, and except in cases where the plants were washed away completely, much of the tobacco can be saved." he continued. nf the hardest hit of the farmers was Mr. Ferguson, whose I 10-acre meadow was carried away by the flood. The Pigeon cut a deep, wide channel through the field as 1 it broke its banks. Around many other homes, the rocks and debris borne by the flood waters ribbed deep craters through fields ami gardens. ! Hut as the flooding streams took , from some, it gave to others. ; Several farmers round their land I covered with fresh sill, which had I piled up to a height of five feet in i some plates. j Throughout the county today, i farmers were patiently laboring at the arduous task of repairing the damages in an effort to recoup some of their losses. Mr. Ferguson, after viewing the (See Crop Damage Page 8) The Haywood County Board of Commissioners and the North Car olina State College Extension Serv ice today jointly announced the ap nnintment of Turner Cathey of Pigeon as assistant county agent to work with the Community De velopment Program. Mr. Cathey was principal of Can ton's Pennsylvania Elementary School at the time of his appoint ment. County Agent Way ne Corpening, expressing his pleasure on the selection, said that as far as he knew. Haywood is the only county to have a specialist assigned ex clusively to this type of program. Hailing the addition of his new assistant, he termed it a tribute to the progress of the Community Development Program, saying: "The county commissioners and the Extension Service think so much of the progress I hat has been made so far that I hey nave select ed a man whose special job is to push it." Mr. Calhey's appointment in creases the county agent's staff of experts to five. In addition to the new assistant and Mr. Corpen ing. there are Assistant County Agents Joe Cline, Herb Singletary, and Wavne Franklin. Mr. Cathey started to work this morning. Mr. Cathey, vice-president of the Center Pigeon Community Devel opment Program, filed his resigna tion formally today with Canton City Schools Superintendent A. J. Hutehins. leaving the job ho had held since 1941. Before coming to the Canton school, he had served 15 years as prncipal of Edneyx ille High School in Henderson County. A track, basketball, and base ball coach, the Duke graduate also had served as director of Camp Hope, the YMCA camp near Cru- so, for several summers. He and his wife, the former Miss Aurelia Bush of Inman, S. C, live with their young son and daughter on their beef cattle farm in the Pigeon section. Mr. Cathey said that in super vising the county-wide Program, the emphasis would be on the rec reational phase. "We want to develop agricul tural enterprises, like poultry, dairying, beef catlle, and the oth ers," he said, "but wc especially want (o develop our human re' sources the boys and girls of the communil ies." Assistant Agent TURNER CATHEY who was named assistant county agent this morning by the Haywood Board of Commissioners and State Extension Service. Mr. Cathey will devote his time to the Community Development Program. Sam Galloway Rites Are Held Sunday Sam L. Galloway. 70, a retired lumberman, died suddenly Friday night at his home here. Funeral services were held Sun day afternoon in the Ratcliffe Cove Baptist Church with the pastor. the Rev. Oder Burnett, and the Rev. L. G. Elliott, pastor of the First Baptist Church, officiating. Interment was in the church ceme tery. Active pallbearers were Wade Frazier, Jack Felmet, Homer Owen. Irving Lentherwood, Ben I'hilllip". and Will Leatherwood. Honorary pallbearers were mem bers of the Men's Bible Class of the First Baptist Church of Waynesville, Bruce Gordon of Murphy, and Chan Gordon of Ashe ville. A native of Haywood Count v. Mr. Galloway had been active in the lumber industry for many years. He was a member of the Ratcliffe Cove Baptist Church Surviving are the widow. Mi--. Mary William Galloway; two - on . Mark and Paul Galloway of Waynesville; two daughter- -Klizabeth Galloway of (hp ho:"? and Mrs. I). C. Neve of Greenwood S. C Also two brothers. M O riiH Leon Galloway of Waynesville three sisters. Mrs W. B Moody of Marion, Mrs. James UnderwooH of Waynesville. and Mrs. Mat Niehol of Lenoir. Crawford Funeral Home tva. Hi charge of arrangements I Morgan In Raleigh For Improvements Noted In Cove Creek By VERA REEVES Mountaineer Correspondent A devotional (irogram that fea tured the Cove Ci;eek Community Development Program meeting Fri day night attracted a near-capacity group of spectators to the Cove Creek Baplst Church. John Howell discussed commu nity development in the principal talk of the evening Cornelius Sutton opened the pro- Eectjon Boarrj Meeting cram with a prayer, and Hobext M Franklin followed with Scripture reading and discussion. ! Several of the children of the j community recited poems and i verses, and there was singng by! the choir. Anothor subject of discussion! was the plan to purchase song (See Improvements Page 8) J. R Morgan left this r.'iy:".:::' for Raleigh, to attend a nieittv; of the State Board of Elect'"" - official canvass will be made of the vote of June fourth on the two bond issues. Mr. Morgan did not kn""' of ,?ry other business to claim 1 lie atten tion of the board Tuesday. Killed In Saturday Highway Accident .ipfliSiliili '"""is JOE DAVIS l uneral services set for Tuesday. S Children's Building Gosling $50,000 Is Proposed At Junaluska HOWARD HYATT IN HOSPITAL Howard Hyatt, who underwent an appendectomy at the Haw ood County Hospital Sunday aHernoon. is progressing satisfactorily. LLOYD KIRKPATRICK Funeral services held today. Throughout the Methodist Church's nine-state Southeastern Jurisdiction yesterday, church crhnnlti wprp asked to contribute $50,000 for the proposed new chil dren's building to be bum at ine Lake Junaluska Assembly. The donations made up the John Wesley Birthday Offering, held the first Sntiriav after the birthday of the founder of Methodism on June 17, Mrs. C. A. Rauschenberg, vice chairman of the Children'6 Build ing Committee, explained today. Mrs. Rauschenberg, a native of Atlanta, Ga., who lives at the As sembly during the season, said the new building would house Sunday school classes for children under 12 years of age. a laboratory school for teachers, a children's library, small assembly hall for the show ing of movies, and a craft shop. To integrate the work with the children's activities at the Assem bly, the building would be erected near the children's playground. "We want to start construction this fall so that the building will be ready in time for the next sum mer season," Mrs. Rauschenberg added. The idea of the building was conceived in 1936 by several of the workers in the teacher labora tory at the Assembly, she said, but (See New Building Page i) Highway Record For 1949 (To Date) In Haywood Killed..;. 3 Injured . ; ; . 17 (This Information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol).

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