STANDARD ptc -n Com p 220-230 s r ID- The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice-A-Wee'. In The County Seat of Haywood Count At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park IS UNCLE ABE SEZ Don't forttt that your rale beat friend might b that non flatterin' parson. - 64th YEAR NO. 51 8 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C. MONDAY AFTERNOON. JUNE 27. 1943 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties with H. 1 1 i set JU1 Ire beiuS bring this to a" motorists tnces. his mom- S, be held simctions coent of h? U Sher- ifternoon umber of led on I he than six mile were U melon. car, one melon, Is there an wo " !you bring down hisj grinned ibly i day i to reach iple's enn ska today, wing peo- lis season. Ilina Youth ol young lars of age speakers 2 session fciilton. na fetersburg. pnight and fcmbly and t as head log officer of Lenoir, krn North ply. Mem- Ice Youth Jielson Ad- Grahl, a Morgan. Moore of r to f reeently- Carolina II meet at r H a. m. M restau- 1h Caro-1 f organiza r area, ac- 'Rested by , chair 'Sects com- of Bent Re is tem f board nf Pronation aynes. pry. fProve the "andliiiB "Shout the s tour-'Haywood, taenaerson i. Swain, Graham Lid j showers ai mf, .50 21 4th Of July Opens Here Youth Group Head REV. ROBERT STAMEY of Charlotte, is dean of the Western North Carolina Youth Assembly, which convened today at Lake Junaluska, with a registration of about 300. Sutton Is Hazelwood Police Chief Hazelwoods' new police chief is Ossie L. Sutton. World War II Army veteran who served over seas as a provost marshall. Chief Sutton started in his new post on .lune 15, succeeding John Woodard, who became a Canton city patrolman. Hazelwoods new officer, a na tive of Syiva, told the Mountaineer Fndav: "It sure is eood to Bet back Jf b of Char-1 jnto tne mountains." For the previous 29 months he had been police chief at Morgan ton. - . Chief Sutton went into law en forcement work in 1935 when he became an officer in Marion. Be fore that, he had served as manager of the James Hotel in his native Sylva. He went to Marion when the hotel was sold. AFfur r.,,r .ma..,, u.. Ar..;,. aauy for(.e Mr Sutton was inducted in the Army, and later served in the European Theater during the war under Col. Bill Sloan of Waynes ville. Ailer being discharged in Oc tober. 1945, he accepted an ap pointment as police chief at Mar iuii. wnicn nas a force of seven officers, and served there until he was appointed to the Morganton post Mis wife, the former Annie Cun- (lishing thpiiiinKham, also of Sylva, is connect- ! ef1 w'th Sherrill's Studio in Way- of hotels. 1 iicsville. Woody Assumes neeting ii,:ni,:-. n tT 1 the West. HSeaQ Associated i Hi T3l m1 set mini-1 Jonathan Woody assumed the operation duties as president of the Rotary " "ere Friday as Hallett S. Ward handed over the gavel he had wielded for the past year. Mr. Woody made a detailed re port of the recent international convention held in New York, which adopted as the Rotary theme lne coming year, "Making the world a better place." ""ace. and better understand ing among the nations nf the world will be stressed," Mr. Woody said, as he gave an inspiring account of 'he growth and accomplishments of Rotary. Committee assignments were hiade, and all riewly elected offi cers and appointed committees "! start their administration next Friday. Sports Being Organized Thickety Program Is Showing Good Results Of Persistent Effort Working quietly and persistently, '"'ckety's 500-odd people have own steadily improving their com munity. The results of the efforts they rted investing immediately after n7 , organized their Community development. Program last April are showing in the green pastures, ne homes and barns, new and old, n fresh coats of paint, the new gardens, fencing, and lawns; and ne work being done on the wounds of the beautiful Oak Grove BaPtst Church. Thev sr"w also In the new trucks of the Program Tomorrow .c uoiciirouu ooosiers ilut is sponsoring a seven-day program starting tomorrow night in obser vance of Independence Day. The features. Club President M. H. Bowles announced, will include Union Services on Sunday night, a July 4 parade through Waynes ville and Hazelwood. baseball and Softball games, and amusement park rides. The program will open officially at 7 p. m. tomorrow at the Way nesville Township High School field. The Williams rides will start running tomorrow nifiht at 7 Thn II 1 i r, . . . . . . o'clock until 11, following that schedule every night through July In addition to these amusement features, a pony ring will be oper ated Tuesday through Monday also. un Saturday night, the Duke of Paducah and his string band will give two performances in the high school auditorium, starting at 7: IS and 9:15 o'clock. Union Services, sponsored by ihe Presbyterian. Methodist and Bap tist churches and the Church of God. will be held Sunday starting at 8 p. m.. with the Rev. M. It. Williamson, pastor of the Waynes ville Presbyterian church, as prin cipal speaker. The Independence Dav parade will be held Monday starting at 10 a. m. in front of the Haywood County Court House. Participat ing units will include the Ameri can Legion posts of Waynesville and Hazelwood, Boy and Girl Scouts. Waynesville Township High School junior and senior bands. Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Na tional Guardsmen. Following the parade, there will be an athletic meet for boys and girls directed by Waynesville Township High School Coach C. E. Weatherby and Carl Ratcliffe, with the events scheduled to run from 11 a. m. until noon. There also will be general events, featuring contests to decide the largest immediate family present, the oldest man, oldest woman, old est couple,, and baldest man. The athletic events are as fol lows: Juniors, age 9 to 14: Boys' Divi sion 30, 50, 75-yard dashes; 30 yard backward run, sack, shoe, three-legged and one-legged races; Softball throw for distance; wheel barrow race; Girls' Division 30 and 50-yard dashes, two-hand race, one-legged race, and cracker eating contests. Intermediates, 15 to 18 years old: 50 and 100-yard dashes, 50 yard back run, 50-yard bear run, three-legged, sack, one-legged, and shoe races; baseball throw for dis tance, banana eating contest, and wheelbarrow race. At 3 p. m.. the Hazelwood and Canton clubs of the Industrial League will meet in a baseball game. That night, a Hazelwood soft- ball team will play another team ; to be announced. Mr. Bowles said half the net proceeds the Boosters Club will receive will be donated to the Waynesville Township High School band. He added that the club appeals to all other civic organizations and to the community in general to give their full support to this celebration. State Health Officer Here For Meetings Dr. C. C. Applewhite, director of local health units, will meet in a conference with the District Health Department of four coun ties here Tuesday at eleven. George A. Brown. Jr.. of Waynes ville is district chairman, and the meeting will be held n Mr. Brown's office at the court house. Dr. Applewhite attended a staff meeting of the Health Department here Monday afternoon. and other farm equipment, and the clean herds of cattle. Though the evidence shows mostly in the work they have done on beautification of farm and home, they are concentrating on every phase of living. Recently. T. J- Fletcher and Howard Dodson rolled up their sleeves, laid out a Softball dia mond on a field donated by Earl Cabc. built a back stop, and cleared the diamond of rocks and stubble They got the teen-age boys of the community together, organized (See Thickety Page 5 Safety Man i vv U - i m i II i t Jl Mac McKenzic, Western North Carolina safety supervisor for the State Industrial Commission, presented certificates at a sup per meeting Friday night at the Mount Valley Inn to 23 depart ment heads and supervisory workers of the Dayton Rubber Company plant at Hazelwood who completed an industrial safety course held last May. Hearings On Road Matters Are Changed Due to changes in policy. James T. Knight, district state highway maintenance engineer, will not be in Haywood on the third Monday to hear complaints on roads, as has been done for the past few years Instead of Mr Knight coming here, the board of commissioners will handle petitions, as formerly, and then once a month every second Tuesday a district meet ing will be held in Asheville, at which time grievances will be pre sented to the highway officials. George A. Brown. Jr.. chairman of the county board of commission en, sold that Mr. Knight coming here every third Mondn had been a very satisfactory plan, and that tflo nrkmrniuGinnui-c tifinll rxini i m m to carry on the work and do what ! they could for the people of the! county about road improvements. Alvin Downs Hit On Head With A Big Rock Saturday Alvin Downs. 40. was reported as being "better and improved" at the Haywood County Hospital Mon day noon, where lie was taken shortly after receiving head in juries said to have been inflicted with a rock, at the hands of Rob ert Jollv 33 The incident occurred shortly I after noon Saturday in Iron Duff Members of the Sheriff's depart ment were called, and found Jolly I had already left the scene They I l.nti.K.url ho inac nn rnlltu in hie I father in Hickory, and notified of ficers there to he on the lookout for Jolly on the bus. Within a few hours, the Hickory officers called and said Jolly had been apprehended, and placed in the Hickory jail Deputy Wade McDaniel went to Hickory Monday morning to tiring Jolly back here. He had not re turned at noon, but was expected soon. Thickety Meeting To Be Held Thursday Thickety residents will hold their next regular Community De velopment Program meeting at 7:30 p. m. Thursday at the Oak Grove Baptist Church. Community Chairman K. O. Carswell will preside. Hospital Uses 78 Pints Blood From Red Cross Supply In Five Weeks Since May 17, there have been 78 pints of blood from the Red Cross Blood Bank used at the Haywood County Hospital, it was learned this morning from Lee Davis, administrator of the Hos pital. During the past week, two emergency calls for special type blood was sent to the head quarters in Asheville, and the State Highway Patrol rushed the blood to the hospital. On one occasion, Mr. Davis said, the blood was at the hos pital in 47 minutes after the call was issued. About one o'clock Thursday morning the patrol rushed another special lot out for patient critically ill. Due 17 Counties Represented VHC Welfare Officials Talk Over Problems Fox High Hats 22 Biddies A red fox crawled into Frank M. Davis' poultry yard in Iron Duff early Friday morning. After resting a few minutrs. he left, completely ignoring the sleeping chickens. Mr, Davis, president of the Haywood and Jackson County Fox Hunters Association, said the scene took place during a fox hunt on his farm. Cut off fram the woods after i a 10-hour chase, the fox sprinted a quarter of a mile to the fence I around the half-acre yard, found a small hole, and lay down In the grass. When the 10 hunting dogs had gone around the outside of the fence to the far side of the yard in their search for a hole, the fox darted out and escaped across the valley. The tired dogs, looking dis gusted, turned back to their masters, Mr. Davis and Devoe McKlroy of Iron Duff, and Wes Milinder and Tom Devlin of Can ton. Mr Davis also discovered how the fox knew the exact location of the small hole in the fine mesh fence. N Making his first count in sev eral weeks, he found only 22 chickens in his original Hock of 30. That explained the mystery of the fox's familiarity with the yard. Mr. Davis shrugged off his losses casually. "They were only ordinary hens," he said. "In fact, some of them weren't good layers." "And that was a very unusual fo." Lions Club Oft 1U JLliwV I To Elect President Members of the Waynesville Lions Club Thursday night voted to hold the nominations and elec tion of their new president at their meeting on July 7. They also voted to postpone the formal installation of their offi cers until July 14. The election will name a suc- j cessor to the late President-elect Lloyd Kirkpntrick, Waynesville I civic leader, who was killed in an Motions on the special election (were made and adopted after Chair man James Howell of the club's constitution committee announced the committee's recommendation for such an election based on its interpretation of the rules of pro cedure. Club officers and committee chairmen read their annual re ports on work during the past fis cal year during the session at the Towne House Messages from the Waynesville Rotary Club board of directors and from District Governor E. J. White ner expressing regret over the death of the president-elect and paying him tribute were read to the members. Among the guests of the club were Gene Yarborough and Rich ard Parham. who had attended the previous week's session of the an nual Tar Heel Boys State at Chapel Hill under the club's sponsorship. The boys expressed their grati tude for having been given the op (See Lions Page 5) to weather, only 58 minutes was required to get the blood to the hospital. A stock of average type blood ! is kept at the hospital, but when a special type Is required, it is ordered special from the blood I bank in Asheville. "It would have taken almost all day to have issued a call for volunteers and found the exact type of blood for these patients." Mr. Davis said. "Instead of it taking hours, the plan under which the Red Cross, and the Highway Patrol cooperate, it only takes a matter of minutes to get the essential blood to a patient." Mr. Davis said. Dr. FJlen Winston, state public welfare commissioner, declared Fridav that some North Carolina counties are sending too many chit- j dren to state industrial schools and orphanages. Dr. Winston told her audience that each child must be considered individually if the delinquent be longs in an industrial school, he should be sent there; if the child belongs in an orphanage, he should be sent there; but that all pos sible remedies for the individual case must be considered carefully. "We need to learn." she told welfare officials from 17 Western North Carolina counties, "whether we are doing the btst thing for the individual child or whether we are Just taking the easy way out " Dr. Winston advised that welfar? officials must decide whether "we are planning adequately for chil dren." Her observations were expressed at a Western North Carolina Wel fare district meeting, during her discussion of the child welfare phase of public welfare work. In general. Dr. Winston and oth er speakers went over administra tive procedure and planning and state and federal legislation affect ing public welfare agencies, ex plaining what county boards ran do under the laws. In reference to school attendance and truancy, she suggested to the field representatives, county wel fare superintendents, and county board members, that they not only see that the children keep going to school, but get them to the clinics for the required inoculations. Dr. Winston described the school attendance program as "one of the best preventative programs we have." The people involved in so many of the case brought before welfare officials, she pointed out, arc un educated bfVrid th .pfflty'to read and write! She declared it Is the responsi bility of the board Members to get truant children to school. She ad vised them to obtain a list of the absent children from the school officials, and to start this work of school attendance Immediately after the new school term begins. Dr. W. A. Sams, chairman of the Madison County Welfare Board, in the discussion that followed, said that Madison county officials warn parents that their public assistance grants will be cut unless they get their children to school. The state welfare commissioner also told the delegates that there (See Welfare Page 5) Dairymen To Hold Banquet The Haywood County Milk Pro ducers Association will hold Its an nual Dairy Banquet at 8 p. m. to morrow at the Waynesvlle Armory. Guests of the producers will be all of Haywood's milk retailers. Principal speakers at the din ner, over which Associaton Presi dent. James Kirkpatrick will pre side, will be Major L. A. Ballew of Johnson City, Tenn.. manager of Pet Dairy Products Company, who w'ill discuss salesmanship; Joe Davis of the First National Bank of Waynesville, who will speak on the economic value of milk to Haywood County; John A. Arey, North Carolina State College Ex tension Service dairy specialist, who will discuss the dairy indus try; and other authorities who will talk on the nutritional value of milk, among other subjects. Members of the Order of the Eastern Star, Waynesville chap ter, will serve the dinner. Cecil Plans Sunday Soft Ball Games; Petition For Paving Being Signed By MRS. MAMIE BROWN Mountaineer Correspondent Approximately 60 Cecil citizens Thursday night moved to have their township road paved and to expand their recreational program. The action was taken at a Com munity Development Program meeting at Cecil School. The residents, including Cecil ministers, agreed to the plan to have Sunday softball games at the school with both boys' and girls' teams to be organized. Dr. A, P. Cline, the community Four Hurt As Car Goes Down Steep Mountain On 276 Eight persons had narrow escapes in two traffic accidents on Hay wood highways over the week-end. One was seriously injured, three others lesser injuries and lour miraculously escaped except for cuts and bruises. Four Have Narrow Escape in Wreck A light pick-up truck turned over on Highway No 10 Sunday afternoon about 5:30 near Queen's Farm, when a lire blew out. The I ruck landed in a ditch after turning over, lull none of the four occupants in the cab of the truck were injured more than bruises and cuts, according to Patrolman Jeff Max. who investigated. Patrolman May said the party from F.ctista were en route home, when the tire gave way, and the truck wrecked The four were given first aid treatment, and con tinued on their way home The four occupants were listed as Mr. and Mrs. FJmer Wendell Geve don and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Ray Gevedon. The truck was badly damaged. Cars Crash Just East Of Clyde On Sunday Two cars were damaged, but no personal injuries sustained in a crash just east of Clyde Sunday afternoon. Cpl. K. W. Jones ol Hie Highway Patrol said the crash resulted when one vehicle pulled from a service station. Patrolmen had no details, since no personal injuries were sus tained. '. .... . . .j - Recreation Group To Meet Here Tonight Members of the recently organ ized Haywood County Recreation Commission will meet at 8 p. m. today at the County Court House to draw up recommendations for rural recreation in the county wide Community Development Program. County Agenl Way ne ('orpening, who made the announcement to day, said Hie Commission was formed recently with Hie appoint ments of Hie chairmen of the in dividual cninmiinily recreation committees and representatives of civic clubs and business finps throughout the county This was the eight h over-all commission set up for the Com munity Development Program. Pre viously established were the Poul try, Forestry. Tobacco, Beef Cattle, Dairying. Fruits and Vegetables and General Commissions. Canton Baptists Start Work On Educational Unit Jerry Liner of Lake Junaluska said that work of excavating the site for the modern educational building of the Canton First Bap tist Church began this morning. Mr. Liner was awaided the con tract several weeks ago for the construction of the educational building, which will cost over $117,000 This is I he first of two units the church plans to build an audi torium to be bulit later. The offi cials of the church broke ground a week or so ago, with several per sons taking part. chairman, pointed out that every Sunday many young people gather at the school's playgrounds in an effort to find recreation. The pre vious Sunday alone, he said, there were 65 boys there. Assistant County Agent Turner Cathey. discussing the benefits of the Community Development Pro gram as a whole, stressed the im portance of providing recreational facilities. 'The term recreation'." he de clared, "covers many things-not only baseball and the other sports, (See Ceeil--Page 5) i Four Hurt As Car Goes Off Steep Embankment John R. Allen is in Moore Gen eral Hospital, with a broken back, and paralyzed from his waist down. due to injuries sustained about 1:30 Sunday morning when his car plunged 127 feet down a bank just east of Pigeon Gap on High way No. 276. According to Patrolman JpIT May, the Allen car ran for 62 feet on the shoulder of the highway, then went down the steep embank ment, turning over several times. Mrs. Allen suffered cuts aid bruises, but was dismissed from the Haywood County Hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Foster, also occupants of the car, were still m the Haywood County Hospital at noon Monday, and their condition was reported "good." Both are suf fering from cuts and bruises Patrolman May said no other car was involved in the accident. Body Of Canton Man Is Found In Davidson River The body of Jimmy Wells. 21. of Canton. RFD 2, was found early Sunday in Davidson River nea'' Brevard, following an extensive search . WoHs.'' 3hmpion Paper aw- Fibre Company employe and . i eran of World War II. had been missing since about noon Satur day. He and two companions Carl Trull and Fred Trantham. both of Canton, RFD 2 began fishing tlv stream at 9 a. m. Saturday. They separated and had planned to meet around noon. Trull nd Trantham began a search soon after Wells failed to meet them as sched uled. Help was obtained and a party searched until midnight, re suming operations again Sund:iv morning. Sheriff B. H. Freeman of Lre vard. said Wells apparently h.i-1 slipped on a rock and fell into M -water unconscious. The drown'.'": occurred at a point between the Davidson River concrete bri'l 1 avl the fish hatchery. Sheriff Freeman said no inquest would be held. Wells served with the Navv dur ing the war aboard the l;. s Hodges, a destroyer. He was dis charged a boatswain's mate, sec'fd class, after serving approximately (See Canton Man Page 5i Baptists Finish Excavating Site For Auditorium The excavating for the new aud' torium of the First Baptist Church here has been completed The auditorium will be built on the Main Street lot adjoining the Sun day School building. Henry I. Gaines, architect, said that plans and specificatons would be ready to submit to contractors for bids within a few days. The auditorium will seat 623 persons. Iti NEW YORK Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Massie and daughter left Sunday for New York, where they will spend a week buying fall merchandise for The Toggery. Highway Record For 1949 (To Date) In Haywood Killed.;:: 3 Injured .21 (This Information com piled from Records of State Highway FatroD.

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