a i i Ml - 1 J i1 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Munch All en. 'UIHl THE MOUNTAINEER Main Street P0 700 vFaynesvrne, North Carolina The County Seat of Haywood County Published By THE WAYNESVILLE PRINTING CO. W. CURTIS RUSS Editor W. Curtis Russ and Mariun T. Bridges. Publishers PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY HAYWOOD COUNTY One Year Six Months NORTH CAROLINA One Year : Six Months OUTSIDE NORTH CAROLINA One Year Six Months Entered at the post oftice at Waynesville N C ond Class Mail Matter, as provided under trie March 2, 1879, November 20. 1914 S3 .00 1.75 $4 00 2 23 $4.50 2.50 as St'C Act ol rd of thanks, hargcd and all notices of entertainment 101 pion. or at the rate of two cents pci wora MEMBERS OF THE ASSOC1AIED PRESS AND THE UNITED PRESS The Assucuted Press and United Press are entitled ex ciusivety to the use tor re-publ.catici, i ,11 la- lo , netvs printed in tins newspaper as well as all Al a,,J I I ssassociaiicT) Monday Afternoon. June 2". Vi-M The Fourth of July Program The annual Fourth of July pm.uram as staged bv the Boosters Club L;ets underway at the high school pounds Tuesday nmht With the many rides which have been ba nned for the past several years. Then on Saturday nmht the Club is spon soring a well-known radio comedian at the high school; then on Sundav the usual Union services, and a full day of activity on Mon day, the Fourth of July. Much of the same type pro-ram of the past years will be followed, with athletic events, a parade and reh-ious services mixed 111 with the program ol tun. The proceeds from the small admission 1 prices which the club charces. is used for 'various civic enterprises. Dunn- the past few vears. the Boy Scout and Girl Sc-ut organizations, together with the hand, have shared from the prolits. There are manv : other worthy causes to which the club makes generous contributions throughout the year. We have always been highly impressed with the high type ot entertainment spon sored by the Club, m that no side shows. 01 games 'of chance are permiUeed into the program. This year's program covers a wider scope ot activity, and no doubt will be generously patronized by the public. Going After Business All Western North Carolina will look with interest on the fuller development of the Western North Carolina organization which began here Thursday, embracing 11 counties. The tourist business in Western North Carolina is about the same in each of the 11 counties, and by presenting an area pic ture before the vacationers of the nation, much more can be accomplished. The same type program has proven suc cessful for Florida and California, and other vacation centers. The same program is pulling visitors to the beaches of the Carolina coast by the thousands. Now that Western North Carolina is realiz ing that the market for the vacationer's money is a highly competitive one. perhaps we ilL find a different reaction to the at titude of gelling out and going after the business. The organization which has just been formed can go a long ways in making this the vacation center of the East. Mr. Eiler's Utter The proposal of Warren Eller to lease the former Belle Meade swimming pool, pavilion and bath house to the Town for a recrea tional center, is a generous offer on his part. The rental would be one dollar a year. Mr. Filer owns the Country Club, and this recreational unit adjoins that property. The pool would have to have some repairs, as would the pavilion, but the cost of the repairs would only be a fraction of the orig inal cost of constructing the present units. Under present health laws, the water in the pool wo uld have to be treated. This community has discussed, and talked ; and dreamed of a recreational center more , than any other one project during the past few years. I Civic organizations have spent long hours j discussing the needs, until now. the need is admitted, but means of filling that need have so far never met a satisfactory solution. 1 At ;'r.e time, a recreation commission was set up here, and the work started off in a satisfactory manner. As in the case of many such projects, the, plan soon had financial' difficulties, in that its operation was solely dependent upon donations. Mr. Eller's proposal is the best we have heaid thus far in giving the community a recreational center at a small initial in vestment. As stated above, it is a generous offer on the part of Mr. Eller, and shows his interest in the community's recreational welfare. No doubt some plan can be worked out wherebv a recreational commission with enough financial assurance back of it can accept Mr. Eller's oiler. The commission will want one thing as sured before they start, however, and that is the operating expenses will come from sources other than voluntary donations. They'll L)u Ir Every Time By Jimmy Hatlo M h.rs kinvAj m id Pi nvFD BOSS ' ylXf MR. B'SDOVE, WHO MAb UUs I OF THE K1EW GOVERNMENT BONP PRJVE,WILL SPEAK On KEck BUYING BONPS AKD ThEY LL , keep you I -- - ., A TUE J03.ALL i?l6MT ) Vrc S , V OUP OFFICE WILL JS INDEED- WIT THE dA- y vs f IND THE (3UY WHO HAS JUb I bOUUHl m wife that little 34-coom Shack she's had her eye on fop years THANX TO'BUyEM 4 HOLDEM; NEW YOPK, N.y. Rambling 1 Bits Of Human Interest w j i "l The Mountain s 1'ukm 'r St Looking Back Over The Years tr.-ry day. some incident run , - into the lives of all of u u,;,i should bring us to a full ivalua. Hon of how suddenly ihis (,,,, . way street named Life can o,,,,.,. to an abrupt dead-end. Hovi ,.,. i better it would be if we could lnuk for more roses than thorn.-, m, u,t. way . . . and then Hive uut lh. Howtrs us we yo along VVIien Wi i ol(Uerrd r jr we have won two-thiids ul ihr battle. During the recent cln ii ,, a storm, a lady hunted uui tin dan., est place she could find in an i,. per hall and pressed lieiiclt c it, , . ly to the wall. But she j- s;a. vanized into sudden aciiun wtiui a oursi ui iiKV1 appealed hiu leaned against the electric luhi switch! Perhaps chickens do come home to roost . . . but lliey usu ally bunt up the neighbor's vaid in which to lay their eggs. Everything conies to Inm v.lm 1 nr, ti,,.; 4 He or his of ""n in (,, ""Ms. Bii llrll hf 'Ink ihP ""td hoi YEARS AtiO C. V. Bell remodels buildiiif! near depot to be occupied by Wavnesville Motor Company. 1 days. Purebred Hereford call, belong ing to young .lack Rogers of Crab Mrce. shows 122-nni(l gain in 28 state Guard. More than 100 tons of explosives are used in one blast at Fontana Dam project. v. 11.J Ht ouid i -um til "in Ul ' O'Uiiily (J 1'i iuus it Capital Lei By EULA NIXON GREEX1 Miss May Crawford attends class reunion iit Boston L Diversity. Miss Kanny Cabe leaves for visit to Montreal. Canada. Judge and Mrs. Frank Smathers leave for a month's visit in C anada Judge Felix Alley Itockingluun County is honored by bar. Lack of Respect To Flag Many Haywood service men have been much disturbed since Flag Day on June 14. ;;i the lack of respect paid to the flag on that and on other occasions. Sever.) 1 score of former service men were in the parade that marched down Main Street that late afternoon of Flag Day, and al! were aware of the lack of proper respect paid the colors by the average citizen as it passed m review. One service man pointed out later that some places of business left their flag out all night, while others failed to take in their fjag during the heavy rain before the parade. Another iormer Marine cited numerous occasions when the flags have been on dis play on the streets and left out all night. The public schools, together with patri otic organizations constantly carry on a cam paign to educate the public as to the rules tor handling, displaying and respecting the flag. However, it all seems to be forgotten except in times of war. Many a public speaker has reminded America time and time again of the short comings in the public display of our patri otism. We do not feel that this county is any worse about this than the national average W. T. Rainer new Oldsmobilc lake: agency VOICE OF THE PEOPLE Mrs. Jack Messer and son and daughter return from a visit to Lt. M.i.r iii Charleston. S. C. ! Miss Lois Massie leaves for Sil Uobert Eugene Gibson selves on Ver Pines Camp near Roaring Gap landing craft making two trips to serve as counselor. across the English Channel during the Invasion of the coast of Fiance. staff Sgt. James W. Chambers i f ru rl waist gunner on an for! Sgt. M. T Bridges is promoted J Eighth AAF Flying Fortress, is to captain in the local unit of the i awarded Oak Leal Cluster. The Human Side O' Life i HIGH COTTON This tellllW ill!! Illnnlh i Jonathan Daniels, Iortli C. a roll na - ,mK national committeeman, when lie walks, certainly does straddle in high cotton. Said Eleaiicir last week in "May Day back to niv apartment for breakfast where Jonathan Daniels joined u lour lllillhrl. Well il I.rr shniiiH w ..il I .... e an Mem i i nnmmg il she tiptoed 1 cracked the! BY UNCLE AI1E What is your favorite (lower? SLIM GOODIN TAKES A WIFE mountain j The girl Slim Goodin married. Miranda Lou Poole, struck Slim int uhimt the fifth rib. and she called to the scene of action: Miranda Lou had been reading a ghost story, sitting up until ten o'clock, when, after seeing that her IllSl aOOUl Hie nun ii". "" " - ' j i i York. Bethel' Dogwood, couldn't much more than reach to husband was well covered she also ..... , ,,i I., h.-rl in thu nmht it turned I). I) which is our state flower, but I'm also crazy about rhododendron Mrs. Arthur Raskin of Spartan burg, S. C. staying at Lake Juna luska "'Rhododendron." Mrs. Troy Ford, "Rhododendron." Thickety Mohela Moody, Rhododendron." Waynesville Mrs. Kenneth Stahl, Waynesville "Why , rhododendron, of course." Finnic Timlies "Rhododendron, because you don't have to cultivate Bookmobile Schedule Wednesday, June feit even that is nothing to brag about. When ALLEN'S CREEK AND it comes to respecting the flag, it should be j ROAD done as a matter of pride and joy, but Mr-. E. K. chamber unfortunately many fail to realize this "V-uv ' WUs)n privilege. ! Kay Allen Franklin's Home Grocery Rainbow Cafe O. J. Beck Ensley's Valley Grocery the toD of his head "Nobody can ever say that my wife takes me under her wing." Slim said after the marriage cere mony was over: that was the only wise-crack he was ever known to make. Slim and Miranda Lou stayed awhile at the Goodin home: but they were "tormented" so by the young set of West Asbetown that they moved in early Summer to a little house out in the country "There goes the great Dane and his little Pekinese!" they would shout. Also. "Why don't you carry her in your pocket. Slim'.'" Some times the tall, maddcnded man ! would run after them, hut he was i so awkward the boys could easily I dart out of his way. 1 The frosts of Autumn, then Win ter had come to Slim and Miranda Lou out at their little country home, when things commend to happen, strange things. Some folks were kind enough. Dr. Olden was one of them, to tell Slim that he probably wouldn't or rather couldn't get any thiner; but they 9:10- 9:25 i were mistaken. Whether it was be-9:30- 9:50 '. cause of marriage, worry or the 10:00-10:20 chills of Winter, no one ever knew I V.!) BALSAM .vent to bed. In the night it turned warm, and this probably caused Slim to kick the covers oil and let one long, bony forv leg down bv the bed-side until his foot rest ed on the floor. Now Miranda Lou had gone to sleep. At a little past mid-night Mark Harkly was awakened by screams a woman's screams, so it seemed al the Goodin home. The screams ceased, but Harkly hurried over, nevertheless, and found Slim and his wife sitting up in bed "What was the trouble here?" Harkly asked, looking at one then the other "the screams 1 heard'.'" "Miranda Lou. there," replied Slim. "She's read a ghos' story - which no skeeiy woman orter do. So. she Wiikes up in a fright, an' seein' my bony lag out from under the kivver. when 1 woke up she ' u uz a-p'intin' at it an' screaniin' 'Take il out! a dead ghos' lajj - lake it out!' "Course. I couldn't help it, Mr. Harkly. bein' so tall an' thin," Slim continued: "the Lord knows if 1 could. I would." "I've been tryin' to git him to pad," said Miranda Lou: "I'de make- He has just come up lroni Raleigh, simul North Carolina, to serve on the uho looked Subcommission on Minorities and wiiim prJ Discrimination at the United Na- inker Ht i tions. He has his daughter with him. reMtlmce ( so I hope we will have Hie plcasui, s,.nl Mi Dai of seeing them all at Hyde Park fin (l.,wi iluwnl a day while they are Here. 1 lit- nun I "I wish it had been possible' lur j n i-t ly ou; i Mr. Daniels lo accept the sccrc- Hei mind I tarvship of the Navy. It would as she tnl have been nice to carry on an old HU-ss mj ; tradition and have another Dan- l.d,i tliali iels heading the Navy, but 1 realize l)i Fiank I that he has so many interests con- HelUtll nected with the newspaper world i! v a- He I that it would be difficult to tear High School himself away." was tiiis i Yeah, he just couldn't tear linn- lou-moral self awav .1 M Broil P. S For an excellent report la mm res! on the New Eleanor ishe prefers hi'ing his trail he called Mrs. Franklin ) llno-t- The llauruml veil i read the June issue ol 10 ad- nest Jay it er's Digest. niM' iIk! llll Ill Ull'll 'I'll ElVc ON A DARK N1G1I I One dark , M mt niuht last week then- was a lit'.lil , IT- secrrlal pitter-patter knoc k at the dour ' . all lln-M the llaueom home on New Hern f- rank iliusel Avenut here. It was about 11. :w una ili- Itiiiii-iuii sisters. Lyda and . 1 I, .vino I,, ,.l m.1.1.- allllB Pi Willie l-iV. vii. ii.w-t:. , j ..i i,.,i,,.i I n Hii'tiudi a tn-I i liid laiml) There are many indications that there are more visitors here now than at the same time last year. With the climbing temperatures in other parts of the country, the increase should be steady from now on. MIRROR OF YOUR MIND f.7r By LAWRENCE GOULD Consulting Psychologist whether to be self-reliant or de pendant) are not solved in child hood, they become the focus of an inner conflict which persists as long as we live and may "flare up" in the form of a neurosis, even in old age- The passage of time will not make you grow up emotionally if you have not learned life's lessons. Friday. July 1 JONATHAN CREEK ROAD Boyd's Store Dave Boyd J. A. Moody's Store Dave Brown's Store Tuesday, July MORNING STAR Ki Davis Grocery 10:00-10:20 Hyde's Store 10:30-10:50 Mrs. B. M. Stamcy 11:00-11:20 G. E. Blalock's Grocery 11:30-11:45 Wednesday, July 6 HAZEL-WOOD AND LAKE Jl'NALl'SKA the naddin". nad his clothes fin- 10:30-10:45; but the fact remained Slim Good- him. if he'de lei me. Then il would ; in was thiner than ever before by keep him warm in the Winter, loo." 11:00-11:20 four pounds! Of what that lour "But what would I do when 12:00-12:20 ' pounds had consisted, nobody could Spring comes?" replied Slim. "I 12:30-12:50 ! tell. reckon 'm cmbarass' more an' 1 He had long since been sleeping : grieve more on 'count of my wife 1:10- 1:30 in his own special long bed. triple- than fer myself now I know I or- i paaclect anrt wnn snocK absorbers ler a let her married somebody complete but still he was restless. ' imagining thai the boys were tor- 10 30 10 45 1 mell,mS h''n, he would cry out in ,n'"i .',! ' his sleep at night. On the other nn . . j hand. Miranda Lou was a i i:u-i i:to 11:55-12:15 5 hand. Miranda Lou was a sound sleeper: bul being easily frighten ed and afraid of "hants" she had her bed placed near the foot of Slim's. All this led un to (hp night of the ghost in Slim Goodin's house. Here is the story according to Mark Harkly. a neighbor, who was :fis JMtns in lov mak you untruthful? Answer: The untruthfulness of "lovers' bwb" is proverbial and, anything, has been somewhat jexaggerated. I doubt whether any ' rge proportion, either of men or jt women, goes in tor deliberate deceit and lying even in the throes jgt rfltnantic passion. But the stronger your emotions, the harder " becomes for you to distinguish between fruth'arid falsehood, so pt ,o doubt the majority, of jveia y iot things which - Jfjtf "inien".8t fhe time, but wlucL. 'Jhey will ljaxdly.be able to live up : Jgf when $fa vr ubside. Does old age bring peace of mind? Answer: Not necessarily. It may bring only the relative indiffer ence to other people and things that results from growing self absorption. For as Dr. Theodore A. Watters writes in Geriatrics, if pur basic problems (like deciding (Cfpyrisbt, lias V!W I-I May "high standards" be an excuse for inaction? Answer: Yes at least, uncon sciously. One way in which our unconscious minds help us avoid doing what we dislike, but regard as our duty, is to make US paint . a mental picture in which the de tested task appears so difficult that we arc able to convince our selves we do not have the time or strength to do it. A woman who is so exacting about her house cleaning that she wears herself opt every time she tries it has an excellent excuse for feeling that she "is not equal" to the job, when it she liked to "clean," she'd be content to do what she could. Bradley's Hazclwood Town Lake Junaluska 9:00 9:45 Hall 10:00-11:00 11:30-12:30 near her size. An' as fer me, well, 1 orln't never to a' married at all --ort not a been born!" Harkly said he heard a sob. and just as he looked at Miranda Lou she wiped away the tears. "Forget il. folks," he said, con solingly. "Could you forget this. Mr. Hark ly?" Even as Slim spoke, he took Harkly s hand, and placing it on 'Contiuned on Page Three) SCOH'S SCRAP BOOK Friday, July 8 FINES CREEK Mark .rguson's Store 9:45-10:00 Mrs. Frances Rogers 10:15-10:45 Harley Rathbone . 11:00-11:15 Charlie Rathbone 11:30-11:45 Llovd Messer Grocery 12:00-12:15 F. H. Fincher 12:30-12:45 C. C. Hooker 115- 1:30 Monday, July 11 IRON DUFF, CRABTREE, HYDER MT. Frog Level 9:25- 9:40 Mrs. Fannie Davis 9:50-10:05 W. C. Davis 10:10-10:25 C. O. Newell 10:30-10:45 Tommie Noland 11:15-11:30 C. L. Hill 11:35-11:50 J. M. Davis - 12:05-12:20 Mrs. Fred Noland 12:40- 1:00 M. H. Kirkpatrick 1:10- 1:30 C. T. Ferguson's Store 1:45- 2:00 Jack Long 2:10- 2:30 By R. J. SCOn . ol-7 bird 'ffyvfs t' WORM KA A. HA,ftt J6& MAUSt nuitt nniH i,ooo HCOKID HUS-fitS fKt WORM 4o THt I WITH a wfi IIP a 0 i: flit -.IB FOREST, IMDIA,. LTV fl HARt M0NS m AHA BirCfrttV AStiToP " fc 3AVU luf t &Auff ft .Jt r AU MOSf FOR Chenille Bedspreads Single and double bed sizes - . m cotors iol live colors . . aeip, - cwrimw blue, yellow, green.. ,us ""''-hiw. A"" Hunters green, mr. - , (i, price, special value . . nth at Linens-More (or Ho from our Store to Nelly Don DiHy ' The cool dotted Swiss frock s "'jp'J for sunning (pushes tne - m- and for mooning. oc " .... ,., tool f,.r h,.chnl nr best bexu! M e ' ... W- nine aorun-shawl. too! Pi" with white dots. Sises 1 W " Cotton Shop-Store lot f"" irom our Store for A5UFVIII.E : ti t I tAf tFFias Tut A&wJ W oca )r-xm. I. u , 71 !

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