THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE irOUR (Second Section; TO CHURCH SOMEWHERE EVERY SUNfl GO v. At The Churches St. John's Catholic Church Father Ambrose Rohrhacher Pastor The summer schedule si;.:'rr Sunday. Ma 1 and wi.l cont.nm through N.. 1 !o: Mi, V nc villr church ana ;!it miMn follow s Wav nosv ili( Mao v.-r Sunn;.' a! 11 a n; Boned!.": n.r ' !n Blfs-cd S;i rj.mem ever e ( mt. J a! " 'M' o , im k Mission. Apc'.rtws J. j, n. t - t.rl w pdn-sda d . . : :. '. - .: . ;:.ul at the Krvsor. Cr f am i-i ' v..: . d ' v, ... . :et !or rchear- Cai'dor a i-'i:'1 :!..-v: s-..r- . - fc day r.t,. ..r v...i... k i'i .. i r Moct- l i:ik- !c T i. n. "- ' ., ,;. . V.edneoav M... r-,... ;,-n..rj! at 8 4 J FoiVai.a IV.. : I ;.. : ;i in the churcn S"'"d :t , . ..;jU-: i,.k,u mg I'rayci' Fiar k'.s ' N!t , Hig! . . i '. f vs ; 1 fhursd.n da Sui-.Ih .ii!'. - ui.l moi l in the social Muri -v : i i ..-; -.:-: -! , , :! d' j .'.ii.i.'! (I A - mi:1 meel in the ' tWr' : I i r ii;,,! o A-einhlv lioom al v ; ,io Christian Science Service G'xi Hi. n! Cau-e and Cn -atr will be the --object of the lt.--on-sFi'ninn at the Christian Si'!Ke Service on Sunday. July i'. The f oilden Tel w ill be Hevi l ation 4 II 'Thou ;irt worthy. ( I. onl. to receive kIiiiv and honor and power, for thou hast treated all things, and for thy pleasure thev are and were created ' The service will he held on the second Moor of the Masonic Temple al 11 a m. Wayncsville Presby terian Church The Kev. Malcolm K. Williamson. Pastor Sunday School at 10:00 o'clock Wbitener I'revost. superintendent. Morning Worship. 11:00 o'clock. Sermon Subject: "The Power Of KiHhtcousness." The service will bp broadcast over Station WHCC. The Sunday School lesson will be broadcast at 10:15. Special music for the inoininR serv ice by the church choir direct ed by Mrs. J. L. Kilpatrick Pioneer and Youth Fellowship groups meet at 7:00 p. in. lies, "Ww- it has the Ml fmM iVr-.r-.rnn HSL DAVIS - LINER MOTOR SALES Phone 52 Waynesville, N. C. AWARDED THE FASHION ACADEMY GOLD MEDAL AS THE First Baptist Church The Kcv I. C. I'.lliott. Pasuw Sundf.v Si ,1,-jf,' !... ! .. ni wi 'I'.'w .: .' 9 Mivl.m w .-.M... : : .V' Ser in..! !.- I'll o. iv. niul b f....: ! 1 ."''irii 1m. V .Vi.i. -. ..-t t-.i Mend;.- TuesO;. :V.:.-f W ' t' Your. J u i . 1 h .i v e ,t': r rid. iv I: lei iiii (ii.i'e t i s w ill meet 11) he -o( lal hall at '.1 :(0 Crabtree Methodist Charge The Itev. C. O. Newell. Pastor DAVIS CIIAPKI. The pastor will preach at Davis Chapel Sunday morning. The Methodist Youth Fellowship will meet Sunday evening. KINCIIF.KS CHAPEL The Rev Mrs, C. O. Newell will preach at Finchei s Chapel Sunday morning, when the doors of the church will be open lor all who want to join. Revival services and a Vacation Bible School are now being held. Forty -the persons are enrolled in the classes. Church Of God CANTON The Rev. W. C. Lee, Pastor Sunday, 9:30 a m., Radio Pro gram over Station WHCC, Wayncs ville. 10 a. m.. Sunday School. 11 a. m.. Preaching Service. 7:30 p. ni , Evangelistic Service. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., Mid-week prayer meeting. '49 mm . m- w m""wmm -w " m '49 FORD CBstow clvfa cwpo Ye, feel Ford' Bcaltes! They're 35 eoiier to oppfy bcause ttwy're Kinfl-Si wrth "Mag't Action"! Y, fl Fofd'j rtring! H'i true "Fingertip" Controll Yt, try Ford's "Mid Ship" Ride, h's plain wonderful . becouse rhose sofa-wide seats are placed m tte smooth-riding center of the car and cushioned by brand new Ford Springs ; i ; "Hydra-Coil" in front, "Para-Rex" in bock I Ye, feel the solid safety of Body of heavy gauge steel r 1 ' . . r (Art rora s new rraine. J T 70 more Yet, you'll feel safer and be safer with those big "Picture Windows" aN oround and that great 88 bigger rear window I Ye, Ye, Y I Today's Me dy to tokc the wheel and try the new Ford "Feei"! Morning Star Methodist Charge The Rev. Asroond Maxvrrll. Pastor Fnd.iv owning. T 30 o clock Closing program for our Yar.ition Church Schcvl. with exhibits of work done and iard.:vs of oertifi-ciie- lo those students !'.o have ,.ne a!is!aclor work ii-.J have roi Mussed more than or.e da . There !ue N-en To s'.udects and teachers "" our scho; tood vork has Nyi: do: Sunday Srvics '.0 a :v. --Church. Se ;-.o. KMor. Btirr.ette. Su'tv.; 1! o cKx'k Morntns Ser ice ilnr Youth Choir i'. .if.d some tendent Worship sins an anthem 7 p in Youth Fel'.owsh.p 7 45 o'clock Kv emits Worship Service with the Reverend Jack Ktrby dome the preaching With this service ve will becin our re vival services with services being held every evening ot this week at 7:45 You are cordially united to come enjov these meetm with us Ge-orse Smathers will be our song leader. BF.AVF.RDAM CHI RC1I Sunday Service 10 a. ni. Church School Classes. Andy Worley. Superintendent 7 P ni Youth Fellowship 7:45 o'clock This is our rew lar preaching right, but we wiM loin with Morning Star as they begin their revival services. Long's Chapel Methodist Church I.AKK H NAI.I SKA The Rev. Paul II Duckwall, Pastor Sunday. July 3 !1:45 a. ni . Sunday School for all age groups. K. H. Terrell, super intendent. 11 a .nr. Morning Worship. Sac rament of Holy Communion Com munion Meditation. "Our Peerless Christ." 7:30 p. m.. Meihodisl Youth Fellowship. "Liberty and Justice For All." Tuesday. July ,"i The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service will meet at 2 30 n ni in the home of Mrs. W. IV l.eatlier Wood, with Mrs. C. C Medford as co-hostess. All women of Un church and community are cor dially invited to attend. Wednesday, July (! Uo.v Scout Troop No, H of Lake Junalu.ska meets in the basement of the church at 7 p. in. All hoys of scouting age who are interested in the scouting program arc in vited to attend. R. C. Lane is the scoutmaster. Sell By Using Tl.c Want Ads Wil ndtwo nwfofet a eifrg corf. FORD castom two door sedan Ford's "Lrfeguord" in combination wMi . tl ngiai "FASHION CAR OF THE YEAR" ! The (Solicit (Text 1 -vf Hv -"X fi ' 'c- ' ill - a AjiitMrtimiliilnimi !'" i wim Chorister boys. 'Serv Jthovah with 8lodni: Comt bfor Hi pretcne with thonkyiving."-Palm 100:J. Bethel Methodist Church Clyde I.. Collins, Minister Sunday. July 3 10 nil. Sunday School. J. Letch Worley. superintendent. 1 1 00. Morning Worship. Sermon, "When (oid Answers Prayer." 7.30, M Y F. program, "A Study of World Peace." Leader, Uobby Fore. Tuesday. July 5 8:00 p. m.. Regular monthly meeting of the Hoard of Education, at the home of Mrs. Jim Welch. Wednesday, July (i 2.00 p. in.. Woman's Society of Christian Service at the home of Mrs. Fred Hyatt. Mrs. Florence (lamer is in charge of the program. 7:45 p. 111.. Choir practice. Ilroiler chick placements in the Wilkes area totaled 176,000 during the week ending April 10. This to tal was 3 per cent below that for the previous week and 9 per cent below the peak of 193,000 chicks placed two weeks earlier. Psalms Songbook of Bible GOD PRAISED FOR HIS Scriptures Psalms By NEWMAN CAMPBELL ,' THE WORLD today is in great need. Food, housing, clothing are scarce, both mental and physical suffering are intense, and lack of liberty in many lands causes trag edy to stalk the earth. It should not be so. The earth Is beautiful and fertile. God made it so. There is room for all His children and food for all, if man would only obey His lawg and His Son Jesus' command to "love thy neighbor as thyself " "Man's inhumanity ' to " man makes countless thousands mourn" Indeed, as Rohert Burns tells us. The word "psalm" comes from the Greek psalmos. which means a poem sung to the accompani ment of musical instruments. There are many hymns of praise tn the psalms, also petitions for help in times of stress, moral re flections on the good life, and songs of serene trust In the Lord and His goodness. King David Is thought to have written 150 psalms. David was called the "sweet psalmist lor singer I of IsraeL" He loved God and rejoiced in the prosperity he MEMORY VERSE Serte the Lord with gladness: Come before His presence with singing." Psalm 100 :t. enjoyed, rising from shepherd boy to king He sinned, repented, was forgiven, suffered and mourned, but, on the whole, his life was a happy one, and he thanked and praised the Lord for it. In Psalm One. he writes of the blessedness of right 1 1 v i n g "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sin ners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. "But his delight is tn the law of the Lord, and in His law doth he meditate day and night." He likens such a man to a tree which is planted "by the rivers of waters," which brings forth fruit in season, and shall not wither, but prosper. The teacher could impress this lesson on the children by asking them to think of their school mates. Who are the pupils who are best liked by students and teachers alike? &&-: on copyrighted outline, prodoctd by The International Council or RelitfouJ 4'jeln ul t pe-mmim timtutftd' by fftnf Syiirait. Morning Star Church School To Close The commencement program of tho Morning Star Methodist church vacation church school will be held tomorrow at 7:30 p. m. at the Can Ion church. The Rev. A.smond Maxwell, pas tor, said today 76 punils and teach ers attended the classes. Certificates will be awarded on (losing night, and exhibits of the work that has been done will be shown. Lake Junaluska Baptist Church The Rev. (). ,1. Beck, Pastor Sunday, July 3 10 a. m., Sunday School. I). Riley, general superintendent. II a. 111., Preaching services, first and third Sundays. 7:30 p. 111., Training Union meets every Sunday. Mid-Week Prayer Service, 7:30 p. m. GOODNESS TO MEN J; 33:12-15; 67; 100. They are not the lazy,' the re bellious, the mischievous. They disrupt the work, cause tensions, and are often disliked by all and fail in their studies. They are not happy, nor do they feel prosper ous. "Blessed is " the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance. "The Lord lookcth from heav cn; He beholdeth all the sons of men. "From the place of His habita tion He looketh upon all the in habitants of the earth. "He fashloneth their " hearts alike; He considereth all their works." "AU the inhabitants of the earth," sang David, whose world was more limited than ours. How ever, it Is true of our . modern world. God made us al) all the people tn all the nations. Why cannot we all be brothers and sisters and share all His good, ness and the gifts of His earth? Why are we so cruel to one an other? Why do we set ourselves up as better than people of other nations? Why do men want to dominate certain parts of the earth, denying freedom to their fellow men? The 67th Psalm asks God to be merciful to us "all nations" and "Let the people praise Thee, O God; let all the people praise Thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us." "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. "Serve the Lord with gladness! come before His presence with singing. "For the Lord is good; His' mercy is everlasting; and His truth endureth to all genera tions." Sorrow and privations may come to even a righteous man, but if his trust is in his Maker, he will come through all right; he will keep his serenity, know ing that In time all will be well, as the psalmist wrote so many years ago. Pastor Asks Aid In Upkeep Of Cemetery The Rev. Asmond Maxwell, pas tor of the Morning Star Methodist church of Canton, today asked relatives and friends of those bur ied in the church cemetery to help in maintaining the plots. "This help," he said, "is our only source of revenue for keeping the cemetery in good condition." The pastor said a committee of Raymond Miller, Robert Kelley, Charles Rhodarmer, L. L. Smath ers, J. A. Sharp and Wayne Smath ers will receive the donations. Hazelwood Methodist Church The Rev. M. B. Lee, Pastor Sunday School at 10 a. m. Come as a family group and bring along that friend that is visiting in your home. Morning Worship, 1 1 o'clock. The subject of the message will be, "Power for Peace." Evening Worship, 8 o'clock. Fol lowing the period of worship through song and music the medi tation for the evening will be, "Wishing to Content the Multi tude." Mid-Weck Services Wednesday Evening, 8 o'clock. Prayer service. Thursday Evening, 8 o'clock, Youth Fellowship. Hazelwood Presbyterian Church The Rev. Paul Patterson Thrower, Minister Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Paul L. Davis, superintendent. Morning Worship. 11:00 o'clock, list. 3rd and 4th Sundays). Evening Worship, 11:00 o'clock. (2nd and 5th Sundays). Bible Hour. Wednesday. 8:00 p. m. Bible Study, I Cor. 16. Fol lowed by Choir Practice, The pastor's subject for Sunday morning will be, "Things Which Ought Not To Be." All are most cordially invited lo the services of our church. The Sunday school has classes for all age groups. Sinrsmite's ffifil wwrt.U' ..w--' rfr- CewerHWe. '' v-n i;v. s,a.'. sUHrtl Tan finish rrmg-wearag Samsxnite Lu$ Asheville Free DeUvery Within 50 Morning Star Church H J "iwiuunced By p( The Rev. Asmond Maxw tor of the Morning Star Method cnurcn ot canton, today aiiiiou,M ,,,, a the names of the church sthu i students who had won places mi ; the honor roll for June. j The roll is as follows: 1 Beginners Phillip Paxton sUs t, an Maxwell. Peter Maxwell ,V.( Van Hook, Edna Fishe-. V.rii V Fisher, Buddy Connard, Mrs , j thus Cody, teacher. Primary Shirley Ashe. Charl, Van Hook, James Medford, Donald Fisher. Juniors Pete Wilson Intermediates Christine kv! , Robert Allen, Caroline Cody, s,,, , my Smathers, Max Fisher, Fu ;, , Van Hook, Anna Lou Van ii.; Announces The Management Farmers Federatii nounces that the locJ will remain open six week in the future in) that members and patrons may rcceij and complete servio Ifl n 1 farmers retler Cooperaiivi Wayncsville Phone 344 Step up for a grand entrance with tfJ' piece or even uiictt-liicvc mia-'- - . , rnr ' . you'd expect to pay tor case of such quaii tocal Samsorrite Vanity O'Nite end matching Ladies u 1T! 1 AA tn t,oiir t at anv tune . . . any F ...1. rook. But Samsonite is better than leather 1 r - fas,r.o miracle covering will wear and wear and wear hr f , lu brass streamline bnings - Here's Samsonite - Amer. Miles of AshoviUe. ' f K a , Chul 1 Hie R,.v l'!(,:l W''!'M:J