PAGE FITS THE WATNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER 30, ,. Jon Counsellor t A NEW FORMALITY FOR LINEN Personal Mention It Sees WfVii I . for vvi i'. UsEncra"; Ir.rolina Par' r,t potent) t biiry """ , rv ne Ul- ',!,, ml'll ana Ibere , tan cpiW" other s " , ' 150 P-w-.n- tor bo pr"d,u','tl basis iIH' : vour ",",m' ' ,i the "'av Lost Ha"'11 fU and as only Lout. an' U of L dnnk only milk th'' av- Insunu'i. he added. bum i" Ind." Utins nit't"- elopnieni ' industry. i'llfl Later acrwRi' feed mil"1 exlon-ioti "I i lonccst pos-i of pli'ii'y 1,1 quantilii' of Lst economi- aml Minister Says A'" . Man Must Guide Animal Instincts M m s natural impulses, or ani ,al 'instincts, can be put to worth i So uses; they should no be al led to run wild or to be sub ,d according to the Rev. Dr. wall ice Hamilton, St. Petersburg, , rila minister who is filling a Di li's of pulpit engagement u,c Jak(," Junaluska Assembly. ' Drawing lessons from the gos ,,,. of Jesus "behold we put bits ,, the horses mouths that they may ,,,,.. us-" Dr. Hamilton had for is "subject. "Riding Wild Horses." Ho compared ine inuci r. ..... i n,an to animal traits and said untamed impulses are like wild horses. We are born, said the speak er 'with a powerful set of im pulses which we share with all animal creation. In them lies the crcat driving force of life. The great business of life is learning what to do with the wild horses of human instinct. There are three mswers to this question that have been tried throughout human his- i""'Tlie first way is that of self ' assertion. Subscribers to this view ' say let the wild horses run; give full release to animal instinct; it 1 is wrona to inhibit or suppress a krth loss nay quired Carolina competition f World War to maintain lction by care- t contamina pollutes bill lie said. with thai of dairying ie said, we want to it For eld fl6 lAU, espnndcnl tica 1 1 y mry niir to the pice the Sau- fcram .Inlv Hi farm near the lit their cuius (line, walrr- banana-eatiim It-type events races, broad and potato and a sol thai I and Rirls' be sinj;m- lies. PSram is t ho eommitiee Ion Shook Ian Dick liar fins to everv- J"e Shaek- f" of Grtens- P' 1 spend P'uska. natural desire. The second answer is the ex Iremc opposite self negation. Those who accept this theory say these primitive desires are so fierce dial we must find a way to reduce I hem or stamp them out. The horses are so wild we must tame them. Hut the answer of Jesus is that these strong passions in our hu man nature must not be allowed to run wild or to be subdued or des troyed They must be put to use, pulled together in a greater pas ion and consecrated to the King- itoin of God. Harness the horse 'ami ride him. Modern psychology seems just beginning to discover Him at this ooint in learning how to integrate the warrine desires of our hearts which, though back of all our sins are I he great driving force of life. The world seems always to alter nate between two extremes on the one hand a Nietzsche in self as serlion, which, giving fre erein to instinct, leaves man an untamed, thouuh sometimes an educated. I savage; on the other hand a sort of Buddhism which, breaking the t spirit of man, taking the fight out of him. leaves him a driedup cab- base. But the wholesomeness of , Jesus is the miracle of history. He does not distrust our human na ture or fear its fiery passions. He says I am come not to destroy life, but to fulfill, to make it more abundant. Jesus is not at war with our human nature." jJ; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jr.. and three children Rippetoe, Mr. ind Mrs. Paul Davis had as nf wet- auests this week Mr and Mrs (). V IRISH I.1NKN CITS KliFNCII ACCK.NT . . Summer collect ions ot a number ol noted designers tea lure Irish linen costumes which dcnarl from the usual casual use of the fabric. Left is Christum Dior's natural linen afternoon dress with trimming of turquoise wool emhioidcry and fringe on Us cape col lar. Right is .losel Walkers dress-up frock in cocoa linen with black braid embroidery on its large pannier pockets. Oilier styles have velvet or fri nge trinl. wood, N. J., and Mrs. Rippetoe s mother, Mrs. Jesse Pentreath of Miami, Fla., are here for t visit to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rippetoe. Sr. Mrs. P. H. Gentry and daughter, Miss Judy Goodin, and Miss Ger aldine Paris are leaving tomorrow for a two weeks visit to friends and relatives in Savannah, Ga., and Tampa, Fla. Mr. and' Mrs. L. K. Barber and he latter's sister. Miss Marguerite W'av, left today for Brattleboro, Vt., where they will visit Mr. Bar i,r c narpnts Mr and Mrs. Law rence K. Barber, iney win aiso visit Mrs. Barber's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown in Salem, Mass. Charles Way, who is attending summer school at Duke Univer sity, will arrive tomorrow to spend the holiday week-end at home. Mrs. R. L. Wiggin of Macon. Ga., '.s the guest of Mrs. Carl Medford at her home at Lake Junaluska. Mrs. Hugh B. Campbell and chil dren, Aileen, Sue, and Hugh, and Mr Frert Saunders. Sr.. spent last week on a camping trip at Smoke- mont. They were joined for the week-end by Mr. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Walker and children have returned from a visit :o Newport News, Va., and Nags Head. Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Mathews of Paris Island, S. C, were guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. John Shackford, this week. Hamrick, Jr., and son. O V. Ham rick, III, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kaiser and children. Kenneth and Betsy, and Shep Hamrick, all of Shelby. Miss Pearl Lehnhard and Mis Inez Gregg left Wednesday lor their home in Paducah. Ky . to attend the golden wedding anniver sary of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lehnhard. They will return next Wednesday. Ralph Feichter returned on Mon day from a two weeks vacation spent in New York and Washing ton, D. C. Miss Alida Ann Collins of Wash ington, D. C, is here to spend the summer with her urandiiinlhcr. Mrs. J. F. Cabe. Mrs Carl It. King ui nuiisu.', is head .(.unsellor of the Metho dist Youth Assembly which will open Monday a I Lake Junaluska. Appro miu. dely -1"" young people .,! ( pe ted to attend the con Icieoee. wliidi will continue 1 1 1 1 1 : . U July !' Dr. Wilder Speaks At Lake Junaluska Wagner Resigns Senate Post I'a WSCS Meeting To Be Held July 7 The Crabtree-Mt. Zion Woman's Society of Christian Service will meet July 7 with Mrs. Matt Davis. The announcement was made today by the Rev. Mrs. C. O. New- MHS. KILLIAN AT ASTON PARK HOSPITAL Mrs. L. M. Killian is at Aston I'ark Hospital in Asheville where she is receiving treatment for injuries received in a fall some time ago. She expects to return home the last of next week. Miss Agnes McClure of Memphis, Tennessee arrivoH voulprHav in spend a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Porter McClure, at their home on the Fairvlew Road. The Rev. I)r .l.mio . Wildt i tor of First Mithodi l church Gatlinburg. Tennessee, stirred . large congregation when lie preach ed Wednesday night under the aus pices of the Lake Junaluska As seinbly. KtiKiiliiiiM mi the "Call of Christ, Dr. Wilder raised three questions, name v How Dccnlv do I care. How much of Christ do I have to share; and How tar w ill 1 t:o? How we answer Cod's call, be :-aid e one thing, but answering il is another; and how we answer ii depends upon how we answer llie -e three questions "The call ol Chn J." aid the speaker, is especially relevant to our day', for Cod's call has- always been more clearlv heard in times of danger rather than in limes ot ease and comfort. There is some ihioi; about I rouble that destroy nmivanislic sell conlulciio and throws him hack upon Cod. In days such as these we can hear God more clearly than ever before. "I come to you with no easy panacea for the ills of the world. There is only one way out. e Christians have that way and we must share it with the world. How deeply do we care'.' Our world is shattered and contused, men an pain-ridden and lost. How deeply do w'e care "Christianity taught us lo care, and that is a trea' Hung. Concern for those who sutler, anxiety over the lost must fill the prayers of Christians because I hey are the concerns of Cod of Christ and of the great Christian saints of I he past. How much ot i nnsi oo I,-,... t share" How lar will we a,' 'I'll,, Master is COUH VI"1 v . calleth for thee. Will they be ahl to say of you and of me- He went.' ( C ,jw ; Sei ator. in i kA- j fi York's 72-year-old V. S. Robert ROBT.F lender The erved Senate I- Wacner. re signed this week, because ot his health. He wasj n (i t e d for his , sponsorship of so-I cial and labor legislation, which included the Wag ner Labor Rela tions Act. hills on NHA. social se fiirilv. the V. S. IAllousiuts Act. an- VTAGNER t'-lynehiUK bills. and the Taft-Kl- Wagner housing bill. veteran Democrat had more than 22 years in the Mr. and Mrs. Klmore hav returned from a vi atives in Burnsville. Mr. and Mrs. 1. C. MeCahe of Jacksonville, Fla., have arrived to spend the summer and are at the Hannah Apartments. who is with tin -limmv Collh Chicaan Bureau of the Associated m' Press, arrived Sunday by plane foi a month's visit to his parents, l)r and Mrs. J. L. Cobb. it 't'o ','e'i-! J)2-Year-01d Planning Icross-Counlry Drive 1 ,,,TTseria:il il l" William ,l)ad' McClintock has the old itch again and besides he needs a va cation. So the u'J-ycai'-old carpen plans to pack up and drive to Calitoi uia and hack. i i,.s u ,n he his fourth, iiutoiuo- trip In past l!!l-odd colli ini' the west coast- in Hie years His last trans : ojoiirn waV made' in 1,1 . Mrs. George A. Niles of Crillui. Ga., and Clarence W. Miller of Lexington. Ky.. are expecleil to morrow to spend the week-end as guests of their sisters. Mrs C F Kirkpalrick and Miss llobina Miller. i o-iii v lirn hi' was McClinlock gets such a kick out ,,1 en pent is that he has no pfans ,,.,., u,. has six .children. 20 t:rainl lubli'eii and 21 ,i e;n-grand-clnMieii. e" in I he name AJhu Moxieo. is not silent. New Car Sales ! Increasing In North Carolina Nearly twice as many new cars were brought into North Carolina during May as in the same month last year but the number of trucks sold was on the decline, the North Carolina Department or Motor Ve hicles reported today. During May. 7.4R3 new cars were sold in North Carolina as compared Willi!l last year. Trucks sold numbered 1.817. a drop from the 2.(i.riS sold in the same month last scar The May sales brought to ;il !l(!4 the number of new cars sold this year and 9.412 the num ber of trucks. Chevrolet led car sales with ! 1 (wi was second with 1.3S4. 14 Per Cent Flunk State Driving Tests Fourteen per cent of the per r.ons seeking licenses lo drive dur ing May failed lo make the grade, according to a report of driver's license examiners released loday by the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles, A total of :i.l!i:i applications were approved and SflOl were dis approved Learners' permUs is sued numbered 1I.4M; 27.11711 road tests were gicu. 2!I,7II!" operators licenses, 2,.r)i4 duplicate licenses and 4.144 chauffeurs' licenses were issued .- Revenue- from this source amounted to $d!U4(. Causes of failure lo obtain lic enses among persons who previ ously held them were: Signs. 419; eyes'. 2r.2:; rules, 3!HI; road test,, 26'.l; cqiiipmenl. Ill; afnon'g new appli cants: Signs, :7!l; eyes, 107, rules, .'Kill; road lesl. 471; equipment, 2(. and ! i ,i I i-nek sales Chevrolet out- ,..;...i ntln.r vehicles with 704 sales 215 Ford sold 461 and Dodge, DINNER DANCE Saturday luly 2nd at the PIEDMONT HOTEL 9 till 1 featuring PY MARTIN and HIS ORCHESTRA Dinner 7 to 9 Call 266-J For pinner Reservations Sponsored by Beta Sigma Phi Commended by the Chamber ol Commerce Advance Tickets $1.00 tax incl. Tickets at Door $1.25 tax incl. Mr and Mrs. Noyes Long and children, Noyes. Lowry. and Troy, ,,r ni,l Hickory. Tenn.. are cx- , ., i, I in arrive tomorrow to spend the week-end with Mrs. Long's mother. Mrs. W. L. Hardin. Singing Meet Set For Sunday At Balsam Church A Jackson-Haywood county sing ,.,m..iilion will he held at the i"e"' , Balsam Baptist I liurell Minu.iy starting at 2 p.m. Convention officials asked all singers in I he iwmi couniies io i. mi- part in the session, and extended an Invitation lo everyone to attend. Ray Parker, president of Hie Hay wood singers, and Vernon Hovie, president of the Jackson County singers will be in charge oi me convention. i The hnal "i quorqii!'. New in i' --'-ii lull fr Tinr 1 ' ' " SALE1 AUCTION Vaynesville Art Gallery TWO SALES DAILY 10:30 A. M. 8:00 P. M. i 1 1 J This Season Wo Have Our j, Largest, Finest Collection Fine Diamond Jewelry . . . lmnnrtcd Pm -lains . . . Watches . . Clloeks . . . Ati.n English Silver . . . Antique I'nrnitnr. . . . Sterling Silver . . Complete Sterling Flat ware Sets . . . Service Urr 8 anil 12 . . . Art Objects. TWO SALES DAILY 10:30 A. M. 8:00 P. M. And Hundreds Of Items Too Numerous To Mention . . The Fines! Collection Of Lace Dresden Fiy.t.Ts cr OHo. ' For Sale. Valuable (fts KKKF At Each Sale! rd To The Public TWO SALES DAILY 10:30 a.m. 8 p.m. In Our New Larue Huild'mK Main Street TWO SALES DAILY ll::;tl a.m. K p.m. Waynesville Art Gallery j , y Special Call Us For Enameled Steel Fixtures Phone 88 ...a mi m m 'jmU-ly" 1 ' "TTl VACATION PEST .-. . This .V ,he girl who forces herself info o group of sfrongers, m-; ten on "toeefing people, during her vocotion . .'v."" , . - vu:t.fv.L 5-foot ENAMELED STEEL Recess Tub with chrome over-rim filler 'ind chrome st (inner tvne waste and ii over-flow. 19" x 17" ENAMELED STEEL LAVATORY, com plete with chrome faucet, chrome P. O. plus, chrome trap and supplies to floor or wall. WITH TW'O-I'IM'B WASH DOWN Closet with White Seat arrtSupply $100.00 Same with 4' 2-foot CQC KA Torcelain Stee! Tuh VWiWW Same as above with JQ close coupled closet add,r,'' NOTE: Pleae Specifv Left or Fight-Hand Tub 1 avatory Sup u mH Tmn In Wall or Floor. Let us quote you on kitchen sinks, arbae disposalls, combination dishwashers and cabinet sinks and closet combinations. u,.. I lr Furnaces. Hot Air Water Systems, Sump Pumps. O and Coal Burn" . nd Apj,rlmcnt Sl?cs, EIettric Water Furnaces and Steam Furnaces O 1 BW''e Rcgular H.nd Irons, and All Kinds of PIn.binB Supplies, Heaters, Ironers. Toasters, Bro.le Koas ers Au Machines, a Fair Stock t r.,lvani7ed Water Pipe Also a Complete Liine i n""m " ... Fittinirs u ii to Z also 2" and 4" hoii ripe ana r,i....B. - $96.00 Complete Low Prices TUNALUSKA SUPPLY CO, LAKE JUNALUSKA. N wr? ; . rrsgssS

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