STANDARD VTG Comp 220-230 S First i, LOUISVILLE KY ! - - The Waynesville Mountaineer UNCLE ABE SEZ Is Some body has sed that the drinldn' class o' fokes air the most warm-harted; may be so, they stay warmed up so much. Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park - - 64th YEAR NO. 27 16 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 7, 1949 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Cathey. ' of state Lj a call ; tobacco; h. Mor- less, but Ljch Mr. Waynes-, Cathey : j you j what is A license eel long. ler on led. Ibacco ex- upon r' L parking , Morrow i but that t i French bad onl duty m ed their here the the front the one made as , only sell yours for k $12 for yours for t changes he has kerman lew York hovering refuses to ttable. I and the j the hour i take his I fcury began in the afl- is secret. Ray's Sons m other P tieen do- buildings. piers, and all morn- of North companies No Caro. pociation. Ir the con- " stores ngs. F'f studied post fires on. he Of Dlain Hit) l'ay with r show. blllDer,. pi the Fire Hazards Few In Haywood Towns Board President Judge Marcus C. Redwine of Winchester, Ky., is president of the Southeastern Jurisdictional Board of Hospital; and Homes which will hold its 1949 confer- t Lake Junaluska on Mun '"V y ; s'' I i f it v-, Y 4 i -V1 1 ,1 nn the I ence a tours the day and luesaay. Board To Confer At Junaluska 1 I I np aouineasiei n (juiuwu-u"""' "e ! Board of Hospital and Homes will fcaport that I hold its 1949 conference at Lake business, Junaluska. Monday and luesaay. appear as Judge Marcus C. Kedwine, of bseotne a; Winchester, Ky,. president of the I board, announced this today. for a trip) The members are: the Rev. ky, another j Rufus Wicker. Atlanta., Ga.; the itfor a trip 1 Iltv. T. C. Prewitt, Vicksburg. Miss.; the Rev. Faustino Carrion. les m a n, j Havana Cuba; the Rev, W. C. the "inter-1 Franks. Campbellsville, Ky. walked a The Rev. L. E. Ledbetter. Walter- for a trip , Ixiro. S. C; the Rev. A. S. Trulock, Macon, Ga.; the Rev. Dean Stroud, lyone want-, Nashville. Tennessee. asked, as The Rev. T. M. Swann, Staunton, the circle Va : Mrs. E. L. Hillman, Wilming- N people ton; E. L. Malone. Pensacola, Fla.; Pie earth George H. Smith, Knoxville, Tenn.; Mrs. Homer Tatum, Memphis, ion u'nn- c. N. Carraway, Birmingham, J stepped Ma . Mjss Ethe Harpsli Cedart0wn, onice Georgia; E. A. Tanner, Indianola, titroduced 1 Mississippi: Mrs. Ned Camp, South Uwis of Carolina; Robert T. Amos. High W Hook pin, led to peer in arlriitinn tn .lnHm, Hodwine. r ce'''nCs. presidine nfTire inrlnHo- liUhlin nd stare at . William T. Watkins, Louisville. y S,udl 1 Ky .; Dr. Wicker Dr Prewitt and B. the fur- i)r a I. r...n0r cmi, c r m. ' ' Mrs. Laura Grahl Dies At Hospital In Chattanooga Mrs. Laura Clark Grahl, 79, wid ow of the late Will A. Grahl, died 'n a Chattannn&a hrtcnifal parlv thi s morning. Mrs Grahl was a native of Hay wood County but for the past tWelVP VPars hnA rrtarln Y.a hnrna care" with a daughter, Mrs. Sam Plott, N touch t Ga Ic wires or'w y W1" returned to Siook sairf '"''"vine for burial. Funeral e causes , "Bemen,s under the direction K off the drrelt F"neral Home were in- "i contact - " noon. N start. ,... urvlvnrs in addition to Mrs. Plott are two sons, Linwood Grahl of V a.vnesville, and Wayne Grahl phing that ,.. ""Pnur. La.: one half-brother, it. , 81 Miller Rnr,i C...U ,.f c- . . .. ""iouii oil U I II Wdiu- "na; and ten grandchildren. 'Wreckless' Holiday; None Hurt In Two Wrecks Haywood County had a "wreck s Fourth of July week-end "Mil late Monday afternoon when inxee pare - a l , , i separate collisions. "e vehicles were damaged, but "t. 0ne killed or injured in euner collision, reported State Highway Patrolman H. Dayton, no incidentally, saw one of the nappen. At S-ln - p. m., driving just east 1 canton, he saw the panel truck 17 th i i. m "We with car had turned off the road from Inspectors Make Survey Of Business Districts of Four Haywood Towns An inspection for fire hazards showed Waynesville, Hazelwood, Clyde and Canton are in "generally good" condition. W. E. Rushin of Charlotte, chair man of the North Carolina Fire Prevention Association, gave this verdict today, shortly after 20 special agents of the Association finished their two-day examinations of nearly 200 buildings in the busi ness districts of the four towns. "With few exceptions." he said in an interview, "conditions gen erally were good." Poor housekeeping trash or lit ter in basements and upper floors made up the worst fire hazard the inspectors found, and these con ditions existed in comparatively few of the buildings, Mr, Rushin explained. Godfrey Cheshire, an agent from Raleigh, said: "The greatest safe guard against fire ever devised is cleanliness." Mr. Rushin warned, "it's a mat ter of having one bad apple in a barrel of good apples. "A bad condition in one build ing is a hazard to the entire block." The inspectors, working in teams of two each, examined stores, res taurants, hospitals, cofes, theaters, city and county buildings, and a few manufacturing plants, check ing for defective power, electric, and wiring installation, and trash accumulations that could be sources of destructive blazes. Church buildings and private residences were not examined. The inspectors were unable to check the county and city schools during their tour, but Paul Davis. Waynesville insurance man, said, these buildings would be examined in the fall. "In general," Mr. Rushin added, "we found the property very well maintained. "We did not find any condition that could be called alarming and require immediate remedy, as we have found in other towns. "We also found these four com munities to be somewhat better than average of the towns we prev iously inspected." Referring to the fire-fighting in stallations, he added: "We consider the Are depart ments and defenses for the com munities as reasonably good and perhaps better than average for towns of their size." The agent also declared that the inspectors received "unusually good cooperation from local insurance executives, city officials, and indi vidual property owners and rent ers." Where hazards were discovered, the inspectors left their recom mendations with the owners or tenants of the buildings. A mimeographed report of these fire prevention surveys will be given to the respective town offi cials. Mr. Rushin said the civic officials have already promised to have their fire departments follow up on the recommendations of the inspectors regarding hazards found on property. The recommendations, he ex plained, however, are not manda tory. "The matter of correcting the conditions found is up to the indi vidual tenants and property own ers." he added. "These inspections have nothing to do with fire insurance rates, and no reports will be made to the rating authorities." He declared the agents hope one of the results of the survey will be the initiation of measures in the respective communities to prevent (See Fire Inspection Page 8 the overhead bridge and skid on the rain-slickened pavement of Highway 19-23. Mrs. Roy H. Bryant of Drayton, S C. with her husband in the car, and Mrs. Ernest Payne of English. W Va in the truck, were slammed against the windshields, breaking the glass with their heads. Neither was injured. Riding with the Paynes was their young daughter. Patrolman Dayton added he warned Mr. Bryant to do something (See Trafflr pe Police Chief f.,,-'-;:. f I : V .,W(fM-v:,,,; "OSSIE L". SUtTONVWorld War fl veteran and' former, police thief of Marion and Morganton, started work June 15 as Hazel wood's new police chief. A native son of Sylva. Chief Sutton suc ceeds John Woodrd, who ac cepted a position as a patrolman in Canton. Doctor Killed In Crash Near Soco Gap On July 4th Dr. Richard Kerman. 55-year-old Veteran Administration hos pital physician, stricken by a cer ebral hemorrhage as he was driv ing near Soco Gap Monday morn ing, was killed when his car careen ed out of control across the traffic filled highway and crashed into an east-bound bus. Four of the bus' 41 passengers suffered minor injuries. An examining physician at Hay wood County Hospital in Waynes ville said Dr. Kerman died of a fractured skull about a minute after the accident in Jackson coun ty. The four injured passengers wer released from the hospital after treament for burises and lacera tions. State Highway Patrolman Jeff May said the doctor's ear ran off the steep, twisting road 2Vi miles west of Soco Gap, drove about 200 feet through a ditch, then crossed Ihe highway and rammed the left front side of the slowly-moving bus. The impact tossed the car over to the other side of the road again. lie quoted PFC Edward Morvin of Camp Kilmer, Va an injured passenger, as saying he saw the driver slump in the car on the other side of the wheel just before the crash. The soldier said he was seated in the front of the bus near the operator. Henry E. Sievers of Asheville. Magistrate W. C. (Uncle Abet Medford, of Waynesville, who had reddin with Dr. Kerman from near (See Wreck Page 81 Depression-Born York Plant Farm Doing Fine In that dark year of 1933, the De pression was four years old, and was to become older. A Depression is no time, the eco nomic experts and solid business men say, to start a new business, especially one you don't know much about. It was about that time that D. D. York decided to start a new busi nessone he didn't know much about. Hotbed Makes D York owner of the D I heating units in his new electric hotbed, ine plants in me oea are sweet peppers. He also uses this equipment to grow sweet potatoes The veteran "farmer' farmer" says the hotbed gives him better control over the conditions under which peppers and sweet potatoes grow. This is one of the two hotbeds he installed recently. These are some of the 300,000 plants of several different types Mr. York grows and sells to farmers and gardeners for replanting. Court Term To Open On Monday A two-week criminal term of Haywood Superior Court will open at 10 a. m. Monday with 110 cases scheduled for hearing before Judge Dan K. Moore of Sylva. Tlrlr rif; Court C. H. Ltather- wood, teritilng the Size of the dock et "average for a July-session, sain drunk driving and reckless driving cases predominated, making - up more than half the total. ; '" The number includes both oul cases continued from previous court terms and Ihose which have de veloped since the February term. Besides the criminal classifica tion, five civil cases also are sched uled for hearing. If the usual procedure is followed, the divorce suits will be called first. Meanwhile. Solicitor Triad Bry son said he hoped to complete the hearings on the criminal docket by : next Thursday. Among those scheduled tor hear ing is the manslaughter charge against Hansom Green, young Clyde man, which arose from the traffic death of Frank Haynes on Novem ber 21. Haynes was struck and killed by an auto at a street intersection in Clyde. Glenn Hampton Biyson in the February term pleaded guilty lo involuntary manslaughter in Mr. Haynes death and was ordered to pay compensation to the victim's widow, Mrs. Daisy .Haynes. Officers said the two defendants were driving the cars involved in the accident. After one of the autos struck Mr. Haynes, the other struck the first car. The list of prospective jurors for the term were drawn late last month. They are: First week Ferguson Duckett, Fines Creek; Miss Frances Ray. Waynesville; Glenn Campbell, Iv II 1: R. L. Davis. Jonathan Crer Amos Moody. Jonathan Creek; Clif ton Rich, Ivy Hill; Corbit W. Wright, Pigeon; Francis Bradshaw, Iron Duff. William T. McGaha, C'ataloochee, Tom H. Harkins, Keaverdam; G. W. Young, Bcaverdam; P. I). Turner. Waynesville; J. G. Tate. Iron Duff. Guy MeCracken, Beaverdam; K. L. Burnett, East Fork; Hugh Russell, Clyde. Ned Crawford. Iron Duff; A W. Devlin, Beaverdam; Morris T. Brooks, Beaverday; James J. Clark. Fines Creek; Mrs. David Hyatt. Dewey V. Brendle and W. E. Nichols, all of Waynesville: and Grady L. Owen, Beaverdam. Second week Gilbert Reeves, Waynesville; Frank Parton, Ivy Hill; Haywood Chapman, Beaver dam; C. L. Mill, Jr., C'r;'iiti'' : Sam (See Court Page x j He rented about j0 acres of land I on the Pigeon River above Bethel School, and he and his wife started cultivating a quarter of an acre of it to raise vegetable plants for sale. Three more acres they planted in vegetables. The Yorks had 15.000 to 20.000 plants that first year and made a profit at a time when their sweet potato plants sold for 20 cents a (See Depression-Born Page 2) Better Peppers York Plant Farm, points out the Canton Lion I K a , J MAURICE T. BROOKS. Can ton merchant, is the new presi dent of the Canton Lions Club. He was installed during cere monies last month at the Mount Valley Inn succeeding Floyd Rob- Lions To Install New Officers The members of the Waynesville! Lions Club will induct their new officers tonight. The installation ceremonies will feature a steak dinner at Insurance Man L. N. Davis' camp off the Balsam Road. The meeting is scheduled to start at 7 p. m. Richard Bradley, who was elected first vice-president last month, will automatically become the new president, succeeding Paul Davis, after the formal installation. Lloyd Klrkpatrick, who was elec ted president for the new club year, was killed in an onto accident June 18. Jimm.v Reed will be inducted as second yicerpresident..jQfrn Cudde back, third vice-president; Ernest Edwards, secretary; Herbert Angel, treasurer; Lester Burgln, Jr., Lion tamer; Joe Tate, Jr., Tail twister; Lawrence Leatherwood and J. C. Patrick, directors for one year; and Ben Phillips and C. E. Weatherby, directors for two years. After Mr. Bradley assumes the presidency, Mr. Reed will become first vice-president, and Mr. Cudde back, second vice-president. The new directors will select the third vice-president after the cere monies. Haywood 4-H Clubbers To Go To White Lake A week's vacation starts Monday morning for 100 boys and girls of Haywood County's 4-H Clubs. That's the time they'll leave Waynesville for the State 4-H Club Camp at White Lake. Assistant County Agent Joe Cline has advised the members planning to make the trip to re turn the cards sent them so ar rangements can be completed. Twelve local leaders will accom pany the 4-H members. Evangelist Holds Meetings Here I Evangelist J. W. Brent of Nash j ville. Tenn., is conducting a series ' of meetings at the community church building near the Haywood County Hospital. ! Thn L-ariG iu rtiror'toH 1, t hi Churches of Christ of Nashville. Services are being held at 8 p. m. every day. Everyone is invited to attend. Mrs. Guy Massie has returned from a vist to her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kline, in Dixon, III., and other relatives in various cities in Indiana. Nearly 5,000 People See Hazelwood Boosters' July Fourth Program The fourth annual Hazelwood Boosters Club Fourth of July pro gram again proved a popular suc cess during its one-week run from June 28 through last Monday. Up to 5,000 men, women and children went to the Waynesville Township High School field to try out the ferris wheel, merry-go-round, the four other rides, and Ralph Howell's ponies. Hundreds more saw the track and field events, hog rifle match, and the other contests that made up a feature of the Independence Flood Survey Being Made In This Area Recreation Commission To Meet In Canton Members of the Haywood Rec reation Commission will meet at Canton High School at 8 p. in. to morrow to watch demonstrations of games and contests and work out the details of the county-wide pro gram. Canton llih School Athletic Director Charluf Poindexter will direct the demonstrations, which will be given lo aid the recreational committeemen of the individual communities in conducting their local programs. The 35 commission members, who include community recreation lead ers, civic and business representa tives, and school and YMCA ath letic officials, elected the Rev. C. L. Allen of Aliens Creek as (heir chairman and drew up a general plan for a county-wide recreation program at their organizational meeting on June 28. One of thi1 points in the plan is to train recreational leaders lo set up programs in their own com munities. Tomorrow night's meeting is the first of the scheduled monthly meetings which will be held alter nately in Canton and Waynesville Community recreational commit teemen throughout the county are urged to attend the session. Lancasters Are Improving From Painful Injuries Attending physicians reported Thursday noon that Dr. and Mrs. N. F. Lancaster who were painfully injured in an automobile wreck last Thursday night, were "getting along satisfactorily'' at an Ashe ville hospital Dr. Lancaster suffered several broken ribs, and cuts about the face. Mrs. Lancaster received a con fusion of the head and bruises about the arms and shoulders. The two were returning from a visit to their son in camp near Weavervillc when hit head-on by a truck. Their car was almost de molished Indications yesterday were that they would remain in the hospital perhaps another week before be ing able lo he brought home. Judge Parker Says U. S. Must Carry Principles Into World At Large High point of Junaluska Assem bly's observance of the Fourth of July was the patriotic address at 8 p.m. by Judge John J. Parker of Charlotte, who spoke on "Amer lea's Leadership in the World Com munity." He was heard by Ihe season's largest evening crowd gathered in the outdoor auditorium. Americans still believe. Judge Parker said, in the principals of the immortal Declaration of Independ ent m the sovereignty of the in dividual soul. Today, he added, there is more of security, more of opportunity and more of happiness to be fount1 beneath the Stars and Stripes than anywhere else under God's shining sun. ' "The time has now come," he continued, "when we must carry in to the life of Ihe world at large the .principles upon which the greatness of our nation has been founded." Day program. About 500 watched Hazelwood beat Canton in an In dustrial League baseball game at the school stadium. On Monday morning, the main street through Waynesville and Hazelwood was packed with spec tators who came in spite of the summer heat, to see the Fourth of July parade that started at the Haywood County Court House. After the final event ended. Club President M. H. Bowles said: "We want to thank all organiza (See Roosters Page 8) Flood Damage Survey Is Being Made In Haywood By TVA Engineers The Tennessee Valley Authority will recommend the launching of a $20,000,000 federal flood control program in the valley of the i pper French Broad River, when t lie vat ley people indicate they want to take part. The recommendation would tie made to President Truman This was announced shortly aftpr U. S. Rep. Monroe Redden of Hen dersonvllle. TVA Director Gordon Clapp, and TVA board members conferred Tuesday in Knoxville. Under the tentative plans, seven detention basins would be con structed throughout the valley, dykes would be erected ul ceitaiu points, the portions of Ihe French Broad and Swannanoa rivers would be dredged and changes made at points in their channels. Meanwhile, TVA Area Kngineer Max I. Mitchell of the Asheville office continued his survey of Hay wood streams and the damage done by the June floods. He described his work lo the Mountaineer on Tuesday as a "routine survey" to determine the damage and obtain other Hood data in his area, which includes Bun combe, Transylvania, and Hender son counties as well as Haywood Mr. Mitchell said he was con ferring with County Agent Waynn Corpenlng and others, and making personal observations for bis offi cial report which he will make to TVA Knoxville headquarters when his survey Is completed. He said he launched the study in lug area on June 17, the day after the destructive floods. On his way to Knoxville 0n gressman Redden stopped in W -nesville Monday and conferird with Charles Ray, chairman of the State Parks Commission. He and Mr. Redden were lun cheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hav at the Waynesville Country Club The Reddens are spending the summer at their Hendcrsonville home. SUFFERS BROKEN LEG Mrs. Frank M. Davis of Iron Duff, is in the Haywood Count v Hospital suffering from a broken leg. She had the misfortune to slip while at the community pirme Monday night, and broke lMi bones in her right leg just ahov; the ankle. "Almost overnight, the world !'3. become one great community air! upon us has developed the pflricr ship of the free peoples of thot community. "European civilization has been nearly destroyed; an economic and sociological revolution of woilr! wide propositions is changing our habits of life; and within a decsc there has occurred a greater shift in world power than has occur! ed since the fall of the Roman Empire. "Across the stage of historv I rn mighty powers have arisen Sovit t Russia, championing the false phil osophy of communism and Hip (v alitarian state and ruled by dr -potic leaders scheming for or! domination, and our own cui", .. standing for the ideals of the frfo nations of the west individual freedom liberty under law "The leadership of Western Civil ization is tendered us. We nm t (See Judge Parker Page 8 Highway Record For 1949 (To Dl) In Haywood Killed.::: 3 Injured . : . 21 (This Information com piled from Records of Stat Highway Ptro!).