it July 7, 19 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FIVE (Second Section) TO CHURCH SOMEWHERE EVERY SUNDAY 3 V. - I - es Just'1 nirili , liicr. thodil I'astur & ill ' ' 1 ,! i ! 1; . v. 1'iee Methodist Chapel Boundary St., Waynesville I!, v. Kuth Gruber and Rev. ( lurlotte Bishop, Co-pastors ,,mlav School, 10:00 a. in. Mi.iniiiK Worship, 11:00 o'clock I v cuing Service. 7:43 o'clock. Mill -week prayer and praise . ,, ,-miH. Thursday night, 7:45. , mi are cordially invited to wor , ,,, (,lHl with us in these full ,.,. services, it you do not at ., , lun ch elsewhere. i) ,inn unto the Lord a new ,,,, suit! unto the Lord, all the earth-" SI'IXIAL YOl'TII RALLY Tins Saturday night, at the Free M.-ihiidisl Chapel. 7:45 p. m. Mrs CI. A. (iaines of The Jolley 1 1, uiic, Conyer, Cia., wife of the IV .ii let Superintendent of the Free L-tiiodisl ehureh of the Georgia liistncl. is guest speaker. Aeconi IMiiMMK Mrs. Gaines will be the (,,il. (Quartet from Jolley Home. ,,i, it ear-old special soloist, Jerry MeCi.l'loueh. These hoys and girls ,,, nieiiihers of the big family at oPey Home, Conyers. Come, hear liul the wonderful project at ,,ii. el's, and listen to the beauti ,1 miisie rendered by the children iuiii Jolley Honje. mi u iii Hi' ft: i; li.-.i Church Of God HAZl.LWOOI) I hi- Hrv. Hugh .1. Cox, Pastor Nmcl.iv School, 10 a. m. 'i . ;h hiiiK Services, 11 a. m. I v hikcI ist ic Services, 7:30 p. in. Weilne day. 7::!0 p. ni., Young People's meeting. Want Ads bring quick results. ' . .J LJ 1 Many Attend July 4th Picnic At Davis Farm ! Hy MltS. HOY li MKOFOKU , ! Mountaineer Con pponclpnt ' One hundred itv men. wuuien, ' land children celebrated the Fourth I of July la .1 Monday at the Iron Duir ('oininiiiiitv Development Pio j Barm picnic at Frank Davis' tai in j The liev M. li Williamson, pas tor of the Vanesville l'leshvlerian Church, made the Independence (Day address that was an outstand I ing feature of the event Slate Hep. Orover C. Davis of 'Waynesville. who intorduced the minister, told the audience he was "glad to he back home, the best place in the world " Recalling the days when he lived in Iron Dull, he kept the guests in almost continuous laughter with his stories ol the by-gone years. Introducing Mr Williamson, the legislator described him as a man for whom h" has been mistaken many times. Frank Davis, the host, who served as master of ceremonies, and is chairman of the County Dairy Commission, said there was a united effort to make the Coun ty's Community Development Pro gram a success "We probably don't understand all its phases.'' he added, "but prchaps we will come to under stand them belter later." He welcomed the guests on be half of himself and his family .1. It Caldwell. Iron Dull' com munity chin man. also greeted the guests and the Hev. Mrs, C () Newell offered the prayer for hle-s-ing. The Hev, C O Newell's recital of the poem "I Want To Go Hack To the Farm.'' closed the program. (the (Soliitn (Text IS Kiss., ma . i 3 v New Memorial Chapel At Lake Junaluska Opens "O giv The pilgrims going to chuich. ihonkl unto Jthovah; for h i good "-Psolm 136.!. CI illtIM jt midnight : : i be In m Is, m e new wink' urn l"ep. ice (ul'cs remain Jargi' f.;i ( pea I M'Hiil in the I ilisiuikal. All Ionic ( a i h w c( k, O'lKilul in I he bill li:)J.droster; 19Q fir. $20.00 Down 103. J J $9.00 Monthly Pic ihatitiful Display of Norge 8 - hi Cubic Foot Models Ki d iterators at S ELECTRIC CO. Main Street Elizabeth Chape! Hible School CeiiiK Held The liev .1 F. I! Ilmi-cr. pas tor of the Dellwood Methodist Cir cuit, report- the Vacation Hible School being held at Kliabeth Chapel i'- growing in both interest and attendance. The school classes meet dally at , !)::!() a in. with Mrs. Woodie Jones I serving as principal, and Mrs Joe Turner. Mrs. ('lamer MeCracken. Mrs. Mark Calloway. Mrs. Ward Kirkpatriek. Mrs Hugh ItatclilTe, Mrs. Paul Hiyson. Mrs C. I. Stied ley, and Mrs. Carter Camp helpinfi with the work. The revival series, meanwhile, will continue through Wednesday nighl. The Hev. John W Moore, who is preaching at the services every evening, will deliver the sermon Sunday at 11. a. in. Increasing attention is being drawn steadily to the singing led by Mrs. Sliedlcy 111 the Hible school anil by Miss Mary l.inda Jeffries in the evening services. Serving as pianist for all the services is Mrs Way Kalciuie, woo I has earned the appreciation and I gratitude the members of the (lunch have cvpressed. Field Day To Feature MYF Meet Monday A Field Day will he held Mon day at the Canton liecieat ion Park starling at 2 p in., which will feature the Haywood County sub district meeting of the Methodist Youth Fellowship At I) Jl) p in . a picnic supper will be held, with everyone invited to bring a dinner Swimming and other recreational events will be on the Field Day program Bible School Set For Francis Cove Church Hv MltS WM. IIOIXIXGSWOKTII Mountaineer ( 'onespoiulenl Tin' Francis Cove Church will hold a Vacation Hible School next week Children of all ages are in vited to attend. . DON'T HMMv NOW. V. "I Ml MI'IIIS. Ti nn. ' I'pi Mr -F.ninia Hut land heard a noise he hind her and when she looked there was a black cat meowing at his reflection in a broken mirror Amateur Night Set For Fines Creek July 22 Hv MltS l'l'HM N NO!. AND Mountaineer Con espondent l ines Creek's musicians, artists, singers, and those with .i 1 1 1 plain i, dent will compete for pries in a Community Development Program Amateur Night event starling at "stll p in. July L'2 at the Fines (i eek School All buy s ami gu Is and men and women who want to compete may (ontacl Mr.. Mark Ferguson ol Clyde loule I, the program chair man, or Assj taut County Agent Turner Calhev at the County Court Hon .c The net proceeds from the la eent adini .sion pi ice lor children and LTi cent charge for adult:, will go into the community treasury to help pav tor Hie project . which will he can M il out ill Ihc ( oinimiuily I lev i lopnicnl Progi am. Charles Dm l:el I , the cominiui i v (hail man. will pi c ule at t he event The regular ( 'onmiiinily Develop ment meetings are held at 7.110 p. m every third Friday at Fines Creek School. Sunday was a banner day at the Lake Junaluska Assembly notable for the large congregations thai tilled the auditorium where ser vices were held, and especially not able in that it marked the official opening of the Junaluska Temple of Peace a memorial chapel in which are preserved the names of 70. OOP Methodist young people who served in the armed forces of World War II. Early Sunday morning Commun ion Services marked the opening of the Chapel to the public. Bishop Costen J. Harrell, of the Charlotte Area, Dr. F. S. Love, Superintend ent of the Assembly, Chief Navy Chaplain. Admiral W N. Thomas and the Hev. Dr. Elmer T. Clark, editor of World Outlook and trustee of the Assembly, officiated at the opening service which was held at 8:30 a.m. Bishop Harrell in the Commun ion Meditation .stressed the fact that while the building specifically honors the men and women who "defended our country's sacred liberties'' when they were imperil ed." il is also a real memorial to all that has Rone before in the estab lishment of this church center and a reminder that those living today are debtors to those who have gone before and dedicated to the hope that nations will learn to live to gether as members of the family ol Cod. "It is more than u memorial." he continued, "il is a place of worship where we shall seek in spiritual reality those of the long past to whom we are indebted and through them find our way into the pres ence ot Almighty won. mere are many who have built II. It is not just another building. It is dedicat ed particularly to the dead and line things of the soul It is the spot at Fake Junaluska where peo ple may experience the presence of dod." The chapel seats 'MM and an or derly arrangement permitted Un people inside and the wailing crowds outside to lake their places at the altar and receive the Sacra ment dispensed by Bishop Harrell and the assisting ministers Throughout the day the chapel remained open for Inspection. It was announced that the build ing would be used exclusively for worship and would be open to per sons desiring to enter for medit ation and prayer. Funds which were donated by generosity of the congregations in the Southeastern Jurisdiction have made possible the building of the Nashville Pastor To Conduct Clyde Baptist Revival ship A week of revival and win services will open Sunday at Clyde Baptist Church, with o -" t L- ; .. i- HUV. V . I 111(11 r I rill( IS, I Ol II K I I ) o;nl ( ,( Katchllo I ove resident and now pastor of the Nashville. N (' Bap tist Church, preaching the evening sermons. The Rev. D D. dross, pastor of the Clyde Church, said in he announcement today that Mr Fran cis also will conduct the morning devotional programs over Station WUCC in Waynesville lor the re mainder ol the wo( k starting at i: :i0 a m Tuesday A graduate ol Wake Forest Col lege and Croier Theological Sem inary, the revival minister served as an Army chaplain during the war After leav ing the scry ice. he studied graduate work for a year at Duke Ciuvcrsily before accept ing the position as pastor at the Nashville church Clyde Pastor To 'Hold Morning Radio Series I Mm p. r j i'roti!.iM w ill be con 'i'ieii'1 hv Pe D D di oss. pastor , "t the II.H'li I chun h. Mon 1 da; lliiniuli S,itunla of next week ' at ! ."i j 'I h- Hev M II illiam .on, pas tel ol the Wayne. .vllle Pi esbyt-r-i.iii eiiHiel, will lie the i.peaker ti'.P lollow im: wi rk Die worship service will be tiom the First Baptist church Sunday morning at I 1 o'clock The p.isloi, Hev. I,. (J. I'lliott, will speak on this subject: "Light Through Darkness." Hailio station W'llfC is cooperat ing with I he Haywood County Atin : I. a ill Association in bringing to the 1 1st curls ol ll.iywood and Jack--on counties these daily programs it ll:;loil III Unction and inspl- I ,ll lull. P II ke el (,"11" boy Let on I -.irili I I -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e aaill. 1 1 American s : pent a tola! I the penally rh sloni ate o LENNOX Songs Sung by Marching Pilgrims ISIIA ELITES GO SINGING ON WAY TO JEKCKALKM Baptists Name School Olliccts (OOlfRS KITH! Only one new officer was eleeled as the Crabtree Hapltsl Church's Sundav School was re-organied at a meeting at the church Sunday. Hubert Wells was selected as the new trea -urcr. and Superintendent Vincent Ilaney and the teachers all were re-elected to their former positions IUF. ( AFSFS HAVOC MILFOBD. Ma--s- '"'l'1 ' Trying to shoo a bee oul her front door. Mrs, Pamesma Bruce. HI!, slipped and fell, fracturing her wrist and shoulder and injuring her bin. for v your'Pullets now helps you get MORE EGGS next Fall Waynesville Feed & Seed Co. Balsam Uoad at Aliens Creek rlionc 493-J I ii MiiaaMl. W .4 r .-i . Jf " By NKH'MAN CAMrBKI.L IS TIIKRK anything more en Joyahle than for a group of pen (de to get together for a good .sing'' The many woes that plague the world today seem to melt away when we join our voices in pong. V sing when we are happy; when w r are in church nr Sunday Fchool, and the songs we have sung in our childhood days -n Sunday school remain with us all our l.vrs Young people (or older ones I on hike?, or gathered around an outdoor fire. lmost always fl the urge tn break intn song Happy is the home where the members of the family sing to gether In the hnm- of this writer, all the family ang On Sunday eve nings wp would sing the hymns of nur ehureh. and today it is one of the pleasantest "f home mem ories Purh singing should he rneonr agrt II is not rvrryonr nh" 'an plav a mnsirql instrument hut most can smg. and who .-an he angrv with h'S brother, sister "i friend if they join in song possit'lv if "lrn "nl w ono n of different nat mno emiM sing to gether iP-tead of arguing fvi him that liateth piaee I am for peace - hut when I speak, they are for war " The 121st Psalm is so beautiful and comforting that we love to dwell on it "I will lift up min eyes unto the lulls, ( wh-nee conieth my help. "My help eometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth "He will not suffer thv font 'ei be moved. H- that keepeth t iae shall neither slumber nor sleep . . "The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil lie shall preserve thy soul. "The Lord shall preserve thv going out and thv enming in from this tim- forth, and even for evermore " Too manv people in these davs do not kn"W the enmfolt that ehureh going gives They would not he alii- to say w ith ih- march ing Pilgrims "I was glad when thev sao) lintn me. l,et os go into Hie h"se of the I,ord ' Our feet shall stqnd witpin'hv gates. O let nsalem. "Whither the tllhes go op, the tribes of the I,oid. lint" test,. nmnv of Israel, to give thank ,,nln the nao.e of the Lord . pray for th" pea'" of leiusa- MFMO!V VFFSF n , to Vet for We r1 f-- ' 3 . .... "Ts ,his and tn ion would 1- p ,nH really v.old live t- etrrr as biothers instead of epe-se,-,ng Whieh ope ean take advantage of the others We find the title. A .'-' "' n, ,,r. over each psalm, has no for us These sere, ,n h marehmg se.ngs. probahlv epe ,s caravans "f pilgrims alked en their way t rusakm for the h-lv feasts to see Jerusalem. Hie H-lv City, where the great temple most have made these people very happy, and they sang as they were on their way. thanking Irhnvan for their blessings and fr His help in past troubles The first Psalm in -or lesson today -the 120th - seems rspenal lv aprmpnate for us of today when J have ended a terrtbl war and fear that another may br.,rmv distress . -ried unto the Lord! and H. heard me Ie r mv soul U Lord from lying Up-. . rr.rh- rylv soul nam " Ba""l 't" clilfl .Millirrt pr.Ui.P'l 1- lem tbPv shad prosper 'ha! t hee Vaee be - . t 11 I n Th v "all", and prosper, lV - iHo thv palaees ' Fot tnv lii'tliu'i i and eom papions' sake. I will n'w sav. f a. e tie within thee " The word I. rosalem" mean" (jlV of Peace" Alas, that it ba seen " little Pea'- W c,p. however, neev be hopeful for I'? f,l,"r'' .s , ,i Psalm ta begins tsehopi. how good and how pleasant it is for htethien to dwell together in unit v'" The last psalm as igned us is short, and is addressed to the n, gh(-watchers -f 'he temple, and the tearher should explain to the pupils the procedure as related by the comment ator. Behold, bless ve the Lord, all ve servants of the Lord, which by night stand in the house of I he Lord Lift up coin hands in thr sanctuary and bless the Lord "The Lord that made heaven and earth bless the- out of f.ton." i n, Int. million! .-..unci, ol Krllt.our r, , . .a V K " b'-a' o - S- ' l','' Memorial Chapel CI Colin slsle it r- built of All interior appointim ills high order hut there icin.un . much ; to be done both inside .and oul be lore the building, can be said to be , complete. The Hose W indow wliiihj has been in .tailed above the altar. honors two Lake .luii.ilu -la boys who lost their I i in Woi Id W.u ' II. l.t. Thomas Melve, who was killed in a plane era .h in I lull i. and Pvl . .lohn H.ilhboiie, w ho w.e lost at sea when his ship was tot pedoed. The temporary side win- d(lWS Will he 1 i pl.K I ll ll lilies ot art gla as I hey are sub .cribeil to by families of veterans and liiend . of the Assembly In C.olhic beaiilv tin I land- lle .ide t be liimmei in:: lake 111 ilellt pi ole I to Ibe 111 c . ( il nn w ar ha . dared to lake Trademai k ol our t In i t i.m fail h Its Celtic Cross points In the sky Within Its walls are shattered dreams Of lads who were not bin u lo die The worshipers go slowly Ihroiigh Our chapel's open door Itcveri nt Iv they I neel and pray We'll study war no inure Our temple lo the Prince of Peace (!od grant I hat il may he A shrine of love and brotherhood Throughout eternity. iMof i in iiiiimiiiilililfMi ii ih MEAN QUALITY in HOME HEATING IH A NO IOWK 1KRM8 PATMEH; KhE IIS TODAY Hi 9 UNO compaNf Phone 13S7 58 Rroadwaf Ashfrill. N. C. AUCTION SALES Friday, July 8 10:00 A.M. Lot 114' x 263' located on Main Street in Way nesville next to Post Office. The Old Waynesville Hotel property subdivided or as a whole. Hotel build ing will be sold separately. 11:00 A. M Corner lot 110' x 100' located corner Haywood Street and Central Avenue. Unrestricted. 11:30 A. M 79' business lot located on Depot Street half block from the bank. 2:00 P. M. 171' business lot, subdivided or as a whole, lo cated on Haywood Street near Potls Motor Company. 4:00 P. M. 50 acres subdividedinto tracts located on Hyatt Creek two miles from Dayton Rubber Plant - electric ity available. BIG FARM ME Saturday, July 9, 2:00 p. m. 3(10 acres subdivided into large 'and small tr;i( and lici.ntifnl '.' Ir " '' river. Located on the Pigeon Highway No. 27K siboiif 12 miles fnni XV iy n. v .11. and lmn 10 miles from Canton. A part of the SI'KIN(.I) Al K SCHOOL I'KOPI KTY .l KNOWN AS TIIK HIGH VALLEY FLACK. One K-room house with . I. . 'i i. itv. limbec. :: ImHis and in excellent shape. Also, several cabins .md other oii(luililin:s. Well w4(eicd by streams and river. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT L. N. DAVIS CO.. WA YM SVILLL. N. C. Easy Terms - Cash Prizes - Good Music If You Have Property To Sell Sec Us WALTER & GUBLEY AUCTION 00. SELLING AGhNTS Charlotte, N. C. v M ' I