THE W A YNES VlLLE MOUNTAIN KfciS Cool Food for Hot Days f" 1 u i; s i i: ( (! i 1:01: hints TO FA KM IIOMF.M AKI-1KS iileil itirU'hitlis uiul uili i! iimp pii'k i) itul Well bill should nevi-i be ileit nil Vd tnt .li-c-i, ruiiliiiii home iiiaiidt'tuinil An oiletl il.iiii u-t-it on tin nit in c tin islied with Wix makes I lie a StiekN diitl ding leiailje tile oil softens it. jiut as an oiled mop does mi a waxed Hum' Koi' flu init! lini.ilme tin Veldli-t - i et'iii 11 1 1 it-1 ii1 t-illin' fl ail. -..It. lii.t 1. . lull, ..i . 4 -1 i 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 . 01 t lie l ulm.l In lr II il I n'h 1116iit ut .-i atiuiiu dusting, tiili the lui graiii ut ttie iwtJ FUitaic -tiuiiiit FulIUtnie iii.H onit in tunc a on iio i.iuil, n-t i a 1- Used J'lai r a between -e'.e rheesei lot n and i u t lar motion Let dr ami Mini, tn , tne si. ill. ot wax i- u-tit cloth li t ill v Kiel, ,i.ll-l, (' become- ti.iiil ilolli or lui illg Dt.ce .1 gllnuii tit. oil i lui li ll lellniM li.. a neu en. 1 1 Winn- i. ut ut . b i ll ,ii i tlioruu. !, li- I Missing ii. i i 5 xf- ssss&jr i .illue V.t, tl.c MH V ilepetidilli f'jiX ?V'tf - i ' k! . 1 u J lu v ill! I tin nt It luuu' Two men .nil lid iii Penn I'l i uii. .i -u!t - vhani.i .mil nit nt illi-il In poliee ., l.ll l. ,11,111,. .In! .-. VI,. -ll,.., i:, Ml ..I I in. .11 I iii-li In ton- tin u.i,, S (' . and l.-imli i Cnnit, :." . of "li Hi.-'- -ii-u! D.i lulu. i :nt Iii ii, Iii l.l ill i 1 1 II- u; ki.ljt-i t Dli-1 i ,,h,. t' -. ,-ar- I '-i hiii Ii h.i htiiMiu old .M.miIi I'.t.iii, c i.ixi Hi l.u'l.ihili li i-l .,1, .ill'.iT. Ill,, i, I II,, .ii!,- , , pan- ' u U..II- in . i .ii. I.- ipu,:,,)., i . 1 1 1 ilii-. -iiui-k .!' inliieh mil Diner mi tlie lie. ill .mil dr pos- luliiui- ulli ,i ilolli til ut In bmh in -i i . i v iii.- iii.;ii- p.' v'- " I !..! !-. . i ii I niuii v ( i ii t ,. , , t-ari-li- l-el Hi- '-'-mi. I ll I v. ill Hie a lull lulllill III. bully. I ' ' ' n v.i ( )lr- . i In,. I-., i n in . in in,.,. In- - f Alt!i- li, .,, I; .In;!,- ;t; 'I'lli'li mi i M-uil illtle tlillr'- t,n Al' I'liulte. that Mi.ik.- evei mI.'iv enukniLi nlei'- , ;:!,:;::; Judjjo Throws nook f...iui- ''-!. ii ui. km, i At Soldier-Driver U"l'l!i,;,ll, . n,:ni'. m:...I.,( ... ,h, . ri" "l,U,n SI'lilNDS. Cl. cam.., I l,,-en m linn 1 '' W " r""u''1 "" Tll"n'e T. i:..-!,,-,-,- , -.:,, ,1 marking ., c'""i'''' " i"""-l- Kla-s i,., m,,,, , , ,: , ,-, - 1 "' ' -ohlier al Camp C'ar- D.'. p.i -n,,.,i- ,m .,!! i.mI. ,ii u'' LI"IU ' I'"'''-'' -iimt il lui ,.,,'u,.,.. -ImL, C 11 Kabinik. ami the re- -Mimi.'; I.. uiMi -liaiWiti-r vU,u 1 ' '; lil'1-.' 'I ill n III", S2n0. 1)1 li iliam, i-. unh wire- ( ',, , , 2 ,J ' 'l''-- : " tuv.lhi-i lu .ih(l,l:, ,,; :i Dama-'iii: i pi upirty. SI 51). Miial'l iil,-i,-iN Hum i.illmi- thiuii.h 4 "'" ''"w' 111 ""' l'U -Sliuiln and mm,- , on.l.ii l.,l,e ""M'n.ded. I'-mdi. I.-. miMim v,(,,. ,m, n Ills I H'.lil to drive ill the ht.ite. U.....I. n -,u.m- iM-ended I b lie "a-- . ill In jail lor inabil- , - - II ' I" pa' In til,, .. " ' he waik. .1 In the jail cell. ' "" "Hoilme , (h ; MM'" ' -"' ' "' mm,-. I,, ,l- ;,,,!,. - .,,,.,. innie tin in iimm.ii m T, -line--. . e I .-a. lied an all t 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1' 1 1 i) t , i Ih.'i.:' ill nun n, I'll.', the Munnlaiin el Want Ads ' 0t.ft ,lf-iWSiliiliif.g $m 'Mr f..wifh JFG mm I "Ike M Dress Up Your Salad Dressings, M'am By KI.IZAHKTH TOOMEy United l'l'ess Stall C'oirespoiide)iit NKW YOHK. ilil'i Instead ot i niggling lo tind new salads (or runnier das, ..m might try using new dressings on favorite salad combinations. Willi all i he bottled brands nn tlie market, the art of mixing up a dre-ing at lionie feems less iiiipor Uiiit than it used to fiut whether you start with a bottled mixture and add your own touch of flavor ing or whether ou mix the v hole dreeing sourfeli ui pi isingly good dressings can cutiie out ot the kite hen A "magic mayonnaise" which is mixed from sweetened condensed milk make, a good topping for fruil and vegetable salads. It can be mixed up ahead and placed in a covered jar in the refrigerator to be setved over stuffed tomatoes or a molded fruit salad. Manic Mayonnaise j lNGKEUIENTS: 23 cup sweet ened condensed milk; rup vine-l-'ai' or h-inoii juice; 1 j cup -,alad oil or melted butler: 1 c-Mg yolk, 1 2 Ua-.p. salt: da: h of cayenne, and I tt-asp. dry inu- tard. ! METHOD: Mix ingredients and place in jar; cover tightly and 1 -hake xigorously lor two minutes, i Dr place the iiiKredienl s in a niix- 111M howl and beat with a rotary healer until mixture thickens. If thicker consistency is desired, chill before serini;. Hi cipe makes 1 1 .i cups. This llull'y dressing can be varied by addim; a (ii,ii'tcr cup of chopped olives or of collate cheese. 11 you .ire seiAint; it with a salad for a party luncheon, you might add I toasted cheese crackers to (he plate. Just put slices of your favor ite cheese on top of the crackers, ' sprinkle with paprika and place under a low broiler flame until the cheese is just melti d. I l'iain mayonnaise can be ivi n , countless variations with little el-1 I'm 1. Chopping up a little pimento ami green pepper in the inayoii-i naise gives an interest ini; flavor. I Or tin,, a ini,, a Kusmhii dressing by adding chopped olives, pickles, j a lilll,. lio(iiefoit cheese, a dash 1 of toinalo kclliciip and a little chili sauce. 1 Cottage cheese can be beaten up 1 Willi a little cream, Ii m juice. ! salt and pepper lo lop a fruit salad. ! And (he old I'avorile French dress-1 big can be used 011 healthful tossed ! salads fresh from the garden. Hen 's a reeine for a simple French dressing to mix at the last mintii,.. j Uuick French Dressing ! I Mr' I) L- r . r- i.-r c . c. . v ,nr.i H i m; v. tnsps. pre pared mustard; 1 tea-sp, salt; i4 teasp. pepper; -U cup salad oil; U cup inegar, and 1 teasp. siignr optionali. METHOD: Mix ingredients and shake, beat or stir until well blend ed. Recipe makes one cup. Good Deed for Today Leaves Autoist Cold MEMPHIS, Tenn. IUP)-JI. D. Townsend wi-.hes people sometimes wouldn't be so helpful. While trying to gel into a park ing spot, Townsend stopped his car to let other automobiles get past. A motorist behind him mistook hi-: waving motion and began to push his car. Town end Cammed on his brakes and waved furiously for the other to stop. But the other motorist still thought Towniiend was in trouble and kept on pushing. "So," Townsend said, "I finally gave up and let him do his good deed, then drove around the block and parked in the same spot." yfir An f CHil.I.FD BEET SOUP A variation of Borscht By CECILY BKOWNSTONF. Associated Press Food Editor If von like to serve soup and salad luncheons in hot weather, be ale two new recipe-, for vou. The soup pictured is a version of that old oerninial "l;.n i hl The salad is a uai tn ularly delicious com bination ol .lulv fruit:; with a creainv new kind of Since it's a good idea to serve al least one hot food on each menu, evln in torrid weather, vou can let the soup preface a casserole When you serve the salad you may wish to procede it with a warm soup. SUMMER FKIUT I'LATE Arrange attractively on an individual salad plate, a banana cut in half lengthwise and dipped in lemon juice, slice of boneydew melon seedtd grape halves, or pitied cherry halves, diced cantaloupe, and fresh pineapple cut in inatebst ick pieces. Top each serving with 'j-eup Creamed Collage Cheese. Garnish with sprigs of watercress and serc Willi Fruit Salad Mayonnaise. FKITT SALAD MAYONNAISE Ingredients: cup condensed milk. '4 cup lemon juice, l.i cup orange juice. 1 1 cup melted butter. 1 egg yolk. 1 teaspoon salt, dash of cayenne pepper. 1 teaspoon dry mustard. Method: Put condensed milk, lemon juice, orange juice, melted but ter, egg Milk, sail, cayenne and mustard into mixing bowl. Heal with rotary egg beater unlil mixture is well blended and thickened. If thicker consistency is desired, chill before serving. Makes 1 'a cups. ( llll, I. EI) BEI T ANI Sl EltKKACT SOU Ingredients: 2 cups beet juice. 2 cups sour cream. 4 cups chicken bouillon, 2 cups sauerkraiM . salt and freshly ground pepper do taste-:. Method: With a Hilary beater thoroughly combine heel juice and 1 ' -d cups sour eieaiu Add chicken bouillon, sauerkraut and salt and pepper lo lasle. Chill thoroughly. Just before serving top each portion wilh a spoonful of the remaining sour cream. Makes 4 lo (i servings. Judge Finds Spanking Helps Delinquents CHEYENNE, Wyo. (UP) Mu nicipal Judge Walter Phelan is a man who likes to see things done right, even if he has to do them himself. He instructed parents of juvenile delinquents to spank their erring youngsters. If the parents failed to carry out the sentences. Judge Phelan said he would take care of the job himself. He lived ud to his promise a few days later when he had to step out from behind his bench and admin ister five spankings to youths brought up on minor offenses. SUMMER FRUIT PLATE Chases the heat away Shortcake Not Only Recipe For Strawberries Ry EI.17.ARETH TOOMEY United Press Stall' Correspondent NEW YOItK 1 U P. I With fresh strawberries coming on the mar ket it's a good time to try new desserts besides the perennial shortcake. Scone dough baked in a ring mold so the center can be filled with sweetened, crushed strawber ries is one idea. Scone dough is handled just like a kneaded or drop biscuit dough, depending on the amount of liquid used. Scone dough has egg and sugar added for richness. Strawberries in Scone Ring INGREDIENTS: 3 cups sifted flour; 4' teasps. baking powder; 114 teasps. salt; 4'i leasps. sugar; 6 tbsps. .shortening; 2 eggs, beaten; 1 1 2 cups milk. METHOD: Sift dry ingredients Ml&mS ( COMPARE , ?77? - I PET ICE CREAM t il&i&e uith any other . . . and . y you, too, will agree gs. ; yt j that, as to flavor, body, ? L'-v....r - '":, . :.'.rHj m Ice Cream tops them r 1 P fl I l m t'VJ r''r 1 www -i4 fsiwSoGooc Pick, pick, pick.. .that's what our little Ice Cream Workers have been doing.. .searching the orchards for the plumpest, juiciest, most fragrant peaches ol the crop lor ret Peaches 'N Cream - our feature flavor this month. And, just wait 'til you taste these luscious, pink-cheeked peachf commnea wnn me aaify jretn sweet cream flavor of Pet Ice Cream! It's ever o good! And remember, Pet Ice Cream is made only of daily fresh whole milk and daily fresh sueet cream! together, then cut in shortening. Add milk to beaten eggs, then add this to flour mixture. Stir only until flour Is moistened, just as in making biscuit ;. Pour halter into greased, nine-inch ring mold. Bake in moderately hot oven (400 de grees F.i 20 to 25 minutes. When baked, tinmold and fill center with sugared crushed strawberries and garnish sides wilh whole berries. The recipe makes about eight serv ings. Rhubarb is another summertime garden product that can be turned into nourishing and tasty desserts. Used in pies or as a sauce, or mixed with fresh pineapple, strawberries or apples, it adds a refreshing, tart flavor to tho end of a summer meal. Here's a recipe for a baked rhubarb pudding. Rhubarb Crumble Pudding INGREDIENTS: V2 cups sifted flour: 12 teasp. salt; '-4 leasp. cin namon; 'j cup sugar; 13 cup but ter or margarine; 4 cups rhubarb, cut in small pieces: 1 cup sugar; '"2 teasp. salt; 1 tbsp. lemon juiced 11 desired. METHOD: Sift together flour, 'itcasp. salt, V4 teasp. cinnamon and li cup sugar. Cut or rub in butter or margarine until mixture is crumbly. Sprinkle half the flour mixture evenly over bottom of 8 inch square cake pan. Press down firmly. Combine rhubarb, 1 cup sugar, M, teasp. salt and lemon juice. Mix well. Spread evenly over flour mixlure in pan. Sprinkle re maining flour mixture over rhu barb and press down. Bake in mod erate oven (375 degrees F for 45 to 50 minutes. Serve warm with cieam. A rich, summer dessert that's said to be a favorite in Ireland uses stewed or canned fruit com bined with cake crumbs and cus tard. They make it by half filling Individual sherbet glasses with white cake crumbs, then adding a spoontui of canned or stewed fruit and filling the glsses wUh a smooth custard sauce Several different toppings can be used. Sprinkle lightly with nutmeg . v......mull, snreaded cocoanut raisins or chopped orang. peel' Then chill and serve. . , Grapefruit Juice, No, LIBBY'S " ---. Ten with free glasses 29c I tv i T . S fl Pineapple Juice. o Libbv's No. 2 Can Dixie. Home M-lb. pkg. II LIBBY'S Pineapple 31c I welch s . r t .. o t?: SE 1 ""Pe Juice, pmt 1 I1II1CJ11US . lull's 1U1 ii.IV Dixie-Home 1-Ib. Jar Peanut Butter 35c Dixie-Home I6-01. Jar Salad Dressing 25c Playmates Swt. Mxd. Pickles giiart33c French's 6-01. Jar Mustard 10c LIBBY'S Tomato Juice, No. 2 ctj LIBBY or DEL MONTI: Fruit Cocktail, No. 303 Libby's " Deep Brown Beans OF HFtP YMIRSFIF JO XHOICE CUTS! Quality M E A ityl Hunt's V. C. Peaches No. 2 can 27c I.ibby or Del Monte Bartlett Pears No. 303 can 28c Libby's Unpeeled Apricots No. 2Vz can 35c Dixie-Home Evap. Milk 3 tall cans 34c Wilbert's No Rub White Shoe Polish 2-oz. bottle 10c Wesson Oil pint bottle 32c Snowdrift 3 lbs. 92c Corn Meal 5-lb. pkg. 24c Libby's Garden Green Lima Beans No. 303 can 31c Ciisco 3 lbs. 92c Cudahy Gold Coin Sliced Bacon Economy Slices Smoked Ham U. S. G00U GfiJ SIKLOIN Steaks I'OKTEItllOtSi: Steaks SHOUT ( I T Kilt ltoast Quality Tender Mi Shoulder Rib Chops lb. 17c CI Slioultli'r Loi ltoast IMiic 0 Patties lb. 49? Bi SEA FOfl King Miirkerrl &4 Steaks Ih. 45c- Fi Dressed 111 Whiting H). He Fi, Red Salmiin Spa Steaks 11). 49c Ivory Flakes Lr. Pkff. 29c Ivory Flakes Med. Pkgs. 2 for 24c Camay Soap Bath Si7e 2 for 23c Camay Soap Reg. Size 3 ior 25c Oxydoi VERI BEST PHO! Fresh Mountain Green Beans Calif. Vine Ripened Cantalopes Fresh Tender Okra I.Re. Pkg. 21 JSC Mil Spic & Span 2 pkgs. 45c New White Potatoes Washington State Winesiip Apples Fresh Green Crowder Peas Large Juiey Sunkist Lemons Dreft pkg. 28c Van Camp's HominyJcoir Paper NapldnsJOcU Dromedary wne i Cake Mix. 16 otpg Shortening-jlbS Fancy Rice Kraut, No. 2icans White House Apple Sauce Old Glory Red JQ. Kidney new I Duz I

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