L, July 1949 PAGE THBEB , WAYNESVELLE MOUNTAINEER c I mv ' It Is a As ead W Lions Club . ,,inlled 1ere '- ring the l,k ColHF V patrolman ,j iii-p-prcsi- 1TU Lonies. Pau! sligmi.v ........ Lssion to the ...,,!iv held II'IUO'..' Lprwidenl ir L. he stt-ppcd I .j nrpvident Vll r e 65 members usen the''' "f" cal year. fi Kirkpatritk Nit. He was ,M,nt shortly Lve been in- Mr. Yates Injured Going To Aid Of Injured Wife Oral Yates of Iron Duff, was working on the roof of his barn when he heard someone shout that his wife had broken her back. He jumped off the roof to start racing to the house, but he never made it. He landed on a long nail that drove through his shoe and into his right foot. But he breathed a deep sigh of relief a ew minutes later. Mrs. Yates' injury was painful, but not as bad as it was first re ported. While cleaning the bath room, she had slipped and fallen into the bath tub. She suffered three broken ribs. position, the led !o move up lent, promoting Lfficors accord- Ls Thursday became tirsi Cuddeback, Ernest Kd- lerbert Angel, Jr. Lion tail twister: anil J one year; K Wcath- cars. fct: irgin. food for wo : right o knee lid her orrlies- Iday nrsht for Phi-sponsored ton! Hoi el. art at I) p. m. a m Inc. nf sunimer red liy the nnn- oreaiiralion to Inv charities. ikr now covers less than one-area. Fines Creek Girl Accepts Position At Va. College Miss Margaret Ferguson. 22-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ferguson of Clyde route 1 recently accepted a position as a teacher at Virginia Intermont Col lege, Bristol. Va. After graduating from Appalach ian State Teachers College in May. 1948 with honors, Miss Ferguson started teaching at Reynolds Hi(,h School in Winston-Salem. She is a graduate of Fines Creek High School. TEL Sunday School Class To Meet Members of the TEL Sunday School Class of the First Baptist Church of Waynesvillc will hold their regular monthly meeting at 7:30 p. m. Friday with Mrs. Sam Kelley at her home on East Street. Mrs. Homer Owen will be asso ciate hostess. All members are urged to attend. Aliens Creek Group To Meet Thursday The Aliens Creek Community Development group will meet Thursday night at the school at 7:30. it was announced by officials this morning. A large attendance is expected MODES of the MOMENT Seersucker Smoothies Deaths WORK S.W'I.KS . . . No mining is required for these cute seer sucker play logs Sunbonnet Sue. at left, is wearing a playsuit that comes Willi a dress ..Simplicity I'.ittern 2ll!0i while her pal at light has an t in hrielcr out fit . with a bolero (Simplicity Pattern 2H!)2i. s" rS - Mil FRENCH INSPIRED . . . The back-bultoncd suil introduced in Pans, in cotton striped cord by Avniulalo. iHnttenck Pattern 477!)'. the young yachtsman sports shorts and lie.n b coal ol tunly crin kled seersucker (Simplicity Pattern 2I!!1I., In ni.iili In. bow-tied tq and shorts (Simplicity Pattern 2111 A boon to mothers because I hey need no inniiii:: The juice of oranges and grape fruit plus lime juice and sugar if desired makes a delightful cooling beverage for the youngsters dur ing the summer. Members to Clean Church Grounds Friday will he ( lean-l'p l.i the Antioeh HaptKI ('lunch Superintendent I lay Milner today asked all members to be at the Bookmobile Schedule Nt !! a. Ml lo mil help Tuesday. July XI B FT II El, Mrs. Henry Francis !t Mi- Wiley Franklin !: Poles! Wright 10: Mrs Cuy Wells HI: Hindoo's Store II Mrs. Ceorge ('. Unring and her ; F.d Klaloek's Croceiy 12 nephew. I.eo Henry, have returned CENTER PK1EON from a month's vacation in St. i Sinathers' Croeery 12 Petersburg. I'l.i. Mrs. Welch Singletoil 1 chiiicli grounds ,d clean the ceme grounds. io- o :to 411-10:0(1 10-1(1:3(1 10-1 1 (III 15-1 l:4r. 10-12:30 1:00 1:30 I Weekly Events Are Scheduled At Library Plans for the weekly events at the Haywood County Library have been announced bv Miss Margaret Johnston, librarian. The Story Hour for younger members of the Vacation Heading Club will be held Tuesday at 10 a. in with Mrs. Raymond Lane as the story-teller. All children in the eoiiimunitv in the age group up to the fourth grade are invited. On I'riday morning at 10 a. m. Miss .lobnslon will tell an I'ncle i Hemiis story to the older group, flub members and visitors are in I ileri lo attend Two hundred twenty girls add boys are now enrolled as members ol the Heading Club and regis tration is still open l those who wish to join. At the library, a map of the county is gradually being covered with names of those who have turned ill reading certificates, with every township ill the county represented. (()n Thui'sdav afternoon at four o'clock the weekly music hour will be held with Mrs Harry Lee Liner, Jr., of the Waynesvillc Music Club in charge of records. The program SALLY'S SALLIES West Gate Club To Rehearse Thursday The West Gate Club of the 41st Masonic District will hold a re hearsal at 8 p m Thursday at the Waynesvillc Armory Director I'. 11 llnsallook. who announced the session today, urged all members of the team to attend. South. Nlrs. "ItYriot our hat!" Jimmv Swift left last week foi Larned, Kan., where be is visiting bis sister, Mrs. O. H. McDonald, and Mr. McDonald 4 Mr, and Mrs. Leon Killian. Jr. and sons, Chip and Hike. If 1 1 Sat urday for week's vacation at Car olina Bench. They will Join Mr and Mrs. Sam Busline') and child ren of Durham at Hie beach. will include Uracil's Symphony No 4 in E Minor; Chopin's Con certo No. 2 in F Minor; Tchaikov sky's Swan Lake Ballet; and an album of Claudio Mu.io's Song lie- cilal. "He doesn't drink, smoke, gam ble, but he won't sew wash dishes, or scrub the floors." ern Rtlway doesn't pass the hat for your ,orms of commercial transportation use high LPrt' nd waterwayt that are built and Jur ix dollars and ours. s re strictly on their own. Every penny ' u buld and maintain their own steel mes right out of the railroads' pockets We'rp glad we are not in the "hat-paMing" claw. We prefer to stand on our own financial feet in the old fashioned American way. And we believe that if there were no hat-passers tn the transportation business it would be better for you and for all America. ry THERN . RAILWAY SYSTEM Prttidnt L - j Mother Gives Scalf's To Her Children Mrs Gus Rogers nf Weaverville. N. C.. who is a splendid Chn:-t'.an mother of four sons and five daughters, writes: ' For about four years I suffered dreadfully from spells of gasr.y stomach pains which were so severe that I couldn't rot or 1 tkrp. I felt weak. rundown and of ten 1 was "o nprvous I felt like 1 could 'cream. I lost Mrs. Gus Rosersi bout twenty pounds of weight and looked p)le and tired. The first bottle of Scalf's helped me more than all the ten or twelve other medicines 1 had tried I have taken ten bottles in all and I eat heartily, sleep fine and fee! like a new person. I have regained lost weight and feel stronger than in many years. I gave Scalf's to my children." The first bottle of Scalf's is guaranteed to bring satisfactory results or your money back. Ti y 1 it iuiiay. jj'l ai all ijjod Jrng ! stores. Hear Scalf's Hal looin eu-. lyuai -tcl over WWNC. Dial a'U at U:bt. i.VM Mon through Vr,. 16 Candidates To Receive Mason Degrees Friday Don. n.uiw it r.(. I'd ..I t lo Hie a I and .' -eh ( I M.i t'l vi 1 1 1 i in, I ei the Itov (I anil ' I' i t 'M ,t in . d i ee I'riil.iv in. Ill at lb' M i ..in, II. ill in Wayne .villi on a cl,i : of II) candidate'.. The ltoy.il M.i.lci will be eon- teried bv oiiiii.iihoii C U. I'.ek- hnll. 1 1 . i -1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 i. hi . iii.'i'.tii . and I the Select M,i -lei w ill bo i onlei reil I bv ('iiiup.inioii !' I'. Woithini'.loii. pa'.t lllll'-t l loll . III. I lei' The ( aiidiil.'le ale II 1'. Clark. V T Sliuli r. I' I ,i,)iiliell. I, N (.leell. .1 W.iv Howell. Ii I. Sum meidw. Paul J Mich. II W. Suiu iiierow. Il.ii iv P CI, iv. It L i I kiienn, N (' MclMiine.li. A F Key Ion. W. W Lev Ion. Jo eph II Smal hers. W .1 Carpenter and It. K. Calhoun. All Civ pi ic M.i .nil .11 ( inv lied to .illi ml MRS. ROSA WILLIAMS Mrs Ho,a Melton Williams. 60, I wile ol Hubert D. Williams, of the Italilillo Cove .-ection, died Satur I da;, moi uiiu in the Haywood Coun ty Ho i ii t ii 1 after a long illness. funeral services were held Sun. day i.l 2 :iu p in in Ratrliffe Cove i:,i;.ti.l Church The Rev. B. N. I(n::eis and the Rev. Elmer Green oft k iated. and burial was in Rat- j i hlVe (Hve Cemetery. Pallbearers were the following nephews: Joseph and Wade Mills, Lane and Cuy Arrington, George I and Homer Sisk. Women members of the adult I 'Mind. iv School class of RatclifTe 'Cove llapltst Chui ih were flower lieai i i' ! A native of Jackson County, Mrs. Willi mis had spent most of her in Haywood County and had been active ill church work. Survivim: in addition to the hus band are three brothers. Sylves t, i Mellon of Knka. John Melton ol Svlva. and Sam Melton of W.iv ni- vfille: four sisters, Mrs. Will Hooper of Cow-arts, Mrs. Pink Sisk and Mis Lane Arrington of W av uesv ille. Houte 1. and Mrs. Joe Mills of Sylva, Houte 1. t;,u i ell t uneral Home was in charcc of arrangements. M HS. I.AUHA CIIAI1L Piuieral services for Mrs. Laura Crahl. 7!). widow of William A. Ciahl. who died in a hospital in t b.iltanooa, Tennessee after a torn: illness, were held Saturday minimi;; m the Pirst Presbyterian Cl, in ih here The Hov. Malcolm R. Williamson, pastor, offlcated, and lni i ,i I was in Green Hill Cemetery. Pallbearers were Joe Tale, Kob , i I I . Coin. .1 T. Russell, Spauldinq Aiider- on. and Kill and Kred Plott. Siirv iv inn are a daughter, Mrs. Sain Plott. with whom Mrs. Grahl in. ide In r home: Iwo sons, Linwood Ci.lil ol W'aynesville and Wayne Ciald of Sulphur. La., one half hiollior, Miller Robinson of South Carolina: and ten grandchildren. A 1 1 anceiuenls were under the di i i i i ion of Garrett Puneral Home. Don't elIlt Thcml Tsl t irP ilrnuneii ih lldnfyt to An mnrv , l .ii jb. Their l k l to kfp th (l,. ii, l.lmwl tlrrnm (ro of n of ,,m,- inniuriliim. Tha art o( llTlnl - K in ronolantly prnduHnu wt m il o r I tin kiiinpy mUBt remove from til.. l,l"..il it Ki'on heHlh in to endure. Win n (!)' kiitneyn tail lo (unction b Niiliiu. iiiletided. there, in retention of (' Hmt mny ("" hody-wlde. dia , , (inn muy milter nsKKltlK harkrhe. ,., tM .lenl hi H'Inche, nil Hi ke "(dl'new. ,llini: nil ninlil". Kwellmu, puflineM iirMii r Die even leel tired, nervoun. ill we n in)l . , , ln.iui.nl. ncuntv or tili'nlnj pnesapeii arr H,,n.ilirie (nrllier evidence o( kld ,,, v or l.l.nMc r Hlntiirlimee. the . ..Ki'iwrl i"l 1'OiI'e-I r.-ii( nien i Hliireile -nedii-ine tc helo the kidney. , ,,. ,.. fMMH. ..;-. Wi , ( I ,i.'n 'i. Tlo'V llHve had mure ilein !." yam ol pul'li'-approval Are , '.,,(Hi.r I he ri.iinli-y over. Inaiat on f)..f,'n. S..I.I at H d"K elorei J - - - - - - - - A r Belk-Hudson Leads Again with New Low Prices Another New SPECIAL HIGHLAND PARK GINGHAM CHAHBRAY Beautiful Patterns Fast Color Sanforized Regular 73c Quality, Now Per Yard WW Remember - You Always Save At "Homo of Better Values" I i i

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