THE WAYxvESvTLLE MOXJW'l'AIfciHiB I. 4 "i ft- 0 OF INTEREST TO WOMEN SOCIETY and CLUB Office Phone 700 Home Phone 462-J Tea Is Given In Honor Of Mrs. M. W. Reed Mrs. Minthorne W Reeci, whose marriage to Colonel Heed took place in Atlanta on June 24. was honored at a tea iven by her sister-in-law. Mrs James W Reed. Jr.. on Friday afternoon at her home on Woolse Heights Mixed arrangement? ot -ummer flower? were used in decorating the living room- and white flowers were used in the dining room. Receiving viirh the ho-te-" were the honor guest ar.d Mr- James W. Reed Sr During the first hour Mrs. Hil- liard Atkins greeted the quests and Mr?. Howard Hyatt received at the i entrance to the dining room. Mrs. FeMx Stovall and Mrs Jack Messer presided at the tea table which was covered with a damask cloth and centered with an arrangement of white gladioli, asters, and sweet peas, flanked by white candles in silver holders. I During the second hour Mrs. I Whitener Prevust was in the en- : trance hall. Mrs. Harold Massie directed the guests to the dining ruom, and Mrs. W. F. Swift and Mrs. VV A. Hyatt presided at the ! bride. They also wore white suits tea table and carried bouquets of pink glad- Assisting in serving during the i tied with white satin stream afternoon were Mrs. Thomas Camp- 1 ers. bell. Jr.. Mrs David Hyatt. Mrs. i Linda Whitted, niece of the Tom Lee. Mrs Boyd Owen, Mrs. bride, was flower girl. She wore a Carleton Weatherby. Mrs. Robert dress of white taffeta and dropped Breese. Mrs. William Medford, ; petals from a white basket. Mrs Paul Davis, Miss Sally Sto vall. and Miss Jackie Sue Messer. Around seventy-five guests called during the hours from three to five o'clock. Iron Duff Home Club Meets With Mrs. T. C. Davis The Iron Duff Home Demon stration Club held its July meet ing Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. T C. Davis, with Mrs. F. E. Chambers, vice-president, in charge. Dnring the business session the group planned to hold the annual club picnic at the home of Mrs. Hardy Caldwell on Friday, August 14. The members voted to work as a club for a perfect attendance certificate at Achievement Day and requested a workshop on Lamp Conversion at a date to be an nounced later. Miss Mary CornwelJ, new home agent, was introduced and pre sented a demonstration on More Livable Homes. Refreshments were served dur ing the social hour Mr. and Mrs. George Rotha and daughter, Gretchen, of Charlotte, arrived Saturday for a visit to Mr. Rotha's mother and sister. Mrs. Harry Rotha and Miss Tillie Rotha. Mr. Rotha returned to Charlotte on Monday, leaving his family to spend two weeks. L AFF - CV KJ-S - fin IM IUXC fKATl t STNMTAT1L la. "Bomb ill! Summer Mmt Be MBS. Miss Whitted Is Married To Pfc. Hendrix Muss Betty Sue Whttted, daugh ter of Mr and Mrs. John F. Whit ted of Canton, became the bride of Pfc Ernest Eugene Hendrix, son of Mr and Mrs E. F. Hendrix of Candler, Sunday afternoon at 4 ' o'clock in the Rock wood Metho ; dist Church, w ith the Rev. George B. Culbreth officiating. The church was decorated with : greenery, tall baskets of mixed summer flowers, and candelabra holding white cathedral tapers. Mrs. Charles Brackett, pianist, and Milliard Morgan, vocalist, both of Asheville, presented the wed ding music The bride wore a white suit with navy and while accessories and car ried a white prayer book topped with a purple orchid and tied with white satin streamers. Miss Rachel Lewis of Canton, maid of honor, wore a white suit and carried a bouquet of pink glad ioli tied with white satin stream ers. The bridesmaids were Misses Kathleen and Gearleen Roberson of Candler, twin cousins of the Pfc. Jack Waters served as best man. Earl Hannah, as grooms man, and ushers were Arnold Robinson and William Lowe. j The bride's mother wore a navy I blue dress with white accessories ! and corsage of white carnations. ! Following the ceremony, the par j ents of the bride entertained with 1 an liiiormal outdoor reception. I Following a short wedding trip, the couple will reside at Pope Field, wlu're the bridegroom is 'stationed with the U. S. Air Force. Baptist Circles To Meet Tuesday Circles of the Woman's Mis sionary Society of the First Bap tist Church, will meet Tuesday night as follows: Lottie Moon Circle at the home of Mrs. Boyd Owen with Mrs. Jim mie Williams as co-hostess, at 8 p. ra. Ann Hasseltine Judson Circle will have a covered dish supper in the. social hall of the church at 7 p. m. Henrietta Hall Shuck Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Joe Cathey at 8 p. m. Eliza Yates Circle at the home of Mrs. Robert Turner with Mrs. L. E. Green as co-hostess at 8 p. m. Fannie E. S. Heck Circle at the home of Mrs. Harry Sullivan. Bill Asycew of Akron. Ohio, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Roth erinel last week. A - DAY jj." - . - away! Merchandise ACTIVITIES BEN SLOAN, Society Editor Mrs. Phil Medford Is Honored At Tea On Thursday Mrs. Nick Medford and her daughter, Miss Bebe Medford. en tertained at a tea Thursday after noon at their home on Love Lane in honor of the former's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Phil Medford, who be fore her recent marriage was Miss Mildred Houck of Cameron, S. C. Receiving with the hostesses and honor guest were the bride's mother, Mrs. Bernard Houck of Cameron, and Mrs. -Jimmy Beatty of Hendersonville. who attended as matron of honor in the Mcdford- Houck wedding. Mrs. Medford wore her wedding gown which was of white eyelet embroidered satin fashioned with tiered bouffant skirt. The residence was arranged throughout with mixed summer flowers with the exception of the dining room where the mot if was noted. The dining table, which was covered with a lace cloth, held the punch bowl flanked by three-branched silver candel abra, and was decorated with white gardenias. Vases of white gladioli and shasta daisies comoleted the dining room decorations. During the first hour guests were sreeted bv Mrs J W Rav and Mrs Hugh Massie and were introduced to trie receiving line by Mrs. Stuart Roberson. Mrs. Whitner Prrvost re ceived at the entrance to the dining room and goodbyes were spoken to Mrs. Dan Watkins and Mrs. Halletl Ward. Miss Mary Ann Massie and Miss Jackie Sue Messer presided at the punch bowl and serving were Mrs. Paul McElroy, Jr.. Mrs. Leon Kil lian, Jr., and Mrs. Porter Frady. Receiving in the entrance hall during the second hour were Mrs Ben Colkilt and Mrs. Alvin Ward and Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwvn orespnt- ?d the guests to the receding line. Mrs. James M. Long directed the callers to the dining room and goooDyes were said to Mrs. Fred Martin and Mrs. Grayden Ferguson. Serving during the second hour were Miss Mary Lu Elwood, Miss Barbara Ann Boyd, and Miss Betty Bradley. Miss Virginia Cline of Canton and Miss Jean Ann Bradley presided at the punch howl. Approximately 225 guests called during the designated hours. Home Clubs Hold Joint Meeting A joint meeting of the Crabtree Hyder Mountain and Fines Creek Home Demonstration Clubs was held Thursday at the home of Mrs. R. C. James on Fines rrk with members of the Fines Creek ciud serving as hostesses of the Crabtree-Hyder Mountain Club. Mrs. France Rogers, president of the hostess group, welcomed the guests and Mrs. Marshall Kirk patrick, president of the visiting group responded. Luncheon was served on the lawn and Miss Mary Cornwell, Home Agent, eavp a demnnsirntinn on More Livable Homes. Dnring the business session the Fines Creek group set August 11 as the date for the annual Dicnic to be held at the home of Mrs. Dee Clark with Mrs. Daisy Fer7 guson as joint hostess. Members of this group also discussed plans for sending a delegation to Raleigh for Farm and Home Week. The Crabtree-Hyder Mountain club made plans for the picnic meeting which will be held at the home of Mrs. M. D. Davis on Friday, August 19. W.S.C.S. To Meet In Boyd Chapel The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service of the First Metho dist Church will hold its July meeting in the Boyd Memorial Chapel at the church tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Mrs. Bonner Ray will be in charge. Miss Shirley Bevelheimer of Washington, D. C, and Cpl. Tuck Ray of the Army Air Corps, who is stationed in Washington, are here for a visit to the latter's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ray. The visitors were guests of Mrs. Ray and her children, Patience and Clyde, Jr., at Nags Head for a week before coming to Waynesville. Massie' 8 Dept Mr. and Mrs. Richard Paul Erwin Mr. and Mrs. Erwin were married on Friday, July 1, at the Rock Sprint; Baptist Church. Mrs. Erwin is the former Miss Peggy Dee Medford. daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ray Md iord of Crabtree. Mr. Erwin is the son of the Rev. and Mrs. Thomas E. Erwin of Bethel. Bride-Elect Is Honored At Bridge-Shower Mrs. Noble Garrett, Sr., her daughter. Mrs. Herbert Braren, and Mrs. Noble Garrett, Jr., en tertained with a dessert bridge and surprise miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Garrett, Sr., Fri day evening as a courtesy to Miss Dorothy liielieson, whose marriage to James King Stiingfield will be an even! of August. Summer flowers in mixed ar rangements were used in decorat ing the rooms. - At the close of several progres sions prizes were awarded to Mrs. W. C. Nori'is. who held high score, Mrs. Carleton Weatherby, who held second high, and Mrs. Charles Ket ner, who had low score. Miss Edith Suiniiierrow was awarded the high score pri'o at a table of rummy and the bride-elect was presented a gift of silver in her chosen pat tern. The guest list included Miss Rieheson, her mother, Mrs. L. M. Rieliesoii. Miss Martha Stiingfield, Mrs. Porter Frady, Mrs, Virgil Smith, Mrs. W. C. Nnrris, Mrs. Carleton Weatherby, Mrs. Charles Ketner, Miss Tillie Rotha, Mrs. W. ll Cobb, Mrs. Fred Campbell, Mrs. Charlie Woodard, Mrs. Harry Lee Liner, Jr., Miss Mary Lu El wood, Miss Edith Summerrow, Miss Edna Summerrow, Miss Ber niee Harrell, and Miss Thelma Ann Jones. Visitors Are Invited To Episcopal Tea Visiting members of the Episco pal Church are invited to attend an informal tea to be given at the Parish House of Grace Episcopal Church Tuesday evening. The tea will follow a, short busi nesjneetiru? of the Woman's. Aux-iliafe-ffiytght.o'riqck. .-' "V: sally's sallies: "Is that the one that grows steel wool?" BABY SITTING Any Night 7 to 1Z ( CALL 33-B Between t and 7 P.M. BUSINESS it PROFESSIONAL WOMEN'S CLUB mm. - Vv . tin iu H 't' unit 'Mil Singleton-Mason Marriage Is Announced Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mason of Can ton have announced the marriage of their daughter. Miss Mary Jo Mason, to Bruce K. Singleton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Singleton of Canton, Route 2. The marriage took place? in Clay ton, Georgia on Monday, July 4. . -J MASSIE'S DEPT. STORE - - - omeowur Soggest Clean EJD" y Dress and S Now Marked End of the season Prices now - on Summer Sheers, Sun-Backs v-rv , One Cut for Immediate Clearance! M liest Sell Si ' Silk Artmis GOWNS and SLIPS PriceS ArG Just Unpacked fj ) HALF-PRICE j MMP Buy Now For Christmas I mWU U Vi W r DEPARTMENT Si Experienced Salespeople Wanted i'iJ1, SAVE AT THIS QUE Senator And Mrs. Graham Are Honored Mr. and Mrs. Richard Queen were hosts of a dinner at the Queen Farm Saturday evening in honor of Senator and Mrs. Frank Graham, who spent the week-end at the Queen farm after making a tour of tlie western counties. The table was centered with an arrangement of mixed summer Mowers. Those atending in addition to the guests of honor were Mr. and Mrs. Sain Queen, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. John Queen, Sr., Mrs. Carrie Han nah. Mrs. Edith P. Alley, W. Curtis Rus:-., and William Medford. Mrs. Ferguson Chairmanship Held 16 Years Mrs. Frank Fernuson, who has served for the past sixteen years as chairman of the Chris) ma-; Seal Fund under the sponsorship of Hie Waynesville Woman's Club, has re signed. The work has been tinned over to Dr. Mary Michal. superin tendent of the district health de partment, and Mrs. Frank Kinsey. president of the Woman's Club, un til a new chairman is appointed by frank V . Weusler ot Kateiuli. ex ecutive secretary of the Christmas Fund. Mrs. Ferguson has done outstand ing work in her territory whiih covered every township in the county with the exception of j Clyde and Beavordam. During her many years as chairman, she has placed the Christmas seals in the home of every school child. Cruso Meeting To Be Held Friday Cruso residents will hold their Community Development Program meeting at 7:30 p. m. Friday at Cruso School. Waters of Great Sail Lake are . W9L about six times as sally as the The total land area ol u I mini ffau. ocean. Slates is 2.1)77. sniiaiv mil.- Rf.nrp. Miss M Moody Is Married To David Medford Mr. and Mrs. I.,- ,,. Waynesville have marriage of 1 1 1 - i i - u.,,,: Mohela Moods, t,, .u Medford. son (,i i, Bryan D. Medlurd -., ville. The ceremony touk ,; in-day, July 2, at tl:i- i,. ... .1. C. Green, in ( '!.,;, i,,n Mrs. Medtord i ,, the Wa.Mie-.Ailii, 'I',,,,, School and lui the ... ; has been connected v. ,ih l:. aim '-'-I'.all-, l;rin Mr , lit, i 1 1 , ican Red Cru: D. C. She is at - in pie at the County Faun fiee here. Pvt. Medford i- a I of Waynesville Hist, is now stationed with at Fort Eustis, Ya. Mr, '.:i.tU "J Mr.. Ratcliffe Cove CD Meeting Sot For Thursday -. By MRS. ALC1E liATCl.irri Mountaineer Corn-.J(Mi,!, u Assistant Count v A:,;' t,,,,., Cathey will discuss lecu-.itM.ii ;n the organization ol ;i niirii',, program when he a-M:. n members of the l!;,i, !,n.. i ,,v ct nmunity Thursday i.i-. lit The announcement w;u iu,,tr u day by Community ( :n,in I C. Francis, who said tin- ( 'unmu nity Development I'lo-iam ing would open at H p in ,,i p. E 1 i z a b e I h Chapel Mi ih, . Church. Also scheduled for the niniii. is the further devolopim ni ui i:,,i for the Ratcliffe Cove nnnnuini! recreation project, which h ready been started. Mr. Francis also s freshments committee n have a "fine serving" arrai the visitors at the nicrliug. i ni,- in. iii MllllTs UllU BIGGEST Cl$ Sales?0? ! i . " ' ii Mi- I '' N.; ''ill ; '-.I! , (Ira I

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