STANDARD PTC, Uvj Comp 220-230 S Pust " LOUISVILLE K7 The Waynesville Mountaineer UNCLE ABE SEZ , . . If ever'body win purtj. look sltch a wort' we'de have everbody flatterd an no-body to be pitted! bis e Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Kastern. Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park - - YEAR NO. 59 20 PAGES ' Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 14, 1949 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties G4th Wynes- j t of the ! fierce. The; fcdinS "leu 10 new j n:il ones. ' , however, ; ind seven LHine musr kaos Club. Ireets again es are P- ktS. I'M 31 the bus- raiting for Norris is sparkling lings is l" Fla. L recently the Moak tome oy from Cold ad the fifty his Florida nurseryman. friends that worries. tess m uir hich proves ms shipped ory jvldes all or pd in thme till be pub- year. Jprofessor of rsitv who is h summer writing a 1st Asesmbly. this subject Isl in Chief led Cherokee lake, the lain bear. be a liiog Thomas of lefTorts were the estab- Jkee reserva- Caruiina. ng prepared ty graduate fat her doe- lee In history. wwkins un- body of the who was p Junaluska's ly Interesting n'mself and pkee nation known even I've nn the f dwelled. Indian Ter- r" wh the fth Carnlina I ere fnrei. I 1838, hut r,.. 5'ears later. ' nad become 1 I'ahala fored i lorseful North 1 f mb'y passed ffs Junaluska f Robbins-; F made him 1858, twenty ' Hast 6) IQUDY ponderable and Fria,.. P few i, ".e aw hile t.m -iiyera-r a of the MlB, to 7 tinfi,u to .titi 2:1 Information Booth To Be . h n m- i aai aei up un mgnway Lm Texas Governor Dies GOV. BEAUKORD JKSTKK. of Texas, was found dead in his Pullman berth when his train recently pulled into Houston, lie had undergone a busy and hard session of the legislature. Number Wrecks Are Reported A series of highway accidents have been checked during the past few days by highway patrolmen, hut the only injury reported was a 9-year-old boy who was hurt in a itl . J, ! i hee commu-1 bicycle-car crash in Canton. Tuesday morning a car turned Preparing his over just east of Canton,,. but did ply, ho re- little damage to the vehicle, and Mes of the the driver, a soldier, did not re- Assembly's ceive any injuries. Patrolman H. it the home Dayton investigated. Mb) Waynes- Wednesday afternoon a car from was one of Illinois left the highway between Povement to here and Clyde, broke down sever t Institution al guard posts, and landed down Its thirty- the embankment. Considerable Jhim says. damage was done, but no injuries. Jf men, he according to Patrolman Bill Saw ling roles in yer. Earlier on Wednesday, a car ho rerently from Cullowhee suffered about $:!0 Pleaching of damages when forced to leave I ho 8es and uni- road hy an approaching car from not a his- Ohio. No one was injured, and the F of religion, matter was settled. Ire is not im-1 Gerald Paxton, 9-year-old Can- the casual ton boy, suffered painful head in juries in the bicycle-car collision at Canton. He was reported at noon Thursday as getting along nicely at the Haywood county Hospital. Haywood Girl With Red Cross Overseas Hilda Fisher, daughter of Mr and Mrs. E. W. Fisher of near Waynesville, left recently for an overseas asignment with the Amer ican Red Cross in the Carribean area. Miss Fisher served with the or ganization from November 1945 until last November as a club rec reational worker in the Pacific. She was recently stationed at Madigan General Hospital. Camp 'was working with the Board of Education of Newport News, Va., when she joined the Red rrn nea uross. one is a graduate ot western i , , (..flrnllnn Tonnlmrr CnWoCt f 1 . ... ,.r i "'iu -m. 1 Q UUIILgl Tax Rate For Will Remain The tax rate of the Town of Canton will remain the same as last year, it was made known by town officials this week, as they filed reports for the past year and prepared the estimated budget for 'he next fiscal year, beginning July 1. The rate will be $195 on $100 valuation, which will bring the town an estimated total of $11L 162.49. The distribution of the tax money will be as follows: Debt service 55c, operating expense, Park, 10c. and operating expenses An information booth to aid tour ists will be set up soon by the Way nesville Chamber of Commerce near th,. junction of Highways 284 and 19A-23. The plan was adopted by some 20 members of the Chamber's Tour ist Association at their Monday afternoon meeting with President Shirley Connatser presiding. They had met to take action on the proofs of the new tourist fold er when Chamber President James Kilpatrick submitted the suggestion which he credited to Miss Margaret Hahn of Waynesville. At the same time, the Associa tion aproved the proof of the fold er, which will be available for dis tribution within the next three weeks. Mrs. Frank Knulti. Chamber of Commerce secretary, said later the Lions Club's dime bootti would be j used for the tourist information facility which will be equipped with 1 a light and telephone. Meanwhile, volunteer workers ! are being sought to man the booth a few hours each day. Those who want to offer their; services are asked to register at the Chamber of Commerce ofice. The booth will be supplied by the Chamber with literature for the guidance of the tourists. Chamber officials planned to make a road check to determine the hours when tourist traffic is heaviest. Mrs. Knutti said this tourist ser vice will be ready to be established next week, if the workers are obtained. The members of the Association expressed their hearty approval and support of the idea of estab lishing this service to travelers. Tentative Field Day Schedule For July Announced Eight inter - community Field Days are schedujed tentatively fgr the remainder of this month under the recently organized county-wide recreation program In the Com munity Development Program. The schedule was submitted last week to members of the Recrea tion Commission at the Canton meeting. The general plan calls for the residents of one community to nlav host to those of another. In the morning, the visitors would be conducted on a tour of the host community's farms. Then after dinner, hosts and guests will compete in games and other recreational activities. The first of these Field Days will be held next Wednesday when the Lower Crabtree people entertain their guests from Panther Creek. On July 22, the Beaverdam resi dents will be host to Hominy citi zens; July 23, Saunook residents will go to Francis Cove; July 25, Cove Creek will be guest of White Oak; July 26. Iron Duff at Rat- eliffe Cove; July 27, Center Pigeon at East July 28. Fines Creek at Upper Crabtree and July 29, Aliens Creek at Cecil. The schedule of inter-communi-tv visits will be resumed following the out-of-state farm tour will start August 1. which GOFS TO RHODE ISLAND Lt Ben tolkitt. Jr., has return ed to Newport. R. I., for an 11 month course in the Naval Line School. He recently completed a course in the Naval School of Jus tice at Port Huemme, Calif. He cn..m several days here recently with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Colkitt. Ben - lunu ( V I v n I zy ' reported to A - lfu ad in- day He suffered pan juries wnen ue .... ..... Av...prm, a niece of rt'lICK W C uvii--- " -y- k rabiriet work Ia5t weeR. I rf U 1 1 L " Canton At $1.95 While the rate will be the same. total receipts from taxes ... 10 m0w than last year. somewum ...S..S. il,prease due to a j w . . nrnDertV valuation, amnum, the county commissioner budget for the current vear has been set at $245. 385.76 for all purposes as compar ed with actual expenses for last year of $165,441.42. Increases in f - hodeet are noted in the "rrP Hon park, nearly $3,000; the fire department, and water main tenance. (See TH Duke President To Speak At Junaluska July 23 - Speaker Dr. Arthur Mollis Kdens, presi dent of Duke University . will ho featured speaker on the Duke Day Program July 23 al Lake Junal'isk.i. Illinois Family 'Sold' On This Part Of World Draft Board Seeks Current Addresses Haywood. Selective Seriire Board No. 45 is seeking the pres ent addresses of the following men: J. B. .Smith, Jerry Gibson, Billy Jack Itussell, Kugene IMr Call, Kufus Lee I'airis. Wilfred IMesser, and Bobby Johnson. Board officials need the infor mation to send questionnaires and other notices to the regis tered men. Specialists In Hospital Work Pay Visit Here Representatives of the Foundation accompanied Dr Garcia of Venezuela, here Duke Pedro Wed- i nesdav tor an niloi pectlon of the Haywood County Hospital. and the study of the institution s I administration plans Dr. Garcia is making a special j study of hospital administration ! in the United Slates. Hi' in now ; working under the direction ol the Kellog Foundation, and is a grad uate of Northwestern University . He was sent here by his country, after doing outstanding vwnk in the rural areas of his n.ilivr coun try, where he specialized in ob stetrics. Accompanying Dr. Garcia here were Marshall I. Pickens, associate director of the hospital division of Duke Foundation, and J. H Fellz. Jr. held representative. Dr. Garcia will he in I his ;n ea about ten days. Other institutions' in this area were studied yrslerday and today Tuesday Mr l'iikii. and Mr Felt, placed noil here, mil ere Impressed uilh the (Vnimliv ( Inh course. Hi" fian i.i ' lnt;ed the course, as he did not i I , i AH three w re well ile.i ,rd w lib the llayvvnorl Hospital, poiniini; out Hie need lor additional space, as Hie institution is crowded Non-Suit, Mistrial Ordered In Canton Larceny Case The Haywood Superior Court trials of two young men ar-cusul of stealing S.VI0 from Dr and Mrs. .1. E. Hair of Canton ended this week in a mistrial for otic defendant and dismissal of the charge against Ihe other. Yesterday. Judge Dan K Moore non-suited I h e larrrny charge (See Trial Page 6) EN ROUTE TO CRETE Dallas R. Clark, chief machinist's mate. USN. of Boundary Street, is scheduled to arrive at the Island iniof Crete. July 16 as a crew mem by i her aboard the aircraft carrier ! USS Coral Sea for a five-day visit. CHARLOTTE PASTOR TO SPEAK The Rev. J. G. Huggin. pastor of " Charlotte's Myers Park Meth odist Church will preach at the 11 a. m. Sunday services at the First Methodist Church of Waynes ville, where hp nnr- server! nastoi Dr. Arthur Mollis Edens, presi dent of Duke University, will be the principal speaker at the an nual Duke University Day program July 23 at Lake Junaluska. A large audience is expected in the Assembly auditorium for Dr. r.dens address, which is scheduled to start al 8 p. m. He ill be introduced by Don S Eiias, president of the Asheville Citii n-Tiuics Charles A Dukes will deliver the alumni message. A picnic supper starting al 6:30 p. in . will precede I he address. Serving as general chairman for the program is Frank D. Fergu son ol Waynesville. 1029 graduate of the University. W. Thomas Reeves of Canton, is president of tile Haywood County Association of Duke alumni. '1 hi- special music will be pro videiled by Hie Junaluska ensemble directed by Dr. Cyrus Daniel, of Nashville, Tenn.. director of music al Hie Vsenthly Milium Hie afternoon Alumni As (in. il ion mill iters of Wester Norlh (', iiolina and Kastern Tenn essee, will inert. Their is a I'amilv in Illinois that I. el as il Ihry are natives of Hay wood (oiinl.v. yet they have never lii eii near here. In fact, they look lorward to becoming residents of Hie. vicinity ere long. Il . anot li rami" I happened in a ralher un way, and one thing led to i. until the Illinois folk be soUl " on this area. Sunn time back, an authority on gardening, who was loo modest to let her name Im- used, wrote an article lor 'Organic Gardening". The article caught the eye of Mrs. Ted Howard, of Iiellwood, III., and she wrote the author of the garden ing article, and then sent for a copy of The Mountaineer. Alter the first copy, she became a subscriber. In a recent letter. Mrs. Howard expressed regret that their trip here last summer had to be called oil on account of polio, lightening reading, and we particu larly eiijo) the editorials, library notes and other comments. If you Mrs. Howard, said in part, in her letter: 1 subscribe for The Moun taineer We find the news to be en- , happen to see trie rt , r: . r:uss. please extend to him on my behalt my congratulations on publishing a newspaper of unusual scope of in teresting articles. "Our son Ted. Jr.. who is a sophomore in high school Willi a student body ol 5.(100, is avidly in terested in Ihe sports of Waynes ville high school Ted plays on the junior varsity and he thought a smaller school could not possibly amount to much in sports, but I be lieve Waynesville has shocked him several limes. I havr never been partial to large schools, such as we have here. 'Thar.k you for r.etping me to learn more about Norlh Carolina, and we hope to move to the vicin- Mrs. Stackhouse, Junaluska Leader, Died Wednesday One ot Lake .lunaluska's most active religious and social leaders, Mrs K. F. Slarkhousr. died Wed nesday al the home of her daughter in Montgomery. Ala. The news of the tragedy was re reived shortly afterward by Dr F. S Love, superintendent of the Junaluska MoJhodist Assembly, when- Mrs Stackhouse and her late husband had lived for many summers since it was first estab lished 38 years ago. Funeral services will be held at 4 p m. Friday al the Dunbar Funeral Home in Columbia. S. C. Mrs. Stackhouse's husband, a minister and editor of the Chris tian Advocate of Columbia, died several years ago. 1 Further details were not imme diately available. Lower Crabtree Meeting Scheduled Committee members of the Low er Crabtree Community Develop ment Program will meet at 7:30 p. m. tomorrow at the Crabtree Iron Duff School. Community Chairman Marshall Kirkpatrick said in his announce ment today that the session was a? 1 called to prepare plans for the enmine pnmmnnitv farm tour. Heads Auto Union 1 WALTER REUT.TF.R crushed a weak left-wing opponent and has won his third term as ClO-Unlt-ed Auto Workers president. His union has a million members. The annual election was held this week. County Is Lagging In Bond Drive Haywood county is lagging in the Opportunity Drive for the sale of U. S. savings bonds. So far, reported County Chair man J. E. Massie of the U. S. Sav ings Bonds Committee, the county people had bought only $77,208.75 worth of bonds up to July 2 about 58 per cent of the $133,000 E bond quota which should be reached hy Saturday when the drive ends. The Haywood figure also is be hind the average for the state as a whole which stood at 84.1 per cent of the state quota up to July 2. "It is hoped," said Mr. Massie. "that those who expect to buy Sav ings Bonds any time this year will make an effort to purchase ns many as possible toy Saturday of this week, so Uiat they will count In the drive. "Haywood '' has 'always ' made a good record In these Savings Bond campaigns and it is hoped that the county will not show a bad record at this time." Sales for the state up to July 2 amounted to $481,768.50. Mr. Mas sie added. Haywood Lions To Attend Convention In N.Y. Delegations from Lions Clubs in Haywood County are scheduled ' lo leave this week-end for the Lions International Convention in New York City. The four-day convention will ! open with Sunday night services, with Ihe delegates getting down to business matters the following day. Three North Carolina high school bands will be sposored at the con vention by Tar Heel Lions Clubs the Cannon School band of Kan napolis, and those from Moorcs ville and Salisbury. Heading the North Carolina Lions is Edward H. McMahan of Brevard and Raleigh, a member of the International board of directors and of the State Utilities Commis sion The Tar Heel musicians will take part in the big parade of Lions from the 48 states and 25 foreign nations down New York's F'ifth Avenue. Dr. D. J. Whitener of Boone, re tiring District 31-A governor, said today hundreds of North Caro linians are already arriving in New York in preparation for the convention. Masons To Open Summer Assembly Here Sunday Masons from several states will open the three-day 1949 summer assembly of the (Grand Council. Royal and Select Masters of North Carolina next Sunday in Waynes ville. A class of candidates will receive the degree of Master Mason in cer emonies at the Waynesville Armory Monday night, with all Master Masons invited to attend. In making the announcement of the assembly program, Dr. J. R. McCracken of the Waynesville Lodge said today: "These meetings have done much to advertise western North Caro lina and the Smoky Mountain Nat ional Park." Outings into the Park near Way nesville comprise outstanding feat ures of thp three-day program. Many Gases Disposed OI In Criminal Court Here Tentative Plans Are To Adjourn Early Next Week; Civil Cases Set For Monday Haywood Superior Court entered the last lap of the opening week of the July criminal term today after making heavy inroads in the dock et of approximately 110 eases. Superior Court Clerk Hugh Leatberwood said al recess today indications were that the criminal term could not be closed tomor row as originally expected. Some civil matters are scheduled for hearing Monday, when the sec ond week ol the term will open. Among the divorces granted in Ihe civil hearings held Monday alter Judge Dan K. Moore conven ed the session were: Shirley Mann from Robert Mann: C. E. Riddle from Hazel Kiddle. Donald Reagon form Mildred Mehaffey Reagon. Hilda Phillips from Rex Phillips, and Fred Davis from Hester M. Davis. In the criminal cases last Mon day. Kufus Massie Vas ordered lo pay $15 per month instead of the $10 previously set for the support of an illegitimate child. The in crease was granted on motion of the prosecuting witness. George Conner. Herman Conner, and Arthur Brooks, each pleading guilty to assault with a deadly weapon against 64-year-old Wil hurn Conner, received sentences of GO days suspended on condition they remain on good behaviour for two years, and not molest Mr Con ner, and pay the court costs. The sentence was imposed fol lowing a jury trial. Carroll Holcombc. charged with assault, pleaded guilty lo simple assault. Prayer for judgement was continued on payment of costs. Andy Sanford Wyatt. after plead ing guilty to a drunk driving charge, wa 1'tned $100 and cost and bad his driver's license revok ed for one year. Prayer for judgement was con tinued until the November term in the case of Monroe Green, Henry Messer. and Johnnie Bradley after they pleaded guilty to charges of possessing and transporting nontax-paid liquor. A 12-inonlh prison sentence im posed on Frank Phillips, who plead ed guilty lo abandonment and non support of his wife and three child ren, was suspended on condition that he pay $3(1 a month to the support of his family. During the Tuesday session. n,,h..ii Pioioo olradinu guilty to non-support of his wife and baby, drew a 12-nionth sentence that was suspended on condition he pay $35 per month to llieir support. Johnny Pressley was fined $150 and costs and his license was re voked for a year after he pleaded guilty to drunk driving. Prayer for judgument was con tinued for Mrs. Wilma Smith Cogburn. found guilty of reckless driving, on condition she pay $336 02 to Howard Myers, ow ner of the car damaged in Ihe case. Evi dence was I hat Mrs. Coghuru had already paid $150 in damages. Not Here Questioned alioiil a rumor thai Susie Sharp. Norlh Carolina's first woman superior court judge, would be on Ihe bench in Haywood court Monday. Judge Dan K Moore re plied: "It would be a surprise to me." Judge Moorr is on the bench for the two-week criminal term that started last Monday in Hay wood Superior Court. On Monday , the ladies and the Masons who are not eligible to at tend Ihe conferring of the TIM de gree will make a tour of some of the scenic points in the surround ing mountains. On Tuesday afternoon, the dele gates will go in a motorcade to the Masonic Monument at Black Camp Gap, where an outstanding speaker will deliver the principal address. After the exercises end. they will visit Heintooga Bald, which affords one of the finest views in the entire Park. There they will have an out-door picnic dinner. The Waynesville Masons, who will supply 100 fryers for the pic nic, are asking others to bring bas kets of other kinds of food except meat to supplement the chicken (See Masons Pare 6) Guest Speaker WWIWIWWWtWWWIIIWWIff11 '"W. M't 'j ? ,K" lft(::.v : a . v S NjN s lllM,i, , , .... .Jtd BISHOP LLOYD C W I ( K F. of Pittsburgh, Pa., was a t.u?st speaker at the annual eontei ence of the Methodist llo.ud of Hospitals and Homes Tuesday and Wednesday Ht Lake .lue i luska. He was elected to his office last year. Defendant Serves As Own Lawyer; Gets 18 Months Haywood Superior Court Jiid-e Dan K. Moore complimented H.e defendant in a larceny case 'I ties day on his ability as an amateur lawyer. Then ho sentenced him to Hi months imprisonment. The defendant, William P. Car ney, 27-year-old merchant scam oi from Chicago, 111., had acted as Ins own attorney in defending him .elf against a charge of breaking, enter ing and larceny of about $45 worth of goods' from the Junaluska Supply Co., last month. Describing what he termed hi illnesses. Carney sanl: "I'm no doctor, but. ." "But," interrupted Judge Moore, "you're u good lawyer." The jury returned a verdict of guilty of larceny of goods worth less than $50. Lake Junaluska Officer Mac Cochran testified that he had found a box containing 42 different items ranging from apples lo a butcher knife just outside Ihe door of the store early on the morniu-4 of June 8 when he arrested Cartfv. He added that Carney had other articles in his possession includ ing a putty knife, watch, two bol'li of silver polish, and a plo " po':'. Carney countered he had s'l'iv hled over the box as he w 1- v.-" -ing along the railroad near tha store. Two Boys Face Trial In Killing Of Trained Bear Two 20-year-old Mascn- !? lace trial in Haywood Su"pr:or . Court on charges of k i 1 1 i3 ,f T. J Bradley's pet hear last Saturday 1 night Floyd Fir and .lai k Splr-r ' accused of taking the darned tr 1 out of his cage at Mr I'.rad! iv s J Soco Gap road store, thro -hoof'n I him. culling his throat, and mu'! Ilating him. Officers said the animal was taken away and thrown on a mountainside Thev said Hir hoc, tot-i-m - ,-i i killing the bear, hut gave no !(. ' son for doing it The defendants each are hai z: - with cruelty to animals ?nd icious destruction of per -rvi.,1 property Solicitor Thad Bryson indicit!"! the case would be called in th: term. Highway Record For 1949 (To Date) In Haywood Killed.;:; 3 Injured .... 23 (This Information com piled from Records of SUU Highway Patrol). l"f departments $1.30

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