0 nan The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice-A-Week In The Counly Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park VNCLE ABE SEZ . . . I use tu pick hitch hikers up, hut they'de Rinerally as me to let m out Md they eoi make belter time walking "64th" YEAR NO. 60 8 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE. N. C. MONDAY AFTERNOON. JULY 18, 149 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties is one of (teat vish- , booster tor oi ana Mr. irk in me of Howeii i for the io was then in at nigni. ' r t U n or oi r in Free- established Orlando. ly his son. incidents is away tsoi on the in ilmas Calrl- bass fish- 'arolina. fcths be has ast once a weather. lied keeping itch, and to nice ones. iecord. how- he has not and come has always isual record ten common and I don't ht on until ith it. soon- nice one." ,cd upon by of the best hard, and placing his wants it to hobby, and painting and and keeping use. hing about hing is that Itching foil. She big ones man. he has ted a direct n his mod- going b- and truth, case with or Bear of killing a ting sentence ;ourt at noon peer went to Setzer. both ! residents. re (no de ruelty to an estruction of the bear, a jws shot, his fy mutilated lainside the icis 1 do! Ngsworth ppondent commence- P' Mded (he ration Bihlp red a total fls. Jnts. and "inner nn II,.. PU H0llin: e Stewart ,,f Bible schnni reshmente arded their th. I, j M,n 'he com- fARMER lnf,ll 3 12 64 1.04 .48j Masonic Assembly Opens Here Ljt. j The 1949 Summer Assembly of for nes,thp North Carolina Masonic Koyal L.s in '"el , Spiect Masters Cirand council type for i(ipe iiccl at 10 o'clock this morning at (he Waynesville Armory for two days of meetings and recreational activities. Masons from several slates in addition to North Carolina, are at tending the assembly. The day's program started with the reception of distinguished visit ors. The incoming visitors were re ceived yesterday afternoon, then entertained at an open house held at the Armory last night. Scheduled for this afternoon is the conferring of the TIM degree on a class of candidates. Meanwhile, those Masons who are not eligible to attend this cere mony, and lady visitors, will leave at about 2 p. m. on a sightseeing tour to the Devil's Court House near Beech Gap. Tonight, two sections of candi dates will receive the degree of Master Mason in ceremonies start ing at eight o'clock. The oficers of Waynesville Lodge 259, AK and AM, will confer the de gree on me first section, aim tne West Gate Club of the 41st Masonic Distrist will preform the service for the second section. All Cryptic Masons and Western ' North Carolina Master Masons are . invited to attend the evening event. I The program for tomorrow feat-, ores a scenic tour, picnic dinner, I and exercises at the Masonic Monu-! merit at Black Camp Gap 17 miles j west of Waynesville, with a dance scheduled for the Armory that night- ' ) The picnic dinner, exercises at the Monument, and the dance arc to the public. Dr. J. H. open McCraeJteri. 'cliairrnan' of the As sembly committee, said in his an nouncement. After the event at the Monument ends, the party will go to Hein- tooga Bald in the National Park and hold the picnic there. Waynesville Masons are provid ing 100 frying chickens for the din ner, and the local members and their wives are asked to bring baskets of food other than meal to supplement the chicken course. Other members of the committee are C. B. Hosaflook of Waynesville and C. C. Rieker of Asheville. Henson Rites Are. Held Sunday At East Fork Ulus C. Henson. 29, died Friday j morning at the hospital here of in- juries received in a fall down steps while at work at the A. C. : Lawrence Leather Company Thurs day. Funeral services were held Sun day afternoon In the East Fork Baptist Church with the Rev. Oder Burnett and the Rev. Jack Bryson officiating. Burial was in the Gwyn Cemetery. Pallbearers were Robert Henson. Oscar Elliott, Junior Henson, Ev erett Trull, L. E. Henson and Les ter Trull. Nieces were flower bearers. Surviving are the widow. Mrs. Vivian Burress Henson; three daughters, Patricia, Caroline and Linda Sue; one son, David; the mother, Mrs. Beulah Fletcher Hen son of Canton, Route 2; three brothers, Blaine. Loy, and Malley Henson of Cruso; three sisters. Mrs. Paul Styles and Mrs. Benis Kuykendall of Canton, and Mrs. Ben Heatherly of Candler. Garrett Funeral Home was in charge. AT CONVENTION M. H. Bowles and Richard Bar ber are scheduled to attend the Dis trict Assembly of Rotary at Mon treat Tuesday. Mr. Bowles is to take part on the program. First Community Field Day Set For Wednesday The first of the inter-community Field Days set by the Haywooc' County Recreation Commission will e held all day Wednesday. The people of Lower Crablree will be hosts to the families from neighboring Panther Creek. During the morning, the visitors will tour Lower Crabtree farms, noting the improvements made un der the Community Development Program. Following pinner, they will compete with thek hosts ini a series of games, contests and other "eereational events. Crop Damage Flood vvalcr surges through the upper French Broad river valley west ot Hrndoi sonvillo. and doe heavy damage to Sarin crops. Rich Sarin land is covered and shocks of grain are partially submerged. II is the second time the river has overflowed in the area this month. Some tanners are losing their second planting of crops. iAP Photoi. Haywood Bulletin Board Here is the cliedule of events in the Haywood Community Devel opment Program for this week: Monday, 7:30 p. m. Beaverdam Community Development meeting at Beaverdam School. Tuesday, 7 p. m. Hominy Com munity Development meetingand ice cream supper at the home of Mrs. Monroe Silvers. 7:30 p. m. West Pigeon at I5ethol School: Fast Pigeon at Dix's Creek Church. j Wednesday Field Day and com munity farm tour, I'antner ureeit residents at bower Crablree. Thursday. 5 p. m. Del I wood Community Development meeting at tin cemetery to plan further beautificalion and hold a picnic supper. Meeting at Baptist Church in case of rafn 7:30 p. m Center Pigeon meet ing at Spring Hill Church; Cecil meeting at Cecil School: Thickety al Hockwood ivieinooisi iiuicu. , 8 p. m White Oak Community Amateur Night at the Presbyterian Church. Friday Field Day and coniimi- j nily farm tour, Hominy at Beaver-j dam. 7:30 p. m. Cruso meeting J at Cruso School. i Saturday Field Day and com-; immily farm tour. Saunook at Fran cis Cove. Church Gives Community Field For Playground By MRS. ALGIE RATCLIFFE Mountaineer Correspondent i RatclifTe Cove has a new commu nity playground, thanks to the Rat-; cliffc Cove Baptist Church. j Church leaders last week donated a large field behiind the building i to the community to aid its recre-1 ational program. The men of the community are already at work trying to get the land in shape for the Field Day with Iron Duff residents on July 2(1 Thcv already have mowed it and removed the heavy growth of weeds. This field will be the scene ot the track events and other recrea tional activities which will be held both during the Field Day and the rest of the summer. LANCASTERS AT HOME Dr and Mrs. N. F. Lancaster have returned to their home here ,ri0,- undine two weeks in an Asheville hospital for treatment for injuries received mobile accident. Both are improving fined to their rooms. in an auro but are con- Glenn Fincher is chairman ot ,,, ,.al,.her Creek community. -hile Marshall Ki.kpatr.ck heads ,, in Lower Crabtree. w'irknnlrick said today the . .... '...in .tart at 9:30 a.m. from ;hc Riverside Schoolhouse, and the u,iil see the various points nf interest in the following order. .... .u nmpg of the farm own- WHO "if - . ers and special features w .... listed: ih Hubert Ferguson alfalfa , and tobacco; Willie ureen. (Sec Field Day I'KRe Heavy In North Carolina Flood 290 Register To Vole In Aliens Creek Election Road Sentences Imposed In Auto, Assault Cases Haywood Superior Court Judge Dan K. Moore last Thursday sen tenced Sam Freeman to two years imprisonment for attacking Willis Burnett with a shovel last May. Freeman, pleading guilty to the charge of assault with 'a deadly weapon, claimed' sell defense in his trial Thursday morning. Burnett sufTered a fractured skull during the argument in front of his home near Lake Logan on May 21. Testimony was that Freeman was working on a road in front of Burnett's home at the time Hie argument started. Judge Moore set bond at $2.0(10 for Freeman's appearance lo start serving his sentence October 1. In other criminal cases that came up the same day. three men drew road terms of IR months cacti ten car t liens. Wayne Adams pleaded guilty to auto larceny, and Lee Edwards and Ed Trammell each pleaded guilty lo temporary larceny of an auto. (See Sentences Page 51 Haywood Folk Festival To Open Thursday Night The Haywood County Folk Festi val, sponsored by the Canton VFW. will open Thursday at the Can ton High School field for three days of singing, square-dancing, beauty contests, and other colorful events. Direc tors of the event, which was born last year, were working on the final details this week. Principal speaker during the Festival will be State Labor Com missioner Forrest C. Shuford. The state official will make his brief address at 8:15 p. m. Thursday, after he is introduced by W. J. It'd Be Just Bait In Haywood " The caption for this AP photo said this German brown beauty is one of the largest trout caught in Utan tnis season, u weigns 11 pounds. Anyone who wants to see a TROUT, should go to the First National Bank of Waynesville, where Max Rogers' catch is mounted The one in the picture was hooked by Edd Bowcn of Coalville, Utah, in the Weber River near Echo. The girl is his 15-year-old daughter. Two hundred and ninety cili.etis of Aliens Creek had registered by the deadline Saturday when Ihe regis! ration lor Hie election on the question ol incorporation into Waynesville closed. Ballots will be cast Saturday. July 30. to decide whether the com munity is to become pari of the county seat. Deny Norman, a precinct judge and registrar. Alio gave the figures today, said Aliens Creek has a to tal of 500 residents who are quali-, fWAiuvole. . ... This coining Sal in day will l challenge day . Supporters of the anucsaliuii pro posal pointed out I hat the homes of Aliens Creek would have Hie advantages of Waynesv ille's senila tion and water facilities They argued thai it would mean the genaral improvcnicnl of health conditions for homes which now re quire outside wells and toilet facil ities. Oppoiienl.s. mi tile olllei hand, point out Hint annosat ion would mean imposition ol Way nesville's town l;ies on home and propel l owners. The annexation, subject to the approval of Aliens ( reek ciliens. was aulhoiued in a resolution adopled lasl spring by the Waynes ville town aldermen. Damloll. executive of pion Paper and Fibre Canton division Serving as master of The Cham Company's ceremonies will be Harry Vainer Radio Station WWNt of Asheville . assisted by Guy Roberts. Canton businessman. In brief, the program indicates there will be enough variety to tickle every taste in entertain ment for every man. woman and child in the county. The finest square dancers, fid dlers, string musicians, singers, and some of the county's prettiest girls (See Festival Pace H) Tourist Season Seen As Good Here So far. more visitors have Sneu coniing lo the Waynesville area this summer than last summer - but they haven't been slaying as long. Mrs. Frank Kniilli, secretary ol (lie Waynesville Chamber of Com merce, inndo Ibis observaliou to day in n survey of the cuircul tourist season. "It's shaping up. however, ' she added, "as a good season. "The inquiries we received itur tng June by mail outnumbered those during the same period lasl year, and all tourist facility oper ators report reservaioins are ex cellent for August and September.'' As for i he briefer visits, some I tourist court and rooming house j operators have expressed concern Hut Mrs. Kiuiltl explained il hi two words; "Money's scarcer." Operators report that tor Hie lirst lime since the war ended, tourists are "shopping" for rales this sum mer. Since liiis summer's visitors gen erally are spending only a lew days lo two weeks here, rat tier than up to an entire season, l hey are not renting houses as Itiey used lo. living more in tourist courts and apartments. However, the siliiioii is not unique in Waynesville. The same trend has been report ed by tourist areas throughout the nnlion. Vacationers on the average, having less money than they had in previous years, are lieing more careful with their upending, and economizing closely on their visits, quarter o fthe court costs, deuce Is that there actually are more people visiting in the Waynes ville area than there were during the same period last summer. Ratcliffe Cove Motto Adopted At CD Meeting By MILS Al.Gii: ISA Ft I.IK K K Mountaineer Correspondent The people of lialclille Cove have a motto tor their Community De velopment Program: "A better community for belter living The suggestion for the slogan was submitted by a motto com mittee Thursday night al the Com munity Development Program meeting at Elizabeth Chapel. Approximately 85 people attend ed the session over which Commu nity Chairman R. C. F'rancis pre sided. They heard Assistant Counly Agent Turner Cathey ask them to "take care of the best crop that we have the human crop our chil dren. " His comment was made during his discussion of recreation in the Community Development Program The meeting opened with a brief devotional. Another pleasant feature that greeted the people was the ice cream and cake Mrs. R. C. Francis and the members of her refresh ment committee served during the meeting. Two Real Estate Sales Conducted Two nice real estate sales were completed Monday morning at pub lic auction conducted by Penny Brothers. The Charles Furtado place on the Country Club road was purchased by Charles Stokes of Jacksonville, and Hilliard Ross bought the 84- acre Unclerwooa tarm in mnevan for $8,650. Two other sales were slated for this afternoon. Methodist Laymen To Make Trip Into Park On Thursday Afternoon Several hundred laymen of the nine states of the Southeastern Methodist Conference are sched uled to visit the Park and Cling nian's Dome on Thursday after noon, as part of their program this week at Lake Junaluska. The trip is being sponsored by Haywood Methodist laymen, who will provide transportation. J. H. : Howell is in charge of the arrange i ments for the Waynesville area and ! C. C. Poindexter, of Canton. Local people will provide cars to take ! the delegates to the Park. Plans are to gather in the audi itortum at the Lake st 1:30, and Displays Works OOl'GLAS tilt ANT, local artist, has bis paiuloi .s on Ui-.pla.v al Hie Asheville Mu.euni, opeiuio'. today. He ha- a vailed selection, and Ins vvoi K . ,ue i xpe, led lo al ll.icl much alleutioii. 'I'liolo by l li.iiles Alillel i Paintings By Artist Grant On Display An :ul exluliil lv Doio-las Gram local aillsl. opened al the Aslic v die -Museum on I'li.n lolle SI reel ! Ilns allernoon Ills winks will re main on display UiiougM Allelic 14tli A wide v.uielv ol subjects are being 'how it. including local scenes and st.v ellei I - j The eallei y i open I rum 2 lo .' ilailv except Mond.iv s. j Kvi-i' Mine Ins lirst trip lo Kramv Dougla.s (iianl has l.ieii captivated' by the medium ol h .ue.p.ii eiil water color. Many ol In-, win Us hav e been sent on national tour by She Am erican Kedeialioli of Alls, and have been ncludeil in uilei iiutioiial waler color exhibitions held in ItiiK jeotuiUW ,,.WtJ,,.vuk has IjxipKUUiy' been !icctileil iy I lie Pennsylvania Academy ol Kmc rls, and Ihe Am erican M al r l olor Society ol which 'ie is a lile oieinliel lie i tScc Gianl I'.ic.c iivei Grand Jury Report Is Favorable I hi' havwooil v ouiily i-.iaml jiny lias called lor an inv esl igal loll ol il.iinai'.i's lo Ihe Cr.ibli ee-lrou Dull Set I The ol I ici.d gi and jury repoi I to Supcriiu Con. I .lodge Dan Ix. Moure ilui ue: I lie run cut lei m ol Hay wood iiiniin.il cum t "strongly lequesleil sin ti a qonv by Hie slieril I s ilep.u I nielli The slalcieeul. sij-ned by Fore man Mai U t-'ei eie.oii ot Fines 1'ieek s;dd Ihe nieinliei s ol Ihe Jill V lolllld windows hi iiKiii and ill 1 1" bullel sears in I he door ol I lie school . Iteliet is Ihe d age w.is done soine lime alter Hie counly sclioois closed Ini Hie vaeat ion. iiii I nil ml Olliet w ise, Hie grand coiiniv nisi il ui ions in fav orahle minor ex ilic report conditions, with some cepliotis Ini iuslauei noted, the Haywood t oiioly Hospi tal muses' lioine had a bail leak oil Hie sun poieh." 'I'he jurors gave the hospital It self and the nurses' home their ap proval "well kept and in good coudit ion." The repoi I also described the county court lioiise and prison camp in the same term, and noted the county home was "in good condi tion and clean." The slalenieiil also observed Ihe counly home. which currently houses 13 men and women, does (See Grand Jury Paee 5 Charles F. Kay. chairman of the N. C. Park Commission. wiM give! a brief history of (he Park, and some sidelights of Ihe places lo be visited. The motorcade is due to leave i the Lake at two, going via Soco j Gap. with the first stop at New found Gap, anil then on to Cling man's Dome, and then making brief stops at the Museum and at Cherokee. The return trip will be via Slyva. The group will be back to the Lake in time for the evening meal. Faul L. Evans, of Lexington Is the state lay leader. Court Term Hearing End Today Jerry Smith, young Waynesville man w is standing trial in Haywood Superior Court late this morning mi a charge of billing another iitolorisi following a traffic col lision near Haclwood. sii.uii. acting as bis own attor ney was cross-examining witnesses as ihe Mountaineer went to press, lie had entered pleas of innocent In charges ol drunk driving, cu rving a concealed weapon, and as 'auil wilh a deadly weapon. Mi Kelncr, young prosecuting witness, Icslilicd thai after his and Smith's car c o I I i d e d. Smith punched him. saying: "I'll teach yoll til Hun volll' lights." The case was one of the final scheduled lor hearing in the two week July criminal term. Superior Court Clerk Hugh l.calhci wood indicated the session probably would close today. Five Sentenced In Theft Cases One teen age boy is under an lo inolilhs road sentence and tour oth ers arc on live years' probation in euiiueclion Willi break-ins last May III Ihe Pigeon seclion. I.asi Friday, Haywood Superior Curt Judge Dan Ix, Moore imposed llu- load sentence on Robert Good .ou, oldisi ol ( tit- boy s, and placed ugil Browning. 1". of Lake Lo gan, anil Phillip S I hi 1 1 1 1 . lil and I'taiik ance Welch. 17. holh of Hi 1 1, el on probation alter suspend ing HI iiiiiiilhs st iileiices for each, j today, he also put Hi-year-old Small Seiilellc under a similar j pinh.iiion. suspending an Ul-inonths eiileliee. Ihe hoys had pleaded guilty to loiceabli.' trespass. I . .tfii,'il Phil iiud 'wiuk luid bper, I ji i n , i d ot taking gasoline lion. Willi. Ilul In Us strvice si, ill. in ! May ti. I he W eh h, Sin 1 1 ill, Hod Scnlelle buy,'., along Willi tioodsoii. were ac cused ul taking money I rum ihe home ol Welch Sliigh'lon, I'l ; eon (oiiiiiuimly leailer, last inonlh. t iooit sou, i hai ged Willi breaking, elileiiiu'. and laitiny ol $314. was j.iveu Hie road senlenee in con snleialion ol Ihr laet thai lie harl in i n on pioli.ilioii in connect ion , il.li aooiher cisr al the time of I tie alii H'll I lu ll I lie juilge 1 1 ni ii a 1 1 1 1 in pasMi'j; i ne pi on. il ion. o coudilions on the youugei hoys llial lluse lilHir .enleiiees well' liased on I lie con sider, it ion llial lin y were lirst ot leuilei s and had made I est il ul Ion. He in.sli ueled Ihe boys In report once a I illi tor the diiralion of Ihe pi oil. il ion period lo Stale I'lo h.il ion I lllleei II. A Mctilamery . In other eases Hied Friday. Kel ly Hooper and .1. ('. Wallers were lined $7.'i and costs alter pleadltlj gutll.v to violation ol the stale pui- dilution laws. Their seiilenccs of MX months each were suspended. Ilallie l onard. Wilbiirn Conan! Harnett ( 'onard. and Walter lionet, pleading guilly lo alTra.v. vcei each given tix mouths impri-or.-inetil each suspended loc thrte vears on condition of good behav iour. Kach was ordered lo pay on quartcr ol the court costs. Dewey Chambers' senlisiee of 12 months iiiiprisonmenl was sii--pendeil on condition tic pay S'K per iiioiiiIi for the ticnefil of h wile and cliildrcn. He had pleaded guilly lo non-support and aban donment . Traffic Lighter Past Week-End in Haywood Highway patrolmen reportFri a lighl week-end, with only onr ac cident reported in the count; A drunken driver ran into a car i-h Fast Canton Saturday night !vo nersonal iniuries were sustained but both cars were damaged Pa trolman Bill Sawyer investigated. Highway Record For 1949 (To Date) In Haywood Killed..:: 3 Injured . . . . 23 (This Information com piled from Records of IUU Highway Patrol).

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