JTAMM,,,, ,,Tr. - The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice-A Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park VNCLE ABE SEZ . . . 1 had to (it my c-yar off the ruad tuo years ago. caze I drove so slow I put danger in ree-verse . 64th YEAR NO. 61 18 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 21, 1349 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties the Journal itly tne entire by The . this , from l spend m proJ- fcr there lay-wood- 11 know interests fcers. ail" rt HoUSP a large Is im- flag and tide that guidance Wed !' this com- Iday. Jul)' for a lot our re- the beam of the ierve Juiy usual exchange I occasion take ad its while Instead of E5th. when ! four cor- a custom hwyone is Judge the many listening ' froceedbigs. i Inny' one of twins- played a hate of the ! the past Is a floor int matters, times (fiat in a law llled on for lories. minister to It, is a guest funtry Club per of dipio. n the Clul, jthe past few jlooch :nee Calaloor hep Wins at full people being P by Mr. and - has Sl'lni-nl ; faiting fr -a' pr in rr(.r i F horses into Prses.and the lu' in a sea- ' fountain trails i Martin M the key- acrence in : Ullslca ! fcrtH T m- mi Lon. He r-..l-j ... aim life in i . " men i F Hh world ' l '7ed. the I fe 'or anyone pffl HUMID hPutl a&l Ami l. Mil LI f 'ertl thunder Pon ana f: . i stair of Rainfall S 73 0 .44 500-Gallon Still Found By Officers In Big Bend Ono nf (hp largest stills ever captured in this section was brought in about 3 o'clock Thurs day from the Big Bend section. Officers estimated the copper dill had a capacity of 500-gallons. Nine officers from Tennessee, j the Alcohol Tax Unit, and Hay wood, went on search of the still about three o'clock Wednesday j afternoon. They took their time, and found the still. Two men who had just made a run of the still made a break, and while running from the Haywood officers ran right into the arms of Tennessee officers just across the linn. The two men were arrested, together with 124 gallons of liquor, and a 1949 truck. The Haywood officers got the still, and brought it here, where it is attracting much attention, back of the court house. i The still was right on the Haywood-Cocke county line, and about two miles from the site of another hig still which was captured several months ago. The still was down in a gulf, and well protected from view by the dense undergrowth. Directors Would Change Place Of Information Booth The proposed information booth slated to be erected at the inter section of Highway 19 and 284. will , he moved to the intersection near ' Lake Junaluska, according to a I suggestion of the board of diree- j tors of the Chamber of Commerce, j The tourist committee met re- j cently and proposed the informa tion booth near Queen's. Motor i Court, but many people felt lho more easterly intersection leading . into Waynesville would be mure j logical, according to Mrs. Frank ' Ktiutti, secretary. j Volunteers are being sought from those catering to tourists to work in the booth about three hours each afternoon. The directors discussed numer ous matters, including the annual banquet, and the proposed recre ation center at the former Belle Meade site adjoining the Country Club. When It Rains They Read And Read I "It's not raining rain today" . . it's raining readers. That could be truthfully said by the Haywood County Library this past week, for they have been kept busy every day supplying readers with books of every type. The Library, together with four trips of The Bookmobile, have passed out 1885 books to eager applicants during the past week. That is somethfng of a record and certainly attests to the popularity of both the Li brary and good material. sl Laymen Hear Martin's Address until it is safe for all. "We must not overlook the fart. Said thp snpalrfir "that thprp tc 3 factor in the world situation which lias never before been present to such a marked degree. It is not entirely the same old world. For the first time in the history of man kind, the nations have been brought so close together that it is no longer possible to think intel ligently or to plan for any part of the world without taking into ac count all parts. "The question arises as to where the individual Christian can take hold upon such a complex and con fused can take hold upon life within the circle of his own individual being. Until the individual, by the grace f God. has made his own life a part of the remedy rather than a Part of the disease he cannot be a Positive force for righteousness. "The second place where the in dividual can take hold is in the realm of family life. The unit which God uses in building a Christian social order is not the individual hut the family. The Christian reli gion is a family religion. Every basic Idea by which it is motivated receives its meaning and power (See Methodist Page 6) Hundreds Turn Out For First Street Dance fciin miiiiiinipBiMKiinn mn.iWiit ft -1 U. 1 L. I Last Thursday inaugurated the scheduled I'm- tonight on the Court dancers tut square dance figures being used hi Ilic .laycecs in tin' Survey On High Water Sought For Haywood A formal rripir-l lor TV'A en gineers to come here and make a survey and .liuh on Hood control has been made Ihionrh Dean I. O. Scliaub. director of Hie extension service. While Haywood has not siillered the heavier In c- of other counties in the area, the damage done by high wains ha. been "heavy," ac cording to the county agents here. No indication v. as given as to when the engineers could be ex pected, but the expression was, "We hope the engineers will be with us at an early date to help with Mood control." Canton Engineer Resigns; To Take Hickory Position A B l.'zle. .Ir., who has been city engineer for Canton the past 10 months, has tendered his resig nation to the town hoard, and will leave at the end of the week for Hickcry where he has accept ed a similar posit ion. A, superintendent of public works, Mr. I'zlo was in charge of some important projects which have been developed here t he past year. Among them the new swimming pool at the Memorial ecre;1lion park; street paving extension ol water and sewe." lines; and noted improvements in the sanitary department of the town, including the purchase of a new garbage-collecting truck. lie also was in charge "I main tenance work in various depart ments, which he directed well. Both Mr. and Mrs. L'zzle have been active in the civic and re ligious life of the community while here No successor to Mr. Lzzle has been named, acording to officials this week : Meanwhile Cordon Miller and .lohn Sharp. veteran town employees, will be in charge of w,il"- and slier! maintenance re.pcc live ly. until a new engineer has been .secured. Organization Set Up For Canton's Labor Day Event An nr;at"Ailino meeting, at ipnded hv :.n or more interested citizen-, of Canton was held at the town hall Friday evening to lav plan- for ( anion's 4.'tid.- an ' nual l abor Hav and Fall Festival program C (' I'oinriexiei- as unani mously re-elected general chair man of Ihc county-wide event, with Mavor Floyd W. Woody, .treasurer, and Fred T. IVden finance chairman The program will begin Monday. August 2!l. and will continue each night, through Labor Day. Soptem iSee Ldbor Hay Pace 61 : rrr. To Hnvo Field Dav On rranuo uwvc j.- Saturday; Saunook H Boone, chairman of the Francis Cove Community, has an nounced plans for the Field Day to be held in Francis Cove on Satur day Julv 23 when the Saunook Community will be their guests, of which Richard Barber is chairman The Field and Home Tour will form at Walter Hollingsworth s farm al 9:30 o'clock and Mr Boone urges evervone to be there at that time. They will visit farms and homes along the highway to Rh J .-.. - - Tfjf I $1 B . I tirsl street dance ot the season, sponsored hv the .lavc.es parking lot. Hundreds ot spot l.ele.i I utn.it mil House as Sain QlH'Oii did till' calling promotion of their recreation program Pintle hi Ingiat Volunteers Sought For Blood Donations Here On Thursday, July 28th The second visit of the Blood mobile Unit from the Asheville Hegional Red Cross Blood Center will be made here Thursday. July 2H. to recruit blood donors The service will be set up at the First Presbyterian Crurch at 10 A. M The local Bed Cross workers have set a goal of 100 pints for this visit as Haywood County has donated only about half as much blood as has been used in the hospital. Ac cording to reports from the Red Cross office. 7(i pints of blood have been given patients in the Haywood County Hospital since the first call ' for volunteers on May 19. On that date 30 pints were donated. ' Donors are asked to stop at the church anytime between 10 A. M. and 4 P M. Examinations to deter mine the fitness of these volunt eers and their blood type will be made as a protection to the donors as well as the patients who are to receive the blood. Wayne Corpening, Recruitment Chairman, will be assisted in the program by Mrs. F.thel Hayes Fish er, executive secretary of the local Red Cross chapter. Mrs Charles Hay and Miss Betsy Lane Quinlan. chairman of volunteer services, and Ihe following community chairmen nf volunteers: Iron Dull', Mrs. Frank Davis and O. L Yates. Crabtree. Mrs Marshall Kirk pat rick. Mrs. Hugh Noland. Joe Palmer, and Hershel Rogers. Fines Creek. Mrs Mark Fergu son. Furman Noland. White Oak. Mrs. Robert Davis. Row Ledfoi'd. and Melvin Messer. Jonathan Creek, Mrs. Troy Leatherwciod. Mrs. Tom Rainer. n lit I Nathan Carver. Ivy Hill and Dellwood, Mrs. .1 F. B Houser. Dale Ketner, and Lee Kv ans. Maggie. Mrs W ilson Fishc Mrs Jim Plott. and John Finger. Plolt Creek. George F. Plolt. Thai! Chafin. and Mrs. K. K. Mor gan. Ralclifle Cove. Mrs. C. T Fran cis. Mrs. D R. Noland, and Mrs. F L. Leopard. ?'ranris Cove. Mrs Henry Fran Will Boone, and Bob ci Mrs. Boone Pigeon. George K. Stamey. Ed Justice, and Mrs Welch Singleton. Balsam. Jim Garrett. Mrs Clif ton Shook. Mrs. Charles Beck, and Cuy Queen. Clyde. Mrs A J. McCracken, Wayne Medford. and Charles Ed wards Hazel wood. Paul Davis. Was nesville, Mrs. Frank Knutti. HIT OF HOSPITAL Robert McLean is out again, alt er spending several weeks in the Havwood County Hospital. He is employed in the composing room of The Mountaineer. - To Be Their Guests McCracken's farm then over to Will Boone's farm, on the Hugh isiassie s and then visit fields and homes up the road to Henry Francis'. Mr. Boone of Francis Cove and Mr. Barber of Saunook urge that all the people of their respective communities attend this Field Day. Dinner will be served by the Fran cis Cove Community just after the tour, then in the afternoon there will be athletic contest, between the two cmnmniitHes. AnoLio to see II. dance .r i s SI udi. i All proceeds Ironi the Page Designed To Interest Visitors Published Today Today marks the lirsl in a series of paxes especially de siunecl to interest our summer visitors. Plans are to publish (be pace each Monday. Of special interest on the pace will he comments of many visit ors each week. A special e n il lias been printed anil are avail able for the visitors to till out and leave al their hold, or lioanl iiiK house. Baptists To Have Meeting on Church Plans Monday At 8 The1 building coir.mi; First llaptisl . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i e on the coiisii in 1 ion i auditorium b. re edne !ee ol Hie elved bids I the new ,da aller- noon Al ih eh runt relic Wed I that liesdav night il . ,i '. a six bids were i ec eived anil lh.it a meeliiig ol Hie men ol lice church would be held Monday night at eigln o c lock to liuihci discuss Hie building piiigiam. No formal action ;k to the lnd will he take n until a I, del conler ence of t he church The excavating ol the lot lias been complclcd. and Hie plans lor the church call tor an auditorium w Inch will .-.eat 112:! people. Duke Day Program Set For Saturday At Assembly Dr. Ai i liur dent ol Duk. Ihe principal ll.il'l ( nivi speak. F.dei s v . I al will be all- Queen Of Lions fo. - ' I V) . ... . Janice llarvell .above, of Caro lina Beach. as eleeied "Lions Queen of the Lnned Sines'' pre liminary to opening of Hie an nual convention of Lions Inler national ill New York. The recent high school graduate won the title over 13 other contestants. The beauty contest was held in Madison S'luare Garden AP Wirerhotoi. 1 fe J0r- atlllllUI If L . M'k I ill, V. W I LaondDtrog :f500-Foo QJimcfleir Cm 4-H Camp To Open On August 1 Indications are that the 4 it Club Camp near Ihe Stale Test Farm will lie ready for the initial campers on August first, it was leai ued Irani Wayne Corpening today. Finishing touches are bene; put on Hie main building, which will bouse thi' dining room and kitchen The bath houses are completed, as are several of Ihe cabins. Plans are to acconiiuodale about 120 campers al a time this year, and by next year have room tor twice this number. Work is also underway on the swimming pool. The camp will serve 4-11 Club members of all Western North Car olina The land was bought by local people and deeded to Ihe stale 4 - II Club organization Clubs throughout the 14 western coun lies are providing money lor the cabins. 4-H Members Get To Iowa At Two The 42 members ol the 4 11 Club group which left here early Tues day for Washington. Iowa, arrived there al 2 o'clock this afternoon. The group spent last nigbl in Itloominglon. III. and this after noon began a full schedule which will keep them busy until W'eiloes dav night, when a lacevvell le i;1 ion will be given Miss Klise Del.oier and Joe ('line, extension winkers here, :u i oiupanictl Hie group, which went 1 iv bus The liov s who made Ihc Hip Men ris I'.roy les and W (See l-ll Members a ver I'ase Hipp II) COINO TO MDI'.TINO Tom Alexander, member ol the Hoard ol Conservation and Devel opmenl leaves Sunday lo attend the annual meeting of the board ill Morebc ad City. (.inventor Seolt plans to attend, it was announced Ironi Raleigh last week. Mr and Mrs. W. J. Damtoll aie lo leave Saturday lor Ihe meeting nual Duke I nivcrsily Day Progiaiu Satiinlav at Lake Junaluska. A large audience is expected in Hie Assembly auditorium lor III laleits' address, which is scheduled lo stall at 8 p. in. He will be introduced by Don S l.lias. president of the Asheville ( it Izen-Tiines. ( harles A. Dukes will deliver Ihe message. picnic .supper starling al (i:.'lii in will precede the address. Serving as general chairman I program is Frank D. Ferguson, Waynesville. I!)2!l graduate ol t nivei sits . W. Thomas Reeves ol Canlon, is piesiiltnt ol the Haywood County Association of Duke alumni. The special music will bo pin led by the Junaluska ensemble led by Dr. Cvrus Daniel, of Nashville, lenil. director ol mitsit I lit' Assembly. I i i in i i .,. ii... .,ii , i I ,'..iiun .in i.ii.in.f, ill .llllllllll Association olticers of Western North Carolina and Eastern Tenn essee, will meet. Ratcliffe Cove To Have Field Day Tuesday, With Iron Duff As Guests By MRS. ALGIE RATCLlr'FK Mountaineer Correspondent Ratcliffe Cove will stage their Field Dav on Tuesday, and will have as their guests the citizens of Iron Duff, il was announced this morning. The group are asked to meet at the Ratcliffe Cove Baptist Church at 9:30. and then nroceed to the Methodist Church icr an ir.spec- Hon of a church dpvelcpment pro- Field With t RllllWaV stryctioen Wins Con lest aw; War .MISS I'.l.i It iiWVMi i.a;. iiueli acclaimed v. iin.ei .it Ihe l.iieol , , on Wlliv' v lio li was spoiiMired by the liulti Ciaig lleauly Shop l lu- i onic-.l stai led 2: weeks ago ('line pn lure on Page 4 350 Young People At Conference Ai Junaluska A outh vv.de Young People' l.cadci lop ( 'out. ! elite ol The Ale-thude , ( bin , le, Mil u in I e I w a al Lake IcciK.lee ka I'm d iv w ilb an em t, lb,,, ol i,l :ipn .ixiin,u i "- 0 voiior, pi ople and aditll leader acid i oleic .i I, u - l lie meet i . pon sot ed In I lie von 1 1 I lev i ami ol the Lot al ( 'leeii ill lb v e-aceu ol i he ( ieti eial I '..i.i i d ol I 'llie alioli of I he Vlelhoili .1 ( hllilh lis pui pi i; i In make possible coten-.eliiit. and 1 1 aimug oppoi luni lies loi i old. I . li- e tied in I and still tll-ll it t ollleels ol Hie Melllil tllsl mil ll I i How .lop I hc pto i :t 1 1 1 piovitle. loi si mis', loruni . atldi esses Sixteen visions in Ftoi id. i. I Sl,ssipi i , . I 1 1.1 I.I. I III (Oil, I ,tl I end. I in ' The veil mil t fii i-a I inn annual c iiiilerence dt Ihe tales ot Alabama 1 1 1 in k (liMigia. Mis i I li ( '.ii ol i n. i, Siicilli Car is i , .ued ii giiiia. and in- it .edled ill Ihe c .il ll.. :n I'., tli'in ot Hie tin s , i on - Ic cut i i , Over 200 Attend Field Day At Lower Crabtree The lii.s! at Ihe i Day s w Inch ai e be w ood l 'oiiul v o nd eilv D.'velupM.enl held ill the low. I nullum! s Field g held in Hay - Hie CollUltll 1 1 1 'i '.: i , 1 1 1 1 was ,l Ciablice Coul iitsilav July 211. lliuilllv on Vv vv lib The and 1 1 a o 1 1 1 1 ' i ( i. events stail Home I "HI k as I bell glicsl s. ll Wlttl I I . II III leaving litnii it ISO it. in. is al John linlii 1 1 where over 200 i Hi I c s,,t,. Si li.iol The to si slo. i u I 't'l gllsllll s t .11 III people Willi, tubal to t lie l till III lO s-.- b.ici'o Flom to li I Nest I Hie all, ilia and i Iti tllie I ii ecu's Id nl col n and lu lu le ihe l ! I s clan v I loop wenl ai in vv bt'i e I Hi, saw a I ,-l.,ll i le i .1 Hi n upei alloc. duel' ha, I ll Hie cMi.i .fin Mo. silo lull ul dour ot. I Mi alt ll v Ol I it P : I he e id - iv. .S.-bitt bad ha I llil lint' tin Mi lalldlllK Will k Willi i ttlllio lov . I giant. The first slop will be at the i'arm of Frank Leopard, where an inspection will be made of poul try, forest is , pasture, aitaiia, and tobacco. From there Hie roup will in spect the tobacco st the Hascue Dyer farm. and. then on to the Er! S::r. iar:v. for i iUidy of dairy ' Katclift Covf-Paz 6) Plans Include Hangar; Will He Open IJy August First; Mile From Town Its August I li st, svorknieii are Idled In complete a landing field Willi a 2,.i00-fonl runway, and an f! plane hangar on a Plolt Creek He, ll was announced this iiioin ili ! hv l I) Watkins, president of the new at eaiiietl Haywood Flying Sei v t e. Im The lield is about a mile licini llie heart of low n, A - lie I all leet vv ide and 2 aOO loll.", has heili leased hv the lum Hum Cnil'te Plolt and Vaughn Plutl. ( ii acting ot I lie ruiivv ay is slaled to sun Ibis week, and will bp Planted ill sod The construction of the hate ar vv ill also gel underway this week, and will be of sheet ,'Uiintuiiin t he Held vv ill he large enough to i t i oi n modal c tw o-inoloi etl plane: Mr vsalkius said that fi or 6 planes would be kept at the field, anil that llie linn will cater to ileal let' work, a complete flying it vice live pilot training courses, oi addition to the usual airport i Hi lilt 11". Planes v ill be available for char It I Hi anv point he said This will be the only developed landing Held in Ihe county . I Le iiles Mr. Watkins as presi 1 eh id nihi l' otlicei s include Father ;l:lii,i a-, vice piesitlent: Herbert i la, lieu, lieasiirer. ;i 11 d David uiitlei wood, secretary. Flank Kniitti has hgen named lull tune manager for the firm, and I hit suited work. i Units For Games Being Built At Country Club A iiiicalicin.il i t oil It tit I mil at the at i ..I ding lo (I'eol'g, a'a'i i iili i is under Country Club knob, ill inan- I be rente is h. nig built on the iol atlioiiiing Ihe parking lot of ll,,, ( luh A standard shuttle board lea, been poured, and should he leadv ten ii-. e wilbin a week or ten days Mi Kimball said Also a .in, pnl coin I. and badminton I mill , an lit lie. Collsl i in led llie tenter will be open to the public Mr Kimball said. (I R. McDonald and t"0 eg Lai ued. Kan . are here i i ll lo Mrs McDonald s par Mi. anil Mrs. F Sitt. were accompanied o VV.iv iifi by Mis. McDonald s hi ol her Im a .'Ills, I In v V llie .liiiiin.v Swill, vv ho nig in I. .lined has been i. It- and oi chard gtas. Then In D. .1 . NHI.mds dairy taioi lo see bow a small d.urv (arm is i.K'ialed; 1.. O. Ferguson s vt'a.-: Ihe in xl slop ,li Ferguson i? one ol Hie new ibtiivmen who have 1'iv til I v stalled in the biisine-;. lie also nail a good held nl alfalfa Al Mi anil Mi s CM Ma-pv I II III Hie gioop viewed a -.'.'iir: pi o p't 1 in home lieaol ilic al imi an planning. Then to .lames mid Mar shall Kn kp.it licks to sec thn.r eoll.v ill llie Havwood I mint. Cor". Club They staled thai ! bey planter L S. 2112 alter an all. ilia sod oir1 ide-di cs.s( d will, iiin..':ei' I Tl 1 ei. tSec Ov. r MHI Page 6) Highway Record For 1949 (To D.U) In Haywood Killed..;; 3 Injured .... 23 (This Information com piled front Pecordi ol SUt Blghwty Fatroi).