cltKDAR PTC - The Waynesville Mountaineer TODAY'S SMILE HIS BEST CRITIC I "Is it possible for a man to j make a fool of himself with- j out knowing it?" ! "Not if lie has a wife." I Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park 64th YEAR NO. 62 8 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE. N. C. MONDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 25. 1949 $3.1H) In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties board like : ist un hooks tide of ; ceiling ! In preP" i ,1 term Haywood 4-H Club Members Visiting In Washington County, Iowa joy a boxes, ie thai fchmetic Ld said Jit em. Jnentary I school i of the one of Lccasions that the bo stiff" dancing. I Up. a ince 'mi- ist drag old. but dance linen she 149 North 70 pages the gov- Isve Doen prepared of state. Ions, aaia Cenrral of mm- iction re ars hing that Knrth in this i of pach inn !: ?3B sa ;.T KSgW Ur-- niTi ! tjHAVWOOD COUNTY 1 ft rfHWt A . t . .. .... Tit" X . in. - IOWA BOUND i IK. . . ..'M.....-i.-.....- ,:!': , 'Zawwiwi CtX Clyde Main Hed Din Traon-Traick Collision This picture was made just before the 42 member of llavwund 4-11 Clubs lell lor a weeks visit in ashingiou Cunuly. Iowa They ;ue studying western farm methods, and 4-11 Club projects. Nexl year tlie Itjwans will visit Haywood lor a .similar study, 'l'holo b liigi.un's Studio). 100 Pinls 01 Blood k Sought By Red Cross; Bloodmobile Here 28th nit Aug. 29 Tentative Date For Opening Haywood Schools School children put a red riiiff and a question mark around Mon day. August 29lh. The board of education will de cide the opening date of school for all the county when they meet Tuesday morning at ten o'clock. It now looks as if all schools In the county will open on the same date. While the 29th is not definite, it now looks very logical that it will be the "back-to-school" day for Haywood's thousands of school children. Haywood School Board To Decide On Major Matters In Meeting Here Tuesday lr that has fears, has lairing Bethel Man In Good Condition Following Fall Haynes Warren, Bethel High School 45 - year - old The Haywood board of educa-i lion will meet here Tuesday morn ing at ten o'clock to pass on a number of inaior matters, il was i learned here this morning, from i .lack Messer, superintendent ol education. The mailer of a budget for the I coming year, as well as fixing bonds for school principles and treasurers, and selling a dale for I the opening of Haywood schools I are among the mailers lo he brought to I lie allenlion of the hoard. j Perhaps (he largest single Item j has lo do wild insurance on Hie buildings under the control of the county school board. 'Hie slate now janitor, injur-j has a plan for carrying insurance ed in a fall Saturday, was reported perinteii- in good condition this morning m Assembly. Haywood County Hospital. pp of busi- Mr- Warren suffered a lung 111 W to the jury when he full 15 feet from a Saturday i ladder trt work. -. His condition when he was rush ed to the hospital was at first seri ous, a physician reported. real privi- e officials in as Duke the ero in having Duko in tally would present Od Carolina TV AX3 rU-U U7l, only S1.50 w WJUU " CCA Haywood Has An Allotment Of 44 pan. per kits is one patrol to fe for the have been fa! years. all smiles hat ho can pd, and tret more ease on the buildings, at a cheaper rate than that offered by private com panies. The new plan was put into eflecl by I he 194!) General Assem bly. Mr. Messer explained thai the stale will carry the premiums for $(ifi as against the private concerns for $125. Mr. Messer said thai present i plans were lo insure Ihe Haywood buildings at the auditor's value, I which are listed as follows: Value i Ml. Sterling School $ Cecil School j Clyde School (2 bldgsi j Crabtree School Cruso School ; Fines Creek '2 bldgs) Maggie School Rock Hill School : Bethel School i3 bldgsi Five First Grade Teachers Needed To Complete List If five first crade teachers would walk into Jack .Messer's office and apply for a job, he would probably jump up and down and click bis heels before landing:. With live first grade teachers, he will just about finish tilling all vacancies for the coming school term in Haywood schools. "I've done a little belter than fill one vacancy a week for the past few weeks, so perhaps if my luck holds out, I ran make the grade," he said. Traffic On No. 19 Was Heavy Sun. Haywood has been given an al lotment of 44 4-H Club boys and cirls to attend the State Club Week in Raleigh, from August first lo sixth, it was announced yesterday by Wayne Corpening, county agent. The number that can attend is Spring Hill School limited to each county, and the cost Waynesville High School will be about $20 per person, Mr. Corpening said. The bus will leave here at 8 o'clock on August first, and re turn about 5 on Saturday afternoon. fridit d i Golf Stars Tell with the fc from (he late was i.t. P't on high- F 'he week- believe hie Jto football Sh. Chaoel he a? ex. Iave him talk, hv py. f 'he usual F "trs. and "M time." Pot look lik but went and rn f Tuesday, a 'empera- aff of fctal! I 102 60 59 " Of Worst Holes ARE yon a duffer? Have you taken 11 strokes, or maybe 10. on certain holes? Well, forget it! It happens to the best golfers. Turn to today's sports page for the first of six illustrated stories on the worst holes played by some of the game's finest golfers. Today's story tells about the 11 Ben Ilogan shot on one hole in 1947. The remaining stories include lad holes by Sammy Snead, Bob by Locke, Johnny Farrell, Her man Barron, Byron Nelson, and Bbby Jones, the Grand Slam Tinner of 1930. This series may not help your Rolf but it certainly should boost your morale on the golf course. Waynesville Junior High 1 Waynesville Klementary Hazclwood iolfl bldgi Hazclwood 'new bldgi ! East Waynesville Lake Junahiska Saunook Aliens Creek i Waynesville Colored Canton High School ' Beaverdam School Morning Star School ; North Canton , I'atlon School 1 I'enn Avenue Keynolfls Colored School Bethel Cannrry Fines Ck. Cannery X- Shop i Crabtree Cannery & Shop ! School Bus Garage 1 F. F. A Hut ! Waynesville Cannery Hereford Breeders Meet Here Tonight Member "f 'be Haywood Coun ty Hereford Breeders Association will meet in special session at 8 n rrl todav in the county agent's office in the Court House. 1.118 8.000 83.000 62.000 17,000 61.000 10.000 22,000 100.000 2.000 90,000 48.000 35.000 38,000 43.000 30,000 26,000 14.000 5,000 7,000 350.000 68.000 67.000 93.000 58.000 82.000 127.500 3.000 5,000 5.00(1 1.000 3.000 3.000 Traffic on Highway No. 1!) was unusually heavy Sunday, it was learned from Ihe Highway Patrol (his morning. Patrolman O. H, Huberts collid ed 51 cars in one line aboul 4 30 Sunday, with many other similai lines being noted throughout the afternoon. Patrolmen would noi say I traffic was heavier than the Fourth of July week-end, hut commented ' it was aboul as heavy as the road could handle.'' iDr. Hillman Urges Laymen To Greater Effort Dr. .1 llillnian. ol Kit hinoiul. tormer college presulenl. now Grand Socrctaiy ol Ihe Grand l.odue ol Masons ol Virginia, was the featured speaker at a soiilh wide Methodist Laymen's Conlei enee at Lake .lunalu-.ka. Friday night. Speaking on his chosen llieine, falling all Lay men." Ir. Hillman caw the historical background ot Ihe movement for religious lihertv through 25 centuries of history, euhiiinal ing in Ihe I Velar. il ion of 1 ode pcudenec. "The L n i I i'il Slab's ol America." be declared, "is a favored nation." he declared, and "her heritage in material resources is no less im pressive than in Lion'i ninenl . In material and industrial develop ment this good land leads Ihe w orltl. "However, there is another lieril (See Dr. llillnian 1'age SI Salvation Army Singing Session Set For Aug. 7th Plans are being completed loi the IL'lli annual singing convent ion at Ihe Salvation Army mountain mission near Max 1'aleli for Sun day. August Till, il was announced today by Major Cecil Brown, dis trict ollieer in charge of the moun tain mission work. Col. ( I A. Slephan. Male com mander ol Ihe Sahalioii Army, and stationed in Charlotte, will be Hie speaker for Ihe occasion. Hundreds usually atlend these convent ions, and several thousands are expected lo here on the Till. Francis Cove Folks Play Host To Saunook Residents In Field Day By JEAN HALL Mountaineer Correspondent Nearly 100 Saunook residents were guesis 01 ine peupie 01 r mu ds Cove all day Saturday in an intercommunity Field Day held un der the Community Development Program. Nearly 400 people attended the picnic lunch the ladies of Fran cis Cove had prepared for hosts and guests. During the morning, the visitors saw the improvements being made in Ihe host community in their lour of the farms. After the picnic, the Sal k boys and girls responded lo I lie Francis Cove hospitality by ami ably beating Francis Cove soil ball teams. The boys won, 1(1-10 and the girls edged the Francis Cove girls, 19-17, The other games and con tests, played under the supervision of C. K. Wealherby. principal and head coach of Way ne- ille Tow n ship High School, saw close eoni (See l-'ruiicis Cove I'acc X Canton Doctor Hurt In Auto Accident Friday j Dr. ,1. H. Westmoreland ol Can- Ion, injured in an auto collision i Friday nighl. was reported in good condition today at an A-diewllc hospital where he is under treat ment. The physician and civic leader Millered a fractured elbow but bis nine-year-old daughter. Woody. escaped injury when his car and a truck collided on Ihe Cedar Top ! curve west of Clyde ! He was on his way lo the llay-j wood County Hospital in Waynes-j ville when Ihe accident occurred Dr. Westmoreland was cxpcclcd to remain in the hospital this week, Leroy Harrell Is With Mountaineer Circulation Dept. Leroy llaiTcll has assumed his diilies as Held man with the emu lation depaitinelil ol The Moun taineer. Mr. Harrell is well known in Haywood, and a native ot the county. Shortly aiter - tuiisliiiiK both school, he went lo the shipyard, and worked imlil he joined Ihe Navy in DM2. Alter two years as aviation machinists mate, he re ceived his discharge and ret in lied to a larin on Cove Creek lor a year About "J 1 j years ago he joined I nagiisla Manufacturing Company, and iluiiug the past six niont lis during his spare time, sol veil as rural worker lor a daily newspaper. He will devote lull Unie lo The J Mountaineer, working throughout ' t he county. He is the son of Mr. and Mr-. .1. S llarri'll, and is married lo the tormer Miss Dorolby McKlroy I'hev live in East Waynesville and have a tout -year-old daughter. Rev. Mr. Martin To Talk At Baptist Meeting The Hev. Lewis W. Martin, super intendent of schools of missions ot tin' liaplisl Home Mission Board will discuss "Missions Emphasis al Ihe First Wav ncsvdlc Beauty Queen A Patient Poser Haywood County High Waters Of Pisgah Creek Uncover Ancient Mill Stones; Just Found Two stones, believed by many 'o have been used in pounding meal back in the pioneer days, were uncovered by the recent flood waters on Pisgah Creek near Cruso, and they were found by v- V. Poston of that section. Well worn by use, and the wcath er of many years following, the stones have attracted much inter est. The age of these stonies can be anybody'i guess, but many sup Pose them to be similar to those used by the Indians in pounding out their taml for bread. The small stone, found several feet from Ihe larger one, still had a portion of the wooden pin in the center, which is thought by some lo have been used in turning the small rode in the large one the corn. Others, have expressed the opinion that the two have no connection, that the small stone is more a erindstone. which perhaps chiseled out by hand. Oldest residents of that section may be able to give more en lightening information about the ihoir use. but SO far n who has been knows definitely about1 them. j .ff 1 10 VliS - however. J jT" ' is.' i tt .. w: Miss North Carolina of 1949," She looked like this for Ihe 34 Lh pho- contae'ed . Nancy Yclverton ot Kocky Mount .c n.itient as well as pretty tographer to take her picture four hours after she started posing on the sands at Atlantic Beach near Morehead City. She passed up ..,i,r in hln the camera boys alone. Nancv ! 18 tandc 5 rei pcuwus - - - feet, 5 inches, and weighs liu pounas Week" ill a meeting Baptist Chinch of Wednesday inoi nillg. The county-wide meeting is scheduled lo start al 10 a.m. Pastors, training union directors, Sunday school superintendents, and presidenls of Women's Missionary Unions are urged to attend. The Haywood Baptist Associa tion has set aside the week of Sep tember 3 through September 9 as Missions Emphasis Week. Cruso Residents To Meet Tomorrow A special meeting of Cruso resi dents will be held al 7 p.m. tomor row al the Cruso School lo discuss Ihe coining Field Day and com munity lour. II won't be 100 percent business, however. Some of the lime will he dedicated to the consumption of watermelons, and to music and .singing. 1 Mole Ulan one liUiulicd voliiii leers are needed as hluod donors when Ihe Bloodiiioluli I nil liooi ihe Ashevitle lied Oos. ill,, oil I eulel l omes l e I lull s i'.iv . I lie ll I 11 vv ill lie -.el l. .it I lie Fit si I'l e-tiy l l i.ill Ctillllh liooi tl' a. in mil il I i in lied t 'i o-.s vi hi l,i I s hav e .el a '.oa ol inn pinls ol lilood tor the eollei lain on lliiii d.iv 'O I till Ihe a v el .i'i Hi eil , ol Ille ho pil al In 1 e may lie no I Sun e May 1 !l w hell 1 he -Blood mobile I ml i ollei led ltd 'till, ol blood tig piikis or iiiiiii- lh. in doo lite the amount cull, . teil have I, cell li , 0 tin ii Hie lied Cms , I'.loiid I eliler A stall ol iloiloii inn .e and U-eliio, rill-. 1 1 o 1 1 1 shev il le will iiiiiduel liie iinil Hun il.iy Willi I he assi I line ol VI i .leailell e Helms ol Hie di Ii il l he, ill II (lepai 1 iiieiil and olb.'i voliinleei winker Evaiiinial ion-, will he made lo de teiiuiiie He liliii'. ol ihe inbui lt ei s .tiitl l.loiul will he IV p. tl W av I,,- I i. .. . 1 el i tut m. Ill t han ot. ,il h i appoMiti tl coiniiiit tee , I In ute Ii, ml Ihe itiliiil.v lo hi no' in voltinlei I doiiiii anil Mr I liarles I;, iv and Mi I eiix Slov all, 1 1, i Ii, hi null ol volunteer .'.el -It t , Will i i I ,:u 1 lie i hill t II lie inn- mav mal.e .i - ti I I iiiriit lor lliiii il e. In taller; the lied I li nv. 1 HI it e al I t It pluitie HI. Wayne Corpc lung, Becrutliiienl Chairman, will be assisted ill the proRrnin by Mis Ft mil Haves .tfNh er. exetiilive set ielaiy ol Hie jural lied ( loss i tiaptfi. Mi' Chai le i Itav ami Mi .. Ilelsy Lane liunlaii. chilli Mian ol viiliiuleei ', el v ices, anil Ihe lollovv iiie, ( oiiiiniiinl y i hail men ol voliinleers Iron Dull, Mrs Frank Dave; ami () I. Vale, ' Crabliee. Mr-, Marshall kuk patnek. Mrs I .N'oland, Joe I'alinei. and lleishel lingers I- Hies ( leek Mis AI.ii k Fergll ts.'e I'.li.oil It, ink - P.i ie H) Two Waynesville Physians Move Into New Offices Two ninth i n suites ol oil it e : liave been t oniileleil on the second liooi ol Hie Masonic Temple lor I wo Wav ot - v die 'hv siciaiis While Hie iilliet's are similar in every del. ill, Ihev an' s parate ami apart, and Hie phv sniaiis will main tain (lien eivn oilnes ami slall. Ill V. F Lancaster has mined his till ir,', I nun I he mi ner ol Hav vvootl and Miller sirens, and Di .1. E. Fender has moved I mm the lirsl lloor ol Hie Masonic Temple, and each aie nci upy nig Ihe Ivvn nt'W oil ices. Besides a lobby, which -eiies both oil lees. Ibeie i a larae nail ing room in each suite, a secre tary's oil ice, label aim v. business oll icv. eolisiillal ion i-iioiu, I vv o ex amiiiiilion umiiiis a supply room X-Kay looiii. iintl two 1 1 eat inenl rooms. The iloois li.ive been coveied i with cork Ille. ami the ceilings done in acoustical lile, and all win dows ciiiipeil with Venetian blinds A 1 1 hi n l: 1) Di, Lancaster's new oil ice is now opto, he is still (un filled to his home rccupei al ing from injuries received in an auto mobile wreck -everal weeks ago. Dr. I'ntdi i is occupying his ot (ices. and can y ing on his general prael ice ibeie. Accident About Ten This Morning Took Life of Horace King A b.i-y car-old Clyde farmer was killed and liis ..mi and a companion wcie iiiiiiuil llos morning when liuii pnktip truck was struck by a -,lov 'iiiuv in,.; I it-1 v, I it ;it a cross-ill-, ill Civile Si, ile Huliviay I'alrol Corp. F.d miii .lone lib milled the dead man as Hoi are King. Iiiiuieil vttii James King, about :!:: and U ilt y Suy di r. 40. Al II iv wood County Hospital in Way ne ville where I hey were tak en lui tu aloit lit. Dr. V. II. Duckelf ol I allien ilesi i iht tl the general t uiitlil ion ol bulb men as "fairly ..noil . He .aid . I. lines King was siiller iii.: a i oin iission and that Mr. Sny der, bud .sustained scalp and hip La t-rui ion-, I'.xaiiiiiiiilioii.', ol each man were i mil iliiiih: lale llns iiiorning lo de li liiuiie wlit'llicr either had suf lereil injuries. Coipoial Jones anil Slate High way I'alioliuan Bill Sawyer, who al o investigated, gave these de tail id Ihe ll agetly : .lames King was driving the H ink soulli on Smal hers Street when lis iirbl real- was struck by the Diesel locoinol ive, going west w Ob a si ring of 30 cars As he saw Hit Irani bearing dow n on tin in Hoi are King leaped out Hum br. place in Ihe rear seal, lie l.i, pinned In I ween the locomotive and ihe Uuck, and died shortly af it rvt ard, Dr .1. Irani; I'ale. Haywood v otiiily coroner, ruled, idler inlir Vh'liIo', vi it lie', Ihe ilealh was il t nil ulal anil thai an inquest uelllil he unnecessary. il. i liiitbliis-i wt re I bill Mr. King died ol a 1 1 .at ui vit skull and inter nal iiiiuili ! can eil by bis having liven mi m;k by a trajm, I'lii tuiie of Ihe eiiisl) "wliipperts i be light H ink aioiiiid and hurled it 1 i teel. I be olliciTs said the locomotives pei iluiiii Icr showed Ihe Irani wa . 'Hull!; 'Il miles an lioiu w ben Kn giiii el .Inn Henley of Ashcv ille ap plied the brakes in his Initio cllort 10 avoid lite crash. They also said ihe en. inn el' had blown the whistle bt loie muling lo the crossing, l ui poial Join said Ihe indication-, weie lh, il I lit I ruck also wa, moving slowly, but had not stopped In I in i.' colli inning across the track1;. Ile added thai Ihe side ol Ihe 1 ,eal on which the elder King had In t-u s, .it eil w hen he jumped from 1 I lie 1 1 in k w as not si ruck. I'he damage to Ihe entire truck be est limited ill jilsl $75, Describing Ille scene, Ihe oHlrer (See Clyde Man Page XI Pops Concert To Be Held Next Monday flic Tran.sylv.inia Music Crtnp family Orchestra will give a pop conceit sponsored by the Waviif -ville Chamber ol Commerce at 11 I i p or August 1 in Ihe Wayrrs. ville Township High School Audl loi nun Tickcls ;u e on sale in Wavm -'-vtlle Itiilels. Ihe Chamber ot Cnm nieiee oil ice. anil al Gunn's Corner. ( oiidiicl nig Hie latiillv orcliF---lia is J,uites Clnisiian I'lohi the I till ndt I illill lllli'tlol ol Ihe music ! camp al lii cvanl, w hen- stnrienU galhei tvciv sniouiei lo sindv un der n.ilionally -ranked artists fie is diiector ol music tui D;n iclson Collegi and i bun duet tor ot fb. Myers !'; k I'l t shy tci lau Church ol Clmi tulle ' I'he oichcsiias iiiiiecit nia;;ter is Leo l'anascv ich. w Im serves in ! t he same capacity lor Ihe Ballft lliisse lie lonle Carlo of New York tiin inn Ihe vvintei season. Miss Norris Named Queen At 2nd Haywood Festival lAP Photot. The Bent Creek Kancb of Ashe ville square dancers are still the champions of the Haywood County Folk Festival. On Saturday night, they sussess fully defended their title in the fin als of the second annual Festival which began Thursday night at Canton High School. Johnny Crook is caller, Ellen Casselberry, leading lady; and Bus Fletcher, manager. They won out over the Canton Memorial Park team and the Stor.ey Mountain, aggregation which ! had captured top honors Thursday I nighl in ihe preliminaries in which I Sam Queen's famed Soco Gap danc I ers participated. ! The festival closed yesterday afternoon with a singing conven tion after attracting more than six thousand spectators to the colorful varied pet toi mances. Tile Saturday nigln audience ol nearly 3.000 also saw Miss Dorothy Norris, 17-vear-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs,. T. C. Norris of Waynes ville, crowned a;; Festival Queen. She wai avarded a "Ti;t '"atch j Srt Mtn Norm Pan B) Highway Record For 1949 (To Date) In Haywood Killed 4 Injured .... 26 (This Information com piled frou: Bceords of fctate Eifhwy Patrol).

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