July 28 1949 ' . THE WAYNES VILLE ' MOUNT AINEE3 PAGE mVE (Second Sectioiit 1 P V ANTED Yearlings to pasture i at S2 per month. Ladino Clover i .., Jerrv Liner. Lake 1 12 tf , nniosriY satisfied ;per word pasture. Junaluska. M rents per till i OR MONUMENTS Haywood Monument Co., next to Farmer Kxchauge, on Aahtville Hoad. H. ti Angel, manager, phone 277-M. tf AltDMOHE. nkla. I I' ly didn't kill Hi yeai , Aimx. hui ii landed la AyCuX Vid: Jailed ull slr being al.-rhl vwt,ul Ir Hie Ai.ov dllti lit I, ait i Al illume polite .hiet to .YU.iy v.- louhlli: Jul In -(- UI'IOS- i Id Kub ii in jail pu .on lit 1 1 ma I u Hit- J it the ! a e l all. a-1 il FORRESttOSi Cove Creek Folk Set 31st As Home Coming Date Bv era Hee. cs Mountain! ei Cm i e-pondent notify all persons havir.j: claims against said estate to presi lit tfiem I Ui the undersigned on or before tin- 28lh day of July. 195(1. or this I notice will be pleaded in bar of thru' recovery. All persons in debted ot said estate will please i make payment to the undersigned ! Mils the 2:ird day of July. IMil. lil SSELL G1L1.1LAM) Admimsti alor . !: .1 2a A 4-1 1-18 2S S 1. mh Olu HOvt I OwN By STANLEY Inch. ,50c s ,,buulil In-Tin- vlliil"- r)llll il'l'' Snfiiri ' '"' (NTS r jsh in"" tnl by iiu'1 office tar dily I"'1""' hntee lu (r( a want ail I Tlic M"-1"-lik. Jut n hn pulil- tint Itrihile r i N U E R BLOCKS Superock blocks and Concret Block, 4", 6 ", and 12" sizes. The W A Hays Block Plant, Phone 102, Franklin or 903 Highlands. tf jl'ORTSMEN The finest sporting toodi in Waynesville are sold at ; Kotjers Electric Co. Phone 461. j tf i A MAN MIST SAIM 1.J--V Dkl.i ( Ill- IK 1 Up.it lull A ill 1 llf EAV f ' - A-ked 1U; booked I al ' tin ke . P..,, W Okl.i . luht olfu . i a union hum " I'alioi, jiuj ol whi--alt ol Maiiiitoiil ' lit ' v. oi Urd a 1 ! Sunday. July lil. will be hiunr- Culiillr' llaV 1 ul' all 111 u-rlt . Ill Com- Clerk. bill 11 Ilin-e living Ilklr hu. and tollurl 1 . -lilt I , L The all it..v r. U bi ,.l ion will be-i-in al tin o'tlotk. Willi mh'iu1- EOK AKI PKINT1NU of all types of forma, letterheads and ever need ex pertly done by The M juutaineer. JmA call 700. ht.Yi v., moduli r I, kill hen i lo H.o-.ll.o.al ut. ...bri lioll I Will, J 111. lu I I l. i 1H-. ' I" 4 W h.r- ,i them i.'t - In ,11:111 .1. K If ln,a 1 oK RENT Bendix washers, dry ers, and ironer. The Launderette. 1!) Depot Street. Phone C95. Jn 9-tl PK1NT1NO needs are promptly and satisfactorily filled by Un commercial printing plant of The Mountaineer. Just call 7. 0. j K )H S ! aloi I -La. i.i: l.lkr ', IX m loot l-.t iliiiiu i rlt .lit. I'hoili Kin i tl ii 4.;:-, ; A i loi: s i.i: ., i Mh. Il 1 1 111 - .11 I 111 ll IllOlC I'll Lake .luiiiilii- ka til 1 1 1 i I ail il ,i ID - i l ii i' l.oiit ,1 2.".- ei' lr j l)H SALE 41 2 acres with log cabin 18x28 partially finished in- : side. About 20 young fruit trees. Within city limits of Waynes ville. Price $4,000. For parti- . culai's. address Log Cabin, The Mountaineer. Jy 7 to A 29 I I'OK SALE AT REAL BARGAIN --Beautiful 84 acre tract, stream holders whole tract, several springs, about 25 acres of ideal . fanning land, Balance in wood land and pasture, all -fenced. Beautiful waterfall view from huiiiesite, 1600 gallon reservoir, everything in fruit trees one could imagine, also berries of every description, can be bought at practically your own price, with very little down payment, and long easy terms on balance. The L. N. Davis Company, Phone 77 or 78. tf W.WTLl) LIVE HOGS. CATTLE. CALVES. WILL 151 V ANY AMOl'NT. ANY SIZE. ANY TIME. SEE IKED JONES AT JONES MAK KET. BOYD AVENUE. WAYNESVILLE. PHONE (99-J. Jv 2.-). 28. Auif 1, 4. al the Cur Ciitk l!.i(, ti t CI, tub -lalliUf' at ties ell ill link Tile I'.C Uoik Ru -ell. pa-iiir. will pi each the Minion. 1 oilow iiu: Hie vol -hip hour, the ,u) will ehji a a plena dm 0 u . 1 lie altrihouii pioi'i.iin will lim it! ol -no'iiii: Ir- ililtri.nl riiiupv and bi it t talk- h pi uph ulu air " i ilih'J back luiini The roinihitti e In i hai';'.' extend- a ("itli.il imitation in all ptuplc n: 1 1 1 1- i iuihl lo . itlt ml the. 1 III 1 1 1 t tlihlh.;. M il l. IN Till 111 SIM S.S MKS1U 1(V Ma-'. a . ui nmi I ill y thai cal C,i: 1 1.:-.'.- Ca)U.il oi Aineshury slill r. lain ill'1 t liur :'d il-r!l llit tlle w,.ihi; a link wiih ti aiiMioi tal ion liulii-t i au-r ol a lulriil labi le "iindow eliaiiii. I lor autumn Three plants win k round I lu lu produce 1 lie rliannr t)e vleel biles. ck FOR SAI.F. Exceptionally good used washer Cost $1 44.00 Csed onh 4 times Holds !l lbs. clothes Fur quick sale onl SI00 00 Call o.C.i-H between ti and 7 P. M. tf LOST Beta Kappa Camilla Sol oril Pin will name. Virginia Barnes in-irilieil inside. Finclel Call 4:i:t. J 2H I NOIKi: TO CKIDITOKS M ihTH CAHOl.l.N A It AY WOOD COl I Y the llhtlt-l iKIltd having lll-ill lied as adnuiiislrator ol t!i.' rslali ol Lena Reed Meliatles. lit eral .1 luL .l Hay wood County, tin., l- ii ini it all prison- hai iiir i laiirs at a in t I aid e - tale lo pi e- Ult t Ii. U' 10 the Ulllit I llleljl ull Ol bettll ll.t 2t,ih d.. ul July. ls).".0. oi tin oolii. iill br pie.idrd ill bal ol lluil le.uVrly All pel ull lll.li bt ul lo aid eaate will plea r make la -lurid to the under .piled i'lii the 2Hi'd day of Jul 1949 IHSSF.l.L ClI.l.lL.WH, Adniiiii-1 1 ator t :;t ,i :9 a 4-1 i-ih-lvi s i ( I K r. Ol SAI.K l I UK SI PEH1UH CiH RT BLFORK THE CLEI'.K NDIDII CAROLINA, 11 WWOOI) COCNT'Y HARRY HEM Bit EE. Administrator, FT A I . . Vs. I I! K llF.Mliltl E FRED HF.M ISKEi:, NA II EM BR EE M ESSI'.R. FT A I.. Pursuant to authority from tin Clerk ol the Superior Court ol Hay wood County m .in older dated July ttlh. 1949, notice is given that 1 will, as Commissioner of the Conn, oiler lor sale at the Court iiise dour in (be Town of W'av nr-. villi-. North Carolina, on the .'it 11 dav of August. 19-49 al o'clock. M . to tbr highest bidder lor cash, the following ile.eribed land: BECINMNC, on a slake in Fred Teagm s line and runs Nurt ht r-;l V V-J-J THl7 WATER PIPE BUSTED AHC FLOODED P. ; L, S ' H HENOER-iO'slS RLCEATlON POOM - - TiHl S a p. ....r- -r-. QaiL TUP: -lpiI kri rAs vi c - tw.Li-n wire iw or I hfk) U- V AND YOU US - 1 U. KFEP "THE VTfTW f f 7 v I Zrl Osi A CODPl-E O MOUfsJS ANO WE CAM SyY JWvg A5WIM- ffih f fm aeoTMEies ff'Z i lssJ?7 C c . vi3?i 's"- iTl TESfV-s j ii, V '''m1 -n cneoME NpsL jj rjjy s1a'M ' ' WHH.e THE- HejPETIs-'SaMS ARE sPENP.'sifc f rll A Wfc'Ers AT TrvE SETA I , ""CJ :i ".lainoie. Iheiice hire. dr. eased All pri's.ins in- I It re-.lod in 1 he pul i base ol the i I j I .. .. i . a .a I .11,1 ..in .lilt h. turner tlow 11 autur net I iiru iui ... ....... .... i... i,. , .l-.t.. ,,ii take liolire ot till-, -alt. tl ht ill 1 IBl falhllk, rtumi.iistratrix of the Fstate ! Lloyd Kirkpatrick. deceased. 1871 July 11 18-25 Aug 1-8-15 19 pole-, to Northeast 12 polt tin bank ut a lu : ..id brant 11 HO pii bank ol lughwav the highway :.:" p. bank ol higliw ay . o a poplar tin . t ilrnrr dow n lo a lakr on irlirr 1 lllllum I. . to .1 .nut runs ttutitt Suutli w lib O II I'ai loh Inn Southwest 2!i p.d. lo a slake, I led 'league'-, line. 1 In ,ur i uiihim: Fred Ti ague's line 7 poles 1 BECIWIM;, containing live ai i o nit i r or less, and is part of I h. .lot l eague land in V. lute Oak Tow n ship. This is the ciinveved by V to .lames F. Ilrnibice by deed iiil 20. 1948 ami record w.lh1 1"' til. lakr nolire of tlli-. -alt and t be I. I ins of 1 In sal,. '1 hi- the lllh da" ol July HARRY HEMHREE. Aiiiiiim-li alor and Commissioner ut the Court luly 11-111-25 inv 1 inn- tract of land C Lowe and wile latetl tl in ADMIMS I HA I lilX I lav nig ipial il leil Ins ol the pal 1 u k. ilt-cri NOTICE as ailiuinisli a- estate ol .1 Lloyd Kirk- iisul laic ol Haywood County North Carolina. Ibis is to nolily all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased In exlnbil them to the undersign ed at Wav nesville. Norlli Carolina, on or before the 27th day of June. 1950. or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol I heir recovery. All per sons in.lehlrd lo said estate please make immediate payment This Ihe (1th day NOTICE OF SALE On Monday, August 15. 1949, at eleven o'clock a m at the Court house door in Waynesville, Hay wood County. North Carolina, I will offer tor sale at public outcry to the highe-i bidder tor cash the follnwinii lands and premises, situ- ate. lying and being in Wai nesville Township. Haywood ''.unity, to-wit: i BEGINNINt; on a take in the ! West margin ol HaCm Street, which stake I- 175 l.rl in a North erly diiectiun iiira-.iueit along the ii.aigin ut -aid sir. el fioin Leo Weill's .formerly Joe Emerson Hose's i Ninth, a-l comer, and ruin Willi said marfin of ai 1 .-treet in a Southerly dilution 175 feet lo . . a li-.ii iron '-take, U.r alolr dill riw corner, theme Ni.it h 7:1 W va. 0- 30' F. a with saui Weill luie 2H0 7 feet to an iron p.n old ourwood lump corner: theiue N. 15J L. 1471.. teet to a tal e oi 'ear line of Lot Nu 54. theme .about S. 82" Ei 2G5 feet lo Ihe BEGINNING, and BEING l.ol No 5.1 ami part of Lot Nu. 54 of the Waller S Brown land as subdivided among heirs May. 19:11. plat ot which division is ircmdcd 111 Map Burl- "A", page llaswood Count. Rrgi try. Conveyed to moi l r.v.oi s by Lu cille L. Hardin by deed dated March 20, 194U. Sale made pursuant to the power anil authority conlriiul upon the undersigned Trustee hv I bat deed ui trust dated the 201 h day of March. 194!) executed by John Van tlenberg and wile Margaret C. Yandonbci g. and recorded in Book 58. page SM). Haywood County Registry, lo which instrument and record reference is hereby made lor all the term.- and conditions hereof, default having been made in the payment ol Ihe indebtedness thereby m cured. This .lull !'. 1949 A. T. WARD. Trustee. 1872 July 111-25 Aug. 1-8 Wav nesville, Hazelwood, Lake Junaluska, and surrounding terri tory open for active, self-reliant man with car. Field training giv en; Selling experience not nct iv saiy. Profits average $00 per lin k. Give telephone number or direction to home (or personal interview. Write Fuller Brush Company, Asheville, N. C. Jv 21 -25-28 : I, I I OK sw.f. Double oven cos range, dining tables, compart ment and dinner plates. Spears Inn, Canton, N. C. Jy 25, Am tl I -LING niir! place IV AND Inc. ox 54 i. ('. , . Jroiler of July! piiks jt si.,.. -ts each, "in miuify yours i,)(jjv Pbm llaleh. (iroush v.)llr fari'liousc. oints PINT PRS ItRS Makes PSLEY Home It Paymrnt? ICo. JIT'S AT BUANNERCREST One very tlt'shalile apartment rrniaining al Braiinercrest. Thoroughly e'luipped for year-round occu pancy. 455-R, or 455-M. Jy 25,28 Hill SALE OR TRADE: 15 acres land and 2 houses, 2 barns, up per section Aliens Creek - -Bragg Wood. Jy 25, 28. Aug 1 WANTED: Girls and boys to 'ell - iib-criptions to a magazine. Ea-y lo sell; good commissions See Eddie Goss, at Le Faine Hotel, eai Ii evening ut ti o'clock. Jv 25, 28 ANTIQUES Choice Selection of . Glass Furniture China Bric-a-hrac HOTEL GORDON jRVICE 1 Cleaning, BRING YOUR RADIO to our Modern, Completely Equipped Shop for Guaranteed Expert Repair Service Jones Radio Co. 'T. JR. J"-sviHf us 'HES Strvice ! l"SK4 ! Shop h n MHKL IO .1........., !11e..v,U, Norll. Carolina, on the 134. a. page ti. Record oil No:tTH CUJOI.INA. jJllh day of August. 1949 al twelve n,','(,!i Hay wi.tiil Coiinly. Norlli , il VVOo: l't U "l Y. 'o'clock. M. lo the hightst bidder r''"',,,,ni'- Tin' uiiilt 1'sigin tl. Ii.iviir.'. iiali- ; '"' rash, the following ilr.rnbrd Tbr sale of this land i made . Ii. tl as ri.h'-inislraloi ol Ihe estate! hind: b I be Commissionu appoint. -tl tor . r L-'.'.,., i...,..,i ,1s , I, ..eased ! BEGINNING on a slake in Fred Ihe purpose of creatine as-els to , . ', ,, , .io.. i.; Tearue s line .ind runs Vi-ilii nav Ihe debts of James F Hem- : Tins Ihe 8th tlay of July, 1949 laic oi iiayyyuoti tuiouy. iuis ,s - - r- ,-. , Dv SWAN THE FLOP FAMILY : . . , i..! jyu iron wopo5o ro ewe. j KiohzTpg wgJJSg0! 2PtMLof v' S?oS I I II l ... . 1.- - t r AiK.t lllljv l 1U I 'Tun , n km it- rv I I t I I N I . I :,s.,: ,.,.. , Ll1- L, rff-mr y &m MM W fe'ZA j Sir Wal.er Photo Service UV lA y"c .j :; , IH!MV. --..101 WffTV-s 1 1 - J U . -v I, J .', ,T7... k ...!,... ,s - ',.'... -"M .. II 1 "' m mm i . $ irti mt ' 1 -J ; Z -- - , VmtmW''mr, ,i MV,,vt . HIGIIT AROliNI) IIOMK V I,,,I,'KY F1S1IER 22 rHul'JilMlll'krt f " . . : 1 H.mmKU..udir.-iiiullwoli.at.'eil V UJ I n J 1 W W, IK lBi V - i lunii- iiiiiiufiii..ii. 'I'Iip ui-t u' living 1. CHAlf? VA--V O YmtSl, f il O JVj" - (VS I ,'o,.uiiiiy ni.-iufi"ii - .T' gv--- "V ? -j!J vv V 'RjtfZZSL. Jl ' CL-m -V- i' -Y j . ' i ' i ' ' ' tr I V-. WE GUARANTEE 1, Avi-i TO SAVE YOU MONEY WE GUARANTEE MOTOR CO. Willys Jeeps, Trucks anil i S05j&J phovf 480 MAIN STREET Station Wagons ! mM rr czi7F VOTT MONEY FHONn 48 I.I., , ,? M EVERY TIRE WE KKCAP IS GUARANTEED I v MSiSfi I I TO filVE NEW TIRE MILEAGE I j - Ar1)l;s()N ASPHALT - GLAZED SROUN ' rY dt ! Box 313 Waynesville, N.C. tZ:..Z --S Wmim'S lhone 73-R , KJ (L f jf SBCBMMB ESTT JJ ISSTzS " " I ''.1 By WALT DISNEY I w if tT Oil HI T"K ' r -r-r- 1 I guess people I I fDo?" Wn ' " qz. H -'- : ( DON'T BELIEVE 1NNA DV C7 i, J Electric Range "Cl?. 1-, ,VJAMT E ED Fi?ESH ! THE 'RE FRESH.' A ( .,1 vTQPClJ . Wetter -ive up.) I , ( TWd (ML Lrii W feH' 5J EXPERIENCE I ' -T-t? . Z--r t . Z i W Jtr -O. - 'l ir1' g&r .V1 s IT WE REPAIR n.fri.rior Washing Machines and W.ter Heaters - Small Appliances, 20 YEARS DeHART'S RADIO & APPLIANCE SERVICE it pMfJ I'-j pw-- wv&as I DEPOT STREET

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