raoou. July 28, 1949 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER 1 T-" 1 J Trmr inn Attend riem uy Le; Iron Duff Guest . ii r. Playing At Park Theatre Thurs.-Fri. At Strand Sunday ki ll " it: l. merits Mr. O.or lias made an I howrd the group his lield of to- liacco. i rni- group then went to tin- Ld sum farm to look at his modern I, rude A dairy bam and to observe pasture work which he has done in the past few years. Mr Sun.' lias an outstanding La ,Iiih ilover and orchard grab pas which he obtained by liming ,1, imid and fertilizing at the rate ,,t COO to 80(1 pounds of 2-12-12 and , , din" at the rate of 2 pounds of I jihtio ilover and 12 pounds of hard grass per acre. II was also brought out here the value of clipping pastures, and Mr was clipping part ot his pas duriug the tour, also showed the group Ins of dairy cattle, stating that of the cows in this, herd are giving over a tone of milk per month from this type of pasture. The group then went to the C. T Francis farm to see some out standing Hereford cattle. Mr. Francis had his herd sire and the son of this sire out for the group io look at also six or eight calves iKini his herd sire. Mr. Francis owns some of the outstanding Here lord cattle in this area, and it is wry evident that his breeding pro gram is paying off from the looks o( his calves. Then Ted Francis, 1 II Club member and son ol Mr. Francis, showed the group his baby href which is also a son of the herd suns lures He herd some m"H-v & ) nil fe) rSi W j-s ! fin 1 Hkik mmtmMk'" " Scene from the great comedy "SOHKOWKCL JONKS" starring "Hob Hope. I.ucile Hall and little Mary .lane Saunders, playing at the Park Theatre Thursday and Friday of this week .w t lu lu- is doing From here the group went to the HatclilTe Cove Community Cemetery where Mr Francis spoke to the grouo on the improvements which bad been made on the ceme tery. At (lie Hardy Finer farm they saw an outstanding lield of tobac co and also went to the Hub Francis farm to see his tobacco Then they went to the Hugh lialclillo farm to i see some more good Hereford cal- 'almer. C.oorgc , Sherrill Kob- Cene Kcllv and Fugene San- sire. At I lie Jack Felmet farm, Mr. He. anil Mrs. Felmet showed them Mr. KalcUM'o emphasized th.it be through their home. There they is o'-ing a purebred bull, breeding ...ivv ' oine extensive home improve- to grade llorcfoid females and -.av-iiii iil projects, including a water i jug tin- good female calves tor i e , .it-ill from their spring. ! placements. The group also saw Mr and Mrs. Felmet served cold some good steers there, all of which drinks lu the cnlire group al this' points lo the tact that good cattle I o. The nexl slop was at Hob Fran ii. farm, where Mr. Francis show ed the group some outstanding corn, also an improved pasture and some soil conservation work which mm mm :m HI (MM ran III ! I I M EE CREAM flavor unsurpassed i- luxe Ice (.ream lartnn. stamped with i lils the rifitil tables i- American Homes! (illi i i Inn- i anil f-- I'd the .1 In il" Ho hid !' Diuhlv helils the rrgnl tables 11 I In,!, in on, Free American Homes! W 11 (mi' or I'nm rss I'et with any other fe''! ni' In i n ,im mulness, ils delectable spjjl hi ;im I IVom all others. Marie only jm I" ' ii '.- null,, daily fresh su ed Ml ii .'i-'ii. ii. ihiiuhil 11, ivorins... Princess Jm I ; ' "" - 1' c C l 1 M !', ,,;. - s..," " " - '"-'- M j " and pastures go hand-in-haiKl '1'he next sto was at the modern home and farm of Mr and Mr- 1 Heevcs Noland. There the group was shown the dairy, which is run by Peggy and David Noland. 1-11 Club members, and a hay-drier in the barn for curing their alfalfa hay. The group was also shown an outstanding Fadino clover and or chard grass pasture: and then were taken through the modern home oi Mr. and Mrs. Noland From there everyone went lo the Ratclilfe Cove Haplist church, where dinner was served lo the group by the women of HalclilTe Cove Community After a bounti ful lunch, the group assembled in front of the church for group sing mg which was led by Charles 1-lcv Besides the competition between these two communities In . group bulging, inurtrltiu. were entered in competition. Iron Duo" and Hal elide Cove lied for lirsl place in Ihe group -inging, and Iron Dull' won on I heir (inarlette. Ollicials lor the gartie were: Jack Justice Alblelic Director of Cham pion Y.M.C.A.. and "Nazi" Assistant Alblelic Director The alblelic evenls were lows; Soflliall ((iirlsl HatclilTe Cove line-up: wood. Noland. Leopard. Miller. Cranfoi'd. Crasly. and Mashbuin. Iron Dull line-up: Caldwell, Full bright, Milner. Stevenson. Craw ford. Welch, Medford, H Ferguson and H Ferguson. HalclilTe Cove girls beat the Dull girls 1 1 lo ('. Softball (lloysl Hatclille Cove line-up: C ' .nifi . 1 (iallowav. Ii. Finer. IF Jenkins. ,1. Cogdill. H Murphy. P. Man. V. Ferguson. It. Fcdlord. Iron Duff line-up: 11. Chambers. Stevenson. .1. :vinner, a. v ,1111- . . L-...-,...L...i n ("rawfol-'l well, v . 1 and I). Williams. Iron Dull won 2 lo 1. Softball Throw (Menl Hatclille Cove: Jimmy Galloway. Robert Bedford and Jim Cogdill Iron Dull: Hay Milner. Johnnie Milner and l-oyd Slcvenson Softball Throw (Womeiil HatclilTe Cove: Mary Jo Gra -lv. Nancy Leopard, and Gladys Under wood. Iron Duff: Maxinr Medford. Betty Ferguson and Helen Ferguson. Jfl-Vard Kelay (Boysl HalclilTe Cove: Kenneth Gibson. Miller. fol- i:ndii- Grasly. Francis Iron Ay r 1 fc . ,,,MJlWtm, ( ...with JFG Jfllpi3 ITS' fie iA 4 Hob Codv. Tommy 1 Palmer. Virgil Ford inson ford. Iron Duff: Doug Stevenson, liar ley Caldwell, James Williamson, Frank Medford. Palmer Caldwell. Gene Arl ington, James I Hampers and G rover IJradsbaw. I()-Viird Kelay (Giiisl Hatclille Cove: Nancy Leopard. Hilda Grasly, Mary J. Grasty, F.dilh Noland, Margaret Cody, Gladys I nderwood. I'.leanor James and Haib.ua Katrhffo Iron Dull I'.obby Welch. Joan Medl'oid. M.iIHe Siu- Medford. l- liz.ibelh Craw lord. Sybil Hrad shaw. Helen Ferguson. Sylvia New ell and Mavine Medford. Sack Kurt- (lloysl Hatclille Cove: llilliard Jones, Jr.. Hob Codv and Gene Kelly. Iron Dull James Williamson. Palmer Caldwell and HaiTev Cald wall. Sack 11,1'T I Girls! Hatclille Cove Hilda Grasty. Arhy Jones and Nancy Leopard. Iron Dull M.Hlie Sue Medford. Svbil Hiad-liaw and Sylvia Newell. Il.ukw.iid liacc (liovs Hatclille Cove Gene Sanfold, (icorge I'abnei and Mai H.i'elMTe. Iron I 'od tl.i hi ( 'aldw ill. Grov el I Ili ad -haw and . I. noes Wil liamson I'.ai ku.il (I Hai r ((.Il isl Hali hlli- I 'ove. Margaret Cody. Marv J ( .i a I v and Ai bv Jones. hon null Sibil Iliad. haw, Syl via Newell and M.ixine Medlord. I 5- V.il d Hop ((.his! HalclilTe Cove: Hilda Gladly. Mari.-.o ot Cody and Kditb Noland. Iron Dull: Svbil I'.radshaw'. Hetty A 1 1 inr.lon and Mavine Medford ,'iO-Vaid Hoi) (Ho.vsl HalclilTe Cove Gene Sanford. Ilillv HisdiolT and George Palmer. lion Dull; Giovcr Hradshaw. Palmer Caldwell and Frank Med lord. :ifl-Yaril Dasli (Girls) Hali Idle Cove: Nancy Leopard. Hilda Gra-.lv and Gladys Cnder w ood lion Dull Maxiiie Medlord. Syl , ia Newell and Hobby Welch, ad yard Dasli (Hoy si Hatclille Cove. Gene Sanford. F.iigeiu- Ford, and llilliard Jones, Jr. Iron Dull Richard Dolson. Ilar li y Caldwell, and James William son. Marbles (boysl Hatclille Cove Hob Codv and George Palmer. hon Dull Richard Dolson and Grover Hi .id -haw Cracker FatinK (women I Kalcllftc Cove Mrs Floyd Davis. Mrs Halite Webb, and Mrs Rulb Jones Iron Dull Mi v Weaver Cbamb ets, Mrs R I.. Parks, and Mrs. Mill Justice. Cracker LatuiR (men) Hatclille Cove: Fred Sanford. ' Waller I Tauci-. and Jack l-elmei. i Iron Dull R"V Medlord. Jarvi- Caldwi II. and Jo- Haviu--. Nail llrivinc (womrni: Had Idle Cove Mr- Leopard and Mr. Noland. Iron Dull Mrs (). , Vale's and Mr. Chambers. Nail Driving; inirni: Halclifle Cove I' ' Phillips and Frank I .canard ' Iron Dull l aw on McF'roy and Doiigla-- Slevcn ee Nrrdlc Tbrradi'ii: iomrm: Had litfr loir J -rf. l ord pd Palmer Iron Dud Mi's ("audi Crwfonl. Mr J 1 Mi 1 11 (-v and Mrs O I Yale- PnlJln IVilin- 'noiwn': Hail hfte Cove Mi . K.i- M-Her Mrs Joe Turner and Mr- Fd Rat- chff.- Iron Dot! 1r- Ann ( hiivln-r-Mr. .1. I M.-Hro and Mrt Roy Medt.M-d Kinc 1 hro inc mniPfR'; R.Hi i itTe l ev e Mrs Claude Fran cis ,n-d Mrs Frin.-ie Noland lion Duff Mr Bill Justice and Mrs Hardv Caldwell "lut-O-War imm1: Ratcliffe leve Jack Vclinct 1 Fred Sanford Crl Joi'f. Mflrk Pjinier. Tit Franklin, Bill Hill. . Rr.iniieit Stone, Walter Francis, i M'cMv-f Jones. nd Mgie KatcIifTf 1 1 or. Dutf Jari- Caldwell. Jona Ihan Ciliiwi J, Rov Medford. IVug Steverson Frank Davis. Jarvis C'bjmlvrs. J.v Hjvnos. Jiss Full brithi. Friicst Cl mlH-s ai d Jule w eU : Winner B Number if Pvint.v: R.-it.iifto Cove '-'V .sfc.Vs Gun-blazing action Yvonne Do Carlo prepare lo shoot il Universal-International's Tecbnii olor Sam Pass " Starting al Ihe St land 'I'll lurks around cornel as Howard Duff and out with a sheriff's posse in pielure, "Calamity Jane and ealie Sunday Veterinarians From Piedmont To Meet Here Veterinarians from throughout Ihe North Carolina Piedmont sec tion and their wives will meet Sal urday night at the lioine ol Dt and Mrs. A H, Hiegi: in llaelw ood lor technical discu'-ions Appi oMinal e- ly (10 are expected The occasion is the session of the Piedmont seel ion, Veleiinar.v Medical Association llefore gathering for Ihe meet ing the visitors will attend a din ner at The Lodge. Hi .1 F. Heed ol Gastonia and Dr George Armstrong of Char lotte will present papers on phases veterlnarv medicine tiii'i-l nig Al o scheduled lo come up for di'iii inu are the recent meetings ol the American Veterinary Medi cal Association in Detroit and Un American Animal Hospital Associa tion in Chicago Tough Movie Men Quite Opposite When Off Screen Bv PA I UK 1 CF !'Y Fniled Press stall' Cm i c .pond ' HOI. I YWOOD 1 P Hie ti-i guy:; of the m reen ate ino-th ipi niHiineied Iuiiimu 'imt- with - nary ev-ivdav inlci'.-l- who r punch Ibcir wives oi nebbui - . the no-e With a tew excei'lion th,'- d- I ' confuse a night i bib viilh a ln.-."j ring T'b. v are seld-mi appma. ! by blondes m di-iu -., and i - queully don I in Mover v a I ini-'i I world ring-- Thcv don I -cn idler luoii" ' , labic underworld or; ! He-man Clark (. !!, almo .1 I ires hid w ecu In pu liin I : buries him ell al In Fnciiio i ac Ii and lianunei s ,m .o in lie. . It tnade ear)entei ..hop .Soineliiis he goes oil bv linn- ell or il Ii old ! pals to hunl or Ii .Ii Another lie man John ( 'an '!' also lives on a San I i i iiando all -ranch, wbete he t, ices horses as i a hobby. , (-nod Nci';liluir When he isn't biiusnig Ins lisis against a mov ie hei nine's lace, lie s "j gently brushing one ol his horses iir may lie repaii ni:: I In- l orr.i I fence, painting the stable or fixin i , " 1,11 1 !ii veterlnarv inedieine al the mnmmmmimmmmimftm ! TO? i i w m m ol the American Veterinary Modi- i J 111 ly (10 are expected cal Association in Del roil and Hie i am i r m i i The occasion is (lie session of' American Animal Hospital Associa te Piedmont seel ion, el ei mai v I I ion in Chicago olilfiiu-e -"m. j in i ' ' 1 y nii Ksn PARK THEATRE GI?t3m PROGRAM f "'S THURSDAY - FRIDAY. July 28 - 29 1 i o DOUI SATURDAY, .1 iiI.n . HT" 'iiosK oi rm (lltANllK'' ; With John ( .irroll iiud Novita I'M FMiLimNJM latv. snow i :: iJlVl7fifflv "BLONDE ICE" f$Wjr I Jp-C" Li-.lie Hi-ooks hiiI Rohert Pij;e jT.A v nn . jm. SL'ND.VV. ,. U BUCKPRIYl Lff FIGHTING! Cpmins MONDAY - TUESDAY. August 1 - 2 Vj--1- '"SWTe MOT-BiooDio " or orgf I Ml' v ' c0l0R PAGE TH l)i Ii i iVi!- s S