PAGE FOUR THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER Thur OF INTEREST TO WOMEN SOCIETY MRS BEN SLOAN, New Charter Is Received By Girl Scout Council The Hazclwood-WaynesvilU" Girl Smut Council received its 1949-50 elMiIr r from the Girl Scout Na tional Headquarters in New York On this week. The charter author ize the Council to function as an official unit of Girl Scouts of the I'niti'd Slates of America for the ni vt twelve months. This is the first charter granted to the llazelwood - Waynesvillc Council under a new plan wherebv iluuii r are issued in recognition el M.-iilv achievement. They arc Sintel on a haMs of the number ol volunteer leaders and trie num lei ol In tops as well as the qualm ( I Hie pi ogram for the girls. In a loiter accompanying the ihaiii r ,lfv C. Vaughan Ferguson (.ol S. nut national president, ciim-,-M'ulatiil t his Council for its work ef i he piimous war and pointed cot thai Cut Scouting is a nation " f- and world-wide youth move v( in with great potential power I,.. h, sti-engt liening of democracy. '-N elated lhat the good work doni !o. ..ih h CouiuiU determines tin im'iihhI anil international value ot SieuiMig ami said thai she Imped n would 'imp he possible for any girl, in :'!" part ot the country, to bt a tin I Seoul il she sn desired. Bride-Elect To Be Honored This Evening Me--- Dorothy liirhesnn, bride ! f .'anies King Strincfirltl op ot nonor at a clis"rl i-iwIp and iniseellaneoiis show ei wul. Miss, Mettv and .lean ,nn Riadlp-, as hostesses at their ho, tu rf the Kayles Nest lioad this even- lei color mot i f ot pMli ;lnr vviiilr vi'l hp observed and arrangements i i w intp gladioli and pink carna tion Mi be lived in decorating. Following the Barnes high score and low score prizes will be award ed and the bride-elect will be jre--.oird shown- gills by the guests Those attending will be Miss Ptrbps-on. her mother. Mrs. L. M. 'Mi Mrs. John Schell. Miss M.drv I. u Flwood, Mrs. Paul McEl roy. Jr . Mrs. Porter Frady. Mm. Jor Massjp. Miss I.ois Massie. Miss -Martha Sf ringfield. Miss Charletie Roths. Miss Thelma Ann Jones. Mr-. Howard Hyatt. Mrs. Thomas Campbell. Jr.. and Mrs. Paul Davis v Benefit Party Is Scheduled For Friday Night The Waynesville Business and FrofFSMonal Women's Club will !'o--o. a benefit card ty Park"-av Km, 11 Pr... party at i 1 ma s bf,'-nmng at eight o'clock evening. Table. w,n be arranged for and other games as. desired h' tht Plavers and high and low -(rr, on?r:- will he awarded ai atl-: Door prizes will also be given. Reservations for tables mav be made th Mrs. Bill Dover or Mrs. Lawrence l.eatherwood Players are asked to bring their own cards. Friendship Class To Have Picnic The Friendship Class of the First BapM't Church will have its an nual mcnie in the City Park this Fndav evening at 6:30 o'clock. H'!.band.s and children of the members will be guests. Miss Lucille Cathey of Clyde ' have as her guests this week ' nd Mr and Mrs. Hugh Townsend, .Mifs Dnns Reynolds, Eugene Mill f r, and Jack Moebes. all of Greens boro THE OLD HOME TOWN ( t?U KNOW VsJHAT?OUR BAND HAS A STICKS AT ONCE AMO CAM ) I PLAY A CORNET AT THE 5AME TME ( NWHEN THEY ,fj .SHORT A rW O ) ( Qf QR)..w Vim the band--JiU- .,.' V, agn r GIPANP PAPPY SA1C WNt PENNY OF HURRICANE CORNERS, HITS A NEW uiam wsi another: one of his tall. and CLUB Society Editor Office Phone Mrs. Davenport Is Honored At Dinner-Bridge Mr and Mrs Charlie Woodard were hosts of a dinner at their home on Oak Street Tuesday even- ! ma in honor ot Mrs. K B. Daven port of Durham, a former resident of Vancsvi!!e who is visiting Mr and Mrs. R. I.. Com. The dining table was centered with a bowl of mixed garden flow ers and other arrangements were used throughout the house. The guest list included Mrs Davi nport and her mother, Mrs. 1!. I!. Smith, who is also a guest of the Coins. Mi and Mrs Johnny Ed wards, Mr and Mrs. John Stephens, and Mis Clifton R Heald of Biloxi, Mississippi Joining the ladies m this group 1'or bridge during the evening were Mrs. Hugh Daniel. Miss Louise Francis, Mis Lewis Green, and Mrs. Paul I).iv i- After the games high score prize was awarded to Mrs. Edwards. j second high lo Mrs Heald. and the ! low seme prize to Mis Given. Mrs Davenport was also presented a gift. B. and P. W. Club Holds Dinner Meeting The Waynesville Business and Professional Women's Club held Its regular dinner meeting at Wayne-1 villa Tuesday night with Mrs M 1 G Stanley presiding ' The program, m observance of ihe :i!th annivarsar of the found- j ing of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, was presented by i he membership committee. The history of Ihe clubs was reviewed j and their objectives poinled out. ; During ihe business hour the ' members oted lo discontinue their "baby sitting'' project and made plans for a benefit party to be held al the Parkway Knoll Friday evening. Special guests for the evening were Mrs Virginia Randolph and Miss Pauline Slaughter of Canton and Mrs. Joe Doggett of High Point and Va nesville. Dance Will Be Held Saturday At Piedmont Ihe third dance ol the season will be held Saturday night. July 30. at the Piedmont Hotel, under the sponsorship of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority. Music will be furnish ed by Teddy Martin and bis orchestra. Advance tickets at $1.25 may be purchased from members of the sorority and al Bryson-Miller Mot or Sales. Wav nesville Florist, and Charlies plate. Door tickets will be $1.50 Proceeds from the event will g" lo charPabie protects of the. soror in . Club Members Will Attend Craftsman's Fair Several members of the Francis Cove Home Demonstration Club are planning to attend the Crafts man's Fair of the Southern High lands in Gaiiinburg on Saturday. They are Mrs. Henry Francis. Mrs. Troy Wycbe. Mrs. Iols McElroy and Miss Margaret McElroy. Miss Mary Comwell. home agent will i also go. The rair is sponsored by the Southern Highlands Handicraft Guild and the Southern Highland ers. At least sixteen different crafts will be demonstrated in the entire ty ol their processes. This will in clude weaving, woodworking, met al crafts, and basket making. By STANLEY 1 . sm& ACTIVITIES 700 Home Phone 462-J Engaged Couple Is Honored At Party Mrs. Robert Howell and Miss I Sue Owen were hostesses of a p.u -i ty given at the home ot the former j Friday evening as a courlcsv to i Miss Billy Cobb and James W Owen, whose wedding will be an event of July 31 al the First Pres- byterian Church in AshevilU. ! Mixed summer flowers in pastel shades were used ihroiighoul the I residence in decoration Three tables of Heart' were in play and oilier games were cn.iovcd during the evening. Following the games large show i i Miss ( obb was presented ket containing the guests. The hostesse serving by Mr.s. Miss Dot Owen. Imli -.ill in ha -I nun il in wele ,, John li Methodist Circles Will Meet Tuesday Circles of I he Woman -of Christian Service n tin Methodist Church will mo Tuesday as follows Circle No. 1 will mo. I , p.m. in the Boyd Memoi la I at the church with Mi - Dei and Mrs. W L. Hardin a b..- Circle No, 2 will inert , p.m. at the home ol Mrs it ., (ha; CI. .lo ii :i Jan tllOs R. Boyd with Mrs associate hostess. Circle No. 3 wil at the home of Mi T W. inert ll.iiv il I 111! i u Circle No. 4 will ba, a i meeting at 6 pin with li . Itatcliffe. Mrs. Cat I Iv.itrlHlr Mrs. Lawrence Lealbcrw unci hostesses ill Hat' bile Cove Circle Nos. 5 and li w i:l b, joint picnic merlin;: al ih Park at fi:.'i(l p.m. 11,1,1 u,n lml ; - cm Mr. and Mrs. I .liulv anil I 1 .llll.rblll :'. daughter. Linda, ol S. C, are guests ol Di L. McKittrick. and Mr., li 799 ANNUAL Summer Beautiful Die W Nelly Don - Martha Munning Save Up To 7.35 and 8.35 Dresses . . . 9.35 and 10.95 Drosses . . 12.35 6. 14.35 Dresses . . . 17.95 & 19.95 Dresses . . . 22.95 & 24.95 Dresses . . . $288 Story Hours Continue At Library Mtss Margaret Johnston, librar ian, will conduct the weekly Story Hour lor children from the fourth grade up. at the Haywood County Iihraiv. Friday morning at 10 o t lot k. The Story Hour for younger ' In id i -n will he conducted by Mrs. Ka.wuond Lane Tuesday at 10 a. m Gail Woodard Entertains For Visitor Jane Davenport, who parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. with her B. Daven- port of Durham Mrs. li L. Coin is visiting Mr. and was guest of lion- or al a picnic supper given at the On- Park Tuesday evening with Gail Woodard. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C harlie Woodard. as host ess. Young Miss Woodard was assist ed liv Miss Louise McBride and billowing the picnic the guests were eiilcrtaincd at a movie. Picnic Is Given At Gaddy Farm Mi .1 M Gaddy and her daugh ' ! Mr- Walter Lee. entertained a number of relatives and friends al a picnic lunch and watermelon " "'u outing al the Gaddy Farm last I n I Sunday. M,'sl mong those present were Mrs. Srlina MoElroy, Mrs. A. S. Yar- borough and two grandchildren of Lake Junaliiska. Mr. and Mr.s. Her man Hhineharl of Jones Cove. Mrs. Haflie Cobb of Blackstone, Va., Mis F II Bullock of Falmouth, Va . Mrs M K Smathers. Mrs G. C P.ixlon, the Rev. Coman Brown, anil ha Parker, all of Canton, Mrs. Ilulie Thompson of Henderson ville. Mr and Mrs. Lee Pierre of Kov West. Kla.. and Walter and Bilbo Lee. Snapshots were made of the group in Ihe afternoon. liittlt Announcement and Mrs. Orrin Cowles of Mi- Senile. Wa hinglon announce the I'll ih of a son. Paul Orrin. on July Hi. al Mavnard Hospital. Seattle. Mi .. Covv les is the former Miss Ann Howe Ferguson, daughter of U. II. r'ricuson of Route II. Waynesville. Summer SALE Carol King - Rockingchair Half Price S88 $g88 $388 I W Ijp MIIIMnMnMHMMHnHMMIMHMHHMHMaMMWMHnMB1IMlMHIMBM .... ,, , . . . . Ji y HAS BIGGE Miss Harrold Entertains For Bride-Elect Miss I.ois Harrold entertained at a luncheon at her home on Hay wood Street Wednesday as a cour tesy to Miss' Dorothy Richeson. whose marriaxc to James King Stringfield will take place on August 27 at the Presbyterian Church. Mixed garden flowers were used in decoration of the living room and the bridal motif was noted in the dining room. The dining table, covered with a lace cloth, was centered with a bridal arrangement consisting of two large silver wed ding bells, decorated with bows of silver and white ribbon and small white flowers, and a miniature bride. Following the luncheon bridge was played at two tables. The bride-elect was presented a gift of linen. Guests in addition to Miss Riche son were her mother. Mrs. L, M. Richeson, Mrs. S L Stringfield. mother of the bridegroom-elect. Miss Martha Stringfield, his sis ter; Mrs W. B. Evans, grandmother of the bride-elecf; Mrs. William I. Lee, Miss Margaret Johnston, Miss Minor Boring, and Miss Mary Lu Elwood Mrs. Ward Has Tea Today For Mrs. Davenport Mrs. R. B. Davenport of Dur ham was honor guest at an infor mal lea given this afternoon with Mrs. Hallett Ward as hostess at her home at Lake Junaliiska. Mrs Ward was assisted in re ceiving by her sister, Mrs. Charles Ketner. Arrangements ot gladioli were used as decoration of the living room and the dining table was centered with a bowl of roses. The guests included Mrs. Daven port, Mrs. Charles Ray, Mrs. Felix Stovall, Mrs. R. L, Coin, Mrs. Noel Phillips, Mrs. Howard Clapp, Mrs. Dan Watkins, Mrs. Paul Hyatt, Mrs. John Stephens, Mrs. Gordon Schenck, Mrs. Johnny Edwards, Mrs. Grayden Ferguson, Mrs. L. K Barber, Mrs. Jack IMLsser, and Mrs. Charlie Woodard. Mrs. Laura H. Tyler of Jack sonville, Florida, is here to spend several weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Davis Ladies' Lovely Spring COATS & SUITS Famous Makes Swansdown-Jaunty, Jr.-Betty Rose MaOtf - Hundreds Of Values At Laura Woody Entertains For Visitors Miss Laura Woody entertained with a Coca-Cola party on Tuesday morning at her home on the Coun try Club Drive in honor of her cousins. Misses Mandy and Margie Jovner. of Gainesville. Ga . who were her guests; Miss Susan Cone, who is vsiting her grandparents. j Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Beville; and I Miss Nancy Jo Doggett of High ! t'olnl, wno is spenoing uie summei here. The occason also marked the birthday anniversary of Miss Dogg ett. The guests were entertained on the lawn and the hostess was assist ed by her mother, Mrs. Jonathan Woody. Those present in addition to the honor guests were Miss Julia Ann ; Stovall, Miss Sally Stovall, Miss Linda Mann, Miss Linda Sloan, and Miss Noami Tate. Mrs. Coin Is Hostess For House Guests Mrs. R. 1. Coin was hostess at a bridge luncheon at her home on Main Street honoring her house guests, who are her daughter, Mrs Cliff Heald of Biloxi, Miss., and Mrs. H. B. Davenport and Mrs. Mary Smith of Durham. Garden flowers were used in decorating. Following the games Mrs. Joe Doggett was awarded the high score prize, Mrs. Johnny Edwards received the low score prize, and gifts were presented to the honor guests. Those playing were Mrs. Heald, Mrs. Davenport, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Johnny Edwards. Mrs. Woodson Jones. Mrs. Joe Doggett, Mrs. Charlie Woodord. and Mrs. Joe N. Tate. Food Sale To Be Held On Saturday The Wesleyan Service Guild of the First Methodist Church will sponsor a Food Sale at Gibson's Dress Shop on Main Street, Satur day morning, beginning at 9 o'clock. Climate and soil permit only a small amount of farming in New foundland. Pric Phonal Me Miss Elizabeth McCraiken Miss Sara Long are visn,riH former's brother-in-law at Mr. and Mrs. Toninn Mini,, their home in Maniple,, ., atid I III i -In. Mr. and Mrs. Fiankh Cracken of Knoxviii,, 1U.( a visit to the fonnei Claude A. Ha nes Mi f lu Mr- Mrs. D. W. Dickev Miss Margaret Dick and 'I,ill;:lr, ,. ai"i Mk. Helen Kinser. all of Sw Tenn., are guests of m,s brother-in-law and si.sti , Mrs. James A. Gwyn. i rtiv al, , Difkc v . Ml anrl Mrs. Fremont Holmes ru,,,,,,,, to her home in Tacoma. WhsI,,,,,. ton, Tuesday after spcmlitm ,, iUl", wccks visit with her mother Nora Hannah of Cove Creek Mi- Mrs. R. C. Tuttle and ael, have returned from i. Mll'n M-ll 1 1, ur. and Mrs. Fred M p,,. Kernersville and Mr. and b . ert Riley in Greensboro M, . who is Mrs. Tutllc'.s daughiei recovering from an nn i alio, Greensboro hospital II,.!,. Dili v was in a Mr. and Mrs. Fonda la, U, i bin son. Jimmy, ol SI Petei are here to spend ;,e wild friends. :. I I., , "I I Ivs tl Mrs. CI iff Senile, who M. i,, visiting her mother, Mrs. Mm I. u,. liams, at her home in Kalani.,,,,, Mich., is expected to return t,jay She is driving home unit Mum friends, Mr. and Mi s (;,,,,,, A( h erlund of Toledo, Ohio, w h , be guesls of the Seniles here Dr. and Mrs, Harhvell .Invncr and daughters of Gainesville (;a were guests of Mr. and Mr- jtip3 than Woody this week Thev c en route to their home fmin ,i visit in Canada. Mrs. W. M. Fow ler and ht!dn n Billy and Barbara, of Chailnttt are here to spend several week- with Mrs. Fowler's mother, Mrs. 0 H Martin. Pinkney Turhyfill, v ho 1m- bun visiting his sister, Mr?. O. R Martin, left this week fur bts hnttie in Elmer. N. J. En route to K. J he visited relatives n Hnllieifinil ton and Gastona. V Steel can be drawn into wire niir thousandth of uu inch thick. OUR BIGGEST EV noe Big Redact ON LADIES' SHOE? Rhythm Siep-Ai And Busier Brow SAVE ON SH SANDALS $17.95 FLORSHEIM SHOES . . MEN'S $12.50 ROBI PI SHOES . aMvJ HIM' at ii I T mm!,-,,- "me 1 r i-e 1 a 1 1 1 m M Mi lb Mr Iv l.l., . Ujoii; .aiiuii l Mi. 111.1 ! ; Si,i Va Mi t'l.-iml.. Il;i will imli h-vvi-' k mil it, 1 n-i--