STANDARD PTG Cw Comp 220-230 S Fun LOUISVjLLE KY - The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Tuice-A-Weck In The County Scat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park TODAY'S SMILE A visitor just in said: "Two I weeks aco I called this town -Rainsville.' Last week 'Hades.' but TODAY it is 'PERFECT'." 64th YEAR NO. 64 12 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE. N. C. MONDAY AFTERNOON. AUGUST 1. 1949 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties with peach fruit. urried gently. Bug hi? teat "f of Dal le nt of ;!y i k. The sp nd- fntmz a origins ; birth family 1724 mostly a con- (obe be hurrh's nr years Bi Japan. The r nesnlli' ing Col recent past or of fch here. service, front of id bishop ayer. to me flounced high. y gazed then shoulders fnian But In. a cus- H grocery ehind the terosene " faking his left, the fgallons of pat I d be lies object j young and hand- f. formerly in Mil different fit experi- 'tif office al in the 15 cashier fOUtlv ith 3 Cootr I '""Tuesday.! '"spera. I l5Ut of ihe J1' Kinfa, A liens Two Haywood Patrolmen Given Promotions; Both Transferred Sgt. Jones Goes To Shelby, While Cpl. Roberts Is Sent To Lenoir Two Haywood highway patrol men have received promotions, and transfers, effective this morning. Cpl. E. W. Jones, of Clyde, was promoted to Sergeant and trans ferred to Shelby. Patrolman O. R. Roberts was promoted to Corporal, and trans ferred to Lenoir. Sgt Jones reported to Shelby this morning, while Cpl. Roberts hid already been assigned to lead the out-of-state farm tour to In diana and Ohio, and will go to Le noir immediately upon his return here Saturday. CpI. J. L. Carpenter, of Fayette ville. has teen assigned to Hay wood to fill the vacancy of Sgt. Jones. He arrived this morning to begin his work. No one has been named to fill the place of Cpl. Roberts. Sgf. Jones is a native of Moore county, and joined the patrol in 1935. He came to Haywood in 1937. and has been here ever since He is chairman of the board of deacons of the First Baptisf church in Canton, and active iu the Clyde Lions Club. Cpl. Roberts joined the patrol in July 1939, and two months later assumed his duties in Haywood He resigned once to assume the duties as chief of police of Way nesville, but after ft months, went back to the patrol. He has been active in civic and church affairs. He is a member of the board of deacons of the First Baptist church. 3rd vice president of the Lions Club, and superintendent of the adult department of his church. He plans to move his family Mrs. Roberts and four children to Lenoir as soon as he can find a place. The transfers are part of the new program of the highway patrol to move men who have been sta tioned for a number of years in any one place. Quiet Week-End Here For Police Department Waynesville police arrested one man on charges of driving while drunk, and six for public drunken ness over the week-end. Chief of Police Orville Noland said. Otherwise, the week-end was very quiet he said. Hold Up Former 1 In Milwaukee At 8:30 the other night, while she was on duty as cashier at the theatre, two nice looking young men held up the cashier and made away with $125. The two, between 19 and 23 years old, acted as though they were about to'buy tickets when one, wearing a blue checkered shirt, pulled a revolver and demanded money from Miss Allison. She pushed a number of bills at the youths, who fled. In a few minutes three squads of officers istarted a search, but no trace was found of them. Miss Allison said both were nice looking, tall and dark. Waynesville Area Folks Give 40 Pints Of Blood Residents ,pf the Waynesville area last Thursday contributed a otal 40 pints of blood to the Ashe ville regional center as the Ameri can Red Cross Bloodmobile paid its second visit to the Haywood county seat. In all, 55 volunteers approxi mately 80 percent of whom were from the rural areas appeared at the blood donor room which had been set up in the Waynesville reshyteriau church basement. Baocflget Creek Becomes Two Patrolmen Promoted And Moved S(iT. E. W. JONES left today lor his new post in Shelby. He came to Haywood in 1937. Ray Re-Elecled Chairman EL C. Park Commission New Drive-In Theatre To Open Thurs. The Waynesville Drive-In -Theatre, at the intersection of the Asheville and RatclifTe Cove Roads will officially open Thursday night. It was announced this morning by Homer Wesl and Clayton Mehaffey, owners and operators. The 300-car capacity modern out door theatre, will feature for its opening picture, "One Sunday Night" and will begin at eight ..I I, , The modern equipment has been installed, and a late model speak er will he hung in each car, and the patrons can regulate the vol ume of the tone from the screen In meet their personal desires. The owners bought the latest equipment available for both the sound and project ion. The parking sections of the lot have been elevated by engineers in order to give the best possible view of the large screen. In addition to the pictures, the new enterprise will have a well equipped concession stand, and numerous boys to serve patrons You don't have to get out of .mir car to attend the movies." Mr. Mehaffey. manager said. e have it so arranged that you even buy xoiir ticket while in your car. Come dressed as you please, and bring the children. All children under 12 are admitted free." Mr Mehaffey said. "Our policy is to furnish this area with the finest entertainment the market affords." the manager continued . .... This is the only drive-in-theatre in Havwood. and as far as is known, the only one in the state west of Buncombe county. Though both the number of vol un eers and the total donations I",,, exceeded the figures for he Rloodmobile's first visit last May. the the 100 pints program officers! had Vint nni: wr t ioi sought from mis die- ' Last June, res.ucm. -v"M' ..a 3fi Dints less than nan me pints sought at that time A was the case last FHdaj uie As. ., fhc hulk of the nira neo oo- - I ! -iHHWll CI K. ROBERTS born assigned lo Lenoir, aller scry ing as patrolman in Haywood .since 1939 Charles K Hav "as re-elecleil chairman of the North Carolina I Park Cnmmisison hire oda. as the commission began its third year of work. Dr. Kell Uennoll. ol Biysnn City, was ro-clcrlod ice-chairman, and C. M. Douglas was re-elected secretary W K. Osborne, ol Sparta was sworn in as a new member ot I he commission by Hugh Leal herwood. clerk of court. E. C Gin. ol Newlanil. was also sworn in for another term. The other members were named for longer terms. J. Carlyle Crouch, assistant sup erintendent of the Blue Ridge Parkway, was here with the com mission, and visited the Wagon Road Cap area this afternoon with 'Ranger Clifton Senile . The commission spent some tuni this morning discussing t lie pro grain of the Parkway, and I he cx pendilure ol the proposed increas ed expenditure. During the lunch hour, I lie com mission heard W. Curtis Russ ex plain the Community Development program, and some of the accom plishments in Haywood. T L (;yn was also a guest al the luncheon. Buchanan Reunion Is Set For August 14th Plans are being completed for the annual Buchanan reunion at the Buchanan cemetery on Aliens Creek on Sunday. August 14, starting at 10 o'clock. Rev. Bill Queen will be the speaker again this year. The annual picnic dinner will be featured. The committee in charge is i Scott Cunningham and Rufus In-, man. with Charlie Buchanan as treasurer. 2 Important Conferences Convene At Lake Tuesday Another South-wide gathering, . ,. t .ho viistinnarv Crence. July 26-August .. wiil bring to spmblx" the Lake Junaluska as- winding ministerial leaders for a Convocation, August 2-7. Every department of church life will be discussed, including j plans for the improvement oi L,ase l.maluska Assembly, tne cnurcn- ' i(le Methodist Advance Movement .? l. TUn nnnvnatmn Rook Week - - - . 7 u-l lilt v. v'. , - which will be observed as Juna luska Day Bishop Arthur J. Moore nf Atlanta is programed for tH Over "f"nr Pa rt Of Waynes ville Citizens Of Aliens Creek Favor Plan 228 To 40 A large portion ol Aliens Creek will -iion be a part of Waynesville j The vole of Saturday's elect inn was j 22U tor ami 4(1 against becoming a p. n I it Way nesv ille 'I lie only thing lell to be done inwards completing Hie extension! ol the i lls limits so as In include 1 atiniil 1 11011 resident ol the area. Is ng some papers wiln the sec-: ielary ol stale, and deeds, according to .1 illoi uex lor tin' Tow n register ol l Morgan, of Wa lles- Mile. "The engineer will soon have the map ot the area completed, and that, together with a certified copy of Hie election returns from the hoard ol elections, and recording he ordinance on the pari of the hoaul ol aldermen, will finish Hie job.' Mr Morgan said. "All Just a mailer of recording the pro ceedings " Ma.Mir .1 II Wax . Jr., said this morning 1 1 i.i I work would slarl soon on a xxaler line into the area, and garbage trucks would stall just as soon as the unite could he ar i aimed. The police and lire departments would consider the area as part ol the town, cxen while the final legal papers are being prepared, be aid The people ol Aliens Crock will mil have any town taxes to pax, unlil after 19.111. il was said, sinui! the current tax year is already undorwax. iMayor Way CM imaled that the 19.10 census "will give Wax nesx ille a population of about li.OOtl to 7 1)00. The 1940 census gaxe 2 1100 During the past year the city limits 1,1 vc been extended so as lo in parl of Easl Wax iiosmIIc ol the Dcllwooil road. Sul clucli I somr phur Springs load. I he (oiinlix Club and Belle Meade an a. Nine- ah . and now Miens Creek The Waynesville hoard ol aldei -men passed a proposed ordinance sexcial nionlhs ago which would extend I he citx limits mi as to In clude Hie Aliens Creek ana The people ol the serlion. aller -exeral public meetings, named a com mittee to investigate and make recommendations The lesoll was that petitions wore circulated call ing lor an election The election was sol up. wllh con nix board ol elections in charge. Three' weeks were given to register, and 200 voters registered. Willi 2H cast ing votes oo Saturday. Il was estimated that there w el e about 500 qualified void's iu the area altecUd. Concert Set For WTHS Tonight The Transylvania Music Faculty i pops concert Orchestra will give a of light music- al lb Wax nesx ille Township High School Auditorium tonight i The" cot', oi l. under I he cluec lioii of -lames Christian I'lol .' founder of the Music Camp, will start al Hl.l P m The event is being sponsored bx the Waynesville Chambei oi C mi mei cc This is Ihe same on lies! , i 1'ial drew large c rowcN ol music lo-. n s to a similar concerl recnlij I (See Concert fi 1 Junaluska Day address ! The opening day. Tuesday will feature the work of .he D.sMric, aupennienunn i.,u ... ... Advance for Christ and His Church movement. Scheduled tor plat form addresses are: Bishop Marvin A. Franklin oi Jackson. Miss., whose topic is "Why the Advance." Bishop Clare Pureell of Birming ham will lead a discussion on "Paving the Benevolent Dollar in Full." and Bishop Paul B. Kern will talk on "Continuing the Week nf Dedication " The Rev Dr Oscai ISn ImiHiriant MpHi 6 1co j iOO HayVVOOd I off Tliic ITJnrn. mi Un Out-Of-Slate One litimlit wood County Way nesv ille i hound lor tile el .mil liltv-si II. i tarni people lell ally this morning, agi iciilliu al centers ol I lie Mid-West. Ilie c aravan ol III laiiulx cars j and three big aii -eondil ionc-d buses roared axxax I rum Ihe tlaxwood County Court House al about t! 0 clock, headed for Louisville, Kv . and points north on the seventh annual Out-ol-Counlx Farm Tour For the next six days. Ibex II sludy farming and livestock rais ing met bods in Kentucky. Ohio, and Indiana, with the principal concentration on Indiana. A I each of Hie major slopping points, a cordial reception avvailed them. Besides visiting experiment stalions. processing plants, and private farms, the llaxwoocl men and women and I heir c hildren were due fur a hospitable round of banquets and other enlei lain.aenl ollered by their hosts Heading the motorcade was County Agent Wax ne Corpeiiing, accompanied by Assistant County Agculs Herb Singlelai x and Wax lie Franklin, Home Deiiiouslralnoi genl Mary Coruwoll. and Miss Mm-) Medlord, sccrotarx lu the county agent. k Miss Lucille fulhey ut CljUc is Hccv'xnpanyiltU the touring farm people to uivo The Mountaineer 1 cadets full reports ol their ac tivities along the wax While the Havwood ciliciis are going lo Ihe Mid-West principally lo be educated, the evidence is that Kiev will also educate then bosls lo their home county's al Iraclions and wax oi Ille generally. Iletoie leaving. Mr. Corpoiiing described the program tor this ear's laini tour as t lie inosl iu leiesling ever devised The added .till actions include moll- IcaliiVes pai 1 1 i i i Lu Iv inlei esl nig lo Ihe (arm w omen Meanw bile. I hose w ho had lo re main al home speculated on what possible ideas Haywood's anibas sailois would bring back with tbcin lor stimulating (ill I tier improve ments Last ve.n s lour, which carried Ihe group into Tennessee, resulted in the county s Community l)c ipineni Program, which, week to k is producing concrete bene- lo I, ii in and home lite. I Sec I arm Tour Page til tils Iredell, Union Farmers To Tour County Thirlx-lbrce farmers of Irecleli and ClUon counties will come I" Hav wood Saturday to study Ihe county's larms and farming metb- Ofl s Assisiant Counly Agent Turnei ( alhev will ineel Ihe visitors al the intersection of Highways 19 and 23 at Lake Junaluska between the Shell and Standard Service St at ions. Then he will escoi I lliciu lo Ihe Mountain Test Farm, where Direc tor Howard (Taup will conduct the visiors on n inspection tour. Aller a country -style lunch al the Waynevilla Tourist Court, the visitors will tour Ihe farm ol A .1 Mc ( i acken. w ho w as aw aided the honor ol Master Farmer last car Mr Cathey and Mr. Clapp wil conducl them on this tour. SLIGHT DAMAGE TO CARS Two cars were damaged about $00. wlfen they collided in Clyde Sunday, according to Patrolman H. Dayton. No arres's were made The Mountaineer Has A Reporter On Farm Tour Miss Lucile Cathey, an exper ienced reporter, and special writer for The Mountaineer, is on the out-of-state farm tour, and will write a full account of the trip for this newspaper. Miss Cathey is the only news- Datr perOTi nn the. ifnr, DM ... llHZeitS Farm Tour Funeral Hold Sun. t:s. i:. I . Ml I III. lis died at her buiiie In i e I I idav . She' was O.i last Max 1 1, tail oil pai.e two. Library Body Gets 2 New Members I he I la x wood I 'mini y V onion , Moinis at a icceiil iiieeliiig named luo new oieiiilieis to Ille County l.ilii.ox Bo. ml tor I i cms ol luo eat s rai ti. W illi. on Meilloi d ;.l ay Iiesv ille and Mis VI.iix I on Moodv ul Waynesville, loiile 2, siic'ct eel I Jem ge III ovv il. cb, in man ot I be cou nix tin. ml ol I'ooiinis.sioni'l.s. anil Mrs I'rox I eal h i wood ol Way iu svilJe. i iiule 2, whose terms exinied and did mil ;.eek napioinl meiit The In uis ol Ilie lour oliber ineiiilieis ol Ihe hoaul -si ill haw se ei al v ears to i on Col .1 II How -ell ul U ax nesv ilbv bo. ml chairman, and I n-d Douil ul Canton, whose leniiics eonliion unlil I9.'3: and Clenn I ' .i 1 1 1 1 -1 ol Clyde and Mrs. T. I. (.'win ol ax nesv ille. pievi oll.sll appolnleil lol lei Ills I milling to I 9.i I. Valuable Barn Destroyed By Fire Early Friday I n , si I OV I ml. lei miiie-d origin eh -l.nge. Iwo-sloiy barn , in the Alh-n.s Creek I ( I, in I- llgel aid said I I ,-igi-cl I ai b.-i unci con line I he lil eillell reacll- il early lnd.i comtnunii i . l-ire Chi, I be til.., ha tlol III Ille III Ille llo, a in all, i iioined building about a i hav iiit-; lie-en si nt er- lo I In I tells I I el k dill- They lle.lllll lo, tilled til The- shed ,i iimmii ii, ,l a iil.ii1 nil a .1 shed l hat li.ul been ig li, iI.iii.iml: ul Ihe hain seisiaintil only oiiiieir dam.itle ( he I). II 1 1 on l lend I ai in w a M. nili i ol IVbo Is pelidll I'll! I V s ,,d;e ,. old M Me-d hi lied by .lu(U:e 1. .Lu ksoni ille, I'd. i . .; the summer al lod,e v aliu- o i i, OOII I hi id.-i s, hi e .i nnal eil the tiitiMmg at about $1.1. s was partly covered hi iosiii .in. e He ..oil i d iii.e llooi was being installed ami Hid he had planned lo bold a daMie ilieie Ibis week He- added be had intruded to i-iiii-vcrl H in'M a hole m an apart men' house ilvs tall allei using (Sop Valuable Barn Pafre fit is writing exclusively for The Mountaineer. Just before the group of 156 left here this morn ins, she was told to "write in detail and everything of interest." The full coverage of tfc6 trip will be put litoVrt in Th Mnnntgineer. I , ymnwiiiiiimiMMiiimiiiijin iwiii mm , Samm $1.50 Rate Maintained By Board lluywood county's current esti ! mated hudiiel is the largest in lu ,Uirv, and in excess of a million dollars. The hudpel is $300,000 more than la-1 year, but Ihe board of com : inissioneis have held Ihe rale to !M all per SI00 valuation, il was leal in el this morning. The hie elillcrcncc ill the cur rent biiil'-i-l ionics ill Ihe four charily luniK which now total about ball the budget require ment . tor 1 be v ear. Some $411 -000 has been appropriated to tbi pool liiiiil Old Age Assistance Aid to Dependent children, and the cosl ol vvellare administration. "The big difference." according lo Ccoice A llrown. Jr.. chair man ol the hoard, "conies from the tact we- have to match state and leilcral funds The two agencies pay more I ban 7o per cent of the lunils lor old age assistance, and aid lo depeiidcnl children. The counly has to put up $'.ll.3r)f! in order lo gel 21 1 .177 for old age assistance," he said. "In Ilie case ot aid to dependent children, the county puts up $20, (jOO unit ihe ulhor agencies $95.--tci," Mr. llrown said. "For the cost ol wcllare adininislration. Ihe louiily puts up $23,!l0(i." Al present, the monthly grants iu Ihe chaiiav groups runs to $25 - , CIO. according lo Charles. Melcalf, unmix audilor, and the list coti- liiiues lo glow. The general it nl year was S2,-)llO0, This 1 ii ml lui the enr iiici cased try about was brought ahofit I increase in cost?. costs which have I'lie counly olficiaU 1 liy the genera j and t be court i iscii sharply , pointed out Irom celllll I hat lines received ne now iul into the school hind and I ml in Ihe general Hind although' tile counly bear? all the expenses ol court. Tin- I'sliinatcd valualiou ol laxa ble pi opci ly ill the county show 5 a luo million dollar increase over last veai. wilb Ihe ligurc- now set al $20 .1(10,011(1. ' While the biulget calls for ait expenditure ol $1,000.0112 Ibis com ing xe, ii", the taxpayers ol Hav wood ivill be called upon lor onlv $1-12, 2. ill ol Ibis amount. The ret will come hum stale and lederal agencies, and special taxes, such as beer, which recently acroun'frl lor a check ol $2I.H(I0. Ml. Md call poinieu oiu. The biulget lor the welfare aci niinist t al ion also includes an ex penditure of $2.7:11 lor aid to Hi ' blind, the report reveals. The' lull details, and conipart-nn ol the budget, are shown on pae live' ol Ibis issue. Among Ilie em "in aging leature ut the- current budget is that only s.73 !)ali will be needed for debt sen ice. which is a .substantial re duel hiii over pasl ycais. The bond ed inilcblediiess of Ihe county r: now slightly mure than ball a mil lion. llotaiians Hear Florida Pastor At Friday Meet Hi John Hi ascombe. ol Orlando, iiitjeel liolaiiaus here Friday to know thyself." Then Ihe Florida ; pastor elaborated, as be emphasiz ed the importance of being a real j pel son i "Find out what you are and where you are' be urged. 1 Then be- sel tort tr I hi ec- rule- for acquiring success in this by strp--- ' inc "Control Thyself." llun "De ny " Thy sell ." and "then by blend- ' nig all three, ion will know thy scll. he continued Highway Record For 1949 (To Date) In Haywood Killed 4 Injured .... 26 (This information com olled from Eenrds of SUte Eighvvr PitroD. u fv 1

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