if- THE WA YNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER Mu, y IU ir r ;; ! ! i ! OF INTEREST TO WOMEN SOCIETY and CLUB MRS. BEN SLOAN, Society Editor Office l'hone The Marios Are Hosts Of Buffet Supper Mr. and Mr- Harold hosts ul a buhVi up,,, i home Saturday .... the dame ;ii i h- i'n ,ii,,.i The eent v .1- -:r. ,1 1. Mr. and Mi- II ,- Whose lil.il i i.;-'f !, , i. i spring The ro'i:r.- '.':, , throughout ,ih ;;..-.! flower: Anion- i In. 1 nv ,; d I (lie 1 .in Ib.u 1 Mi i:.. and Mr liam Do. Garrett , Hyatt. M Mr. and i: M. Mr, and Mr? He I: Tom I.ei Reed Ji Campbell ! 1 M: M: M: d Mi I. K 11., ber. Mr an! Ml ami Mi Mis, Willi:,:,, I' Paul Daw- M: Medford M; Kelner. Mi M: Fill li - - V. 1 1 . !.. :i Ul. !.-!,'-.liihi N ! Kiai , il Kurt". Hiu lian.m. I. Mr .,nd id Dur 11 id Fu-l.iil)nr- Ji.M ball. Mr Mr Mi -liam. iia aid Fim I Hi ,d ol -or. Mi Mr ;:r. and Mi ind M; - lb 1 - M liii-hee! Humid Vi- m-d K Sa::i Mi - pn 'I I. ) li M lu e 111, k Welch Mi- li Miss GooldI Honored At Social Event M,sS Margaret Could, bride-elect il I'.i'eigh. a 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ' -u rl ill ol Chai li- V. illi... was 1 1 1 ) 1 1 ' 1 1 d .,1 a FunV' I.ikIl'i Sa' with Mi- F M I John Ta J . pi. )r M Mrs Id". Caiuphel ! Iling Mr.. . and il 'ii'i'im I. n Mlrliii a- In,. !, illlMd II Al l ail'-'elia ,l Were II-id ll 1 Mrs 'ampin upon hi nal ; reived u it h tin mother ami In Goold and M. ii I the l'iii Mi'-h.il itI and Mi l.d I l)i I. ilil.,1 iTIIlt Mi pie Taylor and Mi sided iit thi cotl Tile boiioi e;u a gift of cr.-t:,l Around 7a vu the hours from o'clock. boil laid. I ua- pre-enled -I- called during ( lev en until one f We love work . . . we ccssa sit and watch it for especially when electricity is doing it for a few pennies a day! What els. does so much, yet costs so little? Elee- ity for more and more jobTAnd because of tnTilcilT tricity Is one real, old-fashioned bargain in your and experience of your friends and neighbor in J"0!6!" baf. Thar, because people use electric- this company, under sound busimst raanagemMkl "MEET CORlttS ARCHEf ty dlitjuljWjdr. JilS - Spi-l fc Utn Tt, " (CAROLINA POWER O 1IQHT COMPANY) Sheath Suit One-piece bathing suit By VERA WINSTON DARLIN'J daughtei looks love ly this season, whether she plunges into the briny or just drapes her self prettily on the beach. Aftei a period of "anything goes" for swim togs, back we come to the graceful or.e-piecer but all done up in new figure-Mattering charm. This one is a lastex sheath, shirred in front foi prettinnss and ease. The top is strapless (a halter string detachable if desired). There is a cuff over the bra tup, and the suit is zipped !i ourk. West Canton Club Meets With Mrs. Earl Poe Tin West Canton llonir ion Club nu t Tliiir il, " at III. home ol Mi ' Mi W. S. Millhail Kal 1 r,. i pll-lll- 11, Mrs. Lewis Siintoi'il was 'i 1 1 ' I a r y to lil a vacancy olfieial bo.ud of III,. 1 dull al ,0 named a- a delegate and Home Week 111 ftalcieli toll eleeled oil the 'lle vas i Farm August Flails for Hie annual picnic were el a- discussed and Alien I 2 Wa- ' the date lor the ,-v, ul , The group aei eed t,, wot k for V X "3? , - 'J.S . Ml fa I2f ' ,' jrf ikr?K"' f- 3 ACTIVITIES 700 Home Phone 462-J Schedule For Home Clubs Is Announced Miss Mary Cornwell, county home di moil ..(ration agent, has an iii, iiiuetl the -cliedlile of liome club iut i line fur Aumi't as follows: Tut--d.i, An-' 2, tteaveidam unh .Mis Joe Cm hum at p. ni. Wednesday, Aug. 3, Aliens Cret k I'o be announced. Fi ida . Au. 5. Jonathan Creek Mr- John William-- at 7 p. m. ll.ur-ila. An-'. I). Delhvood ' At the Method! ( Church at 5 p. m., Family Picnic. hi ida . Aue 11.'. I-Hies Willi Mi-. Dee Cl.uk at Creek 7 p. m., l-'iiiiiii;. Picnic. Fi id.,;. ua 1 :'. Iron Duff With Mi II.ikiv Calduell at II) lit) a. m., Fa mil;. Punic. Mi'iidav. Au:. 15. Morning Star -- Willi Mis. I!. II. Worley at 2 P. in . Family Picnic. Monday. Aim. la. Ratcliffe Cove - -Pa nic at 7 p. m. l uisdav. Auk. Hi. Holers Cove With Mrs. Guy Fullbright at b':30 P in . Family Picnic. Tuesday. Auk. Hi. W'aynesville Home Makers Club Family Picnic at 7 p. in. Wednesday. Aug. 17. Bethel Tour of Fxpcriment Station and Family Picnic. f p. m. Thursday. Aug. 18, Maggie Family Picnic, 11 a. m. Friday. Aug. li). Crabtree-Hvder M: With Mrs. M. V. Davis at 7 p in. Monday. Aug. 22. Junaluska To be decided. Tuesday. Aug. 23. Saunook Wi'h Mrs. Sieve Plcnimons at 7:30 p. in. 'i dnnsday. AufT. 24, Clyde Willi Mrs T. H Hogers at 2 p. m. Wednesday, Aug. 24. Cecil With Mrs. A. M. Frazier at 1 p. m. Thursday. Aug. 25. West Canton Recreation Park, Family Picnic ,il 11 a. in. Monday, Aug. 2!). McKimnion All Day Sanding Demonstration, uith Mrs. W. L. Amnions. tendance records and reading cer- tlliealt s. Ml Alary Cm nwell. home agent, pre euled the program which was a (lenion Ji at lun on More Livable Home-;. New members welcomed at llie inei tin." were Mrs. Wesley Heals, Mi-'. Iloudl new, Mis. F. V. Shuck, Mi--;. Frank Hyatt, and Mrs Doiial.e, li.ilhbone. Use Mountaineer Want Ads hours... (NGRID 'SHOOTS' jt', V t M TAKING TIME OUT from "being shot" herself on the famed Italian Isle of Stromboli where she is currently making a new picture, film star Ingrid Bergman is shown with her camera after she photographed an erupting volcano. Ingrid's latest picture, directed by Roberto Rossellini, is now in its final stages of production on the Island. (fnternariona!) Mrs. Nichols Is Hostess For Home Club Mrs. Ed Nichols was hostess for the July meeting of the Hogers Cove Home Demonstration (Tub at her home Friday afternoon. Mrs. Guy Fulbrighl, president, presided and Mrs. V. f). Dryman, secretary, gave ;i report of the last meeting. Miss Mary Corn-well, home agent, gave a demonstration on More Liv able Homes and reports were given by project leaders. Mrs. A. K. Burnette, gardens leader, urged th members to make an effort to produce fall gardens to replace those destroyed by the heavy rains of the past weeks. Mrs. Guy Fulbrighl, dairy leader, recommended the feeding of chop ped grains to dairy calves. Mrs. Dryman. home beautifica tion leader, spoke of her experi ence in mixing paints for a more attractive and pleasing color scheme ill the li in i ic and suggested that colors be tried on a small areu before applying paint to an entire wall. Mr-- Marie McCracken, food con servation leader, p.ave her recipe lor 'Paragon Vinegar Pickles; and Mrs. Fail fiamev, health leader, announced that a vaccination clinic would be held in the community on Augiii.t 12. The a, made pians for a fam ily picnic to be held ill August at the liome of Mrs. Guy Fulbright, and a lamp conversion workshop to be hi Id in September. Presbyterian Circle To Meet Circle No. 1 of the Women of the First I'l e- bv tei ian Church, of which Mi -. J. W. Killian is chair man, will meet Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock id the home of Mrs. I. J. Brown. Mrs. Robert Gibson will be eo-hostess. -! -f Herbert Mathcson of Savannah. Ga.. who is spending his vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. IL C. Mathcson. in Canton, visited friends here over the week end ' 1 ' -; n '-. v. -.' f Meei can he made strong enough to withstand a pull of pounds per square inch. 500,000 LAFF - A . V jf .1 II v'.'He 'plays first b-a-s-s for Philadelphi--Bot b-a-a-e ITALIAN VOLCANO Methodist Circles Meet Tomorrow Circles of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist Church will meet tomor row as follows: Circle No. 1 will meet at 3:30 p.m. in the Boyd Memorial Chapel at the church with Mrs. Dee Clark arid Mrs. W. L. Hardin as hostesses. Circle No. 2 will meet at 3:30 at the home of Mrs. James R. Boyd with Mrs. T. W. Jones of Florida as eo-hostess. Circle No. 3 will meet at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Harvey Dulin. Circle No. 4 will meet for a pic nic supper at 6 o'clock in Ratcliffe Cove with Mrs. Will Ratcliffe, Mrs. Carl Ratcliffe, and Mrs. Lawrence Leatherwood as hostesses. Circles Nos. 5 and 6 will hold a joint picnic meeting in the City Park at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Edwards Entertains For Mrs. Davenport Mrs. Johnny Edwards was host ess of a dinner bridge on Thurs day evening in honor of Mrs. R. B. Davenport of Durham, who former ly resided here. Mixed summer flowers were used throughout the house and the tables at which the guests were seated for dinner were decorated with low bowls of floating gladioli centered with lighted tapers. Following the bridge games the high score prize was awarded to Mrs. Felix Stovall. the low score prize to Mrs. Howard Clapp snd the bingo prize went to Mrs. Dan Watkins. Mrs. Davenport was also presented a gift by the hostess. The guests were Mrs. Davenport and her mother, Mrs. Mary Smith, also of Durham. Mrs. Dan Watkins, Mrs. J. II. Howell, Jr., Mrs. Felix Stovall. Mrs. Howard Clapp, Mrs. Noel Phillips, Mrs. John Stephens, Mrs. Leon Killian, Jr., Mrs. Cliff Meant ot Biloxi, Miss., Mrs. Char tie Woodard, Mrs. Hugh Daniel, and Mrs. J. W. Reed, Jr. '' . " . ?' j. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond ffart arid son, naymond, Jr., left last week lor a vacation in New England. - DAY f iJ 'i ml II Edith G, Mayo Is Bride Of J. W. May Miss Edith Geneva Mayo, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mayo of Asheville, and Jefferson WiJliam May of Hazel wood, son of Mrs. Nora H. Miy and the late T. A. May of Flats, were married Sun day afternoon in the Weaverville Presbyterian cnurcn. The Rev. H. B. Dendy, pastor, performed the ceremony. The church was decorated with baskets of white gladioli and branched candelabra against a 1 background of fern. i A program of wedding music was I presented by Mrs. Bernard Fergu- son, organist, and James IL Brown, Jr., vocalist. Tlie bride, given in marriage by her father, wore an ankle length dress of white ejelet embroidered batiste and a halo hat of white maline. She carried a nosegay oi white roses, valley lilies and tube roses. Mrs. James H. Brown, Jr., sister of the bride, was matron of honor and wore a blue dress like that of the bride. Her headdress was of summer flowers and slip carried a nosegay of mixed flowers. E. M. Jones of Canton served as best man and ushers were Harold O. Dayton of Canton and George A. Martin of Asheville, brother-in-law of the bride. After the ceremony the couple left for a wedding trip and on their return will reside in Hazelwood. Mrs. May is a graduate of Wood fin High School and of Spartanburg General Hospital School of Nurs ing. At present she is employed as assistant superintendent of nurs ing at Memorial Mission Hospital, Asheville. Mr. May is a graduate of Hayes ville High School and Young-Har ris College and attended Western Carolina Teachers College. He is a member of the State Highway Pa trol with headquarters in Hazel- wood. Baptist Society Meets Tuesday The Woman's Missionary Society of the First Baptist Church will meet in the Upper Room at the church Tuesday at 8 p.m. The Ann Hasseltine Judson Cir cle will have charge of the pro gram and the Lottie Moon Circle will serve as hostess. Canadians estimate their country iias i,uiiii square miles oi for- ested area. MASSIE'S DEPT. yDHDomeir leara First Quality GANNON r ', ' V heeis All Sizes Including 81 by 108 Regular $2.98 OUR LOW PRICE $1.94 Now Is The Time - Here Is The Place imyit -1(1 - obnuuu w Sturdy All-Leather, and Every Pair a Bargain v MASS DEPARTMENT STOB Kidnaped by Dad THREE.YEAB.ru n o, ... ----- (cvn Horowib ! (hnwnw hki. un'izu .... 4Md (iiuuier, iir$ I i.vthe short time hPf,,ra h .. . .' by his father and The grief -stricken mother estranged husband, . manufacturer, took the y,JUI,s; ! to the mov.es with hi,,, aild returned. (iterfl,ir Mrs. Medford Is Honored At Dessert Bridge Miss Betty Bradley ;uui ,.,. M ter, Miss Jean Ann I!,ndl,. tained at a dessert bruit;,, nd afternoon at their linu. ,1,'' Eagle's Nest Road as ;, ,-,-.., to Mrs. Phil Medford. I): i,,. , ,,.. month. The hostesses and Mrs. Mi dluni the former Miss Mildred U(k , Cameron, S. C, atlendcd Hn nm. College together and ai c nu-n;!., , - ol the Phi Mu Sorurih. The party appoinl menu , pink and white, the 1'lu Mu ,,, and pink carnations and W:nt. gladioli were used m (Iccoraiiiij! Following the games prizes awarded to Mrs. Alvni Ward, who held high score and Mis. Ham Whisenhunt. who had low Muic The honor guest was also ihim iii ed a gift. Those playing were Mrs. Med ford, Mrs. N. M. Medio, d. Mi Bebe Medford, Miss Man Am: Massie, Mrs. John T. Sclidl. Mis. Alice Fincher, Mrs. ,,,e ,,u. Mrs. Alvin Ward. Mrs. limn uIik- enhunt, and Mrs. Paul Mi Fhm. Jimmy Stringfield lelt I ridin to spend a few (lavs in I'lula.le on business. STORE BRINGS YOU Ilia IW. Full Cut Men's San! Over NowPrici A Real I Many Styles - $1 K wedJ LIKE Ours pro NtVEl i yyf Only

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