-TANDARO CO '"irt St rf The Waynesville Mountaineer - - TODAY'S SMILE If a husband's words are sometimes pointed, maybe it's from trying to get them in edgewise. Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Ha wooJ County At Th e Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park - 64th YEAR NO. 65 18 PAGES Associated Press and United Press New 'i WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 4, 1949 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties u heard it Stand 'giant his varif'J Inman. of Hi'' ind "" ho three the Hild as if a" prettiest leen ne"' -same as Spment jg enough pi reel, it jjone about Id Haiii'.v, J speaks. fUov Juna Slier, when one. Kd- I (.(. what I Then he' nd that is t ears -he his rod the ualrr. p surface. water alter fish headed ge dam. pull Shin: llaiiey fod and reel inev sain losing his his mother tout tar her Srtcr a society Isboro Daily iverage per Jolina. They Manned for Miss (-utile among the done, was and take a ill set, and the group be n good iss Reynolds limes at the lake a long home bare- itwear were were neither e for smiare nas almost llr. w home erin- theni was laid, -we cut 1 scare the 'i chuckling so but I !'he sack up Pi'd two fed a four-foot is lap ...... out i as it ws isons pcatinn ,if ' A. F. and 8 P in to 'l on Hip fst National fed to attend. JlOUDY KoK-iHci-jI,!., an,i Fridav. and file lPm I mm 4 l'ld- r!tff of I ho RaiiUall .06 Town Installing Larger Water Lines In Several Sections; More Planned Baseball Queen Janice Harvell of Carolina Beach, recently crowned 'Miss Lions International" at the duns' New York convention, now wears a new title and a new crown. Slie ' jmm l of acliwi.! tfariw.o4,i ,'Mis4..'d) . ' ';ir-. mountains. I Una Basellaflr ffiTW) " " Ihe- state semi-pro baseball tunrnf ment in Asheboro. AP Phot i Soco Valley May Get New Name Today Indications point to a lively dis cussion tomorrow night at the din iiit meeline which will be held at the Maggie School by the Soco Gap Road Boosters Club. Suggestions will he submitted following the dinner al 7;3l p.m. for a new name for the valley be tween Soco Gap and Lake .luna luska. But whatever the valley ilsell will be called, Maggie will still be known as Maggie. Club officers were emphatic in giving this assurance that these would be no attempt to change the name of the postoffice there. A committee set up by the club three months ago will make its own recommendations for a picturesque name for the picturesque valley, then will open the way to further ih, ui. . suggestions and a voir Thn HUnncultiii of names will be one principal feature of the mrd ! ing. which also will take up '' "i""' her of other matters vital to the area. j Principal speaker will he F I- j Roeck, Winter Haven, Fla.. indus trialist, who is vacationing "t the ! Mount Valley Inn, ! Fred Campbell, president of the Boosters Club, will be m charge of : the meeting. i Tentative plans call for noting !the chosen name of the valley on attractive signs which would he sd up at each entrance. For entertainment, the Magsir String Band will play dm in:; the session. Two Noted Singers To H Give Lake Recital 6th : Closing a week of unusual in terest and activity here the ap , pearance of two concei t art'.sts m ! recital here is a major event of Saturday night. August 6 in the Assembly Auditorium. Tbev , C 1- r, ,, .,,1 fin! h- evenino " eveue. soprano, boo -... rie Frye. tenor. Miss Revelle's recent appear ances, in addition to extensive con cert tours throughout New York. Pennsylvania, Maryland, ohm. Vir ginia and North Carolina included a solo engagement with the Pea body Chorus and Baltimore sym phony Orchestra under the ndon nf Tfor Jones. The six-inch water main mil ihe Dollwood Road to the fit limits was completed this week. The 2.-200-foot lino was laid in Ihi'ce days, according to (;. ('. Ferguson, town manager. Two liir hydrants were also in stalled, and the work of tapping the line will begin immediately.. The si x -i i ich line replaces a 1 1 v inch line which was installed by private ciliens some years ago. The cost of the project was about $3,000. Mr. Ferguson said. The next water line is planned for Ihe Aliens (.'reek area, and an engineer is scheduled to survey the area within Ihe next few days, and show where fire hydrants should he installed Mr Ferguson said thai estimates were that Ihe projects would cost from $l.r.000 to $111,000. i The town forces have also re cently compleled a street and wal-or-scwer project on Thomas Drive. T he street was widened, graveled, and al nut 2,000 leel of 4-inch wat er main installed, along with an extended sewer line. "All the projects are expensive," Mr. Ferguson said, hut aie per manent improvements that will last for a general ion." "We aie going to need a lot more ol these." he said, "as he held up a check he had just receiv ed from the stale for the town's share of intangible taxes The check was for $1,045.50. Cliwii Cline Dies Suddenly At Home Today Clinton C. (Tine. 61, farmer and employee of the L'nagusta Manu facturing Company, died unexpect edly at his home on Plott Creek early this morning, lie had been at work as usual yesterday. Funeral services will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Palmer on the Fairview Hoad, Sat urday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. The Kcv. .1. M. Woodard will olficiale and Hill internment will be in Green Hill Cemetery. 7'allbearers will be the following nephews; James Palmer, Jack Nichols. Joe Nichols, Fritz Little, Jake Nichols, and Therein Hyatt. Mr (Tine, a native of Hirkory, has been employed at the L'nagusta for Hie past 14 years. He has been a member of the First Methodist Church of Asheville since young : manhood. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Nichols dine; two daugh ters. Miss Anna (Tine of the home and Mrs Ifarry Simonds of Route 1, Waynesville; two brothers, Henry ; (Tine of Staunton, Virginia and : McKinlc.v Cline of Hassett, Virgin ia, one sister. Miss Pearl Cline of Winston-Salem; and two grand-, (Tnldri n The body will be taken to the home Friday afternoon at four o'clock and will remain until the hour of the funeral. Arrangements are under the di rection of Garrett Funeral Home. Mrs Lawrence McElroy of New port News. Va.. is here for a visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Lampkin. Mrs. McElroy is con valescing from an operation which she River underwent recently at me side Hospital in Newport News, nanied Mr. McElroy. wno accom hr. wife to Waynesville, re- turned to his home Tuesday. She hi' filled engagements as oratorio soloist m many Eastern ''mi- Frve. the possessor of a mag n,p,Vl tenor voice, toured for a "eL n with the Charles L. Wagner Opera" Company, before his own .oiieert and oratorio appearances; .i i,it foil lime. Tnese concert artists began their ; appearances together as featured lists with the AM WJcn Orchc Ira of Wilmington, Delaware. On these programs they d.scov-, t,ed the perfect blending of their j voices. ,,.,. C.w.wit P.iee Re-Elected i 1-4 440: i IMt. F. S. I.OVF. was re-elected superintendent of the Lake .luna luska Methodist Assembly today hv ihe lie 1 1' ut inti s hoard of lius lei s. lie- is cnmplcl ing bis lillh year in In po-.l Dr. I .ove's re port ;it the board moduli.: unh ealed Hie siniiniei assembly is having one ol its best seasons, both from Ihe standpoint ol at tendance ,'i lid of mine. I in the pi ogr, nns Information Booth For Tourists Now In Operation Hie Waynesville ('lumber of Commerce's newest service l'i travelers is working now at Ward's F.sso station al the junc tion of II. S. Highways J!)-1!A east of Waynesville. The information booth opened last Monday to guide visitors coming through Haywood Colin- ty. Mrs. Frank Knntti. Chamber ol Commerce secretary, said today the aim Is to keep the booth oper ' ating from I p.m. until 8 p.m. every da . Volunteer workers are man : ning the booth to supply tourists j with information about roads and the interesting features of the area. ! The Chamber of Commerce is keeping the information facility supplied with descriptive litera ture. Thad N. Howells Purchase A Large Colorado Ranch News lias jusl been received here that Ml and Mrs Thad N Unwell, well known here, and form er owners ol the (Tevewill Ap.nl- nienl large loose, ranch hav .lust purchased a near Durango. Colo rado. The it W.ls plan l alely. They ago to Howell ranch has 200 head of al lie. loai ned. and the Howells i assume possession imuiedi- l.'ll here that spent several months area, where Mr. some lime as a o llsll 'II had I Idoi c mi ii"d boy Un no lug i large to Waynes farm on J die III, in ( Mr and Mis John Taylor and son. Nick . are leaving Saturday for Iron Mountain, Mich, where they will visit Mrs Taylor's undo and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Thnnip'on They will also visit Mrs. Taylor's hoi I her-in-law and sister. Mr and Mrs, H. II. Ilalladay, at Black Like. Mich. To Give Recital This is Sara Ravello. concert soprano, who will appear Satur day night at the Lake Junaluska Assembly Auditorium in a joi.t reeital vih Tenor fJutViri, Fp f V r ! i,, ' -Z ITS Projects Costing $600,000 Approved The Lake .him, hi .ka Methodist Assembly today publicly launched a campaign to I aise SiiOII 000 lor Ihe development ot the insti tution, which is owned and con trolled In the Southeastern Juris diclion ol Ihe Melliodisl Chinch. , Luther W. Wells, pri" iinenl layman. insuraiHc executive and lay leader ol Ihe Virginia I'onler- ence, was named or ol I he e ' headquarters w ill executive direcl m p a I g ii His he in Itichniond. Vh ,;ini i Kdwin I. Jones, of ChaiTolle, chairman of the -Hi iiieinher Hoard ol Trustees ol (lie .loii.duska As sembly, presided ovci Ihe meeting Hindi protected Ihe campaign Mr Jones announced tin- cam paigu pi ins ill In-, addle .s beloie nic hoard He explained Ihe raiupaien will I c j l i 'e I loin oil' to (wo ' e.ll s to leach tile lin inel il glial . leip I He .aid Ihe amount ..ought has been tentatively allocated a . bil low,, in the main to ineica.se lacil ilies lor accoiiiinodaliiig m vis ible, to Lake Jiniihiska. and the balance In improve tile physical plant : . New tourist molds, $100.0011. j lirst unit of a new lireplool hotel, I $400,000; i il 1 1 i ovenients al Ter race. $2f,()00; improvements al ! auditorium, $25,000; roads and bridge improvements. $12,500; beautificalion lake and grounds, $12,500; completion and furnishing lot Memorial Chapel. $25.0110. Ail j of this. Mr. Jones said, will lie ban (lied apart from Hie regular or ganized work of the Assembly un der the superintendency of Dr. i S Love. The campaign. Mr. Jones added, will be set up to utilize the regular machinery of The Methodist Church. Mr. Wells will begin full I ime work as d I r e c I o r of Ihe campaign on September 1st, 1949. His headquarters will be in Hichmond and he will work closely Willi the trustees, bishops, district superintendents, confer ence, district and charge lay lead ers. Soon after September Isl Mr Wells will start a scries of dinner j meetings in key cities in each con ference ol the Southeastern Juris diction. Probably 10 or 12 of the.e dinner meetings will be held in North Carolina. "Surely," concluded Mr Joins "Methodism do ,ei ves a recreation center where mind, body and Kpiril can be rested, restored and revival ized a center that will at trad our (See .lunaluska 1'agc (il Lower Crahtrcc Meeting Friday By MRS MILLARD Mountaineer Con FLRGI SI IN spondenl Residents ol Lower Crabliee will meet al 7 p. in lomoirow at Ihe Hyder Mountain Church to in. ike plans lor their Field Dav Align. I HI wilb Hie Fines ( reek citizen.-.. The Community Development Program event will be held at Fines Creek. Marshall Kirkpatrick. Lower Crabtrcc community chairman, will preside at the Friday night meet ing. Saturday At Lake Guthrie Frye, tenor, will ap pear with Sara Ravelle, soprano, at the Lake .lunaluska Assembly auditorium Saturday night 'n a ioinf recital Heads Campaign iff . L2ZJ l.l'THKK M. WKM.S is exi c u- live of the campaign to raise $000,000 for expanding Lake .lunaluska Methodist Assembly . County Tax List To Be Published In Monday's Paper The list of drliiuiiit nt nullify taxes on properly has bei u pre pared and Is now brine set in type for publication mi Monday. Aiicusl K. it was aiiiioiiiu i d by Sebe Iti vson. county tax culledor today. The properly will In- advertis ed lor lour weeks then offered al public auction on Monday, Sep tember Slh. Services Held For Young Girl Who Drowned Funeral services were held in Washington. I) ('., yesterday for Marilyn Lee Cope, 2 1-2 year old girl whose parents formerly lived in Haywood County. The child drowned Saturday in the Anacnstia River in Washing Ion when she fell from her parents' cabin cruiser which was tied at a dock. Her body was recovered an hour and a half later after a search by harbor police, a fire rescue squad, and members of a nearby Navy div ing school. Mr and Mrs Cope were both swimming alongside the vessel when their daughter fell overboard, but were unable to reach her in f illle Mis Cope, the former Petty Knighl. i. the daughter of Mr and Mrs Oscar Knight of llazelwood. and niece of Mrs Sam Knighl and Samuel Knight. Mi Cope, a technician in a Washington dental laboratory, is a former resident of Waynesville. The child's grandparents. Mrs. Cope , sisters. Nancy and Mavine Knighl. Mi and Mrs. Samuel Knighl. and Mrs. Sain Knight wenl to Washington Sunday idler receiving news of Ihe tragedy. Charles Kay Named to Stale IJusiness IJody ( h.ob K Ray . .Il . Way nesville civ ic to, idei and businessman, ha been appoint' d to the (iovei ninen lal and Public Affairs Committee of the Noitb Carolina Merchants Association. This was announced recently bv WTIIard Dowell of Raleigh, execu tive vice-president of Ihe Associa tion which claims 7.00l members. The committee's job i 1o recom mend to the state association's board of directors what it believes Ihe altitude of the association should be toward legislation, gov ernmental and public affairs. Mr. Hay was re-elected last Mon day as chairman ot Ihe North Car olina Park Commission. Salvation Army Singing Session Set For Sunday Ur Kelly Bennett mayor of Bryson City, and Col. G A. Steph- ' an. Salvation Army officer from Charlotte, will be principal speak ers Sunday during the Salvation ' Army Mountain Mission Corps' 12th annual Singing Convention at j Maple Springs Gap. j The all-day convention, with Ray Parker of Canton in charge of the i singing, will be held in the open i air pavilion at the Gap. which is i near Max Patch, 25 miles north of j Waynesville. The Mission property straddles the Haywood Madison , County line. I nr TienopH ill PiUhoss thi and. Records Show Haywood's Finances In Good Shape; Full Report Town Budget Being Prepared; Tax Rate Same W.iy lo'Wille Town iliioier (i. C. l et i; iistni ,i i ( bid. i the audit ors .lie ciunpb I on; (lie umk this wcik on Hie L'l'l I'l.MI town huri Kd. He levelled lh.it Hie board of alfleriot-ii haw- alicidv derided dial (lit- (a i itc would remain Ihe SI III pi i s HI'l valuation that it was l.i ,1 y i .ii . Farm Tour Folk Having Big Time In Mid -West Hv LI ( 11. LE CATTILY Mountaineer oi i e pendent Editor's null- Miss Cat hey is on 1 1 he farm tour lor T he Mountain leer and a lull acounl of the trip ! will be given in biter issues. The j following was sent from Indiana at noon today. ! GOSHEN, 1ml T'h.. I uti 'llav- wood cilizi lis on the 1,500 mile oul-of-slale latin toin really go! an eydul ol lall Indiana coin this morning i Thin sday p . Tim party left Purdue t uiversily early, but lost a Ijllle lime en route to Go shen, in oilier that everyone could gel a good look at those mid-western crops. This alleiiioon a trip to a county dairy show, then eight miles to a poultry processing plant, and near by poult i y I.ii in After a .ili-nule rule, the group of three buses and Ion cars will armc In Foi l U.n nr tor the night. The liisl I luce clays ol the trip have been ideal The weather has been hue, and onH one incident has m. n 1 1 -d a m itcil t l ip. tills trouble call ill Helling Tuesday on Lvei one a grand tun ha e hail i .ii d a I iii ee hour delay nii.i Lafayette, I rid . . on I be 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 having an I mil one or Iwo ickii" '. A warm wel come I, had on every hand. The vial to a I in key farm, and seeing a Hock ol Hi.ouil has caused a lot ol ei en 1 1 it -1 1 1 . Inil ey on I hat has not ei a 'it lb,- iiojii i-s ,ion ol the beaut it ul hoi si , and past urcs in the lil ue gi a . Mil ions of Ken I ueky Due lo In Oil Ihe bll . II I he gn i-i nor mechanical Iroiible i oi 1 1 . mis ,ed .eeing ol Kentucky, which was a 1 1 tsa t 'pot nl u jc ot W din- il.o- m. -1,1 the parte heard a i hoi o of I ;"io Indiana farm wo men in ' al Hie II. .it o Music at I'm due I 'no ' , il . That, along Willi an ."he b l)r Earl But.. 'agiii-uniii.'l economy of Purdue, climaxed a hit '. and exciting day Dr lint lold the Haywood group that "villingiie . . lo work is a pe oiliar Ameiii an ingredient and is the ba n. lor Nmeiio.i's greatness. He continued bv poipiing out that "if farm people w ho are not afraid lo work can gel that philosophy across, then He- ned have no fear for agru nil in i indiidiy. or the fllllUC ' T h' gi""p -;l " I" -ii'd J'.ide Flor (See I i m Tour Page 6 lence during the morning program, while ('okuicl Mrphan will speak in the at,r" noon The vi ..iior v'l! irtk'- I'm" out be tween momms and afternoon ses sions to have their pir,ulr hinc'l Salvation Aiinv officials remind ed those planning to come that the custom is lor everyone to bring picnic baskets and spend the day. But those who can't bring their own lunch won't go hungry. They'll be served plate lunches in the Ki creatiou Hall. nd the musicians and singers who lake part in the program will be given a chickeu (Spp Palvalinn Army- Pee tp Published Auditor Charles II Metcalfe s re port for the past fiscal .year shows Haywood Counlv is in good finan cial shape. The detailed report is being published in Section three of this issue J In lad. the county's financial j condition is the be.-t as far . ii ( known ol am county m this ai ca. As ol July 30. the rrpoi I sho.cs, ! Ihe county valuation totalled $-).- ITIi.HO.'i approximately $000.000 higher than it was at the same time ! last year During the past year al.-o. nunc Jlhan $50,000 has been lopped off I Haywood';, total outstanding ri"N j On July 30. Ibis year, ilns lot a! I stood al $f;i2,325 On the same dale in Ultrt. the ! county's total indebtedness was $(iH7.f)50 The break down on the figures for the drht of (hp past fiscal year j shows $392,000 of the amount out , standing in rountv bonds, and $181,000 in school bonds, for a to ' l.d bonded indebtedness of $573. 000 I Stale school loans totalled S9 1 325 to account for the remainder of . Hie lotal debt. I Last year at the same tune the county bonds outstanding totalled $443,500. and the school bonds were estimated at a value of $205,001). During the past fiscal year, mean while, the county paid a lotal ol $51,500 on the principal on county bonds, and $22,148.75 on their In terest, while paying out. slightly wore than $118 in fees. J ' addition Iv .liia, $27,900 ws" paid oiit on the principal on school bonds, and $11,1)21.2.1 on the mtpr. esl, with Ihe amount paid in bos tallying lo $70.36. All these figures add up lo $1 13, (J5H.57 paid by the counl.V on prin cipal on bonds, interest and lees , On t lie credit side, Mr Meteallc's report shows the 19411 lax levy brought in a total $434,070 50 Al the' same lime. Haywood citi zens owe the county more than $(i(),0!)0-iu Uncollected taxes all to ftellK r front 1946 through 1 041! in clusive. The county's unencumbered bal ances total $IHH,73li 24. The report also shows Haywood's; casli in Ihe bank totals Hit;; -.-iigo figure- and that only two of (he major lunds are ovcrdra" n These overdrafts show on t'.'.; wdfare and the Canton school building funds In Hie treasurer's fund ha1,!".: ;, the liguie., show $15!). 855 17 "i pre paid taxes for 1949, $7,4-.' I !i in the general fund and $750 in the gen eral lund petty cash These make Ihe total general fund balance $107,1130 I ', The total county school funds the balance come to $2. -07 5K T he balance in the lot il liospttal lunds, Ihe report show.,, .finds at. $7,713 02. the fund lor debt i -ce al $7,731.20. and the capi'al outlay fund al $2,020.04. 85 Per Cent Ot Town Taxes Paid Eighty-five per cent of the rut rent taxes for WaynesviHe have been collected, it was karnf-d from (. C. Ferguson, town man ager, today. Mr. Ferguson said that voik has started on the prepar-it'n. of the list of delinquent tixes. on property, and the property will lie advertised for sale, and of fered al auction. The in.'tia! list will appear Monday, August 1, and the sale held Monday. S p tcmber 12. Highway Record For 1949 (To Dite) In Haywood Killed 4 Injured .... 26 (Tb.it information com piled from Records ol SUU Highway Patrol). il

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