'I ' i i! il I THE W A YNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER Hi : : 1 CIVIL WAR PAPERS TURN I P GROUP MEETS IN i UP Governor Achieves An Ambition BOSTON iU.P. ' Civil War due- WORCESTER. Mas uments; including correspondence NY;:H 60 members of the Wor- between Gov. John A. Andrew and cester chapter of the National President Lincoln's military lead- Aeronautic Association Mere up in ers. were discovered when work- the air at a meeting f the group men dismantled an old rel room There was no disturbance nor in the State House The 75 volumes bickeiin. howeer The meeting of letters, missing for 32 war a held aboard a commercial air were carefully packed in locked liner en route from Worcester to mahogany wall cabinets. Ko.-ton. WAYNESVILLE DRIVE-IN THEATRE PROGRAM Shows Start at X P. M. THURSDAY and FRIDAY. A us. 4 - 5 "One Sunday Afternoon (In Technicolor) Starring Dennis Morgan and Dorothy Malone II 111 yff ' SATl'KDA Y. Aii. (i "Man From Texas" North Carolina s Gov. Kerr Scott has ahvavs had an ambition to be h Im ui mt i i i-iit;iin.-i'i . At !i.i . tin- ii in hi i ii iii has become a leality temporarily. The governor proudly drives a big dicsel locomotive on the state-owned Atlantic & East Carolina Railway between More head City and Havelock. AP Photo'. Starring James C'raiij SUNDAY. Au. 7 "Buck Privates" Starring Bud Abbott & Lou C'ostello and the Andrews Sisters MONDAY and TUESDAY. AuK. 8 - 9 "This Time For Keeps" Starring Esther Williams. Jimmie Durante, and Xavier Cugat and his Orchestra Business Fair In Canton Police Court In luly Last month, live detendants charged with drunken driving wore taxed with $100 line each and court costs and lost their licenses for one year in ('anion Police Court. The report from the it t,i office also noted that between June 27 and the last week o July . 28 defendants were hailed into court on public drunkenness ' charges, and were ordered In pav a total of slightly more than SHOO in fines. The oil ice also reported one case of an improper stale license, which separated the motorist from S2.V a liquor violation which cnT the defendant a total of $2.") in a fine and court Assessments: and assort ed cases of resisting arrest, speed ing, drunk and di orderly, and driving without a license. Deaths ' You Are Cordially Invited To Attend A . . . Frozen Foods and Am ana Home Freezer Demonsfraiion This Demonstration Will Feature the Preparation of Meat for the Home Freezer By Miss lean Hall nationally known as an expert on the preparation of foods for the Home Freezer and the preparation of frozen foods for the table at the HAYWOOD COUNTY FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE Waynesville Monday, Aug. 8th, At 2 P. Whether or not you are interested in home freezers or now have a home freezer, be sure and attend this meeting. Get the fascinating facts about frozen foods Get money-saving hints on how to shop for the best foods for freezing. Get the latest frozen foods techniques. Learn how to select, prepare, wrap and package for freezing at home. Men are also invited. LEARN how to live better and live cheaper with a home freezer. Miss Hall will be glad to answer all your questions. This is a golden opportunity for all of yon interested in the freezing of food and the first time anything as complete has been offered in this locality. Brought You By The HAYWOOD COUNTY FARMERS CO OPERATIVE And Amana Home Freezers ADMISSION - FREE COMFORTABLE CHAIRS "K' DOOR PRIZES 1st Prize 25-lb. Bag Yukon's Best Flour 2nd Prize ltf-lb. Bag Red Band flour 3rd. Prize 5-Ib. Bag Red Band Flour j JAMFS I,. DRAKE I'lineral services for James Larry Drake. 114. who died Tuesday in Mountain Home, Tenn.. after a lingering illness, were held this allcrnoon in the Morning Star Chun Ii. The Hev. Asinond Maxwell and I he Hex W II l'lcss oll iciatcd and burial w as in l he church cemetery. Members of I he V. V. W. Post 3l!ia ol ( anion were in charge ot iravesido riles and Auxiliary members were flower bearers. Mr. Drake served with the U. S. A run Air force during World War II. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Hilda Drake; two sons, J. L., Jr., and Monroe, of the home; the par ents, Mr. and .Mrs. Joe L. Drake ot Canton: one sister, Miss Annie Mae Drake, and one brother, How ard Drake, both of Canton. Wells l'uneral Home, Canton, in charge of arrangements. Electric Co-op Annual Meeting Set For Aug. 27 Members of the Haywood Elec tric Membership Corporation will hold their annual meeting August 27 t the Waynesville Armory, for the 10th annual meeting. The session will open at 10 a. m. The directors of the corporation discussed plans for the annual meeting at their monthly meeting recently and selected a com mittee to nominate the organiza tion's 11 directors for the new yi ar. Named to this committee were Luther Stephens. Cowarts: F. A. Justice. Clyde route 1 ; O. F. Bur nette, Canton route 3: A. C. Pat terson. Franklin route 2; A. M. Paxton. Rosman; Percy Yarbor ougb, Candler route 1: Carl Ed wards. Canton route 2; Ralph Nichols. Canton route 1; F. C. Davis. Waynesville route 2; James Smith. Clyde route 1; and C. E. Brown, Jr.. of Clyde. The current members of the board of directors arc Chairman t Latter Osborne; Secretary-Treasurer, K. II. Cogburn. Roy B. Med ford. A. W. Ferguson, W. P. Harris. Walker Brown. IL W. Davis, and Blaine Nicholson. The nominating committee met hero July 23rd to nominate direc tors for the presentation at the an nual meeting. They will make the announcement at the meeting on the 27th. The Corporation serves 3,435 families in five counties, and be ginning next month plan to ener gize lines in Rabun County, Geor gia, serving 100 families. Ii. C. Sheffield is general man ager of the corporation, which has headquarters here. Want Ads CLIENTS NOTE I WILL BE OUT OF MY OF FICE FOR TI7E NEXT TEN DAYS TO TWO WEEKS ON VACATION IN ONTA RIO, CANADA. RETURN AUGUST 18. R. E. SEN TELLE, ATTORNEY. A 4,8 WANTED Small farm. Give de scription, distance from town, and price. Write Mr. M. Szatko, 2570 Post Street, Jacksonville, 4, Fla. Attn FOR SALE: 2 good acres of corn; H acres of tobacco. Call 94-W-l. A 4-8 FOR SALE 8 weeks old Poland China pigs. See C. C. Francis, Waynesville, Route 1. A 4-8 Canton Pastor Expects New Church Position The Rev. C. A. Ramsey said this week he expected to be assigned : to another church, after having served seven years as pastor of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of i Canton. I He and Mrs. Pamsey will leave Monday to attend the annual Meth odist Conference at Colfax. Under customary procedure, the appointments of pastors for the Mars Hill Diploma 12th !, 84 0n . l'H David L. Teague, of Cove Creek, : " . "v'utf GriW Toilrf) The . , , - . . . I J II rww l , win De among me to iviars ni uoi- i rjgjj ODQCm j summer commencement program next Friday morning, August 12, at ; 11 o'clock. Claude F. Gaddy of Raleigh, ex ecutive secretary of the Council on Christian Education, will be the speaker at the exercises in the col lege auditorium. R. M. Lee, deari during their stav there. North and Sii, , Border Belt flue-cured t, kets opened Ttie.sdav w u prices averaging $-, !4 ' dred pounds. Hie 10.179.10:! first day $5,300,000 This volume was n, 000 pound- above i . "mi,,. Hi Pound.. . i " ' uiuuflil lafiiiei churches are announced at the'sumed the pastorate hrst-da vohu,,. i. .. ,, The Wesleyan church expanded ;-mole than ', i , ",' the l!)4!i opening avci;,t,. Tu. A .,., ( I,, . "'' 4 n. : lllii) . li.il II, In l, t till ifilersjJ audi Matii.il, I'l'lun Tl,ff, i Mi end of the session. Mr. Ramsey expects to learn of "his change of j assignment at that time. i In making the announcement. ' the popular pastor and bis w ile thanked the people of Canton for their cooperation and Kindness Under his supervision, the Sun day School was developed and man' new activities inaugurated. The church building and the parsonage have been completed, :nid both are free of financial ob ligations incurred in construction. ')f the ccllet'e and dnv, summer school, will graduates, and I liiackwell will award n, Thii'e i',',.,.iiM., ..... , ,,- U1JH),1U Di'ing me loial number ale-j for the year tu I.., u "4 nr. III II... .1 L, I" lull i i. u I yiKqjJ 1) J M,r,..i i , 1 ""dUU- FRIDAY 9 Ul Check These Anniversary S.E CIA Ladies' GOWNS Regularly up to S9.95 1" Biirmill Fabrics Pa-jlel Colors $49.95 Values NATIONALLY ADVERTISED DRESS NOW LESS THAN HALF-PRICE Women's and Misses' Sizes (fan NEW FALL CW SPECIAL FOR THIS EVENT COVERTS GABARDINES 1 Swing Backs & Fitted Models Evety Coat -This Season's Smartest Styles and ( MEN'S MEN'S BPsESS Summer SfHlTS PANTS filar 12.98 Values to 8.95 $3,99 $499 MEN'S MEN'S $3.98 & $4.98 Rfg j, 00 and SlM SPORT jigs SHIRTS 2 For $209 $2,00