STANDARD PTG Co Comi 220-230 S first S' LOVISVILLE KY - The Waynesville Mountaineer TODAY'S SMILE "If havinf a jood time U all there Is to life, a monkey has a man outdistanced complete ly, both in amusing others and being amused." is Published Twite-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park - - YEAR NO. 6G 12 PAOKS Ass.k iatcd Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE. N. C MONDAY AFTERNOON. AUGUST 8, 1949 $300 In Adanccln Haywood and Jackson Counties 64th fbe bark ks. and man in luni- heriente. hake nad fcre nan 'some 2U I timber. man to Lever, as Jer roi'Ks. if snakes hg about fctx-r. and . . i bt hinnci Jgh them never so of The remain at 'get some s and Ireak. an trked his the hotel sleeper. fcry murii lad. evi- i lama and wails of of thirty Beeper, on t slaughter. about this luck drove tolled pas- im!e and completed near the , it H' t koo.noo.oon s one of led by 1). was serv- conimis was in- Haywood Farmers Greeted In Ohio By Industrialist Church To Hold 115th Park Commissioners Sworn In mhmp .wuluul ii i 'in i ii i i e.otmmmiw mmmtmmmmmmm mmmm lmWmf i Anniversary made to I). is lull 'I'lic 154 Haywood ciliens ui ir when they visited the homo plant ol lander, president of the firm, svhieh ;i was taken as Mr. Frcedlander shook .,,.,iiv Di'vi'loonienl Council From Mary Cornwell, home dciiionsi ral ion agenl c Others on the tour look on Tlie j limp math to lunch. This picture was made e: pccially leel rigid at home during their stop Kulbor Company, and were greeted -o owns and operates tile Das tun plant here hand', with Unbelt Francis, chairman ol the Hie Icll counts ai;ent Wasne Corpening look at Dayton. Ohio, hs A. I, Freed -This photograph Haywood Cnm s on. while Miss ,1 , ecu ween Mr. Frcedla ndor ami Mr. Francis. ,i ,iii ol Ihe Dasltui plant, and alle rwai ds were lakcn lor The Mountaineer, and I ii bed here hv plane. Farm And Field Day Set For 17 154 Haywood Folk Bade From 1,600-Mile Tour The liclhcl Church will be I Hi scars old next Sunday. And its members and Jot her j friends will give it a suit aide birth j day parts ; The observance of this anniscr I sars ot the oldest church in Hay 1 wood l 'tin ill will start .it 1 I a in , when Ihe Kcs Paul I" Thrower. the pastor, ssill conducl I be sor- 1 vices, wilh ihe dnnr ol the ll.i.-cl-ssootl Prcshy lei lan Clinch singing. i The pastor will also oiler I be Hols 1 Communion sshicb is held op cscry annis el's, ii y Siindas . i Alter Ihe services. Hierc will he a li.i-.kct urn li anil a colorlul .iller noon piogram. le.ilinim! tin sing- ! nit; ol Ihe lamed A F Unbelts j Family (.Ju.ii let ol 1 1 a s w o o d Counts Tin i also will he coiiiiuiinils siin:im: anil glidings lis l :-1 1 1 n M pastor.. Mr I lirosser s ml in lie. an noiineeinenl Indas member, ol the Itaplisl and Melhodi .l churches ol the t -i ii mini i til y base been cx lendeil a special insilalioij lo join in all t be dav's act is it ics Cattle Tour Planned For Haywood Farmers ' .; ; L .. U" i tj bl- (S3 19th Annual Cataloochee Reunion Set Approximately 800 people are ex pected at Palmer's Chapel Sunday for Ihe 13th niinual Cataloochee Reunion. The yearly gathering is held for all former residents and their fam ilies of this mountain community in the Smoky Mountains National Park. The proRram will open at 11 a in with morniiiR service -, feat uring the address of Or Elmer T Clark of l.ake .lunaluska and New York City, editor of the Christian Advocate, national Methodist pub lication EollowinK the picnic dinner there will be singing and other tec reutional activities during the af ternoon. In charge of the ai l anKemeni -lor the oienle tables and other do. fails are Mark Hannah and 1. C Caldwell. 200 Attend Soco Club Meeting , will II. en o u omH i 'onitl s farmer el 'I bin -.d.iv e .imiinoL' hhm .' heel cattle bend .. beet cat I le tntir. spollsOi ed llayssood County Hereford The second annual Haywood r arm and Field Day will he held at the home of K. F. Honors at ( Kfi. ii was announced this week by Wayne Corpening, county accnt. 1 The date has been set for Wednes- i ilavAugiist 17, leldom lets st Baptist I extending )n Sunday isitor, and rt of Flor- I tksonville." pvely city. who went We were "ollegc to- 190, but I Irried. Her I trie." Mrs. I ! pmed. and ; I suppose the colleni Atwut 1.500 peDVlK. intmc.led in I farming and rural homes arc ex I peeled to attend this event. Already several of the agricul tural specialists of the slate have agreed to be here for the occasion. "It looks like we might have seven or eight of our top agricultural men," Mr. Corpening said. Last year the program was held at the Jack McCracken farm near Bethel, and hundreds attended. lis LUCILLE CAT1IEY Mountaineer Correspondent .luhilanl Haywood County farm tourists, carrying on I heir heels the dust from agricultural centcis in slates where their annual lour led I liein. returned home Saturday School Bus Drivers To Go To School Aug. 15-16 ' the pro--you see I peeks, one Crawford ft a lot of Ins traffic no- fists, we've pmples in Ci fact that ve a hie!) Haywood County's 4il school bus drivers will go to school next week time some-i t cv readv for school two weeks did you ,(er. County Schools Superintendent Jack Messer says the drivers will take instruction next Monday and Tuesday at the Waynesville Town ship High School garage. A representative of the North j Carolina Motor Vehicles Division's highway safety department will give them lessons in proper handl ing, antf maintenance of their ve hicles and on regulations concern ing the transportation of school children. During the period also new ap plicants for school bus driving job'; I will be given tests. Those who pa . I will receive certificates of qualifi j cation. as driv s residen ce stopped I brakes j David Noland Elected pose didn't L . . . . ,. continued! Ayrshire Association safelv 1 The unanimous election of David N his trin ! Noland. Wavnesville. to membcr- trsection. a sl,'P in the Ayrshire Breeders' As rirtoni.. . . sociatinn hac Iibpii announced by r- uij mil i ft of a car I National Secretary C. T. Conklm Re 2) of Brandon, Vt. fcr l Tl, f Ilia herd of .i n M..I-...H r Ijaairy cows owned o.v an. lJUI trace back to the heather-covered I .-Nl hills nf Cnnnfv Avr Scotland, from which the FironH Hprives its name Hie cai.'Van of three buses and eighl cars thai hauled Ihe 1.4 lo cal people arrived in Waynesville shortly alter ! p. m . minutes short of the scheduled hour lor return This timing, miraculous in con sideration of the fact that the, large delegation had covered more than lodO miles in six days, was characteristic of the tour in gen eral. Although bus motor trouble, and a flat lire Hhe local highway pa Irolman who led the procession dress this olid caused minor de lays, nearly all activities went oil as planned. The trip, in the opinion of those who look n. was a big success. They C.ol what they won! tor a pirhire of farming in U'e Mid Western stales noted for this in du -li s Kenliirks thicker blue grass and prettier homes Indiana big ger hogs and taller corn - Ohm belter soybeans and liner cattle. These made their impression and set Ihe farmers and their wives to ! making extensive plans for im proving and expanding their own homes and farms. ( Nolhing went unnoticed on ov ers! hing from graveyards and n,s,iUloes. lo men using umbrellas l shade themselves while they i plowed ss ilh Iractors. I V p Ham. 'Uncle Bud. 7-'-v.-H.-old farmer of the Thickrt.v Community ssho considers himself, charier member of the county ',; lours, had gone on each of ihr six previous oiil-of-counly farm n,s t ,s likely he spoke for the wh,.n m- adus th.s me ,..,, (n-er sponsored by County Wayne Corpening and Ins UafT f a -i tai" The weather ssas a major ron ,,., to Ihe success of the tour While the folks back home were h;.vinc gullry-washing- "ins. ti c travelers had it fair, sunny, and in folks w hi ban m""" -hnsc th-y dreaded the heat r iii-llf r-Pt r- Srp Far"1 i our Page Parker To Head State News Bureau Charles Parker .secretary " Governor Kerr Seoll. is Ihe new head of the Stale News Bureau lie suceeds Hill Nharpc. whose res ignation became effective August 1. The governor announced his ap pointment of the former ltaleigh News and Observer city editor last Friday. A less bonis later, il was an nounced that John Marshall, for mer ltaleigh Times spoils editor and public relations director of Ibe Farmers Cooperative Exchange in lialeigh. and the N. C. Cotton Co operalisc Association, had accept ed the governor's offer lo become secret ars .succeeding I'arker. Earlier, Marshall had announced thai be ssas ss il hdt asving his appli cation lor Nhaipes posl as Man press agcnl Sharpe became public relations chief for the Carolina Power and Light Company, whose headquar ters are in liab-igh. The govel mil s aniiouncenicn! of Sharpe's successor ended weeks ot speculation and controversy over the post. I'arker hel dihe job for a year t (Sec Parker Pace 2) Two Bids At Land Sale Unconfirmed LoU. on the Soro Cap road sold (or about $ l.flll'l a! auction "ii Sat urday The properly was owned In John Finger. A bid of S2r.000 was made on the L H llramlett farm on the Dellwood road, but Ihe sale was not cpfirmed A bid of $8,750 was nude for the Balenline property ,e Howell Mill Hoad, and this was not confirmed. II ,p i neie '1 In by tl Association, will slarl al 0 a in. from Ihe Haywood Counly Court House in Waynesville. The schedule of Ihe lour, an nounced today by Counly Agent Way ne Corpening, is as lollows: The J. L. Reeves farm in lU-avr- dam Township lor the first beef ral Ho stop, then to Hoy Waynes' in Clyde Towimhlp and C T. Fran-' cis Son's in HatcllfTe Cose, to Ciiaceland Farms (owned by M O Calloway i, whore lunch will be served Ihe entire group by Mr. anil Mrs. Calloway. After lunch there will be a judging contest and a guessing contest on the weigh! of a steer. In the afternoon the group 'will visit the (Jlenii Boyd farm on Jona than Creek to see some Shorthorn cattle, and to Medford Lealber ssood's to see some steers, then to .lule Boyd's to see his Aherdeen Angus cattle and to Joe Heinerl soll's lo see some Herel'ords; lo Bob Welch's lor a look al bis grade cow herd and lo Ceorge Stanley's grade cow herd The lour will end here. Former Haywood Resident Dies Mrs,. Mollie E Queen, well- known former Haywood ( oiinty resident, died at approximately 4 a. in. today al her home at Ken.l's Store. Va. Before moving t" Vir ginia, she had lived in Iron Dull' and Waynesville for many years Among her live children sur viving is Mrs. Waller Chambers ol Waynesville, Houte 2 Funeral services will be held Wednesday al Kent's Store. HORSE FAIJS ON MAN Hugh Leathcisvood clerk of courl. is shown here administer ing the oath ol ollice lo W F Osborne, ccnlcr and E C Cuy. righl. as members of Ihe North Carolina I'. irk Commission This is Mr. Osboines lirsl It Tin He is I rom Spall I anil tin. holm: Mr Cuy's second Icrm lie is Ironi Ness land Tb it . nolo wa. held in Ihe I'. uk Commission nil Ice ill the Masonic lemple ( h. tries Bay Is chaii man of Ihe commission t A Mounlaineei I'liolo hv Ingrain's Sludioi. 1,700 Attend Salvation Army Singing Convention; All Records Are Broken i Landing Field Will Boon Open B r,:;i in n mae gibson Meinbt'i Mounlaineei SlalT well-known "l- ii:hii ii v iniureri i .- .. be I ell was on nil Ihe Henry Martin r.itvd man. was Sunday, when a horst ine reared up, and rider Martin was rushed to the Hay wood County Hospital, where he is suffering from back injuries. Soco Gap Square Dancers Win In Asheville Festival U,, i Union are oiislung lo e plelion Ihe landing lit ld of Ho' : Haywood l iving Sen ice. and plans i this morning indicated the formal opening would bo hlaged this week end or early next. The 2.f)l)0-f not i landing strip has been graded, seeded and rolled i The ll-plane hangar is Hearing i t tnnplelion, and the oll icials of the t compaiis were slated to meet to nighl and place an order for one or I wo planes for use in charter ; service and instruction al the field. Frank Kmilli is in charge of the field, w hich is on I'lolt Creek, ahou! , a mile above Hazelwood. ! Much interest has been shown in Ihe field since the initial an nolint -enienl several weeks ago. Tanks Leave For Fort Jackson For Guard Training l our :i."i too Links of Wayne villi s " .tintiial Guard Heavy Tank Comp.ins lell by Irain loday loi : Foi I Jackson, S. C . ill preparalion lor the annual Iwn-week summer camp and field training of the North Cai'ilina National Guard The appi oxunalt lyr 70 ollicers mil men ol Ihe company, com manded by Cap! James M Davis of Waynesville. will leave iicxl Sunday morning for the big in-lanlrs- training pes! by Inlcr-citv bus and their compaiiv trucks and jeeps. 'I In v still tail their Isvo-weik-itih n isc held training with older . Tai lb " ! i.uai (Ismen on Augu.-.l IH The MIM model lank ami a tank recovers- s elude were checked and I loaded on Ireigbl cars Saturday at Ihe Wavnesville Armory. The I. inks, heaviest assigned lo an infanliv unit, are armed wilh a Tfi -1 n in gun. and two .UO-calibre and one OO-t alibre mat hine gun. The guardsmen will return Ironi camp Aii::usl 2(t. The Heavy Tank Company is an clement of Ihe 120th Regimen!. .101 h 'Old llickoryi Infantry Division. Moie Ih.tu I. Villi people I rom all ..ei-lioir. ol We lei u Noi lb Caro lina, and adjoining slates, attend ed Ihe 121h annual .Salvation Army singing convent ion al Maple Springs Sundas This was Ihe larg est crowd in the 12 years of the con .'ciilion and Iwice thai of 1948, aciording 1" M 'ceil Hrown. who Is in iharge ol the Salvutlon Army win k in I bis area. Af one lime during the program, the 1.700 voices echoed against file mountain sides, as Ihe gioup joined in familiar hymns led by several quartettes. During Ihe dinner hour, hun dreds of picnic baskets were opened, and the Salvalion Army served the singers Cold drinks and ice cream stands about Ihe grounds were Ihe center ol activity during the dinner hour. The weatherman provided per iod weather, and every available arking space for a mile or so was capacity . program got underway nl, ul ten o'clock ssilh Major Brow n in charge, and Hay I'arker, union in chair,.- ol the singing. Dr. Ki Us Bi illicit mayor of Bry I, Ciis . -.poke on Ii' pon .ihility Ses lie" at Hie eleven oclOCK -esMon In Ileum It used the well kiiossn Bolais .l..;..m "Me I'rofits. Mo .1 Who Si i s e . lie .1" The speak er tied "til ssc are all iin- niigraiils lo Ainei ica. lull with a re.spoii' ibilitv lb- toiiiparcd Ihe lives ol nieii lo I ha! ol Christ, and showed boss nu n should live. He com hull (I bs pointing "id, "The host men and women loday are 1 1 ,, i... i.-.t at i diced most lo ' .iscei lain Hie I" I in I'lc " Maior Hi nss ii anuoiiiiced that Gi.iiidma l(.,l. mil " an aged lady, who had ncvi i no . ed anv of Ihe Anus . .in - in the l'.i-l 12 years was unable lo In I'lesenl Her sou, Wooliiec llol. mil made a short in I" ball of bis oi lliown and cx ion, which one i . ,i voice of Ihe - come iii contacl st ii and her asso- I filled to The ol C ot l.llk lie pol. niotliei and M pr. ...ed In apt d.n Hit v d for an offering wink Ihe offering 21 111C I Jl ecu UClltVO - Visiting Farmers Impressed With . . - Toct Farm nay wood Agncunuie, I -.Il,ni- cl ts visitors Twenty-five farmers from Iredell ana union Connties ana w-"- , ., . .u..i A.. hours faim ana nit uim experts spent uuuui n- i last Fririav insneetinE tne muu..- ,Jrtl5 clouds ' tain Experiment Station and the nt tonieht farm of A. J. McCracken in crao- r scatterpH ; tree. rS. Thpir visit hpre was a stop on llipir K (rnm thpir ailllUal tempera. . .,,,.. fo,m ,.. hich took ., l n oil I llP gent Turner c a. ne ;"""-" '" ,he features oi nearby Hay vooa -t-'i staff 0f Vin. 'infall .15 .06 nj . ui-jvnic mi in i-v. .- hem through Tennessee last wpr'1 They arrived here at about 10:30 oclcok in the morning, and con tinued their homeward trip at 3 P. m. after touring Mr. McCrack en's. , Experiment StaUon pirector '""Hjd Clapp mid Assis't' Club ramp. ...,vntvja After dinner ai me . I rrl the visitors inspected Mf 'MeC'ra'k'!" example of fine 1 " . 1.1 him the farming that iirout.m tarniint .,... t armpr de- North Carolina isias.c. . i"n"-- thnrls American "'v " He Sam Queen s Soco Gap Square Dance "am l'-"'ds another honor. Tin Havwood dancers won their latest title last weekend in the 22nd annual Mountain Dance and Folk Festival. I, as the 12th championship that a Soco Gap team under Mr. Queen has won in the 22 years the Festival has been held. He also won recognition of he rn" one of the two best callers in tin rvrnt. The other was junni-y Crook of the crack combination from the Bent Creek Ranch near Asheville. , Ten years ago, Sam Queen s Soco Gap dancers "performed before King George and Queen Elizabeth of England when the royal couple were staying at the White House. The Haywood repreiciiwnv; . u,.r a touEh held wnicn Caller L h i '''' ' 4 V' I Mr. and Mrs. Don Hyatt of New port News, Virginia arrived Sat urday for a visit to the former's mother. Mrs. W. A. Hyatt. can ri-.nltl-. people ssho w ilh Ma nu cule - Mr HoI.iihI for I lie I 1 1 1 was $172 2.i Boy I'li'inmoo .. a i. alive of that -eel ion wa . railed upon for a talk by Major Brown lie came directly from the kudo n clad in a lovely pink apron. "In ic be was assisting in ptrparation "I dinner. He gave the poem ' Jonah and the Whale." The group was dismissed for din ner Tin- mans folk who had gath- (Sec Salvation Army Page Z) Ihe Soco Gap Road Boosters Club last Thursday night set up two new committees assigned to work on two specific projects as the machinery continued develop ing to promote the valley Into a tourist center. Approximately 200 people jam med the Maggie School auditorium following the dinner to lake part in the discussion. Debate on the matter of de-ig- nating a name for the valley faded lo develop, however, as Ihe sub ject was shunted aside by the pres sure of other iiuslness. Club spokesmen said Ihe mailer had been postponed until a future meeting. Wilson Fisher was-, named chair man of a committee to investigate the possibility of doing more to advertise the valley through Ihe establishment of road signs. Ap pointed to serve with him were H George Jones and Mrs. Hall Also appointed was a. committee (()' -consull with the district high way commissioner over the pos sibility of setting up road side tables and rest stops. Carl Seizor, the rliaii'm n', and Mrs. Wallace Ward and Che-lev LeFonlanie were named lo this group. The principal speaker alter the dinner which attracted 90 gue. was F L Roerk. indu-tliat fx-u-five of Cincinnati, Ohio, and W-r.-ler Haven. Fla., who is a summer visitor at the Mount Valley Inn. Mr. Hoeck declared that Ihe val ley has wonderful possibilities, if I hey are developed and carried out successfully. Indicating that local land prices are too high, lie advised resident; with property to sell to bring their requests down to a lower level to encourage more people to settle in the valley. In the discussion following his address, one farmer answered that bis land was hrineine him SI. 200 a year from his corn crop alone, and thai under the circumstances a mice that would look excessive to a prospective buyer would be rea sonable. Before adjournment, the !'ef dinner meeting was set for 7 30 p.m September 1 at the Moody Farm. Fred Campbell, president of the Club, was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. L. B. Genebach of Battle Creek. Michigan, arrived Saturday to join her son and daughter-in-law. Lt. and Mrs. Genebach. Jr . for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin. Bishop Urges Junaluska Audience To Hold Faith sfud.vmg no" . . fiuP wis sent to this couniiy - - ; t ovcr a tougn neia wnicn weeks ago on recommendation o , won champion YMCA of 5,e i American Military Government -ncl mp v fse VWttnr Farmer. Paee - evangelistic style as he ral-1 present day events and discover a SAM QUEEN led his Soco Gap square dancers to their 12th championship in last week-enl's Mountain Dance and Folk Fes tival Annual observance of Lake Juna luska Sunday, found Bishop Arthur J. Moore, of Atlanta, preaching from the Junaluska pulpit. His ...,-i,,.,m was ihararterizen nv nis usual lied his hearers "to live like men and women who really believe in God." "All of us," said the speaker, "oi-nfr-utiH unim n live in an age of cfiange and insecurity. Even the I church iives in a day when it is op : posed in some sections. , 'ir.thni' wp drift swith the I aralsv ing circumstances' wnicn surrouna us or " e set a more firm and tena ciottf hold on 'he everlasting cer tainties "By faith wr oui.l look beyond spiritual kingdom which is to be established beyond the horizons of these tortured yt-ar.s "What is happening today in some nations carries with t a threat of ultimate moral disaster. "Beyond our struggle lor tht preservation of democracy is the Ipo Rjc,hnp Mrtore Pal; e fi Highway Record For 1949 (To Date) In Haywood Killed 4 Injured .... 26 (This Information com piled from Becortis of State Highway Patrol).

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