( I " "J- I ' 1 ' if ; t ' i '! V i . I i A 5 ? T it 1 .9 ' f - "J I 'A a n i'.Mit- I'vvtj MORE ABOUT Visiting Farmers (Continued from Pag in Germain. The veteran tarmei and c.en tit eire-ei! admiral inn for the t Xainiilt, of Havuuod lann work end the crop and live-lock pi o Ctui td the louring K i oil i included: I)r K I- Kicund ol Kalcirih. all agri culUnal cconuiuisl al North Caro lina Mate Cnllegc: 1- .1 Arthurs ot "M.iui e;nlle. A Y. Neel ot Moores ille H C Coinplon and .1 A rt li both ol Ttuutinaii. Hill No tlur.ne Neel. both ol Moore Siiu S l Staines ol Mmii'm Kjuit S S M Demon F.ou.t - h. I! MeNe. I i....d. I'.oiiU J . C I-' Kn 1. t, Willi.iui-. t)olh i. . ll ji -i:iallt Au.Mot lann Management Spe-CiL.L-1 W I. Turner ol North Caro i...a Male lolled. U W Clacr. b . ale-v die Jloul e 1 . .lames Neel ol i i.i t ; die. l-'i.i dhani Mcgg of l';:ioi. I miMi i , A. llallai il ot Olin: l.'M MriiiiMin und Hal Hruvvn. bulb ol Slon i'olnl: and Iredell c i:'uiii At'i lit K W Mm dork. Alcoholism Laid at Door Of Our Social System Hi VI IM I 1 t - i . . ol i .i- loiu h IXiN l'a .orollolu l a mptom I llr -uei t L 1 The ,n a sorle' ot malad a the al nidllai. ai' C Malhei eioloi; at -l.oli n. tile 111(1 William i . i d.i to Ui ) rot. --oi ol i in : J'tlili Mate CollesJi lb M. i'li. i -a I. i . ti oio .in uiMabie -ti i uinl and ' hai it to l.'t-at the alcohi 1 I looUIIJJ 1 lie Hlh I, eiolouical haek a ill do mi yninl u vv it hunt In si ot hi- inalad- ji.-tlai I.I " J.leobolism." Dr. Malher -a.d. ial; lloiillh in societies iheie ttlei e i coiisideratile eeoniMiiic o1 seennt;. . i eat eompetnive i...in peiwidins, tear a ol iiirieiil ,u lt-bdii.g war. and dislike oi ihil dui. Al! ol these aie pieei 1 in (;or ou n socletv . All ol li-.-i.t '. . ni tu produce tiniidit.v and l.n k ol felt confidence, which cuno ..lo tion ol alcohol ran tenipm ... ih re- riiit r V'C Creen. and J. C W! H" ' - fU I PARK THEATRE PROGRAM MONDAY - TUESDAY. As. 8 - 9 'iff JB j Ellen Drew Rhys Williams f fl I FfetJR SCENES h. iWV jf FROM 25 W MmW HITS!f Wjm 00. STARS I MM INACTION! m WEDNESDAY, Mvj. 1(1 rVlkOHl y0 to UW1 WIS (HAW. J- THURSDAY, Aug. 11 Beats Heat Wave &ssfgrsxri i . ... . m 5f'.W- VT ris ;- - iU-'&XF- o. Monroe - y j - -""aW.'" ... fj' BRITAIN is also having us trouble with t tie heat, so Jean Simmons,' voting movie star, takes time out from acting to cool oT. Hitting the cold ocean water off the English coast, she lei's out with a "yip" ol pleasure. (nfernflftonal) MOKE ABO IT Parker (Continued from in; I din 'log the war into -er ice II, said kiioun a- tin- slatt (lireetoi . l the sanif tune, announced that the tiinu account with Ami' and C.illelle i would In ended in Page 1) oefore going he would be advert isiug the governor bale's adver Ihe liim ol f Charlotte about two i to ml lis. lie added however, that this -ame linn wmilcl be oliethV to hid 'on a new conl raet . Itclcrrine. to the Parker ap poinlmenf, Seotl said he had not vet discussed the matter with the Slate Hoard of Conservation and Development. which has the aullioi itv iindi r I he law to Ml! the post. Parker is mi stranger to Hay wood Counly II, has visited this ap n si veial limes before, and has ; spent several ol his vacations at Tom Alexander's Cataloochee Ranch. Also 'SOf.lE OF THE best: h. 40 Minulis Af FILM FAME M-G-M'$ 1 T3 M I ii WW y mm r m mi ii fdr, j Stephen DUNNE I Lois MAXWELL Tt'iPr" ,W!SAWYER I Jr fI. I 4nd ZORO th. 0J9t't WONDER DOG I mm If uniinii ' - jii'mrmiT Coming Ambushed. Robert Sterling, who portravs a courageous young rancher, and Claude Jarman Jr . as his kid brother, put up a suc cessful fight in "Roughshod. " last-paced romantic drama co-slurring John Ireland and (Gloria Grahanic with Sterling and Jarman. Open ing at the Strand Theatre Wcdmsd; MORE ABOl'T Farm Tour (Continued Irom fas.- I) weather. Among them was Mrs. Kdith Cannon, who took alona lied Rover, her electric fan. Traveling, made easv due to the perfect planning b.v Mr. Coi pening of rest stops, hotel reservations 'and meals, and a combination of educational-entertaining programs, apparently harmed nobodv; Mrs. Dolly Kercn-mi. 7(i. and the oldest woman on the lour, was ."seeing a-plent" and did less grumbling than anybodv. Mr. Law rence Walker. 81. wa- the oldest person along. He didn'l mind the traveling and entertained the oth- 1 it bus passengers with some ol the j uld songs. I David Cndervvood. III. 'ISo-Bol eighl-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. ' David Cnderwood. was the young est person on Ihe trip. lie look pictures of the girls and the horses, or played with R. K Cathev. Jr. a wide-awake young man of HI Young and old alike seemed lo agree Willi A. I, Kreedlander. pres ident of the Dayton Robber Com pany, which was visited in Ohio. when he said that such farm tours as this are the finest Hum; in the j world. ; Reared in a farm oeninuinilv. , Mr. 1' 'reedlander has a particular' interest in agricultural Haywood ; Counts as center ol his company's W'aynesvillc plant. In a brief interv iew, he said he ! hopes the farmer is beginning to i realize Ihe. importance of keeping I informed on what the other man ' is doing. I He pointed out that .is farming! becomes more mechanized, it is ; all the more important that the Matinee Showings Monday thru Friday, 3:00 P.M. MONDAY - TUESDAY'. Aug. 8 - 9 jygRyMANhasHeUrge... WW ALEXANDER KNOX m SCMK TMItt SHYN WOFftn ALSO Color WEDNESDAY Robert Sterling Clande Jarman, Jr. lllljl u THE WAYNES VILLE To Strand lainui learn from others in his (ii Id of work. Just as the manu facturer does Knowledge gained in interchange of ideas on tours such as these, he said, helps make American production exceed that of the rest of the world. Wherever they touched Tennes see. Kentucky. Virginia. West Vir ginia. Ohio, and Indiana the Hay wood citiens made comparisons. The.v dilTerod on a lot of things bid thev were in agreement on one Haywood County water! We venture lo say they'll not lake a ill ink for month without re membering lo he thankful that it ooesn I taste of limestone or sul phur or something else unpleasant. I'diiors note - Miss Cat hey ac companied the II a wood group on the farm tour, and the first article in detail appears on the front page of the second seel ion today. The re mainder of Ihe story will appear on Thursday. Miss Cat hey was the only newspaper person making the lour, and is writing exclusively for The Mountaineer. Babe Ruth's Golf Clubs To Be Framed NEW YORK ( A.P.I The driver and putter used b.v Babe Ruth when lie played al the Bnyside Golf Club on Long Island, will be framed and hung in the clubhouse, says Walter Grego, manager of the links and close friend and golf tutor of the late Babe. The rest of the clubs, which Bibe left at Bayside when his ill ness forced him to give up the game, have been given to diamond star Johnny Mize at the request of Mrs. Ruth. utrewaave the Courage ... The uige to tun away ttom humdium living and find glam orous adventure. A Boston judge tried it . . . and this is the amusing story of what happened to him! RKO Pcnt Cartoon News THURSDAY, Aug. 10 - 11 .Starring John Ireland Gloria Grahame MOUNTAINEER MORE ABOUT SalvatiQn Army (Continued from Page ii ered had brought baskets of dinner and the Salvation Army folk and volunteers had prepared a delici ous dinner for singers, reporters. photographers, and out-of-lowti guests. After dinner the singers joined by other groups who did not ar rive for the morning program, took their places on the platform, which has' been erected for outdoor serv ices. The benches from the church auditorium were soon filled by at tentive listeners while others sal on the grass, stood, or sat on the fences. Col. G. A. Stephens,. Slate Com mander for North and Souih Caro lina, spoke in tl)e afternoon, us ing as a topic "Whal Is Christ Worth to Vou?" He pointed out that Christ had been sold for :)t) shekels and stressed the fact that folks should surrender their lives unconditionally and then he wuuld be worth more than 30 shekels. Singers participating were: Shelton Trio; Rock Springs Quin tet; Melody Five; "Big Boy" Hoop er soloist; Southerland Sisters; Ed ward Burns and Roy Suttles, duet, Antioch Choir; Salvation Army School Chorus; Four Warriors Quartette; Eugene Lowe, cornet; soloist, accordion and guitar duet by Lt. Florence Wall and Edward Burns; Cherokee Indian Quartette: i Meadow Fork Quartette; Boyd and j Alice Strickland, duet; Meadow ! Fork Choir; Walter Wilson, soloist: ; Peggy Baker, soloist; Thelma Col-, ton, soloist; Shelton Duet: Old Timers Quartette. The Cherokee quartette and Rock Springs Quintette joined together and sang a song in the Indian Ian- i guage as an added feature. 1 Among the out-of-town Salvation Army folk present were: Col. and Mrs. G. A. Stephens of Charlotte. Brigadier and Mrs. Groom of At lanta, Ga.; Capt. lve Wlerw orth. representative of the War Civ". Mrs. Commissioner Cheshain. .Ma jor Lucy Miller. Mt. Vernon. Ohio. ; Adjutant Harrison, of Lexington. Ky.; Major and Mrs. C. Chan from : St. Louis, Mo.: Captain and Mrs. ! A. Ch'esham of Chicago, III.: and : Major Ivy Wood wall of Atlanta ! Ga. i A brief farewell message was giv- j en by Mr. Self, a nalivc ol Maple hprmgs section. Major Cecil Brown made a short talk at the end expressing her ap preciation to all who helped lo make the program possible. She said, "This is the largest crowd tlis.l has been at t his annual gat.ienng. This has been a perfect day. per fect weather, perfect conduct, good singing, and to sum it all up. I wish to say a great big thank you to you all." As has been a custom for many years, the program ends with the Shelton Duet, composed of Clar ence Shelton and Jessie Mae Brown singing the "Preacher Song". After this program the decora tion of The Hurricane View Ceme tery took place at 4 p.m. This was ' an impressive ceremony with i graves being decorated a. the ! groups of singers sang. j The father of Major Brown h buried here. The eeim l.-j v is on j top of a hill dieclly aero,; from ! the Salvation Army ground-;. A low white picket fence it. surround The cars were linnd from the uaywooa House, which is Ihe home Doji'i jo Don't Wait for Cold Weather Catch You Unprepared the LENNOX OIL Al RE-FLO WINTIR AIR CONDITION! Maiimum oil heating comfort! Constant room temperatures to within a fraction of a degree. Over aixad fllhera and blower are amaz ingly quiet. Floors a lay warm, drarta.aie gone, every room heata yeoly. 8avea fuel costal A wide ntoreiaesand types. See it today! Miwgx wwi j litem lUKiiriciDnn m mmm m itn in iutinc smut AUTOMATIC HEATING CO. m.ne 565-W Balsam Road At Park Thursday MARIA MONTEZ, .as she ap pears In the Technicolor Spe cial, WHITE SAVAGE, with Jon Hall and Sabu. at the Park The atre. Thursday of this week. MORE ABOUT Sidelights iConlinii d from Page 1) Again 'the motorist wore out his tires, stopping just in time for the pooch to escape unharmed, still ignorant of his hazard. At another place in Waynesville, another dog trotted unconcernedly into the path of another car, then sat down abruptly to scratch his ear vigorously with . a hind foot before continuing oji his way. The driver, who had brought his car to a quick stop inches from the dog. waited patiently for the dog to conclude his scratching and clear traffic. ' of Major Brown to limits beyond the Mission Farm. A huge bell has been erected near the platform for outside serv ices. This bell can easily be heard from a long distance. All the folks we talked with ex pressed their love for Major Brown, and the officers of the Salvation Army as well as others commented on Ihe program. Everyone who had been before said this program was the best and Major Brown remark ed that the singing was the best ever. As the 1.700 made their way down the mountain, it was evident on every hand that the day had been thoroughly enjoyed, and that next year the Salvation Army Sing ing Convention would even be big ger and better than ever, because that is the history of this event. and get something EXTRA for your ESSO B(TRA GASOLINE Stepped-up performance! . . . improred hi'jh anti-knoi!; quality!... every drop'packed with surging rxtm ' '' You get extra fast starting... Iovj mileage. ...'im! k' steady power on hilly roads and straightaways! Has special ingredient added! Palmttd. ileposit-fi-h' Esso Solvent Oil protects against harmful, giimm;. posits . . . helps keep hard-working parts claim r, fV engine efficiency fjf exreA ESSO STANDARD OIL CM LE ATII ER WOOD AND FRANCIS ESSO SERVICE Fast, Courteous Service 'hu'av if, k MORE ABOl'T Soco Dancers r.,.i j ivunvumtu irom r Canton, winner oi ti. . M , Champion s calk r ,: uiner eoinpuii, litleholder 1(- u,,. ,, , which has Speedy .1,,, , Skybro'ik Farms' Gaden C'orpeniiig. t Valley, Dean liob,,,. Great Smoky .Moui.i-.. nei up and a lui ,-, , , , my Cook, caller. 'i.e ni,'1 1 r, ., .:Uk. "I 'cu-i,, -'"'Stit ii ','Z". uf t ' -nit! Jan. ,.. '''-k WAYNESVlJ DiUV E III m! s""ws Start at 8 p. n MONDAY - T, KS1MV This Time For Shirring E'.Ilier Willi. ":""s- Jimmif Duts, V-,, ;... i - "- "" :"itl Inn Orrbi tl i in.., r.i .MSI).y. A1( The Return Of Rin Also Icrlerf Short Subject! THURSDAY FRIDAY. Aug. "Fighter Squacf Starring Edmund O'Hrian rvv HAS 3 HOW WALKER'S ESSO SERVICE Complete One-Stop Servic Depot atrf'1 1 ft Slf ! if pbD( Pbone 9172 AshevilJe Eead V" Pbone 9162