aTANDARD VTC. CO Comp 2'2)-2:Ul S l'iist LOIISV1LLF. KY D ' I I TODAY'S SMILE A little 1rt went visiting for j the night. Before bed-time her ! solicitous hostess asked "Honey. sre you homesick?" "No, ma'am," she whimper- i ed "I'm here sick." The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park its a 641h YEAR NO. 68 12 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 15, 1949 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties 00 it way" Ithe aP' Jarns us kdy with Lhen we Uall. e fatter his -Lsing la" ibali dia- ffarm tour g to see tt Wa.vne. La Girls' tfayw can hit, jest of the ley are" ' Sne of the fever even Into those of their says, ii"-' ley're not i by their lat Chero- Istick close I man gets Ight while I American round of Iball tour L Indians d to aboui (ays. First each ran lor a foul Jut caught fcch caught I bleachers, jt took the f steal. Ar- I to second levard man from the kr Jackson the back- I the plate, Id the ball hailed the I what had iiemnibisirs him Lwir Elltirng Rate Idistrict fl- of Cham- Id allowed fanned 19 Ise include led against Ind the en- erokee in its he gave ! game. He he's not Ithe team's le cleanup ! the tour- trs Clyde Building Is ! Now Under j Construction By LUCILLE CATHEY ; Mountaineer Correspondent j Plans for a new post office build- j ing at Clyde are at last materializ- j ing with announcement by Post- j master Grover C. Haynes that a , contract has been signed for con-j structlon of a building to be leas ed to the government. The contract went to Bruce I Brown, attorney for the town of Clyde, who promises that the building will be ready for occu pancy by "cold weather." An estimate on the cost of the propos ed structure is not as yet avail able, Mr. Brown said. Clyde s new post office, provid ing larger and more modern quart ers, will be located on Highway No.' 19-23, in the middle of the block adjacent to the town's main street. The present onice is m the center of the lown, a snon distance south of the highway. Foundation for the building has already been poured and the lay ing of brick will be started in the immediate future, Mr. Brown stat ed. Present plans call for the build iD 49. hv 29 feet, to be construct ed of red brick veneer and cinder blocks. It will have 1080 square raot nf floor sDace. somewhat larg er than the present post office quarters, according to mt. iym. Of modern architecture, the building is designed to give more working room and better lighting for the postal workers. Windows set in steel castings will provide light in addition to the lobby door which will be of the glass wind breaker type. Only light in the working room of the old ppsi (See Post Office Pace 4) Gets New Post Office Waynesville Tank Gets Final Check They Embarrassed a Patrolman ' "You're going to be embarrassed." said "Johnny" and "Scotty" to a patrolman when he ordered them to undress and be searched at Charlotte, after their arrest on a charge of automobile theft. They weren't kidding and the patrolman hurriedly called tor a matron. "Johnny " ilefti turned out to he Shirley Mae Wills of Lancaster, Pa. "Scotty" was revealed as Anne Strlriode of Provi dence, H. I. Both girls are 19 years old (AP Wirepholo). Waynesville Boy Killed In S. C. Logging Mishap Be in peace- soldiers. with occa field, and summer in at regular i pay takes ' groceries, s pay nieht H'le's Heavy state's Na- lected a to- ivious three spendine a P, and two small arms H-year-old mons P bird ao- ' about it, Just sittine Finding his still trying ftouse shin e's, then I cage. Last Rites Are Held Saturday For Dr. Smothers n. iM.n W Smathers, 80. a former resident of Waynesville, died Thursday afternoon in an m lanta hospital after a long illness. Buncombe County, Dr. Smathers was the son of the late J. C. and Lucille Johnson Smathers of Turnpike. He had practiced in Ashevillc for several years before moving to Atlanta. He was a graduate of the Jefferson Medical College in Phila delphia and studied at Johns Hop kins University, Baltimore. Graveside rites were conducted at Green Hill Cemetery here on Saturday afternoon at I o ciock. ti,q n.u niistpll L. Young, pastor of the First Methodist Church, of ficiated. Pallhearprs were Jasper Smath ers, William Smathers, Dr. John H. Smathers, Ray Morgan. Joim H. Smathers, Jr., and John Boyd. Surviving are the widow. Mrs. Mabel Lockwood Smathers; one daughter, Mrs. F. H. Rayneld ot At lanta; two brothers, Will Smathers and George Henry Smathers of Asheville; and three sisters, Mrs Earl Moffitt and Miss Ella Smath ers of Atlanta and Mrs. S. C. Sat- terthwaite of Waynesville ana At lanta. Funeral Services were held at Maggie yesterday afternoon for Ift-year-old, Thomas Mcdford Cutshaw of Welch St., Waynesvillt. Victim of a logging accident near Cleve land. S. C. The youth was fatally injured Thursday when he was hit by a log as he was unloading a truck. He was helping his brother. Troy Cutshaw. contractor for the Geor gia Lumber Company headquarter ed in Cleveland, when the acci dent happened. The Iwo men had just brought the logs in from a timber tract lo the saw mill at Cleveland. The final rites were held at the Maggie Baptist Church by the Rev. Jarvis Underwood and the Kev. George MehafTey. He was buried in Evans Ceme tery. Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. P Cutshaw of Wayne.s-,-iii. fnrmeilv of Maeaie: foin other brothers in addition to Troy: Carl of Wavnesville, Kenneth and Robert of Clyde, and Truman of Lake Junaluska; and two sisters. Mrs. Wayne Caldwell of Waynes ville and Miss Willie Cutshaw of the home. The Crawford Funeral Home of Waynesville handled the funeral arrangements. 600 Attend . Cataloochee Reunion Approximately fiflO former resi dents of Cataloochee from' 11 states observed the community's 19th an nual reunion yesterday at Palmer's Chapel Thev heard l)r Elmer T. Clark of Lake Junaluska and New York, editor of the Methodist national publication. "World Outlook, ap peal for the maintenance of Amer ica's pioneer spirit. They elected Mack ( aldwell as president of their organization to succeed Mrs. L. I). Leatherwood of Jonathan Creek, last year's head, who presided over the day-long program Mark Hannah and L. C Cald well were in charge of the arrange ments, which included a picnic lunch for the present and former rtsidonts , Only seven families now live in the community Those who attended the gather ing yesterday were among those who had moved after the area he- came part of the National Park. Plans Set For County Field Day Assistant North Carolina Agri culture Commissioner A. Hugh Harris and other top state farm olficials will appear at the second annual Haywood County harm and Home Field Day on Wednesday. The event is scheduled to to open at Id a. m. at R. K. Rogers' farm in the Crabtree community. This was announced In the pro gram adopted at a meeting last week of county extension otllclals and chairmen of the individual communities taking part in the Community Development Program. Appearing on the program also, will be Dean 1. O. Schaub, director of the N C. State College Exten sion Service; Dr. J. H. Hilton, dean of the State College Agriculture School and director of the state's agriculture experiment stations; C F. fairish, State College Ex tension Specialist; Western District Farm Agent R. E. Schoffner; Sain H. Dobson. State College Agro nomv specialist; Miss Pauline Gordon, Slate College specialist in home management and house furn lations; Or. Roy S. Dearrtync, head of the State College poultry depart ure Field Day Page 4) 'M "ISHhi 1 ii ilM IMMI1 lJJ!i&J Staff Sgt. James E. Robinson (standing and First Sgt. Paul M. Mull, a veteran of the Battle of the Bulge, Hive a lank a final check before it leaves for National Guard ramp at Fort Jackson. The tank, armed with a .76 mm gun. was one of four of the Waynes ville Heavy Tank Company that was svnl by train last week in preparation for the two weeks' summer training. The oil leers and enlisted men of the company, commanded by. (apt. James M. Davis, left by bus and Army vehicle yesterday. 74 Members 0! National Guard From Here In Camp Hat ? - Partly f ner warm I A few scat N storms Ksaay after- tpmnc. r toff of the K lUinfall 62 Tourist Association To Meet Tonight at Eight The Haywood Tourist Association will meet Monday night at the court house at eight o'clock. " was announced this morning by Mrs. Frank Knutti, secretary. Th. . csvpral matters of business which roust have the at tention of the entire group, mis. Knutti sain in ureinE that a rep resentative of every place catering to tourists be present. Number Arrested Over Week-end by Police The police here had a busy week-end, according to Chief Or vtn iuni.nrf m arrested on HVMUU. W charges of being drunk, 2 for driv ing drunk, 1 for reckless driving and i for speeding. All were scheduled for trial Mon day afternoon In Mayors luiui. Moseman To Re-open His Business About Sept. 1 Roy Moseman announced this morning that he plans to re-open his business in the building next to the Dixie Store on Main Street about September first. Moseman recently returned ironi Morristown. N. J- where he went to get a seeing eye dog. After ten davs of training. Moseman had the misfortune to pull a ligament in his leg. and was unable to walk for several weeks. He is able to be out again, and plans to return to Morristown as soon as they have an opening and re-tram for another dog. to re place Sal'!", who died several months ago. Field Day Programs Set For This Week Four intf r-'ommuni'v field day programs and a county-wide event are scheduled for this week under Haywood's, Community Develop ment Program. Today. White Oak residents were diesis of the people of Jonathan Creek Tomorrow. I he West Pigeon folks will go to Center Pigeon for a farm and home tour and Field Day events there. On Wednesday, the second an nua Havwond County Farm and Home Field Day will be held at R. F. Rogers' farm in Crabtree. Lower Crabtree and Fines Creek residents will get together the next day at Fines Creek for a commun ity Field Day program. On Friday, the Morning Star residents wiil be the guests of the Hominy people at Hominy. Services For Miss taoocly Are Held Sunday Funeral services were held at the Elizabeth Chapel Methodist Church in the Hatcliffe Cove section, sun- day afternoon, for Miss Laura ( annas Moody. B3. who died hrl- day at the home of her brother. Fred Moody. The Rev. and Mrs. O. C. Newt II officiated and interment was in the church cemetery. Pallbearers were nephews as fol lows: Lee Davis. William Francis, Gudger Palmer. Clifton Moody, and Everett Cogdill. Nieces were flow er bearers. Miss Moody, who was born m the Jonathan Creek section of Haywood County, was the daughter of the late Robert and Harriett Henry Moody. She had been mak ing her home with a niece, Mrs. Mark Galloway. Surviving are two sisters. Mrs. M. C. Francis of Hendersonville and Mrs. J. D. Owen of Norfolk; one brother. Fred H. Moody; and a number of nieces and nephews. Garrett Funeral Home, was in charge. Alexander Resigns From StatgJBoard Tom Alexander has resigned as a member of Mie Slate Board of Conservation and Development. Mr Alexander wrote Governor Scott on Friday, asking that he be replaced on the board Immediately. Governor Scott named Mr. Al exander as a member of the board about six weeks ago. Mr Alexander said that he took the appointment with some reluc tance, and had found that he did not have time lo devote to the job, and carry on his personal business "To do Hie job right will require Ms of time, and money," he said this morning "1 did not seek the appointment and have found 11 l event weeks that It is a time-con-simiing task " Mr. Alexander attended the an nual meet ing in Morehead City and then last week attended a spe rial meeting of the advertising committee of the board in Raleigh. Haywood Baptists To Hold Annual session ti Canton On August o-i anH lavmen through out Havwood County will meet in Canton's High Street Baptist Church the morning of August 23 for the opening of the two-dav an nual convention of the Haywood Baptist, Association. Presding will be the Rev. M L Lewis, pastor of the Hazelwood church, who is the Assertion C U Bl-eti. Bethel sermon at the opening session. The meeting that evening will be held at the Beulah Baptist Churcji, and the following day the con vention will be at the North Can ton Baptist Church. Other Asociaiion officers in ad dition to the moderator include H. L. Smith, chairman; Miss Daph ne Boone of Waynesville, associa tional missionary; and L. B. Hoop er chorii-ter. Samuel Hilliard Dies Sunday At Age Of 89 The Rev. Samuel Hilliard. 89. retired Methodist minister, died Sunday afternoon at his home in Asheville. Son of the late Dr. W. L. Hil liard and Mrs. Margaret Love Hil liard of Asheville, he was born January 19. 1860, and was or dained a Methodist minister about 1881. He served a number of churches in this section and was retired about 25 years ago. Funeral services were held in Hendersonvllle this afternoon v.ith the Rev. L. B. Hayes officiating Among the survivors are the wid ow, the former Miss Mamie Lee Justus, and a number of relatives in Waynesville. Flying Service Announces Opening Officials of the Haywood Flying Service are announcing today, the opening of the flying field on the Falrvtew road, with a complete flying service. Work on a 2,500-oot runway was recently completed, and an 8-plane hanger. The formal opening is slated for Sunday, August 28. M. D. Watkins is president of the firm, and only last week bought another plane for the semen. Jackson County Man Killed By Train Yesterday A 33-vear-old World War H vet eran was killed last night when a Southern Railway locomotive ran over him near the crossing at Ad die east of Sylva. Sheriff Gordon Middlelon of Jackson Identified the victim as I,ewis Parris of the Addie com munity. The officer reported that Parris' body was found lying across th ? ties! his head and right leg crushed. Coroner Howard Dills of Dills boro said after an inqest Parris' death was accidental. Survivors include the father, John B. Parris of Addie; five broth ers, and two sisters. Funeral arrangements are being handled by the Moody Funeral Home. W ii v liesv ille's National Guards men. i7 olficers and colisled men of the Heavy Tank Company. 120th Infantry, left by bus, truck ana jeep yesterday f or , two - week field training at 'T? Capl. Jnme.s M. Davis, the comp any commander, led (he motor con voy from Hie Waynesville Armory. The Guardsmen during Ihe an nual summer encHinpmenl will join other troops from North Carolina's 30th (Old liickoryi Division, and the South CarolinaNatinnal Guard in putting into practice the military lessons they've been learning all vear in I heir home armories. Last Monday. I he Waynesville company's four M4AI tanks and a tank recovery vehicle were freight ed to Fort Jackson in preparation for the encampment In the pholo. Stall Sgl James E. HobfciBon islanding), who has serv ed 27 years with the regiment, and First Si;! Pant M Mull 'in cock pit) are giving one ol the company Link., a final cho knn In lore it is pill on a flal hi tor Ihe trip to South Carolina Mull, veteran of mo" years with Ihe 30th Division, holds the Bronze Star for his heroic action in the Battle of the Bulge. Robinson wasn't allowed to go Ht overseas dm ing Ihe last war be cause his Iwo grown sons were in action with the Navy The memheis of Ihe Company who left for Fort Ja kson wire: James M. Davis Captain; Sam uel A Cari'pll, 1st Lieutenant; Hufus K. Smathers 1st Lieutenant; Robert H Wm ie,in . 1 :,t . Lieuten ant. Frank (' Byrd. 2nd Lieutanant; Frederick W. Chandler, Master (See National Guard Page 41 Many Places Are Full Of Guests A tenlativ survey ol many places in the community reveal ed that they were filled with guests. The survey was made by the Chamber ot Commerce, and gen eral sentiment is that most places are having a far better season than at the same time last year. Motor courts are filled every night, and many of the larger places have all their guest space taken, the report said. Average Of 15 Per Cent Reduction In Effect The 3.450 members of the Has- wood Electric Membership Corpo ration will note a substantial re duction in rates on their Septem ber bills, it was announced hcr this morning by R. C. Sheffield. general manager, and Carter Os borne, president of Ihe cooperative. The reduction represents an average of about 15 per cent, it was announced, with the larger re ductions being made in the lower brackets. The reductions are based on a sliding scale. The new rates as applied lo last month's billing showed a savings to the members of $1,100. which is an average of $14,000 per year that the members will save, Mr Shef field said. The action of Inaugurating the new rate structure was given form al approval by the board of direc tors, and In turn the offfctals of REA have given their approval. The announcement came just as officials were pulling on the finish ing touches for the 10th annual meeting, which will be held here on Saturday, August 27th at the Armory. Mr. Sheffield said that the mini mum of $1.50 oer month would still prevail, but that instead of getting 18 kilowatt hours for $1.50 the new rate provides 25 kilowatt hours for the same price. 'IhelCOji of 50 kilowatt hours W JiPjntreduqcd from $3.25 to flfcifolnted out. 'Out larger utters will gel a reduc tion, but not as large a percent age as the smaller users, the new rate schedule showed. This is the first rate reduction made by the organization since it began operation in 1939 The board of directors a!-o amended the by-laws al a recent meetinfl .and instituted Hie capital credit plan. This new plan means that each member will be credited at the end of tbe year, their pro rata share of money the coopera tive has in excess of actual cost of services for the year. The plan is now in force. The board, at its discretion, ran set the time when this credit will be paid in either cash or applied on bills. "It might be a vear or so before the board will see fit lo grant these credits," Mr Sheffield said A lot of things must be taken into consideration, but eventually the members will benefit materially from the plan." In making plans for the annual meeting, Mr. Osborne uiged every member to make plans to attend, and pointed out that some $500 m door prues would be given away. WTHS Students To Register Next Week Waynesville Township High School students will register next week for the new school year opening at 8:30 a.m. August 29. Principal C. E. Weatherby made the announcement today. He said the registration sched ule, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily, would be as follows: Monday rising seniors ( 12th grade; Tuesday 11th grade; Wed nesday tenth grade; Thursday ninth grade; and Friday eighth grade. Seveth grade students will re port the first day of the new school year. Methodists Form Plans To Push Work On New Lake Junaluska Building Plans looking to the completion of a Children's Building at Lake Junaluska by the J950 season of the Junaluska Assembly were formu lated Wednesday afternoon at a mass meeting held In Shackford Hall Ihe educational headquarttrs of the Methodist Board of Educa tion here. The proposed plans provide for a two-story building of stone and clapboard construction to stand on a lot fronting ninety feet on Lake- shore Drive and forty-eight feet deep which will house all of the summer activities of children un der twelve years of age. The estimated cost is $75,000 and funds will be raised by means of free-will offerings in the 13,000 local church schools In the South eastern Jurisdiction of the Metho dist Church. The building will hold class rooms for nursery, kindergarten, (See. Methodists Page 4 Highway Record For 1949 (To Dtt) In Haywood Killed.... 4 Injured .... 26 (This Information com piled from Records ot State Highway Patrol).

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