iAGr". i'Vt THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER 1 I' OF INTEREST TO WOMEN SOCIETY and CLUB MRS. BEN SLOAN. Society Editor Office Phone Bride - Elect Is Honored At Dessert Bridge vli-s Dorothv Richeson. bii.'e ikct ot Jan.es King St.ingtielil ,.- honoitcl ;it a brul.m ti.cn on Siiimtiby afU-nnii: '..!h .Wi-s Sebe lirvsun. Mr; Fred I'sniiibell. and Miss Bi-rn:i-.- Hai - ii j- hislesscs at Hillbri) k Drive. I fit I.Oiiir til Mi's Br son. t-cr llie oicasicni tlu- living room v. ileiwated with .inaniii nuTls Link ami white gladioli and in iru oilier rooms mixed !)ui(iiets '..tie Used. i jbles were asj-embled lor brio.' ..i .i rummy and at the conclu ion ,1 jtiv game- lnth seore lor bridge u,i in .vli-s Nanev Killian and low -iwi io Mi.ss Lois Massie Mrs. .-.: a MeC"iaken and Mr-. Janu H l.eailui wood won lop prize- for ,'i.i;uil and Hie bride-elee-, was ur. -tided a sift of ehina in her o.'cn panel n ' ,,,uii lho-e invited were Mi-s Fi.s. V Vli- -uii Mr- 1- M. Kiehtson. Mrs rAan-. Mrs. Sam Strinalield darilia Strin afield. Ati-s Mar- i. i; Mrniilield. Mis- Kihel Kwms ,: I'ot-ioii. l'a Mrs. Thomas S.inu'tii Id. Mis- Itary l.oi; il'uood. IVli.- Fuller Frady. Mi-s Ma--I eie Mr- .lames YV. Fields, Ir . Vi M Jl Howie-. Miss Nunc. Killiar. Mi William Cobb. Mi- Harrv Lie I .in r. Jr.. Mr- Virgil Sinn h. Mis. '. ,.ne t'orpenin!!. Mi- Charlie W oodard. Miss Kl is. Del eier. li- U I- .MeKiUriek. Mr- Harold" Massie. Miss Fdilli 1 Suiiimerrow . Mrs. Charles F.d wafds. Jr. Miss Kdiaa Suinnierrow . ; Mi- Kthel Haves Fisher. Mrs. Wil-i ham Norris. Miss Thelma Jones. , :l,s Jonathan W(Mdy. Mis. '-me-i lev llenrv. Mrs. Furman Rolv:-t-nn. Miss Mars Ra. Mrs. William, Chambers. Jr.. Mr-', llenrv ("aid- ; veil. Mrs. Jam.'s H. Leathers ood. Mr-. Herbert Uraren. Mrs. Her bert Gibson. Jr.. Mrs Herbert l.es- tc', Mrs, J Ii. I. Coin v'. Iiisenlmnt. R NVCrai-kcn. Mrs and M.-s. Ilany Mr and Mi have returned Nashville alter Mason Ilouulilani! to their home in a week s visit with tt.eir son and daughter-in-law. Mr ji.d Mr-. Calvin Huiisjhlaiid, at the limrie of the hitter's aunt. Mrs Adora Rayne. Friday One nice cottage located in Haielwood near Rubber Plant and Tapestry Plant. Mr. Cable owner. Grady Mashburn Restaurant, on Highway well equipped, this building suitable for d store or any business, nice apartment overhead. (Two) Two Room Houses, all the equipment will be sold separately. Sale Takes Place On The Ground Rain or Shine Music By Mrs. Don Hyatt Is Honored At Bridge Party Mrs David Hvall was hostess of a dessert bridge at her home on Walnut Street Friday afternoon, honoring her sister-in-law. Mrs. Donald llyaH. of Newport News. a. Mixed garden flowers were used in decorating Ihe rooms. Following the progressions high store prize was awarded to Mrs J W Reed. Jr., and low store prize tu Mrs Thomas Campbell. Jr The guest of honor was also presented with a gift. Those playing were Mrs. Hyatt. Mrs James W. Reed. Jr., Mrs. L. K Barber Mrs. Grayden C. Fer-gu-on Mrs. Jaek Messer, Mrs. Felix Stovall. Mrs Whitener Pre-vo.-t Mrs Kit-hard X. Barber. Jr.. Mi s Milliard B Atkins. Mrs. Thom as L. Campbell. Jr.. Mrs. Joe Dog gelt and Mrs John Orr. Joining thi- group for dessert were Mrs. W A Hatl and Miss Naney Hyatt. Friendship Class To Meet Friday The Friendship Class of the First Baptist Church will hold its regular monthly meeting Friday niiflil at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs Harrv Kent on the Howell Mill Road Mrs. Finest Duvall will li(. co-hostess. Picnic Supper Given By The Craw fords Mr. and Mrs. Howell Crawford i-nlerlained with a picnic supper Saturday evening at their home on Main sheet. Those present were ' Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Williamson, Mr. i .ind Mrs. Jimmy Fagan. and daugh ' tor. Judv, ot Durham, Mr. and Mrs. W F. Freeman and daughter, El I U'ii. Mrs. F. G. Fiazior. little Miss Jane Garrett and Mrs. George ! Garrett. Mrs. (). T. Alt x.i'Hler arrived Sunday from Charlotte to spend sometime heio and is a guest at ' tlif LoFaine Hotel. She was ac 1 compnniod bv her sister. Mrs. Mimi Hobbs, who will bo here a few ' days. FHEE PHIZES GIVEN HUAY Our Live Wire Entertainers ACTIVITIES 700 Home Phone 462-J Miss Killian Entertains For Visitors Miss Nancy Killian was hostess at a Coca-Cola party at her home Thursday morning as a courtesy to three visitors. The honor guests were Mrs. O. R. Mat-Donald ot Lamed. Kas., and Mrs. Harold Tin men of Fuquay Springs, nieces of he hostess, and Mrs. C. E. Hoth rock of Rcidsvilie. The residence was decorated throughout with mixed garden flowers and the dining table was centered with an arrangement of gladioli in pastel colors. The same shades were noted in the refresh ments. Miss Killian was assisted in re ceiving by Mrs. W. F. Swift. Mrs. Leon Killian, Jr.. and Mrs. James Harden Howell. Jr. Among those invited were Mrs. Rufus Siler, Mrs. J. W. Killian. Mrs. Nora Swift Atkins. Mrs J. B. Silor. Mrs. Joe Cathey. Mrs. John N. Johnson. Mrs. James KilDatrick. Mrs. Harold Massie. Mrs. Boyd Owen. Mrs. Noel Phillios. Mrs. Wil liam Prevost. Mrs. William Ray. Miss Helen Ray, Miss Frances Ray. Mrs. Calvin Houghland of Nash ville. Mrs. Elizabeth Bowman. Mrs. L. K. Barber, Mrs. Thomas Camp bell. Mrs. H. W. Boyd of Atlanta. Mrs. Howard Hyatt. Mrs. Paul Da vis. Mrs. Richard Harbor. Jr.. Mrs. Charles Ketner. Mrs. Francis Mas sie. Mrs. William Medford. Mrs. Roy Parkman. Mrs. Aaron Provost, Mrs. Ralph Provost. Mrs. .1. W. Rood. Jr.. Mrs. William Fowler of Charlotte, Mrs. David Hyatt. Mrs. Carloton Weathorby. Mrs. Sam Bushnoll, Jr., of Durham. Mrs Hai led Ward. Mrs. Hugh Massie. Mrs Donald Hyatt of Newport News, and Miss Nancy Hyatt. Miss Ann Kramer has as guests at her home on the How-ell Mill Road her sisters. Miss Marian Kramer of Evanstou. 111., and Mrs. Harold Larson of Menominee, Mich. The visitors arrived Satur day to spend two weeks. The Auxiliary of Veterans of Foreign Wars will moot tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the building on I A. C.svyn Miller Street, formerly occupiedhas been by Massie Funeral Home. August mm Miss Betty Messer f ? vvvs r V:iv " - ls ( . ', ; ; : Vi 1 "i - 4 r i : 4, 1 i ' ' $ ! ht - ' H ' t'y'i -,..s j , -.A -H, sy,-;-:-..:,,- - 6:3;w.:;y . ' '...:-::' I r ? I ; "C , .,s -?' ' ii in ii n T i i.v. : . ' , i iiiimiii I Miss Messer is engaged to (Tvdo Clyde llulse. Sr.. ol Washington, D. C She is the daughto Verne .Messer ol Arlington. Va., and the granddaughli r of Mrs. II T, Mc--.rr and Mrs. D. V. Phillips and the laVe Mr of Wav ncsv ille. Methodist Groups To Meet At Long's Chapel A joint meeting ol the Wesleynn Service Guild and the Woman's Society of Christian Service ol Long's Chanel Methodist Church will be hold at the church tonight at Ii o'clock. Miss Fthelene Sampley of Duke University will be in charge of the program on "Making Missions Meaningful;"' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee of New Orleans arrived Sunday for n visit to the former's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. James Their son, Alton, who visiting other relatives - here has joined them at the Gwyns. AT A. M. Sale Conducted by PENNY BROTHERS The World's Original Twin Auctioneers of Charlotte, N. C. If You Care To Buy or Sell Land-r-Write, Wire or See Us at Offices, 09 Liberty Life Building Day f hone 4-6176, Night 3-7558 J. C. iPenny, General Manager llulse Jr.. son and Mirs. i of Mrs. Mr. and Phillips Miss Messer Is Engaged To Verne Hulse Mrs. Verne Messer of Arlington, Va., has announced the engage ment of her daughter. Miss Betty Messer. to Clyde Hulse. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hulse, Sr.. of Washington. D. C. The weddingo will take place early in September. The bride-elect is daughter of Mr. and the Mrs." grand R. T. Messer and Mrs. D. V. Phillips and the late Mr. Phillips of Waynes ville and spent her early childhood hero. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bushnell, Jr.. and children of Durham are spend ing this week with friends and rel atives here. ' - n Mr 19th9 ' i Lyman Reed Entertains At Bethel Home Lymci C. Reed of Ni w Orleans ai.ri W'a.. r.esville entertai.ie d rr,m five to .ever) o'clock ci-ida;- aft.pt-i.-.oi ; his new cuontry home nea,r Bethel. The ffair honored his son-in-law ai d daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Atkins, of Boston, who with their young daughter a.'e his guests. Summer flowers were used in decorating and the host was as sisted in receiving by Miss Mary Lu Elwood. Among those calling we -e Vii.-s Evelyn Reed, Miss Katharine Reed, JJr. and Mrs. James Elwood, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Houghland of N4shville, Tenn., Mr. and Mis. Aaron Prevost, Mr. and Mrs. Whit ener Prevost, Mr. and Mrs. Kim ball Barber, Mr, and Mrs. Richard N. Barber, Jr., Mr. ancUMrs. David Hyatt. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mers, Miss Dorothy Richeson, Jan-.es King Stringfield, and C. M Dunk land and Paul Banks of Nashvuie Tenn. Miss Richeson Is Honored At Bridge Luncheon Mrs. Porter Prady, Miss Ti'lie Rotha and Miss Charlene Rotha entertained at a -bridge luncheon at the home of Mrs. Frady Friday afternoon in compliment to Miss Dorothy Richeson. bride-elect of this month. Arrangements of mixed flowers w-ere used on the tables and in decoration of the rooms. Following the games , the top score prize was awarded to Mrs. L. M. Richetfon, the second high to Miss Martha Stringfield, and the tow score prize to Miss Betty Brad ley. Mfss Richeson was also pre sented with a gift. Mqking up the tables were Miss Richeson, Mrs. L. M. Richeson, Miss Ethel Evans of Pittston. Pa., cousin of the bride-etect, Miss Martha Stringfield, Mrs. Virgil Smith, Mrs. John Schell, Mrs. Paul McElroy, Miss Jean Ann Bradley, Miss Betty Bradley, Miss Lois Mas sie, and Mrs. William Cobb. AT ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL Mrs. C. W. Moody of Hot Springs, mother of Mrs. F. L. Jones, of W'aynesville, is a patient at St. Joseph's . Hospital in Asheville. Mrs. Moody is recovering from in juries sustained in a fall about two weeks ago. Way lies vi Immediately after this sale: 500 ft. of Rag from high school. Here is properly tM J great possibilities for a business site. t.J.w estate owners. Six high class good view. One block from Hign Balsam Drive. Eight Home Sites on Dellwood Road, adjo Dr. Boyd Owen's property. Votl are cordially invited to inspect this ; ly as it will appeal to home seekers an - j and attena h sale. IF YOU HAVE LAND FOR SHERIFF rTV. WELCH Reading Club To Have Final Program 'A special program u!! i, at the Haywood Coin,!-,' next rriaay morning ,,: Of the Vacation Readim' vilu have completed then ,, , .liuirmems and are certificates. Thi- Kl close of the readne.' has been conducted eillri II iii.,i eiel, dtu i. i-(l i I. I!, summer by Miss Ma, aiel 1 1, ston, librarian, loi elementary school ( l'i Hilar .4 !..., '" Thf program on F, nij elude a movie. The i . Peppers, and tin p,e reading certificate ! l be shown io e. die i, at 1 1 o'clock Tut eoiiinieiict mi ,, C'btie reb.'tii will ,e i,, Clyde Baptist Cluiu I, at :ied I hi- . .i:ne fih,, v. i. i Parem ol cliddi i i, (fiarv tirade.- are icu. in readin-j !---.s at d. , Wedne 5d.i.v i.I '"Wil .11 '"'(K-liVH . i.i "'Hin.uiiitj .1 11,1 Bookmobile Schedule ilUt Tuesday, Aiinust K;tli MORNING S I A It Kj Davis Grocery Ii) tiil-lo 2i Hyde's Store in ::ii-m m Mrs. B. M. Stanley n uu-1 1 :2n G. L". Blalock's Gnieerv II Wednesday, August 1 7 1 HAZIXWOOl) Bradley's iiou- 45 Hazelwood Town Hall K11111-1 1 :iiu Lake Junaluska ll.Hn-li.Uti Friday, August Iflth FINES CltEI-K Mark Ferguson's Store Mrs. Frances Rogers Harley Rathbone Charlie Rathbone Lloyd Messer Grocerv F. H. Fincher G. C. Hooker R. W. Noland !) 4a-lll tlll 10.1.1 III 4,1 Hh unJlllM 1 1:011-11:1,1 m IM ICU11, II -SO-11 4a "' .1lf l-:ul)-12:l.i MISI( el -),, m 1; at n.v dru 1 " '''i STRENGTH hi i:i.v I .ill ' 1 toot id, 1 1 :45- 2:00 MRS. E. K. HERMAN THK OfKMNG OF THE WAYNESVILLE KINDEE3 Fall Term ISeeins August ,i!llli-rirsl Urtl Nursery liiium. Ages 3 to G Home Sites slightly rolling Or DAVID UNDERWOOP W.Pifc h.. njfd l --I,!,, :l"illJ In' I.. . mUCII t. -a- " i arm i . ' wntvllni '.rio ti0V(t Ct0r Suj b,ti 'attie. ij .i-i tire Uiff fi'ii phate. "' Aim u;iir p. u-liwne fJ '--" West- PAKKIX TACOMA. nitiia hat """i parkij. f lirst iid lhl' tit finJ FOR ATrf I'SEM "10 51