it .? ( Ml THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Thursd, PAGE FOUR tktt cttttc PH RTTTTON - CRAZY ChamDionYMPA., mm mm k. -v . M mm mvm m m. mmmw mm m mmw mm m mw mmm mm I A. A T J. V . n 1 M i . r? c I in 1 Si, ! J- '! f.'J V OF INTEREST TO WOMEN SOCIETY and CLUB MBS. BEN SLOAN, Society Editor Office Phone Mrs. Medford Is Honored At Bridge Luncheon Mis. Phil Medford, a reeen' bride, was honored on Tuesday when Mrs. Jack Messer and her daughter. Miss Jackie Sue Messer. and Mrv Crayden Ferguson enter tained at a Iridpe luncheon at the home of M.s. Ferguson. Arrangements of mixed garden flowers in ;;.stel sliades were used throu';hou' the house l'ridcc was played before Unuli eon and prizes were awarded to Mrs Johnny Ferguson, who held high score. Mrs. Thomas Campbell who held low score, and Mrs. N. F Lancaster, who won the cut. A gift was also presented to the honoree. The guests included Mrs. Med ford, Mrs. N. M. Medford, Miss lithe Medford. Mrs. Kimball Bar ber, Mrs. Thomas I.. Campbell, Jr . Mrs. William Ri Mrs. Howard HaU. Mrs Charles Ketner, Mrs ,1 V Hay. Mrs. Harold Massie. Mrs. I! N. Barber. Jr.. Mrs. James M. I, on-. Mrs. Joe Doggett. Mrs Huh Mas-ie. Mrs. R. R. Camp hell. Miss Til le Rotha. Mrs. A. H IVBrruil. Mrs VVhitener Prevost. Mrs. Johnny Ferguson. Mrs. Carle ton Wealherby. Mrs. II. L. Buchan an, Mrs. liufus Siler, Mrs. Wood--on Jones. Mrs. J. H. Way. Jr.. and Mis. William Medford. Joining this group at luncheon were Mrs. N. F. Lancaster and Mrs James Kilpatrick. The Clausons Entertain For Florida Visitors Mr and Mrs. Eric Clauson ot Waynesville and St. Petersburg. Fla . entertained a group of friends from St. Petersburg at their home here on Sunday. The guests were entertained at golf in the afternoon followed by a barbecue supper. At the party were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Cermak. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. Fonda Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schiller. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schippert, Mr. and Mrs. James McGovern, Russ Sheldon. Judge Dunn, Larry Bay nard. Maynie Martin, ail of St. Petersburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cox of Wichita Falls, Tex. Plotts To Entertain Friends August 28 Friends and relatives of Mr and Mrs. Dave Plott will gather at the Plott home on Soco Gap RoacJ on August 28 for a picnic and general get-together. Mrs. Plott said in her announce ment today that all friends are in vited to bring a picnic lunch. Jasmine and rose are found in almost every good perfume. WAYNESVILLE LODGE No. 17i!) B P O E Meets Second and Fourth Tuesday At 8 P. M. All Visiting Elks Welcome MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING HEADLINE NEWS... All The Important News Is Not On The Front Page Take A Look At The WANT AD PAGE Here are accumulated available goods and services from unusual sources. Here you can make your own offerings of unneeded items. Here you can find listed the many essential services which you need and for which you may seek in vain through the ordinary channels. For Scoops Read The Want Ads Every Week The Mountaineer Phone 700 Cool Cotton Lingerie . 'l -i & Whit batiste slip with eyelet embroidery. By VERA WINSTON COOL COTTON lingerie is summer boon for which we are duly grateful. Here is a daimy slip in tine white batiste, the aris tocrat of cotton weaves. It if trade with a two-way top to meet com petition from its rayon, ilk nJ nylon counterparts. It can b worn with button-on straps, the buttons concealed beneath the lace, or it may be strapless. Band of eyelet embroidery with lace in lets trim the top and hem. Baby ribbon drawn through the top is tied twice to make it more se cure when worn without straps. Miss Dearborn Is Engaged To Ens. R. L. Lee Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Mary Ann Dearborn, daughter of Mrs. Jean A. Dearborn, of San Diego, Cali fornia, to Ensign Robert L. Lee, Jr.. L'SN. son of It. L. Lee and the late Mrs. Nell Dyer Lee of Waynesville. The wedding will take place in San Diego on August 28. The bride-elect is a graduate of San Luis Rev Academy. Ensign Lee is a 1948 graduate of the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, and for the past sev eral months has been stationed in California. He graduated at the Waynesville High School before entering Annapolis. IS ACTIVITIES 700 Home Phone 462-J Joint Hostesses Entertain For Bride Elect Mrs. Grayden Ferguson. Mrs. Jack Messer and her daughter. Miss Jackie Sue Messer, were joint host esses of a dinner bridge Kiven Tues day evening at the home of Mrs. Ferguson, as a courtesy to Misr , Dorothy Richeson. w hose marriage ' to Janes King Stringfield w ill take place? next week. I The rooms in which the guests were received were decorated with garden flowers in pastel shades. Following the games prizes were awarded to Miss Betsy Lane Quin ! Ian, who had top score. Miss Ethel Evans, who held low score, and Mrs. j Boyd Owen, who won the cut. The ! bride-elect was also presented a gift. The guests were Miss liicheson Mrs. L. M. Richeson. Miss Ethel Evans, Mrs. Eric Clauson. Mrs ! David Hyatt. Mrs M. H. Bowles. Mrs. Felix Stovall. Mrs. Hallett ; Ward, Mrs. Raymond Lane, Mrs. ; Milliard Atkins. Mrs. James W. Deed. Jr.. Mrs. R. L. Coin. Mrs. C. C. White. Mrs. George Bischoff ! Mrs. Kermlt Chapman. Mrs. Wen die Dunbar. Mrs. James Mann. Mrs 1 Boyd Owen. Miss Betsy Lane Quin lan. Miss Mary Ann Massie. Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn, Mrs. Dan Wat kins. Mrs. Johnny Johnson, Mrs. j Tom Lee. Mrs. Charles E. Kay, Mrs. i 1!. Stuart Robcrson, Mrs. C. J ' Recce and Mrs. Bonner Ray. I Joining the group for dinner i were Mrs. W. B. Evans, grandmoth er of the bride-elect, and Mrs. Min- , thorne Reed. The Charles Lees Are Honored At Dinner Party Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gwyr were hosts of a dinner on Tuos day evening at their home on In. Country Club Drive, .is a courted to their guests. Mr. and Mrs Charles A. Lee. of Shreveport La. The rooms were decorated will, iases of gladioli and other sum mer flowers. Attending the pail- i addite.r to the honor guests vcie Mr. an. Mrs. H. L. Lee, Sr.. Mr and Mis lorn Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woodward. Mr. and Mrs. Davit Felmet. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pic vost, Mr. and Mrs. Whitener Pic vost, Mr. and Mrs Richard Barber Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sloan, ant' Mrs. Cameron Lewis f Charles ton. W. Va.. who is also a guest ol the Gwyns. Dr. Ferguson Has New Post Dr. Charles Ferguson, U.S.N.. has recently completed a special course at Jefferson Medical College, ant! has been made chief surgeon al I hi Portsmouth Naval Hospital. Mrs Ferguson, who is the former Miv Glennie Coinan of Lake .lunaluska, has joined her husband in Ports mouth. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dungar have returned to their home in Elizabelhton. Tenn., after a visit to Mrs. Dungan's brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Coin BUTTON PARADE . . . The three suits pictured above are typical of the fall silhouette, with slim, buttoned skirts. Left, pin-check elfect in mouse-gray worsted, with velvet collar and skirt buttoned from waist to hem; center, clay-gray sharkskin with many buttons, large patch pockets; right, fall entree in brown-toned worsted, with braid and button trim. All fabrics are by John Walther. By DOROTHY ROE Associated Press Fashion Editor Mutton up your silhouette ... This scents to be the theme song of fall fashions, as suits, oats and dresses break out in a ash of buttons. The slim suit silhouette especi illy lends itself to button trimming, villi skirls slit and buttoned al rout side or back. Some of the tew suit skirts button all the way up the front, others have side but nns from waist to hem. There is some variety in jackets, he most popular style, however, jeing medium length, sleek and Mted. with velvet collar and sometimes culls. Fabrics are more important than jver in the fall suit picture, with nany handsome new light-weight weeds in unusual colors and Miss Richeson Is Feted By Miss Bischoff Miss Dorothy Richeson. bride- 'lect. was honored at a coffee hour ;iven on Tuesday morning wilh Miss Ann Bischoff as hostess at her home in llazelwood. The hostess was assisted in re reiving by her mother. Mrs. George .'lishofV. and her sister. Miss Nan y Bischolf. Arrangements of white gladioli :nd other white flowers were used o carry out the bridal motif in lecoraling. The Rue-Is included members of be Senior Girl Scout Troop, of vbich Miss Richeson has been the eader and the hostess is a mem ier The hostess presented the hon r guest with a gift of silver and be scout troop presented her a silver vegetable dish and a gift of hina in her chosen pattern. The guests were Misses Mary lane Rogers. Lillian Knox Med ford. Mildred Medford, Betty No land, Joyce Carter, Brent Chap man. Dolf Kienast, Margaret Recce. Ann Rector, Katherino Hyatt, Dor othy Norris. Mary Ann Massie. Mary Jean West. Joan March. Viv ian Watkins. Mary Osborne. Bette Hannah. Katherine Calhoun. Betty Brown, Mary Nell Bryson, and Pat--y Rogers, all members of the Girl Scout Troop; Miss Mary Lu El wood, assistant troop leader; Mrs. L M Richeson, Miss Lois Massie. Mrs W. B. Evans, Miss Ethel Evans, Mrs. Thomas Stringfield, Mrs. Sam Strinslield, and Miss Martha Sti ingfield. Presbyterian Circle Will Have Tea Circle No. 1 of the Presbyterian Church will give a tea Tuesday, August 23. at the home of Miss Alice Quinlan. on Pigeon Street The event will honor Mrs. Hamil ton Akers. a member of the circle, and her mother-in-law. Mrs. Ernest Akers. who are moving to Meadow iew, Va., to reside. All members and women nf h church and other friends of the ; honor guests are invited to call be i tween four and six o'clock in Hip afternoon. No invitation, other than this notice, will be extended. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harris, who were on a wedding trip in this section, visited the latter's aunt, Mrs. R. L. Coin, this week before returning to their home in Char lotte. Mrs. Harris is the former Miss Miriam Isenhpur. Miss Eva Leatherwood of Wash ington, D. C, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jsck relmet. patterns. The taupe tones are tops, rang ing from deep slate gray to light coffee brown. These rich new neutrals may be worn with prac tically any color accessories, and are destined for long and useful lives for that reason. Shoulders are lightly padded as a rule, achieving a rounded, natural line. Waistlines are slim but no! excessively nipped-in, and the sil houette as a whole is slim and na tural. You'll, be seeing small checks, stripes and shadow plaids in tweeds that have distinct texture interest, First Showing Of The New Fall & Winter S Sco These At Once, While Sizes $re Complete. j J I I ::--mP&tM meet the changing seasons in a. two complete coats in one j in gabardine and other, fine virgin wool fabrics. $75.00 "EXCLUSIVE WITH The over-all effect usually is neu tral but often is achieved by a subtle blending of colors. In the dressier category there are new chiffon-weight broad cloths that look almost like satin, used for after-five suits of great elegance. A deep navy blue threatens the supremacy of black in this field, and braid and button trimmings again are in high favor. Skirts are mid-calf length no longer. It looks like a happy suit sea son for Mrs. U.S.A.. with a sil houette that is casual, simple and easy to wear. SKIPPER GABARDINE COATS NATURAL, BROWN, GREEN, GREY and BLACK Here' one wonderful coat to wear all around the calendar. It's the new Vasssr model Season Skipper. with an all wool patented lining that buttons in or out, sleeves and all, according to your whim and the weather; Beautiful 100 wool Venetian Broadcloth in new fashion colors, expertly tailored by the master craltsmen who make the famous Season Skipper men's coats. Also and up ws. US IN WAV'ESVILLt; unjnmn hare well "KXi r ji , I. Thf nji Miss Medford Is Honored At Bridge Party Mrs. George CraiM ...... .. In N J May Medford were h,, .' ; ") 1. a bridge party Monday ,.wln '.' '"";r. ine nome ot Mrs. crilis Th, .,. K, iair nonored Miss M(.i!,,i ,.wlt er, Miss Mildred M,.,. " J,, $ HI 'lit (,.!,. nonywooa, Florida. for a visit to her parent Mrs. W. C. Medford h.w erf k. ' i Mr m. "' tin,. an, r .. The rooms were I,TI ;,,r( bowls of nMstnrti.,.., 'I II onn arran-v ments of mixed wild (!,,,.,,, " Following the games iBciiiiuiii ano Mis .1 'f Mr-'RVv Cracken were ' '1 MIL SI ' 1 1 . T. prizes and Miss Mildivd l,,n.. , ana mrs. L,iarK Medlnrd w,m score prizes. '"'U A salad course the hostesses. w as Among those iinn, v-cri- 1 lio f 1 ratis JUrsl honor guest, Mr rs J. Klllus M,.. : lllUllEath," Cracken, Miss Helen C.ivcn and Jan' SuttwV rars. Miinred liarilm f n,ar. rick. DriBJ waici, nujiuu, mrs. iiaiuld Tin-. "m- Folk tj Bs..., la.o. ..a.ij n iiiseiiiiuni. Mrs 1 1 "i AiJ Fred Campbell. Mrs. Ned Carver i Blbr Sw, Hff T T r : t. .... .. " 1 mis. u. u. nigoy ol s,t Petersburg. Uroapi Miss Josephine Cabe. Mis Sohe 'M'"'t bv rj Diysun, miss wane I'lott. Miss dlH! Margaret Perry, Mrs. Mias Kcru-. Awftw i ... i ii son, mrs. aames iiregory nl Can- 1(11 ton, Miss h annic Pearl Kelmet. : ''' Mrs. Henry Gibson of llnllvwimd I MnnTm, Florida, Miss Elizabeth McOrarkcn.: Mlv SuJ Miss Kva Lcatherwood. Mis. .lack i '"""'wttl Felmet, Mrs. Louise Luninn Mrs i''n Ed Minchen of New York, Mrs. ,lr Sk Herbert Lester and Misses 0jvi. ! ''it;iitn-d il Jane and Merrill Green and miiir Annual Picnic To Be Held At Bradley Home Ihe annual picnic lor emplnyiTs j H (' Sm' of the former Suncrest I .uniber ' and Elirabeth Company and their tamilirs will ! : s-taff attr held Sunday, August ill. al the1 Mr si, home of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Iliad-'to h & ley on the Fan-view Road. 'fourueefe Around 100 guests arc expected1 The first tu! to spend the day. A picnic luiuh I uas fnr buys will be served on the lawn. fm pt, ft ... x w f , ( , v ' - i It 1 f.!. s lt -li s "i t i' - ; "'"P Hup, tad T, 1 1., Ma- I'limanu . Hi- WllcomJ Iliankwl net mitlt'e for 'Hurts 3V(n ,Slal! Member! lee pivspji 'r. W Ton J ami Itine IV i