THE WAYNESVm HUUMAiiirJv PAGE EIGHT MOKE ABOl T Field Day (( onlimif i from I'age 1) Iirad nf I'r depal ! llf nl of In- SI, i', rneni en ;iH in.; ;i!t.-mi i:,.- , vi!i I. I '1,(1" ('iillpgo poultry ; r . 1 I , ' f mil it', of .i it nil in r lvp:irt- I Mill - J ((!( 1 Id 'Mil. Vllllll i ! mil ; till .'iiii:! : tii'l li i 1 1 I In : liur. li , MORE ABOUT Labor Day (Conduced from Paee 1) naiuent iboys under 16 years'. 1 p in -Senior horseshoe tour lament 3 p in . B:i'-Ih11 Canton Pi- yeoiK MtVi.'l '. uod. All ti'i.-. , unit Kil ls .'f Western Ninth Lait'lui i in e imilcu to en- Ur in ion, events .Muilrl I'l.tne ( inus iiii-i'it.l h. t iiiiUui L'.cliange .u:ti liiuh mi ii Store, at Can- New Principal hr.,1 I'l l I. ti;. ! H.i.ehall Field, two o'clcok. -.I. smallest, A. stunts, Mii.r.i I ii inter I .i years ' mi ami over, -iif.-i . lor jels. ,1 mini:-., etc. : IHT - I III OUgll- i ('.ntiliiia art , j i. r w nil C :.rmt ill ili.iir- I ami I ! I Show i i:-' ii ( till Seoul ( . n t ii ii iHr.h i'l ilelil. 2 p. 111.. ' W3 1 'W ? Deaths SHEEHAN INFANT Funeral services for Louis Mc- Lain Sheehan. infant son or Mr. Successor Named To Alexander's Vacated State Job The Associated Prens reported that Governor Scott appointed Dr. and Mrs. Milliard Sheehan of 1 Locke Robinson of Mars Hill Mon- I IT, 111 111,1 ll. f i (ll- l.f eilei.d tor iet ii ei'iile-t nl ptii'ss i nt Kernel- nl corn ;i.'in: i'iiiite-t- for ,i ui iimateur tor iuin:' :e v.lll he ret reji i, 1 i:kh;i , l. : x ii. ii:i Ht i ,'iu:"iiK'Bts for Mr. Col pi'llilie; , Auenls Wax nr Snmli'tary, and State Senator W. II. Crawford of Siva will serve as principal of ('anion'.'. lYnn-x ivania Ave nue I leiiieniaiy S.hool. lie was named I o an i fed Turner Cathey who ii ' i.'iieil i ,ir!y this sunimer to he ii- an a-.-r.tant Haywood t " 1 1 1 : 1 1 i. a in agent. with: r.irlii'st tail, longest ears, ino-t i'til-, f le.rti-t k;s. sleepiest or iim I ep: e--ive e es. w hitest, Inn .-'-!. shortest, best l. tlwil nm-t resembles its : . slues most tricks, etc. ' v ill be judged as best .pietliest, most unusual, an'! lor. most antique, bride i .Him. etc. Waynesvillc, who died Monday In a Waynesville hospital were Wed nesday at 2 p.m. in the home.. The Rev. Mr. Cook of Richland ...... . 1W ' . I . 1 - . J I I V 3 Uaptlst Cliurcn oniciaieu aim uui - ial was in Crawford Memorial Park. Surviving, in addition to the par ents, are three brothers, Edgar, David and Dwight; two sisters, Pearl and Edna, all of the home; the paternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sheehan of Waynes ville, and the maternal grandfath er, Dave Watson of Jaeki.on County. Crawford Funeral Home was in charge. day night to Tom Alexander's va cated post on the State Board of Conservation and Development. Mr. Alexander, owner of the Cataloochee Ranch, said earlier that day he had filed his resigna tion with the governor the previ ous week-end. He had been named by Scott to the board only a few weeks pre viously. The Associated Press story from Raleiph gave the dispute between the governor and the boacd over the slate advertising program as the reason for the Haywood man's resignation. The wire service quoted Mr. Al exander as saying he resigned be cause he thought an "effort is go ing to be made to award" the state contract on a "political basis" Dr. Robinson, 4(-year-old native hiacla tl'illr.e m.'i : ; Dull (!iv-i he I ( and All buys and twirls with pets and (inll- are asked to register them ' v il llei h ( 'iirn'.t ell, Haywood with Harry Matthews, or one of .i.iiion aiiriit the den mothers of Pack 1 and 2. . , .. m t " t" - 1 - i r- 1 11 t mm- &mm mm I t 41 . :ti , , K n b"' !- 4 10 fe1 T"'iill,iina'wiiniiii ' 1 1 """ '.'.WW'"1- f K 411 .4 if-,? ' ll 1 iq5Et: -ra TKisCianf Double Door Vardrobe of 44" Solid Gemiino Tennessee Red Cedar featured at att amazingly low price MRS. BESSIE S. GIBSON Mrs. Bessie Smith Gibson, 57, widow of Monty R. Gibson, died Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs Doyle Presslev. in the Bethel section of Havwood Ht Madison County, is County. his first public office in filling the A native of Buncombe County, I state '"'aid position. He is a mem she had resided in Haywood Coun-! Dcl' ol the American Medical As ty for many years. Isolation, the American Heart As- Funeral services will be held : solution, and the Mars Hill Civitan Friday at 3 p. ni. at the Bethel i Club. Baptist Church, with the pastor, rhe physician has been practic the Rev. Mr. Bissettr, and thelin8 ''! Mars Hill for about 20 Rev. B. N. Rogers officiating. Bur-1 ycul's ial will be in the Bethel Cemetery. The body will be taken to the home of Mrs. Pressley today and will remain until the hour of the funeral. Surviving in addition to Mrs. Press ley are six sons, Carl and Troy Gibson of Canton, Route 2, Perry Gibson of Canton, Hubert Gibson of Savannah, Ga., Raymond Gib son of Waynesville, and D. B. Gib son of Bethel; and 13 grandchil dren. Garrett Funeral Home is in charge. MORE ABOUT Alexander (Continued from pag one) ed to succeed him. Scott said he finally got around to looking over the letter yesterday morning. There wat no discussion or tele phoning, Scott explained. "I just named another man," lie said. "Plenty of them want to serve." If any one else is planning to walk out, Scott quipped, "we can handle other resignations." "We're not drumming up any," he added, "but if they don't want to serve we're not going to stand in their way. There's no shortage of people to replace them." Iffttffr rAl,r 3 x.. .ttcivcu irO'll li.. u. - tor George Ross oft!,, I,, c i108' of Conservation fp,J"!!"nl'. inriirai.. k. , ... . utv'H eu aneao. with n gram. 11 U,e Wo- BOARD. Alexander set .his course last Wednesday at a meet ing of the board's advertising com mittee by voting with Committee Chairman Josh Honie against a motion to vacate the Stale adver tising contract. The contract was awarded approximately 18 months ago to Avers & Gillett of Charlotte. Anti-administration forces charge serving in H now win go to a new firm, East- man-Redwine, formed recently by Bob Redwine, Scott supporter in the primaries. There has been no sign yet that Home, Rocky Mount newspaper publisher and vice chairman of On board, will quit. In fact, Horne has modified his stand slightly since the stormy committee meeting. A KEDWINi:. Ale,r,-,(. ,,,, newsmen who que .j.,,,, ,, M,, ',, ; '8t V feaiuuig ins reslem.ii,,,, ,,,,, , vis very commonly talk,,) lh , Governor owed a i,,,.:- 1,1 ...... ni . r. iie nuoeu ueduipie . to repay il with I Ik contract." i ii mail,, i' mi Ii, I'lll '"'I '1 1 1 , 1 H'll l, Scott yesterd,,;. ..i,, talk was proundie s He said tie made no i i any one except tho.e . vai i ui ins piattorin. "Absolutely, I pmnn.erl ,.(, .nig, ,ne i.nvi'i ,,, x. "except that I have told K if i ... " ne gets in,, contract satisfactory with me. ' If Redwine does ce tract. Scott said, it win he has uati.sfied the m i i "leiitise ii n(l l lintiiK l ;,n, State Board of Awanl i i,ilt u the best man to haml.Y n ' ' ' The reason for movine. mnii,,,' , the contract from u. 1 1,. ,,,,,, ,,r(, of Conservation and D,.v ,-i,..M.j to the Division of I'm el. .-,..' ',, Contract, Scott pointid oui ls' ,', free it from possible "polilii'iii lUl. plications" and mil (,,.,.;,, u The fact that lie. Scull ,,s , ,,'.1, tor of the budget is in,.,t,.,.(1 Scott added. It doesn t mivia empnasized, that he will use In, 11' . . 'miid n,erin. n. 11... """I sliai,.., T 0un Batui $49.95 -utmrar $5 DOWN $1 WEEKLY -fig yl WT" 4 W 4 EXTRA INTERIOR FEATURES FOR EXTRA CONVENIENCE: Full length hanger rod Metal lis rack en door Plenty sf full-length hanging ipita Storage tpaea in bottom for blanket, etc' Lock and kejr for privacy Loitroaa natural cedar finish t --1 d j! pt).J ' r XE oA Insurance i A genuine "Southland" cedar wardrob pives your clothing INSURED PROTEC TION with this FREE warranty, which in sures the contents for 3 whole years asrainrt damage by moths in the amount of $250,001 Why be tatufiei with anything lets when you can buy at a price like this! n U Massne Furniture. o. Phono 33 Waynesville MORE ABOUT Teachers (Continued from Page l) Stamey, Mrs. Gussie M. Palmer, Mrs. Samuel Knight. Mrs. Belle F. Ratcliffe, Daisy Boyd. Mae Hamrick, Ina Henry Duvall, Iowa Lee Boyd. Kdna Mac Burress, Mrs. Margaret S. Senne, Essie Sel lers, Mrs. Lura Mac Connatser, Frances Robeson, Mayme Leather wood Seay. Mrs. Maye Burr M. Davis, Fran!: L. Rogers, Claudia I B. Leatherwood, Kdna Boyd. ' Mrs. Mildred C. Lee, Mrs. Lois W. Ferguson, Mrs. Stella Roten Hall. Dorothy Janes Davis, Mary Ruth Llrfer Reed, Estelte H. Setzer. Beatrice Parker Gibson, Ruth Moody Henry, Nell Campbell Mathews. Jessie P. Howell, R. E. Owen, Norval W. Rogers, Roger Ferguson. Frankie Marie Cecil. Elva S. Moore. Edna M. Burress, Freda F. Jaynes, Mrs. Ruth S. Noland, Flora R. Ballinger, Edna N. Terrell, Ed na Perry Bright, Mary Ann Bry son Angel. Mabel C. Corpeniug, Edna F. Rogers, Marguerite C. Car ver, Blanche .lervis. Bethel District Velma Knox McElhannon, Mrs. Nellie W. McCracken, Grovene C. Russell, Elise W. McCracken, Lela K. Messer, Edna Ensley, Margaret Ward, Amy Sue Ducket t Pratt, Elizabeth Jane Bradley, M. C. Nix, Josephine J. Curto, June E. Pratt. Gay Chambers, Alva Jo Carver. Dellma H. Phoenix, Bernicr Mc Elhannon, Terry Joe Johnson, E. J. Evans .Mrs. Azalee If. Shepherd, Alice B. Smith, Mrs. Rufus Pan nell, Mercl Stamey Plemmons, John W. Sloan, Luther Bailey, Bebc Mod ford, Alice R. Cathey, Mrs. William E. Lindau, Lyda W. Hall, Alma G. Chambers, Nell Justice Ledford. Hugh Rogers. Paul T. Grogan, Rachel Jane Metcalfe, Pearl M. Hargrove, Jesse C. James, Marie Cogburn Taylor, Florene Abbott, Lillian A. Himes. Evelyn G. Cham bers, Gladys Henson. Fines Creek District William T. Bird, Perry Plem mons, Frances Orr, James C. Car penter, James R. Hamilton, Fannie B. Noland, Margaret Lee' Green, Elizabeth Rogers Seay, Charles H. Duckett, Mrs. Lorena French Duck ett, Mrs. James R. Hamilton, Bon nie Duckett Verasko, Pearl James Brummitt. Clyde District Monica Garrett, Clyde J. Smith Mrs. Mary Bolick Brooks. Carroll Morrow, Alice Hawkins Haynes Bonnie Francis Shook. Gladys L Chadwell. Sara Ann Long Pauline S. Goodson, Mrs. Edytlie T Can non. Ellen Heird Haynes, Hattie Siler Freeman, Robert C. Evans, Claire Howell, Homer Henry, Edith York White, Lura Mae Green, John Ray Byers. Jr., Stanly Livingston. Crabtree-Iron Duff District Fred L. Safford, Kathryn Kirk patrick, Edna James Noland. Fran ces P. Yates, B. F. Neshitt, Eunice Stacey, William Glenn Noland W Frank Kirkpatrlck. Betty Best Terrell, Jeannette S Chase, Evalee S. Fulbright, John F. Schibor. Velma F. Morrow Ora B. Smith. d .... I . Mini ranimiTinrii MiiiiaiiiMiiaw.Mii.iiiiiii.iimr"1 ' 25-Lbs. Plain or Self-Rising RED BAND FLOUR $2.29 Dixie Crystal SUGAR 10 lbs. S3 Blue Label KARO SYRUP Pint 20 j r g COFFEE 52' lb. Large QUAKER OATS Garden Fresh Spinach .. 2 lbs. 23c Ear Corn m5t 29c 6 for White POTATOES 10 lbs 43c Large LEMONS Pillsbiirv HOT ROLL MIX Fairy Wand PEANUT BUTTER Libby's ROAST BEEF Chunk Style STARKIST TUNA Iodized or F. R. MORTON'S SALT 9-Oz Jar FRENCH'S MUSTARD Junket SHERBET MIX Kremel DESSERTS Doz. 37 Fancy Ripe TOMATOES 2 lbs. 29 PAPYRUS PRIZED BUZZARDS BAY. Mass. (UP) A prized possession of John Chris topulos is a piece of papyrus, small er than a postage stamp and in scribed with the Ten Command ments. Believed at least 650 years old, the papyrus was handed down to Cbrlfjtopulos by his ancestors. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmtmmmmmKmmma Holmes AMERICAN SARDINES 3 cans 29c Campbell's TOMATO JUICE 47-oz. 28c Kist-Sweet GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 No. 2 29c Church's GRAPE JUICE Pint 19c Frozen Birdseye ORANGE JUICE FROZEN PEAS 6oz.3Qc 25c April Shower ASPARAGUS lOj-oz. 21c Green Giant TENDER PEAS 2 8-oz. 25c Libby's PEACH HALVES No.2i 28c Welch's GRAPELADE Heinz TOMATO CATSUP I is rich in :B VITAMINS BREAST O' LAMB 39c "V Spiced Luncheon Meat lb. j WASHDAY WONDtR Larte IVORY SOAP 13 Lsr&e Castle Haven MIXED VEGETABLES 3 No. 2 29c SILVER DUST 29c sufm PARK - SHOP - SAVE sit MARKfT nASlHC IN QUALITY FRrCC'CNVENIENgg THE F3 J h.'":ij t,J"PmiiLl Si,,,,,,.. ir,i ' -I. r,:,em; . 1! mil.; 'Hi- mti LUX 2 lor