STANDARD PTG CO 5s f r-a tine The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twke-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At Th e Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park TODAY'S SMILE "I'm cettlnc stronger." "How do you kmow?" "Because a few rears uo I couldn't carry three dollars worth of groceries, and now it's easy." - 64th YEAR NO. 70 ITPAGES Associate Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE. N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 22. 1949 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties r Lted on .e iated Press ,ioH on f C. B- Car L State Col Sine tests the inter, a psy fcw of Mrs. -te 1. m W"- ,d parcels luties of the have to DC iectives. and at times. came to the another state Bay Morbin, I visitors in ng to expect in would can few days. Lent to work, faer to J. R- nnlice court tears ago. led Lights Irday, the po lled men at Jain Street to the steady police kept sregarded the itated to run b with a po- them to pro as directed, parked some it time I ever that 1 didn i ate criminal." Letter 5Wife lers that have lew years, the !s week takes ts top honors ime. Anyway, krted in the ipiness to all Unlike most not require of this let Sends. Then i i i mu seuu nei name heads name gets to ve 15,183 wo- it to be jim- break this ;who broke it On Inl Accident Victim or a. . THOMAS MEDFOKD CUT SHAW, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. p. Cutshaw of Waynesville. was fatally Injured Aug. 11 in a logging accident near Cleveland. S. C. He was unloading a truck for his brother, a Georgia Lum ber Co. contractor, when a log slipped and struck him. Five brothers and two sisters survive, in addition to his parents. 85 Extension Workers See 4-H Camp Project Here A Pal Phoned The f day. call out the Panted. hi for a pen- !about to get porter asked. ban said, in I Paper said I miles from idly cheeked the man was fere the Reds miles from was another side of the P this to the "hen the call- I Must have ,Keds. By the game?" Gov. Scott Ms be I Utilities For Farmers North Carolina's court system.; power companies, telephone firms, 1 and the RKA drew criticism from! Governor Kerr Scott at Canton last j Saturday afternoon. In his speech before a large aud ience at the Farmers Federation Picnic at Canton High School, he blamed the private power and tele phone agencies and the REA for failing to get electricity and phones i into many rural homes J He instructed the farmers who do not have these conveniences to write him, and that he would ex ert the power of his office to get them for them The governor declared that 118. 000 farm homes in North Carolina do not have electricity, and that there will be an 50,000 more new homes built in the next few years that will need it. Referring to the courts, he promised a streamlining of their procedure One of the defects, he indicated, was the time many farmers had to waste around court houses away from their work. He declared that "under the pre sent system a farmer hangs around j the court house all day to find out j ,.iw,iiw,,- iw, u poino In work for Eighty-five Extension workers! U)(1 satt, for nothing, or go home." j from 20 counties of Western North Th(, Koverm- arrived at Canton j Carolina spent two days at the new i jn a sate Highway Patrol car; 4-H Club camp at the State Test j f Greenville. S. C. where he; Farm Jiere, making plans for com-1 na(i ,0 pavt, tljs party pletion of the camp, ana me gene ral 4-H Club program. Dr. I. O. Schaub, director of the Extension Service in the state, headed the group. There were county agents, and home demon stration agents from each of the 20 counties of Western North Carolina. The croup gathered here Friday and left Sunday morning. DnrinG the time a series of con- f.,,.,.,c- U0PO hlri SUfi Dr. ScliaUl) said "most of the time was taken j TSl Tir In shop talk, and discussing plans j X KJX for the 4-H program. An exchange : . - j of ideas, and reports on different j TjTyiQOTiQS phases of the work took a greater part of the conference periods," (nt, fl,d. be Said- ,u noini-h who eral government will start paying for tnr,.,. years to devote Among others from Raleigh who ; erai u in dividends to ,jn, , ,s law practice. attended the two-day session, - m Word Wiir eluded C. F. Parrish poultry spec,- and 1 l.t beneficiaries of alist, Miss Pauline Gordon, family II v iU Service . .. , ,! . it XI tOl,ot1- flCHU n relation specicmai, i ner, district county agiin, Ruth Current, State Home Demon stration Agent, L. R. Harrill. state A-ir rinh Ipader. Jack Kelley, swine specialist, W. B. Collins and John Ford of TVA ana lvir. uu.s...., of the Texas Extension Service. The dining hall, kitchen, and several cabins of the new 4-H Club kc, tpn completed. Plans are underway for construction of a swimming pool, and 20 cabins in all The plan is for me t-n of each of the 20 counties in tins area to pay for a cabin at the camp. Citizens of Haywooa iwup" land several years ago and donat ed it to the state. XflVSIHMni Local Man Gets $531 For An Idea Set 1 Large Number Expected At 10th Annual Meeting Of REA Here On Saturday Federal And State To Pay Two-Thirds Of The Cost Oscar Knight, center, is $531 better off by having submitted ai idea to officials of the A. C. Lawrence Leather Company at llael wood. Mr. Knight has been with the lirm for Hi years, and works in the tanyard division. He thought ol a met hud ol reclaiming cer tain tanning fluids, and the company found the method practical, and would save them $5,310 a year, so Kniglit was given the custom ary 10 per cent Shown handing Knight the SS31 check is I.. K Barber, superintendent, while Carl Sw anger, chairman ul the sug gestions committee of the plant , offers congratulation Not long ago Homer Moore received a cheek for $400 for .mother suggestion There1 have been numerous checks tor smaller amounts given iThis photo by Ingrain s Sludioi More Than 1,000 Attend Annual Home -Field Day -i'hu National Guard plane, bear ing the governor, other officials, and radio newscasters and news papermen, had been forced by the fog to circle an hour over the Greenville Air Base before land- in . i The craft, a C-47 transport, had (See Scott Page 8) Veterans Officer Resigns Veterans To 1 ball 3.0UDY T-Cloudy and Psnt rains or rty Tuesday, y and warm I. "c tempera F staff of the Mi. Rainfall 55 62 54 .74 1.14 Life Insurance policies. Havwood County Veterans Serv ice Officer James H. Howell. Jr.. said today he was informed that application blanks would be avail able at the county post offices af ter August 29. At their last meeting the Hay wood County commissioners ac cepted the resignation of Janus 11 Howell. Jr.. as t fie county's veter ans service officer, effective Aug ust 31. The young Waynesville attorney, who made the announcement, said he had filed his resignation in a letter dated July 13. The letter said Mr. Howell wish ed In vacate the post he has held his lull H o a r d Chairman George A Drown Jr. s;iid the commissioners af present had no immediaate suc cessor to Mr. Howell in mind He recommended that the coun ty continue to employ a veterans service officer. , ii..r i..w Thursdav . the Mmi than 1.IMMI people from throughout Haywood County saw a : parorania ol Hie latest practice-, in: farming, farm machinery, and its .uses last Friday at H F. Rogers' farm in Upper Crabtiee. I The oCMxion ws Hnywood Coun ty's second annual Farm and Home Field Dai, which 1'id been post poned from Vednes(i,i l au.-.e the fields where, the demonstration', had In-en seheduled bad been made soggv by rain The spiclatol's heaul hnel ad Gwvn 11. Price, chairman of the North Carolina Rural Electrifica tion Authority, will be principal speaker Saturday at the annual meeting of the Haywood Electric Mcmbrshlp Corporation at the Waynesville Armory. This tenth anniversary meeting will open at 10 a.m. This was announced today by Ira H. CoKburn, Corporation sec retary. Scheduled for the meeting are the adoptions of the Capital Cred its Plan and the new rate sched ules affecting every member of the organization, and the election of1 11 directors. Mr. Cogburn explained that the Capital Credits Plan will assure every patron of getting full credit for any service payments be makes In excess of the cost of serv ice to him. The committee on nominations j will .submit Its choices to the mem i hers. Additional nominations may j be made at the meeting, the secre ! tary added. The members also will hear the reports of the officers, and will re Icelve copies of the Corporation's - financial statement ( The meeting won't he all bust- ! ness, however. For entertainment, there will be i movies, singing by quartets, 8nd : other features. Preceding the meet- ing will be a parade and music by j Hie Waynesville Township High ; School band, scheduled to start at 9.45 a.m. Valuable attendance prize also will be awarded. Lunch will be served under the REA President :--.'"i direction of the borne demonslra lion agents Carter Osborne. Corporation president, will call the meeting to order. The business session is sched uled to get underway following the dresses hv state and county agi i-. singing of "America" by the mem cultural lead rs on virtually every aspect of farm and rural home life The county Community Develop ment Piugram organizations spon sored the Field Day. with County Agent Wayne Corpening m charge The dinner was in charge of the I'pper Crabtiee Community De velopment Club, headed by Chair man Jack lingers. Among the pnncipnl speakers were Dean I O Schaub. director of the N' C. Stiil- fi ictiltiu at l.x lelision Service. (' F. Patrisb, Kx-li'iis-iou poultrv specialist. It . SchofTner. weslein district farm agent; Albert Forlune. a represent- attorney supported this statement ative of the Foilune Paint and Charles Edwards, comma nui i ... i vt,tl.rilIls Boy Suffers Broken Leg In Accident a ioor-nlH Jackson County boy suffered a broken leg Friday night when he was strucK oy a v as he was walking along the Ai-1 lens Creek road near Highway 19 23. . .. Clyde Cope of Gay. the injureu ,.tu ronnrfed resting com- fortably today at Haywood County Hospital. , . . , o.ii.. r-v,uf Drville Noland saiu the driver of the car, identified by officers as Eugene Rogers, Waynesville. was arrested on Main Street about two hours after tne accident. He added Rogers carried the in jured youth to the hospital immedi ately after he was siruciv. Officers quoted a witness as w ing young Cope was hit from be hind while walking witn du Rhlnehart of Aliens Creek. "i-i.- ariHpd the car was X 1IC muv travelling at a moderate rate when the accident occurred. Officers Guy Messer and J. M. Rogers, Deputy Sheriff Wade Mc Daniel. and State Highway Patrol man Bill Sawyer Investigated. Chief Noland said the Jackson county youth was the first person (See Boy Suffers Page 8) the Havwood American -e,-" Post in "Waynesville at the same time announced that his organiza tion would assist county World War II veterans in filling out their application blanks properly. He added he was advised that the Winston-Salem, N. C. Region-z-(Ti.. ,,f ihn Veterans Adminis- id mail dividend appli cation forms next Thursday to all of North Carolina's Legion pos.s. The Haywood Legion organiza tion hopes to have a worker on dutv at the American Legion rooms in ihe old Citizens Bank building for several days after receiving the blanks. . VA officials have advised vtt erans. however, that such appHca- fr dividends must noi .: Hons (See Dividends Page 8) l,i t lhal $1 .00(1.000 111 veterans benefits flows into the county each year for the more than 3,000 World War II veterans here. During the six months after the enlisted men's terminal leave pay provisions went into effect, be add ed his office received approximat ely '2.") applications a day in this business alone. Approximately 300 veterans are ...nm. farm training under the Gl Bill ol ltiglits. and an ev n greater ,See Veterans Page 2 New Assistant and Director Arrives Here Tiobert A Campbell, who grad uated from DavidL-on College last spring, has been apponnru Hardware Cnmpanv of Ashevilh Miss Pauline Gordon. Stale Col-) lege home management and house i furnishings specialist; and Mrs. Corinne Grimslev. Kxtension spe cialist in family relations. j Dr. J II I till-in. dean of the! (See Field lla.v Page H) ' Four Hurt As Two Cars Crash Near I ! Pigeon Gap t Mrs M H Bowles Is slow ly hut i gradually improving from injuries sustained last Thursday in an auto i mobile accident on Highway No. 1 276 at McCracken's Orchard, in j which four persons were hurt. Reports at noon today were ! she will be able to leave the hos- bers and the offering of the invoca tion. Mr Osborne. Mr. Cogburn. and General Manager R. C. Sheffield will deliver their reports during the business meeting. Mr. Price is scheduled to begin six day s a weel his address at 11 a. in., and inline- i depot, diatelv afterward the elections will The loi i hi' held. ! cooipanv . pom Alter lunch, there will be an open forum on capital credits, fol lowed by the showing of a film en titled "Cooperation". The entertainment features and the awarding of prizes will occupy the remainder of the afternoon, with adjournment scheduled for 4 o'clock. CARTF.R OSIIOHNF. is president of the board of directors of Ihe Haywood FJectrir Membership Cooneraitve which will hold Us annual ineeling here Saturday Mr. Osborne has M'rved in this capacity all bul two years since 1941. Depot Will Be Closed 2 Days A Week Notices on Ihe door of the Southern K.nlw.iv depot here ad vise thai the depot will be closed on Sa'uid.u - a nil Sundays, effec tive September first. J. G. Ten ell. ageul here, said this inoiiiinw f a change might be made from the notice, but at I present, Ihe depot will be open five days a week It was also learned that Ihe Ha zelwood depot will be kept open will the Canton The Havwood Board of Flections i todav set Saturday. October first, i as the date for the S225.0OO Hos pital expansion bond election. The board acted under the direc tion of the county commissioner. which had previously received a petition from a large number of Haywood voters, asking for the election. The expansion of the hospital would be made with funds provid ed by the county, together with state and federal funds. Under the plan. Haywood would provide 29's2 per cent, and the state and federal government 70 1 a per cent of the cost. It has been estimated that the project will cost about SfiOO -000. to expand the present build ing. The voters will also vote on the question of authorizing a lew up to 10 cents per $100 valuation for the purpose of financing the cost of operation of the hospital, pur chase of equipment, and general maintenance. The present levy U slightly more than 6 cents. Leaders from all parts of the county participated in getting the petitions signed asking for the election. "While we can get a gift of more than two-thirds of the cost.-;. i ip- tinnra that now Iv the time to ac cept the gift, and go ahead and ex pand our hospital," George A. Brown, Jr., chairman of the board of commissioners said. "The facilities of the hospital are far from being adequate." Lee Da vis, administrator of the institution, said. "If ever a hospital needed more room, It is this one." he con tinued. .fprrv Rftunru ehnirman nf the board of elections announced this morning that registration books would ope'n Saturday. September 3rd. and remain open on the 10th ana aiso me wtn. l ne regular cn.n- lenge day has been set for the 24th. and the election on October first. The registrars and judges have been named for the election as fol lows; Beaverdam Township Precinct No. I: F,. IV Hay 111-5, Registrar, Tommie Similiters and Ted Walker, Judges. Precinct No. 2: Jack Chapman. Registrar, Mrs. G. C. BiVaon and (See Hospital Page t) ant director ot me nnc..u, ( - -.. Township High School band "s suffering from a concussion of This was disclosed today by Band the head and cuts Director Charles Isley. Billy Woods, who received a Mr Campbell will teach junior fractured jaw in the accident, as a : u:,i. musir I Da'M'nspr of the second car. was ti.H SPT MIT OlliU '"" 1 assisting Mr. Isley with the hign school's bands and chorus groups. assistant, a native of Driver Escapes Injury In Main Street Accident An auto went out of control ear- ,y TbWk of a Parked Charlotte, played the French horn crasm.u ...w ... - Wool- with the city sympnony u. i... . car on Main sireei c harlotte, and Spartanburg and sey ga e m - - Charleston. South Carolina. was iniured. Police 1.110:1 v- nraanM iu v-., - - n a so seivcu oa v- s,..,,.- Orville Noland reported. .Veral churches in Charlotte, hav- He said James Reeves. v,djpd ,he , organ jn coll- 0f Waynesville route 2. was dr 1 , r Nwhren ing east when his car collided ' Campbp,, a,SQ gajned expert. the parked vehicle, owned ov m . sfhuIas(ic music groUpS Ferguson. , ri,,rig bis final year at college in He added that es shed dun, uled to answer a reckless ai s f H Band and as gssLsU charge this afternoon in Major j. . djrecJor of ,he chariotte Boys1 H. Way s court. rious Choir, which is sponsored by the The parKea car es- r o((e Ro(ary Club damage. . The damage to Reeves car was estimated by the officer at about $50. Id iv-uc -' - H- is srrleduled to arrive in Way nesville tomorrow, and will live at the home of James H. Howell, Jr. released from the hospital on Sat urday. M. II Bowles and daughter, Flor ence Ann. received bruises and suffered from shock. Billy Hay wood McDonald of Ratcliffe Cove, driver of the other car, was in 1 bruised. State Highway Patrolman Jeff May investigated the collision. Mr Bowles was driving his car. and McDonald the other car. The Bowles car was damaged about $325, and the McDonald rar about $150, it was said. The two cars met head-on in a curve. Mr. and Mrs. Bowles were en route to visit relatives in Southern Georgia when the accident hap pened. Mr. Bowies is district su perintendent of the Waynesville schools. . . Fire Causes Minor Damage To Filling Station A blaze in the basement of Ward's Ksso Service station near Lake Junaluska early today was discovered before It could do more than a negligible amount of dam age, Fire Chief Clem Fitzgerald reported. He said H. S. Ward, the operator of the station, saw no signs of fire when he unlocked the door to start work at about 7:45 a. m. But shortly afterward, he saw clouds of smoke puff up suddenly from the floor and immediately turned in the alarm. Chief Fitzgerald reported the blaze was extinguished in a few minutes before it could do more than scorch the underside of the . floor. He said some old crates and boxes had caught fire from an un known cause. I ire. smned by the . out. "To carry out fiiidiiuv. "I an emergency board appointed l,. Hie President ,,f the I riled Males under the National liailwav Labor Act, the rl ion's railroad . necessarily agreed wilh the non-operating Railway Labor I nions to estab lish a 5-day-40-honr work week el fective September I. H40- "This will require I be closing on Saturdays and Sundays of many (See Depot 1'ukc 2) Opening Of Haywood Schools Set For Aug, 29 Auto, Truck Collide In City; No One Injured An antn and a trurk rnllwtuH r, i. day morning on Academy St. near tne intersection of Main. Police Chief Orville Noland re Dorted that no one was inbirnrl n,i,l that the approximately $(10 damages 10 tne car was seined on the snot He said a laundrv truck- ilovpn by Mr. Wolf was backing from V.i'.n into Academy when it collided with a two-door Ford sedan driven by Delsie Love, a negro, turning into Main Street. The impact damaged the right front side and right rear fender of the car. The accident uccured at about 8:45 o'clock. iipiu iI Ibis week of H'-vwood Coun- a hooK for the new Prices On Market Show An Increase Mr. and Mrs. Charles E Ray have returned from a week's buy ing trip in St. Louis. "The market is stronger, with prices on many items showing a slight rise," Mr. Ray said. "Many manufacturers are in creasing prices, and the general feeling is that business will be good this fall. Many manufacturers are increasing their inventories, and also increasing production in pre paration for the rise in business." They drove to St. Louis. Prepaiatioo . for the oi inn tv's si di t rut year on Am: '.!' The pi ii" tpal started work on administrative mailers last Monday. The job of -:i .tubulin: the 'ap proximately I (I 'too textbooks was finished by I 'te last week, and painter:- and raipenlcrs were work ing on necessary repairs to the school buildinrs. which had been idle through the summer. Canton':. , bonis will open a week later than the county schools. The office of Superintendent A. J. Hutchins announced the city schools would open for the new year on Sept. fi For Ihe first lime since early in the war. Canton High School will have a manual training department. A manual training teacber is be ing sought to take charge of this work. The department was closed early in World War It because of the teacher shortage Dr. Hiilrhin, tin t wilh his prin cipals at the high school last Fri day and will meet wilh the teachers at 9 a. m. Sept. 2. Jack Messer. Haywood schools superintendent, announced a ser ies of meetings will be held this (See School Paffe Z) Messer Attends State-Wide Meeting Haywood County Schools Super intendent Jack Messer returned Friday from a two-day state-wide meeting of county school superin tendents at Mars Hill. The session opened Wednesday night and ended Thursday. Highway Record For 1949 (To Date)! In Haywood Killed 4 Injured .... 31 (This Information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol).

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