'hi I 'i. 1 ? . I I 1 h ' J n C .V, i : ', 0 ' PAGfc iWG MORE AdOUT School (Continued from Page II week for teachers al the district schols. At the same time, lie reminded parents that state law requires chil dren scheduled to enter schol to have health certificates shov.ii!; they've been inoculated against smallpox, diphtheria and whooping cough. In regard to the minimum age 'requirements for school children he pointed out that the state law provides a child may start the .'.rst trade if he's six years of a tie or will be that atie on or before Oc tober 1. If the chilli's sixth birthday is iaiti than that date he will haw to wail until the next school year starts before he can enter. The Ho. A- 1-' Kohrbachcr. su pemiteiulent of St. John's School mtanvhile. announced that hi ciase-s would start September fi. Hefi-lration will be held Septem ber 1 throush September 3 for prospective students at the Catho lic school. St John's kindergarten classes for vuiiiii'steis four and five years OKI -.v ill start the -aine da . IOi the hither clashes Tilt start .)t 9 a m. daily father Kohl b.icher als lhrie would be sptcial rla: tin ee - ear-olds ti om noon 1 dm lug the ivtuiiar school t Th.. schedule for the :h o sail! .-t s loi . -A p m t Tin. coo lit y teachers' meetings i- a- tollou ( 'rabtrt e-ltoii On IT Pi-lru-l lrn-1 scIhmjI teachers, 10 a. :;: Monday Crabtree IliithSchool: Elemental teacher-. 1 :' m An g.u-t 2ti. Crablree School. County-wt.le principals' m, e! in-; 11) a. in. Tuesib at Centra! Kle nientan Sihool. Wj in - llle Clyde District teaehei-. Aut-ust 25. Chile Hie.h St .WaynesviM,' District 2 30 p. in., ucust 2'i. W: High School. Fines Creek D-'i it! It - p. , lit l-s - (It n in VllL'usI 2o title s ( r, i k School Bethel District leacin : . 1" August 2fi. Bethel Mich Srho, Mr. Messer also announce OBI OAK .r SUMAC Stop itching, dry up blisters quicklv, safely. S9'1VY'DRY PURE OIL FUEL OIL l e Onr SPECIAL SI MMER FILL-IP PRICES Metered Deliveries Phone 300 W. R. McCracken pees WAYNESVILLE LODGE No. 17(!9 B P O E Meets Second and Fourth Tuesday At 8 P. M. All Visiting Elks Welcome MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING LAST TIMES TODAY SAVAGE OUTDOOR ADVENTURE! TUES. - WED. - THE LUSTY, BRAWLING SAGA OF A CITY OF RED-BLOODED MEN! WALTER jjMmm&m&mmmM JL SUSAN ROBERT .HoJT V' l, iHAYWARD.PRESTONtS , i.nm ARMENDARIZ V ' (tym ,tLJl ..jJL 1 .i..i,i A.JU5E.fc. ii. A i .MORE ABOUT Hospital ! (Continued from Paee D Gladson Haney. Judges. Precinct No. 3; Mrs. Howard Smathers. Registrar, C E. Cole and Mi s. Wallace Davis, Judges. Precinct No. 4: Mrs Wade Rhea Registrar Bill Franklin and Wither Steprens. .Iud?es. Precinct No. 5: 1- I- Smathers Registrar. Wilson Fisher and Wall er Hawkins. Judges. Precinct No K: S. C. Wood. Reg istrar. B. H. Byers and Jack Wil liams. JudjJes. Clyde Township N. C West. Registrar. Carter Osborne ami Bruce Brown. Judges. Pigeon Township Walker Brown. Registrar. Ralph Ktlh and Jim Welch. Judges, Fast Fork Township l!e I'less. Registrar. Wilbur n Clark and Wes Pless. Judges. Cecil Township Jerry Francis. Registrar. Ken Browning and Flton Chambers. Judges. Ivy Hill Township ! Wilbuin Campbell. Registrar. Grady Moody and Ernest Moody. Judges. White Oak Township F.slell.i Teague. Registrar. Roe I.etlfoid and A. G. Baldwin. JYidg- Fines Creek Township Charlie McCrary. Registrar. Roy ogers and Harrison Davis. Judges Crabtree Township Fred Nolaiul. Registrar. George t -t and James Kirkpatrick. Judg- Waynesville Township I. -ike Jun.iluska Precinct: Mrs. l.i. -ie Reeves. Registrar. Hugh Bud l.eaiht ruood ami ,1 I. Walk i i Judges. H.ielwooti Precinct: Mrs. Carol Whilner Registrar. Mrs. Raymond Ci.iwionl anil Cecil Moonoy. Judg- Soulh lord Mt(';.i V llyatl aynesMlle; Mrs. Craw -ken. Registrar. Mrs. W ami Porter McClurc Judges. oilh Wayncsy Ri-risi rar. llarrv lie: lluth Kelly C'lav and Ida Mulhs. Judges. Jonathan Creek Township Pick Moody. Registrar. Mrs. Jule lloyd ami Jack Leal herwood. Judg es. Cataloot hec Precinct: l.uch Cald well. Rr-Hrar l.'-vt Caldwell and Cole Siii'i'ii. J uth:es. Hiu Creek ProciiK I : Mack Cahl w i-i. Rcgisi i-ar. Crow Hopkins and Heed Sutton. Judges. Iron Puff Township O I.. Yates. Registrar. Frank P.iM- and Thui'i.an Davis. Judges. siluduic tor school bus drivers; Fines Cteck, Bethel. Clyde, and Crabt re -drivers will iiick in.) their buses al the parage at 10 a. nt . August 26. Way nesville drivers buses ,ii the garage August 2(j. get l heir 2 p. m. White fir trees of 140 feet and iik-Ik s or more. grow to a height a diameter of Hfi There are about the average hive. 35.000 beei sttVACE OUTDOOR PVEHTllRE! T1IUKS., Aug. 23 - 25 Al Park Today - ! 4 u Ur Maerfnnatri Carov and Alan Ladd Paramount s dramatic picturization of F Scott Fitzgerald's great novel. "The Great Gatsby." which conies Monday and Tuesday to the Park Theatre. The two are starred with Betty Field. Ruth Hus sey, Barry Sullivan and Howard Da Silva. Shelley Winters has the top featured role. MORE ABOUT Veterans (Continued from Fage 1) number going through indust ; under the same pro- are I rial tr, visions. County Schools Superintendent Jack Messer's office received a fed- I eral clu ck for $5 .SI 2 to cover ex penses for veterans' farm training ; in July alone. i In addition to the federal money 'lor the agricultural trainees, the government sends an average S3 -200 per month to cover the expen ses of ex-Gls taking trade school training in the county 's schools. This money goes lo (laying in structors, buying materials, and ilinancing other expenses incident al to the training job It is a full-time job." he said, referring to the post he is vacating , The job pays $L"i0 a month ' from county funds. A recent statement from Itileigh however, said the individual coun ties would receive a supplemental St 000 a vear in stale- funds for veterans' service officers Mr. Connatscr Earns Trip To Meeting Mr. and Mrs. S K. Counatsei have relurned from While Sulphur Springs, West Virginia where Mr Connatscr attended a regional mceliiiR of the Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company which convened at the Greenbrier Hotel. This trip was won through jier 1 sonal production -rules of which were set by the company and time for qualifying extended from Janu ary 1. 194!) lo July 31. lfWfl. Mr. Connatscr held the distinc tion of being the only North Caro lina representative west of Shelby lo make a double qualification in which district there were more than forty representatives who had the opportunity to compete. In recognition of his outstand ing record in the western district Mr. Connatscr was presented a trophy. Entertainment was also furnish ed for I he ladies attending the con vention. The meeting in which there were more than 500 top producers east of the Mississippi was considered , a great success. Agricultural Engineers Talk Back To Weather; Save Farmer's Hay Crop Br IRA MILLER Farm Electriicatton Bureau Hay is one of the farmer's most valuable crops. And it formerly gave him his biggest headache. At least this was in until quite recently when agricultural engineers began doing something about the farmer's hay storage problems. The fear of rainy weather was one of "yesterday's" chief concerns when Shown abote it a eat-a-wa; vit klcb blower anj ; .gf - r-A- putting up hay. And It led to the development of equipment which baa Cabled firmer to out-smart tirmmer storms. The use of eucb equipment permit farmers to cut hay tn the morninl and put it into the mow la the afternoon. Curinf, which Is be gun In the field, Is finished In the bam by forcing etr through the bay. All standard mow curing systems opertte with blowera or large (36 incb) fans, connected, generally, to 5 horsepower motors. Main ducts ex tend from the fan chamber through the center of the mow or Along one aid, Air flows from these central duct Into tide, lateral- er under flatted Ualse) floor. It passes upward l THE WAYNES VILLE and Tuesday form an unusual friendship MORE ABOl'T Depot (Continued from page one) freight stations and offices hereto fore open to the public on the Southern as well as on all other railroads throughout the country so employees generally may be given two consecutive days off each week. Under the settlement, ' Ihe employees will receive for five days' work the equivalent of wages formerly paid for six days' work." It was learned here that there are three freights daily each way, and one express. As far as could be learned, the I rains will continue to run on the present schedule, and sidetrack the ears of freight on Saturdays and Sundays, with unloading starting Monday mornings. "An amendment for the Waynes ville office might come through September first," Mr. Terrell said. If it docs not, then I guess it will he five days a week." Mr. Terrell is paid by the month, it was learned, and does not come under the regulation. Two others employed at the depot have al ready received notice ot the ihanges. Ratclif f e Cove Church Opens Revival Series Hv MRS. ALG1E RATCLIFFE Mountaineer Correspondent Revival services will open at 7:30 p. m. today at the Ratcliffe Cove Baptist Church. The services will run through Friday, with the Rev. B. B. Rogers. Ihe pastor, and his son. the Rev. C. W. Rogers, pastor of the North Side Baptist Church of Chatta nooga, Tenn., in charge. The services will be held at 7:30 o'clock on each night during the series. Natural gas pipelines must stand a pressure of 1.000 pounds per square inch. Inhabitants of one Chinese com munity frequently use fans differ ing from those in another area. through the hay, which Is piled In layers on either the laterals or slatted floor. Long, baled or chopped hay can be cured in this way. Tests show that deeper layers of hay can be cured with a slatted floor system, although the time required is approximately Uie same in all cases a week to 10 days per layer. Hay is safe to store if its moisture content is 20 or less. Automatic operation of barn curing equipment of a typical mow hay curing lyitem in wooden duett aro utrd. ean be obtained through toe use of a time twitch. Electricity costs for eurtng hay tn the mow vary from 75 cents to $1.50 per ton. Constr action costs average from 25 to 15 cents per square foot of barn floor area. This Includes lumber, blower, labor, motor and automatic controls. Another more recent haying aid is the hay drier. These felt-contained units employ temperatures ranging from 240 to 2.000 degrees Fahrenheit They are particularly useful to drying Urge quantities of freshly cat, wet hay. Only a few minutes are required to complete drying operations etls factorlly. in MOUNTAINEER St. John's To Show Religious Film This Week. i At T:30 p.m. today the full-length ! soundftlm "The Perpetual Sacri fice" will be shown at St. John's i Campus outdoors, if the weather permits. Otherwise it will be shown in St. John's Church. The picture shows how Christ lives among men today. Owing to popular demand the soundfilm "Christ the King" will be presented a second time next Thursday night, August 25 at 7:30 p. m. outdoors below St. John's school, if the weather permits, otherwise in St. John's Church. The first showing of the picture last night in the church drew a crowd of 200 people. "Christ tm King" is the latest movie on 4he Life of Christ and is shown locally under the auspices of St. John's church by the Rev. Patrick Walsh. O. P.. Columbia, S. C. Deaths MRS. LAVADA PRESSLEY Funeral services for Mrs. Lavada Pressley, 72, who died Saturday morning at the home of a daugh ter, Mrs. Hubert Stockton of Cand ler, Route 3. will be held at 2:30 p. m. Tuesday at Pleasant Hill Methodist Church in the Luther section. The Rev. Wade Thompson, , pastor, assisted by the Rev. Reid Lunsford and the Rev. T. A. Gross. I will officiate. Burial will he held in the church cemetery. Nephews will he pallbearers and j nieces will be flower bearers. i Mrs. Pressley was a life-long res- I ident of Buncombe County and a member of Pleasant Hill Metho dist Church. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Stockton, Mrs. Kd Young of Alexandria, Va.. and Airs. Carl Nichols of Winston-Salem; one son. George Pressley of Dover-Koxcroft. Me.; one brother. Mack Welch of Candler; five sisters. Mrs. Cal Pressley of Candler, Mrs. Leona Hold of Candler. Mrs. Mack Sta nley of Canton, Mrs. Charlie Mor gan of Ilendersonville. and Mrs. Mary Harrison of Asheville; eight grandchildren: I wo great-grandchildren, and a number of nieces ! and nephews. Wells Funeral Home, Canton, is in charge. Ll'NSFORD INFANT Gerald L. Lunsford, six-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Lunsford of the Sunset Park sec tion of Canton died Saturday aft ernoon at the home after a short illness. Funeral services were held to day at 2 p. m. in Mt. Sheba Bap tist Church near Weavervllle. The Rev. W. M. Gibson officiated, and burial was in the church cemetery. Surviving, in addition to the parents, are two brothers. Reeves and Jimmy: the paternal grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lunsford of Barnardsville; and the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Mashburn of Canton. Wells Funeral Home was in charge. MRS. BELLE FREE IVEY Funeral services tor Mrs. Belle Free Ivey, who died Wednesday in Flushing, N. Y. after a linger ing illness, were held Sunday af- WAYNESVILLE DRIVE-IN THEATRE PROGRAM Shows Start : 9 MONDAY AND TUESDAY, AUGUST 22-23 THE SWORDSMAN A Beautiful Technicolor, starring Ellen Drew and Larry Parks WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24 You'll Love Everybody in THE INSIDE STORY Starring Marsha Hunt, William Ltihdigah, Charles Winninger, and Gail Patrick They are your kind of people with the same loves, dreams, and ambitions. ALSO SHORT SUBJECTS THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, AUGUST 25-26 Sin in the High Sierras RELENTLESS Color by Technicolor, Starring Robert Ypung and Marguerite Chapman ALSO SELECTED SliORT SUBJECTS At Strand 3 Days , ,Wmi - imiw p. iiinii ti .. 7 1 v k ; "Tulsa," the lusty, brawling saga of a city of red-blooded men, starring Robert Preston and Su san Hay ward opening at the Strand Theatre tomorrow. Color by Technicolor. Crabtfee-Tron Duff HDC Holds Picnic Meeting Bv MRS. MILLARD FERGUSON Mountaineer Correspondent Members of the. Crabtree-Iron Dull' Home Demonstration Club held their picnic meeting Friday night at the home of Mrs. Hugh Noland at Crabtree. Despite the fact that most of the members had attended the sec ond annual Haywood County Farm and Home Field Day that same day, 30 appeared for the session. Mrs. Marshall Jirkpatrick of Lower Crabtree, president of the club, was in charge of the meeting, and Miss Mary Cornwell, county home demonstration agent, held the program. In view of the fact that'the mem bers had been active at the Field Day program, the 'program of games and other activities cus tomary to a picnic meeting was held to be strenuous at that par ticular time. Instead there were group sing ing and quiet visiting. The meeting closed with every one feeling, "What an awful won derful, wonderful day." The next meeting will be held September 16 at the Crabtree-Iron Dun School. Washington. Oregon. Montana, and Idaho have 20 per cent of U. S. hydroelectric power and half the estimated undeveloped potential. ternoon in Dix Creek Baptist Church. The Rev. Thomas Erwin officiat ed and burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Ivey was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dan Free, former ly of the Bethel section of Hay wood County. Surviving are one son, Ivey; three brothers, T. H., and Joe Free of Flushing, and one sister, Mrs. Willie of Marion. James Moody N. Y.; Broom Wells Funeral Home was in charge. Canton, at 8 P. M. IIOUl,, Amateur Night Is Postponed JUA By MRS. ALGIK it.va t IFF!' Mountaineer Correspondent ' The Ratcliffe Cue w 111;,, ... Night program, scheduled lr Friday, has been .uoslu i : definitely, community leaders .," nopneed last week y The United niles of natur; States , . ) I gas p i pel i 1 WW NOTICE HAYWOOD ((Hyry HOSPITAL BOND AND AX ELECTION A special election will b, Haywood County en Saturday ii,,., I list oay ol Wctoljci l!Mt! at u. . lu- tl-il i same places al which tin ia-t ,1, ion was held in said t u,i,,u , If VL "' nembers Of the General A..,." A 'n1 I J. r .. between G:30 o'clock A. ami -, A ti i CIUC V. M. i-.asel li M;,I,tt:,ld P; Time for the purpose of -nt.,,.!,. SiiMiner ing to the voters the question .. Mr. I, , tviiruit-t iur vwu ii Jprnve l ie 11,. nrrter finnllv nnssort hv il... r. ...... : r, Commissioners on Ammo ') imni.-, . ' ""fi authorizing S22f 000 bonrk m ,i. , ' J County for the purpose ol five-tins; i Ren'trT 1 1 an addition to tin- r.mi.u- 11.....1..., ! . .. "wJ and the lew and collection' ..f ' ' ,,.. a insil tax sufficient to pay the principal ' RfKttrar , and interest thereof, and ,2' whetli-1 VViilian., , , er they will authorize the lew .ini "' 5 collection of an annual lax in ail-, dition to all other taxes at the rate of ten cents on each $100 ul th, assessed valuation of the County for the purpose of financing t he cost of operation, equipment and maintenance of Ihe County Hos pital. The said election shall be luhl under the direction of th,. Ctuintv Board of Elect ions of Hay wutid County, the pi-erincC ami tin. poll ing places shall be as hei etolurc established by said Hoard t,t Fin. bur Blew nmg Judges. ti .,.,,1 .t... i),..,;,. 1 1 litio.s, (tot! ine nt t;i.su .11 .0111 'I tltli-: (J, rj MuocK es for holding said election shall 1 ' K .. ..t ...1 .,... .1 1 . '" uc as tie.sifotiieti .out ti ) 11 n irti ) Vhit( flj sum DUiuti 01 r.iet iitms. f teila 1 ne regisH-aiion oooks stian lie opened on Ihe 3rd day ol Seplemli-1 er, and closed on the 17th clay j September. 19411. according In lai This the 22nd day ol August 1949. GEO. A. BROWN. JR.. Chin J. R. 11IPPS D. J. NOLAM) County Hoard of Commissioners. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION' Haywood County Hospital Bonds And Tax Pursuant to an order of the Board of Commissioners ot Hay Wliitner. wood County ordi'iinu election, as hereinafter 11 special Cniufurd aadC net forth. ! es. it i,s ordered by the Hoard of Elec tion of Haywood County that a spe cial election shall be held in Hay wood County on Saturday. Ihe 1st dav of October. 1949. at the same Judges places at tvhich the last led inn I Registrar. was held in said County for mem bers of the General Assembly be tween 6:30 o'clock A. M. and 6:30 n'eloek p. M. Eastern Standard Bind and W! Time for the purpose of submitting to the voters the questions 1 whether they will approve the or der finally passed by the County Commissioners on Aueust 22. 1943, aulhorizint! 8225.000 bonds of tin County for the inirpiec of erect intt an addition lo the County Hospital .,,,.1 in., l... , eollei'tinn ul a '', , .1,. ,.im-t.-.l Dfc lux suiucieiu to mi i " , I I ., u-helh.1 H"' er iney win iiuinun" i"e collection of an annual tax in ad- dition to all other taxes at the rale nf tile on each SI 00 ol the assessed! valuation of the County I"1' llu' PARK THEAT PROGRAM TUESDAY. Aug.; MONDAY cn IV COMING Tin.'"3 " u&it$J opera,, N -1 1UG "t l(fJJ -nt i Ham, '' Sni nd Braal film " alkcr Bru. East FtrtJ Hex Pifss 4 link uid V'uif CitJl 'V Fruit, Ivj 1' W.llllllB (t.J rltord andA.(l Fines Citl Ci:irlie Mi Rogers and He Cnktit, Fred Noland. Best and Jams B'aSKsiii Lake Juuii: Lizzie f Buil- LtattetJ IT. JlldWs. llazihiMd P.- South Wp ford Mc-CbA. W. A. Hyatlli Ninth Him Mullis Juiigt! Jonallu.if Dick Mood! I CatalooctaN well. Registrar Cole Sutton. JuJ lin Creek N m II R.-eisW lliril Suttuilj llDlW 0 1. Tile, Cl-AtDEl JAMB Count! 1H38 Aug-B- Mr Mt. ri 'a I?

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