PAGE FIVE. r ' THE WAYNESVTLLE MOUNTAINEER IT. Crabtree People feld DQV Pr9ram Thursday tv ( hairnii'n Ci'innHinity n in Fines . ... .,-it -IV . inui:""-' iminitv r,cl" lecrpal'uii tn (ants e,.llir - l26 I" 1 :' i vis- To Hold Revival Series ry it Fi!- In ia- lli. al and II"- hu'id ,. It'i-'"- thr in'''1 ll" anii'i""41'"1 torn. ,,(1 thrill IU! . . i . Iwl HI'' Brutti'iiit s i , .its. dairy d inlwiro and features at ,l, visitors iinipnuenieiiis, jtiihacco. Hit'11 ison's and ex i Heck, sheep, Mure r vlio" cd 1 1"'"1 1 1 1 1 . pasiiuc. .,,) tobacco Id llif H'lii" At he afternoon Fni'' Creek Fines Creek Wen by tree. , Wen by 1., ('ral)MTi'- rli- Wim D.v fines Creek. Won by Creek liilsi won nv Cieek. ton si unn uv Il-S NOTICE ; J. H Woody. , Administrator nine C. Stack jj persons hav Ijfcml estate are ille same, duly Aihniiiislialor till da of Aug- ilinliee will be c((ier llure- liied In s.ikl ati" In the 13-i:i Administrator ,G. Sta( kliuiisc, Mi-2(i James Ferguson, Fines Creek. i Sack Race igirl,) Won by Re-1 gin j Ferguson. F nes Creek. Sack Race (boys) Won by Jer- Ferguson, Fines Creek. i Girls' Relay Won by Fines Creek: Mary D. Rogers, Joan Fer guson, Kegina Ferguson. Katherine i Ferguson, Maiy V. Rogers. Vir- inia Haynes, Patricia Kirkpat-; rick, and Juanita Trantham. Boys' Relay Won by Lower' Crabtree: Ray James, Tommy Rathbone, Way Kinsland. diaries Hannah, Henry Massie, Eugene Jones. ! Morse Shoe Pitching (girls 1 I Won by Fines Creek: Betty Seay and Mrs. Glen Noland. Horse Shoe Pitching mien) ' Won by I.. Crabtree: Lee Parks and Dale Hathbone. Sotthall Thorw (women) Won by May J. McCrary, Fines Creek 'Softball Throw (men) Won by Dale Hathbone, L. Crabtree. ! Nail Driving (women) Fines Creek: Mrs. Tom Brummitt and Mrs. Carl Green; L. Crabtree: Mrs. Bill Bryson and Mrs. J. C. Haney. Nail Driving (men) Fines Creek: Tom Brummitt and F. C. Green: Lower Crabtree: Lloyd Ledford and John Green. Cracker Ealing iwomen) Won by Mrs. Charles Duckett, Fines Creek. Cracker F.ating (men) Won by Tom Brummitt, Fines Creek. Tug-o'-War nien Won by Lower Crabtree: ham Green. Reeves Ledford, Paul Sanford, Or val Mathews, Dale Rathbone, John Schiber, Lloyd Ledford, Noah San-1 ford, Jack Noland and Carl Fer guson. Group Singing, won by Lower! Crabtree; Quartet, by Fines Creek.; Ring Pitching (women) Won I by Fines Creek: May Jane Mc-' Crary and Betty Seay. Threading Needles (women) Won by Mrs. Hugh Noland, L. I Crabtree. J Peeling Potatoes iwomen) Won: by Mrs. Stonewall Rathbone. Fines t Creek. Winner by points Fines Creek, 260;' L. Crabtree, 145. xi si--ff ..SS- o The Rev. Mat' -I Vial ti;i of At . .iimtii Oiiio. c'i today lor ; li-- S.ih h services. In lie held i Sept. 4 Methodist Group Vote To Place Stained Glass Window In New Chapel Closing a successful meeting at Lcke Junaluka la Wtdne-d.r. night, the Southeastern Methorii:t. ii!storicl Society voted to place a triple pp.nel stained glar window in the recent iy erected Memoiiil, Chapel here, vhich honors sin i( nu n and women of World War II. J The 'Window will commemorate the' life and work of founders of Meth odism. John and Charles Wesley, and Bishop Francis Asluny. liist Methodist Bishop in Anierii.i .nui ; organ'.cr of American .Methodism i in 1784 j An exhibit of Melhodist udii s in the afternoon in chaiyc of Ills, Elmer T. Clark and George Ebl haiut of Duke University attracted a large crowd. On aeount of the interest shown it was voted to mal. the exhibit a regular feature of the annual meeting of the hi torical Society. The exhibit cont,Lt ed largely of manuscripts and first editions of the writings of the Wes les. Lady Huntingdon, and George W hitefu ld. w ho were outstanding in the beginning of the Methodist mmemcnt in England. Among the Kerns which attracted the largest crowds were copies of hymnals ilten and autographed by Charles Wesley, the acknowledged trouba dour of Methodism, and a collection of baby clothes, reputed to have been worn by both John and Charles Wesley. The clothing col lection, which is the property of Duke University Diwnlly School, was originally donated by Sarah Wesley, n sitter of John and Charles, to be sold at an auction for charity in I mdon. It was brought to America ' " a late mem ber of the Heinz family , . i i tJl .l...., 1 . T 1 viutai speiri , m.-.ih' nan 'Holt of St. Louis, who i.- president of the International Methodi.t His torieal Society, told of plans for a i meeting in London iri 19."1. Co operation in the gathering was voted by the Southeastern Society. I of w hich the Rev. Dr. Edgar H Nease of Charlotte, is president and I Dr. George Khlhardt of Duke Uni versity is secretary-treasurer. Smallest Rubber Mill Claimed By Buffalo BUFFALO. N. Y. (UP) The University of Buffalo lays claim to the smallest rubber mill in the world. Developed in the chemistry lab oratories of the university, it can compound samples of rubber as small as one-half of a gram. In comparison. Industrial rubber mills handle 300 to 400-pound samples. - The tiny mill, driven by a one third horsepower motor, has rolls four inches long and one and one half indies in diameter. It has a maximum capacity of ten grams. Wnrkine with samples weighing ; about one-sixtieth of an ounce. Dr. George Goldfinger. associate pro fessor in chemistry, said the mill enables us to compound the rub ber and test it in laboratory sizes. Library Notes 'hit' iid (he i!r. Fill ! S. teiar. cviin;;e'l .Is lied the lii -I oi ,i -eiies el three revivals in; s Mo, n ;;.m Mi.siiin Di.liHl The liist il S! hull I. nin!. will mi! huit- thioiiidi Salvalion Army Revival Series LIB1 Opens Today Things Happen In Threes In Sleepy Eye, Minn. SLKEPY EYE, Minn. (UP) Lewis Abel hopes his three-time had luck streak has run its course. Abel was driving a new motor srooler he bought to deliver meats from his father's market. It skid ded and Abel hurt his left arm and knee. The day after that, he overturn ed on the scooter, breaking a rib. The day after that, he broke his. right wrist while handling a quar ter of beef. lore and Better .phone Service for North Carolina M AKG i:i'.T .K MINSTON COUNTY l.ll'.UAIilAN Barber The Deed Is Drawn. "Kil Slniiii, the artist sleuth, and his wde '.:o into the case "I the Manh.i'l.ii' nullumim e' lam ily and the v andalied ai i ::.i I let Bican Darker The Ni-ht. Hcymrtil Frame. pholncTapher. detective "rim into m .ten .iu-'Mi in his ow II in Id "I New York Cil . where two men are pushed liom high places .iinl he almost heroines a I bird vu I un Caslle Golden ! lit v. Carolina v,,e. ,i r.real hearted woman. The knew her in ille and Aspen and ( 'ripple i eek Later, in Denw r, thr called her the fahuloie- uidnu and she play cd the p. ill .taking her Inline to will happinc lor the pi r -on ' he loved. Davie:- It Hapm rc. I ' i v Sprin;:. The stoi ot the pool n i" l fellow in eh' mi -il end In ai tempts to altain hi . pi ofe or .lop and the pre'-idi nl s'.h'i r He gets sideli'iuked'inlo a ha -eh. .11 ca reer because of hi- pilchini: kill ' ii.s he tries In aipl. c hyjnt r i lo : baseball All ends well In n he ic ! turns to I lie uiiiv (' -ii . in i I il ;is a hall phn e.r. led 1 1 .nl In pin sue eh( on -In aram, Da r- Miisiiri M V.n;i-. The .-lol nt Dam I ( .ol don u tin inovcd Ironi I i . 1 1 ,M i id In 1 it.- ' ,el h. N ' . I ''ke out a ni'X life lor hiin-.cll I'.i hiiid him i I ho Jewish pasl lie '.v. ml. d In ha -1 et. willi him v as his B.ipti-I luc ent and le.' r nt discover ifalc ol the cr.iwlh ol the Sna'h ! and the at I 'I ndes o! small eil lib but. inn ! nt all, a poi trai' nt a man who I ned and I ai led In It e a lie )a i- I'x ulali I and. Cineiiim the Ion.: lit.- ol I ; 1 1 1 1 -i ma Wai ne. a half Indian mi I. the sor aKo (overs ieai-1 ol I he W' in its fni ) lei r H ues. Irnm the n.Hl Carnliii iiinlanis In Mississippi. to the Southwest. Kansas. and : Oregon Gardner Case of tile Cautious Co quette. I 'Ferry Mason slays one jump ahead ol the law. as is his custom. The Kev Klhel Seliaar and the licv Mahel Martin, evangelists Irnm Arcanum, Ohio, are in Hay wood CimnlN In conduct a series ol revival services for (he Salva linn Anny Mountain Mission Dis li lei The first services arc being held Indav al Shellon Laurel near Cata Inni he,- Dam and will continue thro.ull Sepl. -1. The si loud in the series will be held ironi Sept. 7 Ihroiigh Sepl. 1H at East Street in Wa nesvi I le. and the thud Irnm Sepl. 21 through Ocl 2 at Bonnie Hill Chapel on I'.iuM Mneiil.iin The Evaiif'.i'llsl.s have been con dueling icvivaK for the Mountain Missi.ui Di-irul penodieally lor I be lasl eirhi ears. M'1 1 ('ceil Blown, nllicer in i hat ' e of Ihe dislrjcl .itniles evcry-o'a- to at li ml t he services. Western Desert Once Fertile Luke Lund l .101,1, A. C,, ( I T I T,e s.inilv. sag.ebriish-cov cred area ol ( aliloi nia's Moj.ive Dessert and iiio-.t of Nevada mice was a "land "f hikes," an neeanngiapher al Scnpp., Inshliile reports. During Ihe great ice igc and oil idler the retreat of the glac ier., the sci.-ntiT said numerous 'ii'.iiii- and lakes existed in (be ana uhiih was then inhabited by a wide variety of moisture-loving . plants -and Biiimals. That -orettrreti in I be relatively recent past of ahoul l.'d.dilll years ago. he esli 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 . win 11 the .'ilea was a fertile, well v :let i d lei l llory. v - , One "Forest Fire" Fails To Fxtife Anyone I I.M SI'AI'I'. Ati. 'IT' A fire raged (Mil of control in Coconino National Fore I lor many days hut tin niie was coneci'ii'-d. Nor did loi cm iy officials send ciUtpnii til or tire guards into the al ' a I 2 miles soul h of here. 'Ihe lire. Conlrol Chief Kenneth Wilson explained, consisted of a taiiein dead lues which hail been 1 1 ii I. h. liijil mug. There was liill, d, m a r of Ihe blaze spread M.g. since Ihe tree stood 1)0 yards olfshoie in Lover Lake Mary and ua- completely surrounded by w.iler in probing a murder that looks like niiinle. He catches a beautiful lilutide ill a Iran set for a hit-and-run driver, and becomes not only the pursuer hut the pursued." Add Barn Cleaners to Growing List of Time and labor Savers $ EIGHTS in the cities, towns and foil! of North Carolina are telephone ling new facilities to make your tele rice bigger and better. Mingi bping erected . . . new central 'ties being installed . . . more poles, 6 going into use . . . more and more of to improve and enlarge the tele ork so vit ally important to the growth trity of the state. twar program of construction of new 'the large.t in the history of the state, educing abundant results providing 1 fr more and more people, improving U telephone users. Fand for telephone service has been f M greater than before the war. So has ""ton program to meet that demand! 1 1! "Panding activity is focused on ? to 21 rp lU. 1 1VT .U r-.nlin "Ifphone sen-ice jt is possible to II. G. Booth, North Carolina Maniger Fl T'ltHONI AND TltlOIIPH COMMNT B. IH MH.I.1R farm tlrctrif'caUon Burcnu The u'h:!" 3 p h;,s causht up W1th a-nther d Wrult and unplnl (r'm cb."-f This time it's cleanup l-irn ETjOPlS- ! Eiectnrally orera'.ed barn cleaners ft " li$ f t '' re are T'ocr ha mftit V n ev ei riav. Clea barn .v-e expprumental -a"P "f,er-. ti- on n'jrr.rpu? u3o r-s1"1 Tn n an -1 v--p --r'-l;''-n ti a trw:n! s-i 'ji-t ivine Ti:p ,'.v,.,h pn-nt-i-2 the way to prrn-.ob'.e 8-hour farmini i... iiil'ril in o:i i ' - - ; a4 m b;i.Wine under ' few - ars ad. the ai,, c'CJnrr- were lir- 1-. '..'.- 1 ;:ll DV Idimt'- Tl'F iic: T'med of do.r.? a tough 300 m exactly the fame way as granddad and great grananaa aia it umiijr jn ai:n. Many of these still are in use. but the majority of new cleaners heme installed at present are com mercial products. To increase efficiency, manufac turers of barn cleaners have devel oped riifTeient types of "drag" chains especially for the job to be performed. Snme chains, for example, are con structed so as to move along the edge of the gultcr and not drag on the conciete. In moat, if not all, of the e'eaners now on the market, only a ngle chain is used and paddles or "vapeis are attached to it by ona end only. All chains are of the endless or continuous type. In operation, they move the scrapers through the gut ters carrying manure to a point where it can be conveyed outside the ba-n into a waiting spreader. A per manently installed inclined plane ele vator generally performs the loading job. with the aid of a Vi horsepower motor. Motors for gutter cleaners a'one vary with the size of the barn, but usually range from Vi to 2 horse power. The us-e of barn cleaning equip ment ha brightened many a farmer's day. And to increase his pleasure, another dairv barn labor saver can he added It is a machine which spreads granulated super-phosphale m the gutters ana litter alley. Users of barn cleaners appear to he the best advertisements for them. They claim that a 26-cow barn can be cleaned in about 6 minutes. The usual, hand-forking time? Aa hour or more Best of all. however, is that this enuipment rleans the barn while ihe farmer can busy himself with some other more productive chore. HOUSE of the WEEK Each Week, In This Space, You'll Find "The House of the Week" With Full Descriptions. This Scries Is Made Possible By Local Firms That Are Listed Here. They'll Be Pleased To Help You With Your Building and Home Furnishing Problems. A I VJ sf j Columbia -y ' " '' 1" ,u,1' iLI-Hfl Till', COM'MRIA is a cottipacl, one story family home. It has 3 U droom.s with a .spacious llvlnu muni with a fireplace at one end and a modern kill hen-dinette com bination. I he plan of The Columbia calls lor frame construction with wide uhllnK. a low-pitched hip-roof and wide overhanging eaves. The c.ibineled kitchen has the wink area In the rear. The roomy (linelle area is III Ihe front section of the kitchen The location of the windows in the airy working and eatiuft room assures cross ventila tion and liubt as well as an unclut tered three-way view of the front, side and rear yards The kitchen of The Columbia i also convenient lo Ihe front door. A door in the rear hall connects the kitchen to I lie cenler bedroom. Wardrobe tinsels are built into every one of the three bedrooms. Handy coat closets arc provided id both the front and rear entrances. There is a larue general storage closet in t lie bedroom ball and a linen cabinet in the bathroom. The main body of The Colum bia Is 2R feel bv 40 feet with 100H square feet and a volume of 1 9.75B cubic feet For further informal ion about THE COLUMBIA, write lo the Small House I'Linning Bureau St. Cloud. Minn Plan Now For The Future Our SnviitKs Plan Will Help You Build Your "Drrutn House." SAVK SYSTEMATICALLY EACH WEEK IN THE HAYWOOD HOME BUILDING & LOAN ASSN. PHONE 17 MAIN STREET SEE US FOR HOUSE WIRING AND ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Rendix Washers Norgc Electrical Appliances fa Home Freezers (All Sizes) ROGERS ELECTRIC CO. PHONE 461 MAIN STREET Our Listings include lots ideally suited to this type house Sec Us Before You Buy AND When you've completed your house Be Sure lo INSURE Your House With The L. N. Davis Insurance Co. PHONE 77 MAIN STREET A Southern Institution Serving Southern People For Over 61 Years tree Delivery Within 50 Miles of Asheville, N. C Asheville Hendersonville High Quality Complete Stocks Economical Prices on Building Material at HAYWOOD BUILDERS SUPPLY CO. PHONE 82 AT THE DEPOT Small House Planning Bureau St. Cloud, Minnesota Please send me more information, without obligation, about the plan features and the type of construction used in The Columbia house as pictured in The Mountaineer Name Address City State Watch this Feature for Modern New Home Plans to be Published Each Week r i 1-1 rt m r-V