THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER (Third Section) hi 1949 Were Headlines As World War 11 Began 10 Years Ago Today JWii taSk .jT Minim I X-J f I ' M n 1 W. 1 NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN K'or- ITime 'Minister of f j now was set to fight 1 Britain, as "ap- I peasement" failed. EADL ears Ago Today Started Rolling koiu;k truer h end 'ami ) on a M'!'- ato. id (he lonc- fcy si'tulini! jizpri armies iproadmg fad. become hiMnry. dead wrc ;i).iwn.()(io hue lailicipaliMK more than Is country's 1000.000 ,()(). leadline his- hich lasted lept. 1, 1939. without (Ic- fciitaiii and withdraw fcpt. 2. Bri- Germany fog war next ide 1'olaml t Nazis par- surrenders and Russia Id 'Nov, 3t)i. wanton" in- KDOIJARD DAL A D I E R. French premier, warned' Hit ler his country would go to the aid of Poland. f - - - Western L'niUJ, Slates contains more than 66,000,000,001) feel of standing White Kir sawlimutT. JOACHIM VON RIBBEN TROP. Nazi foreign minister, just signed a non-aggression treaty with Russia. About 1)0.000,000 tons of ice arc produced yearly in 6000 plants throughout the United States. PREMIER VYACHESLAV MO LOTOV of Russia agreed Reds would not join a war against the Nazis. The longest barrier reef in the world parallels eastern Australia for more than 1,200 miles. C. E N E R A L MAURICE (" A M E L I N headed French army, which experts called the best -trained in the world. American women use perfume and fragrance products to the value of $68S,000,000 per year. M A R S II A I. SMICI-Y - RYDZ led Poland half - million men under arms, promised' a pro longed war. GEN. WALTER VON IIRAUCI1ITSCH command ed forces which soon sliced through Poland. A small vial oi ros have as much as 2 roses in it. perfume can Mvrrli and frankincense were pounds of I aromas only used in religious cere monies in early times. s: lern front- Behind "im- while Oer- jgthen West Icrhcim Line for peace. Denmark British . land- led by (".or is Holland lay 1 0 1 . Hol ! days. Italy on France. pies "democ- from the channel. nut air al- Bi. jO.OOO for se ll. 'ado Greece fn oft Greek i ,m, invade Sicily (July 1. Hal ! inns depose Mussolini (July 25). Al 1 line HIM de mainland of Ilaly (Sept .,.,,1 iinlv Kiirrenders iSepl. 9 ! Marines land at Tarawa Nov ;n caDture Gilbert Island: n....,n lu.mberl 1)V .r)0() I'. S ui i-ini 1 ....r,o (Nov 27). ! Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin .in, of 'A I eilt'ldll. oi Li "l,t :opean invasion plans (Dec. 3 i 1944 i Marines and army troops land at lein in the Marshalls il'el) Mi U S. planes attack Herlin ' i March 4). Russians recapture : Odessa (Aoril 11). Rome captured i i,v Allies (June 41. D-Day Ameri can British and Canadian troops sei.e Normandy beaches in biggest water-borne invasion ol all lime Llnnp fi). U. S. troops land on Saipan in Pacific (Junp 151. Allies break out of Normandy beachheads, routing German armies (Julv 25) Allies enter Paris (Aug. 25). De feated German race for shelter of Siegfried line. America troops enter Germany (Sept. 12).- U. S troops invade the Philippines (Oct 2Bl U. S. navy wins biggest battle in its history, crushing Japanese sea power in second battle of the Philinnine sea (Oct. 24-20) Allies launch 300-mile wide ot tensive on western front (Nov. 161 Americans suffer setback in "Battle of JJie Bulge in North fnans invade April fii. "stance. Hit- Jack on Rus- pash Stalin v, Moscow pupies Ice- chill frame 14i. Nazis fngrad (Aug. Russia "is again" halt Nazis Sov. 12i. kit attack jCongress de- leaves Phil. Promises to Pane,se can- More than fmb Cologne al Guadal. sop on ih Canal saved Dpscrl lv- r 81 El Ala- Africa (Nov ,ake Bona, Russian F's off ) x. F'ngrad inx. 1945 Allies smash German line, re gain many miles in "the Bulge (Jan. 12). U. S. Third army smashes throuGh Siegfried line (Feb. 5). Russians reach outer de fenses on Berlin (Feb. 7). U. S. Marines land on I wo .lima (Feb. 19). U. S. First Army crosses I he Rhine on Remagen bridge i March 7) B-29s set great fires in Tokyo (March 10). U. S. troops invade Okinawa (Aoril 1). American and Russian forces meet on the Elbe I river (Anril 27). Russian flag raised over shattered Reichstag building , in Rerlin (Anril 30). Berlin cap tured (Mav 2) German radio in Hamburg reports death of Hitler in Berlin. VE Day Germany surrenders (Mav fi) U. S. warships and planes smash at Japanese cities (July 10). Atomic homh rironnpd nti Hiroshima (Aug 6). Russia declares war on Japan (Aug. 8(. Atomic bomb dropped on Nanasaki (Aue. 9). VJ Day Japan sues for peace: lormally surrenders isepi. i. Honor Roll For Clyde Church Is Announced The Clyde Methodist Sunday i School has announced the perteri i hnnnr mil for I tie month of Aueust as follows: Mrs. Grady, Rogers, Mrs. John Stamey, Mrs Robert Corzine. Mrs. J. H. McDowell, Mrs. Frank Chambers. Mrs Dae Mann. Mrs. Marvin Dot- son, Grady Rogers. Mrs. Bruce Sel- lars. Jewel Rhinehart, Shirley i Welch, Janice Corzine, Geraldine Fish. Janice Smathers. Mildred i Rhinehart, Roger Morgan, Richard Morgan, James Craig McDowell. Elaine Pless. Carolyn Burnett. Krank Chambers Jr.. Linda Smath ers, Mike Leatherwood, Nancy No- land, John R. McDowell, and iar- olyn McDowell. of Lenin f Victor at rerins and j 1,5 m Africa IRVING J. THOMAS ON VISIT HERE Irving J. Thomas, a prominent realtor of Coconnt Grove. Fla., will spend the month of September in Waynesville. He is stopping at the Palmer House, and will enjoy golf while here. Mr. Thomas expressed his pleas ure at beinfi back in these beautitui mountains Hp has been a regular summer visitor here for a good many ypars. tt SSSI : , -.rIffer'r Milt :" ' ' 1 ' trrfJ LABOR DAY ETING GRE As wc observe this .1949 Labor Day, it is fitting that we make it a period of Thanksgiving for the many blessings that have been bestowed upon this community we have been spared of floods, storms, crop failures, and serious disease epidemics. To live in such a splendid place affords us a lot qf satisfaction, and enjoyment in going about our daily tasks. For this Labor Day, let's make it a day of Thanksgiving and rejoicing. HAYWOOD COUNTY A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE ijlj. THE DAYTON IUUC MFO. CO. 1 IIO TRADE MAIIC mm dSBfslSrf