STANDARD TTG CO Comp 220-230 S First q LOUISVILLE KY TODAY'S SMILE Seven Area of Woman: Th Infait, tho little rirl. tb n. the y i) unit woman, tr-e young; woman, the young woman, the young woman. The Waynesville Mountaineer is Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park - -a Governor lolina I)'""- '' following Soco Gap t S. Hep. ! fjersonville . Sings were Liahle. I Lmbers of' North i'-; 64th YEAR NO. 74 8 PAGES Officers Are Looking For Bear Traps In This Area; 8 Bears Claimed Trapped tin tit in d Hauuiuil 1 Labor Looks At Its Year labor our entire its. m officers are hunting Haywood County's hills for bear traps and bear trappers. This was reported last weekend by Deputy State Game Warden W. H. Harkins of Canton. itnirinc aid rpnnrts have been ) Ileii aiiio - -1 ,.rH at the rDi.,d that at least eight bears to v,., traDned illegally alone U the metal the eastem edge of the National bound. e park this summer and that Park fever to the rangers, game wardens, and county ; ,iS head if officers have found approximately i in he turned haf a dozen baited traps steel j took out SDring pcn type, or dead tall. These have been either confiscated or destroyed. ! Rear traoDing. he pointed out. is illegal anywhere, any time in North Carolina, and violations carry heavy penalties. The rangers are particularly con cerned about trapping in the Na tional Hark and along the Blue Ridge Parkway right of way. Earlier this summer, one man was fined $300 and placed under a suspended prison sentence after being caught baiting a bear trap in the Park near Smokemont. Recently, one bear was killed in the Park, and taken outside and skinned. National Park Hanger Cliff Senile of the Waynesville district, who is aiding in the campaign 1 aeainst the illegal trapping, ad- I muted: r ' i make o"1 reflection. L head. las the i I ,lr gourt House, U and solv- Lcrved that L across the 413." Llation with knt, he came ble fact: fCourt House fine at the Park aren't have Lrinlendents trapping some herintenaeiu artdpd. however he didn't Lr the high-1 r ,;7 " , "There is quit? a lot of Alexander Says Regrets Home's Resignation Tom Alexander, owner of Cataloochce Ranch, last Tuesday expressed regret over the res ignation of Josh Home, Kooky Mount publisher, from the State Board of Conservation and De velopment. "I certainly regret it," he said. "but under the circumstances don't blame him. "The state has lost an extreme ly valuable man." Mr. Alexander himself re signed from the board early last month following the argument that arose between the Governor and the agency over the hand ling of the state advertising con tract. After learning of Mr. Home's resignation, which was con firmed Monday night by the Governor, Mr. Alexander sent the Rocky Mount newspaperman a telegram expressing his regret over Mr. Home's leaving the agency he had served nearly 16 years. He told him he knew how much it hurt him to take the action, but that it was under standable in view of the conditions. toward 3 uuai al Liixa luilc ui iiiu ytsai. . ,,j weitiier me meai nor me nines lool c of the high- Trouble was ln0W he was the highway. being struck are any good at this period," he said. No arrests have been made, Harkins said, since the Smokemont case. Haywood Has iperintendent Ittle greyer, talc Highway , i t 1 off the high -1 -Anfl MOPOTn nt out, MCJJS;' fie bear wus For Buying Savina Bonds urt last weak hes E. Bamar Haywood County U. S. Savings Mm after he Bonds Chairman J. E. Massio re- Jr found It ported today the county topped its had been hit Opportunity Drive goal with the ll reported to- purchase of $134,995.50. in good con- After the returns were counted k slight bump following the close of the drive on lor the experi- juiy 16, it was found that Haywood fcs driving the citizens had purchased $1,995.50 fc relief. After more than tne Quota which had parked the been set for the county. to see what Haywood was one of the state's lomar patched 1 81 counties to go over the top and bath, and de- help the state as a whole top Us fcs, he's look- quota of $12,000,000 by more than wants an af- $1,751,000. fehild. Other reports indicated the nat ional quota of $1,040,000,000 for Series E bond sales also was ex- pppdpd the firemen Tn matino his reoort. Mr. Massie when they Laid the ODDortunity Drive has lunded funny. Bjven narticular impetus to the Fitzgerald payroll savings plan whereby em- ty waste of pi0yees arrange for part of their happy about waBes iQ be invested in savings several rea- bonds. it any fire, PYnressrrl the thanks and lant, the lady annreciatton of the county savings 'hen she was hnnrts committee to the county's business and industrial firms. civic organizations, and private citizens who helped make the drive successful. Soldier Killed In White Oak Section As Car Turns Over Cpl. Maynard R. Cooper, 23, of St. Augustine, Fla., was killed Sat urday at 6 p.m. in an automobile accident on a county road five miles southeast t of JHigBway2P. Mk ne White Oak section. State Highway Patrolman Jeff May reported. Cooper apparently lost control of his machine, which struck tne right shoulder of the road and top pled over an embankment, landing 50 feet away at the edge of a pnrnfipld. Two passengers, Pfc. Paul E. Tvlondizzi, 24, of Asheville, and Pfc. Don K. Gray, 21, of Tennessee, re ceived bruises and lacerations. J. Frank Pate. Haywood County coroner, said Cooper died of a crushed neck and that an inquest ,rn.iM not hp necessary. Cooper was the son of Mr, ana Mrs. Charles Cooper ot St. Aug ustine, Fla., and was attached to the 316th Troop Carrier Wing at (See Soldier Killed Page 8) I I ' W! 12MS X I I .- ... . NOV2- , Truman elected on AnH-Tdft4kir11ey platform NOV 22 Phillip Murray diaiH comunists at CIO contention DEC. 17 Boardapproves 4(Hwut uiork for rdiliuay unions o o MAY 19- CIO leaves WFTU JUNE 30 k . Union dives up lari-Hdnity i & for this year after senate vote. Fact finding planaccepted in Expansion Of School FacUities AtBethei And Waynesville Sought Hunters Are Killing Many Squirrel Out Of Season .i ' 1 1 S v.- " mjsstt& Soco Group Hear Rep. M. Redden Business Suspends For Labor Day; Big Crowds Attend Canton Programs Gerald Colkitt Dies At Home In Wilmington one man muse. no the man the fire him- ;ets of water creek. When the alarm, the house nearly ipt call would thief said the Sotten all the Pumping it mse. whose toast fty bright to Cnt. sinpp chn jly toast burn- f E. Frady of i,j .. . s"au as thPir Mr. and Mr Edward and P St. Alhanc Milk Producers To Meet Wednesday Tic,.,i;nH rmmtv's Orade A milk producers will meet at 8 p. m. Wed nesday at the Haywood County Court House to discuss their prob- lomi In charge of the meeting, held by the Haywood County Milk pro ducers Association, will be James Kirkpatrick, Association presiaem. Gerald W. Colkitt. 52, a former resident of Waynesville, died at his hometin Wilmington, N. C, Monday night. Funeral services were conducted in Wilmington Wednesday. Mr. Colkitt was. for a number of vonr associated with Royle-Pil- kinRton Company at Hazelwood. He went to Wilmington in 1941 to ac cept a position witn me miming-. Ion Shipbuilding company. Surviving are the widow and two daughturs. Miss Geraldyn Col kitt a student at Woman's College of the University of North Carolina in Greensboro, and Mrs. Sankey Blanton of Chapel Hill; one grand daughter; one brother, Ben Col i.;k f wavnesville: and one sister, t.. npri'riiflp Warrell of Hicks- IV 1 L B. V v . ville. Long Island. Ben Colkitt and his son, Bobby Colkitt, left Tuesday to attend the services. U. S. Representative Monroe Redden of Hendersonville declared Thursday nieht that American bil lions are being spent in Europe now so that American blood and many billions more won't be spent later. Reminding the 85 members and guests of the Soco Gap Road Boost ers Club al Moony s iinhim rami that this was the tenth annivers ary of Hitler's invasion of Poland. the western North Carolina con gressman declared: "I expect to go down the line for that type of foreign policy." Billions are being spent, he con tinued, "because our (World War III ally has turned out to be worse than any enemy we had during the war." ii.. afld,.l "The hardest vole I ever cast was when I was called on to vote for billions to be sent to Europe to stop the march of the nation that has turned out to be Democracy's deadliest foe.'' Explaining I he 81st Congress" action in voting the huge appio nrialion. he said the decision was made after some of the world's out standing military and government leaders testified before the House military affairs committee. The testimony of every investi (Sce Rep. Redden Page 8) Pigeon Flood Control Is Up To Citizens Whether a flood control system is built for the Pigeon River is in the hands of Haywood Couniy citizens themselves. II S Reo Monroe Redden, m Haywood for an address last Thurs day, said, in reply to a question that in effect it would be up to Un people to ask for it. A TV A engineer earlier this sum mer also said the same thin in other words. He pointed out thai the TVA cannot initiate flood con trol programs itself, but can mere i makp recommendations for them. If the citizens want Hood control, he added, they should first ask Congress for it. Honed, hnw- ever, that many considerations must be taken into account: for instance, whether the cost of such w,,t involvina as it does multi - million - dollar installations and the flooding of farm land, would justify the savings and oth er benefits it would bring in short, whether the cost in land and money would be worth it. All Haywood County business, except restaurant and police busi ness, came to a standstill today as men. women and children observ ed the traditional Labor Day holi day. II was the first day off of the new school year also for the coun ty's more than 6.000 students who resumed their summer play brief ly before returning to books and pencils. Police, sheriff's deputies, and (See Business Page 8t Varied Experiences Had - m - On is nnn-Mile lnp 10 Alaska By H. S. Ward Jr. Cooler Nay: Partly mature. Not H. S, Ward, Jr., gave Rotanans an interesting account 'of his 15,-000-mile trip to Alaska this sum mer. He arrived home last Mon day, after being on the road since June 27, with a group of 14 other high school seniors, and a leader. .The trip took the group iron, the burning sands of a South Da kota desert, to the glaciers and frozen north of Alaska. Thoii. pvno.tpnres included al most everything from killing a bear, to. a 2,000-mile trip by boat, and some plane trips. , Their Hungry Bears Coming 01 Park Killina Cattle l Dull Gaston Woman Is Killed When Car Leaves Soco Road Mrs. Nellie Marr Grant, 40, of Gastoiiia was instantly killed in an automobile crash Saturday af ternoon on U. S. Highway 19 in the Soco Gap section about six miles east of Cherokee. Officers said her husband, Ed Grant, driver of the car. sufTered fractured ribs and nose, and Miss Pauline Saunders of Franklin, a passenger, received lacerations and i bruises. j The car struck a slick place in the highway while rounding a curve and Grant lost control in at tempting to apply the brakes, offi cers reported. The car plunged down an embankment at the right side of the highway. Coroner H. S. Dills of Jackson County empaneled a jury which termed the death accidental. Mrs. Grant was formerly of Bryson City. iiHvwood County officers are cracking down on illegal squirrel hunters, game officials warned tms u'ppkpnri. Deputy Game Warden W. H. Harkins said complaints have been rpppived from farmers throughout the county that some hunters have lipen iunming the gun on the squir rel season and have been invading their lands. He reminded sportsmen that the snuirrel season will not open un til October 1. Hunting before that will cos u . K. tin nVpraPp S17.75 in flnps and court assessments pro M,i,.rt It s his first offense. If he's hpen convicted of the same viola li l.f.... thn nniu tlPS Will De 111UV ii mi"". I-. Massie of Waynesviue,!,,,,! nf ihp Havwood County Wild Life Club, reported at int. same time that farmers irom every section of the county have been complaining about this out-of-sea- son squirrel shooting. One farmer, he said, told him he counted 40 shots fired in the wood land on his property one day, mat he had heard firing also tne aay before and the next morning. "The sportsmen who stick by the rules and wait for the season to open." Mr. Massie declared, "are disgusted with these poachers and violators. "It's gelling so that they feel it's not much use to have a license and comply with the regulations when these poachers are killing off the game long before the season opens." But, he indicated, things will be rough' for the violators. "Under the laws of the State Game Commission," he pointed out, "every law enforcement officer in iho rmiiilv is a game protector whose duty is to prosecute poachers." That means, he said, that every sheriff s officer, state highway pa trolman, constable, and policeman in the county not only the game warden and deputy wardens are authorized to enforce the game laws and prosecute offenders. He added I hat officers are in every section of the county ready to enforce these laws. "And we want to get before the public the fact that the squir rel season does not open until Oc tober 1." County School Board Has Plans For Addi tional Buildings; Need More Money Havwood school officials are w orifino nn a Drocram that will relieve conjesled school conditions in the Waynesville and Bethel areas. A S400.000 science and cafeteria building for the Waynesville high school has been approved as far as plans and specifications are con cerned, according lo jacK messer. Plans are also being completed for a 20-room addition to the Bethel plant, in addition to a 6- room and auditorium building for Springhill, also in the Bethel dis trict, he said. "The trouble is. we have pro jects that will cost a million and a half dollars and only have about $366,000 with which to do the work," Mr. Messer said. Haywood county is getting $530, 000 from the state school bond pro gram, and the appropriation made by the legislature Of this sum. 31 per cent goes to Canton, leav ing the remainder of the county about $366,000. MV. Messer did not say just when he expected the projects would get underway in either district. Both districts have consistently had an increased enrollment through the years, and the crowd ed conditions in the schools have gone beyond what anyone expected they could. Schools In Waynesville And Bethel Crowded Wavnesville High School and Bethel Elementary School could use three more teachers each and more space to put them in. Haywood County bchoois super intendent Jack Messer said today Wavnesville High was allotted 18 teachers last school year on the basis of 541 registered pupus. Bethel was allotted the same number on the basis of 568 grade school students registered. But 656 students had enrolled in Waynesville High School by Monday for the new school term, (See Schools Jammed Page 8) ,,,r,tpH as mechanica troumtfs iiuu,,v , ., breakdowns became almost a daily occurrence, especially on u.e . in roads of northern anau-. Young Ward explained he went on the trip to get in f. fishing, and from hU ion of some experiences on Canadian lakes, he got what he went after On one lake, we caught a trout on every cast-it really got tire some after a while." At another favorite spot, the fish were vrom 4 to 12 pounds each, and game (See Ward Paee ", Bear troubles have been light this summer for the Duluth, Minn., citizens, compared to those of Hay wood farmers living on the edge of the Smoky Mountains National Park The people living in Duluth sub urbs recently had to build "cafe terias'" outside the city limits to keen hungrv bears from private I garbage cans. But in Haywood, cattlemen im port, the bears have proven much tnore costly. . The hungry animals, aepnveu of their natural source of food when the early spring frosts killed berries and nuts, have been kill ing valuable cattle. Tom Alexander, owner of Cata loochee Ranch, reported last week that the starving bears killed at least two of his calves, possibly more. Last vpar. he said, the animals killed nearly $1,000 worth of his cattle and a neighbor lost a full grown steer. This summer. Mr. Alexander add ed, there are more bear than ever, and have become dangerous to humans. Recently, he said, he had i i tuoi a hpar had chased a Ilt'llU LllOL Jl-" - young girl at the Smokemont camp grounds. In addition to the losses in siock., the cattlemen are also losing time through the necessity of patrol ling their pastures to protect their cattle from the marauders. One factor handicapping the ef forts of the cattlemen to guard against the raids is the federal law applying to hunting in the Nation al Park. The bears, he said, come out of the park at night, kill the cattle, j (See Hungry rri . tc Scouts To Hold Court Of Honor Here Tonight The Bov Scouts of the Pigeon River Distrirt, Daniel Boone Coun cil, will hold their Court of Honor at 8 p.m. today at the Haywood County Court House. Awards will be presented to Scouts of Bethel. Crabtree. Canton, Waynesville, Hazelwood. Aliens Creek, and' Clyde. Presiding will be D. W. Randolph of Canton, district Scout Advance ment chairman. The Pigeon River District Com mittee members will hold their regular business meeting after Court, with District Chairman Bill Prevost presiding. County-Wide Field Day Is Set For Saturday 17; Big Program Arranged County Board Names School Supervisors The Haywood County Board of Education this week designated Mrs. Lucy Tate Jones and Mrs. Alice P. Brown, veteran Waynes ville teachers, as county high school supervisors. ' The action of the board was an nounced Tuesday by County Schools Superintendent Jack Messer. Mrs. Jones taught mathematics at Waynesville Township High School for many years and Mrs. Brown saw a long period ot serv ice on the faculty of Waynesville Junior High School. Mr. Messer said the two super visors are to assist other teachers in the county syttem in classroom problems relating to instruction, supply of materials, and testing ronductine examinations to meas ure intelligence, achievement, and other qualities. He explained the supervisors were aamed to the positions in accordance with a state provision which has allotted a total of 325 special teachers in the state's pub lic schools. II The first county-wide Community Development Program Field Day will be held September 17 to de termine the county's individual and community team champions. The plans were made Friday night by the six-member recreation committee for the Field Day. Competing In the games and contests will be the winners in each of the six divisions comprising the organized communities of the coun ty: White Oak, East Pigeon, Upper Crabtree, SaunooK, iniCKeiy, ana the winner of the Rateliffe Cove- Lake Junaluska Field Day to be de cided tomorrow. Only three communities, how ever, will have teams competing for the boys' and girls' county soft- ball championships. They will be the survivors of next Saturday's playoffs among White Ook, East Pigeon, Saunook, Upper Crabtree, Thickety, and the Rateliffe Cove-L a k e Junaluska winner. The division representatives were determined in the series of inter (See Field Day Page 8) Highway Record For 1949 (To Data) In Haywood Killed..'.'. 5 Injured .... 38 (Tbii Information com piled from Records of SUtt Highway Patrol).

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