r fagk rwo, THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER TO CHURCH SOMEWHERE EVERY S GO UNt At The t Churches Olivet Baptist Church MAGGIE The Rev. Jrvis Underwood, Pastor Sunday, Sept. 11 10 a.m. Sunday School ewry bUIida il a.iii . Preaching services ivir.v fecund and fourth Sunday 7.30 ii. m Services, second and luith Sunday E:30 p in Training I'nion. Mrs. Hi aiu Caldwell director. Wednesday 7 p. in - I'iajer meeting Willi Huani Caldwell Ix you are not attending clniiih foSiewuere ebe come vvolsluy Willi Aliens Creek Baptist Church The Kev. 'ihomas fcruin. Pastor Uiiday, heiitember 11 iunda;. School 9:ao a in l.ovve Alien, superintendent . .Morning Service. 1 1 a ni. is T I 7:00 p in Haul J uglier, liorecioi Tuesday, September 13 tiayei meeting. 7:30 pin Wednesday. September 11 Junior and Intermediate (1 A ' v, in meet al a place to hi an i.oi.in ed i cliage Praer iiieelliin. 7 '.ill i n. place to he aiiBuuticeii. Vhimday, September 15 Y V A. meeting al the hoine nl Mi Uoioth Medt'ord at 7 pin. M,r LoWt .Mien, counsellor. Hazel wood Methodist Church The Rev. M. B. Lee. Pastor Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m. The tlicme for the morning message Vvill be "Follow Me". Youth Fellowship 6:3(1 p in . Evening Worship 7:30. Fellow ship in song and the meditation Wili be on the "Life of Gideon". Mid-Week Services Tuesday evening 7:30 Prayer Meeling in the Ninevah commun ity al the home of Mr. and Mrs John Smiley. Wednesday evening 7:30 Prayer service at the church. Hazelvvood Baptist Church Rev. M. L. Lewis. Pastor Jarvis Brock. Educational Direc tor Sunday School 9:45. Frank Un derwood Superintendent Worship Service 11:00 Message by Minister Training Union 7:00 Sunday evening Evening Worship 8:00 Mid-Week Prayer Services Wednesday evening 7:30 Teacher Meeting Wednesday evening 8:15. Dellwoad Methodist Circuit J. E. B. HoliMT. Pastor The pastor will fill his regular appointments at Maple Grove at 10 o'clock and at Maggie at 11 o'clock, using as a theme at both Churches: "Essentials in Repent ance Conviction of and Sorrow for gin, and Restitution". The Service; af-Deliwood at 11 otlock will be in charge of a guest speaker. "The Functioning ol the Woman's Society of Christian Service." FOR SALE The Claude Francis Farm in Ratcliffe Cove. 2l2 MUes from Main Street. Farm Con sists of 75 Acres Good Ground, 1 Modern Dwelling House, 1 Tenant House, 1 Large and 2 Small Cattle Barns 910 Acre Tobacco Allotment. All Modern Conven iences. Qne of the Best Small Farms in This Area. SEE OWNER ON FARM OR WRITE C. T.FRANCIS Route 1 . Waynesville, N. C. Bethel Church Names Officials For New Year Officials were elected for the new church ear at the recent Quarur ly conference of the Bethel Meth odist Church. Dr. C. N. Clark, superintendent lor i he 'a nes ille district, pre sided at the session when the fol low ing wcrw named: Stewards; Hugh Frady. Gudger Win ley. James Edwards. L. M. Shcn ill Juhii 1'less. Fred Long, M. C i. D;ivnl Edwards. C. C. Sell. lilt. Hoard ol Educalioii. J. L. Wurley, Mis a K .Moore. Joy Osborne, Mis 11 K Terrell. Mrs. Turner Vance. Mis Welch Singleton, John IteiiH nar. l.elio) West. Mrs. Roy Aim gan. Mrs () Kelly. '1 1 u- lee-, J a ill e s Edwards, Cli.nl.- O-hoine. Hoy Morgan. All-. 1.' holes Catliey. LeHoy West. V. It h Siuglt I. l,a,ie. . Hugh K. K Evans. Terrell. Christian Science Service ' Sub lit e will he the subject iimiiii at the C'hris eiMie mi Sunday. I. the I.- -(Ill-I .all Sen lice S. J.temln I I 1 . (I'oltleii Tt M 1 Corinthians 2:9. H Ee hath not seen, nor ear le aril neither have entered into the heart i 1 man. the things which C.'o(i hath prepared for them thai love 1 1 1 1 1 ) . Bui Cod hath revealed them until us by His Spirit. " The seiwic will he held on the simnil Ihini nl Hit Masonic Temple at 1 1 am. j Woodland Baptist ! Church ! The Rev. M. C. Hyatt. Pastor !Sept. 11 9:4.5 a.m. -Sunday School. Vardy Fugate. superintendent, j II a.m. Worship Service, the ; pastor bringing the message. 7 pm -Training Union. Alfred tad(lis. director. H p in,-- Sermon by the pastor. WEEK OK MISSION STUDY: Ev er', t vening at 7 p.m. Monday -The Kev. R. I.. Broth- Tuesday -The Rev. R. Wednesday The Kev. sen Thursday --The Rev. inagaio. , Friday Dr. Frank P F Fowler. J. E. Pear Frank Mi- Lyde. Grace Church in the Mountains EPISCOPAL The Rev. Edgar H. Goold, Rector Sept. 11 'I iin teeiith Sunday after Trinity '.)A7i a.m. -Church School. 11:00 a.m. Morning prayer and ' el intill. Waynesville Presby terian Church the Rev. M. R. Williamson, Pastor Wliiteiier Prevost, Superintend ent of Sunday School. Sunday School at 10:00 o'clock. Morning Worship 11:00 o'clock. ! Seiinoii Subject: "A Tragic An i nounct nit nl '. I Speiial music by the church Itho.t under the direction of Mrs. 1.1. L. Kilpalrick with Miss Bette I llahnah at the organ. The call to j worship and responses feature the ; Cathedral Chimes, ! Pioneer and Youth Fellowship I groups meet at 7:00 p.m. (The (folic tt (Eexl 1 ?"f"5l es -.i 1. . , , ' ft.i"k I IL M , V- , if 1 t X & I 1 .1 I ? 1 SMI iff n 4f.iiii"jKf i ' p-fj , IT II ill J Jesus and the multitude ol people. 'Seek ye Jehovah and His strength; Seek Hit face evermore." Psalm 105:4. First Baptist Church WAYNESV1LLE Rev. L. G. Elliott, Pastor SUNDAY Sunday School al 0:45 The a place and a welcome for llin :if all ages. Morning Worship al 11.0(1. Ser mon by the pastor: "The Achieve- me-nt of Failure:' Scripture Head ing Micah 7:8-10. Special music by the Senior Choir. This service will be broadcast over WUCC. Training Union al 6:45. j Evening Worship at 8:00. Sermon by the pastor: "Moral Purity:" Scripture Reading Mattlvw 5:27 MONDAV Officers and Teachers meet at 7:00 for their regular supper busi ness meeting. Mrs. .1. P. Dit us wili ; be in charge of the devotional. The emphasis will be on Stale Missions. The motion picture "No Greater Power" will be shown. The Business, Woman's Circle dviil. meet with Barbara Hale at 7:30. TUESPAY Circles of the WMS will meet al 8:00 as follows: Lottie Moon Circle with Mrs. Douglas Moore. Ann Hasseltine Jud.son Circle with Mrs. R. X. Barber: Mrs. Will Ray. associate. Fannie E. S. Heck Circle with Mrs Joe Liner. Henrietta Hall Shuck Circle yilh Mrs. Zack .Massey. Eliza Yales Circle with Mrs. Joe Edwards. WEDNESDAY Youth Choir meets for rehearsal at 7:00. Regular Midweek Prayer Meel ing at 8:00. with emphasis on Slate Missions. Senior Choir rehearsal at f! 4.1 TUUBSDAY Sunbeams and Jr. Girls Auxilia ry will meet at the church at :j :j(l WMS meeting for prayer for State Missions at 8:00; Mrs. Harry Sullivan in charge. FRIDAY , 4 Intermediate Girl's Auxilliarv meets at 3:30. WMS Week of Prayer meeling for state Missions-:. .Mrs. Henrv Dav is in charge. Free Methodist Chapel 110 Boundary Street Waynesville Rev. Charlotte Bishop and Rev. Ruth Gruher, Co-pastors Sujiday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Evangelistic Service 7:30 p.m. Rev. G. W. Gaines of Allanl.i Ga.. will bring the morning mes sage, opening a two weeks- revival at the Chapel, which closes Sun day ni&ht. September 25. Rev. Gaines wil preach each nighl at : 7:30 come and enjoy tlics lull- gospel services. There will he good : singing and special music each i night under (he direction of Miss : Mary Linda Jeffries. ! "I was glad when they said unlo ! me, Let . go into the house of the Lord. C feet shall stand within ' tny gales, O Jerusalem."- Psalms, 122:1 & 2. Lake Junaluska Baptist Church The Rev. O. J. Beck, Pastor Sunday 10 a. m. Sunday School, D. R. Riley, genera superintendent. 11 a. m. Preaching services on the first and third Sundays. 7 p.m. Training Union, with Mrs. Carey McCracken as Training Union director. 7:30 p.m. Preaching services on the lecood and fourth Sundays Wednesday 8 p. m. ftfld-week prayer serv ices. " 4i . " isiii ' Christ The King Film To Be Shown Friday The full-length religious sound film. "Christ The King," will be shew n at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at St. Johns campus on Miller Street " In I lie U, y- Palrirk- Wnlsli nl I S Columbia. In case of rain, the film will be shown in St. John's Church , There will be a special matinee for school children at 2 d.iii. to- morrow in the school auditorium. A seven-event outdoor track meet, featured by a mile race with I too competitors, will be offered j Jan. 1 as part of the Sugar Bowl sports carnival. Jesus Quoted From the Psalms THE LORD FOUND STRENGTH IN SCRIPTURES Scripture Psalms 8:2; 22.1. 16 118:22-23; Waff. 21:15-16, 38 Bv NEWMAN CAMPBELL HOW MANY millions of peo ple in the world rely upon our Bible as a source of strength in their problems and griefs? That is one reason we are given these lessons from the Psalms. They are not only beautiful as litera ture, but the words we read now in Sunday school will come back in some of our dark hours and comfort us. Also, - in our joyous hours, when we are contemplating the glories of nature, we will quote from the Psalms: "How marvel ous are Thy words through all the earth." And again: "The heavens declare the glory of the Lord, and the firmament showeth His handiwork.' Jesus knew the scriptures by heart. He amazed the high priests by His knowledge of the law, and they were often abashed when He said to them, "Read ye not in the scriptures" ? quoting to' them who were supposed to be experts on Hebrew law what Was so familiar to Him. Today's lesson shows how the M EMORY VERSE "--' ye Jehovah and His strength; Seek His face evermore. Psalm 105:4. Lord Jesus quoted Psalms in His teachings to the people, and how He relied on them drawing strength from the words of the prophets and seers of old. When Jesus rode in triumph in to Jerusalem, the children in the temple shouted "Hosannas to the son of David," which annoyed the elders of the church. They said to Him, "Hearcst Thou what these are saying"? Jesus an swered them from Psalm 8:2, 'Yea, He said, did ye never read. Out of the mouth of babes and suckling hast thou perfec ted praise?" Jesus always presented Jeho vah to the people as a just but loving father. From Psalm 103:8, we quote: "Jehovah is merciful and gracious. Slow to anger, and abundant in loving kindness. He will not always chide; neither will He keep His anger forever. He hath not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us af ter our iniquities, for, as the heavens arc high above the earth, o great is his loving- kindness to ward them that fear Him." "Like as a father pitieth his children, so Jehovah pitieth them that ear Him. BtMd on copyrighted outlinM pro4u"4 State Catholic Action Director Says Zealous Laymen Needed Approximately 90 members and guests of the St. John's Catholic Laymen's Association heard the Rev. Francis McCarthy of Raleigh say there is an urgent need lor active, zealous Catholic laymen in North Carolina. Father McCarthy is director of Catholic Action for the North Car olina diocese. He addressed the audience at the St. John's School auditorium dur ing the St. John's unit's first din ner meeting. During the session also, Airs. Douglas Grant, the dinner chair man, welcomed all the European displaced persons who have found haven in the United Slate Attending the dinner were 10 ol them who have settled in the Waynesville area with the aid of the Catholic Church here. Victor Kadane. Chechoslovakian combat pilot who holds decora- i tions tor his service during World War II, responded in English, say ing: "Perhaps we did not find the streets of America paved with gold, as it was once believed. "But we did find gold in the hearts of Americans." His reply was translated on the spot into Polish. Kadane fled to the United I States after the Communitsts i seized power in his home country. : He is driving the St. John's School i bus. Other speakers included James i Hurley of Canton, president of the 1 St. John's unit of the Lay men's Association; Mrs. Francis .7. Mc Mahon of Asheville. president of the state association; Bernard Ker rey, president of the Asheville unit; and the Rev. Ambrose Rohr bacher, pastor of St. John's Cath olic Church and .superintendent of St. John's School. Miss Gertrude Flanagan of Cher- . ... " I (lKee was general director lor ine dinner, assisted by Mrs. Raymond; 1Iarl Mrs- Charles Miller, Mrs. paiaon unaerwooa. Mrs. itaymonct C. Lane of Lake Junaluska. and the Misses Anne Kramer, Grace I aim rNancy ruriauo, Liortiuiy iviar- itel, Ann Mormino, and Reta Grant, all of St. John's School. Raymond Hart served as treas urer of the dinner, and Mr. and - 18; 91:9-12; 103 8-13; 110:1; - 42; 22 41-45; Luke 24:44. In Psalm 118.23-23, we read: "The stone which the builders re jected is become the head of the corner. This is Jehovah's doing; It is marvelous in our eyes." Jesus quoted this in telling the story of the man, who leased his vineyard to husbandmen who, when the harvest was due, killed the man's servants whom he sent to collect, and even slew his son. "Did ye never read in the scrip tures," He asked, quoting the above ? "The corner-stone binding the walls together was a most im portant part of the structure. A large and strong stone was need ed for the purpose. It is men tioned along with the foundation of which it formed a part, and so possibly the meaning here is the chief corner-stone' of the foundation. But the 'head of the corner' is more naturally ex plained to be the top-stone, not only bounding the walls together, but completing the building." We quote this to make the meaning of the expression clear The Jewish authorities rejec- ted Christ, but truly He has be come the "Head-stone" of the Christian faith. When our Lord was suffering on the cross, He used the words of David, in Psalm 22: Feeling friendless and alone in His agony. He cried : "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me!" In verses 16-18 we read David's word, which he also uttered in agony although his was suffer ing of the mind, not bodily pain: "For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture." On the occasion of Jesus' last meeting with His disciples, He re ferred to the things He had told them when He was on the earth, of the prophecies .in Moses, the prophets, and in the psalms, which, He said, "must be ful filled." They were. This lesson may be rather diffi cult to teach to young children. The building of a temple or other edifice could be explained and il lustrated, in quoting the story of the wicked servants. by Hit Inurnauonal Couccll of Ri.iia.j Bethel Methodist Church The Rev. Clyde L. Collins, Minister Sunday, September 10 a.m. Sunday School, J, L. U'orley, Superintendent. 11 a.m. Morning VVorsUip. 7 p.m. tlbiUst y'outb tJJ,ow ship. We are begging a sty.d,v of Hie cWU'iejit de.oowiwaUns. Xliis Sunday is a stdy of tie Baptist i Church. Va.tsy M,crael(.en is in charge of the program. ; H;ed,e4ay, utiber J,4 I 7 n m r'lwiin Pi u.ll..u i Thursday. September 15 I I'.lll. yuwil, I. JjHM, . 7 p.m. , Meeting of the New Church Board at the Cburch. f riday, Sepe,m,ber .-li The Young Adult Class Social: The losing teams will etUer'aiii the winning team. The Methodist Youth Fellowship Social; A hayritJe wiener roast at Lake Logan. Seventh Pay Advent Tabernacle 106 Beech St. Uaaiclwood Evangelist, Kneclit, Pastor -Saturday 9:45 a. m. Sabbath School, Clyde Morgan, Superintendent. Lesson Topic: "The Seven Seals." 11 a. m. Worship Service, pas tor in charge. Church 01 God HAZELWOOD The Rev. Hugh J. Cox, Pastor Sunday School, 10 a. m. Preaching Services, 11 a. m. Evangelistic Services, 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., Young People's meeting. The Sugar Bowl sports carnival will offer a tennis tourney, Dec. 28-30 with 16 top amateurs com peting. Mrs. William H. Sanderson as hos pitality chairman. Amcng the audience were visi tors from the St. John's Church missions at Fontana Franklin, Sylva. Cherokee, Canton, and Bry son City. ipiFsra Monday Night - No Meeting-Rest Ni When There Is Sifence In Heaven For One-H Read Rev. 8:1. Then Come. WEDNESDAY NIGHT On Earth Peace And Good Will Towards Th. 11.,. i., THURSDAY NIGHT When One Milhpr Dollars Will Not Be Worth A Cent Bible Proof A Great Truth FRIDAY NIGHT lust Qije Word Out Of Three, For Eternity Hear SATURDAY NIGHT The Three Biggest Cheats Named and Expos"! M Welcome - For Hazelvvood rVsl,Yttl.;,n nurch The Rev. Paul VJllt.rs Minister "n the heart , lt.hu won iiazelv.iHHl aunday School Davis, SupennleiHlem inorning Strvitt 3rd am! 4th Siiii,;, Vuuth Fellow,,,, All.Hi P.m. 'Supper ul ci:i,u , livening Wui-hip & Slh Sunday; tin uum, st ' '" : Every Sunday lliiuu". i'u, "T' dtter October I " tu'"1"' M,id-Week Bible ViUit d,ay 7:30 p.m. k.du V..U ,,. . . '""I. . -. sonnet.! Sj , I. I,,,,, J "A Sabbath well ,eia Brings a v,eel. t , ulll( u na Health I or Hi row: Hut a Sabbath pnu Whatever be 'jaini d. i a sui e iurei "' he Goodnt ol n om use '.Liujet t ol (i,. I ."ay ew-uni;!, ll'salm 107. j Our Sunday school I need ol 18 additional week tor threi ,(lt 'II. 4B mi ... j I I I,...., ..lJ III , ,, 'ei'l ' .Hi! 1 ... .f 11 ;"" i..,y5 ''"la.- .Mil 71 III 1 I I ,,,:.'l ..t i, .. :ul illii.ei ..I .. . .. . 1 '.::'' linn, ' -l,;v u III "i'!- ' ;, !, I "' iHpt(. I k u llie ;,. ""'I'liurt-I, J tendance ol be t Snnda reach its toal ,,i i 11 "I di I I,,!'"1 '- :i,btrs uay. sjcplember 25. Il attending, join n Su y uu hot Our Young P, ople a:,- , xpeelim. Miss Beryl Robert. : .V.u(? who is president ol tK. v,lu,h h lowship of Asheville I'lvslnti-n to visit our Fellowship meet,,,: Sunday evening. I,,!,, v .11-1.1 vim ue served al ti nelmk oung people are urged In illu.j The Men ol the C , li y,i!l iiic-ii inoniniy sll);iei the church Tuesdny o'clock. llleitnm ; evening, 7 Richland Baptist Church U "'"-s6!n' The Rev. Ben Cooke. Pastor Sept. 11 10 a.m. Sunday Sclinn!, ujlli George Milner. siiiierintemleiit. 7:30 p.m. - Worship. Wednesday, Sept. 1 1 7:. 'SO p.m.--Prayer meeting Thursday. Sept. 15 The Rev. Walter Znd;i uill speak. Friday evening -The Hey, Hor ace L. Smith will bring the lin.,1 Villi'. message of Mi-ion Kniphas, Week. Y SPE AT The Big Tor Sept. 11 MIIIIUUI BWIjlla I, Topic The Unpardonal Only a Few Men in (lie U'mltl Know 1 Will He bVlievuiS iiij-, TUESDAY NIGHT m:,i, ivi.i M The Word 5'Ml'. This Word H.J "H. II I "mil ll,t v ! 1 ( 'aUirl , JiU:i( ( : ..... 1 1- J 'I. tl,,-.1 ttrtl i ... , m Uiilh j"":"l,r,sJ ""U'-I.l PfcJ III ll,tJ the! Guia u JIVi. J ''' -yi Purl- -sui.iia'. wi'Miari) i '' t-onlerto " v imaorlan '" epare fir September 2 . Ulw rtkti ! St-nii,,- choir rillll-n viiuil CI Tht En. Sunday. 9.3) grain over Staii HI a. m Sii 1 a m, Pre 7.31) ) ri, J ni-iinniiay l Wayi-r inetliM QtH rrr

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