Jgj THE IVAYNESVILtE MOUInTAINEEK , 'ff f!'i ' .1 .; ', ' Hr j i ' i ,1 i II ''1 t t 'J v. :U 'f 4 v 1 OF INTEREST TO WOMEN SOCIETY and CLUB ACTIVITIES MRS. BEN SLOAN, Society Editor Office Phone 700- -Home Phone 462-J Beaverdam Club Meets With Mrs. Tom Hipps An all-day meeting of the Beaver dam Home Deiiioii-ti -at ion Club was held Tue-day at ttie home of Mrs. Tom Hipn . . Mrs. Lloyd Paiham. president. : presided dining the bii?iiit'; hour' --j m. r r wii.-.-.n n j vil- I dllU lll. I.. ..... ...i ...... . coined a; a new member. Miss Maiv Coiiiweli. home agent, conducted a work-hop on Convert ing Oil Lamp- into EleLtiio Lamp-. The program .d o liuluded re- ports of projttt leader- Mis. T G : Murray, home eaideir leader, dis cussed tiie iiiltmv ut Chuie-f c ab bage and Mr- h i n- I Jiinison Poultn le-adrr cli i u -ed th.j Hill ing of home rloi K Mi llr-y Don-, aldson, tood pit trv.ition leader, gave rei ip. -- iii iii..hn.r. pn kl-s. Fall fashion tn-inl. t-ie outlined by Mrs. Turn Hipp-'. iloHum; lead er, and Mi-, i'.iul Kiibiii-iiii. home beautihcalioii. ":ivv an illu Haled talk on niethoi!- ol i -lini-hint; lur niture The O tol,vr iik i-ling of the club will bi- lnh! .il thi- huiui ot Mis. S 1 1 1-1 ' i ill JiuiiMin " i Beta Sigma Phi j To Have Meeting j The regular nieetiiiK of the Beta! SiMma Phi uront will be held at, the llawood ( "uii'ily Court House.' Tlitu-d.iv nitfht. September ii. at1 7.:il u "cluck. Mrs. Herbert Braron ' will pi'l'-Ule. i Information, Please The society editor of The Mountaineer is' anxious to get a complete list of all Haywood students that are going away to school this year. The following information is desired. Please send it in today: Student's Name School or College Enrolled in the Parent's Name Class Parent's Address FILL IN AND MAIL TODAY. THANKS. I i . J Mrs. Medford Is Hostess For Home Club Mrs. Ernest Medford was host ess lor the September nieeliiiK ol the Aliens Creek Himie Deiiioii.--tiation Club which was held Wed nesday afternoon with Mrs. Hiram McCracken presiding. A demonstration on Ways to Pre pare Apples was given by Miss Mary Cornwell. home demonstra tion agent. A social hour followed the meet ing and Mrs. Elbert Mills and Mrs. Millard Mills were welcomed as new members. Plans were made for I he October meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. McCracken. Girl Scout Council Will Meet Tuesday The llazelwood-Waynesvillo Girl Scout Council will meet at the Girl Seoul Hut next Tuesday night at 7 :iu o'clock to discuss plans for I the Seoul work for the coining year. All hoop leaders, co-leaders, j troop committee members, and member1- of the executive board ol the council are asked to attend the meeting. Mrs W. II. Dameron of Warren ton and her son. W. II. Dameron, Jr.. of Boone, will arrive Sunday for a visit to the former's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. David Hyatt. Lovely New Fall Cottons at lay's Styles, Types and Patterns To Appeal To Every One O Junior Sizes 0 Regular Sizes O Half Sizes O Extra Large Sizes 9 to 52 Nationally Known Brands O Kitty Fisher O Jackie Hill O Jane Clay O Dorna Gordon . O Janet Walker Most Of These Dresses Are Made From The Famous QUADRIGA 80-Square Cloth In Lovely Patterns. f GucranlMd by -U ! w i . "V VNE' " V .'Sri l&y?T V If ' 6 Groups priced at $1-95, $2-95, $3-95 & $5-95 You Will Find These Dresses To Be Of Very Exceptional Value And They Are High Styles Which Will Give You A Very Dressy Feeling. We Recommend Them Most Highly ,7 C.A.R. Society Meets With Mrs. Howell The Joseph Howell Society of the Children of the American Revolu tion met Wednesday afternoon at Windover, the home of Mrs. James Harden Howell, senior president Of the group. Before the business hour, flags were advanced by Mary Barber and Carey Howell, the C.A.R; creed was led by Linda Sloan, and the group sang the C A R. tong accompanied by AWen Hart. Officers for the past year made reports and new officers were elected as follows: junior presi dent, Linda Sloan; secretary, Lane Prevost; chaplain, Stanford Massie; treasurer, Harriet Gibson; and legistiar, Betty Barber. Appointed to serve on the program commit tee were Lane Prevost, Linda Sloan, Harriet Gibson, Betty Bar ber, and Stanford Massie. Harriet Gibson was elected to serve as page for the district meet ing of the Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution which will be held here on September 27. Additional pages will be Lane Prevost and Linda Sloan. The members expressed good wishes to Allen Hart, who is leav ing soon to enter the freshman class at Meredith College, The next meeting of the society will be held at the home of Linda Sloan with Lane Prevost in charge of the program. Betty Barber will assist with the program and Stan ford Massie will be in charge of music. t Mrs. Eller Is Hostess Of Luncheon Today Mrs. Edith C. Eller of Bradenton, Fla. who is spending some time at Mount Valley Inn on the Soco Gap Road, entertained at a lunch eon at the Inn today. Guests were seated at one long table which was centered with an arrangement of fall flowers in shades of yellow and bronze. Following luncheon two tables were aranged for bridge and one table for canasta. Prizes were pre sented after the games to the holders of high and second high scores. The gue.its were Mrs. Eric Clau son, Mrs. William Ray, Mrs. Nora Swift Atkins, Mrs. Jonathan Woody, Mrs. J. M. Long, Mrs. Stoker of Clearwater, Fla., Mrs. Paul Cochran of Tampa, Mrs. R. L. Prevost, Mrs. G. M. Kimball, and Miss Lou Elva Eller. Students Are Honored At Church Supper A special meeting of the Youth Fellowship Group of the First Pres byterian Church was held at thp Church Sunday night in the form of a back-to-school supper honor ing college and high school stu dents of the church. The guests were seated at a II- shaped table which Was centered with mixed arrangements of flow- eis in pastel shades. Miss Coretta Henson. president of the Youth Fellowship, presided. Hallett Ward, Jr., gave an inter esting report of his recent 15,000 mile trip to Alaska, and the col lege students were introduced. The supper was prepared and served by members of the commit tee of Religious Education of the Women of the Church, of which Mrs. George Craig is chairman. Others assisting were Mrs. M. G. Mamey, Mrs. Hallett Ward, Mrs. L. Roy Callahan, Mrs. John Ste phens, Miss Nancy Killian, and miss l.ois Harrold. Bob Campbell, asski.mt hn director in the Waynesville High ocnooi. was a special guest. Reuben Moody Family To Have Reunion Jnp annus mnn Un e . l Reuben Moody Family will be held i nouie oi Mrs. Martha Plott on nil' wn Cm WnaA c. . ouuuay September 11 All members of the family and ".n.u.- aie invnea to bring a pic nic basket and attend the meeting Woman's Society To Meet Tues. The Woman's Soeietv of rh-i. tian Service of the First Methodist Church will meet at the Boyd mciiiunai unapei, Tuesday Sep tember 13, at 3.30 D m Mrs. P. E. Bingham of Fines reen win De guest speaker for the afternoon and Mrs. Bonner Rav fill 1 J J will fiCTMUC. D.A.R. To Have First Meeting The Dorcas Bell Lov. Chant.r of the Daughters of the American revolution will hold its initial fall meetine at the home nf Vn nirn Marshall, Friday afternoon, at 3:30 Personal Mention "Mrs. O. M. Merry of Fairmont, Minnesota and her brother, Byron Barr of Hollywood, California are spending this week with then father, John E. Barr, and Mrs. Barr. f I i m.. n; I Miss Mary uuernsey aim McGee left Tuesday fo Orlando Florida where they will spend the winter. Dr. and Mrs. Joe Way and young son, Joe. IV, left Tuesday for then home in Richmond after a visit to Dr. Way's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Way, Jr. Miss Alida Ann Collins, who has spent the summer with her grandmother, Mrs. J. F. Cabe, left this week for her home in Washing ton, D. C. Ann Worthington, who has been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Craig, has returned to her home in Asheville. Roy Martin, who is stationed at Robbins Field, Wanier-Robbiii .:. Ga., joined Mrs. Martin Sunday for a week's visit at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rogers ami Mrs. E. G. Cathey of Clyde will spend the week-end in Slaumor. Va visitinp Mrs. Ida Doh.iui. i'liey will be accompanied bv Mr. a Mrs. Hilliard Luther of Ashevil'e. Mr. Rogers and Mrs. Calluy are brother and sister of Mrs. Dot-.oii. Miss Elise Del.ozier. who has been spending a vacation with rel atives in Asheville. returned Tins day. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hopkins of Atlanta and Mr. and Mrs. Char lie Harbin of Decalur, Ga.. were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fields. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hulchiu-son have returned to I lo ir home in Hampton, Va., after a visit to Mrs. Murray's mother and .sister, Mrs. W. L. McCracken and Miss Eliza beth McCracken. Miss Brendle Elected Girl Scout President Patricia Brendle was elected president of the Scarlet Pimpernel Girl Scout Troop 7 last Tuesday. The elections were held at the Scout Hut at the troop's first meet ing since last May. The Scouts are under the lead ership of Mrs. Rankin Ferguson. Suzanne Curry was elected vice president; Charlatte Brown, secre tary; and Juanita Kelly, treasurer. MRS. GWYN ATTENDS LIBRARY MEETING Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn, vho was recently appointed by Governor Scott to the North Carolina Library Commission, attended a meeting of the commission which was held at the State Library in Raleigh on Monday. Miss Mary Cornwell left today for her former home in Trusdale County, Tenn., to spend a vacation with relatives. Mrs. Johnson Hill left Wednes day night for her home in Flor ence, S. C. after a visit to her niece, Mrs. Harry Lee Liner, Jr., and Mr. Liner. Donald Rhea, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Rhea of Hazelwood, will leave Monday for Milledgevllle, Ga., where he will attend Georgia Military College. . sHrlfer Jim. Vrli US;-? Illodern sterling 9 III willi an air of re- jf j n charming f 1 :1 W V " Corliam Lyric. f f f j nil i Mart your place- J 'f IS; Xi) -filing, today... A. 3 'ill a match and add as f f rtip-iied. t ' J 'I "l SJ sisnilicanl style squirrel-collared cosmopolitan ;n a luvs - As Seen on the Cover of CHIRM Exclusive with us r---r tSSS" E. J. LILIUS lf(i(0 JEWELER lit yrmam,mn nl I ' TO COMPLETE YOUR C0.11BGB-B01IJD WARDROBE Air StepVsmartest collection of school shoes' datable, walkable campus fashions N to complement your tweeds and Tartan plaids, your soft woolens ai.d slummering silks,' S7.95 to $9.95 O CIOCK. Mrs. J. W. Killlaa will pmid