V 'A 0 11- ' 1 " ' PAGE FOUR THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER SET FOR 'MISS AMERICA' PAGEANT OF INTEREST TO WOMEN SQCIETY and CLUB ACTIVITIES MRS BEN SLOAN, Society Editor Office Phone 700 Home Phone 4C2-J Mrs. French Davis Heislcr-Inman Is Hostess Of Home Club Mi I" n m h I);ivi was hostess for 1 hi- September mectinc of the Iroii Hi'tV Heme IVmon-Urallon Club which wa- held Knday after noon. Mr Fannie D.ivi-. pn sidenl . presided. A demolish Mtion en Dillerent Ways lo Prepare ppies, was pc vn hv Miss I'h ,. IVI.ohT. a-sist-a tit home a ;ent alrr reports included nl Funds ami Nutn f'ainiic lVivi-, Honii' In Mrs V K Cham- .lack Marriage Is Announced on 1 iinian of d the mar- Mis shr. of ; Viet a son of Cedar Propel 'e a disi'tissioti lion, hy Mr Manafcenu nl hers; and I'iniluir: hy Mr Long. A social hour ins. toilowcd the meet- Want ds hi in.; muck i: EXPERIENCE SAVES COSTS! The trained, registered pharmacist can save you money. He knows that new live quality pharmacals, from reliable companies, mean faster recovery for his ailing patient. DEPEND ON IS . . . YOUR DOCTOR DOES Your AValgreen Agency CURTIS DRUG STORE ifaome Owned & Operated Phone 32 Mr and Mrs Ander Hctlicl have aiiiiounc riaue ot their dauehtc Ionian lo Mali hew Hi Mrs Sallv Hci-lcr Spruits. Mich. The icrcn.om look place in the I'.cthcl li.iplisi Church. Thursr'ay evi'iiiim, u'-:iis J.V v 1 1 1 i the Iiev. Calvin liissell pi onouncini; the o s The hndc as .Ptirid in a hlue -nil uirh while at ces-nries and she .arned a while Bible, lopped wi'h a cors.iL'e of whi'e roses. Mis lift t .lean lkirress was maid ol honor . : i I wore a tan suit .with a cors,ii:( oi while roses. l,iid Franks, uncle oi the bride, served as best man and ushers ii. brother of the li ppard. ei oniony a reeep- tbe home of Mr. wen Wade Inn hi ido. and Ma Kol Nov me I he !loii uas held n and Mrs and aunl The hr el Ill ness ( I Col I'll Wrrdit. of the bridegroom, le is a graduate of School an, I Wanton's Mr- lb i-lcr will i' Spi in;:s. uncle IJeth- Ils- 111, ike Mich. Mrs. Marshall Is Hostess Of D.A.R. Meeting the ihe Joint Hosts Entertain With Hayride-Dance Eliahclh Watkins anl rnlcrt, dned jointly al a .leff hav- Mi Iteece ride and dance Friday ni'lit. They were assisted by their parents Mr. and Mrs. Dan Watkins and Mr. and Mrs. C .1. Kcoco. The pilosis assembled at the Wat kins residence and rode to the Hcecc's camp on Pitenit where l hey danced and played ames. HefreslinieiPs were also served at the camp. The cuesl list included Miss i Uine Prcvosl, Miss Laura Woody.) Miss Linda Sloan. Miss Sally Stov-, all. Miss .Julia Ann Stovall. Miss ! Alleen Williams. Miss Joan Rat clifT. Miss Cat lloed. Miss Nancy i Francis. Miss Ann Coman Craw ford, Jimmy Swift. Robert Massie. ! Carl Muiub . Kohert Stretcher. Donald Coudill. Don Calhoun,! Charles f,".sor. Miles Stanley.! Charles Alloy. W ilhiirn Davis, Stan- i ford Massie. Daje ltatcliffe-.' and) George Dewey Stovall. The initial fall meeting of Dorcas Bell Love Chapter of Daughters of the American Revo lution was held at the home of Mrs. Harry Marshall Friday after noon. Mrs. J. W. Killian. regent, pre- , sided and reports were given b officers and committee chairmen. Two scrap books, compiled by , the late Mrs. Mary Love String-1 field Wulhern. founder of the Dor cas Bell Love Chapter and first elected State Repent, were pre sented to the chapter by Mrs W'ulbern's sister. Miss Margaret Slringficld. The books, which con tain clippings and minutes of the lirst meetings of local, state, and national D. A. R. groups as well as many fads of lasting interest to chapter members, were given l. Mrs. Wulhern's son. Caistou Uu1 bern of Charleston, SC. They will he placed in the D. A 1! Files at the Haywood County Library Miss Stringlield also presented to the chapter a copy of one of her original compositions. The Cornelia Waltz, which was dedicated lo Mrs Cornelia Fairbanks, president-general of the I). A. It. at the lime Mrs. Wulbern served as state re gent. Mrs. Quinlan. a charier member of the chapter who winked with Mrs. Wulbern in its orgamal ion. accepted the gifts on behalf of i he chapter and expressed appreciation to Miss Stringfield and Mr. Wul bern. Mrs J II. Henderson of Canton, historian of the chapter, told of a recent visit to Valley Forge and the" Memorial Bell Tower. Mrs. James H. Howell. Sr.. chair man of Indian work, reported that 100 magazines had been sent to Ihe Cherokee Indian School, and the chapter voted to send its usual contribution to the scholarship fund for the school. Mrs. Howell as senior president of the C. A. R. society Also reported on the first fall meeting of that group. Mrs. ported and a su m mer J. M. Long, treasurer, re receipts from a food sale flag sale held during the and Miss Ida Penny. IN ATLANTIC CITY, New Jersey, lo compete for the coveted title of "Miss America," these four contestants are shown in the bathing suits they'll wear during the competition. They are (1. to r.): Wanda Nalepa, Buffalo, "Miss New York State"; Betty Jane Crowley. Egg Harbor, "Miss Now Jersey"; Loreen Osgood, "Miss New York City", and Miriam Lapayow- (intcrnaiionoi aouiiujjimm; Miss Rogers Is New President Of Tally-Ho Club Members of I lie Tally-Ho Club of Waynosville Township High School elected Mary Jane Rogers their president at their first meet ing of the new school year last Wednesday. Miss Rogers succeeds Margaret Reeee. who presided over Hie initial session. Molly Noland was elected vice president; Lillian Knox Medford. secretary; and Ann Rector, histori an. Discussion over Hie acceptance of new members occupied Ihc ma jor portion of the business session. Faculty advisor of the club is Miss Alma Jackson of the school's English department. the . O. the the ' Sue Owen: man class at 1 week. : will enter the fresh Mars Hill College this WAYNESVILLE LODGE No. 176!) B P O E Meets Second and Fourth Tucsd At 8 P. M. All Visiting Elks Welcome MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING ki;A:j ff WITH ANY NEW AUTOMATIC Supsrfame ly l" ''4, ,L HEATER r FLOOR FURNACE i!Sy e i-- (SEUING fOR OVt $3 9.93) -J- l l A BONUS GIFT FOR ft l-pk M RUYINO EARLY IN SEASON TbV"j - . . i , j chairman of approved schools, an- , i nounced that two boxes of cloth-i ling, valued at $35.00. had been sent to Crossnore School. I The chapter voted ' to send a j $50.00 scholarship to Crossnore. J Mrs. S. H. Bushnell, parliamen- '. tarian, gave excerpts from a let ' ter from the state parliamentarian, j and Mrs. Killian announced that a j Flag Day program, sponsored by, the chapter over Radio Station WHCC. had been presented hy 1 Mrs. W. A. Hyatt. Committees were appointed for the district I). A. R. meeting which will be held here at the First Presbyterian Church on Tues day. September 27. with Dorcas Bell Love Chapter as hostess, j A social hour followed the meet ing at which time the hostess was : assisted by Miss Margaret llabn j in serving refreshments. Special ' Guests were Mrc. R. H. Mitchell. : Mrs Janie Love Taliaferro, and i Mrs. Marguerite Briggs Ware ol j Washington. D. C, j Ray Rogers, son of Mr. and Mrs. j Frank Rogers .Is a member of the 1 senior class at Mars Hill Junior j College this year. I t Miss Barbara Milncr. daughter j of Mrs. II B. Milner of Hoot. 1 Waynosville, will enter the Iro'-h-j man class at Beiea College this ! week. j Miss Eugenia Boone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boone, is a member of the senior class at Mais Hill Junior College. ker, "Miss Greater Philadelphia." Maggie WSCJS Reorganized At Recent Meeting . The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service of the Maggie Metho dist Church was reorganized at a meeting last Wednesday by the Rev. .'. K IV Houser, pastor of Dellwood Methodist Charge. He was assisted by Mrs. F Diyman and Mrs. Houser at meeting, which was held at church. Mrs. Fred Henry was elected provident of the Society; Mrs. Ilo bail While, vice-president; Mrs. Francos llolston, recording secre tary; Mrs. Albert Siler. treasurer; Mrs William llolston, promotion st ere! ary; Mrs. Glenn Campbell, spiritual lile secretary; Mrs. Crockett Camp bell and Mrs. Bertil Woblgreen, secretary of Christian social rela tions and local church activities; Mrs. Myrtle White, secretary of missionary education and Bible study; Mrs. v. A. Henry, secretary ot v oid Ii and students; Mrs. Grady Henry, secretary ol children; Mrs. Jack Campbell, s'-c-i clary ot supplies and service; Mrs. Ktla Hall, secretary of status of women: and Mrs. Robert Massie. secretary of publicity. It was announced that the offi cers' training day would be held September 2il at 10 a.m. at the Dell wood Methodist Church, and the special program at Maple Grove at ;i p in. September 18. The staled meeting of the So ciety was scheduled for 2 p.m. Wednesday following the second Sunday of each month. Mrs. Moody Heads Dellwood WSCS The Rev. J. E. B. Houser lead the Dellwood Methodist Church in iis reorganization program of the Woman's Society of Christian Serv ice Wednesday. He was assisled ls Mrs. F. O. Dryman. Waynosville District Promotion Secretary, and Mrs. Houser. Afttr devotional end some gen oral discussion officers were elect ed as follows: President. Mrs. Ned Moody: Vice President, Mrs. Sam McCrcary; Sec. -Treasurer, Mrs. Walter Ket ncr; Secretary Spiritual Life, Mrs Frank Henjry; Secretary Christian ! Social Relations and Local Church Activities. Mrs. Grady Moody and Mrs. Fannie Ferguson; Secrelarj Education and Bible Study, Mrs Grady Honcycutt End Mrs. Wilbur Whidden; Seccrtary Youth and Studen's, Mrs. Ned Carver; Secre tary Children. Mrs. Taylor Fergu son; Secretary Supplies and Serv ice, Miss Vesie Parton; Secretary Publicity, Mrs. J. E. B. Houser. 'Ihe day and hour for the Soci ety were set as Wednesday, follow ing the third Sunday of each month, at the church. The reorganized Society asked Mrs. Dryman to hold an officers' liiiining day for the Dellwood. Mag gie, Maple Grove, and Elizabeth Chapel Churches at the Dellwood Churches on Wednesday, Sept. 28. This was scheduled and neighbor ing Societies are invited. After a social hour the meeting adjourned. W.S.C.S. To Meet Tuesday The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service of the First Methodist Church will meet at the Boyd Memorial Chapel Tuesday, at 3:30 p.m. Mrs. Bonner Kay will preside and Mrs. P. E. Bingham of Fines Creek will have charge of the pro gram. Christmas Dance To Be Held December 23 Bela Sigma Phi Snrorily of Waynosville will hold its annual Christmas Dance this year, Decem ber 23, at the Armory. Charlie Spivak and his orchestra will play, Mrs. Bill Norris of the Sorority said today in her announcement. x mub v ;inn s i . j. Uub Meets Tho I.l. . 'ration Club met Tlmr."d"H! noon at the homt. of tu. , a,ir Mrs. France K, . T prnt presided. ""v o 7 ;C Of tl. ins. ltrs i '115 11. . I 'I'll, rlf.vt.l .......I unit-rent ,, ., . :are Apples . . ' ,n Pre-i Aleaiii DeLo,i. ;siUi; agent. " poultry and Mrs Mark I le avc a report clothing tr8US"n -""-'""ceme.u was ma,, , , , enex, meeting of . ' , ...... ""i w J In. '1 hnm. i 'da. 1 c i be held at lh 5"u McCrackcn when a detn S " n Textile Pa i, ,"n"..d m,ns,''ion ,s ;m '"' given. Baptist Circles To Meet Tuesday Circles of the Woman's mL T.V Society of the Fir , uaT Church will meet T,. P"M 3 o'clock as uXl n,K"lat Lottie Moon Circle with Douglas Moore. h Mrs Ann Hasscltine Judson c'i,,, al the home of Mrs. R N R i. Mr, Will Ray as co-no WUh Fannie E. S. Heck Circle', , o home of Mrs. Joc Liner 'W Henrietta Hall Shuck Circl, a, 'he home of Mrs. Zack Maw Eliza Yates Circle at th, h ' "f Mrs. Joe Edwards h"""' TO THE COLLEGE SET The Town & Counlrf Oilers Corduroys, Jerseys, Flannels and W and skirts for classroom and casual e Satins, Velveteens, Crepes and Silks sorority parties and faculty shindigs. Exclusively styled but inexpensively pi FORCED AIR HE UNO SYSTEM NO CHAROEI Amazing new portable SUPERFAN keeps you cool in summer. Gives forced air warmth in winter. Fits under SUPERFLAME heater and saves up to 25 on fuel I Girl Scout Council Will Meet Tuesday An i-npoilani meeting of the Haelwond-Wayncsville (iirj Scout Council will bo held at the Girl Seoul Hut tomorrow night at 7:3(1 o'clock, according to an announce ment by Mrs. Howard Myall, presi dent of I he council. All troop leaders, co-leaders, iii'inliers of (he executive board and committee members are ex pelled lo attend. r.IKTII ANNOUNCEMENT Mr and Mrs. Edwin E. McClure announce the birth of a son. at Billniore Hospital on Thursday, Sept. tl. rmmm fTZlj&lfft SUPERFAN "FUEL-SAVER'70IL HEATERS Give you MORE for Your Monoy MORE COMFORT. Even heat through entire house from ceiling to floor level! No firs tending. No durt. No ashes. MORE HEAT. 0:!y SUPERFLAME haa tha amsra-'t "F uel -Saver . Increases radi atme sorface 100, decreaaea chim ney loss 40. Savea up to Hon fuel costs 1 MORE EFFICIENCY. SUPERFLAME patented burner burns cleaner, mart efficiently. Saves fuel, yet give mere heat! ' LIMITED OFFER SEE US TODAYI EASY TERMS Garreil Furniiure Co. Phone 1-J Main Street Jackson-Swain Counties Cancer Center at C. J. Harris Community Hospital, Sylva, North Carolina. Every Friday Registration 3:00 to 10:30 A. M. For any citizen 40 years of ae or older without regard to race, color, creed or economic status. Operated by North Carolina State Board Of Health edford-Burgin Furniture Coii Look Al This BARGAIN 3 - PIECE BEAUTIFUL BED ROOM SUITE VANITY - BED -CHEST OF DRAWERS PLUS INNERSPRING MATTRESS AND SET OF CQIL SPRINGS I Ii v - : :- " I ' -j I m j : ' M liar w h -'tLiiJ2ij!i r 1 REGULAR $149-59 VALUE OUR LOW PRICE VrvTT c n rv AQ cr. ON THI i W J iJXl V Li 41U.u " - 1 $99.85 itoedferd-tB aorsotni Fnornlturc 0 I Phone 19

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