r i September 12, 1949 THE TTAYNESVTLLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE' FIVE bow At Strand 5t jjMp' Personal Mention Coming To Park Thursday and Friday; Crabiree P.-T.A. io Have tixzi Donald Id-a a. m,n of Mr Mrs V. M H In- ,,i H i -el-left today fin- .MilU-d,;, -. ill.-, where he will iilleii.l (".mru'ia lary Culled' Hllll oo:t (ia . Mili- Ailss Hi 1 1 it-- F.no Urainlel tc. daughter nf .Mr ,-,n.l M,s, M v. Bliss Katlu Hranilctlf. Si . ci( Km,;,. 2. Canton, voek end in Mil niU-r Hie fie lunan c la js al with .1 lends. l!ievard Cull, at- I hi-, uek. Mi - Polly Allison, i ir- o 11 and Ml ;. I'ntil V e H'mtf :'. is lea ins I i i t:i, Cliapel Hill , hole -.In- v.i: mendier df Hie junior ela .-. ; t- ni fi .- ii of Noilli Carolina r Mr ,- ille. Io-In- -I !.( line Hyatt Johnson Ci -en- i Ii ', '101111 . Hkliard liusohan and Stott l.ukI Theatre Wednesday. Canon 'ccnoalofiy Books. Many have kept : up with the latest best .sellers. One eontlenian kept up with his wife's tour in Europe by use of the Atlas. A little girl instead of saying, ; 'I'm glad to .see you. Daddy," when lie arrived from Florida greeted run with, "Daddy, 1 want you to j;o to the Library. They have so manv beautiful hooks." This same i lillle girl doesn't want to go home. She wants to stay with her grand mother so she can get books from , i he Library. Here are some of their' com ments: "1 just can t praise the Library I enough for what is has done for ; my children this summer." ! "Were your story hours spon ! sored by a local club or just how arc they run'.'" "We are thinking of settling here and we wauled to see what kind of a library is available." "You have a better collection ' of children's books than we do at home." 'Your library is so conveniently S located - nice the w ay you can re llurn hooks by the slot in the 'door." "My children have enjoyed the j Story Hour so much this summer." Wo appreciate Ihc thoiightfulness t ' " Kev. Dcason Regains Appetite, Weight And Scalfs Miss lVgzy Cjiii. daughter o Mrs Grace Camp, is leaving this veek for lialeiuli where she will liter the lrcshman class at Mere iith College. James K. Alhritht, member "f he senior class at the l'nivoi,sily of Kentucky, is leaving this week for Bowline Green lie is the son of Mr. and Mrs Frank Albright. .loo Jack Wells, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wells of Wayncsville. limit e 1. will enter the freshman class at ISrcvard College this week Fred J. Miller. Jr . son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Miller. Sr. of Highland Park. Canton, is a mem ber of the sophomore cluK at Georgia Tech in Atlanta this year. Mi: s I'eggy McCracken. daugh ter of Mr and Mrs. Albert Mc Cracken. has entered the freshman class at lirevard College. Miss Linda Collins of Clyde is a member of the freshman class at Brevard College. David McCracken will leave next week for lialcigh where he is a member of the junior class at State College. He is the son of Mr and Mrs. Albert McCracken. A ai on 1 1 at t . -.on of Mr. ami Mi,,. Dewey Hatt. lett last week lo iisume his story al 'he v'inein nali Conseraioi of Music. , . Mr. and Mrs. D. Hooves Nol.md and daui-liler. Miss Feiiyy No- lard. Kit Friday by motor for Ames. Iowa, whi le Mi-s Noland I will enter the Iowa Stale Colli go. j I MUs Allen Hart is leaving this ; w et k to enter Hie freshman class at Meredith College. i.s y - Miss Ida Lou Gibson left last week for Cincinnati. Ohio, to re sume her study al the Cineinual i Conservatory el Music. Miss Dorothy Martel is lo.'.wm' loinorrow to resume her studies at the Woman's Collece ol I he t'niv-ersilv of North Carolina at G reensboi o. I Mr. and Mrs. Paul Greeley of Atlanta, are exported tin- week for a visit to Mr. Greeley's brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Dunbar. r;; Mill .'oenlaii-.ee r .- !--, i: I lie I . ,-ilit i ee hul l its til 'l our .tl. . Hi .''1 llll I !,r II I ' I Ol I e :: lent HO FFHC.USON I Coi respondent e i: her A s-ociat ion . Iron DiiiT School st im-ft in4 of the Si-pte:nbci . o. h I school an liloi iuin. in i Hi- Illi; Ii Nnl.nid r v C () ,cve il t he - ia'e eieei -.i .e- a ifeieati Woman's Club To Have Meeting Thursday The first fall meeting of the Waynesviilc Womif Club will be held in the A-s-mbly Room at the First Presbyterian Church Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Mrs Frank Kinsey will preside and busies es will be Mrs. Noble 'I' e -id v. lit ;Jlve n-' which and new ' Can ell. am! Airs Sr . Mr-. J. John Hipp1; W. Killian. ol t lie faculty will be in o-lii-ed Ml lo re i 1!', I lo iii'ieis of the org.mi.at ion (;aested to attend the ineot a -.isi in plans for the year's T.E.L. Class To Meet Thursday I Kr-Sl-; MOMKNT iii John Huston's "We Were Strangers." in.; new Co',umhi.i drama at the Park Theatre. Jennifer Join John Garlu ld are starred, along with Pedro Armendari.. vcit-aiul Norris. Miss Dorolliv of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Norris. leave the last of this week Hichmond. Va-, where she enter Itichmond Professional stitute. a branch of William Marv College. daughter will for will 1 ii- and Billy Hhoilai nier and Mrs. ' inde U. Canton, Uoiile 1, fieshiviin cla -- al C this fall. son of Mr. Hhodarmer of will enter the ein -oil College Strength On M' "Lveryl hing ft rment in mv 3XG! tlNING! ion l!v lor Cx JVayncsville. llii Dealer t ate seemed to omaeh and 1 fell so had I could hardly go on with my work. 1 eat imvthiTTg' n o w: leel stronger than in a long time on Scalfs," de clares Kev. Ii. H. '"Di isoii. liesseem- er.. Ala. Scalfs Indian Hiver Medicine is on sale at all good Kev. Ii. K. Deasondrug stores; try it. Nothing Replaces Its Years Of Use. Hear Scalf s Ilarmonecrs Quartet over WWNC, Dial 570, at 0:30 a.m. Monday through Friday. I :l Mi-.s Mai io Mr. and Mrs. h-ave toniorn ior College w ol the senior Strange, dau-'.liter ol W. V. Strange, will vv for Mars Hill Jun o re she is a member d.iss. AYNESVILLE EATRE PROGRAM mill fows Mart 11 i;.Sl)AY, SEPTEMBER 12-13 f On The High Sea Jerry Liner. Jr.. is rel iirnini: to Mars Hill College this week al'i i spending the summer vacation at home. " tommy Curlis, srin'ot MY. an3 Mrs. Zcb Curtis, will leave this week to enter Mars Hill College. Miss Hilda Crawford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Crawtord of Route 2, Wayncsville, will leave this week for Cullovvhee where she will enter Hie junior ( lass al West ern Carolina icaciieis toio, . Senior Girl Scout Troop Has Court Of Awards A Court of wards was held all the Girl Seoul Hut last I liui- H-n night for members of the Sennu Service I roon of .il l-; under I ho leadership of Mi s Mary l.u 1.1 wood and Mi-s Bob- Medford Mi'-s F.lwood vv.e- in charge of the iiroar.'im and award1, were pre -cut ed bv Mrs. Mv I t Io Tappan. pi c 1 dent ol the Ii eon leader'- club. Tcndi t loot rani; was (oelerrco In Marv Jam- bo-.i-r-. Ann Kei'm nnil Belly N'olairl. B"ilv Ann Drown was given her l'n-.l cla . rank. PiolK iency hadr.i"- were :n- .irded as I ol low s: Good grooming: ivlrry Ann M.r sie. Pat sv Hor.eis. Maiv Je.ui Wit Mary ( tsboi no, Itetl.v Ann I'.kh-.i:. Mai t:.irel l!i ece. I at r'Oi I i , Kai h "line Myall. Vivian W'alkiu .. Ih He (l.iunili. Doll 1-vieiia.l. and Ann Ilia-holt. Dancer's Badge: Anue Bi'il otT, risll'Alin Brown.' ftc!f 1 1 - i una Ii, Kalherine ll.valt, Dolf Kiona-t, Mary Ann Ma.sie. Dot Noni -. Maiv ( l .horne, Margin el Heoeo. Pal v W.S.C.S. Has Study Course At Fincher's Chapel By M US. MILLAUD FKIiGUSON Mountaineer Correspondent The Woman's Society of Chris tian serviee of the Crabiree Charge ol the Methodist Church met on Ihuisdav at Fincher's Chapel for a -lud.v course on "Newness of Lite." A ladder chart was used for the course, showing the seven steps ol I he Christian life from earth to heaven Taking pari on the pro el am were Mrs. Hugh RatclilTe, Mi . Mark Galloway, Mrs. C. O. Newell. Mi-. Millard Ferguson, and Iho Rev. Paul Dryinan. During the allernoon session Mi Jones of RatclilTe Cove, dis trict secretary of children's work, -ave a talk stressing this phase of w oi k in I ho Crahl roe Charge. A i ov i rcd-di' h luncheon was '-lived M noon. Thirty -'-even members of the o(i"y wcie present with the fol lowiu;: gin-1 Is: Mrs. Hugh RatclilTe, Mi . :-laik Galloway, Mrs. (Maimer i MeCr.ii ken. Mrs. Camp and Mrs. I Jones u Kli.abolh Chapel, the Rev. i Mr. I )rv inaii of .liinalu ka. and i Mi-.. A i i ii it- Mcl'iaikcn of Waynos- ! villc i Mrs Newt II presided and the v oi lonal w as led by t he Rev Newell. .ol ... Mi or J i he w noth end s There .a Alley left lost week ion on City. Tennessee where ill spend the winter with her r, Mrs. Fred Corn, and ,:t Cai son-Newman College. i Th- T.K.I j. Sunday j of the First Haplisl ! meet Thursday at (i home of Mrs Grovt r the Siilnhur Springs School Class Church will pin. at the I. Davis on Road. This w dl be a pieu.c i :i cling. Want Ads bring quick results. de- Mr. Finchcr Chapel To Have Bcnclit Supper College Students Are Honored In RatcliffeCove Bv MRS. ALG1K It AI'Cl.l I'l'l- College students of Iho lialclille Cove community were honored at a farewell party given in the Com munity Building last Wednesday night with members of iho Train in.g Union of the RatclilTe Cove Baptist Church as hostessc;. The guests of honor wore Mis Kalherine James. Miss Margaret James, Miss Peggy Noland. Miss Peggy Camp. Miss Moello Liner and Miss Jeanolte Leopard. Games were played and refresh ments were .served. Miss Kalherine James, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse .lames, is leaving this week to enter Mer edith College where she will lake a teacher's course. Mi . Margaret James, also a daughter of Mr and Mrs. Jesse James, is entering the junior class at Meredith afler com pleting two years' study at Mars Hill College. Miss Peggy Camp, daughter of Mrs. Grace Noland Camn, will leave Wednesday for Meredith College, Miss Leopard, daughter of Mr and Mrs. F. L. Leopard, will enter the freshman class al Meredilh. Miss Liner, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Liner, h it Sunday to enter Woman's College in Greens boro for one year's study before taking nurse's Iraiiiinn at the Baplisl Hospital in Wiolon Salem Miss Noland, daughter ol Mr and Mrs. D. Reeves Noland. lett Fri day to enter Iowa Slate College where .she will study textile de signing. iifmnii iiiiiiim - iih nnirnri -niii Vmf ml Two Shows Daily Monday tliroiiRh Friday 7 & ! .Saturday: Continuous ShowiiiRs from 11 A.M. Sunday: 3 Shows, 2, 4 and !) P.M. P.M. - 12 MONDAY - TUESDAY. Sent. 12 vZEIjA TERROR TRAPS A FOREST MAIDEN! MA XTTTTCTTTT wiohnny WEISSMULLER FRANCES GIFFORD JOHNNY (BOY) SHEFFIELD 1 WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY, Sept. H - 15 Step by Step... Clue by Clue.. HE WALKED Y NIGHT" tracked:, Mim- X Down i BROIir.HI IHRIUINOIY TO IIFE BV 1HF WAKFRS OF "CANOM CITY Sforrln RICHARD BASF. HART SCOTT "QANON WTY" BRADY AhU tl AUt at (ions t Hiloon A News n tLaii MWM IPapAn EAGLE LION FILMS Wl KM P'sentation 4 a's ,isi. ittoi miiiirti liobcrt F1114.1l wee klo resume Hill ColleRc. ! is leavim! this his studies at Mars .loo Coniplon is leaviun this week lo enter the freshman class at State College in HaleiKh. Jimmy Swa.iger, from the Waynesvi in May. will enter lege this week. Joe Fort nor is a freshman class at leso. who graduated lo High School Mars Hill Col- memher of the Mars Hill Col- With Cai .on Janice Faige In I)i Fore Doris Day In Technicolor It ()T. flTF. TOMV '1M).Y. SEPTEMBER 14 ol our many visitors. F.aeh summer I here arc cjfls of magazines, hooks, and deposits. We would like to ac knowledge a nice check from the H. II. Matthews family and a love ly collection of books from Miss Ellon Koch.- A copy f Ogg's "Fs rntiaK of American Covernmenl" was presented by John .1. George. Professor of Political Science at Bulgers t'nivrr ,ily. liogcrs. Mar Jean We.. I. and u j ian Wat kins. I.ealliercr.dt Ii a d 0 o ; Ann Hisclioll. Belly Ann Brown, Maty Ann Massio, Dot Norris. M.ny -.-home, Vivian Wat kins, and loan Mo'-ris. A so ial hour was enjoyed bil lowing t lie program. Jupiter. Iho largest planet mov ing around the sun, is more than 13(11) times bigger (ban the earth. By NHS. Mll.l.Utl) FF.HGt'SON Mountaineer Correspondent A benefit supper will he given at Finrlier's Chapel Friday, Septem ber Hi. beginning at 7 p in. A musical program will bo pre sented during Hie evening 'wilih (piailels from Fines Creek, lial clille Cine. Iron Dud' and Lower Craht roe taking part. An additional lealuro will be a program ol songs and ii" ,"lation, by children of the community. The public is invited to attend. PARK THEATRE PROGRAM haw Terrific Jiny Now" Heater Vatuc: MONDAY - TUESDAY, Sejl. 12 rHiwwi mmim 1 11 1 1 irw.i w m ICTrai'l'H'-i M.ei.ii.M-i.ii mini ,.M 13 !ti, at 7:30 T. M. H n Matthews family and a love- f VfeR. MW,.'- Wtmnti- mi ullllliiliu 'Jr-.V j V m ( "STORMY" rl ' ' Slory of a Wild Stallion yssZSr TMIT" I t J ( THURSDAY - 1 KIDAY, Sopt. 1j - lb Li 73 1 uSi& h4t1H l THE $TREET$ special hWnrh Violent. Behinfl kVl MA "f bolted Door, Fuel Oil Circulator Heats 4 to 5 roomsl Big 14-inch Burner! 53,000 BTU output! Only I DAWN Starring tncv and George - S. Hoi? T- i. t ii , -i- ""i ni IIJI'.Cl "Mexican Joy Ride XNl MilDAY. SEPTEMBP:R 15-16 P Dolphin Street & Starring ,ln,f. Van Heflin. Datifi Reed T fi , I tank Biggest heoter value we've ever offered! A full-size circulating Duo-Thhrm heater with Dual Chamber Burner and famous Duo-Therm performance features all for this rock-bottom price! Buy now. Choose America's most popular heater for your home . . . solve your heating problem for years to come. Convenient credit terms to Etiit your budget. Excluslv Duo-Therm Dual Chamber Burner Gives you more huat from every drop of oil I ifoirii iL . . Flnqer-Tip Control Diol No work, no dirl I You admst heat to your exact needs 1 Special Watfe Stopper Built right in . . . gets more heat luto your borne I Big Radiant Doore Ouen 'n wide for waves of quitk spot beatl EzefusrVe Power-Air Bfower (ovoitobe o tlighl ntm cetl) ove op fo 25 oe fuel oill Oftoa pay for ifteif u o tingl tnatng mosoo. UEMITUE J' -il - ,i i i - GMiETT r Phone l-I a,1! Kirhard Hart Main Street SHORT f hat -Makes DaRy Duck" mm veeanaraeR I W x''i'' I

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