1 Lpie.uber 12,1949 : r? THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER word, per nts per A Irge " ,50c ch. published schedule should be Jhe Muun- ponsii'ie rrect In- TS AHr- fash must k by mall. f. office be lay before lire to be a want ad ft. .Vx'He : riniditiiiii: I lour 4(il. tf ! frv. ox an." i. ' ACRES $60 AN MS. DR. SAI.IS 5, 12. 15 oih' nve- ime Inui- jEqiKillv li pasture. and I or Dclmar f. S 1 -.!!-12 miilieled lis. eenter ir onv type 1-4 (in Sept. S S-8-I2 a delight iieiit, call A 8-tf isville Hotel f Wit'cki'd he- d December siilinul your 59 North phone 78: If lu kiat coat. Ill Tel. 741. A 20 tf in insulated libka. Klec- ()'. and hot er long term W alter 3:30 3S I 'MS-19-22 4e-Iircil llere- rvtn (7) (lenl (iiialitv. Star; of Real Yuii i- choice ?4:i8 Canton Evans. S 12, 15 Body anc' Is and Woody plan's Store fiko wrecker iton 3584. 28. 12 UlNG Jrice! Service flSKA Shop joints PINT 0Rs i Make, POSLEY f Home 8 ?Co. hone 3379 i HAVE CANNING APPLES sale now ready. Stayman, Grimes Golden, Rome Beamy and Gol den Delicious. Phone 554-M. Z L. Massey, Pellwood Road, Waynesville. S 12-15-19-22-26-29 FOR SALE New and used furn iture. Bargain day is every day at Justice Furniture Store, Depot St. Phone 567. tf CINDER BLOCKS Superoek blocks and Concret Block, 4", 8", and 12" sizes. The W. A. Hays Block Plant, Phone 102, Franklin or 903 Highlands. tf SPORTSMEN The finest sporting goods in Waynesville are sold at Rogers Electric Co. Phone 4C1. tf ROOMS FOR RENT ft LeFaine Hotel, few available, $10.00 week ly for one person. For two 'per sons in one room the rate would be $7.00 per person each week LeFaine Hotel, Waynesville. A 25-29, Sl,5,8,12, 15, 19,22.20 FOR MONUMENTS see Haywood Monument Co., next to Farmers Exchange, on Asheville Road II B. Angel, manager. Phone 1029. tf FOR SALE 4'2 acres with 1; cabin 18x28 partially finished in side. About 20 young fruit trees Within city limits of Waynes villa. Price $3,500. For parti culars, Phone 435-J. Sl-tl FOR RENT Four offices and re ception room. Directly across from bank. Second floor. Call 672. A 22-tf FOR SALE 1 used Universal elec tric range; excellent condition; real bargain. Rogers Electric Co. Phone 461. tf FOR RENT Two-room apart ment with bath; all modern conveniences. Call 254-W. S 5, 12 FOR SALE Good used washing machine; good condition; priced to sell. Rogers Electric Co. Phone 461. tf FOR SALE One pair old fash ioned registered Blue Ticks and one pair registered Plot! hounds. Priced reasonable. See Gene Smathers on Balsam Road. S 1) It FOR RENT Six - room apartment including kitchenette wilh t'.r, range, refrigertaor, two hed rooms. Keller Apartments. Rhone 435-J. S 8-1 f FOR SALE coal and condition seen at One used copper-clad wood range. ExccHent Priced to sell. Can he Rogers Electric Co. Phone 461. S 8-1 f FOR RENT Nice comer rooms with private baths, steam heat, and hot water. 505 N. Main Street, Waynesville, N. C. S 8-12 Announcement We are now located permanently in this community. We are equipped to pave private roads ami iriveways . . . large or small. Also lo motor-grader work by the job )r by the hour. Call us for an istimate. Located at Aliens Creek Road. Allison Construction Co. Inc. Phone 588-J Waynesville BRING YOUR RADIO to our Modern, Completely Equipped Shop for Guaranteed Expert Repair Service Jones Radio Co. PURE OIL FUEL OIL ' i-UH KL.NT Four-room 1hiik. with bath. Fui nislu-d One mile east j of Lal.e Junahisi.a. St-e or call Hardy Stennelt. Plume 827-R-4 I c r q ,.) ,'- I FOR SALE - On.. Dodge truck i nenie Good condition No one slieiil ly n-ed 4 1 i cylinder I power unit. ! junk. Also, i ft ruhlier- i tired mow me machine I'l ii 1 to ; m II. T. 11. Wor: ham. ,li , Eagles Ni'.-I riuad. Phone 2Ut; - '. S 8 12 FOR SALE Cane mill and evap-j orator m t;ood condition. Hugh ; Ratclille. lit 1. Waynesville. Tel-i eptiuhe ;:l-M :i. S 8-12 VERY DESIRABLE APARTMENT j - I. unit' i nun. Led loom, kitch enette and hath. Call 4r,-R or 455 M. A 8-tf FOR SALE- Hot air furnace in good condition; reasonably priced. See Mrs. T. ('. Norris at "The Maples," 312 Walnut St. U FOR RENT aparlnu lit Five room liiinis Lake .luiialu-Ua. hed UN- til December I t sleep tun adults or lont'er. and two Will mall v. in Kj 15 children ler tei n;- Mo.,1 reasonahle I'l. one 2(iU-J. S ii W A NT matti hed. Lew: TO T I! A 1)1' - Fill I lied, twin Grady luDIJtl. S 12 and ii in1.:', lor at Ires and --prim's. Plume 4-M. Have FOR SALE Mtuiiim -i.e Estate Heatiola; Basket type grate lor fireplace. Can lie seen at 203 Boundary SMeit m call. 212 after 5 p.m. S 12 FOR SALE -Six room house, large corner lot on Chestnut Park Drive. Reasonably priced. Call 563-M or see M:ick Edwards 1101 Che-lnti! Park Drive, Waynesville. S 12-15 ADMINI ST RATOR'S NOTI C E TO CREDITORS Having qualified as exe-'Utrix of the estate of Reinhold V. Elk, de ceased, late of Haywood County, 1 North Carolina, this is to notify all ' persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to ex hibit them lo the undersigned at Waynesville, North Carolina, on or1 before the l!Hh day of August, -1950. or this notice will be pleaded ill bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said i late will please make immediate payment. This the mill day of August. 1949. ELLA R. F.RK, ivieeiiti ix ol Estate of Reinhold V. I.ik, Deeea Ifltil A 22-29 S , 12-19 26 NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA. HAYWOOD COr.NTY. Having qualified as the Adminis tratrix of the e-.lale of Cliailes C. ('line, this is lo nolily all persons that have claims against said estate to present the same to the uncler Mi'iied. Wavnesville, N. C, Route 1 on or bclore one year from thisi dale or litis notice will be pleaded in bar ol the same. All persons indoblid to said estate are notified to make payment at once. The- the 2nd day of Sept ELIZABETH CLINK Administratrix of Charier. C. (Tine F.slate. 188!) S 0-12-19 20 O 3-10 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE The undersigned, J. H. Woody, having qualified as Administrator of the c tale of Annie G. Stack hou -e. deieased. all persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to file same, duly verified, with said Administrator on or before the 22nd day of Aug ust, 1950, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery there on. All persons indebted to said estate will please pay same to (he undersigned. This August 22. 1949. J. II. WOODY, Administrator Fstale of Annie G. Slackhouse, Deeoasi d. 1885 A 22-29 S 5-12-19-26 BITLDING STONE 1000 Yards Field Stone Any Quantity Priced Right .1 Carl & I rcd J. Henry TW1NBROOK RESORT , Phone, Waynesville 68 M-2 TILE ASPHALT GLAZED RUBBFR QUARRY FREE ESTIMATES FRADY TILE CO. Box 313 Waynesville, N. C. Phone 783-R , FOR SALK OR TRADE 1941 Hud- son Sedan. Good condition. One ov. ner. Phone 51. S 12-15 FOR RENT -Five lovely rooms for discriminating reple. First floor; two baths; automatic heat. Call 1 455-M. S12-tt ; LOST Friday. SeptemlM-r 9. a pair of bifocal eye glasses in a black I I case. Lost . between Oak Dale Road and the Waynesville l.aun- dry. Finder please call Henry : Stewart at the Waynesville ; Laundry. Reward. S 12-15 PERSONAL PROPERTY j AT AUCTION 1 On Saturday, September 24. 1 will offer at public auction, the following personal property in or der to settle the estate of the late Mrs. Sallie Ducket t: Household furniture, including a Frlgidaire, bed room furniture, kit chen equipment and dining room furniture. Also a corn planter, plows, harrow, tools and farm ae i e::sories. The sale will beein at 10 o'clock, at the home place on Jonathan Creek. Lawn nee Leatherwood Administrator. 1890 -S 5-8-12-15-19-22 NOTICE OF SALE On Saturday, 1949. at eleven September o'clock a. m 17. at the Courthouse door villi", Haywood County in Waynes North Caro Una, I vvlil offer for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder tor casli t lie following aescrineu lanus and premises, situate, lying and being in Waynesville Township, Haywood County, North Carolina, to-wit: BEGINNING on a stake in Ease HENRY " ! THE FLOP FAMILY cy st,ftN ! T i I psi 6oq 'n i I voevu- i foPfto5& i YJ 6o?p wue KJ I ! U- 1 0?L0CKt vW LKTa. 0tR- WOOLOSVT COrPLfMN- J OOT THC OfVf fAwiO THe. J MVKTI.E RIGHT AKOU.ND HOME By milM.EY FISIIEE I II'UWHV N ( HE'S CUTTING ) I ARE YOU A ' i 'S'"JU,IP . I I 1-1 I IS POP V CEAOV TO.ASK j I coiNC TO ) - Jt ""i'T) m m mjn isaayft Mmm 1949. v j- Ii il I L-df "SJrC- V ( rJ tW. I Authorized Dealer For Willys Jeeps, (C! T jf ( VN. WE GUARANTEE Truks s,a,i" wsons sO) Jl Iv ii tO) to save you money WE GUARANTEE MOTOR CO. o win,. jecP,, Tks nj TO SAVE YOU MONEY main street aut--ek EVERY TIRK WE RECAP If GUARANTEED AUIHOKIZLU UbALLK TO GIVE NEW TIRE MILEAGE " . ! ikM g DONALD DUCK By WALT DISNEY nXJ l I joKAV, WE'RE DONE..) I vVHEVV THP.EE1 I -llj I il - M U I -C th(W'!tU ' ' V START COUNTIN'. BUCKS WORTH.' J - (0 ARE TAKIN' OVER OUR N 7?f " -JCiAbCL LAWN.' I'LL. PAV A CENT V f J . p ' -' TOR EVERV OXHi yj - . THE OLD HOME TOWN 7 THOSE TAPS WILL QUIT, v DRlPPNS AFTE W THEYVFy margin of Oak Street, tween lots Nos li and corner be 7 in Block I and runs wit lots S. 57" 30 line between said 1 K. Kil feet to a stake; thence S. 22 4.T W. 50 feet to a stake, corner of Lots Nos r and 6; thence wuh line be-l-.weii said lots N. 47 30' W. lii.'l fet lo a stake in the said margin ol Oak Strict: thence uilh said margin of said street N. 32' 3(1' E. r.U teet to the BEGINNING, and BEING Lot No. (i in Block 3 ol Giimhall Park, as per survey by John N. Shoolbrcd, made Decemb er. 1922. Sale made pursuant to the pow er and authority conferred upon tl-.e undersigned Tru-tee by that deed of trust dated January 16. 1947. executed by Clyde Calhoun and wife. Tyree Calhoun, recorded in Book 60, page 314, in Olfiee of Register of Deeds of Haywood County, to which instrument and record reference is hereby made for all the terms and conditions I " - - N I THOSE TAI'iWLL I , f ur ut?viikciP. - I ;-?? IT Sr I r ar -a- LflBiV - L8- rJisrsWWL br H ffl - i 6y STANLEY In reef, default in navmcnt of Ihe.ehy secured. This August 16. 1949. A. T. WARD. Trustee. 1883 -Aug. 22-29 Sept. 5-12. NOTICE OF SALE On Monday, September 19, 19-19, .it eleven o'clock a. in., at the Courthouse door in Waynesville, Haywood County, North Carolina, 1 will oiler for sale at Aiblic out cry to the highest bidder for cash the following lands and premises, -i'.ua'.e in Town of Waynesville, Haywood County, to-uit: BEGINNING fin a slake at point where the East margin of Aliens Creek Road or highway intersects with the North margin of Main Street." and runs with margin of latter N. C2 15' E. 104 feet to a stake at corner of lot conveyed J by Liner to linn of that Caldwell; thence with lot N. 14 W. 42 feet to a stake; thence S. 70" 45' W. avine been made j the indebtedness jfe 101 feet to a stake in East mt.:- gin ot saia Aliens trees noau or highway; thence a. U 3U I iva. 30 1 ta.lD leei co me ec- G1NNING. BEING the identical property conveyed to said J. R. McDowell and wife, Clara E. McDowell, by deed dated November 6, 1947, from William Gibson and wife, Eliza beth Gibson. Sale made pursuant to the pow- I er anil aumorny conieneu upon I he undersigned Trustee by that deed of trust dated December It), 1947, executed by J. R. McDowell and wife, Clara K. McDowell, and recorded in Book 64, page 242, in I the Office of Register of Deeds of Haywood County, to which instru ment and record reference is here by made for all the terms and con ditions thereof, default having been i made in the payment of indebted- I mis thereby secured ! This August 18 1949. A. T. WARD, Tru-tee 1884 -Aug. 22-29 Sept 5-12 NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with a resolution adopt ed bv the Board of Aldermen of the Town of HazoW.ood at their regular meeting August 14. 1949, the Town of llazelwood will at 11-0(1 a.m. on the 24th day of Scp- HUH l Ho. T,,ien Hall nf :,, ,,, ,- ii i ,,it-., f,,r IMC IIIWII (II I III" I VV' "'- I j sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described real prop ierly, owned by Hie Town of lla.el j wood : j FIRST TRACT: Adjoining the property of the .Town of llaelwooil and the llazel I wood Presbyti rian Chinch, and j more particularly described as fol ! lows; t BEGINNING at a stake in the Northern ( dge of Main Street of the Town of llazelwood. Southwest corner of Lot No. 7, Block 8 of Griniball Park and runs thence wilh the line between Lots Nos. 6 and 7 N. 8 deg. 30' E. 75 feet to a stake; thence N 89 deg. 30' W. 50 feet to a stake in the line of Lot No' 4 th--:,i-wiih the l'ne betv.tO Lots Nos. 4 and 5, S. 8 deg.,30' y, 75 feet to a stake in the Northent . margin of Main Street; thencf with the Northern margin of Main Street, 50 feet to the BEGINNING. Being a part of Lots 5 and 6 of Block 8 of Grimball Park shown by map recorded in Map Book "B", index "G '. page G-l, Office of Register of Deeds of Haywood Coutuy, to which plat and record reference is hereby made. And being a part of the property conveyed to the Town of Hazel wood by Edna Schulhufer hy deed dated August 15, 1944, i ecoraea in Deed Book 121, Page 1S9, Haywood County Registry. SECOND TRACT: Ajoining tha pioperty of Rufus Siler, J. B. Siter and others, and more particularly described as fol lows: BEGINNING at a slake in the old A. C. Focqiie line at J. B. Siler'f Northeast cuiiu r; an I inns thence with the old A. C I'ucque line N. 82 deg. :V E 243 feet to a hick ory stump; I heme S. 9 deg. 45' K. 125 teet to a slake; thence S. 82 deg. 4o W. 822 feet lo Rufus Siler's conic!'; t hence with Rufus St'er's line and J. 11. Siler's line N. 9 deg. 4r' W. 120 feet to the BEGINNING, containing one (1) ! acre more or less, and being a part of the propel iy conveyed to the 1 OWI1 ol ll.Tclwooil ny r C. Welch el al, by deed dated January , 1915, u roi did in Deed Book 44, Page 314. Oil ice ol Register of l)(ods ol Haywood County, togeth er wilii all rights-of-way. rights and easement: o.cied by I be Town of Ilaz.'lwunil in ciiim; i li( n wilh and apimrtt nai'l lo the above described properly . The Town of llazelwood re serves the right to reject any and all bids roiened for said property. This the 22ml clay of August, 1949. CLYDE L. FISHER, Mayor CARL SWANGER, Alderman GRADY SMITH, Alderman R L. PKEVOST, Alderman 1886 -A 22-29 S 5-12-19 By CARL C. ANDERSON Use Our SPECIAL SUMMER FILL-UP PRICES Metered Deliveries Phone 300 W. R. McCracken

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