THE WAYNESVTLLB MOUNTAINEER c PAGE EIGHT WNC Fair Opens Today At Hendersonville The l'.49 Westrin North Carotin; Fair npem-ri at Hfiidcrsonville to da for a six d :iv vt.incl Yi.-m r- v iii h.n- i full menu ol farn. r. It ' i.c . l-iliiu ;iiul ?houl aid rr.'ci! .ir.-..tsnt ff;turr even ( :f u , run- I r. ml exp" !eti K- K p:,-;;- t (.;; o.i' i cuitiiie at-.. ..-.-. :.vk :r..,r. ;.r.y h Aii-ci'.'. :! , o : - h,y M-hi'il llloil K'! !!it .vik . ; - ;'o.ti (31111 wlirli It l.i,: .,; i,u!!t : fror.! ..: la: : r.i . err. I'an.i.iia v... C.i.l Mill en: .1 tain (.; !; ,),:,, ,r. . Si t t-orn 1 r il;i(hii!.;i T'.u.i jn-!tt The tou.-n.i".' 11' ii! ,..t-ii U"r..i row with t;l-i'.!.t ! t s-iir.t' mIi. (! u'eri (ur V. i di.t -vd., . Thiird.i. jiu Fi id:i Toni"i ! nW u i ', !l Sehool C'I'l. (iicn - Pj !i i Ihh'I pupils hi eonie to :i'!ei;d the event In admitted uithmit charge. The;; in the Junior Pun Slum . .--pon-iii i'd by the Hemh :' sonwl'e (.'lumber of Comnnin ul start at 10 a m. tomorrow, will ;i 4-H Cluh Dress Review sihiii uled to start half an hour later Judging wiil tart in the Cipei Livestock Classes at 10 a. 111 Wednesday. Stock car i.iccs will feature In Saturday entertainment program with midget auto races set for Sa1 urday night. Buy From L's All Your COAL and WOOD High grade egg, lump and stoker coal. Also kindling, stove wood, and fire wood. HE DELIVER EVERY DAY Prompt Service of High Quality Fuel Junaluska Coal Company HARDY LINER, Jr., Owner Phone 259-R MORE ABOUT Field Day f Continued from pafe one; lOiseiihoe pitching. County recreation officials at the .Him time reminded the retidents f ca Ii community that the one i.e iirg the l uge'.l delegation at eiidini: the event!; will be awarded ') point - on their rcoie sheet. The over all niiinei will be de nied on the l,,,.ii . ,,i (lt. highest '"'': f point.: cmjdled in all In ..eili'ion to I ho number for ' 1 a'b'mi.-tm . I lie w inner of e : 11 i .' - -1 1 1 .. r i ! Maine will be v- an'' I : I"' . otthail, 2,'.; wo h'.i i- '. pit. him,'. It); men's ' In i :. Hi. tug-o-war. 'i- , and trio singing, 20; '. .ii. ;ii.:ni : .'ill. ' '"' 1 ' id ol the day will '! ' ' II g, lues, sched- i I. Mi ; .11 In ei. I ;!!' ' lor I l:r r iiurs will be at com e Mon stands hi 1' w ii! lie op. n on the grounds. . v in ; vv illi Mr. I.eatherwood n I hi .am i ai Field Day coiniilit- .;i 1 Miss .Margaret Green, Vvid I 11 iervvood. Stanley l.iving en el Civile, 1 he Itev. Clyde Col-!.- ! IW-ih. I, Mr-. Chiton Shook 1 ..i, no. K and Jack Justice, ; ; .1 : 1 : 1 1 it 1 1 : V.MCA physical dirco or. MORE ABOUT Bolhel Iteeli pno rn.iie, u-ed on L'nl 1 sp 1 1 ll'irois l.irmland that ii id'- I1.1 I In en limed and treated villi pnta-h. has increased its liny lelu tiO per cent. WANT ADS 'I "It I . I' I ir-t-nla furnished l .11 a .c ap, 11 Inn nl. Flectnc kit t lifii. C. A. George. Telephone l'Jl-U'. ,1111 Koad. S12 APIM.rJS l'OR SALE BEST APPLES READY TO EAT NOW. A RED APPLE NAMED MOTHER. ALSO HAVE OOJ.DEN DELI CIOUS AND OTHERS FOR COOKIXO. TRUCK LOADS OK LESS. DOLL ING HALL ORCHARD. S 12-15 FOH VLF, --." rooni frame house, sealed, weal her boarded, with basement; ;i acres pasture and garden; barn. 2 stalls; cold house and smoke house. Phone 5!7K Canton. S 12-15 OMo 40 More Heat this winter with a NEW NORGE Home Heater Fn Rogers Electric Co. Yes, vc have in stock all sizes of the famous NORGE Fuel Oil Spate HEATERS For 2 Rooms 37.000 B.T.U. $39.93 For 3 Rooms 30.000 B.T.U. $99.33 For 4 Rooms 55.000 B.T.U. $114.93 -Ojv , - x l.TJI'V KVi 'C 1 Hi For 5 & 6 Rooms 70,000 B.T.U. $124.93 Only Norge Gives You this Combination of Money-Saving Features Ho Exchanger (porcclain-linad Conitant-Uval Metar Valv iniid and . Su-Flo Oil Tank (6 gallant) DawndraH "Whlrlaf.r" Tuba "Tell-Tale" Visible Oil Gauga Tripla-Air Oil Surnar Aotomafie Draft Ragulator ' Slngla-Dial Haal Saladar Porclain-Enomel Humidifier 1 - Nol on Medd DH-J7. All Heaters we install are Guaranteed and Serviced Free of Charge for One Year. Fuel Tanks Available in 53, 250, 550 and 1000 Gallon Sizes ONLY 10 DOVN , Balance on easy monthly payments. fSOfpiS ELECTHIG CO. Phone 461 Main Street (Continued from pace one) Center Ilkeon Community IVx-el opment Program, toJd thf player that in effoct thr mattrr of wheth er they rwve a foollvill (i or not is up to the players themyrlvr. Pointing out that there were just 11 members of ihe wjimd pres ent, he declared that the rititens would have to sra deep ln(erM in the development of a squad evid ent in all the players. He told them that one concrete way they could show their own interest Would lw In fnllou miisri- entiously the Instructions of Coach r. J Johnson and stick by the training rules. "You'll have to show yourselves." he added. "worthV of th monev that will have to be raised." Jack Sloan, West Pigeon Com munity Development chairman, urged that a team be .started this year if at all possible, and that it start building for the next suc cessive seasons. We need the funds to start." he reiterated, "then we could oav our own way." Pointing up the need for protec tive uniforms, Mr. Johnson said the boys can't start the rough con tact work until this equipment is obtained. Practice started last week. The boys put in the four days of good weather in physical conditioning and ball handling. Another major problem facing the organization of a squad is the one of transportation. The boys who have been staying alter school to practice miss the regular school buses, which pull out after classes are dismissed. In brief, this means that some other way will have to be found to get the boys back to their homes alter practice, and back and forth from the games. In reference to the scheduling Mr. Evans and others suggested that the team should plaV schools which also are just starting out and the "B" teams of the larger schools, like Canton and Waynesville. In later seasons, with the boys experienced, the team would play a more repersentative schedule. The principal also said the school would comply strictly with the rules of the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. "We don't want a boy who is in terested in doing nothing but play football enrolling in the school," he declared. His comments regarding the Bethel Community itself indicated mai me school inevitably will have a full-fledged program of all ma jor sports. "Bethel." he predicted, "will one day he a city. "And the people naturally will want Bethel represented in the ma jor sports." As far as the quality of the play ers is concerned, Mr. Johnson de clared he saw lln rnaimn xh ik boys would not stick with the squad after the going gets rough. "They're not different from the waynesville or the Canton boys," he said. In covering the details attend ant to the organization of a squad Mr. Evans said there would be Physical examinations to determine the ability of the candidates to stand the exertion of the game, and Insurance to cover the squad against game injuries. During the discussion, also, there was a suggestion that aid in the organization of a tram could be a project of the five Community De velopment organizations Cruso Cecil East Pigeon, Center Pigeon! and West Pigeon. These organizations will be ask ed to send representatives to the Thursday night meeting Spokesmen said also that mem bers of the Pigeon Valley Civic Club would attend this second meeting. This organization had the heavi est representative at the initial meeting. Its rPKi.lir called off to permit the members m Muena. If the taam is organized, it would give Haywood Cmmtv ihn,o representatives in high school grid Healthiest 1 1 . SS I II J" ' NANETTE KII.KY. 1 1 - nioii, 1, . -old il.i'.o'litor of Mr. and .Mr-.. Da vid Kiky ol Lake JiiikiIonU i, won the grand prize in the C'iinlon Labor Day Celebration baby health contest. She al .o placed first in the croup of ounj: tors one year to Hi months of ,o;e. MORE AUOl'T Polio (Continued from Pase 1) chapters in conjunction with the national campaign. Sponsoring the Waynesville chap ter campaign is the Waynesville chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi, headftl by Mrs. Herbert iiraren, local president. During the regular drive last winter, Haywood residents raised $20,649. Half of this went to the National Foundation' treasury. Mrs. Mill Norrts. Waynesville polio chapter treasurer, said letters containing contributions should be addressed to: Polio Emergency Drive e-o Postmaster Waynesville, N. ('. In the epidemic of l!tlf.. North Carolina bad a total l.fillfi case reported, second highest in the na tion. This stale received $ii(l2.n00 in funds from the National Founda tion North Carolina had 137 new cases reported this year. Legion Endorses Hospital Bond Issue Friday The members of the Haywood American Legion post here voted thiir unanimous endorsement of the proposed hospital bond issue last Friday. The Legionnaires expreteed their support in adopting an amendment to go on record as being unani mously in favor of the issue, which will be submitted to popular vote in he county on October 1. The .action, taken at the Post's regular meeting, followed a plea by Joe Davis, vice-president of the i First National Bank of Waynes : ville, for the Legion's support. I Ho told them of the need for ex- ; pansion to remedy current crowded j conditions at the Haywood County i Hospital. In other business, the Post ad mitted five new members and voted to double the number of regular meetings' held each month. Under the change, the Post will meet on the first and third Wed nesdays of each month, instead of only on the second Friday as it has been doing. Post Commander Ernnal PH. wards explained that the doubling til is designed to promote more interest in the organization. The first of the semi-monthly meetings will be a business ses sion, and the other a social ses sion, he added. At the same time, he extended an invitation to all World War I and World War II veterans to at tend the next social meeting, which win oe 110 ( Sell oinhor 91 MORE ABOUT Pastor Urges (Continued from rase 1) pie who attended the monthly meeting of the Community Development Program organiza tion, he explained the needs of the Haywood County Hospital and what the approval of the bond issue would mean. He also explained Hip ornnnspH Issue ilself, what the county share of the expense would be, In pro portion to the share the state and federal governments would pay. The Waynesville pastor was in troduced by Bob Francis, Itatcliffe Cove community chairman. In other business that night, Claude Francis, chairman nf n... community beef cattle committe.. showed a motion picture on "Meat Production. The Hereford Way". Bob Cody was the projector opera tor. It was announced before ad journment that the next regular meeting would be held In the com munity building at 8 p.m. October 14. MORE ABOUT Weatherby onunc, frnru innl thr MORE ABOUT 32 Groups (Continued from Pare 1 last Friday night delivered an ap peal to the fans at the Canton Sand Hill football game to support the hospital bond issue. Approxi mately 4,000 people heard the plea over the public address system. The Haywood American Legion Post of Waynesville last Friday at its regular monthly meetini? iman. at the imously adopted selves Coach Weallio.i.. two co-captain (u lie Womak ,, . . ': H Owen:. He ..." ;'"; their ahilii.. . " ''Ii. sports. "The quest j ., , tbese days is 'How i. I lie coach i.,.ii. , as good as last , . ' i I got to hustle" ' "" """' I.--., After the Boost.-, . r,,., a number ol q,,.,,, jn ' , ' "llvl""(. Mr. Weatherby, ran,.,,,,. " sonalilics oi, ,,.n 'h """ l'"i improvenienls m ( h " ""' which .include a .'' "liu"i. box, and an cled rt. me improvemenls have !)( or me ieiu. il ..i .i and not lor the pl.-.v.-.s said. n 2, ,l. 1 '.(Hi r . . - - iiiu ..vuv. an ailiriiuiiteill Legions headquarters on the sec- Putting the post on record as favor- ond floor of the Huilding hen old Citizens Bank of the Crabtree Methodist Charge will report on the P-TA state con vention he attended last spring as Crabtree-Iron Duff representative. The meeting also will serve to welcome new teachers of the Crab-tree-Iron Duff School nig me proposed issue. The post several years ago had officially approved the project of expanding the hospital here. Cigar consumption in the United States from October, 1948, through July, 1949, was about 2 per cent lower than in the same months a year earlier. MORE ABOUT Inman (Continued from i'a(., HBu.S wa, i ,,,,,,, Serving as pallbearer., , nias Hightowor, Ol. l'i,r,(,. i;h '.' Parnsh, Jim Willi,,,,,..- S(.( " " and Hugh llighi ovver. Survivors include iu, W.,u, Mrs. Olive Wilson ,,1: ' Hubert of Waynesville , ,ly "'! Mrs. John ,,,,. of ,,, ':; '; S; and a brother, Hobm 0, w,, mire, S. C. Crawford Funer; Waynesville was in arrangement;,. linn,,. I,, n:r nf Hi,. ou IX TO hvi; CHAHLKMONT, M,. 200-year-old laver'n l,,il,; k will be moved 1.", ,ji,., f . , , Charleniont l fiid )ee,r.,i part of the reslorali, ,..,,', of that colonial village, liml, -ii,,,,,, 1750 as Lamb's Inn. it was a ..,, ping place for the liosliin-Ali,,,,,, N. Y., stagecoach. V N Dl I UlOlMm,' Crabtree-I. D. P-TA To Meet Thursday The first meetini; of the Crabtree-Iron Dun' P-TA of lliu new school year will be held Thursday night. The tension has ben called by Mrs. Hugh L. Noland, pre-iident of the organization. The Uev. C. O. Newell, pastor circles. Bethel, third largest school in the county, has a high school kIu deut body of 2110 pupils anil a total of approximately 700 ilndenl, in the elementary guides. It is second only to Waynesville in size among the county's district schools, and comes next to Waynes ville and Canton, in that order, among ali schools in Haywood. I) INSTALLATION Ore REPAIR, ""W WE DO OUR WORK AT I PRICES 5! '4 I K r. : IOCAL TtAOfMAlU, t. mm M NR. FABLER Be Sure Your MILK BARN CHICKEN HOUSES AND ALL BUILDINGS ARE BUILT OF OUR ' QUALITY BLOCK Ask the man that has used ur BLOCK . . and you will buy a Western Carolina product. All Sizes Of Concrete Pipe See your contractor or material dealer or call us collect. DIAL 3-8321 ' Concrete Products Co. ASHEVILLE, N. C. HOUSE of the WEB T? 1. nr t . jmui ween, in mis Space, You'll Find "The House of the Week" Willi Fnl Desi This Series Ts Made Possible By Local Firms That Are Listed Here. They'll BeP! Help You With Your Building and Home Furnishing Problems. I I K O 1 1 ri 1 fooo I fad ia0lcg t l-J M THr BOLTOV has a pUiri niflurifs hii unuHuI nunkg closrts. It also calls for tS dral of free circulation m the ritnins. ( Insets in ThiM Include a Biirdriibc in mri loom: a linen closet; acoitdil a lironni closet and a contiwl liii'Be. storasr closet in He li There is also a handy roll til provided for in the rear din All of The Bolton's room if into the hall. There is MSJ to the front door from the tiki The modern work room hi! ml tvinrloHs over the sink. ItiM 1,-shaned cabinets. And therei a storasr cabinet on tin W wall :is well as ample dining m in The Kolton's efTirient UltM Construction of The Bolte li-iinii. uith u-ide sidinc. TV and cciliiiK are insulated. TV is rovered with asphalt WQ The Roltnn's dimrnsloiu B f,..i ,,,,1,. ,i,H '(, fee m ......1 full hasemrnt. Tl is an are of 1.001 squire W 11 volume of 10.890 cuwc !; The liollon. , J r....llw.P iiifnrmntlol ft 1 111 mm .... . - j 1111, IIOI.TOY write W J Mouse riannins Bureau, SI Cw Mill 11. Small House Planning Bureau St. Cloud, Minnesota rh'rtehSeni "7 .mre lnforma,in. without obligation. n T e BOLTON63;'"5 th" tyP f tructIon u.ed m The BOLTON Hou.e as pictursd in The Mountaineer Name Address City SUte SKK I'S FOR HOUSE WIRING AND ELECTRICAL APPLIANj Norse Flertriral APPI, 4, Home hmtnw ROGERS ELECTRIC CO MAC fHUNE 461 Our Listings include lots ideally suited to this type house-See Us Before You Buy AND When youve completed your house Be Sure to INSURE Your House With Tho L. N. Davis Insurance Co. MAIN STREET PHONE 77 A Southern Institution Sej Southern People for v Years i ished Each J As Free Deliver, Within M "lfS Asheville Watch this Feature for Modern New Home Plans to be Publ

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