THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER GO TO CHURCH SOMEWHERE EVERY S Psalms Direct Our Daily Lives ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON nrnn.a 1. Q11. 1.1411. 1A By Alfred I. Buescher major Cec; At The Churches To Have Pro 'Z PAGt TWO UNr -1 lime, J " -.-f - -w ... - it 'i I' If 'til 1 7 t if rs- - f J M 1 1 1 Hazelwood Presbyterian Church The F.ev. Paul Patterson Thrower. Minister taiiida.v School 10 :i Hi I 'a is I I. liavis Suiu i inlciidciii llI jiu.y Vor-lii) 11 :i in . 1-;. 3.U and 4th Sundav s Evening Worship 7 :iu p in lu - Oililil HI October. oulh Fellowship ii :!(' P in .Noima Jean W im hostel pic-ident Mid-Wet k Bible Hour. Wednes day 7:30 p in Followed b Choi: Practice Sundav being Sabbath HIimv- ji,ct Da. the p.i-l"! win "Hi' i.; the eleven o'clock sen Uv a im -s;c,. uel lali:iii'- to Ihe Chiis'l.i . Sabbath Sptcial etlort I- being givi n the boo-tins; ol Sundav Sehoo! . '. uiijancc in as much as Sni.d.i v. Ill he lh. laM Sundav hi I " Kailv Da;. Special pi -pai al ion i bt'liit made tor 1 he Hall;- I ha ! ; ' jain loi Simda'.. Si pi 25 A euidial welcome aw .a'- a uho attend the -i n ire- el ,: 1 hui i ll First Methodist Church WAYNESVII.I.E The Bev. Russell L. Youns. I'.isior Sunda School a Hi Fi am ! MasMc general Clashes for all a2t upei'i . The ciii uill take care of toddle: Loth Sunda School .mil - tin:', u Me ma Service Morning Worship. 1 ' " i li lollowing special :nu-ii ;" Senior Choir the Pasto:- wi' . cuss "The Missini: oi tlu Cm.;1 This will be the la-t seriie thii conference ear. and wii! broadcast ovt : W'HCC Tii : i be no service Surdav a pastor will be in ( ort ivru t W inston-Salem. Ihe Methodist Youth Feiiov s will meet in the Youth Chap, i t 4.t All Youna PeopU invited The MYF wil! have tin i; P.eiredtior Period from T .. c 'dock. Tue?ria 1:1 lh-. ba-i :r of the church Tin- Welear. S rvicc G: v.lll haw- a Covered-Dish Sup the home of Mrs. Hon.i r I' Yue-daN at 7 p.m. Mr- V braj;e uili harr" 'cKarae program. Choir Rehearsals: Y"uth Senior Choir?. 7 and .H o .. h Wediitsda evemns- Cmidn n. a ni Saturdav. Grace Church in the Mountains EPISCOPAL The Bev. Edsar II. Goold. Iteetor Sunday. SepternlH r 18 I4ih Suuda Aft. , Trm,!' f5 a n,. Holy Coiiiinuino;. 9 45 a in Church S( hoo!. ii 00 a. in Moiuii I'lu-ii ai d sermon from . . . ENSLEY'S KBESH Country Eqqs doz. 80c GOOD COOKING APPLES . . . lb. 10c RED Sweet Potatoes lb. JQc SWAN'S INSTANT CAKE MIX . . . . 33c Nq. 2 Can GOOD QIALITY CANNED TOMATOES ... 12c O WE HAVE IN STOCK A GOOD SUPPLY OF ALL KINDS OK CANNING SUPPLIES FREE DELIVERY ON SATURDAY 17. C. Ensley Grocery Phone 517-J Lord, who shall abide nacle? Who .shall dwt lull'.' He that walketh in Thy taber 1 in Thy holy uprightly, and and speakcth Workcth l ighteousr.ess the truth in his heart. Methodists Prepare For Annual WNC Conference Bethel Methodist Church IU . ( lde Collins. Minister The I rida i , I I a s i i v. seFt. lfc :h.ij.-t - CI l.ll 1'. Youth Fel- , n .". h to go on a-t The ount; are in- V 't:i. Adult social nt Sund.M . Sept. 1S- nl .1. l.clch :nn Sermon b the v 1 1 he t he t'niftl ii, animal Confer- ::. '.oi.-Sah'in. i n : in;; with I.v da Tin Rev. Paul oi the Hael wood i" : el lan Churches. In Presbyterian ..nth. practice. Gudger : B' Ity Sue West. ' Y F Weri'iesd.iv Ilazehvood Methodist Church The Kev M l',. Lee. Pastor S- i ''! l ,i 111. W Inn 11 a.m. The : "' i-essaue will he SMC"' "i 1 ;'iv - hip P. 3(1 p.m. i : - V'.-r-hip T .'ill p.m Fcl- ' ' 1 i j and medita! i:i on !:' ' Si,-, a Battle". Iid-Wek Services .' .('., 7 :" ti ni Pi'acr Service . N:m!j': Ccip.nainitv at the home : M- '.!:-". lh.; Da', is. V, :::es(L. 7 3,, J ln 'raver serv- Church Of God HAZELWOOD The Kev. Hush .1. Cox, Pastor Sur.dav School. 10 a. m. Preachinn Sei ices, 11 a. m. KvaiiL'eli lic Serwcs, 7:30 p. m. Wcilne-iby, 7. 30 p. m., Young h op!i , ni' i ting. Pigeon Street He that baekbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil ty lus ;. ! xior taketh up a reproach agrai-st his ntigh bor . , . but he hon. ietli the:.; .'a." the Lord. Dr. C. V Clark. Wav ncs ille Methodist District superintendent will leave tomorrow for Winston Saleni to prepare for tile annual sission of the church s Westi "h North Carolina Confereiic-e. He and the Conference's nine ! other district superintendents mak ing up Bishop Costeii Harnl, 'Cabinet will meet with the bishop j tomorrow night to work on the ip i pointinents of ministers for 'he new church year. The Conference's hoards and ota I er groups will meet WVdnesda l and the first general session of lie : Conference will open Wodnesda.'. night at Winston-Salem's Cenlen ; an Methodist Church, j In reply to a question, he sud lie was not expecting any "upheavals'" ; in his district which eviends b I Murphy, and that the chaiie scheduled to he made would he what he described as "rorma! ". He explained he could not dis cuss the details. The appointments o! the minis ters in the western N. C area will be revealed publicly through puss and radio on the morniiij of Sep tember 2fi. The district supenMendeiii s. however, will inl'ortn the pastors of their area of their ;,ssignnienls on the prerediiiL' Sailed. i in tii. 'licm time to make aip necessary adjust ments. The Wavnesville district will hae 31 laynun al t tie annual Con ference, including Noble Garret ;. representing the First Me! I101I1M Church of Wavnesville. and If. t) Coleman of the Central Cluinh id Canton. Kach of the Methodist charts in the district will he vepre.-en;. '1 by one lay delegate. In all. more than 500 pastors, hoard members, and delegates from throughout the western area will attend the annual session. Woodland Baptist 1 Church The Rev. M. C. Wyatt, Pastor ; Sundav School 9:45 Vardy Fil iate, general superintendent. Sermon II o'clock each Sunday by the pastor. Training Union 7 o'clock. Al fred Gaddis. director. Worship Hour V, o'clock. Sermon hv pastor. Wednesdav 7:30 p m.. r gitlar rnid-v.i fk piav a i uncling, home of Mis. Shulrr. WML' is observing week ol pray er, which began yesterday. Wednesday evening 2 p.m., reg ular WML' meeting at home of Mrs. Henry Stephenson. Thursday evening prayer service at home of Mrs. Charlie Taylor. Public cordially united. Richland Baptist Church The Rev. Ben Cooke. Pastor Sunday School 10 00 a.m. with George Milner. Superintendent. Morning Worshin 11:00 a.m. wit Ii the Rev. L. F. Clarke, bringing the message. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Wednesday evening prayer meet- ing at 7:30 p.m. i Hazelwood Baptist " Church The Rev. M. L. Lewis, Pastor Jarvis Brock. Educational Director Sunday School 9:45. Frank Un derwood. Supf. Morning Worship--1 1:00. Mes sage by Pas'or. Training Union 0:30. Evening Worship 7:30. Mid-Wtck Prayer Service 7:00 1 Wednesday evening. Teachers' Meeting 7:45 Wed- ; nesday evening. j Choir Rehearsal 7:30 Thursday ' evening. j Christian Science Service "Matter" will be the subject of the lesson sermon at the Christian Science service on Sunday, Sep tember 18. Golden Text: Psalms 114:7 "Tremble, thou earth, at the pres ence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob." The service will be held on the second floor of the Masonic Temple at 11 o'clock. He that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward against the liimn Liiia't ent. He never be in First Baptist Church WAVNESVILLE Kev. L. G. Elliott, Pastor Sunday Sund.i School al 9:45. There is i place and a welcome for those in all ages. Mot mr.g W'or- hip at 1 1 :00. Ser mon b the pastor: "'People Vs i-"rt e-W .1 ( Hid ings." Scripture I'salni 1 l(l:l!-4. Special music. Training t nion al (i:45. Km mug Worship at K:00. Wednesday Jr. Hoai Ambassadors will meet at ::;io. Youth Choir lueits for rehearsal at 7.dll. ' Keiailir Midweek Prayer Meet ing at H'OO. Senior Choir rehearsal at 8:45. Seventh Day Advent Tabernacle 106 Beech St. Hazelwood Evangelist Knecht, Pastor Saturday 9:45 a. in. Sabbath School, Chde Morgan. Superintendent. Lesson Topic: "The Seven Seals." 11 a. m. --Worship Service, pas tar in charge. Church Of God CANTON The Kev. W. C. Lee, Pastor Sunday, 9:30 a ,m., Radio Pro gram over Station WHCC, Waynes- ville. 10 a. m., Sunday School. 11 a. m.. Preaching Service. 7:30 p. m.. Evangelistic Service. Wcdncfday, 7:30 p. m., Mid-week orayor meeting. Psalms Direct Our Daily Lives THEY TEACH CONDUCT PLEASING TO JEHOVAH Scripture Psalms By NEWMAN CAMPBELL AT THE present time there is much lawiessress, intolerance and intemperate living in all parts of the world. Such manifestations always fallow a war, and WorW War II was of such magnitude and brutality that the aftermath of crime has been intensified. Even some very young children have committed crimes. This is a temperance lesson meaning not only that we should be abstemious in our drinking habits, but that we should use self-control in all our conduct and also in our thinking. The Psalms assigned to this lesson show us the way to direct our lives in a manner pleasing to God. Psalm 15, written by King David, reads: "Lord, who shall abide in Thy tabernacle? who shall .dwell in Thy holy hill? "He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and MEMORY VERSE "Rcmrmber the marvellous works that He hath done. His won ders and fragment of His mouth.' Psnlm m 5 epeaketh the truth in hia heart." "He that baekbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his ' neighbor, nor taketh up a re proach against his neighbor. "In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he hdnoreth them that fear the Lord. He that swearcth to his own hurt, and changeth not "He that puteth not out hia money to usury, nor taketh re ward against the innocent He that doeth these things shall never be moved." The "tabernacle" means tent the original name for what was called "the tabernacle of the wil derness," which contained the Holy of Holies, where God ap peared. The "holy hill" was Mt. Zion. No lying or gossiping, no speaking evil of those with whom we associate are acceptable ' to Jehovah. Right living, kindness, tolerance and service to mankind are pleasing to Him. vur moaern world, however, is d on oopyrlfhtad oat Unas produced that doeth these thing;! moved. He shall Stand Thy holy hUL. i Long's Chapel Methodist Church LAKE Jl'NALl SKA The Bev. Paul H. Duckwall, Pastor ' Saturday, Sept. 17 The Methodist Youth Fellowship will have a party in their depart ment beginning at 7:30 p.m. All young people of Ihe church and community are cotdia!l irnittd to attend. l?un and fellowship for all. Sunday 9:45 a.m. Sunday School for nil age groups. All visitors are wel come to join us in the study of God's Word. 11 a.m. Morning worship with the sermon by the pastor. 7 p.m. Methodist Youth Fellow ship for all young people in the community. Wednesday The Western North Carolina An nual Conference convenes at The Centenary Methodist Church, Winston-Salem. St. John's Catholic Church Father Ambrose Uohrbacher Pastor The summer schedule started Sunday, May 1 and will continue : througt No. 1 for the Waynes-j ville church and the missions as j follows: Waynesville: Mass every Sunday at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.; Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament every Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Canton 8 a.m. every third Sun daj Fontana Dam: 11 a.m. every Sunday. Sylva: 8 a.m. every Sundav. II 15; 24:1-6: 143:8-10 getting further and further away from the idea of condemning a lawless person. We now try to understand what causes such a person to act as he does whether child or adult and to help them to adjust to the good life. Little children can be taught not to cheat at rilav tn "nlflv iair. ao trained, they will be tempted to take advantage not cf otnera in business deals when they grow up, or to deceive others. In the 24th Psalm David summed up what he wrote in the 15th: "Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in His holy place ? "He that hath clean hands and a pure heart; who hath r.ot lifted up his soul unto vanity nor sworn deceitfully. "He shall receive the blessing from tjie Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation." The verses assigned to us in the 143rd Psalm are a praver and a cry for help in our effort to live according to God s will : "Cause me to hear Thy lovine kmdness in the morning; for in Thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should for 1 llft up y soul unto "Deliver me. O Lord, from mine enemies: I flee unto Thee to hide me. "Teach me to do Thy will, for Thou art my God: Thy spirit is good: lead me into the land of uprightness." 'K,c,t t0 0,6 befrtnnlng of the 24th Psalm, from which we read- iU0tin8 while we tt,' earth is Lord's, and the fulness' thereof; the world and they that dwell therein " The earth is the Lord's ' with inT fVe 0r dead tht 2 n It. His law o. i n,,M " - "'unuiBDie. of the Maker Hia will? mu sinve to do by Tk bis.u,.i Teach me to do Thy will; for Thoa art my God: Thy spirit is good; lead n.e into the land of'eousntss. MEMOEY VERSE Psalm 105:5. i Miss Liner Named MYF President i Mary Ann Liner was elected president of the Longs Chapel Church Methodist Youth Fellow ship for the new school year. The officers, were named at a : meeting of the members last Sun day night. J Albert McCracken was elected vice-president; Lillian Knox Med- I ford, secretary-treasurer; Ted No- i land, World Friendship chairman; Bonnie Lou Medford, community service chairman; Virginia Fincher worship and evangelism; John Ter- t ell, recreation. The officers will be installed on the first Sunday in October. Lake Junaluska Baptist Church The Rev. O. J. Beck, Pastor Sunday 10 a. tn. Sunday School, D. R. Riley, general superintendent. 11 a. m. Preaching services on Ihe first and third Sundays. 7 p.m. Training Union, with Mrs. Carey McCracken as Training Union director. 7:30 p.m. Preaching services on the second and fourth Sundays. Wednesday 8 p. m. Mid-week prayer services. MONDAY NIGHT -NO MEETING - REST Cardinal Mindszenty & Bible Pro Will Three Men What THURSDAY NIGHT IS THE ANTI - CHRIST HERE NOW, OR COMING? The Bible knows It dors not sucks. FRIDAY NIGHT WHY THE PREACHING OF THE CROSS IS FOOLISHNESS Be sure to hear this Bible Truth. . . . ..... . v w:ilf - SATUKUrt i '' Seven Words In Bible Prophf Prove Tune in Sunday Major Cecil I valion Army vip i morning devolt,,,,. WHCC next v.,:.k , through Saltnila', week. Rev. 1. (; . Ihe First Baptist lie speaker. The inoiiiine v, Sunday will he hi a. Methodi.-t Church Rev. P.. I,. VUU11, 'Phe- e daih p, , ,, ue made po- it, p. i operation oi m.,i,. 'he Hay W'( K,d toil As- ociation. in,. ,1'!, -a.j, Will ii. "I" tin :i rlu; U Hl '( Dellvvood Methotiist Circuit The R( i. lliaa.. I'.istor Sunday, Sept ik CI Maple Grove tor's theme at II) ing God's 1 !i(tii Flizabeth l. ing will In l la i, at 7:30 p.n.. Ii I tional lumiber i .tid J The pastor u::.'e I of the church to he j since these will In j ices of the Coitfen el'.V ll.l-ll),. ''Hi Suin;a ' filial an. The annual W i s!. Una Methodist ("on!, tiled to urn n Sep Winston-Salii'ii. I'u North (.'; I'.'Mcr iv seh chul- P mher 21 Olivet Baptist Church MAGGIE The Rev. Jarvis I mlcnwiod Pastor Sunday, Sept. 1 1 10 a.m. - Suadav Scliu Sunday. i 1 a.m. Preaching serv ic second and four! h Stuidav . 7:30 p.m. - Sen ices, sec ul mid foul th Sundav . ti:30 p. r.i. Training 1 nion Hiram Cnldvvel I. din aim . Wednesday Mrs S)n;al ti " v.nh ih.itr untkr Dm 7 p.m. Praver inectii Hi ram Caldwell. If you are not attending somewhere ( he. come vvor-l us. clttirch H.mnah at the iivtlh Pmnftr ti groups mwtn SPE AT HE BIG Sunday Night Se 7:30 P.M. THE COMING OF Will lie does the latum ill " null When TUESDAY NIGHT Cafliolics and IYolcstanls unite'.' WEDNESI) W NIGHT Who Returned Frortt miss il! each one said I'"11 1 Stalin Cannot W Know lite Triiih VIK( Soin- 8:15 to 8:45 over ialt, , "'! dlfH' - hi '" ul Jt 1', . . I ::"w.y "'"iiJian. ""- Wilt ""MuratjJ Baptists 'H'W(S, i , ur-ta attk ""l s'hu-ch, ij oil- rnim Mn"'-ofS(J 1,1 'h ltl '", "littlfdJ aoiK-'' TInJ pastor ' iijlan totVf, Wavncsi teriarl The Rev. M. I rut ul S Sundav Stfc Morning It Si rmoti SiM Chri-tisJ I L KilpiitiJ IVison? tuiH rt, cutful day M Sp"

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