GE Of The Waynesvilie Mountaineer Hm.Nd;i aiui.i. September 15. 1949 Graddleirs Sylva OnDemer n iS J2o6 Canton Of 2 Stars For Forest City Game it it,- Ini I In' i tlic aflcr llif buys sii'in 'I '"j (It It M-IU' ' iti'd their Uoll- illd lie IV 11- tlllllU I'll Villi mure j M'-sMllS. h,' worst hint king. lie lie i : only it' pointed $- Imw last first .!' biggest he fact !fst taini'. lie milled. Iliirri- Itl'lt.l' ile- ll:'t I' 111. Ill fit-am ever Olllll'll out, ip I hi-- : ca ll', u hi. I) ili.iiuniun- llf illl' la is it's i', they 'lit-: llt-atl- :,u---villo. in ill K . has Mt.iintain-t'lini-t nt i a- pa- : lllg fell i-fleclne Be could tie- Tin- tinlv filial it will Is W.iwie.s- nlil. tinie- Bnil Sylva's kraein" 170 f and hack lid in tliis ho jot) of Bvlva's 190- Cunning- t.. Southern Methodist Ready To Go I ; A"-" !t In-j n . Sx- MATTY BELL SMU Coach Coach Bell, of Southern M, ihodist, is up 1,1 I,i te lone that his team will lose again lln ;l. but In . pi t-,.K ; it.u don't uaHy come true, in that respect, lie has L.I l,i. ie;,ms in ti; tories against 30' losses in the p:M II scar. Hi- I .t-. he is not to even listen to an oiler from an..' hi r school. 11 ever dec-ids to leave the coat-Is ii. twines, lie is in uet another with the University, i Associated Press pictuics . ! Waynesvilie Boys Tabbed Catamounts For North Stale Crown hi Asheville Saturday The Western Carolina Teachers' Catamounts are winding up prcpa ralions today for the Marl nl their drive for a North Slate Conference title they lost last season I a single poinl. Tom Young's charges will lai-e the curtain on fhiir can.iai:',ii S; t- h.nn. Coach Wealherhv -aid In will lake three full teams plus three extra subs on the trip to S Iva The squad will leave at li p.m. hy hus for Slyva. The kickoff is scheduled for .'! p.m. The coach announced tndav thai season tickets for I he Mouiilain ecrs' six home Raines will en on sale Monday at the hit'h school of fice. The price is $4.!0. Wayiiesville's prohable starter against Sylva will he: Left F.nd-Yarburough or .lone'. Left Tackle Alkinun or Nnlinl Left Guard Mc-C'rackcn or Me haffey. Center Boyd or Evans. Right Guard- Hipps "' -M'" ' r. Right Tackle-Terrell or W h it 111:111. Right End Owens or Metcali. Quarterback Womack or -'urate. Left Halfback -Moss or Davis. Right Halfback Swaiwr or Gar rett. Fullback Whisenhunf. Dcweese or Swanger. HOLE - By Alan Maver GOT A GTAtiPAKP TO MAINTAIN, nun AinkiiiJA-rmfJ TO THE AUSTAR TEAM TO 'START STREAK, PORriS ti ALLOWED GEORGE - I'D. M WGHT- HANPL-R y WHO'S CERTAIN TO MAVB THE TOP ArtMrf& czPAezort OF HS CAREER THIS YEAR HIS PREVOUS HIGH WAS i6 V t947 Pintitm if Kim fnttra Uttt 1 1Mb DO VK W M.KI K SMI All-Star lists us- ic- li., I he job For Berth:- To I urd.'iv nii'.hl at A- liex illc's Memtiri !al Talk at'.-iin-l Ralph James's po tent Hu ll Point I'anthi r- 'I In- ( .1 1 .1 11 1 .i 1 ill- are loadeil wit h -1:1 eltian-- tin vear. Yoiiiil' ha ;i.'.ll int. Ilch ,1 ll will be V. ( I line I '-'Iliad. ; La t 1 ea on tin had anol her line quad I bat ml .'.etl- -by a enn vt 1 loo ! he 1 11 1 nil ri'iiMii They ..1 ir etl "etl li Appalachian Slate s MiiUlll.-nneer . lite bo,. - w ho didn't 1 no- .III!! 'I be Mount a i ili't-l'--. all iri leai in" t lii 1 tiui'li hurdle, went mi to eml ( alaw ba's si ven-year It a i' on tin- ('union-lire Ihrone , i 1 1 1 I. tit 1 men 1 1 0111 last seal 's .in mi - in-', hut 2:1 arc hack. ( ne . -L, Haul i a I :ttl-poun.l tail bat I; 1 1:11111 tl 1'ee Wee Hamilton, a peril iiiei i-hiiiit from Andreu w hn ' h., hi i n labelled a smaller edition ol ( bai In .lie I ice. lb n.atle All-North Slate ('onler , 'I.I .-a on in 1 loop t bat u .is , ,.-.. I.-.I v illi he! hack . and iov,el 1 hi. i" 1 Ti qilt -llir. ater Cecil Hobel Is nt A - i, -, :lle--,ill inoie i-- :,i bediiled In I, ., 1 , I a I lot Hamilton, along with II. , i,., Duke, a junior from A lido-. 1 1 . Ma - Tin ana' ol liaekfield I. dent is onniliii on1 li- lour capable full l,.:cl Joe 1 1 n ill nl Nmtll Wilke -boio. l-'a!;iii Mi Lnnnell of Andrews. I', :,. I.iiala r. a IH4H if ti ve. and Pan' :.... l l)!.i i i 11 u hack. Y01111K has 1 24.-i - pound k An inHlon of Wa m-s ill.-. Law rent t' Ainey of Mm uniiton. a nil ' ' erves Leon Whitaker atul Mas Clatm to call Kiila n iiii'toii or Arney i" be the sl.e let . At w iir.ha' k Dew is Willi. ik' tnd Hii'.ce Wn the leaders are M.-iik Bowman, ler ' (), -, , at'ii.t n. P'ont of this tal- nttd ."1 nr. "I hacks will be a line rid', m eP' 1 n nce. Heading Hie 1 'atauiount s this ,(,ai- is Captain Hugh Constance, loa-poi.ial AII-Cor,ti rence center fiom Wavre-ville. Von Ra' Hanks, alternate cap !ain ii'-ni Mm mn -'i"1 Arthur id a-c both ept rienced experts hl. K.,ai-,1 posts-, with other tt,-,ins mii'.nders for that posi tion including F. F. Stewart of Hendersomille. .be Coffee of Crrnuuititl SC. Dan Donavan of An.lovt r. Mass . and Charlie West of We.v-'crvillr. Pin "all" Allison, another hefty f.-oni WavncQville, is one reason whv the c-iach.'s aren't too con rrrn,d ahmil the tackle -dilation Hill (lwens. an up-and-coming fre-hnian from Waynesvilie High School's Paper Bowl champions. , hough lacking in collegiate grid ,.M rience. is capable of making H, 1,-teian leltermen hilslle for .tailing berths. Dm Robinson. All-Conference li an from Marion, is a probable .-,.,r In experience, however. ,1,;,' catamount- have All-Confer- .,-,. Tackle Buffalo Humphries from Cher.yville. with Boh Gree son ia-,-pouiider from Burlington. Hiuce Javnes. another big rontn ladinn from Wavnrsvillp, and Clyde Riungarner of Sylva coming close behinil. tj ; 1 1 At the flanks there are BUI Phillips. Charlie West, Stewart Brown, Clayton1 Everhtrt. and Bob Open Bid Grid Menu Offers Interesting Battles To County Fans Autumn's second football week end ot'feir a passel of interestinr battle- within easy reach oi llas uond County fan-'. a in- v ille s Mountaineers make their 194!) dehul at S Iva h'ridav nil'li! against the once-tried Gold en Hurricane, which emerged from then opener last week wilh a scoreless tie against Hayesville. Canton's lllack Bears will lie L'unnni" for their -econd victim of the season at the same time. Coach Den llipps will send his hoys against (lie Forest City Gridders. whom he coached last season. The L-arne is at forest City. The Bears made llipps' debut as their new coach a huge success last Friday night by licking Sand 'Hill. 34-1 9 Forest City promises a sterner lest of Canton's line run ning and passing attack. llcndersonvillc takes on Kings Mountain at Hendersonville in its second attempt at a victory. Last Friday night, the Hcndersom ilk boys stepped into a Class double-A competition at Asheville and took a J1I-0 pasting from Lee Edwards .High Asheville. meanwhile, enter I tains Stain- of Knoxviile. Tenn. With that experience against a I big. last squad and the light thrown :on their natural lirsf-game errors. Hendersonville should find Kings Mountain a less formidable foe. Hot Springs .meanwhile, travels 1o Marshall. In the college world, a Western Carolina Teachers College team that has been tabbed by the experts a potential North State Conference champion tangles with the High ! Point Panthers at Asheville's Memorial Stadium Saturday night II will be the season's opener lor holh North Slate clubs. Flscwhire in the slate, Wake Forest's Demon Deacons, sporting a bunch of red hot sophomores like Nub Smith. cx-l'ay.-Ueville High flash, how in with their new T formation against Duquesne of Pitt-biui'h al Wake Forest Sat urday afternoon. Only other Southern Conference team- 111 the Carolina-, slated for action is ( 'leiiison's 194H champi ons, who open againsl lillle al Clein-on Saturday, while Furiiian goes to Georgia 1o le-I lliem-clves and the Bulldogs I 1 nla . I he lis I of the big bos will wail .niolli. r week before showing Ibeii nt w nni'-i Ics. The week-end schedule also -hows; I I ! I D A Y 1 In h Si liool 1 111 Tr son c'd al Hayesville on at Hill more :ud al Sand Hill , em : t Hickory Bit a Ma,.-. 'Co Mi 1 ( 'olor lloi'e 1 iptii at Memphis Slate ado Mines al Denver Oregon at St. Mary's Oregon Stale at CCLA SATl RDAY - Appalachian v. Guilford at Winston-Salem Appahuhlan B vs. Lees-Mcliae at Banner Flk Leiioir-Rhync at F.rskine Villanova at Texas A and M Waynesburg at West Virginia Dubuque al Iowa State Tf'C at Kansas North Dakota State at Marquette MeMurray at Tulsa Mississippi Southern at Ken tuckv Randnlph-Macon at Richmond Virginia Tech vs. Quant ico. Va.. Marines at Alexandria. Va. William and Mary at Houston t Texas 1 Cniversily Texas Tech at Texas Colorado A and M at Colorado College Utah Slate at Washington State Utah at Washington Wwmiing at Idaho State Santa Clara at California Williametle at Idaho South Dakota at Montana San Jose Slate at Stanford Ladino clover seed production in 1949 is Hie largest on record, with an estimated crop of 2.370.000 pounds of clean seed, as compared With 1.9.-0,000 pounds in 194K and ni2.000 pounds lor the average of 1943-47. Humphries. Ready for capable relief for Con stance at center are Ned Noblitt ol Marion, Ralph Clark, Buddy Padgett of Hayesville. and Theron Mavsfiek! of Swannanoa. After the expected bruising struggle with High Point, there will be no rest for Western Caro lina The Catamounts the next week end will collide with Appalachian State's defending chairpions. And the battle may write an early finish to the rac for the 1949 North State Conference title. Black Bears Will Play In Forest City On Friday Night By DAN MATTHEWS Mountaineer Special Sports Writer Canton's Black Bears concentrat ed this week on plugging defensive , weaknesses that showed up In then Fliday night's opener as they pol ished preparations for the Forest City game at Forest City. The Black Bears have lost two lefulari lor the Forest Cil game Halfback N. il Rhymer, running star of the Sand Hill game, was hurt in practice, and Tackle Fran cis Pless was injured in the opener alter playing a line game. Coach Don llipps sent the squad through a light workout Mond.iv and followed wilh tougher sessions the next two days. 1 No night work, however, was scheduled for this week prior to game time. 1 Despite the Black Bears' show of I offensive power in their 34-19 vie lory over Sand Hill, llipps declin ed "we have plenty of work to do . : particularly on defense. Indications point to a severe ! for Canton tomorrow night. J llipps' boys will face a veteran squad that their own coach built 1 last season. Forest City split pre ; cisoly even in the ex-Wake Forest j star's first season of high school coaching, winning five, losing five. : and tying one. One of Forest Citys' victories last season was over Canton. 14-fi. Though they'll he n long way from home, the Black Bears were 'expected to have a strong rooting section in Forest City., ( A good-sized automobile caravan is expected to carry many entbusi I astic Canton fans to see the battle But tomorrow night, the Canton 1 coach said, his Bears will collide ! with generally the same boys who played through last season, except j they will be a bunch of veterans I improved by experience. , The Bears will hold one advan tage through having the usually shaky season's opener behind them Tomorrow night's contest will be tile nfMHMtr-fttiVUteir -npponcnt-K. ' The game afsr) is expected to be a battle of single-wing formal ions. Canton's Carolina variety of sin gle wing lias alreadv proved polenl when working behind a smouHilv opeialing forward wall. Forest City's problem consists merely of slopping an attack that looked surprisingly well coordinat ed for an opening game. Coach Hipp-; sent his boys through a stifl 4(1 minute .scriin inage Tiiosdav trying to iron out the Haws that had been spot lighted Fi iday nighl . 'Ibis was Hie only soriminai'e scheduled before game time. He 'tai led Ihe tapei ing-ofT pro cess yesterday, and today the squad was scheduled tor only light work The bo,s also were .slaled to take time old to watt b the birdie, ll was picture-taking day for the pies-photographer'--. Following Tuesday's scrimmage, the Black Bear coach observed that his boys looked "pretty good". He had a special word of piano for Morgan Clark, 190-pound senior center, who reported only Ibis week. Hipps said thai Clark, who saw service last year only in jayveo contests, looked Rood on defense in the head-butting session. The Black Bears are scheduled to leave by bus from Canton at 2 p.m. tomorrow for Forest City. The head coach said he planned to take about 30 boys on the trip. He added that he would probably start the same team that made up the starling lineup against Sand Hill last Friday night. This would be: Ends Larry Scruggs and Joe Mediin. Tackles Henry Looper. Robert Mann. Guards Roy Ingle and Brookshire. Center Larue Amos. Quarterback - Nick Carter. Left Half Bobby Moore, by Moore. Right Half -Gene Devlin. Fullback Sam Coman. Joe Record Breakers Are These Players PHILALELPHIA (API Three serious-minded members of the La Salle College track squad decided to anply for laboring jobs this sum mer in order to keel) in shape for next season. But it wasn't until their vacation time was almost completed that Jim Tuppeny, Frisby Knell and Clarence Harris really broke all production records as members of the school's maintenance crew. They were assigned lo work on the lengthening and re-finishing of the Explorers' track. With visions of far better speeds on the im proved surface to spur them on, they finished the job in about half the time expected. Their Bats Pushing Bosox To Top 1 1 1 , 1,,l,,.,ll,u.i-fi..i ..ll - fc W- ' , :' 's I siW- - - s rv 1 hUMSSaftU TKI) WILLIAMS These two sluggers of the Boston Red Sox make opposing pitch ers shudder, whin (hey sl.-n up to the plale. No( since Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig tore down fences back-lo-hack for Ihe Old Yankees has an American League team boasted as potent a boom-boom punch. Appalachian Drills For Conference Tilt Saturday ( s,,,., 1,1 Tli, Nl.. mil. 1 1 BOONE Balmy weal her greeted practice sessions al Boone early this week as the Appalachian Slate Teachers College Mountaineers buckled down to Hie final week of drills prior to : tailing their North Slate confer. 111 f wars oil' against the Guilford Quakers in Win.'lon Salem Salurda'. iiirhl Coining through the Norlolk Navy Apprentice School game last Saturday with only minor injuries., the MetinWHW? have wttlett down to Hie t.T-.k of eliminating the mis takes that cropped up against the Tal s. The current conference champion-, did not find il necessary to open their ban of (rick- aeaiii'-l the sailor-., hut anticipating a haul fame w it b I he Quaker: . Hie poll- h iug plot 1 s h:e gone on ll'i - week. A pa- 1 nt ' gaini will likely be unleash, tl again-1 the Quaker-;. Pete Mill ace qu.'U lerbai k anil pa -' el completed HI ol aerials which aciountetl lor four touchdown-, in la I week's -,. a: on opener A brilliant new hi tiken field run in r 1 1 . 1 bet 11 1111. .in 11 tl in Johnnie (1 Nt al. fleet looted I1.1III1.1. I In, ol FREE S50.00 AO ALBERT HOWELL IJHvvpcii Wavnesvillc Thursday September This is one of the most convenient farms we have to offer to the buyinff public. Close to everything and everywhere. Having a nice 6-room house. 2 barns and necessary outbuilding. ACRES SUBDIVIDED INTO LOTS AND SMALL TRACTS so you can buy as much or as little as you want. Tobacco Allotment. For further particulars see Bryan Medforcl, Waynesvilie. Easy terms Lunch To Be Served Plenty Good , Music Drive Out . . . Loof the Property Everybody Invited . . . Come For Further Information see Mr. Bill Atkins, Bumsville, N. C. Sale Conducted By Wesi&Gosselt Land Auction Co. Office At: WEAVERVILLE and CANTON, N. C. VriiN STFIMll'NS Mullins. S. C. I Coach I-'.. C. Duggins has been em phasizing offensive laclics. wilh regular fundamental defensive tac tics employed To guard against (he deadh pasing attack of the Quakers, pass defense has come in for its share of attention. Tfi ebaekfield is -shaping tm well and should be ready for 1hc Quak er meeting. Herman BryscTn. Fred Boger, j Lester Hardin, and Walter Hagan I have all looked good in practice this week, with Norman Props! , and left footed kicker Bill Cross star ! ring. lii.iuriis lu. v.- sid. lined several j ol the linemen. John Small, end. suffered 11 brok- : en nose in prat llce Jack Neal. cud. is nursing a - pi ai lied ankle, John Ca.skeVi Lilt le j All-America 1 nil, has a pulled mus cle in his back, and "Cotlon" Pen-i.-k is on the sidelines wit ll a 1 11 11 1 - etl knee. Bill Cleaiv and Blois Grissom have spalketl Ihe team Hits week, will! J. C 1 1 11 1 nit X cull , bo is be ing, figured a-, Lillle All American material pla. ing his usual bang-up brand of hall al center. "At lea-l one permanent pasture on everv larm in Noilb Carolina is now the goal ol Hie Stale College 11 ion y.t 1 1. e" - :i - S II. l)ob- on. t Ion- loo p.e I III e - peeiali- t . CTION Located RAYTOWN and Lake Jtinaluska 1 mz3 .rcc-ilifT? 11 if h'rk! -, '17 ' ,?JltM-mmmmM j' m jps-. :&.e&i'i -i - ill 11 -1 "11 Hn' 11Y 'mMmlftfm Over ... Be With l's on Day of SALE . . .'anil Bid Your Own Price. . . . Bring Your Family . . . Come . . . Whether You Bid or Buy. YMCil Team To Be Feted Tonitfh Champion YMC V- softball team, 1949 North C.nolina late champi on, will be li.'ii.ii ml at a dinner tomotrow ne-'hl bv the V's Men's Club ..( the YMC Meinhers ol Hie s(na, and their wives w ill be em 1 of honor at the event, which will open at (i:30 p. Ill at the VMCA. The dinn. ; al- o will be a public event, wilh ticket -al." to he held al the door for others who plan to attend. Among the guests of honor will he Jack Just it i'. Champion Y phys ical director, who directed both the western district playoffs and the stale tournament held at Canton's Champion Park lasl month. The Champion All-Stars finished third in the southeastern regional tournament at SI. Petersburg, Fia., after winning their first state crown. They were edged out of the regional finals by only narrow mar gins in Hie double elimination c-venl . The coloiful 1949 event was the first stale sollhall tournament ever licit! in Western North Carolina. Like (he district playoffs, the stale tournament was sponsored by (he Y's Men's Club. CapaeiU crowds filled the Cham pion Park stands to overflowing from the time the umpire called "Play ball" in the first game of the even! on August Hi until the last out in the Chainpion-Roanoke Itap ids Simcos battle that brought Champion its first stale crown. The All-Stars, giving Pitcher Nazi Miller perfect support, won, 3-1. Champion, with a heavy hitting lineup and Hie finest pitching corps in the South, battled to the top through a field of North Carolina's 11 linos! -otlhall learns. Official of Uie North Carolina Softball As-Det.nron said privately alter rei. wing Champion's regu lar sea-on ehedule against the best in the South the Canton club had done more than any oilier out lit to promote interstate softball compel il ion SMOTIII ItlNG I'KKII. CITED CHICAGO I l'i Suffocation causes two-lhii.l-i ol the accidental deaths to ehil.b. 11 b : than a year old. Hie Nalmnal Safely Council reports. Kgi" win. h ri t dirty and have to be cleaned li) e quality more lapiilL Hi. 01 ,-, win. li are pro due, tl 1 h 1,1 $50 FREE FARM mile from Waynesvilie 10:30 1. M. Rain nr f?.hi?ip K k: c m mm f m rm mmmmmmw