i THE WAYNE SVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FOUR Colorful Personals Blend With! The New -Mtndd:Aft fall Fash 1 Colors, Pockets New For Fall '49 Lingerie Personals Adhere to Fashion In Slim Lines and Detailing Beauty Pick-Ups For a New I oir.S -ll. u . il II In: l-'.ili will I'l l iliu- eilipn.. as ill Hie coi.-ct-. i;in!i- and lux- vou'll v, oar u l! li mil' lew !' nci v Longer ami ti.l4:li! . iaiinda- 11011- 1.10 '.'I.' l.l'-'Wl' Id l.lsllU'M'- drniani!- I'l l! w 'II be higher . .nted ' r .i - I no.- ol i'Ijv t u- tin -upp'e . . -.- .A cm -let- . No -lir-- ih !; -' : auhte.- Il.'e I nl I udm i In- la!! in Imlitu cub' Colm- nl- lop hilling in the lingerie -eene tor tin- Fall C'ollHs .III' l lil CtlVl lv U-1'll in main solid or two-tone pajamas and gu Uig nun dol- an lealured on high; cour- and negligee sols. Pa-ti l plaid- .no Highlit' and pa jam .1 favorite-. Two-tone trams run r.'iupanl in : 1 1 - pa.iama -clec-ti! . l-'i: em..r - i ed. perennial i ol It XI' ;nl- i h"-. i'. i- Inn' again in all il . s:'i on i i .Jht n - '.i i.una and rob. ,n i i . i p . n;l " I hr I lug-Tie J 1 1 1 I n 1 1 ' 1 'i i; . i'.' i miipleiiie nl I " the m in'. .':. i"i ..pp.nel itrni- be ing ti.il il i a i in 'In- i olor tor t In una i lu ,i "i; Nov. !t p: i nt - cih el c i i lir. i : i Pi hi i i iiaginable Dark 1'inr i o-l -rural and t rnpic loal an- In i' ! 1 1 no ri 'ii r- u-i d main t iliu-. in 1 1 i i . iv pa .'.una and i oat i I liii -1 : i or mod I u m bluo arr aii' i 1 - " p. i lo! r.nnii p.. i m.i I .. ,.; ! ii ; oo-lnno plaid i I'li'lu r,ai I"! - ' ! ' da i k or pa-lol bur . alo r .M.-i .! in pa lama- I lia! hav li 1 1 1 : p. nl lor tor tin man in Mm'- h!. !':! . 1 1 mot il - d i -1 1 1 ' : ' ' 1 1 I ! ' . ' r . - I'm fc. I . in..i. , ,nii o ot Kail '4'b aii ' . 1 o a i . 1 1 mi limn i n -H.u k I"- . lam oi ...il-. -imh i oa i . a i . ' ; i:.' m " u . 1 1 i ' 1 1 1 - i it ' o v i; i , i pi i " 1 1 I i.i 1 it -' i i - ar ami -pm. i-a :!i-.. u. poikct- t" u-n:gHel -h.. d ' 1 1 e i or Imuri adv.ii.t--i-. .m ii : - op..' a :oi is le.ulv tor ipv Sa v I. pi tl i:i i;s -o.t lain:. - do-1..1..1! !. 1 iv,- 'la- i-.ir li.V. a' ion ol a 1. .iiiiral v.."-: line ar.l to 1 "" 11 "frn 'in an d -op. P.o lui-Nii'i- -.no Ti-is unii'S iie.-s lo ooi'tio! ih.. 11. 0." under ill. N(.,.u,(1, hl.,. ,,.., ,,!- ami ..1 ',!.. I.,.k hv :,,a,i- ol ;uk c-,iW., s lao -Ii. till -'.' 11. ' t o! lulO l.,,n-'' line t.i - al-o do 1li. ii ,u' ia''1' bit 111 . ih .ii, n.g v "ar Ion.;. -Inn hr, - tor :h. ,0 1,1,, -1 a-nn The nmmU -aPW- xv'ilh' '.iriii ".'i: .Nl' o 'l.milol'aia f " f i l-o; in :, ! ii 11.0. i Hiiii!..lion- I' ,'" I'.m.lmlomod T-f V)V . "!':' l' Arvi m ' I lul.r.ml.TV ZZ l t-i Y Social' Seasvon MlSS Co-Fd Take NX-Vow if - VL'S r l : (. 0: 0 I'liriins now haw I lie W in.li-.ok fasl, nor that v.ill not pii!:'!i i-r dias? on any mir, always ktv.riiu mi earring setiircly an il o'oil in iilaoo. ' I io- tho po. k d olu ion-. 111 tin t ho- '. -ni.il i and I). .i.h dolri ini'i o por 11. !' ,pp Ir. it-- 1 ,1 rt. h:.: dr. i. : p. p ,1.. h, ,1 V ,.i in 1 , ;. !..i. . or .-t - am lip. ot ! pi o!i.'i 01,00 ol .ri'!.- uiUi , ml" oaii i i-d trout poi 1... . 'i: ijj.. hall - -t iv. 1- an p.nol- bi-'i v,ii '. i .( 1 1 1 In Pid'-'.i'i Mil, 1.1 in-luioo. Tin- l.ii ol 1'iaia. 1- ol puuor ii"t lit don ipiilli-d and piiokorod v illi opotiwoik ,,iii ,1 1 1 inn panel trim n 'd or uido lapel- and mi of , ir.b' "id.i . d .I1-1.:. on inar- bl: pni k. i lib- Some pa.jama- tiii-rlle Tin . do i:i'oi al-o -liov. - Jo.M inH.V, p.u-k.i- and ionlra-l- leuo ola-'n ..mil. w lih laee oer ir ; bi .ial 1 1 pnniini:: tlie.-i' styles Mile nvloi! and pink iihliou- across ma-, ho bail uith plunge neckline- Hie Ironl p am N ar -hav I onllars. - - - K.n.,ti Here's How To In ail. tin- lingerie picture 1- a j . . jj . p.-itm icaooti,,,! .i uhat you will Lronciition riair vi n ' aboe'' Hps Kail. Dolnian 'si. om iiml etTeets. tloatina pan- t on.-l,,r' oxpouio I" Hie sun. .eN. the eoal look and plunge neck- aid ivpeai-.l don-in.',- in the surf line- in -own- and pajamas, , an eh. Hie heeiie-l hair into This look is al.-o reflected in an unc nupt 1 .d o e lliateli liou-eco.il-. 111 the coachman-coat You can ie-iniv lb., lusler and sil hou.-Ho- and the wrap-over pliability o! vour hall Willi the ap- sl'es plieaiion ol a lire -nulhiui; h,;ii , 1'n,i No;- 01 i,,k 1- the i.:iiiiii..iui,.-. ..il lnlioM-d h a Licr.- ."orilPi,. - . ,. 1)1,. inuiulafi.in na,.. , ,,,,,,.,. ineiil bom ,iili i our major apparel. pl.a-anl ami illeeliv e treal lointer and -IraiLiliter line- ineiil 1. -11 o !.,! i, M.uv hno- Volaiule's liand-run Alciicoll laee i blou-e blind.- -uhtlv Willi l'ond's new lilii-hnm Anuel. a radiant lan-lo-e make-up. I I .V 5Mi ,- s-1 ? ' 1 ruin iimiiiJ i . ! 1 U', For skm parched and coarsened by the Summer sun. Mine. Helena Huheiistein recommends her new rich "Paste uri.ed" Nifjlit Cream to solten and lubricate. l y Wm "rat,r' i""'c f j!i I M dress. sl.-cU t J 1 rayon satin S 1' " 1 ff "ou " arrrn" il Mi ' ' '" ''if Ffl f i P a 11 e 1 M 3 I - L drrss. ( ripe fil jil , ft fievw & r sfi $24.95 to $45.00 xet& (Dim jOmm 0 To Wear After ." with all the Elegance and Smart Flattery of the New Season! There's a wonderful promise of complimentary slamour in our newest croup of Fa!l-into-Vintrr dusk-tn-daun drrv.es. You'll love the soft draping . . . the lines that nip in the riulit plaers, fall straight in others. You'll cherish the " after 5" fashion rightness of our many styles and you'll most rertainlv he de lighted with the wide array of heavenly colors and low, low prices. But do come see for yourself, today! TOWN & COUNTRY SHOP Phone 896 58 Main Street I hese told or silver metal but tons by l.a Mode add a briuht touch to her bo coat. A inalch-iii'-! biilt.'i, is pi'ctlilv ,'oisccl on her simple bent. Fr.ijxu lanl lliuls Vtw tho Campus 'i'pm ' nr .1 ! i ( ' ' i ": e -.-. 4 pi .p ! . i . T!.-", r.o,,i ..-ml , nil. vc may ,. ! !-c e.i'omi- 'a ardi obe is lieia , . 'iptci.od lor lo; lie: lo M-homi- all . . r .l.e eo'.intrv. nd pi eparal ions 1 Ii. on a - murli mpt-ar! aree as col- . e I ,ia:c'- . I'ais semc-i'.cr is a i ;. pi'loh a ' t "li I' sc.'Min. 'I' v. in or, i oar. i i "r-ii i: I ;.; movci'i, lilled eardi.'.-.n . over a-nal dies-is. lire- cl.it e -.voal-r - v. ii ii v oke in'.vi t. -a or .seroll c klipes. e-oeepillj tlji'i'-Mi iiialel- .we ilei:. mid skill AM i .i.i lb; J o-aer ol link to- el mo! la iu-.m- A pd lis a v' e Mil - w ho lot iv. , Hi" .w.iip. In svm o'loir, wiili ; j ew I J ion' bis on lie r ('-,ii ;.r inri i numiino. Slie'li w.inl an elfeelivi lc e.loraiil . and llieies :i nch lo !. aid lo: a handy iillie pae!;a ,e i. irt'imiry bakin--; soda! I'alled on wiili Hie "aim el ill. iinil. il does wouilcr, a- a n u j rah 'c t. Mere I ban I hat il s a n.-a' I o! ut ion lo I be triek ul Pack in;: on. j dem lor many u-o.-. j The i air.e I '.'i k:-:',e, l or in i ance j loo!- double d.idv a.-- a Ponl.ifiee. A i il I ie Iii.I.iiil: snipi p., mull o, I in I bo ! . vim ol the h.-'ml. The ieo'LOrn ,b - - - - ; o. dan-peind w il h cool v.aler and L'se Hie Wan! Ad pa a- lor sell- : dipped in I lie powder. Ami d ;: iriR. rent ini;. or relurn ol hid items. :'.ood moil! hw a.-h i-. do-nod. one r ' .i l IUi , 'nib A ill' t !i ranCJ Pl.t.-l,,i;.w!j ra n .,!' 1 ,. :,li,hi1 wiinsl "'''''ISlJ i'1"' --il othfl Harry Berber's nt vv "slee,i dris doubles as a "IView-uin (lo.:i Styled wiib a solid whPc sail lop, striped satin skirl. 1 aler utit! lull ii ale shiri p,n ,, p., .; llj0. rims pv Ion jei -ev b!,m , l, T,A. i v in .o.iK a- ini., i . , ,,1,1, ,llu, in. ny nines a- w I ,-, , , A ,n ironing i.- nol ma di d . .. i - -'"la hi oiio-iiaii ,, m;iv iid ( )i waier win Hi. ih,. ,k n ,l!lir I nr. year s ( aiiipir- (.t.n U alio .if .cop her head on Hie bnrlii -i(,. ':"l(,,li-i,S ietij miMOe as t i as n sn -,,, ' ''"'lui. Mu, iHiiii.i i s ner (Lilly lllll' uilli p,,., ,lt' v-t-D. U 'aiiiiii'-ii. Pail -h(. ,1,,,.,,,-, s,nl ' Mi "' '' Ullil a duly bni.li sin- " "tok cb an hair bui-h ,,,,,1 -bdi-- Iti eolor-J ii ; Id i lo oil, a I w hen suaknl , ,, ''' "oil be an nl waler with l,.,k,,. . .. :'"k. aiteod. i I hi oe table .pneli- 1, i lit-l, 'J Ihl! Keep Your Hands Out For campus and Winter sports, a water-repellent Legionnaire scarf-cap of wool flannel by Obarli of Hollywood. Gadabout In Your Blouse And lie Proud If They're In Trim P h ball i mm . a a'li-.e of 1 f tm: i t i'emonl . a iirpe of re m w i d ora i rv and do- ire lor self j iiiil'i tii iliu pi lake Mary's little lamb, you'll lind thai a unod blouse wardrobe w ol j:o everywhere. l'our or live p.oixl tbissic-,, leara ed with a couple of pood skirl-, and holt-., will take v on tbriiiiph ilie lour '.ea-oii!. with verv little le'ed I la i- ,,,, ,.,-A waidiobe , lo ll,r hani'e ot laee. plan li. n ao, e mu". In choose. However. I here are a lew pppoil 'Abn li In uii- ii j,, -m important ! ant lliim.1,- In keel) in inind '.vboii bom on Ha --noil- ruoinin-.: a::en- ! assemlilinu a shut wanlrohe. t'.e Mini b oiil. l irsl. he sure of Hie hi. Make Vom'iI b. in pi i ed hio.v nlien ! e( i lain Ihe shoulders set rmbt on von aii pnb'.od bv nur hands. ' your own. That the eoll.ir, il il s a Hand thai -Imvv peplecl del racl I onvei I ible one, buttons close !.-. I l oin v our w hole a ppearance. iti ii's iiow We've voikei out a special band i al e l mil me w Inch should he lolbm id in .bi Iv I o keep our h nn I at 1 hi n auoot lie..t and love-in- .1. AM v on vi ill need p. a i;nol hand rii am road', ha- a pew one vviiieb 1 Pale pink in en lor and leave : no Ink', ie nine, an oratuv-woo'l Ink ami a couple of niliuil,- lo '.MO- oil AMi i ' . 1 1 1 1 1 1 i I s washinp, and di ""'. ? '"in- hand . dij; your lieror naP . int., ,r ,,f hand cream, I'M 1. 1 p : lia- i -1 '-am underneath eac h phoid, niiied cosliietiei.il! lul.riealin eondit iom m; i 1 72 !;'': Ion-mi les, accordiiu; to llailwav Lxpress. -I I-,- s,' i.pl;. "il. pi i I' i dilv healed, lo the hair. Ihu Ii oa, h -irand Iboroimbly li'l " I ' i al orbed, by hair and cab vour throat and that Ihe sleeves ' have much in common wilh the leiii'.i h of v our ow n arms. ; Qualilv p. equally imporlanl be- ' can .e you'll want to know that i vniir biou i". can j:o in and out of j a lub a. often as you do, without i ciiatp'inn color or shape. Fine finish and line detail, arc1 the next Ihms lo look for. Turn ! Ihe blouse inside out to ascertain v I let her or nol I be 'earns are solid- i ly sewn and finished. j More ton-miles of air express are flown today over the country's '. scheduled air lines in one month, j a lolal of J.I DO. HUH. than wit car- , ricd the eiiliro year of IDiill with I nail. This will soften and pio'ei! Mlow the oil to remain on the delicate skin beneath the nails lor at l. asl ten minutes I ullovv with a highly concentrat ed ml and soap, shampoo, diluted al lb, rate of an ounce of sham poo in ivvn ounces of waler. Firm ly woik the mixture in, covering i verv poi i inn of the hair and scalp. Kmse. and rinse vehemently, till the ban' literally squeaks between the buyers for naturally curly hair, or for ac centual inn a permanent wave, qp ply a steam towel after the sham poo to remove excess moisture. Set as usual, then dry. In time hair treated in this manner acquires a fresh glow. The ofl retained after the shampoo furnishes the supple ness rob'oad by sun and sea. Between shampoos brush joui hair the required one hundred strokes per. This vigorous spanking distributes the "il evenly, brings out the slightest suggestion of wave. and heln to prevent nail breakage. Then, with Ihe oranpe-wood stul, Cently clean away Ihe cream and any accumulated grime. It's Kasy Next, smooth more hand cream around the cuticles and, ayain with Hip orange-wood slick, push each cuticle back with light circular downward pressure. Used I his way the hand cream will remove any surface cuticle, will ward off little tears and keep the cuticle smooth and pliable. Finally, apply a generous amount of hand eream to the hand itself. Massage the cream onto your up held hand with smooth downward strokes, or downward "wringing" motions. Massage each finger the same way and don't skimp over your wrists. Keep massaging until every bit of the cream is thorough ly absorbed. Then bufT your nails lightly. Belk-Hudson Co. Agar v w &y ui gfyla.ftfnM-f Precisely Tailored for Unlimited Wear! These louts trek tiver p;it!i m paveitu-n'. with tMt!;sl pjilomh! Tiny ure on the pi fieri (il list of yon pils ,,-.fv ? tsu'ttro of vour huk',ct its von ' :. - , ' :oe of the lati-.t I'aris repoii. $ "v ' .( ! l-- - And as the mercury nestles (leeypr down into (lie ther mometer von will appreciate the toasty warm linings. In a variety of line fahrics: (weed, fieeee. camel's hair, broadcloth in all the colors from this side of the rainhow to that. - ... - f v , ;3 . "-- ! i'' i . ; ' v X t it Mt T J1ti W tZr0 N .jS'''v " i ' i . '$ , 4 I V ""v. :w. . ..." it?' 1 ?'-v. l'se Our Convenient Lay-Away Tlan Belk-eMudiOH '" "Home of Better Values" '