Mond PAGE FOUR ay Aft THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER OF INTEREST TO WOMEl SOCIETY and CLUB ACTIVITIES MRS. BEN SLOAN, Society Editor Office Phone 700 Home Phone 4C2-J Crabtree Club Holds Meeting Thi' Crabtii'i'-Hydor Mountain Home Demonstration Club met Fri day afternoon in the Home Econ omics Department of the Crabtree High School. Mrs. Marshall Kirkpatrick pre sided and a demonstration on Dif ferent Ways to Prepare Apples was given by Miss Mary Cornwoll. The group discussed the nutritional value ot apples. THE E3G3E3E WORLDS FASTEST PORTABLE TYPEWRITER jj THE ALL-NEW 1950 U Smith Corom jj CLIPPER n u 79.50 Pins Tax We have one new 1949 Model Sterling Smith-Corona, re duced from S84.50 to s74:50 Plus Taxes THE Book Store Main Street ! Phone 73 ANNOUNCING . . . A Change in Management of TONY'S GRILL Now Owned and Operated by .Salah Atta and Muhamad Ali. SPECIALIZING In Delicious Foods Dinners Steaks Southern Fried Chicken Chops RE.VSONABLK RATKS Our New Name Will Be The Waynesville Restaurant "We Appreciate Your Business" THE HOOK STORE yes WE HAVE CARDS With RULES at 81.79 SET Also Separate Rule Books Our Stocks Are Complete SCHOOL SUPPLIES Greeting Cards Appropriate for Anyone from Cradle to Grave CHRISTMAS Cards Give Your Order for Personalizing FOUNTAIN PENS: Sheaffer Parker Eversharp Esterbrook OFFICE SUPPLIES and EQUIPMENT THE BOOK STORE "Help Your Town Grow Miss Elise DeLozier To Wed Joseph Palmer Joint Hostesses Entertain For Miss DeLozier Mrs. Herbert Smgletary and Mrs. Wayne Corpcning entertained with a dessert bridge and rummy party at the Trice Lodge on Lickstone Mountain Saturday afternoon, in honor of Miss Klise DeLozier, vvhose cngagcnioi:; to .loseph Palm er has just hi.on announced. A variety of late .summer flow ers decorated the looms and places were marked with miniature cor sages of mixed !lo ers The bride elect was presented a corsage of red roses. follow inu tin presented to M held high brid. Stephens. win ;an'es ;i tes were Paul score had s Davis, who Mrs. .lolir. cond high. and Mrs. 1! V low: al-o to Mi row, w ho m m d nimtin pl,i . i - a NesbtM. who was rldilli Summer In :h among the ml Mi-. Margaret iw Miv DeLoier Green w ho w i- low pii etlM cl pio( an honor gi.t Attendm.: 1 1 p. DeLoier ;i:ul her i ol china as : y were Miss ; iiher. Mrs. ,1. C Del.oi C Palmer r ol Amiov ii le. Mrs. G. Si . mot her ol t he bride- ei'oom-eleel . Mrs. W. II. Morris, i Mis K M Williams., and Miss j Char'oMe Del.oiei. all sisters of' the bride-elect of Asheville; Miss Betty l!i))s. Mrs, liiley Palmer, and Mrs. Tom Kirkpatrick. also of Asheville: Mrs. 11. . Nesbit!, Mrs. .lolin rick. Miss .Mice Kinch i'f. Miss Margaret Gieen. Miss Bet ty Bradley. Miss Ldi:a Su mmerrow. Mrs. Fred Campbell. Mrs. ,1. L. Edwards. Mrs. John Stephens. Mrs. Charlie Woodard. Mrs. John T. Schell. Mrs. Rudolph Carswell. Mrs. William Xorris. Mrs. Harry Lee Liner. Jr., Mrs. Porter Frady. Mrs. John Car ' ver. Mrs, Paul Davis, Mrs. David Underwood. Miss Mary Medford, Mrs. Rhea Clark Mrs. Sebe Bry- son. Mrs. Kd Sims, Miss Bernice 1 i llarrell. Miss Dixie Campbell, Miss j i Kdith Summerruw. Mrs. Boyd I I Owen. Mrs. John Carver. Mrs. H. j A Lantz. Mrs. T. H. Kent, and ' Mrs. G. C. Palmer Jr. i Mr. and ilrs. William Clark and Billy Howell of Jacksonville, Fla., , are guests of Mrs. Clark's sisters, Mrs Robert Breese and Miss Mary Ray. Katherine Calhoun School Of Dance Will open fall session Wednesday. 3:30 at home of Mrs. Harrv Lee Liner. Jr. School operated during summt'r at Piedmont Hotel. Stu- dents now being enrolled. Phone 833-W after 3:30 Wednesday, or 131. CANASTA Quantity Is Limited Shop at Home'1 Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Cleveland De Lozier of 867 Haywood Road. Ashe ville. announce the engagement ol their daughter, Miss Nina Elise De Lozier. to Joseph Hardy Palmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Palmer of Crabtree. The wedding will take place in November. The bride-elect has resided in Waynesville for the past year, dur ing which time she has held a posi tion as assistant home demonstra tion agent for Haywood County. She is a graduate of Sand Hill High School, Asheville Biltmore College, and Woman's College of the Uni versity of North Carolina. Mr. Palmer was graduated from the Clyde High School and received a degree in animal husbandry at j North Carolina State College, Ra iliigh. During World War 11 In I served with the Marine Corns ir. the South Pacific. He is now en gaged in dairy farming at Rush Fork. Patsy Clark Has Party On 10th Birthday Miss Patsy Clark celebrated her tenth birthday with a parly given at her home last Saturday after noon. She was assisted by her mother. Mrs. Louie Clark, her grandmother. Mrs. Howard Robin son, and Mrs. Delos Dean and Mrs. Leo Hill. Games and contests featured the entertainment and refreshments were served. Those present were Danny. Kath erine. and Ann Hill. Lynn Fugle. Clifton and Janice Arnold. Jack and Deanna Jo Farmer. Jackie and Sonja Snyder, Barbara Fortner. Patsy Ann Holder, Roy Moody. Mike and Mary Franci s Lane. Mike Byrd. Stevie Woodard, Charles Dean, William Nelson. Betty and Freddie Calhoun and Patsy Bristol. ... a traditional pattern, as American u the Liberty Bell. Early 19ii Century design at its best. A six piece place set ting coili $21. 3S (huiuJihj Jalcral Uj). E. J. LILIUS JEWELER 17 'I keep thinking I see elephants!' Dan: "Ymi do, Ted. I'm gonna parade these elephants erour.d town, earrving sifms that read, 'LENNOX World's Largest Manufactures and Engineers of Warm Air Healing Syatemi.' Like it?" Ted: "Sure but how come? Dan: "Well, the Lennox rum ie famous in ho e heating. The Len nox Company is the most prom inent in the buaSieas; they have over 6,000 experienced dealers like me. Thia me&sage aleo shows why Lennox systems are so efficient: they're built by experts!" Ted: "And the 6nal words tell me there're lot of Lennox systems!" Dan: "Dozens and dozens in rim and types for gas, oil, coal! What d'you think of my idea?" Ted; "Super-colossal! And here's some more advice: sign me up for a Lennox now," LENNOX WORLD'S URBEST MANUFACTURERS AM EN SINTERS OF w AIM AIR RUTINS SYSTEMS g AUTOMATIC HEATING CO. Phone 565-W Balsam Road Fof your table p Van Green Is Given Party On 8th Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Lewis N. Green en tertained with a party Friday in honor of their son. Van Green, on the occasion of his eighth birt'iday. Supper was served on th lawn and favors were presented to the guests. Following supper the party was taken to the movies. Mr. and Mrs. Green were assisted by Mrs. Roger Walker. Those invited were Mary Ann Fisher. Tommy Walker, Paul Davis, Jr., Emily Fisher, Jane Clapp, John ny Carswell, June Hendricks, David Ensley, Stevie Kent. Frank Frye, Ronald Green, Slizabeth Summer row. Bobby Walker, Susan Prevost, Tommy Prevost. Cfrolyn Davis, Preston Crews, and Charles and Patricia Ann Holland. dnu MSaki 1 I tvf , IScrZ ii fV Friday, September IOE HOWELL, OWNER Mrs. White Is Hostess For Home Club Mrs. C. L. White was hostess for the September meeting of the Mag gie Home Demonstration Club which was held Thursday after noon. A devotional program was led by Mrs. C. F. Owen and Mrs. White, president, presided during the busi ness hour. A demonstration on the Conver sion of Oil Lamps into Electric Lamps was given by Miss Mary Cornwell, home agent. Project leaders making reports were Mrs. Jack Campbell, Mrs. White, and Mrs. Owen. Three new members, Mrs. Cor dell Bradley, Mrs. William Holsten, and Mrs. Hermon C. Holsten, were welcomed into the club. tl HI H MIUMI" Main Street, Waynesville (Building Formerly Occupied By Balentine's Man Store) - featuring - A COMPLETE LINE OF HARDWARE, Pi SHELLACS AND VARNISHES The Clausons Entertain At Buffet Supper Mr. and Mrs. Eric Clauson enter tained with a buffet supper last night at their home on the Country Club Drive. Mixed arrangements of late sum mer flowers were used In decorat ing and the dining table was center ed with a bowl of zinias in shades of rose. A birthday cake was pre sented jointly to Mrs. Hilliard At kins and Dr. R. Stuart Roberson, who observed birthday anniver saries this week. Bridge was played during the evening and high score for the lad ies went to Mrs. C. J. Reece while Dr. Roberson won high for the men. Low score prizes went to Mrs. Richard Barber, Jr., and Jonathan Woody. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Woody, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Of"" " Phone 1062 School Library roupiNames New Officers The Library Assist;,,,,. r, , Waynesville Township t, ' " met last week and el,,, ed .for thp v,,.a.. ti ta ""Her, Marietta Di'llar,!- .. ,)r,'s"fcnt. Jane Phelps; secretary anT!"1'"' urer, Braxton Crock. r ' r 1KV,; r..... . . '' If llil'h.r ..u.c a-rtiuin and h slm j,n Mehaffey. ,,n ' Mn Mrs. Wayne Edwards school I, branan, serves as iacu ... " h' for the group an;, Z are Betty Robinson Snvde , Plott Eleror White. Ger S esr ton, Coretta Henson. and r , Knight. " lLlln Barber, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. . "s- "'"tenor Pn. vost Mrs. Hilliard Atkins and and Mrs. R. Stuart Roberson - U the of Openim oweii ai u vv ai (Trrmsrlv Hrr7Alwood Hardware! Cha,l. - rv . WW Justice DEPOT j 11 23r

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