,WM P'I'G CO Corrp- 220-230 S Fir 10VI8VILLE ny TODAY'S SMILE "Oh Captain," "Id lr on a liner, "my husband U subject to seasickneaa. Could you tell what he ouht to do?" "It's not necessary to tell him ma'am," said the captain, The Waynesville Mountaineer "he'U do it." Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park - - ,, cm in iue tuuoiy oeai ui iiaywoou vuuiuy r iud uunuuvv 64tnEAlTa 79 18 PAGES A-ljTress News WAYNESVILLE, N.C.. THURSDAY AFTKRNOSEMBER 22, llljj and Jackson Countie, ' - " im orry call hr Waynes- iv. So iii- p time in " on a fhair, and were to leave as len" and iportun"' of her. fonc wl,n nirt and i and her Jn the -'ar Ready For Season tsed hat teals wci. tand down ighe spent feeling Lgrcgation plicht what do Jiadn't no- there was worrying gone to I I 1 1 I I L ibling will' recently, jot some on looked cx- badly cut looked at In lold some ins in the first aid fe jumped iu ked moving Id. won narcny an icy stare. it's paint. 1 Idu act. You ralm when ly the only He obedi- Ids, and that This giant time clock and score board is the latest convenience add ed to the Waynes ville Town ship High School foot ball field for the c o n v e n ii iu e of fans. Electrically operated, it tells the time left in each quarter, the score of the mo ment, yards to go for a fust down or touchdown, quar ters, and t h e downs. It was bought and erect ed on the east end of the field last July. You can see identical clocks at North Carolina State College, the Uni versity of Illinois, and other colleges t h r o u g hout the country. I Staff Pllnlnl (Full details of the first home game of the season, with Tryoii tomorrow night, may he found on pages 2 and 3 of the second section). id Methodist Appointments To Be Made Monday At Annual WNC Conference Big Conference Of 1.500 From 9 States Invited To Meet In Community Igling, sandy- ftft intn a rn Irawled: tine up." the recruiting Mo you want mister," the rejoined the lio war going that." the . "The dura the duration Joe Howell Will Open Hardware Store On Friday Announcement is made today of the formal opening of Howell's Hardware Store on Main Street here Friday. The firm will occupy the build ing formerly used hy baiennnes Ma,n Store. Joe Howell, owner, has moved v.!- einnk nf merchandise from Ha?- elwood, into the store here, and is opening with a large stock nf na tionally known brands oi mcuon"- dise. . Mr. Howell is well known in me retail business here, and opened his hardware store in Ha.elwood several years ago. The directors of the Chamber of Commerce made plans for conclud ing iivir membership drive for the current year, and approved tenta tive plans for helping house a con ference which will bring 1,500 here next summer. Dr. Frank I.ove presented a plan for getting housing for 1.500 at a 4-day conference next August. He was assured by the directors that arrangements could be made to lake care of the group from nine Sunt hern Stales. The directors also approved a plan of entertainment for young people on Hallowe'en night. Some more details have to be completed before the full program is announced. 26 Pints Of Blood Given To Red Cross This Week Waynesville area residents last Tuesday contributed 26 pints of blood to the American Red Cross Blood Program, as the Bloodniobile made its third trip to the area since last spring. The blood donor room was set up in the Ha.elwood Presbyterian Church, of which the Rev Paul Patterson Thrower is nastor Volunteers started reporting shortly after the room opened at 11 A. M. The last donor left shorl- lv before 5 P. M. The donations were taken to the Asheville Regional Center. From tli.-ip Ihev will eventually be dis tributed with other donations to fill requests of hospitals in 17 North Carolina and four South Carolina counties. Mrs. Charles Ray, Jr.. and Mrs. Felix Stovall were in charge of the handling of the volunteers and took care of other administrative details. W. T. Crawford Honored In Special Service Ui MomW. nf the Haywood Coun- IV" ----- ty Bar Association and a targe executive in- group of solemn spectators p. . lie would have tribute in the court room oi m fc business for Court House to the memory ol the le would hurry late Walter T. Crawlord, wayn.s- Irliest possible I ville attorney who died a year hk. The session ol me cmi .u.. silent reflec- term was suspended while the -V- fcan declared, sociation, headed by Presioetu v ..- you. dear." liam Medford ol waynenvim-. v.,.. going to be ducted the memorial services, moment I'm A resolution drawn up by an As- kid nrotpstert. sociation committee ot drover y the trip a Davis, A. T. Ward, and M. Stamey. paid respect to the lit'' 15 fnr U, mil tnnmnrv nf file attorney for 'ti ro wi mr. f II- biiu 111. ,7 - fe explained, work as a member of the bar tor j me clothes." more than 19 years. , p way to New The resolution, declaring j hubby ex- Crawford's death a gnat to,.- f'. you can get the profession and the county, wa -Jnt right here entered by Superior Court Clerk H t.oathprwnori as part of the pr," the little court's permanent record. This ac- 8 just what I tion had been requested in tne mu ont have to ument Itself. Frail." Read at the service, with mo resolution was the eulogy f ,,!r pin Haynes of late President Woodrnw Wilson from a week's which Mr. Crawford had written Kenneth Pan- in Februarv 1924 in Honolulu. Pa. u.;i hari Iippii mihlishrd in iho niri UavivnnH Journal. rracken. daueh- Amnxg thp Drominent attorneys McCracken of and iurists who Daid tribute In the r entered the attorney was retired Superior "man s College Court Judge Felix Alley of Wayne.-- ville. 125 Attend Corn Field Day At N. C. Test Farm About 125 Western North Caro- I linn farmers attendeed the corn I field day at the State Test farm I here Wednesday. The group made ia tour of two Haywood farms after 'the visit lo the Test Farm, which was conducted by Howard Clapp, director in charge. The group heard Dr. Moore and Dr. Collins, of State College, and saw future breeding nursery plots, as well as official varieties under tests. A field harvester cutting in silags corn, and a temporary silo built of wire and haevy paper were of interest to the farmers from six i miotics. A tour was made to the farm of ! Howard Reece, in Cecil, whwe I (nni grown in rotation with leg umes for increased yields was ex ' plained From there, the corn crop nf Wavne Sorrells, in Pigeon town ship was visited. This plot is ex peeled to yield more than 100 bush els per acre. ' Farmers attending were from ' Jackson. Translvania, Madison, Buncombe. Swain and Haywood. This was the fourth, and last of i a scries of field days to be held Sthis vear at the State Test farnr ! Others were tobacco, dairy and ' poultry. Special Events For Hallowe'en Are Being Planned Plans are-underway to (dve the children of this area more fun than a barrel of monkeys on Hallowe'en night. The dirertors of the Chamber oi Commerce approved a plan for the youngsters that night, and details ,iu hp itiiipn later Not onlv will win i h"1" , . , e they be given the privilege of marking up store windows, but there will be other attractions aaa- ed to the deal. All the details cannot be made nnhtip v pi since some money for staging the event must be raised. But the money is almost in nana, and just as soon as it is, then the lid to the secret will be off. In the meantime, youngsters of thie r-nmmunitv can look forward to a big time on the night of Oc tober 31. Haywood Methodist pastors and laymen joined others yesterday in Winston-Salem for the annual Western North Carolina Methodist Conference. The sessions are be ing held at the Centenary church, and will continue through Mond i The usual interest centers around appointments, which will be an nounced Monday morning. There lias been a lot of speculation re garding the appointment of some pastors. No official announcement. however, will be made until Mon day morning. Dr. C. N. Clark, district superin tendent of the Waynesville district, has been here two years. The dis trict includes all territory wesl of Buncombe County. N. W. Garrett is the official del egate from the First Metliodisl Church here attending the confer ence. Rev. Russell I-. Young, pastor of the First Methodist Church, has been here two years. Rev. Paul Duckwall, pastor of Long's Chapel, at I,ake Junaluska, I has been pastor there for two years. Mrs. M. B. Lee. pastor of the Haelwood Methodist Church, has been assigned there three years. Rev. J. E. B. Houser, of the Dellwood circuit, has been here three years. Rev C. O. Newell, of the Crab tree charge, has been here four years. The Rev. L. K. Mabry has com pleted three years at the First Methodist Church in Canton, while the Rev. C. W. Kirby has just finished his second year at the Can ton Central Church. The Rev. George B Culbreath has finished his third year as pas tor of the Rockwood charge, while the Rev. Asmond Maxwell has had only one year on the Morning Star pharfjp At Bethel the Rev. Clyde L. Col lins has served a little more than a year, having been assigned io that work during the summer of 1948. The Rev. V. N. Allen is com pleting three years as pastor of the Pigeon Valley cnarge. Thp Rev W. T. Medlin has boon pastor of the new Methodist Church at Clyde only one year. Stricken I " II Haywood County Sheriff R. V. Welch was reported this morn ing in "very serious'' condition at Haywood County Hospital af ter suffering a stroke shortly af ter midnight. Sheriff Welch In Serious Condition Following Stroke Haywood County Sheriff R. V. Welch suffered a stroke at approxi mately 1 A. M. today. His physician described t h e sheriff's condition this morning as "very serious." The veteran officer is under treatment at Haywood County Hospital. The doctor said Sheriff Welch was stricken after he went to bed in his apartment in the courthouse, Tourist Group Nani'ea Hyatt V-Chairman Many Gases Heard In Civil Court Hearings continued iu Haywood Superior Court today on the eases docketed tor the September term as Ihp first week ot the two-week session neared its end. Thi- court made heavy inroads in the docket of H6 cases this week, but much more work remains to be done before adjournment. Superior Court Clerk C. H. Lealherwood estimated that ad tmirnmrnt probably would not come until after next Wednesday. Judge Dan K. Moore was hear ing testimony in the case of Price vs. Hanks late this morning- The case was called yesterday afternoon. In c.iiu beard this week, Judge the suit of the Norlh Carolina Board of Barbers I'.x.iminers again:;t James Holder, Jr., of llar-olwood aftr the plaintiff failed to appear. He granted voluntary motions of nonsuit in the cases of Roxie No land McCracken and others vs F. M. (Furinani No'.aud, and Roxie Noland McCracken and others vs William Glenn Noland. Fui man M. Noland, executor of the estate of J. W. Noland, was I authorized by the court to "pro ceed with Hie administration of the estate ot J. W. Noland. The judg ment was entered in the case con cerning J. W. Noland's will. In the case of General Electric Supply Corp. vs. Wade Sutton, trading and doing business as Highlands Electric Co., and High lands Electric Co. , Inc., a judg ment was ordered for the recov lery.nt' $1,321.2:1 in debt from the 1 drfi V ant jM'dge Moore ordered a juroi withdrawn, then ordered a mis trial in the suit of William Shakel (Sec Court Page 6) Committees Working On Big Program In November Hunter Henry left Monday for Chapel Hill where he will begin his senior year as a law student at the University of North Carolina. Since the beginning of the current Clyde High School term, he has Deen sud stitute mathematics teacher for his father. New Dentist To Practice Here Dr. C. M. Hinkley has purchased the dental practice of Dr. W. K. Chapman, it was announced this week. Dr. Hinkley. formerly of Ashe ville, is a University of Louisville (Ky.) graduate. He plans to occupy his offices on or about Oct. 10. White Oak Is Winner Of County Field Day Events Paul Hyatt of Waynesville, own er of the Piedmont Hotel, was elected vice - chairman of the Western North Carolina Tourist Association yesterday. Haywood County director, was named during the day-long meet ing of the Association's board at I he office of the North Carolina Park Commission here. Six of the 12 counties in the Association of tourist facility oper ators were represented at the meet ing over which Board Chairman James P. Myers of Swain presided. The officials heard George Ste vens of Asheville and Ross Cald well of Cherokee, vice-president of the Western North Carolina As sociated Communities, request their cooperations in making the final arrangements in connection with Hie production of "The Cher okee Trail." Thp historical pageant, based on the colorful life of the Cherokees in this section, will be presented July 1 at n new amphitheater now under construction near Cherokee The Association members were aslrprl to aid in bousing the peo ple who will come in connection (See Tourists rage oi 1 Fair anrt a "id tonight. nd Warm PlUe tpmnoi-, thp eloft r M'n. Rainfall 5" .03 40 37 Col and Mrs. John B. Martin am, son. Pl Martin, of Phtladel nhia are here for a visit to Colonel 'Martin's mother. Mrs. EPJWartm- White Oak holds the first title of the Haywood County Community Development Field Day. The White Oak residents out numbered the representatives from the five other communities in last Saturday's event at the Canton High School athletic field to win the event with a score of 60 points. The winners added 50 of their points when the judges found White Oak had a larger delega tion at the event than any of the other communities. A total 116 men, women and children came down from White Oak to see their teammates ana to win the attendance score. Ranger Predicts Color Season To Hit Peak On Oct. 10; Foliage Turning Foliage in the higher altitudes is turning fast, according to Kaner C. W. Serine of the Waynesville district of the Blue Ridge Park- "There is nice color around Beech Gap, and near the tops of other high peaks," Ranger Senne said. "Most of the color is found from 3,000 to 5,000 feet in altitude, he continued. The peak of the color season is expected to be about October 10. and he estimated the color season this year would be seven to cignt WCeks in duration. The season Ltoallv darted two weeks ago " S gives five to ,ix remaining "Se foUage showing color thus far include:, red maples, e U poplar, service berries, dog wood, and mountain ash. Thp ten other points were award ed yesterday afternoon when the White Oak women s norse. suur pitchers won their event. Iron Duff placed second, omy five points behind the winners. East Pigeon finished third with 40 points, and Thickety was fourth with 35. Saunook and Upper Crabtree, the two other communities in the com petition, failed to score by only a narrow margin. The scores in all events except the women's horse shoe pitching were compiled Monday night by the county recreation commission (See White Oak Page 6) Braxton Crocker New President Of WTHS FHA Braxton Crocker is president of I ho Future Ilomemakers ol Amer ica chapter of Waynesville Town ship High School for the new school year. The new president was elected at the club's second weekly meet ing last Tuesday, with other offi cers for the new year. Carolyn Saer was named vice president, Mnuriene Carver, secre lary; Mary Evelyn Plemmons, treas urer; Belly Farmer, song leader; Josephine McClure, historian; Haz el Farmer, parliamentarian; and Huth Nichols reporter. The veteran members appointed an initiation committee to arrange for the induction of new members which will lie held next week. Mrs. Nesbitt suggested that the FHA members sell refreshments at the Agriculture Fair which will he held September 28-29 at the high school. The idea was greeted with en thusi:.jm by the members. Initial groundwork was laid Tues day night for the Third Annual Tobacco Harvest Festival here, starting Thanksgiving week, and climaxing on the Saturday night af ter Thanksgiving. The Merchants Association In session Tuesday night went on rec ord unanimously approving the plan for the third consecutive year, and discussed plans for making this the largest such event ever staged here. Wavne CoiDenintf was again named general chairman, and will be assisted by the same general committee which served last year W. M. Bill" Cobb. Charles Ray. George A. Brown, Jr., Paul Martin, G. C. Ferguson. Dave Felmet and Jonathan Woody. The treasurer, Joe Davis, was re-elected. The program, which might ex tend for four to six days, will be designed to honor the 1.600 hurley tobacco growers in Haywood. The hurley crop this year is estimated to bring $800,000, which is slight ly under last year, due to weather conditions earlier in the season. While the details of the program have not been completed, it is planned to have a parade, featur ing floats and a number of bands on Friday after Thanksgiving. At least two dances, and tne crowning of the tobacco . harvest queen on Saturday night. Last year, in spite of bad weath er, the Armory was packed for every event, and on the last night, huge throngs were turned away be cause of lack of space. Roy Parkroan was named chair- tniin rtf tha finnnrp nmmitip f)i- j thb merchants, wlu jreed to , , i,M 1 ! unnerwme wwrost or me evrni. The general committee is slated to meet in the near future and com plete many of the details of the program. Mr. Corpening said that with (he interest shown last year, that more than 15,000 persons would probably again witness the parade. Food Handlers School To Begin Here Next Tuesday Billy Davis In Washington Hospital Billy Davis. 21-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Frank Davis of Waynesville, underwent an opera tion for removal of a kidney last Tuesday at Gallagher Hospital in Washington, D. C. His condition Tuesday night was described as "fair." The natient. who is employed in thr. II S House of Representatives, entered the hospital five weeks ago. His mother was with him tollow ng his operation. Bob Lcming Is Editor Of Crabtree School Paper Bob Leming has been named editor-in-chief of "Crabtree Hi Life," the Crabtree-Iron Duff High School newspaper. Other members of the staff are Joan Medford and Farrell Sanford, associate editors; Betty Leming, business manager; Farrell Sanford, Cartoonist; Dorothea Lee Noland, exchange editor; Billie Welch, sports editor; and Novella Wood, society editor. Champion Fibre Given Special Recognition For Best Annual Report Again CpL Carpenter Moves Here; With Highway Patrol Gnrnnrnl .Inhn T. rarnonler started work this morning as Hay- wooa uounty s newest state nigti way patrolman. The veteran of nine years on the Patrol succeeds Edwin Jones, who was promoted to sergeant this sum mer and transferred to Cleveland County. Though he's new tn this rnuntv Corporal Carpenter is no stranger io wesicrn rvonn uaroima. His first assignment after he was commissioned in the patrol in 1940 was i n neighboring Buncombe County. After a year there, he was trans ferred to Fayetteville, where he served until he was transferred to his new post here. Asked how he liked Haywood, he smiled: "So far, fine." A native of Catawba County, the corporal is a graduate of Newton High School and a 32nd degree Mason. He is a member of Fayette ville's Phoenix Lodge No 8 and ex pects to continue as an active Mason. The corporal and his wife, the former Hazel Ponton of Fayette ville, are making their home in Hazelwood. The officer has set up hi; head quarters at the court house here. Mr. and Mrs. John Tittle have returned from a visit to their son, Gerald Tittle, in Jacksonville, Fla. wtmmmamimmmmmavL and other relatives. The second of a series of Food Handlers schools will begin here Tuedav morning at 9:30. it was announced by the District Health Department today. The three-day sessions will be held twice daily in the small court room in the court house, ine aner noon sessions will be identical to the 9:30 sessions, it was announced. The same school was conducted in Canton this week, with a large attendance. There are no charges, and all persons working in places hand ling food, whether retail, or where food is served, are required io at tend, the department announced. TV., cnhr.nl nrnpram will consist of lectures, demonstrations and pictures. Certificates are given tnosp at tending, and firms having 100 per cent of personnel present are also given recognition. The school is open to the public, and everyone interested in learn ing the modern ways of handling foods are invited to attend. In the final ratings of an in dependent board of judges for the Financial World Annual Survey, The Champion Paper and Fibre Company was judged as having the best annual report for the second consecutive year of the pulp and paper industry. The bronze "Oscar of Industry" trophy will be pre sented to Dwight J. Thomson, vice president, in charge of Industrial and Public Relations of The Cham pion Paper and Fibre Company, at the Annual Awards Banquet in the Grand Ballroom of the Hotel Stat- s ler in New York on October 31 194U. More than 4 500 corporation an nual reports were submitted in this national survey, the ninth in the series and these were judged in onp hundred industrial classifica tions for "Best of Industry" awards. In the "pulp and paper industry" category. Kimberly-Clark Corp. (Neenah. Wis.) was runner-up for top honors, while International Paper Co. (New York City) took third place. (See Champion Page 6 Highway Record For 1949 (To Dftte) In Haywood Killed .... 6 Injured ... 38 (This Information com piled from Be cords of State Highway Patrol).