I AGE THREE October 3, 1949 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER piii'i'. lIXER ST! ye School For Cens Fall Session i lht, muMinis ,nt tests were Id. and sub" 5 made. lenilier - an nus vaiu-i , Lience degree It-ai-n vun.c, .. to-ieh- Vexaneiei liulli fiir- r.,tj, New ,,1 'IVatliine let ilive Zone of I f(H'l line""" Lout: l-,laini. i iiiifiit. rom . f:NKI. IN jft'-IJlllKlt'lll 1),! i ninniuii- j:i;ini 1 1 i Al- ,ij ' luuscJ.iy I ('ink miiuim . 1 fc0 reel vallon;ii ,l Monday Till, ami M''S. Mi- l.llUU'l' , miliary oi ( lUU'Cll Williams Tin- mecliiit! s Ha h'aiimT, wvii' Carolyn ilducll. Hfuy n I'lii'i', Uir- Fislifi-. Hclty Imiir li'frcsli- jl) Mrs. Wiley Williams. Canton Lions Told Oi Work Of Eye Clinic Two speakers told members of the Canton Lions Club last week of the details of the opeinUun oi the clinics the clubs support in their efforts to aid the blind. Dr. G. Ford Smart, eye. ear, nose ami throat specialist from Ashe ville, told the Lions of the method in which the Western North Caro lina Lions Lye Clinic operate and the cost of its operation. Mrs. Elba Sneed. special medi cal case worker for tlu- North Caro lina Association for the Blind, dis cussed the work the clinic docs m lii western counties. She pointed out that 1 . f -1 4 per sons were examined for deleitive vision by the workers of the clinic last year alone, li7f were tilted with glasses, and 1-5 received surgery for correction of defects. Of the total, 7H of those exam ined came froom Haywood CminU. I Of these. 29 were plvcn corrective glasses, and seven received e.e op ! erations. I Miss Sneed, assisted by Mrs ! Elaine Gill, county public health j nurse, presented a skil illustraliiie I the methods the clinic uses in t;iv ! ing eye examinations. I Also taking part in the program I was Dr. Everett Clark. Southeast- Optical Company represent;)- Permits Must Be Obtained Before Fires Are Made Coimlv Fire Warden R E Cald- Well reminded property owners to ! day that thev inii-l obtain permits hetore they can burn trash or brush tin u ooded areas j He explained lii'at the National I ore: I Set :i e leii-ut.-r- the :e.i-,oll tartuiK iKiohci 1 ( 1 1 1 . . 1 1 -1 1 the fall j and u intei mouth- t lit- pel iod when i i , .i , . . . or iiaiiver oi He limine iorest tile- ir pit-ale ! Huiium, peioul ma lie obtained liee ol cliaite tiom Hie following aeeiii u - oi pel en Mi . C.ddwell. Hal lev Allen Su.ol.e C'lu-ei , Tele phone ;'.88-J i ,lu.p' or 2:!9.KM ni'si deiii. ', lien Hill. I h.uiiuei- Moun tain towei man 'lei ...(,'!', Wayne.s Vllle I'll,. Cluel Clem I ilitel'jUl: loin Alex.ii.ili-r, Cal.tlooi liee Kjlu h; Cal.lon I lie I e(. ai I uiellt ; J 11. I'.eai li I '.nun I'.i u:. i, II K j lloiien I , i he 1 1 ( ii alker. jliu-h foil. c.,e n c liiown, : Hemphill John I.. Hello. Heaver- dam; l-wald llohonibe. Hi,; Ka-.t fork; Billy Howl Nih.i- li.nn, c. l Kianklin, Vow Cie, !.; W. C IV; ton. Ciiimi. T. S, Howell. Hie K.e.l f oi k: I.. A Ti .mih. in, Tin. k.i Haywood Calendar Tuesday. 8 p.m. Upper Crab- 1 tree Community Development i meeting, Methodist Church, j Thursday, 8 P-u- sJaunook ' Community Development meeting, j saunuok School, R. N- Barber, Jr., , pieMduig. Canton Man To Get Service Pin From Carolina P & L. Co, John E. Tate, manager of the Canton office of tlu; Carolina Pow er and Light Company, is one of the sixty employees of the firm who will be inducted into the Pioneer Club next month. Each oi the 60 have a record of 25 years or more Willi the company. Mr Tate will receive his pin at a meeting to be held ill Asheville on Hie Kith. c in tivc tin- Young I he Junior hihrinediate Hie Wonians ul 1 1 if Aliens h ini'l for a niir . Twciity- onii' liiitnd in slab's of the toooj Potest BCCSf IE PRIZES i I4K BM.KS . NiRhl :I84-J Clyde Group Puts Finishing Touches On Clean-Up Task Regular business meeling of the South Clyde Community Develop ment Group was held Monday af ternoon at the Pleasant Hill Cemetery, where the members had just finished a day of cleaning and mowing the grounds. The cemetery had been cleaned by the group once during the Sum mer and this was a final clean-up job for the Fall. Clyde High School Agriculture students of Hubert C. Evans came in shifts and helped with the work throughout the day. Lunch was served by the women William. Osborne, chairman, pre sided over the business session. He announced that the first round of judges to help determine which community in the county has made the most progress this year would be in the South Clyde area Thuis day to inspect farm and home im provements. Members were urged to remem ber to vote in the special hospital bond election this Saturday. John A I'lotl I'h.tt Creek- M I. McOaha. Ma" i ' i e ; .she! I A 1 1 i 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 j 1'anlher Cuek; .1. II. Mc-Kli'iiy . Saimook: J. 1!. Caldwell. lion j Dull: Cr.Hh lau- lien Duff: liuli ert How. II. .lon.itli.m. It. C. l'til ! nam. Slainc C..c. llai.K V. I'lul I lips. Ml. Sterling: Itiooks Store, I Maggie: Dcllwood l'osl Ollice 'Mi's, i Kusselle Miss )ii,. Campbell. Hay- Wood Superior Court clerk's oll'ice or Soco lioa.l: Hurnelt's Store, Lit tle Last Fork: Mrs. Salli,. Sulloii. I White Oak: Mrs. Dili.. Dnekell White Oak: . Ie.se Jenkins, While Oak: and Nathan Carer. Hemp- Services Are Held Saturday For Mrs. Smart Funeral services for Mrs. Hester Siyart, (JB, wife of Thomas Smart of Waynesv ille. Itoule 'I, who died Thursday in the Haywood County hospital following a brief illness, were held Sal unlay afternoon in the First Baptist Church here. The liev. L. (;, Elliott and the Hev. Jarvis Teague oificialed and burial was in Crawford Memorial Park. Nephews served as pallbearers and nieces were Mower hearers. Mrs. Small wa a inembi r of the First Hapli't Church for more than :i.r i -. 1 1 and wa : an artie member of the W oman's Mis.' ion ary Society . Sin'Oving in addition to the bus hand are two sons, Coleman of Murphy, and File, Smart ot Clyde, lioiile I : one damiilci . Mi s. Thel nia Cryiiies of A: hev ille: a broth er, Viri'il liie-el of Clyde. H.iute 1. and one -i ter, Mrs. Malli. Teague of Cove Creek. Smothers Named Head Of Canton i Toastmasters l.oranzo Similiters is the new ! president of the Canton Toast - ma- tel's' Club. i lie was elected at a recent meet ing to succeed Hall XI. Whitwoith. who became deputy district gov ernor of the organization. ! The members also named Edwin Hay nes vice-president: Dr. Carey T Wells. Jr.. secretary and treas urer: Carlton Bellamy, sergeant-at-aiins: and Jimmy Wilkinson, edu cational committee chairman. Mr. and Mrs. Newell Honored at Meeting Hy MI1S. M1LLAKD FERGUSON Mountaineer Correspondent The liev. V. O. Newell, pastor of the Crabtree Methodist Charge, and the Rev. Mrs. Newell were formally welcomed back to the community last Friday night by a special committee of the Lower Crabtree Community Development Program. The occasion was the celebration of Mr. Newell's reassignment In the se( lion by fhe Western North Carolina Methodist Conference. Later Marshall Kirkpatrick, com munity chairman, presented to the c mil lee plans for projects which are to be carried out during the I. .11 and winter. lie asked for a discussion and a repoi I with amendments to be sub milted to the community at large at the regular meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Crahlree-lron Dill, School Mr. Kiikpalrick also announced that a s polling bee will be a feature of the entertainment. $50.00 FEEE FREE $50,001 AUCTION SALE F. A. JUSTICE FAR M UPPER CRABTREE - Located In 12 MILES FROM WAYNESVILLE MONDAY OCTOBER i 10:30 A.M. RAIN or SHINE This is one of the finest farms in Western North Carolina . . . can't he matched in Haywood County. Consists of approximately 17f acres rich bottom ground and excellent mountain pasture . . . well wa tered, fine farm home ami tenant house, large tobacco and cattle hams and necessary outbuildings. Farm machinery and approximately 20 head of cattle will also he offered for sale. Convenient to churches and school. Subdivided into lots and small tracts so you can buy as much or as little as you like. This is absolutely one of the finest farms we have offered to the buying public. For further information see Bryan Medford, Waynesville. EASY TERMS LUNCH TO BE SERVED PLENTY OF GOOD MUSIC "faY.t".'' Mr'-: Drive Out . . . Look tin- Properly Over ... He With Us on Day of SALK . . . and Bid Your Own Price. Everybody Invited . . . Come . . . "rintf Your Family . . . Come . . . Whether You Bid or Buy. West & Gossett Land Auction Co. Ofli.es At: WT.AVF.RVILLE nnd CANTON, N. C. RST TO fP to last, I finest produced by advertised time-proven e uir best ice. Fn Agency TIS ST0RE ! Operated e32 ;elk-Hudson Brings You Quality Merchandise at SaVBSUgS jjfl wumu whit AalIaMHH --3 36-1NCH ASSORTED COLOR $129 Pin Wale Corduroy ." 9c TYPE 128, SIZE 81 BY 99 MUSLIM SHEETS $L5 LADIES' NEW FALL RAYON Reg. $6.95 .Dresses $4, ALL SIZES ALL COLORS 25 Large Group Ladies' SWEATERS Were $5.95 ALL SIZES 2M J "I MEN'S BLOODHOUND OVERALLS ' SEES j)le94 REMEMBER - YOU ALWAYS SAVE AI .Belk edsoe THE HOME OF BETTER VALUES FIRST QUALITY HYL0N BOSS 51-Gauge 15 Denier 9h