i. .-1' toil - bts he 75 u m har- I j. at fcddaut- I .. -hut-en 1 was I He had to lentertain WDARD PTQ CO .-220-230 S First Si nnTrTr-n fcostpn Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park j TODAY'S SMILE I "Are you In pain, my little man?" asked the kind old "No," answered the boy. 1 "the pain's in me." I UAYEfiTlidrh "rPAis-jed Press and UniteTFrsW OCBER 13' 1949 Adcjlaywood and Jackson , Counties the tiir1 ming tut" foddenly alien- In a L girl gif"y F ..lull. in me ' tidwx on swinging ,ne :in such a Lily Slid Jtained. all Ire se. " the man for said. U Cingra,ula" Iter. Lion, he said- Lm mil lake and wax. My bet'" he Lycle rider on anv chances. Lly, wearing a Ralclilie Cove Wins Vole Prize Ratcliffe Cove yesterday was formally declared winner of the Clyde Lion's Club s $50 cash prize for turning out the largest percent age of its citizens to vote in the hospital bond election. County Elections Board Chair man Jerry Rogers certified that 90 per cent of the community's regis tration cast ballots in the October 1 election. One hundred and 41 Ralclilie Cove people came to the polls. The Rev. W. T. Medlin, secretary of the Clyde Club, will present the prize in behalf of his organ ization to the Ratcliffe Cove Com munity Development I' r o g r a m oroanization at the R'tdiffe Cove Community building. d r o v e r Haynes is president of the club. The meeting is scheduled to open at 8 p.m. with R. C. Francis, Hat cliffe Cove community chairman, presiding. The award was offered to the Community Development organiza tion which had the greatest per centage of its total registration voting. Mr. Rogers said Francis Cove and South Clyde were the run nersup in the contest. Haywood Plant Major Producer Of Power i i i 1 p-3 : ; 1 V I L f.''mfm- . f j I . . i- . . c l 1... ..,.,t.-L ,f Ii County's Share Of State tunds Recommended For Twelve Schools - T J nnirlai: tt WNCAC Proposes New Lab For Test Farm Here This is the Walters Dam, backing u water in the 20.250-acre lake, which is formed by waters of Pi geon river in the lower end of Havwood county. The water goes through a 14-foot tunnel lor 6.3 miles to the power plant. Picture of the power plant on page live. The project is owned by Carolina Power Light Company. on Program ler Outlined lecrcalion pro bity Develop- oullined this ,on cumin ission ding of basket- hd other gen- Imine the best articipants. ition is that tv basketball aid girls, wjth make its own blac-e lo play. Agent Turner unity Develop- rvisnr. will on clearing house unities in mak- Carolina Power & Light Company Plant In County Major Unit In System Children Star At I.E.MassieNamed Chairman Of First National Directors j ,1. K. Massie has been named : chairman of the hoard of directors of the First National BanK, suc- n.,,1 iiw. hit.. .1 H. Bovd. Mr. I I . .. i i iH Massie has been vice chairman for many years. dlcnn C. l'almer bus been named vice-chairman, lo fill the place formerly held by Mr. Massie. and A T. Ward has been named a di rector of the bank. Since the bank was organized in HI02, there have been only three i chairmen of the board, the late Dr. .1. II. Way, the laic J. K. Boyd, and the present chairman, Mr. Mas-sic. munities wanting to visit oilier communities can gel assistance in making the arrangements by con tacting the county agent's office. Under the scoring system, points for the variety program activities will be awarded as follows: -recitation and declamation contests, ten each; singing and instrumental music, five'each; one-act play, 25: talk or address on Community De velopment objectives, ten. In debating and spelling activi ties, debates should be limited to ten minutes, with three minutes al lowed for rebuttal, giving each side a total of 26 minutes for its debate team, to consist ot two persons. The Commission suggests these topics for debate: Resolved, thai Haywood County should make available necessary facilities for having a County Fair; Resolved, that Haywood County should no longer support and maintain a County Home; Resolved, that poul try raising in Haywood County would be more profitable than corn as a money crop. One team would argue in favor of such a resolution, while its op ponent would argue against it. Each community will select out of these questions, prepare one member of the team on negative , arguments, and one on the affirma tive and then make ararngemems for a debate with some other community. Twenty-five points will bp given for entering a debating team or participating in a debate. The two communities competing shall be responsible for furnishing then own Judges. A spelling team shall consist of five people of any age. but teach ers are barred from competing Twenty five points will he given to the community entering a spell ing team. A checker tournament will bo held in March. Each community is asked to enter one man and on. woman. There is no age limit. 'H' tournament will be held in W-n ne, ville and Canton. Pm will in,-ia.. I Twentv-five points will he a - ard- r'ions. ti,,i ed for each oerson or peron "'ts"iisi, i fcnded that has- be held in the Ideterminc the boys' and the will hp played Canton. Ilude provisions to be held in ping the 1949- ( shown. prticipation is a community ex- 25 articles at N 100 points re. "dged on work- "id usabilitv. ft ribbons will other fairs to Rh class. claim points of their rep- swring system. "ember of the live the mm. SimilarK- let. ffcd to the red P live to the Is. "1 be taneht PWtftv levhlo and hand to'ding a handi- lotal Irador Pis. "1 a la It or h the Com- " Program. Iiwen. eom N 13 Parti,. hrm today. Fri- "W mild Nil torn- f ""staff f the . Rainfall 50 54 mnrp than two) cnterinB the (See Recreation Pasc check 51 I'rom a river which was relo cated and piped through six miles of solid rock conies all of Haywood County's electric power, and yet few people have ever seen the unique development one of the most important in Western North Carolina. The Wallers Dam and the Wal ters plant of the Carolina Power & Light Company are so difficult of access that many of the younger gimcraOon have'Wevwnrlieard. ot them. But the plant generates more power than is sufficient to electrify 3r0,00( residences, and more than enough to serve every f'-ii-ni in North Carolina. The plant, named for Charles S Walters, vice-president of the Car olina Power & Light Company, and I manager of that company's west ern division, is located on the Pigeon River rear the border of the Smokies Park and can be reached by way of Newport, Term.. over NC. Highway 284. The dam, which lies 12 miles up stream, furnishes water power to ,,,,, ,,!,. through a tunnel 14 feet ie diameter and 0.3 miles long, but i, ;)( resMble only by boats launched n, the headquarters of the lake. The power development grew out of a merger in 1926 of the Ashe villc Power & Light Company with ,the Pigeon River Power Company, which owned water rights and lands ;usod by this electric generann plant Three other companies -eredthe merger, creal ing the mod e,,, ' Carolina Power & Light Com- ,)!Tc Wallers plant, formerly W,terville. was the first ma- undertaking ot tne new ...... Alter three years oi cons' -... ....( ii.in onpration Hon. tins Plan' 1 , r , , vm and has ecnerated as much 4nu million kilowatt hours per 'y,r a record which will be ;'-Tri.,Bl .he 20,30-acre ,,ke i, lmpni.nds. lie in a se tin? rucccd beauty. Nearby is lofty M,'lsl;-.HnC. a 5.835-foo, peak ,1 i,v ,i tnree-mue m n liO-fool steel lookout tower ' . . i ii. u-ilrfer- ,-i wide vo w ... - r ... riroal smokv iea ol tot . i . Monoi'nins National Park. The large , eh-tvpe dam. 180 feet high and R7(1 ,eet wide, stands in majestic ,Scr Walters Dam Pa' 51 jor pan.1' Canton Lions Club Meeting The youngsters look the spot light Tupsday night at the nicot ine of the Canton Lions Club. -AfcWant County Agent Turner Cathcy--worked up a program that featured the singing, musical, and declamation performances of !4 sons and daughters of the members of the Club. Starring in the show wen- Solo ist Ashley Neal, nine-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Neal; Km ily Stone, nine-year-old piano solo ist, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stone; Anne Cathcy, 9. and Ashley Cathcy. 5, who sang a duel. Mr. and Mrs. Turner Cath-J ey's children; Ronnie Matthews, piano soloist. 11 -year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Matthews; Anne dates,; 12 and Marv Cris dales, soloists,; daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Louis dates; Mary Reeves Hampton. 10, piano soloist, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hampton Nine-year-old Jackie Sue Wil liams, whose tap-dancing brought long applause from the audience, daughter c.r Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams: Sam and Kermit Duck ,ctt. who played the piano as a I duet, sons of Dr. and Mrs. V. II Duckett; Charles Duckett, another son of Hie physician and his wife, played a clarinet solo; Anita Brooks, daughter of Maurice T. Brooks, the president of the club, and Mrs. Brooks She made a short speech on Monism. done C.oodson. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lon doodson, entertained the audience also with his playing of several old favorites on the piano. Ashby Cathcy gave the blessing. - I Honorary Tar Heels To Meet The Honorary Tar Heels and adopted sons both started arriv ing at Catloochee Ranch this morning for tonight's informal din ner that will open the annual get toget her. Already at the Ranch on Kie Top arc Hill Sharpe. who got the idea of organizing North Carolina's friends outside the stale when he was Tar Heel advertising director; Aycock Brown, the native Tar Heel free lance writer who's been covering North Carolina's water front for years; Joe Massolelli, New York restaurateur; Ray Trul linger, staff writer of The New V.u-k World-Telecram; and Paul ii:,iini,n of The Washington. DC Times-Herald. Ranch Owner Tom Alexander said an even dozen Honorary Tar Heels had made reservations for Hie week-long series of bear hunts, fishing, and bog-rille shoots. Most of the members and many native North Carolinians, includ ing former Governor Gregg Cherry, are expected to arrive later this afternoon. The dinner is scheduled to start at about 7 p.m. More than 1 0(1 marksmen from at least three states will compete all day tomorrow for the prizes in the muzzle-loading ride shoot. On Saturday and Monday, some of Haywood County's finest hunters will take their dogs out with the Honorary Tar Heels to track down hear. Sunday will be a day of fishing at Kontana Lake Arrangements are being handled by Dr. Kelly Bennett of Brysnn City, a Western North Carolina civic leader and promi nent sportsman. At tonight's dinner, the Honor ary Tar Heels will receive gifJs from North Carolina mamifac lorrr,; and businessmen in appreciation (Sec Tar llccls Pace 5) Haywood Polio Units To Meet Here Wednesday A joint meeting of the Canton and Waynesville chapters of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis will be held next Wed nesday, October 19th, at the Town House in Waynesville. Following a "dutch treat" lunch eon at 1 o clocK, me ousiness ses sion will be devoted to the annual election of officers for the two chapters and to the formulation of plans for the next March of Dimes campaign. Dave Hyatt of Waynesville and W. H. Huger of Canton are chair men of the two chapters at present. This will be a county-wide meet ing, and anyone interested in the humane work being accomplished by the Foundation is invited to attend. R. H. Shelton Dies Suddenly At Home In Roxboro R. Hem gar Shelton died sudden ly at his home In Roxboro this Henegar, a native of Waynes ville. was the son of the late Rev. R. B. Shelton and Rachel Owens Shelton. He has resided in Rox boro for a number Of years and has been engaged in the furniture business there. Among the survivors are a sis ter, Mrs. C. M. Ream of Asheville; an uncle; C. V. Owen, of Waynes ville and a first cousin. O. H. Shel ton of Waynesville. Funeral services wilt be held at Roxboro. reael From a there i 900 Crowd School To See Lions Club Minstrel Go-To-Church Campaign,1 Starts In Today's Issue, Sponsored By Local People John Boyd Named On Building Loan Board of Directors John Boyd has been named a director of the Haywood Home Building and Loan Association, to fill the vacancy caused by the death .f his falhpr thp late J. R. Bovd. fi. .... t. .... ,4 ,.,.. .. nhartor ' h( I lie IHie 1VU. DU.ru aa a ...anu member of the organization, and held the office of secretary-treasurer for many years. A portable soil and plant test ing unit and a poultry research Ijboratory for the Mountain Test s-.j,.... iwr.. were proposed last Mon day at the quarterly meeting of j the Western North Carolina Asso- j cialed Communities at Fontana Village. WN'CAC. meelii'g wiUi the West ern North Carolina Tourist Asso ciation, said it would sponsor the piircha'.e of the nlai'l ai'd soil unit and the establishment of the poul-t.-v htltfH-atol v. WNCAC Secretary Charles Dong las of Brevard -aid the laboratory would test the birds ami give in formation in regaid to diseases and emergency treat menl The laboratory, operating for poultry men in the II WNCAC counties, would save the raisers the trouble of getting the inlorm.i- tion from Raleigh Named to a committee for the project were Mountain Test Farm Director Howard f'lapp. L. I.angdoti of Asheville. Douglas. C. K. Freed of Murphy, and W. B. Wiggins of Itobbinsville. The mobile I'lanl and soil latio-rnlin-v would be the type that is now used in communities of Geor gia and Alabama. The laboratory workers would analyze plants and soils lor defici encies and make recommendations for their correction. Fourteen of the 16 western com munities WNCAC includes 1 were represented by U delegates at 'the meeting. .i , ' In other biMMiea. Charles K. Ray of WayirsvifUV YhKirinup ql' the uiait. narks commission, said that through Rep. Monroe Redden's ef forts, Cherokee Reservation land had been transferred by the federal government for right-of-way pur poses in the construction of the Parkway link between Soco Gap and lleintooga. He added I hat. through (he Congressman's ellorls. $500,000 of the federal budget has been tagged for a portion o( I he Fontana-Bry-son City highway. The portion af fected is at Bryson City. Mrs. Edith Alley of Waynesville. ferret arv of Hie Western North Carolina Tourist Association, re ported on the organization activi ties. Dr. W F. Bird, president of West- cm Carolina Teacher- College, told the group about the details and (lie possibilities of a recreational and scenic survey of the area covered by WNCAC. He is chairman of the organization's recreation and scenic survey committee. Joe Jennings, Cherokee Reserva tion superintendent, and other ot (icials report! d a shortage of funds for liiianeing the Cherokee pageant, scheduled to be staged next July for the lir-.t tune. WNCAC President Percy Fere bee of Andrews and Mrs. Lucille Boyden look part in the report. Thev attributed the shortage to Hit. failure of a number of com munities to nay their pledges. Before adjourning, the members decided lo hold their next meeting ill Waynesville on January 2. Board Decides on Appropriation of Funds The Havwood County Board of Kducation this week recommended .. total share ot that ine couo.j - -state school monev be used to im prove the schools in the Waynes ville and Bethel districts. The request for this use of the $346 583.10 share of the state i school bonds anil tunris was j Monday after the County board ap i proved a survey report at a meet ing that morning in County Schoo s Superintendent Jack Messer's of fice. The recommendation was nvme, Mr Messer explained, on the ''Hid ings that the 12 schools in the-J I wo districts needed such improve ments worse than anv other school; in the countv. A State Board of Education in vestigation now must be marie to determine whether the conn:, board was correct In its decision as lo where the greatest needs exist. If the stale agency's investiga tion supports the coumy uimiu findings, the money will be ustn 'o construct new buildings for East Waynesville Elementary. Central Elementary. Hazelwood Ele mentary. Saunook, Aliens Creek. Lake .iuualuska. Rock Hit!, and Maggie, in the Waynesville district; and Bethel, Cecil. Spring Hill, and Cruso in the Bethel district, 'the board recommended $170,000 bj applied to the Waynesville district schools and $170,583.10 to those in the Bethel district. Mr. Mcsser reiterated, however, that the final decision as to how the county's share of school fund.; will be spent is up to the State Board. Admitting that the state money will be a help in whipping the county's school buildings in shape, he declared that it would take a tojal Of one and a halt numon doHars to repair adequately all the county buildings. The county survey was made last Monday to supply information that the state agency bad requested about the physical conditions ol all the county schools. The report gives the average daily attendance for each of the schools, physical facts in reference to the number of teachers, condi tion of the buildings, and other matters, maps, and complete statistics. Mr. Mcsser said he did not know exactly when the state would make its own survey. During the meeting, a commit tee of the Aliens Creek Community Development Program, headed by Hip Rev. C. L. Allen, community chairman, told the board member; of the needs of the Aliens Creek School. The board promised the lr lega tion its full cooperation when the money was available to remedy the conditions as far as finances would permit. North Carolinas' voters by an overwhelming majority approved the proposed $25,000,000 state school bonds issue in the election held June 4. Haywood County voted 5.401 to 367 for 'lie issue. The state road bond issue was carried on the same ballot. Kotarians To Honor Dr. McCracken Friday A special memorial service to the latw Dr. .1 H. McCracken will con stitute the program for Rotary Friday. The late physician was a charter member of the club. James Gwyn will have charge of the program. Parade To Close Fire Prevention Week Here An overflow audience that jammed the Waynesville Township High School Auditorium Tuesda nioht rniro with near v com on. ii'iii. w.m u - nn lanehter as the member the Waynesville Lions Club pre sented their 1949 Minstrel. . .- Don crats vas fcvery one or iue filled and 100 more persons tot of eolild v hat rxt week, the sn" s ...I for the sake of the !!;-- a ro.mtv 4-H Camp at Mountain Test Farm. Sponsored by the purity 4-H (ll!s ,n cooperation w-th the Con -m.in.tv Development Program r- m.ahoos of -lie ''.""""- the minstrels win n.n..i chonl at h at liCMiri ..... Crabtree-Iron 1""' Wednesday, and at 8 P-ni. i Go To Church publicly national scale, by laymen in all wants gai nities. , frirmancei I run. Monday. H p.m. at a also will give a date to be set t.nlin0 rnOIll Itlttl umy BmnuinB ,-w.n. i-l proved to be one of the ,' ' . x nooi ; . ular and hilarious snows v,. y 27) I w.o.l Tl.i.r-U ;iv ilKiooti Uons have ever pi"-- Minui-el . . .:..i,il, hv The Minsuei One man, bombaraea . - flirm.nce the gags of radio comccua s. .he Clvde Lions Club. served with surprise after the cm-ifor he Clde Waynesvill Club tain dropped: .eDscnt. said today the perform- "Why, most of those jokes tv , I'cslfScr 1instrels-Page 5) new. It's very refreshing.' In The Mountaineer today a group of local citizens and business and professional firms have joined thc 'with this newspaper in a coopera- i . i n.i..oriiLino urn- . in ciinnnl'l f)f H ...,. n.rnt that is being publicly hi. encouragco on recognized of life. This feature will be followed by one each Thursday, each with a spe cial appeal and message. The idea has the full cooperation of the Hay wood Ministerial Association. With this feature each Thursday The Mountaineer joins with several hundred newspapers in more than 30 states and Canada in a move-j ment to encourage more regular ( attendance at church and Sunday School, and to support church of all denominations. The campaign is being prepared by E. E. Keister of Strasburg. Va. Among the firms participating in the campaign includ'-, Waynesville Auto Parts. Waynesville Coal Com pany. Waynesville Florist and Car den Shop. Waynesville Laundry. Waynesville Lumber Company, Waynesville Radio Service. Auto Parts and Equipment. Belk-Iludson Company. Bryson and Miller Motor Sales, Burgin's, Burgin's Depart ment Store. Cagle Furniture Com pany. Canton Motor Company, Car olina Insurance Reality. Central Cleaners, Charlie's Place, (See Go To Church Page S) Students and teachers of eight schools were taken by surprise when the fire engine suddenly turned up yesterday morning on separate visits. But they responded quickly enough to clear the buildings in good time. The surprise visit was a feature of Fire Prevention Week being sponsored by the Waynesville Jun ior Chamber of Commerce. Fire Chief Clem Fitzgerald, County Schools Superintendent Jack Messer, Waynesville District School Superintendent M. H. Bowles, Jaycee President Lester Burgin, and Bob Korte, Fire Pre vention campaign chairman, made up the inspection party. Of the eieht schools. H.izerwood Elementary showed the best time. II took only 55 seconds for the 750 children to clear the building un der the direction of Principal Lawrence Leallierwood. At Bethel. Hie last of the 950 students left the building only one minute and 45 seconds after the alarm sounded. The drills at Aliens Creek. Waynesville junior and senior high schools. F-.asl Waynesville, Central i .Elementary, St. John's and the Negro school also showed gooa results. However, the inspectors pointed out, some of the groups made mis takes against good safety practice. (See Fire Prevention Page 5) Parkway Gets Right Of Way In Reservation president Truman last Monday signed a hill granting the Blue Kidge Parkway a right-of-way through the Cherokee Re.-ervahoo. Under the bill, about 8" acres of land in Swain County trm ferred in exchange for 86 acres of Reservation land at the edge of the National Park. Highway Record For 1949 (To Dt) In Haywood Killed 6 Injured ... 33 (This Information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol).

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