'TAVDARD yr, , Coinp 220-230 S Fs, -LOUISVILLE rj jbts (be vs The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twicc-A-Wcek In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park NO. 88 8 pa(;i;s TODAY'S SMILE "Did you have the car vat last nlfht, Jim?" "yea. Dad. I took some f the boys to the akatinr rink." "Well, tell the boys I found one of their lace hankie." n- 64th YEAR Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C , MO N 1 ) AY A IT E K N OON , OCTOBER 24, 1949 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Countiei L Bay Mt!an ..,r-hrlown Canton junior -U4 at fLhard Bowe I.,. ,,f a came that particular !.t is Rowe , lot of varsity L,., coasons. L things that t going around .... nf tne o"- .Cast v . , QuartemacH fullback Gerald Ling that num- lj extraordinary ithat night. ice between the is larger man ,h mess box, 1 j'r lipid, the dif- I, nhv(t)US. fcoint that manes ,rt lv games m- Id in tne -.auu ... itance. Maiiuau L Tenter Paul f waring number Was that Silvers lack jersey with lile Henson was scy with black L department is Lf time business tliendersonvHle villp boys and "bicycle-built-with a group Li each holding corresponding rheel. The sports- hke-uff on a may- in'l. either. firth grade at one County schools lent touch to her ich of the written Ins In, the teach- "Dear Teacher leacher at Bethel was demonstrat ;thod of lettering kes by writing the Shlarkhnard tboy watched her g each letter. work. But after len minutes, he fcencil down, and Isorry. But I just alphabet with my Jrpretation Is ago, Mayor J tied a charge ac- 1 known firm. Of nothing unusual nothing unusual at almost 12 times fctlt (hem a cheek le month for what M the previous was just a repeti- wen done for the and all the elber Piry Petatioms iGissd SS dtoira Special , Election Board Egg Projects Started In Haywood Hatching Eggs Will Be Pushed In This County History of The Cherokees To Be Dramatized 11 this, one can prised look the Jen he opened his ft National Bank a letter from the feck enclosed. Jer had written the tt they please tell re On I hp nhonlr Nt the right ac- J"' read the signa- f big laugh about P not to be outdone, P'ers check, which tDeH (111) a clan.- f get credit for the fandising For pons fdisine -not long ago, just Bethel, p of Bethel Blue Fhite h " uv ami ia, letters, and the Page eight) Members of the Havwood count v Doultrv commission and eoinnirr- rial hatcherv rpDresentat ives stal l ed the groundwork three days ago for the development of hatchery eee production. Commission chairman Van Wells reported after the first three days' visit that farmers throughout Hi county had responded with highly encouraging demonstrations of interest in this new source of poultry income. Meanwhile, a commercial Iced firm indicated its faith in the future of Haywood county and Western North Carolina hatchery ono nrnriurtion hv enlacing Nor "Be " -. ton Justice, a former Franklin man as its district representative Mr. Justice, wno served I lie last two vears with the Holly Mountain poultry farm near North Wilkesboro. started work hire to rlav He will work as poultryy service man in the area lrom Aslievini west to Murphy. He has set up his headquarters at the Haywood Hnnnorativp and has bouglrl a knrrto in Ha7plwnod uw Mr. Justice will service breeding flocks, make blood tests, cull flocks unit dn other work connected with the development of a healthy itmiltrv indnstrv . . ... .f Mr. Justice also receiveo par. his pntpiisive experience in poultry work in his service with the Stale Agricultural Department. The drive to develop and expand muntv's hatcherv eee produc- .., lnnrhpd last week at a oieetinr conducted by the poultry . i mnmifaeturers and commeuui i at this meeuiw i""1 I A Cnhnn nWnPI' Ol 1" inld Havwood county farmers that they have tne cuman nihor factors lor iwiuiniK anvi c hoinKincr P(? infiUStl'V a cnhnnil owner ot Hatrherv. barkrd up lii ijOHHO'ii'v . faith in Haywood s possiuin"- A,Aarno hp would sitin a contracl CVI""S with individual hatching egg pro ducers here and guarantee "in,, the year round the aveiage pi... such products get on the Gaines- ..illn r Q f 1 tl I He and field representatives ot his firm addressed an audience ol more than 100 farmers, feed men. and county agricultural extension workers at a meeting at the lla- j rnniv Pniirt House spoil- WUUU VUU"V . sored by the County Community Development Program i uu... Commission. "You've got the cnmaui tions and the freedom from poultry diseases," he declared, "inai a. . - cellent for a hatching egg "" j i - i . , ' -- ii - Sim 1 Tit 1 ! f k., k m Many Haywood Baptists Expected At Mass Meeting At Mass Meeting The outdoor Mountainside Theatre is being built in the Great Smoky mountains for prestation of a " . y-., -..i l.,j;... It uinrknlpn alp I 11 1 1 1 1 In f ' le stage production dramatizing tire nistory 01 ineviirru.tr - , , ... seals L audiences on a hillside near the vilfnRe of Cherokee. The 17-scene drama, Kiel Un.o I.e. . . i ,.u r... . L,v itiuhma vtcPK lirni un i.HDor nay. riiii,... i-v. . ..... ........ will (i)cn juiv i uiki n - , I 1U IS, Will Ol"" "" , . .. II... f.,,,,. er .extreme right, author, of the drama, meets at l nerfmeo viuaw w t - ; ; " " His 'erne rigm1. rtumw.. ... ...v - Association to read them the script. Many of ll.r association's members are ( lun.Uee Im.H.i, s tori'1 Hunter is a Mountaineer in a f n' ,n,r,i,.r in I he Kiiclisli depart metit at the University KHU..J ..... , recent editorial denounced the tact mai ine original uue of North Carolina. .The of the pageant had been Aioumaiinei ... o nvt..v -- - changed from "The Cherokee Trail" to "Unto These Mills .1 Ai l'hotwl K Partly r "aj- and Tues pmsvin Fl the staff of the re Min. iutnfiU 2 73 ,,.-47 ness.' . ... , He said his hatchery is inov,, h (See Poultry Program rase , Aliens Creek CD Meeting Set For Thursday By MRS. BLANCHE FRANKLIN , Mountaineer correspu....-- , ntAi nf the Aliens Crerk community will go over plan, lo participation in the iw Harvest Festival when th.- mre at 7 p. m. Thursday at the Alhns Creek School. .ho .wtprs srheduled to come up during the .., Development Program no,.... ...!,;., ,.f nntrrillE a lnI"- ine possiuui.j , munity float and the selection of a candidate from tne con m.u... , compete lor the tme u. leen' . . ,i,p social Elsewhere aurms - program, a film entitled "Alice In Wonderland' is scheduled to be ShThI!'R.v. C. L. Allen, community chairman, will preside Revival Starts At The Hazelwood Presbyterian Ch. The H.i.lwood Presbyterian church inaugurated a series of re vival services, starting yesterday morning, and continuing for a week. Itev. Paul IV Thrower, pastor, is bringing the messages, until Rev. ; , M Warren, of Allendale. S. ('., jean arrive. The visiting minister has been detained because of ill . ness. Kcv Mr. Thrower opened the re 1 vival Sunday morning using as his ! sermon .subject. "My Hope Is lliuill". The evening sermon sun- ject was ' lieing Turned Into An- ! iber Man". In his evening message ; ,r slie.scd the importance of one !cboo.i.,g I be "right habits, the ' ,-mbl In. iuK. the right literature. ; j ;.,d the right attitude on life". j l,r p.-akcr has announced fori i in-, 'iibiert tonight: "When Sin : si,, . Saml. ' and for the Tuesday eM.ong ii,' '.age, "Our Greatest I. U l ui Wednesday evening he will ; ,. ae'i on "The Precious Blood of I CI" '1' Ml rrvic-. I'l'gin at l.-W aim vill fonimiie through nrxt Sunday ev. nil,.: Several hundred members of the Haywood Baptist Association are expected to gather at the Haz elwood Baptist church tomorrow night for Sunday School confer ences and a Training Union Mass meeting-. The Rev. I). H. Daniel, pastor of I he First Baptist church of Hen deisonville, will preach the princi pal sermon during the mass meet ing, which will follow the school conferences. The Sunday School sessions are scheduled to open at 7 o. m. with the mass meeting following a half hour later. Dr. Daniel will be introduced by Mrs. Sam Knight. Prior to his message, Jack Med ford will discuss the 1950 South ern Baptist Sunday School pro gram The Sunday School slogan for the 1049-50 church year is "Take Your Family lo Sunday School." The School conferences will be held on the theme "The Faithful Witness." The conferences with the lead ,,i i-.. a follows: Pastors and superintendents Jack Medford; exlenson superintendents and workers Mrs. Raymond Wells; adult superintendents and teachers Mrs. C. T. Francis young peo plessuporlntendents and teachers Hi, Rev.O. U Btasett inter mediate superintendents and teach ers B. A. Horton; junior guper intendenlR and teachers Mrt. ii ii e.KiM' iirtmnrv suDcrintend- ents and teachers Miss uapnne Boone; beginner superintendents ...ih i,.:,ehers Mrs. P. H. Gentry; .,.,.,..- mnerlntendents and help ers Mrs. Jake Schulhofer cradle j roll superintendents and helpers . ivl..... w II Unrffin I mi Kilhor Mae Gibson will i serve as pianist. ,m m , , ii. i , i .,A...Mu. ,i, i .ii..,,l r- . ... ' Ii 1 I .WWII.. Ill II II mi Rnv Scout Camp Termed Asset To HayWOOd County Last Rites Are Held Sunday For J. R. Leatherwood REV.' D. II. DANIEL, pastor of the First Baptist church in Hen dcrsonville. will be the featured speaker at the mass meeting of the Haywood Baptist Association at 7 o'clock at the Hazelwood Baptist church on Tuesday evening. Washington Paper Devotes Page To This Community The Washington Times Herald on Friday published a full paire of pictures, and a descriptive article by Paul Harmon, staff writer, on his recent trip to Cataloochee Ranch and the muzzle loading rifle contest. Mr. Harmon was among the Honorary Tar llwls that spent a week at the Ranch, and in the Park. the it the VJhrs U Slated To Win Next Saturday Turn to the sports page i" MijK lawe. and see the Associated Pre, predictions of winners for Saturday's fames. WUt Duke beat GeorRia Tech . How is North Carolina rated with Tennessee? The and other leadins games of Saturday are in the pred.c-Uon. 8 County Hounds Entered In State Fox Hound Show lrk West war, named a state di-p-fi'.r ,.f the North Carolina Fox Hunter- A -..nnation, which met at Tr"n la--t week. number ot naywoo.i ,. y tended the Hireling, and the field mrrl and bench show. Several na-.t-(,n., authorities on the fox ,;,,.. ,,-rved a-, judges in van on . departments. VicM Havwond dogs were en ,r,,d in the different events of the '''rhounri owned by Thomas H. D,vis nf Ha?elwood won th-rd plare in the an-age h"-i- - -Ren, h Show, while a hound owned hv lam- Shrrrill of Canton won "eien h Place in the all-age group Vef,edeven.,andadogo-d hv Floyd Cook, also of Canton ninth Place in .ne --" "t won mntn Pmvv - t Tentative plans -ie -S field meet to be held in the P.ed lonl section of the stale. Former Police Chief Here Dies In Brevard i- -.1 cnriires for Jollll S (Chief Mitchell. 73. of Brevard, retired automobile salesman and Spanish-American War veteran, who died early Saturday morning in an Asheville hospital following a long illness, were held in the 1 chapel at Berryman Funeral Home i at 3 p.m. Sunday in Asheville. ! The Rev. Hoyce Na-h officiated. Burial was in Lewis Memorial ! Park. I pallbrarer.s were Gus Johnson, ' Jay Coffry, Cole Wooriard. E. H. Rich, William Heyward and E. L. Blalock. Honorary pallbearers were Pat iBurdetie. Laurence Brown. E. S. i Street. J. A. Richbourg, Dr. Charles Nnrhurn. Pat Atkinson, Fd Wil hnnifs f.ene ( )chsenreiter. Fred Brown. Edwin Sams and J. C. Cof-j 'fey- .- ,. i Mr. Mitchell, at one time police j chief al Waynesville. was a car sale.-maii in Asheville for some 20 j veai-s and was well known on Automobile Row". He retired II- . . 1 some seven years aK. 'lc his 73rd birthday on Saturday. Surviving are the widow; one daughter! Mrs. Mary Harr of Brevard- two sons. Everett Milehell of Brevard and John Mitchell of Big Bear. Calif.: Six grandchildren; three great-grandchildren and two sisters. Mrs. Henry Minnis and Mrs. George Wilson, both of Grey Bull, Wyo. I There are about 1.500 Boy Seoul s in Western North Carolina that do I not avail themselves of the facili ties of the Seoul Camp, 15 miles from here, aecordiiu; to Robert f M. Garner, field Seoul ex-eulive. in a talk before the Rotary Club here Friday. Mr. Garner has served as camp j director for the past two years. I and expressed concern over the j "limited number of boys that used camp." Since Scouting is character building, and citienship training. requires about three-fourths ot program to be outside, hence Ihe importance and necessity nf a Scout Camp." the executive said. Mr. Garner traced Ihe history nf Hie camp, and pointed out that "there is no reason why Camp Dan iel Boone cannot become the finest in the country." The camp Las 700 acre,, on Fast Fork of Pigeon River, ir miles from here, and was established in 1941. It is in the center of the M county area which enmpri-cs this district. The camp site is bounded on three sides by the Pi.gah Na tional Forest. In 1943 a dining ball and kitchen, with a rapacity for seating 250 boys, -was acquired. Two-man tents are used for sleeping quartrr:'. and Ihe ramp has a rapacity for 160 boys. The two-man ten's replace the right man tents which were old and badly worn. The dam for empounding waters to form the lake was built by the Scouts in 1942. It is constructed of (See Boy Scouts Pace 8) 20 Land In Jail Here Over The Week-End About 20 went afoul of the law i over the werk-rnd and landed in jail, according to jailer Bill Plem i mons. Most of them were charged with public drunkenness, the jailer said. WAGENFEM) IN HOSPITAL E. C. Wagenfeld is a patient in the Haywood county Hospital where he is undergoing treatment follow ing a heart attack. At noon today his condition was reported as "good" by the Hospital. Funeral services for James Rob ert Leatherwood, 28, of Waynes ville. who died Friday In a Durham hospital after a brief illness, were held Sunday afternoon in the First Baptist Church here. The Rev. L. G. Elliott, paslor. of ficiated and interment was in Green Hill Cemetery. Active pallbearers were Floyd Dotson, Harold Leatherwood. Gar vin Mason. Frank Granger. Howard MehafTy. and Talmadge Mason. Honorary pallbearers were Dr. K. C. Looper, Dr. James Moffit, Lewis Ro7or. L. H. Mount. Dr George Christenberry, and Tom j Bakove. all of Duke University. Flower bearers were members of 'the TEL. Class of the Baptist Church. Mr i.eafhprwood was a graduate of Waynesville High School, attend ed Wake Forest College and Fur mai. University, and at the lime of his death was a law student at Duke University. He was a graduation marshal!, mrn.hpr of (hp debating team and j president of the International Rela tions Club at Furman, and was a delegate from Furman to the south ern speaking conference last year. Enlisting in the U. S. Air Force in 1941, he served in the United States. England, and Italy, and was credited with 72 missions. He was awarded the Air Medal with five clusters, the Silver Star, and the Purple Heart. He was discharged August 14. 1947 with the rank ot captain. Mr. Leatherwood was a member of Ihe First Baptist church and was active in its work. He taught for a number of years in the Inter mediate Department of the Sunday School. Surviving are the widow. Mrs. Stacie Wllburn Leatherwood; one son, James Robert, II; the parents, the Rev. and Mrs. Frank Leather wood ,of Waynesville; two broth ers, Edwin of Decatur, Miss., and Charles Leatherwood of Florence. S. 'C; and one sister. Marguerite Leatherwood, of Waynesville. Arrangements were under the direction of Crawford Funeral Home. Minstrel Primed For Performance At Bethel High The curtain will go up tonight on the first of three rural Waynes ville Lions Club Minstrel perform ances to be given lo aid the County 4-H Club camp. The troupers will lake the stage at 7:30 p.m. al Bethel High School In a show sponsored by the Bethel Seniors 4-11 Club in cooperation with the West Pigeon Community Development Program organiza tion. Wednesday night, the louring players will give a performance at Crahlree-lron Duff School, start ing al 7:30 p.m. Thev'll end their road trip Thursday night at Fines Creek School. Again the curtain will go up at 7.30 p.m. The net proceeds of the three shows will go into the fund for the rami) fund The 4-H Chilis are sponsoring the road trip, with the aid of the Com munity Development Program. Jerry Rogers is serving as gen eral chairman of the Minstrel which proved a tremendous suc cess in the performance given in Waynesville on October II. On stage. Jimmy Reed serves as interlocutor, and Ihe end men are: Richard Gerrioger as Avery, Mr. Rogers as Haines. Boyd Owen as Coots, Phil Medford as Deaves, Joe Cline as Elliott, and Charlie Wood aid as Flint The Chord Blisters, rrark quar tet from Fran, is Cove, is on the program for a specialty number. John Cuddeback. Charles Isley, Wayne Corpening. Jim Killian, and Tiuiv Davis are the singing solo ists, and Doctor Owen is scheduled to give a sax solo, with Lawernce Leathoiwood on the program for a harmonica solo. Lions Club President Dick Brad ley and Lester Burgiu team up for a specialty. Completes Check Of 1,768 Names Haywood dry forces were short 554 qualified signatures on peti tions, in which they were asking for an election to abolish the sale of wine and beer in the county. ThUj . fact was lencd today from Jerry Rogers, chairman of the Haywood board of elections. t,j' disclosure brought to the front again a movement started last spring, when petitions were presented to the board of elections asking for the election. The board has since then been checking tne nanus on the petitions. The peti tions contained 1.7b8 names, chair man Rogers said. "The point that disqualified many a signature ort the petitions, was tne clause n" they had voted in the last general election. Upon a thorough check- up. we found that 554 of those sign, ing the petitions did not have their names on the 1940 general election poll books as having voted in thft November election. According to the law, such names were disquali fied." Chairman Rogers pointed out. Of the 1,700 names, the board found 1,042 passed. The petitions would have to have 1,50(1 signature of voters who vot pH In the November election, in or der to get the required 15 per cent which is necessary to call an elec tion. The general election vote is based on the total number of votes cast for candidates for governor. Ia November 1948, Haywood cast 10, 638 for the three candidates for governor, as follows Scott 8,133; 2,500 Prllchard and 5 for Price. Chairman Rogers said that it was his understanding that the present petitions on hand are void, and that new petitions would have to be secured, and not just addi tional "names, it tne sponsors want ed the election called. Rev. M R Williamson, chairman of the temperance committee of the Haywood Ministerial Association, sponsor of the campaign, told The Mountaineer this morning, upon hearing the report: "I will call my committee together tar an early conference with the board of elec tions. I am surprised to hear so many names were disqualified on the petitions. However, it is our plan to go forward with plans and have an election called on the sale of wine and beer in this county." Rev. Russell L. Young was presi dent of the Ministerial Association, and since he has moved to North Wilkeshnror his office will be filled by Rev. Horace Smith, pastor of the First Baptist church in Canton. The petitions were presented to the Haywood board of elections last spring, just a short time before the state-wide election on the school and road program. Then af ter that election, the pending bond election on the hospital bonds was held. Under North Carolina laws no election can be held within 60 days of another. In the meantime, the board of elections have been checking the 1,768 names on the petitions, and this morning made their report of rinding 554 disqualified signatures on the petitions. McCrary Wants Reports On Farm Bureau Campaign Solicitors for membership of the North Carolina Farm Bureau are requested by Charles B. McCrary, president nf the Haywood unit, to make their reports by noon Satur day. The campaign started several weeks ago. with a goal of 600 set. The campaign is slated to end No vember first, and Mr. McCrary wants an initial report of each chairman not later than noon Saturday. Power Slated To Be Off On Sunday If tbp wpthprman rrnnprt.fcfi the power will be off in Waynes ville. Hazelwood, Junaluska. and on all REA lines from 1:30 to 5 30 Sunday afternoon. The scheduled cut-off slated for the 16th did not materialize be cause of the downpour of rain. The cut-off is necessitated be cause of the transfer of lines from 22.000 volts to the new 66,000 volt lines coming into Waynesville. RETURNS TO FLORIDA Jimmy Mann left Saturday for his home in Hollywood Fla., after being a patient in the Haywood Hospital for about six weeks. He suffered a heart attack and was 1 seriously ill for sometime. Highway Record For 1949 (To DU) In Haywood Killed .... 6 Injured ... 38 (This Information com piled from Records of Stat Highway Patrol). 1