r iHK SPUKTS rAGtH Of The Vayaesviiie MOiiiiianieer Monday Atieruoou, October 31, 1949 k . , V Can ton, Fight jOfe. lift. rfr X j I Hendersonville Waynesville Hands Maroons First Defeat Of Season li OI.1VK1! YOI'NT The Wajiie-wile Mountaineers extended their !! .ik to six straii lil name-, l i hI.i night as they rolled v i a but (un manned li..i.d 1. 1 Swam l!i"h t'.rid ders by a 2d In (i -niiv on the rain soaked Way in--wile lli.nh fiiduon. Some 2Uu t..ii- hiaved the cold fog- Tech Fumbles In Loss Tp Duke F.v nifdil twee II 1 eleven.-'. The M and eli ( ! game Tif first lew ill" e.ii h ol laiiue:- j same v In :i tiv .M-:ni(,i; K : . -: . 1 1. il.rh be-llli.ieieated ii.,laie.i r. wen the loss il in kuk-ml in upen the I ,'. u e!i i "Pent the unu't - i.l ! he same feel .ll.i i eiit and the Mnun r. the lii"-. break of the :i a i-iippint penalty set h; tk to their own 17. Maroon tailbaek, sot off a hi I'util'ul 39 yard kick with a sojjgy bal! that tolled out of bounds on 'he Wayne--' i'le -i-i. Don hiscnhunt. J. C De .lar.v.s Moss and Charlie l i':irru!i; the mail, the lo ved to the visitors 17. The .s highlighted by a 12 yard ei left ta.kle by Whisen- W:.s ueee. Wo mac eal" n. drive v sma-h hui I Ui'i on thi third 'low p and four to go 1 i7. H:i!!'b-ick James Moss hand..:! tior.i Womaek and Statistics X BC I'll"! J..'.Un 10 7 Yard" pi-hiii.: 146 56 Fa"M " atleinpted 7 8 Paw-" innipleled 3 4 Yards, pacing 82 31 Passes intercepted 2 2 I'untin;.' average 33 27 Kick-off average 30 21 Yds kick-olt nt. 20 59 Yds. penalized 25 20 passed into the end zone to Left End Sam Jones who made a sensa tional leaping catch for the touch- Sr. & cjf V Q' , ?T, Bfefc v -A ' . - vwi Bali larruwi bounds on ground after fumble by Ga. Tech Quarterback Jiiti Soull'.ard .right, white jer sey. w!io dropped the ball as lie was tackled bv Blaine Earon nuke end Sooth.ii-H h.-,r.t t rvOOI when Earon. a defensive der Sherrill (not shown i. standout of the game, smacked into him. The Duke guard. Action was in IJie firpt quarter. bobble was recovered by Zan- Ouke defeated Tech, 27-14. (AP Wirephoto). down. His Don Whisenhunt rammed hi. way through tackle for the extra point and the locals had drawn first blood. The two teams battled on even terms until mid-way the second period when Mac Hyatt intercepted a Moss pass on the locals 29. Hyalt and Ensley alternated in carrying the ball and moved to the Moun taineer 3 The Hi Wajnesville line threw back the vi.itors for two downs but on third down, Hyatt jumped high and passed to End Charles VVoodard in the end zone for the Maroon's, touchdown. Hyatt hit right tackle in his try for the point but again the forward wall of the locals proved to be stone wall near the goal line. One of the highlight plays of the game came on the following kick off. Charle.v Womaek took the kick on the local s 19 and raced back to the 39 where he laterakd to Bob Davis and on a beautiful run down the side lines. Davis carried to the uryson Lily il before he was ground. In three tries J. C. Deweese bulled his way to the two yard line and from there Don Whisenhunt hit left tackle for the touchdown. The try for point failed and the score remained 20 to 6 with the lo cals out front. At this point a complete new team took over for the Mountain eers and held the visitors at bay the rest of the ftair.e. Coach Carle ton Weathtrby, of the locals, con tinued to substitute freely in the games and his reserves JirovexLvtry capable. The Mountaineers held an ad vantage in every department of the game. They racked up 10 first downs to the visitors 7. 146 yards rushing to ;"6. and 82 yards Dasc- ing to 31 tor Bryson. Although playing on a field soak ed by an all-day rain, neither team was guilty of a fumble and only twice did the ball carriers slip and fall. The Mountaineers certainly proved that they were much differ ent mudders than in the opening game at Sylva. Outstanding flayers for the visit ors were Charles Cope, Bill Dehai t and Charles Woodard in the line while Jim Ensley and Mac Hyatt turned in excellent performances in the baekfield Bethel Eiigh, Waynesville IV's To Meet Wednesday The Waynesville victory could not be credited to any single player shoved out of bounds. However the ! f.S ttle , e team turned in spal k" Dlav was rAllprl ha,k u,Ho it FCiioi induces, me ueiensive ruled that the forward motion had stopped at the Waynesville 39. The fans were hardly in their seats, w hen Womaek connected on a jump pass to Gene Yarborough for seven yards and as Yarborough was going down he laleraled to Howard MehafTcy. 210 lb. guard, who rambled 34 yards to the Bry son City 20. With less than seven seconds remaining in the first half, Moss connected on his second scor ing toss of the half when he hit Co-Captain Bob Owen in the end zone. Owen broke into the clear behind the Bryson City safety man and made a beautiful running catch on a perfect strike from Moss. De weese skirted left end for the point and Waynesville led 14 to 6 at the half. Bethel High School's Blue De mons will seek their first victory and their firs! touchdowns of their inaugural season next Wednesday night against the powerful Waynes ville High School junior varsity. The kickoff is scheduled for 7:30 p in. at Waynesville's stadium. Coach Terry Johnson has been concentrating on defense in the tough drills his husky gridders have been undergoing since their 20-0 loss to Cherokee High School October 21. The Demons, sadder but con siderably wiser after being shut out twice in the first two starts are trying to figure out methods to stop the Little Mountaineers' powerful double-wing ground a- lack which rushed the junior var sities of Christ School and Canton. Canton's Bear Cubs spoiled Bethel's football debut last month I with a 2G-0 beatintf. aided l:n-yelv I by typical errors generally commit-1 HT led by unseasoned gridders. i HE But the Junior Bears in turn ', E '-owe were whipped 25-7 bv the Wavn,.. ! LHW. Allison ! play of the Mountaineers forward , wall, sparked by Bob Setzer and big Howard Mehaffey, stood out from end to end. During the last half, the Maroons lost a total of 16 yards from scrimmage due to the savage play of the local forward wall. I The Mountaineer backs came in I to their own also. The line plung j ing-oiPewx'.cse and Whisenhunt, : thej-.liird, . runpins of Davis and J Gaiirsft, the sling-shot passing of I Mojs and the quarterbaeking and I defensive olay of Charlie Womaek. whfl ronlinncw t. r.-.'.L-,. .w.i,i- r. , . lu i,,une laeiif dliri tackle at the line of scrimmage from his halfback post, all com bined to give the Mountaineers a wetl deserved and hard earned vic tory. .cxt Saturday afternoon the lo- Th . i wul meet one oi tneir b g foe; The third quarter was scoreless of thp SMCn tt.hon . . ""v-il il l VuLVIU ( IIL as the rugged forward wall of the Mountaineers hurled every effort of the Maroons back. The entire third period was plyed deep in Bryson territory as James Fugate. reserve back who has been handling kicking since Davis was injured in the Canton game, got off several excellent punts. On of his kick'; rolled out of bounds on the Bryson one yard line .and several plays later he booted the pigskin out on the six. He also punted the slippery ball for 44 yards on one kick and al though kicking from inside Bry son territory durin? the last half he averaged 33 yards for four boots during the game. The final score of the came came early In the fourth period follow ing Fugate's out of bounds on the visitor 8. Enslev got off a beauti ful kick from his own end zone which Bob Davis gathered in on the Bryson. 40 and with several key blocks thrown by the Moun taineers. Davis raced all the way back to the 0 yard line. It looked s though Davis would be stooped on the 15 but. he just lowered his, head and carried two ticklers to the 9 before they hauled him to the ftsnevuie uiues at Asheville in a contest that will ao a lnm wnv to ward deciding the championship of me lilue Kiage Conference. Carol Swanger, reserve back, who has seen lots of defensive duty recently, missed the game due to in injury suffered this week in ptacticu. Ju Kuykendall also sat out th? game due to injuries. The lineups: Waynesville Bryson City LE Yarboroush Bradley I'T Atkinson b. Hyatt LG McCracken Arkansas C Boyd Calhoun RG Mehaffey Cope T Setzer Dehart RE Owen . Woodard QB Womaek Ensley HB Davis Brown HB Garrett Lambert HB Whisenhunt M. Hyatt Subs Bryson City Freeman. King, Messer, Anderson, Sherrill, Angel; Waynesville Terrell, Mes ser, Deweese. Nichols. HIdds' Mok Jones Metcalfe, Evans, Kerley, Styles Carver, Mills, Fugate, Mil ner, Francis, T. Swanger. Bryson City 0 6 0 0 6 Waynesville 7 7 0 620 I ville jayvees. Comparative scores would make Waynesville 44 points better than I Bethel. But Canton committed some of the same costly blunders that the Demons had made in their open- ! er. : Coach Johnson put his boys to I work particularly to strengthening I the tackle spots against Waynes Iville's powerful 180-pound Fresh man fullback, Gerald Ross. Operating against Canton's j juniors. Ross gained six yards al- most every time be blasted through i the guards or tackles. However, the Littie Mountain leers will face a line that is much i Heavier man any they have run i atjain.st in their two previous ' games. i meyii also have plenty of trouble With fletht.rc hio r,o,l ri . .J .h h"UI 14, U. li f:i t ..... u. i.iuMiii vvno nasn t yet given up a yard through his position. On the same side of the Bethel defensive line, will be Tackle Jerry Gibson another hefty. The Gibson boys' have more than half thp t.-irkW i the Demons' previous two games. I Johnson also is trying to find an I effective bunch of rerelvwrc t, I Quarterback Edwin Lowe's bullet passes. The Demons will have to concede the punting edge to the junior Mountaineers. But so have all the other Waynesville opponents Freshman Halfback James Robert Moore of the Little Mountaineers can boot the ball CO yards against a strong wind. His 70-yard punt against the Canton Jayvees was the longest one kicked in a high school varsity or iunlnr college game in Haywood County mis season. For the Little Mountaineers, It will be their first atins against the potentially dan gerous spm-T lormation, as well as their first acinst a srhnlaii ur. sity. The Blue Demons ing by three and four touchdowns in each of their outinsn a far have showed flashes of brilliant power which will develop with ex perience into sustained scoring drives. Their blocking and tackling has been ragged, and the offensive so far has shown lack of coordination. But man for man, they match the other county varsity teams in size and baekfield speed. Fullback Buddy McDowell Is de veloping into a first-rate line crash er, pass receiver, and line-backer. I.owe has stood out principally as a long, accourate passer. But he and Halfback Bobby Fore both showed evidence of develpping into fast, dangerous broken-field runners. ihe probable starting lineups: W'ville.JV M. Hoagland R. Carver E. Inman J. Boyd K. Corbin . R. Powers D. Maney H. Reece B. Gilliland T. Noland Bryson or Ross Pos. Bethel LE W. Howell . LT T. Howell LG--F. Mease C V. Browning RG-D. B. Gibson J. Gibson R. Holland RH- R Fli G Fore Franklin FOOTBALI SCORES Bryson City 6. Waynesville 20. I.ee Edwards 18. Hieht Poinl 12 Sylva 32, Robbinsvifle 0. Christ School 12, Tryon 0. Hayesville G, Andrews 0. Brevard 13, Bessemer City 0. Canton 19. Hendersonville 19. Tennessee 35, North Carolina 6. Duke 27, Georgia Tech 14. N. C. Slate 14, Virginia Tech 13. Wake Forest 34, Clemson 21. Bearcats Come From Behind 3 Times The Canton Black Bears and the Hendersonville Bearcats battled to a 19.-19 tie Saturday night in a Blue Ridge Conference thriller al Hendersonville. A Homecoming Day crowd of 2,- 000 tans silting in th? foi; saw tlu Bearcats come from behind three .hues to gain the deadlock. Tailbacks Bobby Moore and Nei' rihyiner scored all the Black Beai louchduwns on long runs. Moore took off around end or he first play alter liie second eriod opened end raced 49 yard." 'or the first Canton touchdown Rhymer added the extra point wit! a plunge. But the Bearcats : horliy after ward started a di ive from Ihcii own 21 that did 1 1 t slot) until F. C Hendrix crashed over from th .hree-yard line into the end zoiu 79 yards away. The try for the poin1 failed, and the Black Bears wid ened their margin shortly befon half time. Moore took off on a 65-yard dash. that put Canton in front. 13-6, al intermission. , But the Bearcats stormed back shortly after the third quartci opened. Halfback Bobby Flemming, bot tled up on the ground by the alerl Black Bear line, took to the ail and connected with a pass to Tom Smith for a 66-yard gain to th( Cantpn four. Then Flemming broke through on the next play for the touchdown Then he took a pass from Bud dy Burnette for the extra point to tie the score, 13-13. The Black Bears went ahead again in the final period when Rhymer dashed 32 yards to the end zone. But the try for the poinl that would have meant a victory failed. The Bearcats again started driv ing. Herb Osteen's .plunge from the one-yard line tied the score. But the Bearcats had to settle for a tie when the Black Bears smothered the try for the conversion. The game originally was sched uled for Friday night, but was post poned by the heavy rains, and Ihe two teams battled i t o o I in t h f . mud. Hendersonville made 14 first downs to seven for Canton, but the Black Bears rolled 256 yards on the ground while holding Henderson ville to 148. The Bearcats, however, gained 66 yards through the air on two pass completions in nine attempts. For the first time this season, the Black Bears failed to complete a pass. They tried six, and all of them were grounded. Reversing form again, the Black Bears took punting honors, aver aging 41 yards per boot, while Hen dersonville collected a 39-yard average. , Black Bear receivers returned Hendersonville, punts a total 34 yards, while the Bearcats brought back the Canton nunts 25 varH nil together. Both teams paid relatively heav ily in penalties Canton lncf A; yards by infractions, while the Bearcats were set back 40. The Black Bears will continue their Conference campaign next weekend, meeting Christ School at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at Black Bear GUESSING GRID WINNERS 4 II ! Cham Midge Win, Al By FRANK ECK .Nevvsfeature.s Sports Editor EAST iimy to crush Fordhain. io.slon U. to halt Temple. 'ol'wle to ede Holy Cross. 'ornell lo rout Syracuse. JartiiiouUi lo nip Columbia. luckiiell to top Gettysburg. vlaryland lo trim Geo. Washington .YU to crush Kings Point. enn to beat Virginia. Vnn Slate over West Virginia. Princeton to edge Harvard. iulgers to trample Lafayette. i"ale to nip Brown. MIDWEST llinois to beat Indiana. ovva Stale over Drake. Kansas lo beat Nebraska. Vlichigan to route Purdue. Minnesota to crush Iowa. S'orUiwesteni over Wisconsin. Voire Dame easy over Michigan St. Jhio Slate to upset Pitl. Oklahoma to trim Kansas State. Oklahoma Aggies over Tulsa. South Carolina over Marquette. SOUTH uburn over Mississippi State. Boston College over Clemson. Duke to nip Wake Forest. Georgia to beat Florida. Georgia Tech over Tenn.-M,. Kentucky to crush Xaviei Mississippi over Chattanuuga. North Carolina over Win. & Marv No. Carolina St. over Hichnioml'. Tulane to nip Navy. Vanderbilt over LSU. VMI over Davidson. Wash. & Lee over VIM. SOUTHWEST Rice to trim Arkansas. Texas over Baylor. SMU to beat Texas Aggies. Texas Tech over Texas Western ROCKy MOUNTAIN Arizona over New Mexico. Utah to beat Colorado Armies Missouri to trim Colorado U. Utah State over Brighain Young. Wyoming over Colorado State. FAR VyiOST California to trim Washington St. Montana over East Washington. Oregon to nip Washington. Oregon State over Idaho. St. Mary's to beat Denver Stanford to edge Southern ( 'al. ' ""v "was "ill ! Al four of tllll. l..l. .. i. u'ar'Bumf !:):,-M'd da : pla-v ruvered 8 "HiclHim,, w 'uiiM for u, """I'llfSSif ""iud the hj ""' till '"''I'KUlimit I'ui.i tm ' 'ui.c on t ilavlit-i "'c wundCantJ i" later in the J Alehm Morn 1" Butch Moral ml to Bruce Sirl Halfway throl "d. Burnette I off-laekle cm his I '"!' the third toil Tlic (ira-v Hie scoring in t 'I Ms Charlel 1" Hut) Williams! Cantonn MeetAstt School lil RECORD TO DATK 141 Wins 49 Losses, 8 Ties. 1'CT. 742. Plans Shapina Up For Canton Paper Bowl Game The two teams which will plav the 1949 Paper Bowl Game at Can ton may be announced about No vember 12. The game, originated and spon sored by the Y's Men's Club of Champion YMCA, will be played November 30 at Canton s Blaen Bear Memorial Stadium. Ralph Goforth, again serving as g( neral chairman of the Paper Bowl committee, and the other numbers of his group met last week with other officials to launch work on the plans for the .second annual event. However, the committemen have been watching developments ever since the football season ooened They have been paying particular attention to the results in the Blue Ridt;e and the Western Class A Conferences. The approximate date of the an nouncement follows by a week the Waynesville-Asheville School eame scheduled for Asheville School the preceding Saturday. Asheville is the last litirdl the Mountaineers' way to their suc cessful defense of their Blue Hiilne Conference title. Asheville has lost to Brevard and Canton in Blue Ridge Scraps hut ! . Memorial Stadium in Canton. The lineups: Pos. Canton Hendersonville LK Scruggs Burnett LT Pless Case LG Brookshire Ponder C Amos Edmundson RG Ingle Long RT Stiles Steppe RE Phillips Smith QB Carter Hendrix 1.11 - Moore Flemming RH Rhymer Osteen I'H Coman Gilreath Tennessee Touchdown Bid Halted rV 1 1111 JWL i mum ,-.n.,p..,i,-s 1 f I fVl good 1 mii '" 1 9 3 vMkM course, from the same 'L k ferv Wwo than meets th. v ----- V i ; I I Mini ill I i i i .I, vV couia inrow tne race into a tangle j i j pp., by upsetting the Mountaineers, who have won all lour ol their league games so far. A loss would give the Mountain eers at best only a share in the loop title. It would also bung a few other teams into consideration as the Blue Ridge representative in the Paper Bowl. Speculation as to the Class A team has mentioned Moi gantoii most prominently. The Wildcats have already performed before a Canton audience. On that occasion thev edced Canton 14-H by a very smooth last-half rally. Lenoir's unbeaten, untied power house, which defeated Canton by 37-0 and Morganlon by only "i"' touchdown, is apparently headed for a perfect season and the West ern championship. But the Western wmnei mitted to another post-.se; game at Hickory. Another possibility looms in u' Smoky Mountain Conference. How ever, if the Paper Bowl commit tee Dicks one from that loop, it can't be thq champion. The Smoky Mountain champion will play in a bowl game al Bry son City.' tj.. v. pQnr Rnu'l neoole ouwcvci, me are considerably more interested in mstiino a Dnnrl match tliail ill ar- " "O " f. ranging a tournament of champions, fienomiiv cnpakini? their idea of Curium High si sit V will meet i juniors at Memo! " 1 1' I". V I'dnesday I ! The Mack Bea straight Barnes II to the Wajnes WaynesMlli last ! The Hear Cubs ' ill)', ;i Heel u( lit ! t his seaMi iclaliielv III . Hi.,. ... .I..,..!,..! .... .. ... ...vr.v into a ,' aial-ealiii I'lnl llipps. 1 Parker ami Bill hceii stent Itrl I'l Oi I RwiJ well. hi lail. Hie CI al)J bellei than! score looked Bull liles in liie faulJ (janie would probl free si Di iiw. closJ 1 r.GV.i.iN'C. ! Noil Ward- v. l-iM UIH' Daytol Law i t im' vs 4 Dinneis an ufTenl .ml Wa-. llesville. is com- ;ason howl fienerallv sneaking, their ideal eame is one ueiwcen offensive team, both class The Same prov Va.vmivil!e m 14, wiiiiiins en ...,.,. I , .i ii nass The thriller nail i., i l,..ms.hes In .inlecd tin' Iff ol Mr Goforth .aniallv t oloiful & her 30. iviilinc in .. ',,, are thesd lllllli.- chairmen: ihn Slephei mi'.lee: J- Sec1 cornmiltec: G. sales: Grant S' orations m infitlK-arwMT' innie'il game. i makl uiiich Bernl Slwipore, tennewe. lcl with Jball tucked under hi. chin, U stopped at North Carolina goal line aa he lunge.' for pay dirt In fin quarter at Chapel Hilt. Nortn Carolina Fu llback Blily Ty". (center) makes the atop. Tennessee mauled the Tar Heels, 35-6. (AP Wirephoto). 05 there m Cpl. John C. Stagg oi o--- ,eets i" yo Georela is Medical Lab Technician a,llb t o thines 1(,ni Stagg of Blakely, ueorgiaisMeui.-- He 01 ft. JMCr-nerau" """e; qualified for this toiwrtant a algnment on Braduation from the Laboratory Technician U'. Bam Houston, TMa n ence Is a gooa wuow nd W 1 1 "'a 1 nay, Swu ' " .ate uw"! .MtltW' U, $. ARMY AND u. Post Office Bide-